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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46543284 No.46543284 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they so trash? How to inflitrate and fire all anti-unicorns edition.

>> No.46543312

how about NIJI EN Management? falseflagger deserve rope

>> No.46543357

create your own thread, leech
literally isntead oc domplaining you could have already created it. go ahead

>> No.46543525

I want to know tho, is it the managment's fault or the talent's fault?

>> No.46543544
File: 1.00 MB, 1080x1923, Screenshot_2023-04-03-15-03-18-751-edit_com.brave.browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisister please go back to your board... It's very empty there.

>> No.46543549

ofc it's the management, corpo is bad. go lick ur corpo boot somewher u holofag

>> No.46543550

Cool. This could be an interesting thread
>Why are they so trash?
I agree but I don't know why
>How to infiltrate
Good idea
>fire all anti-unicorns edition.
Oh nevermind, it's just another schizo thread.

>> No.46543569
File: 298 KB, 463x453, 16345236564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still blaming EN management
Get real, retard. It's companywide.

>> No.46543613

>How to inflitrate
Get a business management degree, learn Japanese, get employed by Cover and live in Tokyo.

>> No.46543621

That's why I'm asking you dumbass.

>> No.46543668

>Another fail /vt/ raid
Sigh sisters please go back to 8 chan

>> No.46543713

Can EN management force their talent to be lazy ? That's one hell of a management team, how could they do this to my hardworking shark ?

>> No.46543746

always has been
>butchering gura's projects
>denyig permission for games or not even trying to get them
>being a massive red tape and blaming every fuck up and lazyiness behind bureaucracy "no gura you can't do that"
>hiring unpopular males during a time en3 was highly anticipated
>then inserting said males everywhere like obsessive toxic parents "you will eat your veggies honey"
There you go
That's basically it. Bunch of compeltely out of touch with reality, incomptetent monkeys that in a normal reality would get fired a long time ago

>> No.46543775

Eh. I hate nijiniggers too but holo EN management’s deserves the rope.
HoloJP and HoloID management have been very good in terms of taking care of their talents and making sure they get a lot of new content and deals, but holy shit, holoEN management feels like they don’t exist. HoloEN are all over the place, no chemistry, no projects, and no events. Most of what they did were handouts and grants given to them by fucking JP management. I’m pretty sure EN management have some bad actors in play

>> No.46543776
File: 41 KB, 564x505, 1661955215876299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop deflecting nijinigger. i know it's your tactic to divert people from discussing management's fuck ups. you won't fool anyone. nice try though. faggot.

>> No.46543805

>Can EN management force their talent to be lazy ?
Hell yes they can? Of course. Thats what they have been dong th eentire time. Where were you?

>> No.46543855 [DELETED] 

>eh, i hate nijiniggers too
falseflagger kys.

>> No.46543858

Honestly, they don’t promote the talents enough and they don’t “manage” them enough, life and streaming should be easier with managers. They also let them do whatever the fuck they want outside of doing questionable things which could result to them not streaming. A lot of the girls unironically needs to be managed more, people forget most of these girls are menhera neet turned idols

>> No.46543927

I don’t like any EN too but I don’t wish the worst for them. Any shit they do tends to spill over JP. What I want is for holoEN to be its own ecosystem where they aren’t reliant to whatever JP does. Uniromically EN 3 and heck, EN 4 too and total overhaul of management

>> No.46543931
File: 813 KB, 2211x1243, Jenma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is one good manager

>> No.46543973

>falseflagger calling others falseflaggers
what is this new tactic sister? yuo dont want hololive to get better and improve? you dont want to foster dsicussion about apst istakes for betterment in the future?

>> No.46544014 [DELETED] 


>> No.46544071

because these kind of discussion are meaningless. why u don't just scream on twitter with ur dummy accounts or make a drama ch like falseyed so yagoo csn see u and make the actual change u re hoping for ?

>> No.46544096

but I don't care about holo en. just kill the branch already.

>> No.46544126

For me, holoEN managements biggest idiocy is in assuming holo and Stars have the same target demo. Bullshit. CGDCT/iyashikei is seinen as fuck. You can see how oji-sans are holos bread and butter. Boy groups are shounen with a large female demo. Imagine shit like Gundam Wing. And I’m willing to bet Kuzuha’s (and nijiJPs) male viewers skew younger than a holo. While there are fans of both, thats a small percentage. And yet somehow they’re trying to compress both together. Absolute bullshit that only a deluded management can make.

>> No.46544151

Just venting up. As a non-EN fan, I can’t imagine what it’s like to be one with all the lack of content for the past 1 year.

>>46544014 I’m pretty sure it’s a falsefagging shitpost OP so people are calling it out. But yes, EN management specifically are bad actors or grossly incompetent. Either way, they need to be removed

>> No.46544259

Omega-tranny got canned right?

>> No.46544270

JP and ID management seem pretty good
But honestly I blame EN talents

>> No.46544271

Sadly she's just one person in an upper management meeting and her job is mainly to look after the talents' various needs and desires, serving as a middleman most of the time. You'd need a dozen clones of her with varied skills and strengths to make a difference. Also her image is positive skewed by Kiara who mainly controls the narrative of behind the scenes stuff with her transparency and she herself is not the best benchmark or judge of person. As long as Jenma provides the necessary paperwork and acts as a friend to Kiara, she's set since she knows the boundaries of Cover better than anyone else in the branch and basically manages herself.

>> No.46544385


>> No.46544397

Yes, both EN talents and management . If you’re familiar already with the setup of JP. The people in charge of contents and projects are the talents themselves, well, I really don’t blame the EN talents too due to language barrier and a lack of mentorship from veterans. Note that a lot of jp holos were already entertainment veterans so they would really know how to handle and mentor the youngins . EN however were all internet “stars” whose closest thing to to be called as mentors are their discord groomers. Heck, an anon in/hlg/ knows gura’s past life and talked with her in discord

>> No.46544547

Hiring males who stream instead of females who don't stream. Absolutely baffling business decision

>> No.46544918

Maybe they should hire females who stream then.

>> No.46544954

>our audience likes watching women stream
>but our women aren't streaming
>perhaps we should hire men?
>wtf why won't you watch them UNITYCHADS ASSEMBLE

>> No.46544984

>HoloEN are all over the place
That tends to happen when your talents are literally ALL OVER THE FUCKING GLOBE

>> No.46545075

>a lot of jp holos were already entertainment veterans
Only a small part of jp were like that
Most of them were just streamer as a hobby. Pekora, Miko and Marine for example all talked about how they hated their job and how they feel grateful because they love their job

>> No.46545357

>or not even trying to get them
Gura once said that she's watching Kaela for game recommendation. Kinda makes sense now.

>> No.46545490

Sure, I'll jump in.
>Giving Irys a godawful model that filters her audience, wait a year to change it for no reason.
>Make Irys a member of Myth even though she debuted only a month before Council and an entire year after Myth. Making her an outcast in both for no reason. She doesn't really even get to have genmates, The closest she gets is "CouncilRys"
>Everything I've ever heard about management behind the scenes paints them as being a bunch of incompetent retards. Things like publicly scolding Gura for asking permissions for too many games, to not letting Coco collab with the EN girls.
>Desperately trying to make us accept faggotry. Lifting the collab ban, having the girls collab with them, making it so jp girls can't stream during their debuts. All this so they can get like 400 live viewers at a time. At the end of the day segregation is based and hololive is a cgdct company.

>> No.46545502

go touch grass retard-kun

>> No.46546187

>Unironically EN 3 and heck, EN 4 too and total overhaul of management
I'm tired of saying this but if EN had a debut schedule somewhat close to how JP was in the beginning we wouldn't be having any of these problems. In the same time it took for EN to debut 11 members in total JP debuted 27 members (28 if you count Hitomi Chris) and hired an indie (Suisei), and while I don't think EN should've had the same amount of people but in almost 3 years the branch should have close to 20 members, not 10 plus 8 homos who most of the audience doesn't even want to give a pity sub, much less watch them. And to add salt to the wound ID4 WILL debut later this year because, unlike EN, they had an auditions period which makes it way less possible for Cover to ignore it like they did for 13+ months anyone sending their auditions for HoloEN. I don't fucking know what's happening but the people in charge of EN just don't know what they're doing.

