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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 31 KB, 496x379, Ej20IQEVcAMBliX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4642165 No.4642165 [Reply] [Original]

Go donate to Ame's animal charity in her charity stream right now. Or do you hate Amelia Watson?

>> No.4642200

She's very boring so yes I do hate her.

>> No.4642202 [DELETED] 

>Go donate to Ame's animal charity
I don't want to donate to BLM.

>> No.4642218

I'm spic. I'm broke.

>> No.4642253

I eat dogs

>> No.4642262

I dont like her so no

>> No.4642289

I do, also animals

>> No.4642452

Shit, she is supporting an animal charity.

>> No.4642492

Nah she's gonna pocket the money and buy bubba one (1) treat calling it a day.

>> No.4642504


>> No.4642532

holy shit

>> No.4642546

Animals are shit

>> No.4642566

I hate animals. Dogs are food, not pets.

>> No.4642629

Those numbers look good, I don't think she needs me.

>> No.4642680

I literally can't, Ame crashed the site

>> No.4642730

Am I reading this right? It's already at $115k?

>> No.4642810

I donated $250. I only wish I could've quadrupled that amount.

>> No.4642827
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>> No.4642833

Why is she killing cats on her animal charity stream?

>> No.4642987

>she planned to raise 100k in 9 hours
>she broke that goal in less than 45 minutes

Teamates... I kneel.

>> No.4642990

is this the first hololive charity stream? Vtuber charity stream?

>> No.4643074

Every cat you kill saves 100 mice

>> No.4643165

Hololive yes, Vtuber no

>> No.4643192

I hope there isn't some kind of exploit where you can fake donations on that site.
I watched a charity stream before where people could trick the website into fake donations and it would post, but wouldn't actually receive the money.

>> No.4643205

Was going to say that a charity stream was weird for Hololive but it most likely got approved by management so it's whatever, just enjoy i guess.

>> No.4643216

Woah so many koreans in this thread

>> No.4643242

at least the charity is for animals, not something gay and stupid like a children's hospital

>> No.4643252

Geniunely impressed. I was expecting the hololive community to outpour, but not like this.

>> No.4643273

no gura stream because of this fucking cunt so FUCK NO!

>> No.4643280

It seems like she’s gotten plenty of donations already

>> No.4643321

Might as well be, the biggest so far has been 25k by Vshojo for some disease research hospital that took them like 6 hours to get.

>> No.4643327

There've been youtuber charity streams featuring youtubers with over 100 million subscribers combined that wish they could earn as much, as fast.

>> No.4643336


>> No.4643338

>ina's here

>> No.4643370

Holy shit I kneel as well.

>> No.4643396

How much of a cut is tiltify taking from donations?

>> No.4643420

Gura could have had her stream before the charity stream.

>> No.4643436

do japanese even understand what charity is? will cover take 80% of it or whatever?

>> No.4643449

Didn't Ame mention that the charity gets 100%?

>> No.4643473

Gura could have streamed before it if she woke up before 4 PM.

>> No.4643507

gura probably wanted a day off chilll

>> No.4643532
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Can Kiara not resist making even a charity stream a promotion for herself?

>> No.4643534

That's why it's going through tiltify instead of the superchat system. You can request the ratio data from them so there's complete transparency in it.

>> No.4643536

I hate animals

>> No.4643573

It seems the charity itself pays a 5% platform fee.

>> No.4643593

Can you not resist paying attention to the chicken?

>> No.4643609


>> No.4643619

Ame already promoted her in the stream.

>> No.4643630

Why are takodachi like this?

>> No.4643633

>Can a woman not draw attention to herself?
2D women are still women

>> No.4643743
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You did do your part, right anon?

>> No.4643745

>do japanese even understand what charity is?
The idea that the japs are actually confused by charity is both hilarious and sad

>> No.4643786
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>> No.4643851

It's a viable tax write-off and if you're not a poorfag they're important.

>> No.4643857


>> No.4643867


>> No.4643896

Good for you, anon!

>> No.4644055

Ame said she's going to match 1/3 the goal. She's going to donate 33k?
I didn't know she was making THAT much money.

>> No.4644081

Don't you see? It says "Anonimous has donated XXX" that's me

>> No.4644088

One third of the original goal, five thousand Murkan dollars.

>> No.4644133

You're donating a lot!

>> No.4644169

No it's one third of the current goal, so 33k. She originally had it at half back when the goal was 25k

>> No.4644228

I tried watching it and my slow boomer brain was fried after 10 seconds of this game.
How can people endure this for hours on end

>> No.4644265

I'm a generous man

>> No.4644310

You get used to it, unironically. It's kinda like dota but with the particle effects tuned up to a billion

>> No.4644618

Hi Ina! Love you!

