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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46450403 No.46450403 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't she stop yabbing?

>> No.46451566

Addicted to "based"

>> No.46451751

Addicted to drama.

>> No.46452092

I miss Lumi posting on here and being able to call her a nigger. She used to be on here so frequently she had responded to a post on here via Twitter. Good times!

>> No.46452194

What now?

>> No.46452713

Has been accused of stealing models from her previous company. Ex talents reported her to Phase management who confirmed that action will be taken.

>> No.46452755

NEEDS to stop shaving

>> No.46452770

Stole models of other vtubers and used them on stream<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46453009

Used old models for a minute as an april fools bit

>> No.46453106

When content is not enough, produce drama to generate buzz.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46453441

a negative iq is mandatory to join phase connect

>> No.46453577

I like how you try to downplay this. If she just used her own models nobody would care. It's because she used other people models, that she shouldn't have had access too, without their permission.

>> No.46454289

And this is significant why? It's just an image. Are you the kind of person who gets mad when people save copies of NFTs?

>> No.46454570
File: 161 KB, 900x900, Lumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm starting to suspect there's some bad blood between Lumi and some other Cyberlive alumni.

>> No.46455365

>stealing models
Was the loli version not her property?
Not good.
She still had access?

>> No.46455599

I'd let her model yab all over me

>> No.46455625

Models with full rigging

>> No.46455764

Question to you, anon. Does she legally own these models and is thus free to use them as she sees fit?

>> No.46455933

yeah because lumi is successful and they're not<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46456193

Actually, unless they're going to claim copyright, which in this case will fly into fair use issues, I don't see how her possession of the files would be illegal. Are they claiming theft? Contract requiring her to return all files?

>> No.46456359

Best case scenario is jailtime

>> No.46456375

Go back far enough into the archives and there's a stream with 3 or 4 Hylo's on screen because everyone in Cyberlive gen 1 had her model. It was freely passed around. The other girls likely have Lumi's too.

>> No.46456577

There won't be any jail time. At worse, it will be a lawsuit.
Then... It's either a contract issue or it's a nothing burger.

>> No.46457332

walmart veibae goofed again?

>> No.46457446

Don't insult Walmart.

>> No.46457927

where they cyberlive´s models? then i dont think anyone own them since they went under and theres no one who would complain

>> No.46458008

The talents owns their models, that was Ciberlive selling point

>> No.46458215

ok then are those vtubers still around to fill a complain?

>> No.46458304

So it's the equivalent of sending your coworker a picture of your cat and that co-worker kept that image and shown it to their new co-workers?

>> No.46458598

They made the complain against her, they aren't in good terms
More akin to he taking your cat to work without you knowing, it's not a big deal actually but phasecucks in Twitter are defending *Not Veibae* and brought back all drama that everyone was trying to avoid bringing back

>> No.46458772

anon why do you care about what is 'legal'. unless you are one of the vtweeters who bitched about it kek

>> No.46458879

Come on, modes are a big deal for vtubers. It's more like usig someone else's ID card (without the legal implications).

>> No.46459049


>> No.46459150

That's a poor analogy. The picture of the cat is a better example since we're talking about computer files. This situation comes off as them sharing the files with each other and getting made that Lumi kept them. Unless there's a contract between the talents I don't see why Lumi would be in any legal trouble for keeping them.
When it comes to the law, the thing that's actually important in this issue, the models are no different from any old software piracy claim.

>> No.46459182

Cause the entire topic is about whether or not what she did was legal.
Anon, are you okay? Do you need your medication? Or is there any other reason you can't understand that legality is what this is all about.

>> No.46459385

Man I love seething 2view threads keep it up sisters

>> No.46459610

>When it comes to the law, the thing that's actually important in this issue, the models are no different from any old software piracy claim
I mean, no one really cares about the law or think she's going to get banned for this outside of schizos on /vt/. It's just very poor vtubing etiquette and I've got no idea what she was thinking (if she was thinking at all).

>> No.46459621

>it started with an April Fools gag where everyone in Phase pretended to be Uruka
>including Lumi
>this included using her model on stream
>she continued the gag by swapping to a couple of Cyberlive models
>which she did not steal, but were shared with her back in the day, because model swapping between talents is actually something that was done in Cyberlive too
>while she did not steal the models, she did use them without permission now
It's ultimately nothingburger of an April Fools joke, but Cyberlive ex-talents used it as a pretext to shit on her because they saw the opportunity.

>> No.46459987
File: 359 KB, 820x600, 1642936034958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what happened:

Back when cyber live existed Lumi was a manager, and was successful, and it made the less successful members jealous. Somewhere along the line whats her face abandoned her model and Lumi picked it up.

Then Cyberlive died because of reasons. this part is important, remember it.

Fastforwarding to today, whats her butt didn't give a shit about her old model cause she abandoned it for a newer one shes using, Lumi takes whats her face's model out and uses it a bit, and whats her tits gets mad. Instead of talking to Lumi about it like a real human person and like ask her to not puppet her old model, whats her ass decides to just go ahead and drag her personal grevences out into public twitter asking her boss to do something about this shit.

Thing is though, Cyberlive is dead, and while she can go ahead and claim that the usage of the model infringes agiesnt her copywrite or whatever, the fact the company issuing this contract dosen't exist, and the fact she abandoned her old model and gave it to Lumi weakens her case to the point where she will probally get laughed out of court.