>> No.46546260

Honestly, the biggest flaw is not debuting new blood to maintain interest. It's been 600 days. After Myth's amazing success, they should have struck the iron while it was hot and debuted Council after 9 months or so. There should have been a 3rd gen now too.

Also the whole HoloPro thing and trying to get people who watch girls to like the guys. I think they've realized now that this was an error though. Locking down the official subreddit during Tempus 2's debut was probably a giant wake up call. It's telling that after nearly 3 months, not one of the girls has collabed or expressed in collabing with any of the new Tempus guys. Even the Baes, Ames, Moris and Kroniis have avoided them. A stark contrast to the collabs almost every week with Tempus 1.

>> No.46546448

Tempus 1/2 are experiments. Tempiss are "brotubers" who have weird shitty avatars and leech off Hololive; they're targeted at a male audience (which hates them). Tempoop have traditionally cute avatars and don't collab with Hololive; they're for yumes. They're also much less popular so the lesson Cover is taking away is that male vtubers need to leech the girls to be successful. Expect more.

>> No.46547912


>> No.46547946

>fire all anti-unicorns
Cope and seethe, schizo.

>> No.46547957
File: 519 KB, 483x624, 123123t5676543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember that country roads group song lol

>> No.46549198

If it's holoEN related, it's management's fault. If it's tempiss related, it's the talent's fault

>> No.46550469

>half of the seethe is about tempus

>> No.46550534

tempus is their biggest and most public fuckup

>> No.46550541

when they are complete shitters
>wasting money resources and time
>when we could have 10 girls by now inclining the branch
>instead we have shitters who stagnate it
listen i dont care about holostars. i wish them well. but management ios 100% at fault here

>> No.46550868

NijiEN bros i don't feel so good

>> No.46551383

hiring sana takes that spot. also cant forget about project hope KEK. everything about it was a fuck up.
>complete shitters
3 of the top 10 SC earners (holopro EN) for march are tempus. bettel is 3rd and only lost because of the bday streams fauna and irys had. they do lose on ccv though, but they earn enough. hell, all of the "shitters" earned 7k each, puts them at around 40th place of ALL hololive pro
they released tempus because holoen already stagnated. tempus means a new market they can tap into. male viewers, (holo en's audience) would never give bettel 30k worth of supas
seethe, cope and dilate

>> No.46551586

SC dont matter they are change money retard
it;s like saying oh look thats nthign that they earn no money because they got a big tip

>> No.46551663

Did something new happen in the last 24 hours or what, I'm not up to date

>> No.46551789

so im guessing membership gifts don't matter too? what else doesn't matter? streaming? sure.

>> No.46551801 [DELETED] 

>Gives facts that homos can make money too
>B-but that doesn't count!!!
Kys unicuck

>> No.46551889

So 3 out of 8 were good picks. And? You really think an EN3 wouldn't have a single successful member? You really believe that there's no use to expand HoloEN anymore when Holox and ID3 were big successes?

>> No.46551919

but you didnt give example retard
can you read?????? SC dont make money!!!!!! fucking newfags i swear....

>> No.46551964

girls have way way way more memberships than homos and it;s not even funny

>> No.46552199

>HoloEN girls with 1 million+ subs have more memberships than 100k subs tempus
Of fucking course idiot

>> No.46552256

Might as well have a /management/ general

>> No.46552679

I think that took almost a year to come out right? it was also auto tuned to hell. omega using the first council collab to debut his v-tweeter bullshit is what I think of first

>> No.46552693

Sure, here : they want (you) to be a fag who watch fag, (you) are more likely not a fag so (you) don't want to watch fag, but they still try to force (you) to watch their fag, so (you) hate their fag and all the fag are hating (you) for not being a fag. So (you) basicaly hate all the fag and they could have prevented that by litteraly putting a 10 kilometer thic wall between the fag and the CGDCT.

>> No.46552711

The new market failed to materialize. There's no point in Tempus' existence, they certainly lost Hololive money overall. 30k worth of supas isn't even enough to pay their salaries, let alone make up for the losses incurred on Kronii, Mori, Ame.

>> No.46552806

The management favoritism towards Tempus post-debut was really bad when Council never got that kind of treatment.

I still remember Kronii seething about Slime Rancher 2 perms because she asked for them a while back and she only found out she could play it because apparently one of the Homos was playing it earlier that week.

>> No.46552817

>30k worth of supas isn't even enough to pay their salaries, let alone make up for the losses incurred on Kronii, Mori, Ame.
this is what people fail to realize when talking about tempus
it's not just that they're flops, but them being forced with the collabs caused controversy with those three and likely caused a solid hit to those girls' income

>> No.46552834

but you were the one arguing homos make more money retard!!!!!!

>> No.46552929

And that's the fucking point. 3 out of 8 are decently successful but any new HoloEN girls would be bigger than all of them and one breakout talent would be much bigger than the 3 combined. I do agree with the new markets angle, but that will never justify 18 months without a new HoloEN and 13 months with shilling the female part of auditions once. Cover straight up ignored any girl who wanted to become a HoloEN member for more than a fucking year and people fucking suck their dicks like they the new messiah for some reason.

>> No.46553036

this is just a case of bad management

>> No.46553604

>straight up ignored any girl who wanted to become a HoloEN member for more than a fucking year
They didn't find good candidates, simple as

>> No.46553637

Reminder that, even though she debut alone, they still wanted IRyS to have a month-long collab ban. They only shortened it to 2 weeks because Ina called them out and told them to stop being fucking retards.

>> No.46553649

Yep, after all this time and promotion, not a single one of them are yet to equal the subs Gura got on debut week.

>> No.46553796

honestly i feel like en3 will be a flop sheerly by virtue of there being nobody left
unless they hit the jackpot or hire a streaming monster ala kaela, i think en might be stuck on the downward spiral

>> No.46553858

I'm glad you agree homos are a waste of time and resources and management should have debuted more girls instead.

>> No.46553898

IRyS is just completely mishandled. The way they throw tracks up at the worst time and then you have to wait months for the most generic ass video. Oh and sometimes the titles are in Kanji. Great work, Hololive English.

>> No.46554096

Fuck off with that retarded cope. 1 year of auditions and they couldn't find anyone good enough? Then why not shill the auditions like they did with StarsEN THREE FUCKING TIMES? And it's even more retarded when they shilled them mere days before Tempus 1 debut and again a couple of weeks before Tempus 2 debut, so explain me why they pushed for StarsEN so fucking hard while the first time they ever mentioned the female side of auditions after announcing them was more than a year after the fact?

I don't buy this. Even if you're looking exclusively towards the EN vtuber sphere there's definitely good material there, and most of Myth weren't dedicated vtubers so there are options. The biggest problem EN3 will face is the absurd amount of expectations that will be put on them. Too many people believe in the bullshit "quality over quantity" mantra, so if it took almost 2 years for a new HoloEN gen people will think they're the next Myth or some retarded shit like they did with Council after that month long tease campaign.

>> No.46554385

>quality over quantity
therein lies the problem
like someone said further up in the thread, after this much time JP had like 25+ members while EN only has 11 in the same timeframe
this early, we needed quantity because otherwise we have massive amounts of dead time/no events because of conflicting schedules, having more members gives more people to do things with
now the vtubing hype has died down and i'm not sure if the hololive brand will be enough to get a new en gen rolling after they've effectively squandered it

>> No.46554390

The fact that they didn't tell her what Shinzou ga tomaru made's English name was so she had to translate it herself as "Until my heart stops" and then had to update it hours before release was utterly crazy.
She has an EN global audience, overlooking something as basic as the English song name of a single being released borders on malice.