>> No.4644711

I used to play this game and it's honestly slower paced then ancient shit like quake 3 and UT.
On the other hand I don't know how people can watch pro games of this shit since a complete chaotic clusterfuck of particles.

>> No.4644733

ame needs to lower her sens

>> No.4644854
File: 27 KB, 315x415, Ina smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we do

>> No.4644883

>First holomember to do a charity stream
>Raises over 100,000 dollars in half an hour
How can one detective be THIS much better than everyone else?

>> No.4644910

Quake 3 and UT99 weren't really that fast-paced.

Tribes and Quake 1 puts them to shame.

>> No.4644936


only if you itemize your expenses and that exceeds the standard deduction

>> No.4644940
File: 574 KB, 850x1202, amecute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Ame is cute!

>> No.4644979

Like I said, if you're not a poorfag.

>> No.4645009

>american no-kill shelter
I'd donate if 93 cents of every dollar wasn't going to delivering "lab mix" shitbulls with fudged behavioral evaluations directly to a toddler's throat.

>> No.4645033

Based Ame tricked people into donating $130k to Scientology. OT8 detective

>> No.4645040

oh for fucks sake its so easy even my zoomer ass figured it out
donate to charity, remember, write it on taxes. program made it super easy.

>> No.4645076

I hate Amelia Watson

>> No.4645082

its more like 20 cents if even

>> No.4645092
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>> No.4645120

You people bring up BLM more than the people who founded it.

>> No.4645124

Either the monkey is too strong or Ame is really good.

>> No.4645167


>> No.4645229

You sound as retarded as the last president anon. Learn to take a joke.

>> No.4645264 [DELETED] 


>> No.4645372

Is it charity, or growing your channel, or both?

>> No.4645380

Jokes get stale when you post them in every thread.

>> No.4645445

holoBASED anon

>> No.4645446

Why is Overwatch unironically her best game and she doesn't ever stream it?

>> No.4645478

We prefer the term Pitbull American.

>> No.4645544

Because it's not that fun to watch really.
Also the Blizzard permissions are relatively new.

>> No.4645572

Burger no-kill shelters are overloaded with shitbulls even in many low-melanin areas, because they get shipped out of the overflowing cities and most people won't adopt them. Every other dog is adopted instantly.
You'll be supporting a lot of cats, but the dogs will be 90% shitbull.

>> No.4645575

I'm die anon, thank you that got me good

>> No.4645617

Fuck off shill. Teakeks should stay in their hlgg hugbox

>> No.4645653


>> No.4645657

Both. That's not a bad thing.

>> No.4645665

I’m being cynical but, Ame has a 9 hour charity stream to grow her channel and prevent other holo EN from streaming at the same time (no one will interrupt a charity).

>> No.4645694

>Amelia Watson

>> No.4645773

did she ever make it with her dog?

>> No.4645774


>> No.4645781

Mori's on hiatus. Ina's busy half the time anyway. Gura is usually asleep for most of the midday anyway. Only one who'd actually want to stream right now is Kiara, who seems to have done a lot of work on this stream behind the scenes.

>> No.4645823

Most charities are a scam. I hope she did her charity reps and found a real business.

>> No.4645828

Nah, she met her goal and then some so I won't bother watching that filth.

>> No.4646073

Also of note is that that's an annual streamer charity event and not strictly vtubers; Rooster Teeth raises money for it every year and a number of big regular streamers were also doing it.

>> No.4646198

It's for Best Friends Animal Society which has a B+ Charity Watch rating.

>> No.4646242

>Or do you hate Amelia Watson?
Yes, as should you

>> No.4646255
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>> No.4646257
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>mad at takodachis for being anteas

>> No.4646352

>they hate the most creative holo

>> No.4646448

Gura personally has volunteered for animal shelters (a lot), you think she'd even consider streaming over it? If anything Gura will follow suit with her own charity stream soon.

>> No.4646462

How is she more creative than the others?

>> No.4646525

Did you watch her outfit reveal?

>> No.4646560
File: 327 KB, 1412x793, asdfff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She actually knows how to use OBS.

>> No.4646563

huh what the fuck no I don't hate Amelia Watson, I'll donate right now!

>> No.4646575

Honestly I wish she chose that instead
The chimpout would have been amazingg

>> No.4646643

She's got a few more brain cells than kiara

>> No.4646647

And the others Holos don't?

>> No.4646662

Don't worry, kiara will probably do it if she ever does a charity stream.