Tldr: I forgot the name of The vtuber that's stirring shit, but its cool cause she doesn't matter anyway.

>> No.46460197

>They only went to PC managaement for a violation of Vtuber etiquette.
Look I don't care about proper etiquette among vtubers when it's being used as a basis to interfere with other people's contracts.

>> No.46460421

The copyright claim is dog shit considering Cyberlive was an American company, and we have this little thing called fair use.

>> No.46460534

I trust her<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46460705

meh... It will end in nothing.

>> No.46460866

The VOD is not even privated, so you're correct.

>> No.46461003

fair use would be her using a still image of them. her having their fully rigged models and using them for commercial use is absolutely a copyright violation.

>> No.46461269

Anon, it's still fair use.

>> No.46461346

If the model was abandoned and given to Lumi, that means Lumi owns the model now. If Lumi owns that model, how is it a copywrite violation when its her model?

>> No.46461401

They went to PC management because they couldn't get a hold on her directly. I also doubt they're on good terms, Cyberlive was a bunch of catty bitches.
It's a nothingburger, but Lumi should really know better.

>> No.46461493

Hylo owns the model. She bought it out from Cyberlive. The fact that she switched to a different model doesn't mean she stopped being the owner.

>> No.46461519

>If the model was abandoned and given to Lumi
if she has proof of that then it is indeed a nothing burger. if they weren't explicitly given to her though them not being in use doesn't give her free reign to use them as if they were hers. they still would belong to the cyberlive girls.

>> No.46461732

To you SEAnon who don't know American law: Fair use is a legal doctrine that allows one to use copyrighted material in any use including commercial use as long as it meets a balancing of the 4 factors which are...
Factor 1: The Purpose and Character of the Use.
Factor 2: The Nature of the Copyrighted Work.
Factor 3: The Amount or Substantiality of the Portion Used.
Factor 4: The Effect of the Use on the Potential Market for or Value of the Work.
Even if Lumi stole the files there's no way it won't be ruled fair use.

>> No.46461978

isn't this the one who had a vr date auction when she debuted?

>> No.46462497

If I'm not mistaken, all the first gen Cyberlive members had that initially. And it quickly got axed.

>> No.46466556
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>> No.46467983

the real issue comes from the fact that the girls complaining aren't in friendly terms with Lumi

>> No.46468429

you can never take the drama out of a dramawhore

>> No.46470376

Every faggot in this thread defending her is a fucking disingenuous cunt. If any of the Ex Cyberlivers decided to use Lumi's old model for a gag you and her would be throwing a fucking fit. KYS faggots. Lumi is a fucking bitch and a snake. You think she didn't know what kind of drama she would raise doing that shit?

>> No.46470481

Phase fans don't care about vtuber ettiquette. If the reverse happened it seems unlikely anyone would notice or care

>> No.46470492

You have no idea what you are talking about, faggot. That is not what fair use means, you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.46470494

Remember when she was guest commentating on the football and flirted sexually with deebs to the point where lumifags were melting down in the thread? That sure was something.

>> No.46470739

Exactly they would fucking flip out if the roles were reversed. Good post

>> No.46470762

Got axed before anything could happen. Those were apparently pushed by Hylo who now promotes her OF on her vtubing twitter.

>> No.46470797

Yeah, I would be so mad I'd kill myself while blaming them in my suicide letter.
You totally don't have to invent an alternate reality to defend your fat hog, white-knight.

>> No.46470892

The bastards in pcg were even leaking the photos in thread without paying

>> No.46470908

oh nyo

>> No.46470918

she used the models of vtubers from her ex-corpo she betrayed and single-handedly destroyed
when one of them called her out on twitter, she and uruka made fun of her

>> No.46470940

she is a fat pig anyway, those photos should have been free to begin with

>> No.46470947

so true sis, do not trust lumi

>> No.46470967

Yeah, that was rude. I would rather have not seen them.

>> No.46470982

based, fuck her

>> No.46471139

discord, kitten? x3

>> No.46471215

that is a seriously ugly face

>> No.46471222

Okay Hylo. Fuck off back to Twitter and throw some more gas on your silly drama shit-stirring.
Nooo, you don't get it, Lumi STOOOOOLE it! STOLE!
This has never happened ever before!
Stop revealing the past that never happened!

>> No.46471278

sigma female face

>> No.46471330

Oh yea, so what about the time Nyanners called Pippa a pickme? Are you trying to tell me that even though people were trying to drum up drama the generally consensus was "who cares, it was a joke"?
You'd be right.

>> No.46471398

The Vera caps in this are always so fucking funny to read.
The biggest fucking irony of all kek

>> No.46471410

>used some old models of old ex-coropo-mates she still had saved as an April fools' bit
>one of them asks her not too afterwards
>should have been handled by a "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, I should have asked perms I'll delete the files and it wont happen again" tweet
>instead phase-nigs start harassing the chuber who asked her to stop, making the issue ten times worse for them

>> No.46471414

My pp gets stiffy anytime Lumi gets made, is that notmal?

>> No.46471439

>Yellow Vei
>Can't stop yabbing
It's like poetry, it rhymes

>> No.46471468

qrd on Vera?