Hell the tweet is still up

And of course it shows as 心臓が止まるまで on Spotify.

>> No.46554565

Don't forget how the Daydream release was mishandled to all hell for Kronii.

>debuting a premiere of a 20 second teaser for it at 3 in the fucking morning
>no EN subs enabled on it for months
>management clearly played a part on the MV guy sitting on their ass
>song leaked a few weeks beforehand anyways on a general music channel

>> No.46554650

>EN vsinger
>90% of her songs are JP
>not only that, but some of the JP songs don't even have translated titles
honestly baffling
i didn't follow irys too closely, but i'm curious; how long did it take her to get an english song? i remember being turned off of her because her first album was all JP

>> No.46554699

I guess, but they rarely collab anyway, waiting 2 weeks means nothing.

>> No.46554718

imagine being a battered women, they drop the ball on you already once what makes you think they won't do it again?

fuck em

>> No.46554970

>Council had to wait a full month for inter-gen collabs
>but somehow Tempus was the group that got the collab window shortened due to "overwhelming fan demand"
More like overwhelming bullshit

>> No.46554971

Unicorns are the trash, I wish you guys never latched onto this trend

>> No.46554995

Oh hey, that was me kek. Yeah, it's going to be much harder now than how it would be back in 2021/early 2022, but the last thing Cover can do is give up. Outside of a breakout miracle from the current members HoloEN has no place to go but downwards, so betting on a new gen is the only somewhat guaranteed way to grow the branch. The one thing they definitely have to do is look for girls who won't do the same kind of content the current ones are doing, have different interests and aspirations from the current roster and hope they can get an audience. Another fps addict won't work if she's not at least Selen-tier good and it's still going to be hard to gather a new audience, another MC addict won't work unless she's like Kaela but then she would be betting on the grind which can be a gamble, another artist is not a great idea unless she's like early Ina and does art stream way more frequently and so on. Again, it's not going to be an easy task, but Cover has no one to blame but themselves and only them can do something to fix this problem.

>> No.46554998

>is the official singer of Holo EN
>is also the least popular singer of Holo EN
IRyS's whole music "career" is the definition of a monkey's paw wish. She only managed to save herself by pivoting to regular vtuber content.

>> No.46555032

Do you think they saw this and the stuff Myth were pulling with Council before the ban was up and thought “Western audiences want a shorter collab ban” when they planned for Tempus?

>> No.46555368

I think Sana ruined Covers confidence in scouting girls in the west. She was such a non-factor during her entire tenure in Holo and to top it off, she quit less than a year since her debut. Somewhere along the line Cover modified the audition text to mention that being accepted isn’t a guarantee that you will debut which leads me to believe that someone got shitcanned and they’re trying to find a replacement.

>> No.46555542

>Outside of a breakout miracle from the current members HoloEN has no place to go but downwards
Tempus permanently crippled Holo EN. There was no demand for it to become a clone of Nijisanji EN so all the intergender collabs did was drive away existing viewers. And all the pathetic cuçks who actually enjoy intergender collabs just kept watching Nijisanji EN. They weren't interested in some dollar store me-too knockoff. I doubt Holo EN will sink much lower because I think they're already pretty much at their floor. But absolutely nothing can make them incline and return to pre-Tempus levels of popularity. Even firing Tempus wouldn't help because the damage has already been done.

>the biggest, most loyal paypigs are trash

>> No.46555636

I think Sana genuinely had a bad streak of luck at the start since the whole trip-to-see-parents thing was definitely exacerbated by Australia's draconic approach to handling COVID at the time. But yeah it was around Valentines when I got the sense she didn't have her heart in it as much anymore.

>> No.46555768

I think it was around the time her dog died that she later admitted she seriously considered quitting but stuck through, she probably decided to quit during contract negotiations if management told her she needed to actually stream (since she didnt fulfill her contract of making content for 3 days a week for the first year).

>> No.46555776

because they are intellectually disabled and corrupt

>> No.46556018

Her first English song was Sparks of Joy and that was Dec 2021 - 5 months after debut
And I found the lyrics awkward and uninteresting, but after seeing the other stuff the lyricist did like
I'm not surprised

Stuff like this is passable - if it's being presented as being sung by someone not quite fluent in English.
It seems clear that Project Hope's management prefers to work with people they're comfortable communicating with over producing a song appropriate for their target market.

>> No.46556167

>got shitcanned and they’re trying to find a replacement
This argument makes zero sense because if that happened they would've shilled the auditions like they did with StarsEN. People love to forget that part but after the initial announcement of the open auditions in early January of 2022 the only time they ever talked about the female side of them was in February of 2023, 13 whole months after they opened. They could've used all this time to push them if they were having troubles filling the 5 spots but they never did for some retarded reason.

Eh I'm not that defeatist. The best way to return to pre-Tempus levels of popularity is streaming more frequently and pushing for new stuff, and the latter is much easier if they just debuted a new gen. You have to remember that HoloEN already wasn't doing that well before July of last year but that's because of their increasingly inconsistent schedules and refusal to go outside of their zone of comfort or doing branch wide stuff like they did back when Council debuted. It's insane how they see HoloJP doing a bunch of interesting stuff but they don't even try to copy them.

>> No.46556568

JP doesn't have to deal with nearly the same coordination headaches that EN does, and that's not necessarily a knock against EN; it's just acknowledging the reality of having 1 branch spilt up into 5 different timezones for people whereas JP doesn't have to deal with that and even doing stuff with ID only involves a 2 hour window of time difference to account for.

>> No.46556688

True, but nowadays it feels like they don't even try anymore.

>> No.46556758

Even the fucking girls admited to hate it while reddit was praising the shit out of it.

>> No.46556820

NTA but look at the state of things right now, many on break, only bae and kiara being consistent, what are the EN3 girls gonna collab with? and the answer is fucking tempus.

>> No.46557026

God forbid anyone in EN3 mentions Stars during their debut now. Bae got a pass for it at the time (and even then that was mostly because WINNING SON), but you know anyone in EN3 who makes any mention of them at the get-go now is going to make the fallout that happened to Kronii look like a fucking picnic.

>> No.46557130

Thing is, IryS talked about perms for Dangaronpa and she said she needed to announce that she was going to stream it a BUSINESS WEEK in advance for every single stream - but more than that, she said "it used to be shorter but the perms department is getting busier". That part says a lot. If you have people devoted to it specifically and it's a key part of your business, it should not take more than five minutes of those people's time unless someone is slacking off. It's not like you're sitting down at a negotiation table for every game permission, you dash off a form email with fields helpfully filled in! Right? Unless your whole permissions system is nonexistent or completely fucked up. Wouldn't be surprised if getting perms for EN is like pulling teeth.

>> No.46557165

They’ll probably be required to put a line saying they want to collab with Stars just like ID3 had to.

>> No.46557232

It’s literally only one guy handling ALL perms relating things for the whole company. And if the guy goes on vacation? No perms for that amount of time.

>> No.46557316

that can't be true. obviously they would be all hands on deck to hire at least a second one. only having one person would be a crisis.

>> No.46557468

Company-wide? There are probably multiple people.

Branch-wide? I wouldn't be surprised if the EN Branch is nickel-and-diming it so they only have one person handling that right now.

>> No.46557471

Dude this is a japanese company, I would believe that they only have 1 guy.

>> No.46557481

Fauna, ID and even JP still exist, you know? Also I guarantee you most of them would try to collab as much as they can with EN3 early on, not to mention how after Tempus Part 2 they reduced the frequency of collabs with HoloEN by a lot so I don't know where you coming from saying that they only have the homos to collab with.

Everyone knows that the EN perms are fucked and it honestly feels like malice at this point. Even if there's only one person working on it it's insane to think they haven't thought about expanding this area 2 and a half years after the branch was opened.