>> No.4646721

Ame has the most actual experiencing with streaming. Prior to Hololive Mori only occasionally streamed live and Ina only did art streams with little commentary.

>> No.4646733

Nope. They all have to beg Amelia to help them.

>> No.4646744

Are you new?

>> No.4646751

As if management would let her.

>> No.4646766

Only Kiara and Calli would do that.
Kiara because she's stupid enough to not realize it would cause a massive shitstorm and affect her colleagues and calli because she doesn't give a fuck about hololive.

>> No.4646770

Depends on what you call new

>> No.4646810

>Or do you hate Amelia Watson?

>> No.4646922
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Technically not a scam, no. Technically.

>> No.4646936

Gratz you have now paid the salary of one of the 12 managers of the charity. Still 11 salaries to go so hurry up and donate more.

>> No.4646965

As much as I want to believe in causes of nobly named charities, real life experience has left me too suspicious of any entity espousing a noble purpose. If anything, crooks and (((unsavory groups))) infest them as a way of enriching themselves off the kindness of normies and other such turkeys. It's a terrible mindset to have; it sours my stomach and sows mistrust everywhere in my life.

As of now, America still functions as a high trust society, but as that cultural aspect is very steadily going down the shitter.

>> No.4646993

Do you have eyes?

>> No.4647020

>Before Best Friends Animal Society decided to structure itself as a charity, the organization was known as The Process Church. The organization was started in the 60’s by two London-based Scientologists who were excommunicated by L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology’s founder.

>> No.4647023

>America still functions as a high trust society

>> No.4647108

>excommunicated by scientology
Isn't this a mark in their favor, though? Scientology itself it a massive scam.

C'mon dawg, I don't have to put on my /pol/ pants here, but you know what I'm talking about.

>> No.4647125

>BFAS employs the board chair’s wife, son, and daughter in law. The total compensation for these individuals is close to $600,000.
Good job reddit, you did it

>> No.4647241
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Come now, you can't really expect Ame to spend more than a quick google search looking into the charities she chooses right?
It would be if it wasn't for the fact that it seems like the company still has ties to religious activity, not to mention that you have former employees whistleblowing about a cultish and abusive work environment.

>> No.4647259

Ill wait for BLM charity stream next month

>> No.4647315

wtf redditbros I thought we were gonna eat the rich, not feed them this week's salary

>> No.4647336

It's based in Utah. Of course it's going to have a religious background.

>> No.4647345
File: 68 KB, 276x284, 1510914257684.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>donating so more pitbulls can maul more children

>> No.4647365

>Top donor is a takodachi
Don't let them take this away from us, teamates

>> No.4647371

getting exommunicated, 1 mark in their favor
... to found their own scam church, marks against

>> No.4647391

> they got a B+ and are 4th best
Really makes you wonder what the bad ones are like.

>> No.4647432

pitbulls ahould probably maul /vt/ desu

>> No.4647450

damn they really do that? I love pitbulls now

>> No.4647505


>> No.4647521

I hate animals

>> No.4647543

I hate animals.

>> No.4647544

That's sounds like a kiara thing to do alongside charities for faggots and trannies.

>> No.4647546

despite making up only 6% of the dog population...
you know how the story goes..

>> No.4647549

Thanks for paying their salary Ameila

>> No.4647553

takodachis are loaded, remember the new york signboard shit

>> No.4647599
File: 20 KB, 357x502, 1617783362430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top donors are takos
>charity is revealed to be a disguised religious cult

>> No.4647607
File: 359 KB, 1146x1356, pit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is where your money is going teakeks

>> No.4647654


You are not wrong.

>> No.4647658

Every anti-establishment progressive type in rhetoric is a footsoldier of the rich in practice anon.

>> No.4647678

Do you guys honestly think Cover would let Kiara do something so idiotic? Hell, even her genmates would all fly to Europe to throw her in an asylum to prevent her from ruining their careers by proxy.

>> No.4647736
File: 47 KB, 496x379, 1622869503307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like eyes?

>> No.4647749

So is anyone going to like...tell Ame? Does management know? Do they care? Is this shit even that big of a deal?

>> No.4647786


>> No.4647906

they let her do something even worse a collab with vshojo, theres nothing stopping her from going woke now.

>> No.4647931

Everyone knows charities spend 99.99% of the donations on themselves

>> No.4647934

Kek I love this board

>> No.4647974

100% transparency. ~70% efficiency. B+ rating. Not the best organization, but better than most. It's scummy, but not a scummy enough to be a scam.

>> No.4647992

Every charity is like this. Its the way humans are. There are always grifters at the top skimming. The alternative is to just not donate to charities. But people want to feel better about themselves. Telling Ame would just ruin the vibes.

