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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46504203 No.46504203 [Reply] [Original]

Yuko is really desperate to catch up to Rin huh

>> No.46504281

Jews? In the chat of the second coming of the greatest Austrian to have ever lived?

>> No.46504305

kitten, what is your discord?

>> No.46504444

>Gura didnt notice her
>Trys to leech on Kiara who responds to everyone instead

Damn seems like the pressure from getting mogged by Rin is getting to her lol. Her Gura short didnt do as well as expected.

>> No.46504545

and everyone said idolcorp wasn't a black company...

>> No.46504579

Yuko is a holobronie. You're turning on one of your own

>> No.46504609

>yuko only knows what shawarma is because of the marvel movies
I hate americans

>> No.46504907

I hate her even more now, congrats!

>> No.46505472

She should probably stay away from Kiara, she will genuinely try to groom Yuko into her secret group chat full of indies.

>> No.46505976

She doesn't realize the 2views Kiara started grooming only got paid attention to because they're idolchads and verifiably KFP

>> No.46506098

lumi yab deflection thread

>> No.46506140

god desperation is so hot

>> No.46506373

you're not going to catch up to anyone sucking up to numbers poison

>> No.46507149

i know right? get her to beg.

>> No.46507408
File: 128 KB, 828x912, CA771D2C-D413-4F86-A3AE-93C7AE4579D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is imagine paying a nijiwhore just to say your name my dick is diamonds

>> No.46508397

Scarle is the sis-tuber. Women love her.

>> No.46509093
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>Why does that british bitch get to be number one? it was supposed to be ME

>> No.46509153

Did Kiara respond?

>> No.46509386


>> No.46510113

Yuko's plan is so fucking transparent
>Go into chats of big chuubas who have paypigs
>Start chatting under your corpo account to get people in chat to see you
>Even go as far as to donate in order to make sure the big chuuba acknowledges you
>Try and maintain a somewhat-consistent presence in chat
>Hope those paypigs check you out in their off time

>> No.46511005

no lol

>> No.46511104


>> No.46511238

The leech of EN vtubers has a new face…

I remember her popping up in Gura’s shit constantly, still does trying to blend in.

>> No.46511275

Yuko's most hardcore gachi/unicorns are notorious Holo antis so she's only further angering them.

>> No.46511284

are people really sperging out because a v-tuber fan is posting in a v-tubers chat?

>> No.46511373

Yep. Boochuds are a special breed of unicorn. Ex-Chumbuds who have completely disavowed Hololive and now using her and the rest of Idol to fuel their crusade of what they believe failed them.

>> No.46511395

Tired of shitting up /jidf/ kiwitranny?
You will die alone and unloved

>> No.46511452

Nigga you literally resort to making a Gura anti thread on the very sight of her, I think you're the one with problems.

>> No.46511521

You forgot
>beg for membership

>> No.46512049

Is she a good friend of the vtuber? Or did the vtuber mention her unprompted? If not, then don't start chatting up a storm with your corpo account. Use your personal account so you don't cause any disruption.

>> No.46512173


We have food trucks and halal food here.

>> No.46512363

>yuko only knows what shawarma is because of the marvel movies
How do you know she only knows shawarma from Marvel movies?

>> No.46512473

irc astel leda donated an orange sc to ame very early on

>> No.46512685

She is better than me. I don’t even know wtf shawarma is

>> No.46512916

Didn't she ignore it?

>> No.46512998

highly processed infrared-baked unsanitary middle eastern meat heap, typically

>> No.46513231

>Holo antis
you mean anti gura, also imagine making a short about censoring words instead of talking about rules on stream, such a leech, even pippa did it better

>> No.46513549

Jesus fucking christ thank god I dropped her early on for Rin instead. Yuko's blatant grooming of her chat and horny pandering has only gotten worse. Not into that shit especially when I'm fully aware she does it 80% for the money and the other 20% because she loves the attention

>> No.46513738

They pop up in other EN generals too, the Gura bot maker even admitted to going after Fauna. Type of language is written the same way (ex: everyone is lazy and hates their fans). They seem to self righteously focus on Mori and Gura who convincingly have the largest fanbase.

>> No.46514858

No. The backlash of her interacting with astel made her back off from stars interaction until Tempus came and gave her an excuse to draw shien eating a banana though.

>> No.46515110

KF still seething about how poorly their raid went?

>> No.46515140

Smart, Kiara is the better way to do it since she loves the attention of smaller vtubers

>> No.46515150

Wait so all the anti-Gura catalog spam are Kiwiniggers?