>> No.46471510

>one of them
others tweeted it too

>> No.46471512

Implying that they wouldn't have just made something up either way to maximize the clout

>> No.46471514

Or you can use email like a real adult and not clout chase?

>> No.46471537

But they're VICTIMS and twitter must protect them from the evil 4chans

>> No.46471550

cyberlive girls are all cloud chasing whores and they're seething because they're not successful like Lumi and their corpo died, they deserved this
Lumi shouldn't apologize because she did nothing wrong

>> No.46471580

I'd personally laugh. Especially if they kept using a very stereotypical Calicunt accent and saying she was from California.
The thing is, let's face it, you know some of them would do it maliciously. (Hylo, Emma mainly, Menace probably wouldn't bother, or Yoko Ono)
That's the difference here, it was a silly joke versus what would have been done maliciously.
This. It was obviously done to stir up drama.
"HA! Look, we got her now!"
They've been watching her rent free for ages. Literally just look at the Discord cap above, they sat watching her despite her being gone.
Honestly Hylo, pretty pathetic.
I'm glad I dropped your ass, it was clear that your more recent change in personality was a sign of things to come and sadly I was right.

>> No.46471620

>defending cyberwhores
so true sister

>> No.46471836

Reminder that if you see a Lumi anti post, it's probably one of the ex-cyberlive girls, or k*ki

>> No.46471844

Vera Vee (you could probably find a lot better explanation in the archives, as well as other fallout from it)
A long story short - she banged people from Discord.
She got found out.
She nuked everything and essentially killed ex-Cyberlive (Aetheria, a loose group of streamers rather than a company, pretty much only held together by Vera clearly).

>> No.46471880

seething 2views

>> No.46471934

I don't think more than 20 percent is from them. Give me some credit too

>> No.46472020

imagine if the jannies did their jobs and deleted the drama threads so we could have an actually usable catalog

>> No.46472043

lol, lmao

>> No.46472282

>pandora is just numberfagging
classic panda

>> No.46472501

God I love Lumi. Most fun I've ever had here.

>> No.46472529

Needs dick

>> No.46472575

she has sex with groomers

>> No.46472633

Yeah, me

>> No.46473300

They share the same non-distinguishable market
The nature of the work is that Hylo has the exclusive rights to reproduce her model
The full work was used
The use was possibly limited in scope
It fails to reach 3 of the 4. Fair use =/= fuck your rights

If you actually even knew what the literal criteria of the four factors was you’d notice it literally can’t meet any specific criterion for favouring fair use under factor 1, and infact meets criterion for favouring permission under factor 1. Also I lied about factor 3 since taking the whole work and reproducing it entirely is obviously a bit different from taking a tiny portion of someone elses work and adding something transformative to it. Fucking dipshit

Regardless this is academic. It’s not fair use and while admittedly there could have been any kind of informal implicit permission, that has since been very publicly and obviously revoked

So yeah failing 4/4 of the factors and it’s blatantly not fair use to reproduce the entire core of a work without permission and with no transformative application

>> No.46473412

Thanks lawyersama

>> No.46473430

Only objective post ITT

>> No.46473465
File: 143 KB, 1223x348, Screenshot 2023-04-02 054520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

veibae model did nothing, now tries drama baiting to incline

>> No.46473542

Go back to /pcg/ gumi. You loop this every thread

>> No.46473655
File: 123 KB, 1182x375, Hylo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46473713

>a vtuber fucks her fans
>nooo you can't do that!! cancelled!!!
>time goes by
>why do talents bring in other guys???
God are vtuber fans retarded.

>> No.46473749


>> No.46473769

>only 3 replies
Reminder that half the CL girls in this leak have been confirmed to post /here/ in the past and astroturf.
Yet even under the cloak of anonymity they refuse to give specific instances of things Lumi did while at CyberLive that pissed them off, except maybe keeping around a doxxfag groomer as a mod.
Well Hylo/Vera/Inori, I want to hear what set you off about Lumi back then, this is a drama thread, now's the time.

>> No.46473793

Dude they are probably off to bed, hence why the threads are now a lot slower.

>> No.46473913

>No more pcg in catalog
Did this yab really end them?

>> No.46473940

It would be different if Lumi was actually parodying them. But it was just a silly joke. The ex-CL girls are doing it for the attention and you know it. Hell, they didn't even let Lumi finish the stream before tweeting, that should already clue you in.

>> No.46474001

She got her new model at the end of December, so that isn't part of the time period in your screenshot.
She went from 539 average in November to what she has now. New model worked out alright.

>> No.46474151
File: 38 KB, 556x723, it&#039;s over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46474666

God what a pointless "drama." Can't they kick this up a notch and do a yandere fueled stabbing or something? Even her drama is boring.

>> No.46474804

based satan

>> No.46475048

They did it to hurt her, not for attention. They genuinely hate Lumi
I doubt it was a calculated thing, they probably started seething the moment they saw her use their models

>> No.46475074

I’m sure phase connect will sue their asses off because they have actual functioning contracts and is an actual functioning company with actual functioning staff and talents who are actually making enough money for the company to take a cut from and use to sue their sorry clout chasey asses

>> No.46475152


You’re funny

>> No.46475163

None of them care enough to do that, unless they try to elevate it any further, which they'd be retarded to do.
Not even Hylo cares that much, despite some shitposters here trying to shit-stir it by attacking her to cause (more) drama.