>> No.4648013

Except that got canned as soon as Cover was made aware the quality of V-shitshow.

>> No.4648017

>you will never eat a dog with Ina

>> No.4648133

There are pictures of Yagoo at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo ideal org, anon. Hololive is a Scientology front group

>> No.4648148

According to >>4647654 Administrative Expenses was 11.6% of their expenses.

>> No.4648156

I'm not gonna tell her. You do it.

>> No.4648178
File: 20 KB, 1275x577, Screenshot 2021-06-05 at 18-47-23 Best Friends Animal Society.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean come on now, how can anyone call this a charity?

>> No.4648185

it's not even, like, scamming. poor people aren't working / don't work at the top of charities. that's rich people who live in cities who are doing something "nice," for six figures of course. i'm not even sure you can, uh, like be some thirty grand a year poor person running a charity. how would you get other rich people for your dinners? who would your connections be?

>> No.4648203

No, I hate animals.

>> No.4648215

Expecting a charity to spend 100% of all its money on its intended purpose is stupidly unrealistic and ruinous at best. That mirrors the same mentality that shitlibs expect medical staff to essentially work as slaves to uphold their lofty universal healthcare ideals.

t. someone who worked in a nonprofit organization. I still remember the first thing our boss said to us when we met: "The amount of good we do depends on how well we're funded". The goodness of people's hearts is a shallow well when you get right down to it.

>> No.4648245

Pitbull sanctuaries are not a good thing, every single "pitty" should be euthanized now.

>> No.4648248
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>> No.4648250

I like Amelia, my pets, but I don't like the 4chan fanbase of Amelia.

>> No.4648306
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>> No.4648343

either it's something that'll look good on their records or their just big weebs

>> No.4648356

No and yes.

>> No.4648394

>Someone donated 10k.
Holy fuck, I haven't seen any JP donations but one of them should definitely do this (Pekora) since they worship cats like gods.

>> No.4648399


>> No.4648405

don't kill pitbulls. we can make them fight each other and bet on them

>> No.4648422
File: 5 KB, 126x126, 1473555798980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, you think 200 grand is a lot for your average office bigwig?

>> No.4648437

I wonder why Ame chose this particular animal charity

>> No.4648441

Fucking KEK

>> No.4648453

The nonprofit I work at the board is not paid but the cost of just existing and being able to function is quite a lot.

>> No.4648489

Who are you replying too? Not me, thats for sure. I've gotten into some really salting arguments with pitbull apologists. Fuck em.

>> No.4648492

Arigato Michael vick-san

>> No.4648575

Precisely. General upkeep can really munch into the coffers depending on the activity taking place. A bit of compensation here and there isn't unheard of or even unreasonable.

>> No.4648629

I'm sure the charity was quite generous

>> No.4648643
File: 14 KB, 256x260, xenu-sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking knew it

>> No.4648658
File: 241 KB, 1038x584, The way we think about charity is dead wrong Dan Pallotta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

specific charity aside paying leadership competitive salaries in and of itself isn't necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.4648702

Doesn't look bad at all honestly.
This is low for a big wig.

>> No.4648735

1. Ame is not an entertaining streamer
2. I don’t trust this organization
3. Nothing wrong with me
4. Nothing wrong with me

>> No.4648738

I think the point is, its not their job. They're running a charity. Its supposed to be something they're doing for the sake of doing the charity. So if they're independently wealthy, why are they getting a 6 figure salary? Why are they getting a salary at all? The boots on the ground works and accountants and stuff of course, its actually their job. Its how they put food on the table. But the millionaires skimming off the top kind of leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Its not a "scam", we're not talking about an MLM or anything. So its not so much "bad", just sort of the unfortunate, greedy reality we live in.

>> No.4648748


>> No.4648791

Why are mechanical keyboard nerds so goddamn rich?

>> No.4648800
File: 33 KB, 620x499, 1601738858536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, first time watching, fourth time donator. My Germany passed away from viewer. Money goes to save the animal, view the frames. Hyyyyyyyppppppppeeeeeee!!!!

>> No.4648821

I refuse to give money to a place that helps shitbulls.

>> No.4648870

why nijiniggers are like this?

>> No.4648908
File: 126 KB, 1123x376, 01b16ca721c37179088c4bae675ba03a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia... Senchou.. Don't look...

>> No.4648913

Anonymous donates 50 dollars and comments "no comment"

>> No.4648941

No, I hate pitbulls

>> No.4648972

Donating to charities through any method other than crypto or goods is basically a scam

>> No.4648982

Yeah but it's for charity so none Ame's proceeds go to Hololive.