>> No.46557518

You underestimate JP corpo autism, anon

>> No.46557587

The talents said that they have around 400 staff members and yet they are stil understaffed, my question is: How? If we look at the numbers then let's say that around 78+ are managers for each individual talent, this is being extremely generous since we know one manager can take care of multiple talents, now let's say for 3D and mocap stuff 20 people, around 30 for Holoearth project, let's say 60 for the 3D concerts and 78 people for sponsorships and merch, that's around 266 people needed for the job so where are the remaining 134 employees doing?

>> No.46557601

Cover really doesn’t give a shit if the girls stream or not because their existence prints money for them. They’d probably just tell them to shut up and play minecraft if they could.
Fauna last stream was complaining that there’s like no games they have perms for that she wants to play which is why she’s been binging hitman for weeks.

>> No.46557684

they are drawing salaries

>> No.46557760
File: 105 KB, 959x639, 1662211833035758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're facing a constant uphill battle against other EN markets

>> No.46557929

Now that is really fucked, its like they dont even want them to stream at all.

>> No.46558201

>Why are they so trash?
My guess is that EN staff, bar maybe one or two, have limited to no experience in talent management within the streaming/vtubing sphere and lack the brain capacity to become competent because hey, they're already "management", they've already "made it" in the corporate ladder. I also suspect that since they're hired from NA, they are poisoned by the NA corpo mindset of manegement being bosses rather than facilitators, so that fucks with projects and talents.
Maybe Cover being a JP corp introduces annoying autism into the processes, maybe Cover doesn't pay competitively so they get low quality staff. Either way, talent testimonies keep bringing up long lead times, last-minute cancellation, and lack of resources. It all smells of terrible project planning, follow-ups, and resource allocation.
The talents are partly responsible, since they're likely the ones initiating the projects and as key stakeholders should pressure project members to pull their weight. But it wouldn't surprise me if JP corpo politics bleeding into the EN branch are a legit detriment to how these projects are run.

>> No.46558437

Without knowing if it's 400 full-time staff or if that number is counting all contractors, it's impossible to make a fair assessment. The remaining number could be contractors for art assets, L2D rigging, audio techs, video editing, HR, payroll, legal and market compliance, etc.

>> No.46558676

management general-

>> No.46559490

you can't do shit, if you even attempt to, the western vtuber fanbase will come to their defense. At this point, either you someone convince a rich saudi prince to crash their company or you kyoani their headquarters. I'm just going to archive a bunch of stuff so when holoEN truly becomes shit and a shell of its former self, I can post all this and rub it in the faces of retards that defended the new changes in the name of "unity"

>> No.46559616

>butchering gura's projects
>denyig permission for games or not even trying to get them
>being a massive red tape and blaming every fuck up and lazyiness behind bureaucracy "no gura you can't do that"
Oh nyo, poor gura... Weird, that other holos have no problems getting their project off the ground. Really strange.
It has to be management and not gura. It has to be.

>> No.46559927

Case in point >>46559616

>> No.46560450

Kronii also mentioned getting actively ghosted by her previous manager too.

Honestly it's pretty telling as a whole that Council has gone out of their way to not prop up their managers in the same way Myth did to the point where we don't know exactly who is responsible for who outside of maybe Mumei since she mentioned who helped in setting up the initial BEEG SMOL thing.

>> No.46560652

>I'm just going to archive a bunch of stuff so when holoEN truly becomes shit and a shell of its former self, I can post all this and rub it in the faces of retards that defended the new changes in the name of "unity"
Yeah, you will end up being the winner and people will not ignore you. Sure, that will totally happen. You and your archives will show them!
This is the most "get some help" post I've seen on here.

>> No.46560698

How is it Gura's fault then? Go ahead explain. Oh you can't? Didn't think your "argument" through? Awwwww then stfu retard.

>> No.46561233

NTA, but you're already seething at him archiving all this shit, so imagine when he finally dumps all of it.

>> No.46561354
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Don't forget:
>wouldn't allow nijiEN collabs for over a year
Let's not forget hololive were happy to let veibae collab with kiara until she got exposed for the cunt that she is.

>> No.46561678

I wouldn't be too surprised, although I have to wonder where the hell they saw this 'fan demand'. Like, even on their official subreddit, it's difficult to find any actual 'demand' for collabs between the guys and the girls.

>> No.46561861

NTA but here:
She didn't try any other games in the vast list of permissions, she didn't attend collabs with genmates to try some games, she didn't asked for help to her JP senpais (it is known that towa got the lamy's faggot manager fired for calling lamy boring who should not collab with anybody and made holostaff work on Nene's 3D faster), she never thought about writting to Yagoo or fucking A-chan if management was being giga autistic, her projects were not working because of lack of preparations and lack of collab charisma, her ghosting on twitter for updates is stupid since you can write from your phone about what to and what not to play (she even ratted herself out to kiara when the chicken told us that Gura was using her mobile data the whole fucking time in japan by accident).
Gura is my oshi, i don't really give a shit if she streams once every blood moon, she's cute and funny and I ain't in need of her 24/7, but let's not fuckign pretend tnothing is her own fault, only Kiara, ironically, can set her up straight, but without her she's back in her little depression bubble.

>> No.46561988

The last streams I watched before I just couldn’t do it and left were Tempus. Hell, it might have been the Mario Party collab, now that I think of it.
Look, it was fun. Tempus is all right. I just can’t get into the habit of watching them regularly because any time I feel like watching vtubers, my preference goes to girls by default and I end up clicking on my small corpo favorites before ever considering Tempus.
And that’s the real issue. That they tried to use Tempus as a substitute for EN3 instead of either pouring money into this properly and working on both. It’s just not gonna work.

>> No.46562000

they are just literal retards. it unironically never occurred to them that adding male talents could possibly do anything other than strictly expand their audience. it's like a restaurant suddenly adding a ton of durian dishes and then acting shocked when the stink drives away regular customers.

>> No.46562255

They probably are in the bubble of the beggar and everyone who don't care about male is le evil incel unicorn bad bad well result a little like this anon said >>46561988 if they are here i would rather watch something else, like animes for exemple. or some JP. just not interested, tried, really not interrested at all. I just can't find a single reason to watch them or any coed collabs. result i'm wathing less and less and less holoEN.

>> No.46562323


>> No.46562399

Kill yourself

>> No.46562574

More like HoloEN got successful with their steakhouse and tried to add seafood to the menu. In theory, it could work. A lot of the customers hate seafood, some are interested, and others don’t care and plan on getting steak.
…Except the restaurant was already short-staffed and wasn’t providing enough steaks to meet demand. And instead of hiring extra cooks to deal with the fish, they make the current kitchen focus on the fish. And also, the budget stayed the same so they bought less steak because they’re trying to shill the fish.
The attempt to branch out could have worked better if they didn’t pivot away so many resources to focus on the fish. Cover was lazy and tried to kill two birds with one stone. Instead of properly treating Tempus as a separate branch they tried to leech off HoloEN and also use Tempus as an excuse for not working on EN3.
So now, even though the fish is all right, everyone’s just thinking about how they probably ran out of steak again and not going instead of actually trying out the fish.

>> No.46562608

To this day I can't find Kronii's most recent cover since the name is Jap

>> No.46562645

It's already not working when they're losing to mid tier JP members during the Japanese morning when they're the only EN members streaming. And it's fucking obvious that the majority of the audience doesn't care about them

>> No.46562661

i mean, you say that, but the fish is making the place stink.

>> No.46562875

Poor Kronii said she felt like an Indie for like the first 6 months of her time in Hololive

>> No.46562905

Yeah, which is why in this metaphor they really should have just bought the lot next door and opened a second restaurant beside the first. It would achieve a lot of the things they wanted, there would be just enough separation that people won’t feel like things they don’t want are shoved in their face, and the fish would have its own restaurant that could do its own marketing.
But that would cost money. I’m absolutely convinced Cover wasn’t trying to btfo unicorns or anything, just cheaping out.

