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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 307 KB, 588x942, Karon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46409199 No.46409199 [Reply] [Original]

VirtuaReal (Anycolor ft. Bilibili) member Karon got bullied and doxxed by Zhangs for speaking up against AI generated images

>> No.46409356

>Thankfully she has a corpo backing her up

>> No.46409405
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>> No.46409463

They will back her up right?


>> No.46409474

the Zhangs don't even like their own huh

>> No.46409489

Kill AIniggers. Behead AIniggers. Roundhouse kick a AIniggers into the concrete. Slam dunk a AIniggers baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy AIniggerss. Break a AIniggers dick in half. Launch AIniggers into the sun. Stir fry AIniggers in a wok. Toss AIniggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a AIniggers gas tank. Judo throw AIniggers into a wood chipper. Twist AIniggers heads off. Report AIniggers to INTERPOL. Karate chop AIniggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant AIniggers. Trap AIniggers in quicksand. Crush AIniggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy AIniggers in a vat of acid. Eat AIniggers. Dissect AIniggers. Exterminate AIniggers in the gas chamber. Stomp AIniggers skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate AIniggers in the oven. Lobotomize AIniggers. Mandatory abortions for AIniggers. Grind AIniggers fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown AIniggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize AIniggers with a ray gun. Kick old AIniggers down the stairs. Feed AIniggers to aligators. Slice AIniggers with a katana.

>> No.46409532

bookmarked to report to skynet when it arises

>> No.46409569
File: 3.88 MB, 768x440, zaionGOOD[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Faaenxh.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thankfully she has a corpo backing her up

>> No.46409606

>speaking up against AI
Welp there goes her Tencent perms

>> No.46409929

80% of them still watches Hololive, the rest simps for Luxiem

>> No.46410070

You know holofags are completely ignorant about Nijisanji when they dont know bilibili is the company who manages virtuareal and already banned the aggressors and Karon is an indie just affiliated to VirtuaReal Link

>> No.46410104

Who the fuck mentioned hololive?

>> No.46410205

This is a holoboard, anyone who doesn’t say what corpo they like is automatically a holofag
Bold of you to assume the average nijifag knows shit about virtuareal or whatever the fuck it’s called either.

>> No.46410227

Holo lives rent free in their heads obviously.

>> No.46410312

>Mentiond Hololive out if nowhere
Holy rent free, KEK.

>> No.46410406

thank you for confirming you are a holofag

>> No.46410504

>except when it isn't

>> No.46410515

Just another day in Nijisanji

>> No.46410589

It's actually cheaper for Nijisanji to debut a new talent than go through a legal battle.
When is her graduation btw?

>> No.46410738

Anycolor has always been tough against this sort of thing. Do you people really not know what happened with Roa and Lulu?

>> No.46410810

Lulu? Who graduated?
Roa? The chick whose hiatus lasted more then twice as long as her streaming carreer?

>> No.46410824
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not surprising, those subhuman bugmen probably think this girl is endangering their easy way of making money, those chink will do anything just to earn an extra buck

>> No.46410882

Ah yes, Lulu. Who was forced to switch residences multiple times because "a rat in the company" was leaking her location to the antis
You sad pathetic anycolor bootlicking vermin

>> No.46410921

>got bullied and doxxed by Zhangs for speaking up against AI generated images
I guess the chinks can be based sometimes

>> No.46411189

I have tried AI art but I honestly prefer to learning to draw myself. It gets boring to see perfectly rendered artwork in a few seconds with just a few words and no real effort. Just an empty feeling after the wonder wears off.

>> No.46411222

Neat, that means Roa is back, right?

>> No.46411252

>rat in the company
you literally made that up

>> No.46411355

Are you saying Lulu is lying, zhang? Of course you are. You dont give a shit about her since she is a free punching bag now.
She is happier as a indie than she ever was in your shitty black company.

>> No.46411663

Go watch her streams, holodrone

>> No.46411721

>She still has stuff in boxes in case she has to move again
kys nijichink

>> No.46411754

Sorry that skynet is taking away your income from drawing furry scat porn

>> No.46411799

>samefagging failed

>> No.46412905

anon I can literally pull up the post where you tried to pull this shit before
you are a schizo

>> No.46412919

the fact that you are all arguing about anycolor when bilibili is the company who manages virtuareal is fucking hilarious
just shows how out of touch you are with how nijisanji works

>> No.46413148

Make Rikus boots sparkle you vermin. And keep spreading those lies how anycolor "did their best to protect her"
Fuck every single one of you retards. The entire vtubing industry would be better off with all of you gone you give 0 shits about the vtubers and would gladly dox and harass them just because they arent increasing the anycolor numbers

>> No.46413154

Karon's cute, she should take this as a sign to go all in on trying to get a western audience

>> No.46413251
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>except when it isn't

>> No.46413435 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 870x775, Screenshot 2023-04-01 - Text generation web UI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Zhangs

>> No.46413476

I'll take AI images over someone I've never heard of, sorry.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46413926


>> No.46414009

>powered by GPT-4chan

>> No.46414012

>Legal battle
Roru rumao

>> No.46414601

lmao you're trying so hard to make cover look good but it keeps on sinking. Your lies is literally not vtuber content and nothing will change that

>> No.46414984

that anon is a lying nigger, but what was real is that Nijisanji's procedures regarding stalking are really tough and they include going dark, lawsuits and police investigations, possibly more. Lulu had it rough since some schizo REALLY caught up on her, but she's decided that these procedures are too tiresome and thus decided to graduate and come back as an independent creator who now combines both IRL and VTuber content, although as different personas.
Roa is a a case of actively fighting someone who tried to harm her and it's taking rather long. Maybe it's all bullshit and she's soft-graduated but that's the official line right now and there's not enough info to classify it as false.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46415196

Arigato gozaimasu!

>> No.46416076

bot post

>> No.46416479

>bringing up cover out of nowhere
Obsessed nijinigger

>> No.46416782

Fuck thats hot

>> No.46417071

>anycolor did literally nothing
>billibilli (chink YT but also the partner company of various companies that want to operate in China because China demands you partner with a Chinese company to business there) banned them
>this somehow proves them wrong for saying anycolor will do something

>> No.46417872

you already exposed yourself earlier in the thread, you can quit pretending now

>> No.46418256

Just another day at Nijizhangji

>> No.46418361

Every time with you Anyblacks

>> No.46419085


>> No.46426039

Just wait. Soon enough AI will be able to code and the squealing of the artists will be completely drowned out by the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the programmers.

>> No.46426273

2 more weeks

>> No.46426317

She is a literally who even in virtualreal and the drama isn't even blowing up here.

.t mainland chink who is harassing her.

>> No.46428953

Well she actually put out new Voice Packs recently, so she's not gone.

>> No.46430187

there is no copyright i china unless you copy china..

>> No.46431414
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It's not 2 weeks when it is happening right now anon. They're already wailing about it

>> No.46435459
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We're getting closer and closer to the singularity.
Now we just wait and see whether it'll be heaven or hell.