>> No.4649083

Please don’t insult animals by making that comparison, anonymous.

>> No.4649132

>animal (((charity)))

>> No.4649166 [DELETED] 

I hope one kills a black baby

>> No.4649339

Stray shitbulls reproducing freely in the ghetto is how there came to be millions of them occupying every no-kill shelter, anon. The black babies are already being eaten.
But I would argue that anyone who takes in a pitbull and introduces it to their infant child deserves to have their bloodline ended.

>> No.4649509

kiara struggling ever since Ina cucked her to 1M, kek

>> No.4649565

I hate this fucking weeaboo whore so fucking much.

>> No.4649570 [DELETED] 

of all the dog charities she could find, she found the nigger dog which eats baby faces?

>> No.4649656


>> No.4649694

Most dog charities end up pitbull charities by a matter of statistics, as shitbulls are undesirable by anyone with a brain so they end up permanent residents of no-kill shelters.

>> No.4649815

this charity is a BIG money laundering scheme

>> No.4649850

all charities are

>> No.4649863

if whats being said about this charity is true,i hope ame is at least the one that gets the tax benefits from this....

>> No.4649914

And yet it's still one of the most effective of its kind, which really says a lot about others.

>> No.4649931

fuck you faggot, we can have a free voice pack from ame. Look the newest goals, all are garbage. KNEEL to the chicken right now

>> No.4649949

>hey Ame, did your channel grow from this charity stuff?
>Yes Kiara, it did grow a bit
>Great, I will do a 12 hour charity soon

>> No.4650045

watch >>4648658
tldr that attitude is handicapping most charities that operate at a large scale. unless you're assuming all executives are the same or the quality of leadership doesn't contribute to a charity's success, which is debatable.

>> No.4650104
File: 442 KB, 638x3464, 1566316868675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a shitbull would tear bubba into shreds in front of ame and then it would eat the remains

>> No.4650127

that's actually true.
Mizkif is doing a charity stream and has 80k views but still didn't even reach 100k after 2 hours

>> No.4650160

Kinda, it’s complicated nig-

>> No.4650167

>be me
>own pitbull for 12 years
>no major incidents
>growled at the cats near her foodbowl that's about it
>get a husky
>not even have her for a year
>escapes through a window into the yard
>breaks into the rabbit hutch
>kills the rabbits
Uh huskyfags. explain this?

>> No.4650197

Retardchama I....

>> No.4650201

Socioeconomic factors

>> No.4650210

>Spay/Neuter: No
>history of doing shit totally unanswered
This charity is pro-spay/neuter and works to keep tough animals happy and healthy away from normal people who can't handle them.

>> No.4650212

No they are not.
You can see that this dog already had problems before probably those bitches raised him bad

>> No.4650278

How about they just euthanize the pitbulls and any dog with anti-social behavior and try to adopt other dogs anon?

>> No.4650281

Most pitbulls are poorly bred ghetto trash. Some *are* actually alright but rampant unchecked breeding in impoverished areas has made most the species basically feral.

>> No.4650286 [DELETED] 

the vast majority of tough animals belong on a farm, in dogfights (pitbulls) or euthanized because modern society can't handle them
>i-it's how you raise them!
it's fascinating how much overlap there is with pitbulls and nonwhites and their apologists

>> No.4650319

>gets called out for being retarded as fuck
>learn to take a joke anon

>> No.4650320

There's only a handful of dog attacks in the US. every year. Pitbulls are disproportionate but when the sample size is this small all of them are pretty much anectdotes. It's more likely you get killed by lightning than any dog in the US.

>> No.4650336

Because it's a charity dedicated to not euthanizing tough animals. They help everyone ELSE adopt the rescue animals that have a hope of a normal home.
Are you retarded?

>> No.4650362 [DELETED] 

Because the pitbulls = niggers fags are idiots that can't figure out that the real answer is that pitbulls used to be a breed that was a poster child for the US Army in WW1 for it's comradery, that ended up being used by ghetto niggers in underground dogfighting rings in the 70s/80s that, near as I'm able to tell, resulted in these dogs ending up in shelters instead of being put down. This naturally lead to them getting into the gene pool and now we have feral pitbulls and retard owners who won't put down the ferals for the good of the rest.

TL:DR, Niggers and their apologists ruin everything.

>> No.4650365

>it's fascinating how much overlap there is with pitbulls and nonwhites and their apologists

>> No.4650389


>> No.4650418

They made more than $90m fy2019, and spent nearly $70m of that on actual shelter operation/veterinary/adoption efforts
It's all listed in that link Ame shared from an independent 3rd party.
200k is a drop in the bucket.