>> No.46563126

I bet this is why they collab spammed so much. They wanted to find ways to force Tempus into the algorithm for people who watch HoloEN. They’ll never listen to any complaints on Reddit, Twitter, and 4chan because unicorns are loud, and they can’t tell how accurate the backlash is, since it could be reflective of a large part of the fanbase or just the unicorns.
…And then, when forcing Tempus into the algorithm didn’t work and just made the girls less popular, they backed down and let Tempus do their own thing, which they should have done from the start.

>> No.46563139

At this point Fauna has a better chance of getting her permits if she asks M-chan, instead of intelectually stunted EN management.

>> No.46563158

they're worthless bloat that sit around the office picking their nose if they come in at all. every business eventually picks some up if they start doing well

>> No.46563369

Aren't JP companies notorious for never firing anyone, even if they are obvious wastes of space?

>> No.46563459

It’s because it’s more expensive to fire them than to just keep them around soaking up money due to Japanese employment laws. The employee is supposed to quit out of shame.

>> No.46563617

While I agree with you it's weird to think they're cheaping it out with EN but still debuted Uproar and had a whole promotional campaign on Shibuya I believe.

This boggles my mind because they have the statistics for every channel. They could've seen how StarsJP never got a substantial increase when collabing with Hololive, much less HoloEN, while HoloID definitely had a boost after Myth debuted and even the JP girls got more attention with the entire agency getting more popular because the 1 million speedrun all EN members had early on. They could've saw that pushing Hololive and Holostars together wouldn't work the way they wanted but they still went with it like lunatics, and lo and behold it didn't fucking work like everyone but Cover expected, to the point they had to go on twitter to protect Kronii's ass because of the controversy it created and lock the subreddit when Tempus 2 got announced 6 months after the first batch, the fastest for any of the foreign branch and the fastest in the company since 2020. It feels like them finally shilling the female side of auditions was more of a knee jerk reaction from backlash their stupidity created than they finally remembering that the open auditions were for both Hololive and Holostars and that people are expecting for an EN3 for way too long.

>> No.46563933

Even just from a fresh viewer perspective with no attachment to talents it's difficult to find a reason to watch Tempus.
Part of why people watch women streamers is because they come from a fundamentally different background. They grew up with different things expected of them, different things they were exposed to, different social norms. Watching that interact with traditionally male-dominated media is arguably a significant part of the appeal. But there are very few of these on Twitch that are easily discoverable and not actually boobtubers. 99% of the top 100 streamers are men. So holos were like an oasis in a desert.

But if it's a dude? Most people don't start out watching streams with Hololive, so they can automatically compare them to the streamers they used to watch, most, if not all of which are men. And it's inevitable that Tempus comes out wanting just by dint of the field being so saturated. And they have less permissions, less things they're allowed to say or do. One of my streamers could go "oh shit hold up, Falcon 9 launch is happening now" and pull up the livestream and commentate. Tempus can't do that.

One thing that could have differentiated them was the idol journey struggle. But it's really difficult to sell that when it looks like you're being desperately pulled up into the spotlight again and again by your far more successful female counterparts.

>> No.46564397

kiara getting her birthday's spotlight/sparks momentum song stolen by omegatranny.

>> No.46564449

Well said, let's be honnest if i were to think to watch tempuss, i have like 10 streamers that i know from a long time that do exactly the same. And each ot them are far more specialised in the domain. Now if i want to watch a woman who play a game without puting 99% of their content on their facecam i would actually have trouble for real, hololive fit quite well that niche and that why i'm watching it. If i watch male streamers i don't watch Vtuber at all.

>> No.46564542

Tempus will never have an idol journey struggle when their debuts were 4 times bigger than Uproar's and none of them would go through the same shit the OG 9 went. That's not much different for new debuts for the other branches, being something that won't really happen under normal circumstances. I understand their appeal and it's obvious that they have a decent following, but the general audience doesn't give a fuck about them, they won't watch them even if they're the only EN members streaming and even if there's another, better explanation for the godforsaken wait for EN3 the first thought that comes to mind for a lot of people is that Cover decided to put what was supposed to be their main thing on the wayside to focus all their attention on StarsEN, which makes less people likely to give them a chance and the fact that even after pre-emptively locking down the subreddit because of Tempus 2 there were still people complaining about it should tell Cover that the actual fanbase is fucking tired of this bullshit.

>> No.46565276

For some reason, even though Cover is overly autistic about HAVING perms, they really can't be arsed actually GETTING perms. They also take their perms autism to silly levels. Like, Gura has mentioned that Beat Saber is a perms nightmare, because Cover doesn't just want perms for the game, they want perms for the songs as well, because they're scared shitless that the artists may suddenly decide "oh wait, I know I already gave the devs permissions to use my songs in the game, but fuck those guys specifically" and strike their channels. Meanwhile, in Nijisanji...
They don't give a shit. They'll just play it, and if the VOD goes down, it goes down.

>> No.46565436

People unironically would tune into an unarchived beat saber or that trombone game that became kinda popular, but i guess losing vods is a no no for cover.

>> No.46565769

Gura actually decent at rhythm games and was fun to watch but she can't really play any. I remember Amelia played OSU one time (maybe in first month?) and then got told she couldn't do it ever again.

>> No.46565928

They don’t even have blanket perms for other Holo songs, it’s pretty dumb.

>> No.46566012

Reminds me of when Gura did a Hololive karaoke and wanted to do an encore of one of the songs she already sang. I think viewers asked her to sing Marine's song again. Then suddenly she got a DM from her manager that she could only sing this song once, so she had to change songs. Good times.

>> No.46566276

What the fuck? I could understand the others that release songs under a music label but marine songs aren't, they are under Cover corp.

>> No.46566323

Man the song perm shit is what really upsets me.

>never get to hear Kronii or Gura sing NieR stuff again unless they do it during a 3D concert and even then that probably wouldn't be able to happen now because Snoy

>> No.46566415
File: 131 KB, 680x680, bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hope that someone else will take over Hololive's position and they crash. There is zero way for anyone to remove any form of management unless they partake in some truly diabolical actions. They'll just keep changing things bit by bit until they get something they like. Management couldn't care less unless half or more of all subscribers and viewers left.

Also, I haven't kept up with things but it's probably a perpetual cycle or shift in the way Vtuber environment works. Or I'm completely wrong because this is an unfounded opinion based on zero credibility.

>> No.46566499

Not necessarily. Although a song may be distributed under Cover or their label (I don't know if there's a difference), the agreement between Cover and the composer/writer can be limiting when the song is performed outside of whoever's the origin of it. Between Cover potentially being shit at contracts, managers knowing fuck-all about the signed agreement, and the talents being out of the loop you betcha there's gonna be things kind of autism suffusing all of Hololive's content.

>> No.46567130

Reading that because I can see it being true. Really fucked though.

>> No.46567212

holy falseflag

>> No.46567393

Hi cover intern. You suck!

>> No.46567811

I don't know anything about business management or company structuring, but would it be possible to have HoloEN be separated as some kind of subsidiary of Cover? Not just a separate talent division but a different company operated outside of Japan that is owned by cover? It might lead to more problems in creative direction but I can't help but wonder how much more breathing room they'd have by being able to bypass all of this permission bullshit.

>> No.46567907

The only benefit of a corpo is the following
>Jumpstart in subs due to brand recognition/loyalty
>Genmates (ie guaranteed collabs)
From what I've heard, just about every other aspect of streaming under a (big) corpo is an absolute nightmare of red tape. If cover doesn't want to debut any new talents then the girls should honestly just all graduate and form a coalition of indies. That way they can keep their corpo adhesion but not be bound by permission BS

>> No.46568059
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Nijifags are a plague.

>> No.46568110
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>> No.46568930

You're misremembering. It was a sponsored karaoke stream for PriConne, with a setlist of Priconne and Holo songs. She was going to sing 'Ahoy', but management stopped her, because it wasn't on that list of songs she was told to sing.

>> No.46569173

>Imagine shit like Gundam Wing.
The entire HoloEN Tempus problem can be summed up in one anime. Cross Ange.
They pulled a Cross Ange.