>> No.46475170

Be less obvious falseflagchama
Why would we want to sue 1views for money they don't have? Although Phase Connect v Bradley the MiiTuber would be a lawsuit for the ages

>> No.46475219
File: 381 KB, 397x498, 1679758422545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a nothingburger drama between attention-seeking women who hate each other and don't give a fuck about you, don't get emotionally invested.

>> No.46475234

Its not about clout chasing

Why do lumi does this at the first place? What did she gets from all of this?

>> No.46475262

not going to happen because fishman is a coward
there's no way they're getting away with this though, Lumi doesn't forgive

>> No.46475287

ESL chama...
Genuinely? She gets a 30 second bit for April fools. Nothing more to it

>> No.46475317

>What did she gets from all of this
made the 2views seethe, it's funny

>> No.46475446

She got her orbiters mods calling her "based", thats all she needs

>> No.46475472

so true sister

>> No.46475958

No it isn't you fucking retard. SHE HAS THE ACTUAL FUCKING MODEL THAT IS NOT FUCKING FAIR USE YOU STUPID FUCK. This entire situation is retarded and those cyberlive cunts are just looking to start up drama but you are a blithering fucking retard if you honestly think this is fair use. You can't just take someone's assets and herp a derp around with them. Fair use is taking a 3 to 5 second clip of a movie, tv show, or song, to use in a transformative and informational way. Taking a model she theoretically shouldn't have access to would not be protected under fair use. She most likely would not get charged with jack squat because this whole drama is fucking stupid, but it definitely is not fair use or parody.

>> No.46476220

>You can't just take someone's assets
they gave them to her

>> No.46478770

You got proof?

>> No.46478837

Oceane = Lumi

>> No.46478913

>thread up for 11 hours
>55 ips
>130 posts
>your home thread has already moved on form "le epic yab yas queen"
nice forced yab you have there, phase shill. here is a free ip for the tally and a free bump

>> No.46479177

Made for rape.

>> No.46479286

so true sister

>> No.46479340

Some literally who's are mad that a former co-worker has found success and they have faded into irrelevancy. They saw an opportunity to play as a victim to get some clout and are trying to milk it. If it wasnt for clout, they would have just handled the issue privately like an adult. Just ignore these mad hoes and they will crawl back into the shadows in a week

>> No.46479760

But why lumi doesnt want to ask their permission first to use it?

>> No.46480013

She was a fucking manager, you new fuck.
Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.46480186

what happened to her old model?

>> No.46480314

Don't bother trying to explain how absolutely disrespectful was that bit if there was no consent from the other parties to the bannedvtubersmeme drones

>> No.46480339

phase connect is a real company. lumi does not have the freedom to do whatever the fuck she wants. i don't care either, but what she did is still wrong and pretending it's not just shows you're still a child with no understanding of professionalism.

>> No.46480406

Only 1 of the model she skinwalked was abandoned

>> No.46480498
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Can Phasenigger go a week without stirring shit?

>> No.46480548

I came on it so much it got stained forever so she needed to switch

>> No.46480581

Go try get in someone else car and do donuts in the parking lot as a joke, report back what happens when the owner see you
"it was just a joke bro"

>> No.46480635

Pick up somebodies intercontinental missile launchpad while singing the Canadian national anthem backwards and do a handstand. You won't.

>> No.46480737

Grow up kiddo

>> No.46480967

being a manager does not mean the talents gave her their models. it just means she had access to them because she was a manager. they probably had no clue she had saved their models

>> No.46481067

Maybe they knew, when they were in the same company, but she was supposed to have them deleted afterwards instead of having them hidden and secured in her drive and ready to be used for whatever surprise skinwalking.
Fishman better do a little bonk her because this bit was extremely unprofessional for a company hired vtuber

>> No.46481195

He'll bonk her. She is supposed to be the most professional int he company too. She is the only one in the company who whores herself out for money sponsorships every week.

>> No.46482262

>no clue
They fucking did this before. Literally on stream.
This isn't some new thing. The only reason there is anger now is because Hylo despises Lumis ass.

>> No.46482856

> The only reason there is anger now is because Hylo despises Lumis ass.
Lumi should not have these models anymore since they are not part of the same company anymore and there was no consent from the other party, it's not rocket science to figuring out why the people she skinwalked are rightfully upset

>> No.46482910


>> No.46483100

There is no more company, and while it might be an asshole thing to do, Hylo doesn't have the exclusive rights otherwise she wouldn't have asked, she would have demanded with legal repercussion. All she can really do though, is whine about it on twitter

>> No.46483280

>seething 2views
>fat hogs
maybe start going to the gym and eating less

>> No.46483310

Hylo literally doesn't even use the fucking model any more. She's whining for the sake of whining just to "get back at that bitch!".
Emma I don't know of, never cared to check what she was up to, never watched her.
In fact didn't Yoki even say "old model" as well. Never watched her either, way too zoomer for me.