>> No.4650442

How retarded are you to support their mission statement? So essentially by not donating I am helping euthanize those dogs if they shut down? Great.

>> No.4650444

>Dog Charity

You just know

>> No.4650456 [DELETED] 

>it's fascinating how much overlap there is with pitbulls and nonwhites and their apologists

Because the problems are literally intertwined.

>> No.4650458
File: 84 KB, 1920x1080, 1617158094193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, is caffeine just a code word for amphetamine?

>> No.4650471

This board actually makes a funny post then mods delete it right away....
Also on the subject of dogs get yourselves an Olde English Bulldog. They are literally the best dogs on the planet in every way.

>> No.4650509

I mean, 'gamer culture' relies so much on pushing monster and other energy drinks. I doubt it's greenies.

>> No.4650514

Send pics

>> No.4650547
File: 123 KB, 673x639, 1616860566317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy i can't wait for the charity stream, this has nothing to do with politics at all so there's no way /pol/tards will be able to turn this one into race baiting bullshi-

>> No.4650554
File: 41 KB, 542x541, Pitbull_doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Animal charity
>It's for pitbulls

>> No.4650591

based ame, but i dont trust charities, so no.

>> No.4650644

kek believable too

>> No.4650658

now I feel empty anon...

>> No.4650682
File: 31 KB, 500x500, charity ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People arguing that charity should pay hundreds of thousands in salaries to every manager to be succesful, have really convinced me. Charities should start paying hundreds of millions in yearly salaries so they could get even better managers and be more succesful

>> No.4650695

You can also check it via Charity Watch. Good ratings for pretty much everything, acceptably low expenses but higher than the best charities due to running a mixture of awareness campaigns (marketing admin) and physical operations (requires HR that is counted as overhead).

>essentially by not donating I am helping
You seem like a dumb nigger, so I doubt you could ever feasibly donate enough to make a difference.

>> No.4650723


>> No.4650725

No because I'm fucking poor. I'm still a grey name in my oshi's channel.

>> No.4650771


>> No.4650770

ogey, then donate your time instead and help out at your local animal shelter for 2 hrs

>> No.4650800

Find it hard to believe that Ame couldn't do literally 5 minutes of research in choosing who to give thousands of dollars of her fans' money to, kinda sours the whole thing for me

>> No.4650846

why haven't you ARS?

>> No.4650879

The charity is fine. Anons here are just doom posting about CEO's skimming less than 1%.

>> No.4650929

Fucking grays.

>> No.4650932

The only charities considered better than the BFAS for animals is the American Humane Society, and it's only marginally better... because BFAS is a good charity.
Consider not believing everything you read on the internet without doing any digging. You can corroborate what I have posted in seconds, while the same amount of research proves the pitbulls n scam rrat wrong.

>> No.4651003

People who think charity ceos being paid for their work is absurd are super mega retards

>> No.4651083

There are like 12 managers alone skimming high salary so it's more than 12% plus all the plane benefits etc. and it's full of people from the same family so it isn't skill based hiring

>> No.4651105

I think some of you retards need to accept not everyone is philosophically on board with a no kill shelter. Plenty of dogs should be put down for various reasons, not just pitbulls.

>> No.4651116

I just tuned in. What the fuck is this, she raised 180k in 3 hours? How the fuck?

>> No.4651162

No one gives a fuck whether you're "philosophically on board" with no kill shelters.

>> No.4651178

Her original goal was like 15k. Teammates are based as fuck. Also big help from Takodachis. Why are they the two best fandoms in all of hololive?

>> No.4651181

okay, for the sake of the argument let's just say you're right and all of charity's management don't actually deserve to be paid whatever they're being paid. is their organization helping animals in a meaningful, observable way? if yes, do you not want to contribute to that?

>> No.4651227

people are insae and simps are crazier
fucking ironci weeabos are cancer and I hate them

>> No.4651229

Yeah that's probably why she got so much

>> No.4651239

>Several fundraising campaigns cost (in aggregate)about $600,000—yet did not raise a single penny for Best Friends.
It's okay, they're using alternative forms of compensation to raise the most money possible

>> No.4651359

If I start a charity and take 90% of the donations as my salary are you ready to donate? Are you ready to help animals or are you cruel? I can give my eth wallet and let's see how much you're ready to donate. I'm only taking so much because I'm so skilled.

>> No.4651391

is that what's happening here you fucking mongoloid? management is taking 90%?

>> No.4651410

No-kill just means they try not to just euthanize every pet that walks through their doors.
Spaying and Neutering accomplishes what you want, anyway.