>> No.46569294

Instead of trying to deflect start fucking looking for EN3 intern

>> No.46569342

I never thought I would see someone bringing up that anime in a vtuber context and actually making sense.

>> No.46569350

I want to SEX a-chan

>> No.46569368

Management still butchered Gura's live and debuted tempus instead of en3.

>> No.46570191

I think some of them have started going to the jp managers. gura's daki happened pretty quickly once she got to japan

>> No.46571305

Then the question becomes what is even the point of an EN management if the girls have to go to other branches to get shit.

>> No.46572185

I thought EN management was put in place so that the girls didn't have to do that but I guess they did fuck all to ease the girls' workloads when they streamed.

>> No.46572411

>It's telling that after nearly 3 months, not one of the girls has collabed or expressed in collabing with any of the new Tempus guys
Tempus 2 have called in for bdays and have sent messages in holoEN chat. They will eventually appear in a major holoPro collab.

>> No.46572980

Are they still doing that stupid holoPro shit that they were trying to ram down people's throat?

>> No.46573379

Like other people in this thread have said, management sucks but the fundamental problems with EN are 1) they don't fucking stream and 2) they aren't proactive enough in going above their managers when shit isn't getting done. I get that 2 is typically bad advice but when you are a huge cash cow public figure you have the leverage to fix your own problems.

>> No.46573490

no, anon, i think they actually did follow #2. except the problem was having to stream, and they solved it.

>> No.46574096

Gura literally said one time that the "perms guy" is on vacation, so they can't get any new games to play. JP and ID most likely have some too, but for EN it seems to be only one.
That's not exactly how it happened. The daki was cleared before she even went on her break, but it is true that she had to go to JP management with the help of one of her senpai. I think it was Marine. Also, EN management didn't simply refuse her request, they lied to her about it. They told her that a daki would be illegal.

>> No.46574148

Have you not seen one of the many threads about the newest holomeet poster?

>> No.46574576

>since they're hired from NA
They have to be able to commute to their office in Tokyo. Some of them might be American, but they all live in Japan.

>> No.46575028

Hold the fuck up. Are you telling me that every single manager operates out of Japan? What kind of retardation is that, when you have a whole-ass branch in multiple other timezones.

>> No.46575154

I'm not sure if it is for every single one, but all the job listings I have seen from them had that as a requirement.

>> No.46575302

>what kind of retardation is that
Glorious nippon retardation, folded over 1000 times. It's why ENs often mention having to wake up or stay up for random meetings, because they insist on doing them at JP time.

>> No.46575317

>What kind of retardation is that
it's not just any retardation. it's cover brand retardation.

>> No.46575399

En management at this point is just malicious. Idk what the deal with homos is but they have done more for them in 6 months than they did for the girls in 2 years. They’ve ruined the Twitter and are too lazy to use the main channel. Gura has done a 3D live and myth had their showcase and somehow not only are people unaware some think gura retired. Both gura 3D passed a million, 3 of her songs ticked a million, no active shilling of En merch or 700k/800k subs for council. They didn’t retweet the Girl’s April Fools collab but they didn’t forget to retweet the homos multiple times.

>> No.46575626

it has to be the superchats right? the same thing that happened in kpop is happening in the vtuber space. men won’t pay but women will. so male vtubers get all the privileges

>> No.46575865

>Tempus managed to get branch-wide permissions for a bunch of games not too long after debut
>Males have consistently gotten permissions for a game before the girls do.
It's either blatant favortism, or the male talents refuse to leave management alone until the perms they want are acquired or they get a hard "No" from the IP holder. I personally think it's the latter. Most of the girls don't seem like the type to persistently harass management to do their job, and a few of the Tempus boys have a very clear "better to ask for forgiveness than permission" mindset.

>> No.46575923

I sort of get that as an employer you might want your employees to be able to get on-site for some things. But this business, out of most, should be one where you can work fuckin' REMOTE. Jesus tap-dancing Christ.

>> No.46576018

>Tempus boys have a very clear "better to ask for forgiveness than permission" mindset
That's the correct mindset for a lot of things though. Talents should be hounding staff to get their shit together. If it really was the case that Vesper flipped a table at management for being retards, I'm in his corner on that one.

>> No.46576056

Agreed, I am not defending management, just saying that this wasn't just management's fault but also Gura's

>> No.46576092

Remember when Ina could stream a game because they lost permissions, but later on it turned out that they didn't, they just lost the physical document that they got faxed? Or when management made fun of Gura in front of Council because she gave them a list of games she wanted perms for? Or when they claimed that they couldn't get perms for the powerwash sim, even though the dev was posting on twitter that they can play it?

>> No.46576111

>They didn’t retweet the Girl’s April Fools collab
The difference in how management treated the April Fools events was strange. Ina hosted an event with most of holoEN but didn't get a single retweet from hololive EN or hololive production. Tempus got retweets from both twitter accounts and a teaser video.

>> No.46576465

Sounds like there's some behind the scenes shit going down between the girls and management. Are the girls that collabed with Tempus getting more favorable treatment than those that haven't since the faggots debuted?

>> No.46576517

Remember when Mori had a highly-anticipated tabletop RPG campaign coming up, and Management didn't tell her until TWELVE HOURS BEFORE THE INTRO STREAM that she didn't have perms for it? And the only reason that they GOT perms is because the publisher themselves heard her complaining about it in a MEMBERS' STREAM earlier the same day, and fast-tracked the perms in less than 4 hours?

>> No.46576529

I dont think so, it just looks like all the girls are being sidelined.

>> No.46576543

There's a recent clip of Magni talking about BTS for the Tempus April Fools event, where he described it as him pitching and taking lead on it all. Some pushback from management but most of the work seemed to end up on this table.
If the girls' event was led by Ina, no slight against her, it seems within reason to think that nobody in the group even bothered to get the signal boost out there.

>> No.46576587

I actually forgot about that. This company is a fucking joke.

>> No.46576655

It's almost like Ina is big inaff to not need shilling

>> No.46576661

Y'all are so obsessed with women you will never meet it's baffling.

>> No.46576813

I mean it probably doesn't help that Tempus debut at almost exactly the same time as a NijiEN gen, so they're obviously going to compare each other. Having to change your first schedule because, even though management looked at and approved your schedule, they somehow overlooked the fact that you somehow don't have perms to OPEN FUCKING POKEMON CARDS must be pretty infuriating, especially when you can look across the fence and see them playing the actual pokemon games on a modded 3DS.

>> No.46576830

That's a retarded argument. A tweet doesn't cost them anything and barely takes a minute at most. By your logic big popstars wouldn't need to shill concerts, or AAA games wouldn't need to pay for reviews and ads either.

>> No.46576984

I thought there might be something there but I guess they've just got Tempus dick lodged in their throats.

>> No.46577149

Omegay is Altare you turd

>> No.46577243


>> No.46577412

Well they have their first EN concert coming up so lets see how they do with that even though they already fucked up by not doing a lottery system for the tickets which is really retarded.

>> No.46579861

Management has a noticeable preference for shilling Tempus but it was still odd for them to flat out ignore a major holoEN collab.

>> No.46580037
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>mfw holo tribalfags have made any discussion of Hololive completely impossible because anything that's not straight-up dicksucking must be a Nijisanji false flag

>> No.46582389


>> No.46586542

I wonder what the fuck they'll do until then. The only real big thing that could happened between now and the EN concert would be CouncilRyS 3D showcases, but I have a feeling we won't be getting those until after the concert and theoretically ID2 would be getting theirs first, so outside of that nothing is really happening until early July, and if we get an EN3 announcement there they would need to debut close to the concert to not overlap with IRyS' anniversary, tho considering how management loves to shit on her I wouldn't be surprised if they end up debuting on the weekend immediately before it.

>> No.46586617
File: 241 KB, 850x1247, sample_84226c9c68204e2d8988cb4a158d8290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are hololive staff so hot?