>> No.46483323

> Hylo doesn't have the exclusive rights
Lumi DOES NOT OWN the models she used
>she would have demanded with legal repercussion.
Going straight to your advocate for something you can easily resolve privately is usually not worth it for a 5 minutes awful bit, Lumi is lucky non of the people she shit on are in any sort of serious company that would actually go straight to their advocates or this would not end up in a nothingburgers with Lumi getting talked down behind the scene by management

>> No.46483396

Dropped her unironically due to her model change, her old model had so much soul and was so expressive, the new one is shit. I dont get why every fucking woman needs to have overdesigned busy garbage design

>> No.46483759
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>> No.46483766

>B-but Lumi doesn't own the model!?!?
Doesn't change the fact that Hylo doesn't have exclusive rights. Same reason anyone can write a Winnie the Pooh book now that the licence has expired. The contract is done.

>> No.46483782

it's still fair use, she would have to say it's hers and then try and sell stuff with that model on it, right of reference applies anywhere outside of japan

>> No.46483818

>Doesn't change the fact that Hylo doesn't have exclusive rights.
What rights has Lumi to use it?

>> No.46484183

The same rights that enabled them to trade and save characters under contract while the company was still alive. Now that the company is defunct, they both have old company pngs saved on their computer they can use.
It'd be different if Hylo said the company gave her exclusive rights to use her character via inheriting the contract, but that requires drawing legal documentation up and with the speed at which the company imploded and CEO jumped ship, I doubt it was done. The CEO was absolutely incompetent as well.

>> No.46484257

I actually wrote to Fishman to ask him if it's ok for Lumi to use someone else model without their consent btw

>> No.46484365


Why is she keeping the models if she was their manager?

>> No.46484432

It's certainly impolite but likely not illegal. He'll tell her not to do it again, although the vod is still up so I doubt he cares all that much.
It doesn't help that Hylo only has the almighty weight of all 40 viewers and a few tweeters on her side.

>> No.46484513

Because they've traded models in the past and skinwalked before.

>> No.46484558

keyword: in the past when still in the same company.
These models should not be in Lumi hands since then

>> No.46484610

This right here.
This whole drama is being perpetuated by some tumblr cunts acting as if Hylo was fucking raped or robbed.
It was a dick move, sure, but it is by no means even remotely illegal.
It's probably the same faggot constantly bumping the thread with the same retarded replies.

>> No.46484710

Emma doesnt. I never saw Lumi used her model before. Even if they does, im asking you again. Why does she still have their models? Is it hard for her to drag and drop in the trashbin?

Your proof isnt enough anon your oshi never cares about you too

>> No.46484849

She'll probably just get scolded for doing it, but it got the attention of a few somewhat big vtubers like Chibidoki, Miori and Trickywi

>> No.46484919

>literal who
>literal who
>literal who
wow....so scary

>> No.46484936

Out of politeness to her fellow coworkers, sure.
Legally, she's not obligated to because the company that bought the model from the artist, owned exclusive rights, and would sue her for using the models 'out of contract' no longer exists.

There's clearly a lot of bad blood between the parties though, I get why Hylo would be pissed

>> No.46484939

so true sisters

>> No.46485097

Lumi starts this first

Imagine Lumi doesnt use this model the drama would not happened

Let twitter know how hypocrite Lumi is

>> No.46485220

As far as i know Emma and Ioki were never skinwalked before, she did not skinwalked Pandora though, the most vocal of her former circle and the one with the HololiveEN people actually following her, curious isn't it why she did not risked skinwalking her

>> No.46485285

>TWITTER CANCEL HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you for real?
Plus Hylo already tried, but Phase management (Likely Muumi, being hyper competent) responded within minutes and promised to take care of it.
It couldn't have petered out in a less exciting way.
That said, the vod is still up so that might give you a picture of just how much Phase or anyone else care about Hylo the 2 view onlyfans whore

>> No.46485351

>It doesn't help that Hylo only has the almighty weight of all 40 viewers and a few tweeters on her side.
She has Emma, who is friends with Ollie. And there's also Pandora, who has not been targeted, but is friends with Kiara and might not miss the opportunity to do some lobbying. Things might get interesting if Hololive gets involved in any manner.

>> No.46485405

NTA, it won't.
But we agree Lumi is a shit person i think

>> No.46485459

>hololive starts copyright striking every phase stream that shows their artwork / talents / IP
God I wish, it would be glorious

>> No.46485530

What makes you say this? After year of ignoring each other suddenly lumi pull this off is she still malding they didn't suck her psycho tits?

>> No.46485648

Ok, I laughed. This is so far beneath Hololive I don't know why you'd even bring it up.
It's certainly in poor taste, but it's very in line with Lumi's giga-Stacy queen bitch persona she's established. Like I said before, Phase management responded and turned it into a nothingburger. I mean, it was like a few minutes April fool's sketch.

>> No.46485658

Hylo instead of making more threads on the Norwegian Birdwatching Forum you should be hitting the gym and getting rid of those 100 pound each lumpy thighs.

>> No.46485663

She's in a company and models aren't cheap. Real work is behind them.
She's abusing her old manager privileges.

>> No.46485668

>suddenly lumi pull this off
Just watch the VOD itself, it's nothing more than April 1 tomfoolery.

>> No.46485705
File: 68 KB, 569x904, 1679765544429684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder this is a lumi mods and the reason the girls wanted to stay away from lumi schizoid ass

>> No.46485722

bullshit until proven otherwise.