>> No.46516245

Is this going to be the new strawman after bots?

>> No.46516976

Trust the jews to clip a penny off a $10 purchase.

>> No.46517376
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If you want to hear someone talk non-stop, Scarle certainly is a candidate. Rin is great as well.

>> No.46517517

Nothing wrong with vtubers watching other vtubers. Just don't derail it by chatting with your corpo account.

>> No.46519501

Ignore all jews

>> No.46520000

yuko is ugly and breaks airshit guns because they're dumb as hell

>> No.46520333

Rin's humour is obviously superior. The ghost shouldn't take the risky shortcut as a zoomer

>> No.46520928

She would have better chance leeching from cookie

>> No.46520952

Terribly sorry, I can't be bothered to learn about irrelevant shitholes

>> No.46521073

i'm glad idol is getting so many catalog bait threads now. it's like watching a kid grow up
also, don't try to start shit between rin and yuko, they admire each other

>> No.46521144

She can comment with her private, non-leeching channel then.

>> No.46521870
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Even hotter when they pay it back with interest.

>> No.46522024

Yet another kiwinigger thread trying to astroturf more hate
How sad

>> No.46522069

who wants to catch up who?

>> No.46522097

>Two $10 superchats
>One $20 superchat
Where's the interest?

>> No.46522150

i want to see yuko, aia and scarle in a threesome

>> No.46522304
File: 27 KB, 422x397, 1594680224246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too uneducated to math or even pull out a calculator

>> No.46522396

I remember Artemis doing this same shit back in the early days of Myth and it didn't work then either.

>> No.46522501

To be fair, Artemis has another pretty big debuff

>> No.46522628

It worked in growing her fanbase pre-debut (hit 100k subs before debut, right?), but they turned out to be a shit streamer so nobody stayed around.

>> No.46524100

>chatting a few times
You 2 retards are hilarious.

>> No.46524184

This genuinely has to be one of the most pathetic bait thread I've ever read in my life

>> No.46529507

A fan won't use her main work account for clout, they use a 2nd account. What a fake fan.

>> No.46529549

With all the hormone blockers wouldn't it be a small debuff?

>> No.46529602


>> No.46533693

You know blaming Kiwiniggers.at least makes more sense than blaming bots, since Kiwiniggers are dramafags

>> No.46537812

Utano is EN3

>> No.46538181

Sounds like someone's projecting.

>> No.46538464

Yuko is desperate after her yab and gachikoi leaving her

>> No.46538798

What yab? Haven't been paying attention to small corpo drama

>> No.46539671

Wait till /they/ finds out that Rin is a Stars fan.

>> No.46540178

i want to eat shawarma

>> No.46540708

Stalkers found her active bf, think it was like 2 weeks ago or so
It's easy enough to find in the archives

>> No.46541049

all she needs to do is finish a fucking game

>> No.46541140

I haven't watched her, but the one thing I can't stand is when someone starts a game, but never finishes it. And if it's a part one of an old vod that I come across, I make sure to check if there's a finale, otherwise I just won't waste my time.

>> No.46542919

collab soon

>> No.46543146
File: 612 KB, 1137x511, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see also her trying and failing to emulate rin's short shorts

>> No.46543150

What would a collab between a Jew and an Austrian be like? I heard the drama was pretty bad last time it happened.

>> No.46543186

both love black people

>> No.46543213

>Even copying the Gura mention
Yikes. I didn't know it was this blatant.

>> No.46543386

This, Utano Pandora KFPrime, and Kiara really notice her only after a year or so.

>> No.46546106

that would be silly

>> No.46546632

Catch up to her? Is it a race to see who can get blacked the most?

>> No.46547556

>all she needs to do is finish a fucking game
she is modeled after gura, of course she wont

>> No.46547685

Unfathomably based. There is unironically nothing wrong with doing this, and every chuuba who misses the opportunity is a retard. (You) are crybabies for taking objection to it.

>> No.46549875

it’s easy to see why. Rin’s shorts start with a clear hook and she realizes she has a limited time to get someone’s attention so she talks fast. Yuko just paid some editor money but fails to understand what makes a successful short in the first place.

>> No.46553116

I'm sure she is.

>> No.46555449

Kiwi blatantly and openly actually raided their thread
If you give a fuck you can still go their and to their new totally secret special awesome new website that is totally super top secret and see them doing it.

>> No.46556874

Are you upset people found out about her bf or what?

>> No.46557403

Fauna might’ve been a better choice, she had responded to even Pippa before.