>> No.46587771

Did you read the thread? Most of the stuff above are EN sharts venting out on EN management and yes Nijiniggers are mixed in there as well

>> No.46588003

HoloEN management is trash anyone who denies it are either falseflagging nijiniggers, homobeggars, or omega tranny shills

>> No.46588563

It's insane to think they tried to force Omega as the A-chan for the EN side while gave JP Nodoka less than a year later. I fucking hate how everything in EN needs to be overdesigned with the most retarded lore attached to it.

>> No.46588891

It’s funny that omega tried to grab the credit on myth’s success too. Where in fact, it was the girls themselves, and tit subsequently forgot to tard wrangle and properly manage them after that. Manager my ass, stupid cunt

>> No.46589530

It’s funny that I never see people complain about Omega anymore, in his first few absences people used to bring it up all the time but now no one gives a shit about him being MIA

There was stuff before that was questionable, but the creation of the Omega persona and dumping it after council debut was so fucking questionable, I wish they would just wipe the accounts already. What was EN thinking, this was the MALE DIRECTOR OF THE BRANCH inserting himself into the second gen and misleading people. Also never giving any proper explanations. People just forgot about this, it would’ve been hell if this happened on the JP side.

>> No.46590440

People don't talk about him anymore because he's been in a another radio silent hiatus since September. I remember early 2022 when people were happy that he was seemingly gone and it looked like things were finally starting to look good for the branch, and then he comes back with the worst announcement that he could have done. Hopefully he's gone for good this time since he didn't show any signs of life when Tempus 2 debuted but I'm not gonna celebrate this early because he could always rear his ugly head again with another retarded announcement.

>> No.46593690

>EN management didn't simply refuse her request, they lied to her about it. They told her that a daki would be illegal.
incredible, if you think about it
why say you don't feel like helping with it when you could theoretically permanently stop her from asking about it like that
except now they look like a fucking retard

>> No.46595675

then she goes to japan and got greenlighted immediately lmao

>> No.46598012

Even Mori mentioned in a stream recently that she's just as desperate for more people to collab with as we are.

Speaking of Mori and EN Perms, it reminds me that Fauna for some reason wasn't allowed to sing Live Again at Karaoke - a Hololive EN song many others have covered.

>> No.46598861

The dynamics between Holomem are much different than between Holo and Stars and only newfags and nijiniggers don't understand that. Even Ollie who's the biggest Stars shill in the company gets this, but now there's this wave of retards who think turning HoloPro into a bargain bin Nijisanji is a good thing when the absolute majority of members from both branches are against that. But the thing that makes me want to strangle a motherfucker is when people bring up Shien's "we're not gacha characters" speech when 99.9% of them don't even know the fucking context he said that but then act like the same applies to HoloEN.

>> No.46605000

Fuck management

>> No.46605152

Half the time they don't even attribute that quote to the right person. They say Astel said it instead of Shien.

>> No.46605964

It's a requirement because JP management wants the following:
1.) To keep a tight leash on the gaijin, make sure they're not doing what JP management considers as "fucking up". I say "considers" because what's okay outside of Japan is not necessarily okay for those within Japan, like with working hours and holidays and such.
2.) To keep a close eye on the foreign offshoot of the company and make sure they don't fucking outperform the JP office because how fucking dare you gaijin embarrass us. They would rather commit seppuku first before letting that happen.
3.) To impress on gaijin that they are under the JP management's thumb. You're in our house, so follow our rules and how we do things. Don't come up with all these maverick ways of solving problems because it makes us look bad/someone is actually benefiting from the inefficiency.
t. someone who actually works for a nippon company. i regret my life choices

>> No.46606704

It wouldn't surprise me if it at least partly came down to proactivity on the part of the talents. Ina is generally a pretty passive, insular person, whereas Magni is much more outgoing; I could see that as being why Myth/Council's April Fool's event was essentially overlooked by management in comparison to Tempus'.

That said, if that is the case, management shouldn't need to be prodded by their talent into promotion. Especially something as simple as retweeting.

>> No.46607228

look at the response en mismanager gave when people asked about the shipping costs
fucking malice. they really hate hololive.

>> No.46609226
File: 80 KB, 224x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was management shilled Hololive auditions only once unlike Holostars auditions, which were shilled multiple times?

>> No.46609386

It's certainly possible. But Hololive and Cover is a Japanese company first and foremost. Yagoo's investor's pitch clearly mentioned that they plan to spread the Japanese culture (loved by all) to everyone all over the world from Japan.

Lest we all forget that Cover still think of themselves as a Japanese tech company. Having a complete spinoff company that exclusively handles the overseas talents and content is not on their radar at the moment. Their current resources do not allow them do expand that thin

>> No.46609702

>They didn’t retweet the Girl’s April Fools collab but they didn’t forget to retweet the homos multiple times.

There can be only one explanation: the girls and boys have different managers. The first is slacking while the latter is getting ass pounded 24/7 by the boys into getting their work done.

As other anons have explained it. HoloEN girls is not doing enough to push their managers into doing stuff. The girls forget that their managers are supposed to serve the talents and help them grow their content, not for bossing them around

>> No.46611305

do we even know anything about their management? something concrete, primary source from the management themselves.

>> No.46611615
File: 66 KB, 720x643, 1675170423672577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we know there are diversity hires

>> No.46612036

thought japanese companies are xenophobic

>> No.46612159

All it takes is one Western 'consultant' to come in and insist that if they want to do business in the West they NEED to copy all the cancerous hiring practices and ESG initiatives.

>> No.46612242

Japanese are xenophobic in different ways, often without thinking that they're discriminating at all. It's just how reality is.


>> No.46612359

>book compares autistic children to foreigners
kek my sides
but the one comment that really got me was 'now imagine an autistic foreigner!'

>> No.46612574

If you actually bother to look at the LinkedIn pages some of them aren’t actual employees of cover. That shit got spread around, they’re the first four people that come up if you’re not logged into the site (nobody here has a job anyway)
You need to log in to actually get the proper list but I’ve never seen people post that, they see the black girl and spread this to suit a narrative despite her not ever working for cover

>> No.46613281

It just occurred to me
What if Cover is being blackmailed by some feminist groups?

>> No.46613536
File: 1.22 MB, 3840x3840, __j_chad_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_nicosarea__265e9e56902872559d41f9f9e9dc5dc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna infiltrate J-Chad's vagine if you catch my meaning

>> No.46614227

no, the en branch just hired the same type of people that used to work at twitter. why do your managerial duties when you could spend that time in the meditation room?

>> No.46614322

the way you deflected with a firm "No" with no evidence makes me believe it even more

>> No.46614742
File: 298 KB, 1080x2009, Screenshot_20230404_113935_LinkedIn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have linkedin premium for my wagie job and decided to look her up.

Here's her actual profile. She worked for a company called Cover in Gabon. Not Yagoo's Cover corp, typical linkedin tomfoolery.

>> No.46615006

What about the others?

>> No.46616067

Most are Indonesian or white Gaijins living in Tokyo. The rest are either mislabeling their company or one of Cover Corp's foreign contractors

>> No.46616750

Here's a list of Cover Corp's employees that are registered on LinkedIn

>> No.46617707

>Kanako Sakamoto
What are the chances this is the one pushing homos on main channel?
>Prita Audriana
A fucking goood morning Sirs. Probably the one who butchered Gura's 3d live.
umm is this really a cover employee?

>> No.46618040

People on Linkedln self assign themselves a company on their profile.

Maybe that PE teacher was a cover employee or the dude just decided to write some random company and he happens to write 'cover'

>> No.46618277

From what I understand the Japanese attitude to such things is "If someone resigns, they fucked up. If someone gets fired, the company fucked up".

>> No.46620187

>umm is this really a cover employee?
>Greater leeds area
I don't think a PE teacher from Yorkshire is working at that cover somehow

>> No.46621341

If this is common practice for foreign branches under JP corps, or acquisitions, I'm counting my lucky stars that my parent company acquired a JP corp and not the other way around.