>> No.46485730

she changed her model because her old artist went menhera, tried to become a vtuber and started ghosting everyone

>> No.46485782

so true sister

>> No.46485796

I'm sure he's gonna fly you out to the Phase Cafe to have a round table discussion with all of the staff present.

>> No.46485888

Bold of you to ignore the fact that the manager perms and access to the older models is something she should no longer have because she neither is a manager nor the company she used to be a manager for exists anymore.
and that's before we get into that highschool drama of Lumi's schizomod and the girls shitting on her for multiple reasons, sometimes out of pure jealousy.
but that jealousy is not crucial this once because Lumi actually, and I do mean ACTUALLY fucked up.
Don't use other people's models without a permission.
I thought it's simple.
You'd make a huge shitstorm if the roles were reversed and you know it, faggot.

>> No.46485902

If you consider Chibidoki and Tricky to be literal whos then so is Lumi, which would make me question what the fuck are you even doing in this thread?
And Mio might not be as big but she's very well connected in the indie and small corpo scenes, and even has some friends in HoloEN and NijiEN

>> No.46485939

I kneel, I try my best but I can't reach this level of basedness

>> No.46485946

>Tried multiple way to contact lumi
>No answer
>Bring it up directly to phase
>Phasenigger smoothbrain be like WHY CANCHU USE AN EMAIL AND NOT CLOUT CHASE

>> No.46485952

if you think some friend of a friend is ever gonna give a shit to this LOL LMAO

>> No.46486097

Phase is not good at replying.
Stop trying to downplay that.
The only way for people to notice something is to make it public. Phase would've just ghosted them, now they have to at least publically pretend to give a fuck.

>> No.46486112

That's it? He's just a bored nigger.

>> No.46486208
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>>Tried multiple way to contact lumi
Is this what you call "multiple ways"? Not to mention it was while Lumi's stream was still ongoing.

>> No.46486211

Hi Hylo. I know your address and I am going to slit your throat ;)

>> No.46486282

What 'should' be done with the model doesn't even matter because the company that owned the contract imploded, likely without hiring lawyers and properly transferring contract rights.
Just like if the Disney corporation disappeared overnight without paperwork notarizing a next-of rights owner, you and your mom could sell Mickey Mouse merch.

You can't even reverse it because Lumi has contracts with a real company whose trademarked their characters. If Hylo decided to pilot a Lumi avatar, Phase could actually go after her legally, not just bitching on Twitter

>> No.46486286

>no longer have
Nice contract you pulled out of your ass.
Unless otherwise stated in explicit terms, ex-staff can still hold on to assets from previous work for a variety of reasons.

>> No.46486308

stop falseflagging nigger

>> No.46486368

Then how are you going to answer why lumi used their model at the first place?

>> No.46486386

What goes someone mind to do this and think the people skinwalked people would be ok with it without asking them especially with the bad blood between them? I can only see shit stirring as a reason from lumi and she knows her simps are unhinged /here/ schizoid in case she needs some white knighting.

>> No.46486427

>t sei and his little schizoid gang

>> No.46486546

welcome to Lumi, always been a cunt and it's not gonna change.
Wouldn't surprise me if her position in phase one day is compromised shit she did to phase girls too somehow emerge

>> No.46486551

Dont you have any screenshot to attack them? This was last year i guess some people cant accept Lumi is retard

>> No.46486563

This is a nothingburger a few jealous catty bitches are spending way too much energy trying to blow up.

>> No.46486571

they think it's based and want her pussy.

>> No.46486718

Likely because she's a giga-Stacy that doesn't give two shits about her old coworkers that hate her, and thought it'd be good for a laugh.
The realization that she couldn't get in legal trouble for rubbing her coworkers noses in it was probably the cherry on top.

>> No.46486746

Why the fuck did she use the models of people who hate her, without asking? That's such an obvious drama magnet.

>> No.46486749

>want her pussy.
Fair all it takes is just a pair of jeans after all.

>> No.46486772


>> No.46486855

So true sister.

>> No.46486859

Shes a woman. Do first, maybe think later.

>> No.46486898

Hummm Sister ?? >>46486772
a comment?
>Giga stacy got fucked for a pair of pants
More like cheap whore kek

>> No.46486901

how many feetpics did you get from these posts, Smug?

>> No.46486915

oh yeah that happened, groomed by a discord pedophile for a pair of jeans lmao

>> No.46486926

>Hylo posts a face reveal
>One hour later claims to have been doxxed
What a retard.

>> No.46487022

Doxx doesnt have to be face reveal, its her private information anon

>> No.46487023

She used so many filters on that picture that it's almost fair for her to act surprised.

>> No.46487113

Wasn't her face posted in /pcg/ multiple times before her tweet?

>> No.46487157

phasefags were leaking her onlyfans

>> No.46487201

yeah lumis chat didnt know who she was and looked her up when she showed her model

>> No.46487214

1. she got doxxed before the face pic
2. they're posting paywalled content (based but jannies you should at least pretend that this isn't a hololive board)
3. it went far beyond just face pics, critical info was leaked

>> No.46487218

It shows she obviously doesn't give a fuck about protecting her personal information and is mainly on it for any sort of attention she can get.
Especially since the face reveal was part of a stream goal that didn't get hit, but she did it anyway.

>> No.46487326

I really wish they didn't. Holy fuck is she has a body that says she eats takeout daily.