>> No.4651427

Top kek.

>> No.4651471

because theres nothing ame and the teammates cant do

>> No.4651481

I guess you're not ready help animals. I'm gonna quote your own words:
"let's just say you're right and all of charity's management don't actually deserve to be paid whatever they're being paid. is their organization helping animals in a meaningful, observable way? if yes, do you not want to contribute to that?"

>> No.4651537

I'm fine with Amelia Watson
Hate animals tho
Fuck em

>> No.4651550

that's illegal

>> No.4651592

go start a shelter then. show me you your work is meaningful and making a difference and you can take 90% of the donation. I don’t mind donating to obviously obtuse mouth breathing wagies, it’s like donating to the homeless. :^)

>> No.4651618
File: 396 KB, 1488x1042, malamute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitbulls are more aggressive by nature, but rearing one from puppyhood around others dogs and cats can be fine. Can, if it's not completely packed with fighting dog aggression genetics. The problem is that the shitbulls in shelters are rarely puppies.
Huskies are notorious escape artists and small animal predators, that's entirely your own retardation. Should have been a malamutechad instead of a basic bitch husky dogfucker.

>> No.4651631
File: 29 KB, 480x360, 192939102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only a crime if you get caught

>> No.4651767

Didn't Snuffy had one just a week ago that raised $40k+ or something?

>> No.4651782

Do boxers really kill a lot of people or is it because people are retarded and can't train them? I've had 2 boxers and they're very friendly.
Either way, pitbulls kill more people because some faggots with no experience with dogstry to promote them as family animals when they require discipline and a strong owner, something most kids and women are not.
If you plan on getting a Pitbull, get a puppy and train it well, do not let it get near children, the elderly or other dogs

>> No.4651791

Now I'm actually kinda glad that people running these scamrities are getting rich fleecing people like you.

>> No.4651837
File: 10 KB, 801x130, simpreme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If i donate my life savings, maybe she'll notice me

>> No.4651842
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>> No.4651958

Americans are retarded, so make sense

>> No.4651986

That stat is over 5 years. That's ~1 death to a boxer a year over hundreds of thousands of boxers.
The correlation is pretty specifically with dogs bred for dogfighting who are not neutered and marketed to unsuspecting normal people, which is exactly why no-kill charities are important. They take the dogs of your hands, get them sorted, and keep them on a comfy ranch and off the other animals.

>> No.4652049

>and keep them on a comfy ranch and off the other animals.
Hey, that happened to my dog who ran away from home one day and also my Grandpa, I hope they are happy in their ranch

>> No.4652057

>Bone Zone

>> No.4652163

Holy shit. He is a retard.

>> No.4652216

Yeah, but hopefully it isn't permanent

>> No.4652311

So is this charity going to acknowledge the charity stream/try to use Ame or hololive for advertising. Or will they look at it and be like “what is this gay cartoon shit? thx for the money I guess.”

>> No.4652321

She won't get in bed with my oshi so yes, I do hate her.

>> No.4652345

Reddit eunuch has trouble with sarcasm.

>> No.4652416

Everything is garbage in burgerland, probably the less sketchy she could have found

>> No.4652496

Does donating to ironmouse count as charity?

>> No.4652540

Do you know how many people blew their life saving betting on crypto and stocks in the last year?

>> No.4652570

how fucking poor do you have to be to consider 15k life savings

>> No.4652586

You clearly aren't an American

>> No.4652613

He's a SEAnigger, anon.

>> No.4652633

You do realize the majority of the population is 1 paycheque away from homelessness right?

>> No.4652742

You do realize most people don't have any savings at all, right?

>> No.4652788

Why do we use this cringe-ass "Ame" shortform instead of the normal "Mia" that every other person with the name Amelia uses?

>> No.4652829

because japs

>> No.4652972

Hololive has had charity streams before. I know of at least Matsuri having one a long time ago where someone donated 1 million yen and she cried.

>> No.4653002

Wtf I’ve never heard anyone use Mia as shortform for Amelia, Amy maybe.

>> No.4653080

When it rains I think of ame.

>> No.4653104

Mia isn't short for Amelia, retard

>> No.4653114

More boring than kiara

>> No.4653120

labs attack far more people. Except since a lab wasnt bread with the capacity to kill large animals, they are never successful in killing you. Pitbulls can easily kill someone but attack less people in total.

>> No.4653132

what's it short for retard, miami?

>> No.4653144

Can confirm. None of my Amelia's use Mia. All of them are Amy.