>> No.46557563

Her past came back to haunt her now, I think the term the Japanese use for it is “black history”.

>> No.46558099

When a chuuba grooms her chat to be horny paypigs, you just KNOW she's cucking her fans, and fucking a man on the side and/or is an unironic whore outside the screen

>> No.46558168

Holy leech.

>> No.46558218

Sure are a lot of dudes obsessed with black cock on this site
Makes me wonder why they so desperately want to make up scenarios of women having sex with black men in their head

>> No.46558280

I just posted this >>46558099 not even reading the thread and look at that, it's all true.

This is literally an absolute rule at this point. Chuubas that do this shit almost always cuck their fans from behind the scenes, it's so sad to see.

>> No.46558511

I mean I'll assume all of those are just your posts in you're just a shitter but in the minuscule chance that you're not it's a completely made up an astroturfed rrat because she has a black friend who is European. The dude they are talking about openly has a GF already.

>> No.46558864

If it is rrat, my point still stands.
I was watching this chick just to see what the fuss is all about but jesus christ. Only an autist would have no idea about how unbelievably fake she looks. It's not even a "entertaining" kind of fake. She actively looks like she's pretending so hard to get views and to squeeze you out of your money
A bitch like that probably has a terrible personality and the type to cuck her fans

>> No.46559130

Genuine question since I never seem to be able to get the answer out of anyone
Why do you think about getting cucked all day everyday?
I don't even watch this Jew but it's really weird to see people who will never watch a girl talk abt how badly they want to get cucked by them

>> No.46559195

What did you expect? A womb-tattoo whore really wants the attention.

>> No.46559991

I'm thinking about the same thing, dumbass anon, stop projecting.
It's common for a person to call out if a person looks fake to her fans and rightfully so

>> No.46563631


>> No.46564004

>that one kiwitard who keeps bumping this thread from page 10

>> No.46564139

>bumps all his own bait threads off page 10

>> No.46564251

I don't like rin at all and I don't get her appeal. At least Yuko pretends to be in a physical relationship with her fans.

>> No.46564403


>> No.46565119

lol, why won't she chat in one of Gura's streams then

>> No.46565745

>Gura streams

>> No.46568418

I'm better than her, I don't even know wtf shawarma is

>> No.46575280


>> No.46579198


>> No.46579318

Why she dont super chat? You need to pay for ad

>> No.46580106

>Watch marvel movie
>Still don't know what shawarma is
I don't give a fuck either sounds like niggerfood to me

>> No.46584191

Yuko is in my 2view indie streams frequently, I think she just likes vtubers

>> No.46587569

more shorts

>> No.46590893

She's great

>> No.46591597

if they reveal that kind of info i'm fine with them, i prefer to know which ones to avoid.

>> No.46597333

Considering she only ever shows up in chats of underrated vtubers, I'd say she just has good taste in vtubers.
Side note it's actually good to see a vtuber who actually watches other vtubers instead of "Ohh I'm so busy with my streams and my "work" I only have time for clips I don't have time for vtubers anymore!"

>> No.46597447

>the greatest Austrian to have ever lived
Magnus Hirschfeld?

>> No.46598071
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It's better than that 2 view male that raided IRyS without her permission, you could literally hear the disgust in her voice when she saw it

>> No.46600248

>be fan of vtuber
>/vt/ doesn't let you be a fan anymore because... reasons

>> No.46600815

You can still be a fan. Just do it with your fan account, not your corpo account.

>> No.46600914


>> No.46601504

So you don't disrupt the stream and chat.

>> No.46602639

sauce me pls, that sounds hilarious.

>> No.46602946

Literally every other corp is nothing but a flea compared to Hololive, they'll never get acknowledged unless they do a raid and even then it's not guaranteed. They can't disrupt anything.

>> No.46603390

>Holo having zatsudan and reading chat
>Small corpo shows up and starts talking in chat (or worse, send a superchat looking for attention)
>A bunch of people in chat start going "OMG IT'S XYZ! HI XYZ! HEY HOLO, DID YOU SEE XYZ IN YOUR CHAT?!"
>Chat gets filled with off-topic messages when Holo is trying to have a conversation with chat.

>> No.46603649

>A bunch of people in chat start going "OMG IT'S XYZ! HI XYZ! HEY HOLO, DID YOU SEE XYZ IN YOUR CHAT?!"
Wrong, 80% of the time nobody pays attention because your average Holofan doesn't know anything about anyone else. The remaining 20% are Nijifans who can't stop screaming whenever Aster shows up (always).

>> No.46608458

one of the best