>> No.46487330

There's some weird phase shilling going on here. I don't understand why anyone here would support Lumi on this one, she's so blatantly in the wrong. Having the files is irrelevant, she doesn't own the IP. I don't even believe in IP law as a legal construct, but it's definitely rude of her.

>> No.46487343

this, we should doxx her address too

>> No.46487355
File: 165 KB, 1017x1017, smug star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was part of a stream goal that didn't get hit

>> No.46487391

but she's based bro she's just like me she hates women fuck 2views amirite she's such a gigastacy

>> No.46487410

The weird shilling is for women who've been proven to be backstabbing gossip cunts multiple times.

>> No.46487411

80% of this board is phasefags raiding from their discord to shill their chuubas and shit on others

>> No.46487426

I don't care about any of this drama, I just really wanna have sex with Lumi

>> No.46487471

She looks like a vshojo whore.

>> No.46487480

Interesting. Here's where it gets tricky. Hylo could claim that Lumi's improperly using assets Hylo legally owns. However, Lumi could say that she's protected under fair use, the same way comedians can use Disney images and mention Disney characters in their routines. Then the legal challenge becomes, is using someone else's likeness for the sake of comedy protected under fair use? I'd be open to hearing arguments on this one.

>> No.46487487
File: 442 B, 99x20, 1657167226808919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember, phaseniggers, you're doing this for free!

>> No.46487500

Yeah, man. It's such a terrible thing to do, almost like jaywalking when there is no traffic or not saying bless you when somebody sneezes.
They don't understand the gravity of the situation and we rational people are totally not intentionally overreacting because we want to shit on her.

>> No.46487540

>who've been proven to be backstabbing gossip cunts
Lumi is one of them

>> No.46487562
File: 432 KB, 425x515, p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like an onlyfans whore.

>> No.46487573

But you are the one who is samefagging, Hylo.

>> No.46487624

I mean I AM a phasefag, which is exactly why I'm not defending her. Lumi does dumb shit all the time, it's part of her charm. But I've never pretended it wasn't some dumb fucking shit, and this is one of those times.

>> No.46487638

How much are you getting paid? Maybe I'll switch sides if the money is good.

>> No.46487693
File: 1.36 MB, 692x1521, 1664652349417769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lumi nigger talking about whores when their oshi got fucked in exhcange of pic related
My fucking side

>> No.46487702

Hylo pays her mods by fucking them.

>> No.46487742

Not to mention posting it in the middle of a drama.
That's not at all suspicious and retarded.

>> No.46487771

I think I'll stay where I am then. Thanks for the offer.

>> No.46487813

>part of a stream goal that didn't get hit, but she did it anyway.

>> No.46487821

They were right to not wants to be near her and your merry gay schizo discord club

>> No.46487861

the guy paid too much

>> No.46487966

It's hard to think of a worse and less likable group and company than phase connect

>> No.46488068

>All it really took was white knighting her on a basket weaving forum

>> No.46488081

spoonfeed me
sex for jeans sounds like a quote from a bad polish movie about middleschool whores

>> No.46488154

She got groomed for a pair of jeans, yes

>> No.46488237

idol and eien are just as worse

>> No.46488300

>Less likable
>Lumi inclining to 1.5k despite being a bitch
>Hylo declining to about 40 despite whoring herself out
Ok buddy

>> No.46488301
File: 74 KB, 598x362, Screenshot 2023-04-02 at 12-06-40 Kaneko Lumi 💫💥 Phase-Connect on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf yall said she was supposed to be fired and in her way to jail for infringing copyright laws

>> No.46488344

I'm not shilling or defending anyone. I'm just shitting on Lumi because she's also a backstabbing and gossiping whore

>> No.46488378

>muh numbers
yeah, real likable like I said

>> No.46488390
File: 438 KB, 622x854, 1678539240652744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you guys liked evil women

>> No.46488410

pippa buff

>> No.46488453

im defending lumi but only bc it makes one particular schizo in this thread super mad

>> No.46488480

Only if I can fuck them senseless. I'm not her mod so I'm out of luck.

>> No.46488587

It's not a schizo it's just a woman

>> No.46488690

You should mod for Hylo
I hear she's a desperate, uggo slampig.
It'll be easier target.

>> No.46488695

Emma has never stopped being active as Emma and is a bigger than Yuri and arguably Lumi now..

>> No.46488710

What's the difference

>> No.46489256


>> No.46489319

White knight harder like >>46488690
she is a cheap whore

>> No.46489444

All lumi had to do was ask if she can use it. It belongs to them not lumi.

>> No.46489497

nobody gives a shit

>> No.46489627

>Lumi starts streaming now
Not even a forced vacation, boooo fishman

>> No.46489650

>He said while making 100+ post defending lumi

>> No.46489699

Level with us, which of Lumi's mods are you?

>> No.46489729

isn't Lumi supposed to be smart?

>> No.46489754

Xalapussy or Smugcuck

>> No.46489765

>81 IPs
>274 posts
(You) clearly care.

>> No.46489791

You know that the again was in relation to him asking again. Don't be like that, use your context clues.

>> No.46489856

>Everyone trying to make a big deal out of a joke
Grow. the. hell. up. I don't even watch her and this is not even important. Just a bunch of fat roasties malding that she ditched them.