>> No.4653169
File: 79 KB, 1024x862, 1621243968961m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pit mommies in this thread

>> No.4653173

okay fags, finally bit the bullet and donated
now tell me why I'm a dumb nigger and my money is going to go to support gay aids, anal sex, and industrial expansion defiling nature's beauty

>> No.4653193

Its not short for anything, its Italian. People are just named Mia

>> No.4653194

I was p-p-pretending to be retarded!

>> No.4653198


>> No.4653214

preserving rrats

>> No.4653225

you're a dumb nigger and your money is going to support Scientologist bigwigs, toxoplasmosis generators and demonic shitbulls

>> No.4653247

Its not, it just has an article about pitbulls.

>> No.4653371
File: 58 KB, 710x259, absolute state of burger shelters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All burger no-kill shelters are primarily pit bull holders and exporters by default. Look at these numbers and think about what would happen if a shelter couldn't euthanize its pit bulls.

>> No.4653375

It's often just a name on its own but it's short for
Maria, Miriam, and yeah sometimes Amelia or Emilia.

>> No.4653412

How much did you give Youtube?

>> No.4653451

Go back to donating to your pitmommies

>> No.4653479
File: 1.03 MB, 1106x1260, 1622681113488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will save them (the black cats)

>> No.4653509

Go be poor somewhere else

>> No.4653534

I gave Tiltify $5 out of a $100 donation, which is their cut. Youtube gets fuckall, I'd unscrew the heads of those kikes and pajeets if I got the chance but animals are frens. 100 subhuman lives for only one saved animool

>> No.4653570


>> No.4653598

why do they hate black cats?

>> No.4653644

everybody says "tasukete niggerman," but nobody tasukete's niggerman...

>> No.4653704
File: 805 KB, 1106x1260, 1622681113488__01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will tasukete the niggerman

>> No.4653793

>do you hate Amelia Watson
Kinda, mostly the fanbase tho

>> No.4653831

they're lazy and uppity, and won't stay away from white cats

>> No.4653912

>donating to ame so she can donate it to the charity in her name and get a giant tax write off for the whole year
>donating to help shitbulls find homes so they can attack more innocent children and leave them permanently disfigured
Hard pass. Ame will literally and unironically be partly responsible for every pitbull attack you see in the news in the future.

>> No.4653989

No idea. Every black cat Ive ever met has been the sweetest cuddliest void of total darkness Ive ever encountered.

>> No.4654145

Most people have a ton of debt and zero savings these days, man

>> No.4654185

I literally never once heard or read that in my life.

>> No.4654235

Too bad all cats are murderous shitlords the moment they're out of view of humans. Cats are probably the single best agents of extinction after humanity.

>> No.4654239
File: 314 KB, 879x876, 1614637938786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a giant tax write off for the whole year
>Amelia paying taxes

>> No.4654450

pretty sure you can write off your own donation as well can't you? Or are you "buying" something when you donate?

>> No.4654504

Yes, unironically.

>> No.4654566

>All of vshojo raised 71k for toys
>Ame raised 188k for dogs

Does the hololive cmmunity is just that much more rich or the charities play a role too? i reckon people are more inclined to give money for animals but it's just crazy that she can raise that much money, beating a whole company. (though vshojo is considerably less popular last year compared to now)

>> No.4654626

twitch kiddies/vshitjo fans are poors

>> No.4654867

Vshojo fans spend all their months allowance on just subbing to the girls

>> No.4654927

Hence why I hate twitch as a platform in general.

>> No.4655351

i had to cancel every single sub (not much, maybe 3) on Twitch because, despite paying for 1 month subs, they tried to renew my shit for 3 months and didn't even send me an email
Sneaky fucks

>> No.4655676

Black cats are considered bad luck.

>> No.4655832

If you take part in any economy your work hours go towards deforestation and general abuse of the natural world. Doesn't matter if its 5 bucks to Youtube or 5 bucks to a charity, or 5 bucks to Wendy's.

>> No.4655969

Why the fuck would i give money to pitbull apologists. I think you don't understand who you're quoting.

>> No.4656063
File: 907 KB, 798x797, laser eye ame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame zooms in on a group of blacks and a fat white lady
>"Can I put the people in the zoos?"
>proceeds to list off the ways she'd torture them

>> No.4656644

>Or do you hate Amelia Watson
I feel nothing but the most extreme level of indifference for her.
So, no thanks. There are other animal charities I can donate to.

>> No.4656894

No need to apologize that you can't undestand the conversation. Don't worry about it

>> No.4657033

what the fuck did you just say to me

>> No.4661731

what happened to not announcing the good things you do

>> No.4662336

thanks Ted, I'll be sure to relocate to my cabin innawoods ASAP