>> No.46621482

Eh, I wouldn't say it's just about suspicion re:dirty gaijin. Most Japanese corps are run very top-down anyway. But suspicion of the roundeyes is definitely part of it.

>> No.46621496

It's more than just that. The law is designed to inhibit using firing as a "management tool", which means you really need to justify why you're firing someone. You can't fire someone just because you found a better performer. No, "he's doing his job at 1/10th the pace of what his peers are" isn't a valid excuse, because if you can do that, what's to stop you firing someone when you find someone performing 10% better than him?

>> No.46622107

EN management is very clearly twitter SJWs with the male pushing and the anti-Gura stance and the general laziness and not doing their jobs.

>> No.46622226

Sana was just unironically a brat. She probably never struggled in her life.
>I'm 2X years old and experienced a pet dying for once, my life is over
Genuinely unironically hope AI art puts her out of business.

>> No.46622518

Who the fuck writes like this?

>> No.46623185

too bad nobody at cover spoke english when they were setting up en things. they've had time to hire their friends now

>> No.46623655

>be anon
>become a new talent manager
>all the people working at EN are people from the 2020 bernie sanders campaign that got laid off by covid
>apollo, the 'enbie' who happens to get touchy with the girls because 'she' is 'one of them(?)'
>carlos "stiches" goldberg-lopez, the suspiciously white looking guy with a jewish name who will always position himself as the designated expert on hispanics and pretends to be Hakka's best friend, turns out he is actually filipino not hispanic
>mindy wu, the chinese-american member of the team whose personal twitter is just seething at the enemies of the communist party
>brian kim, pansexual korean, doesn't seem to do any work
>nameless white member of the team who seems to actually do work

>> No.46624136

>don't fucking outperform the JP office because how fucking dare you gaijin embarrass us. They would rather commit seppuku first before letting that happen.
gura called
actually yknow what gura might unironically be the reason, i might be schizoposting a bit here but hear me out
gura had this massive success so now cover feels like they don't need to do anything to prop the rest of en up because gura has more subs, so they focus on the jp members even more
and while it was partially management retardation, the fact that council was a semi-flop and both homo gens were flops probably reinforced that

>> No.46624230

No, you. I've had so much bad shit in my life but my beloved cat of 21 years having a stroke and dying in my arms randomly one morning is one of the worst memories.

>> No.46624311

Nigga it’s not just the management, they are all literally scattered across the earth
It’s hard to organize things with a relatively small group (2 gens only so far) over different timezones

>> No.46624501

Imagine a gaijin having more than double the sub count of the best JP streamer. That must've been very shocking to Cover, at the very least

>> No.46624609

>anti-Gura stance
It wouldn’t surprise me if this has Gura demotivated to work harder on hololive. I acknowledge she hasn’t been streaming as much for quite a while now, but I’m sure she has work behind the scenes even if it’s mostly just meetings and paperwork at this point. And she was just in Japan and put a lot of effort in with her genmates from what I can tell from the stories
Hasn’t she talked numerous times about her ideas getting shutdown? If she can’t get the things she wants to do off the ground or even started, well no wonder she’s probably become completely disillusioned when it comes to making or doing new stuff for hololive

>> No.46624795

People already mentioned in this thread but her first live being the shortest out of anyone in HoloPro should be a big indication that at the very least her managers are completely incompetent, and who knows how much that extends to the rest of the branch.

>> No.46624826

If that's true, I hope the rrat that there's been a major reshuffle at HoloEN is true. They're killing what could've been Cover's golden goose

>> No.46625009

it's so strange how little support she seems to get despite being so big
anons earlier in the thread brought up the fact that she was mocked for giving a list of game perms that she wanted because she 'wanted too much' or some horseshit
it really does seem like the whole 'gaijin must not outperform us' mentality has taken effect, but en management has proven their incompetence before so who really knows

>> No.46625038

Yup. My thoughts too. Girl is utterly demotivated by incompetent management blocking her projects/ideas. Butchered birthday live like c'mon who and why does that.
And knowing a few things i can't shake off the feeling that a lot of the incompetence is deliberate.

>> No.46625100

>'gaijin must not outperform us'
anon EN managers are gaijins too.

>> No.46625289

not him but based on his earlier replies, I think he meant to say that JP isn't bothering with whipping EN management into shape since Gura's so damn big already. Actually fixing the EN Management problem just makes the HoloEN branch as a whole perform better

>> No.46625335

Do you think Omega is hot?

>> No.46625423

en mgrs may be gaijins but it could be both the mentality as well as the mgrs like >>46625289 said
gura already embarrassed them so instead of making the branch perform better as a whole they're focusing on jp and only giving en the bare minimum support

>> No.46625557

>'gaijin must not outperform us'
Yeah, I definitely don't buy this. The company only grew with Gura's rise in popularity, with the trickle down subs and viewers being an actual real thing. Honestly my rrat about what happened was that early on Cover thought the EN branch wouldn't be much bigger than ID so they hired any loser to manage the branch just so that it would have a semblance of structure, but then it became bigger than anyone has ever imagined and the popularity ended up making that initial staff narcissistic to the point they believe they're the ones responsible for the success of Myth and not the talents, with fucking Omega being the biggest proof of that. If we believe that he was with the branch since the beginning the fact that he shoved his own reveal during the first collab stream of Council should tell you how much of an attention whore this faggot is, and if he's one of the heads of the branch then it explains why they've been treated like shit for way too long.

>> No.46625807

The company grew, but at what cost? A literal American showing up the home office. Though I won't say that Cover deliberately sabotages HoloEN (hell, they gave Gura her daki, after all), I will say that the fact that they're taking so long to fix what's wrong with the branch says something on its own.
In Cover's eyes, EN and ID were probably meant to be side branches. If all of them reached Gura proportions, then what would that make the home office and its talents look like?
Then again, it's Cover who gets the USD in the end. Let's just hope they don't have a mentality like Sega

>> No.46625808

the manager cockroaches knew about this problem several weeks ago, and just decided not to do anything.

>> No.46626095

while i'd like to believe it's not the case, i've seen how absolutely retarded the nips are with permissions and shit so the prospect doesn't surprise me

>> No.46626143

weird take
cover is proud of gura
thats why she got that billboard

>> No.46626341

I still don't think there's much or even any resentment towards EN, otherwise we wouldn't see them being shilled in things that are mostly directed towards Japan or other stuff like that big clothing collab they had early on. What could be happening that lets the EN management be so incompetent might be a combination of Japanese corporate autism coupled with the EN staff heads misdirecting the main offices. Think about it, they were there when the branch had an absurd growth in late 2020/early 2021 and HoloEN on average is still around the top in the west with only a few other vtubers being able to compete with them, so why would Cover do any big shake up with the people in charge of the branch? Maybe with the growing dissatisfaction of a portion of the audience with everything that happened in 2022 and all of the HoloEN members going to Japan and possible airing their grievances with the JP branch, both staff and members, we could see things changing this year. They already pushed for the female side of auditions in early February, 13 months after they started the open auditions and a month after the honestly not very successful debut of Tempus 2 that even bothered the JP audience when they had the amazing idea to debut them around the Japanese afternoon with the stream ban in effect on a fucking Sunday, so hopefully things take a turn for the better in the coming months.

Yeah, this. Cover is definitely proud of Gura, it's the EN managers who seemingly don't like her.

>> No.46626388

Here's your thread, niggers

>> No.46626758

>Dimitri Jap
>hololive EN Team, Project Director
>Dec 2022 to Present

Will he save EN?

>> No.46627179

god i hope so

>> No.46627254

If it is any indication Omega's last Twitter activity was liking a tweet from his mama in late September and he didn't came back during Tempus 2 debuts, so maybe the fucker is finally gone for good and this dude took his place.

>> No.46627336

Whats the point of making another thread in a fancy /general/ format? This thread isn’t even on autosage yet