>> No.46489912

Because no one gives a shit. Oh no, Hylo and all 40 of her Onlyfans simps!!!!
Her 4chan whiteknights, all two of them can't even maintain control of their anti thread.

>> No.46489929

>Preventive cope

>> No.46490019

Learn to blend in, fruit

>> No.46490037

Lumi was the one crying on stream to rouse you simps not the other way around

>> No.46490095

hello xala, how's your bussy?

>> No.46490144

Even here, you can't fucking READ.
>I don't even watch her
Just goes over your fucking little pebble stone of a brain.

>> No.46490151

>phase connect is a real company
Phase Connect is a coffeehouse with vtubers on the side

>> No.46490207

This is true, fishman is fucking retarded.

>> No.46490228
File: 1.44 MB, 1080x1069, buy it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will buy the coffee.

>> No.46490268

sure thing *wink* *wink*

>> No.46490307

Are phase fans really retarded and mentally stunted enough to find this funny

>> No.46490410
File: 17 KB, 633x599, and you will like it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just don't realize how serious they is. They are making fun of us, sisters...

>> No.46490425

>It's because she used other people models, that she shouldn't have had access too

They are cyberlive models and cyberlive is dead. it's public domain

>> No.46490442

Don't make me go to bat for a whore that fucks a dude for a pair of jeans while she was 14 years old. Her and Airi are the only 2 I don't bother to watch. People can be aware of wtf goes on without watching streams...it's called the internet. You're on it right now.

>> No.46490466

That fishman bought a coffeehouse and is trying to intergrade mid tier coffee into recurring vtuber merch sales?
I think that's pretty funny actually.

>> No.46490502

Possibly. Could have been a save after she realised how fucking stupid what she just said was.

>> No.46490512

Cyberlive's contract transferred all of the models to the talents. That was the main selling point, full character ownership.
If Hylo used Lumi's model live, you'd go apeshit.
Stop trying to downplay that.

>> No.46490536

Bros can we let this thread die? I'm tired of switching between two.

>> No.46490544

It’s not public domain, she kept the model. It’s still her model no matter how much you squeal

>> No.46490582

Go sell some more lingerie fleshpics to your 12 simps Hylo

>> No.46490623

You're not getting to fuck Lumi.

>> No.46490663

Damn it really is that fat whore Hylo. Fuck off. No one cares.

>> No.46490703

I’m pretty sure many of us don’t even know who Hylo is, we just think you’re a bitch

>> No.46490720

you posting with a bump is the opposite of "nobody cares", retard

>> No.46490726

Is anyone laughing, you stupid whore?
I don't remember asking for your opinion
The universe is healing. Soon, everything will be back to normal, Lumi, an inclining giga bitch and Hylo, a fat irrelevant 2view whore

>> No.46490805

The only happiness you have in your life is defending someone that doesn't know you exist

>> No.46490815

Not only are you wrong on the rights to the models in this specific case, you are insanely wrong about how public domain work. A company going defunct does not mean that its intellectual property automatically enters public domain.

>> No.46490843
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>> No.46490894

You are projecting and that's not a polite thing to do.

>> No.46490912

Kettle, meet pot
Least the girl I prefer is less of a fuckup

>> No.46490922

I said to let this one die assholes. Move to the other one.

>> No.46490925

you are sucking corporate cock and you should kill yourself

>> No.46490933

>Cyberlive's contract transferred all of the models to the talents. That was the main selling point, full character ownership.
They transferred the character property. The model was also spread to all talents when they were with the company. If she didn't want anybody using them for anything she should have asked all the girls when cyber dissolved to delete the assets. Which she apparently did not

>If Hylo used Lumi's model live, you'd go apeshit.
I would not care, I don't watch Lumi or hylo. You retards keep spamming the board so I've had no choice except to learn about this retarded ass "drama"

I would greatly enjoy not seeing 20 threads about the stupidest fucking shit every day

>> No.46490965

Discord raid reply timing. You lost.

>> No.46491027

True, the artist and rigger involved would determine whether it becomes public domain since the purchasing entity is dead. Not the whore using it for free

>> No.46491052



>> No.46491077

You're doing this for free, phasetard. How pathethic your life must be?

>> No.46491097
File: 65 KB, 262x270, 1-1619321985-1847446306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>support indies and small corpos they said
>indies and small corpos and even Nijisanji are full of backstabbing bitches screwing each other over to get just one step ahead
Nah, I think I'll stick to Hololive.

>> No.46491213

>Simping for a corpo bitch vs simping for an onlyfans whore
Are you trying to imply you're a better person? Deepthroat a shotgun.

>> No.46491290

Ignorance is a bliss, unironically. Just stick to the big ones. The less you know the better.

>> No.46491897

>Doesn't even care to reveal herself on an anon website
Oh nononono.

>> No.46491965

Notice how it's always the ones doing onlyfans tier bullshit too. No honor among prostitutes.

>> No.46492180

>retards actually believe she posts here
Do Phasecucks really?

>> No.46492204


>Giga stacy got fucked for a pair of pants
Whats the qrd about this?

>> No.46492288

watch the catbox link posted short after that post

>> No.46492294

ctrl + f "mp4"

>> No.46492778

Sorry to be rude anon, but it's Xalabussy

>> No.46492848

Meant for
