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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46387324 No.46387324 [Reply] [Original]

So, what do we learn from her rant about vtubing?

>> No.46387477

I understand why Kanata isn't living with her anymore

>> No.46387487


>> No.46387505

Blue triangle good.

>> No.46387602

SEA people don't speak japanese and will get mad at out of context screenshots of live translation

>> No.46387621

Vtubers are our slaves

>> No.46387654

Cover did nothing wrong with blacklisting her from events and doing their best to tell her to fuck off

>> No.46387779

vt is easily gas-lit by SEA anons. No wonder government is banning TikTok.

>> No.46387870

She's actually more normie than I thought, which could be a good or bad thing depending on how she uses her influence

>> No.46387898

Apparently she wants to free the slaves. Why a woman from Georgia would ever think that's a good idea is beyond me.

>> No.46387928

What did I learn? I need to go and marry her to make her stfu from making shit takes

>> No.46387966

She will create her own definitions to suit her agenda. The fuck is a "real weeb"

>> No.46387981

Her savior complex has gone out of control, she unironically thinks she's Vtuber Jesus

>> No.46387988

qrd please I dont follow her at all

>> No.46387995

She's retarded

>> No.46388009

it's not hard to figure out she was talking about /jp/ nigs but she doesn't use the western internet so she doesn't have the words for it

>> No.46388027

meds and that she doesn't like vtubers in a relationship

>> No.46388059

She wants viewers to have no expectations and be willing to accept any kind of garbage.

>> No.46388356

She went on a long tangent a while ago about how some of her jap friends have reached out to her asking if she could talk about some of the hate they've been getting recently. She said that "weebs" have been gatekeeping the vtuber community such that anyone who supports their oshi talking to guys is not considered a "real" weeb. Exactly where she got this from, nobody really knows.

While she does believe that those who are passionate about vtubing ought to be single, Kson wants every vtuber to be able to do what they want without feeling pressure from fans. Those who succumb to said pressure are little more than slaves in her mind. That's basically the long and short of it.

>> No.46388543

>jap friends
She never specified if it's from jap friends. If anything consider she went heavy on rant about overseas fanbase, it's likely it wasn't from any of her jap friends.

>> No.46388616

The point she made stays the same either way.

>> No.46388881

We understand that she hates vtubing but is afraid to go back to fleshtubing because she knows shes an ugly whore who would lose 99% of her viewership if she did.
next thread

>> No.46388915

I learnt that she still exists and streams apparently<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46388971

She got this from her lack of meds, it's should've been obvious from years ago she's as schizo as the average poster in anonymous basket weaving forums spreading drama.

>> No.46389175

I don't think so. She kind of implied that someone was telling her this stuff but didn't say who.

>> No.46389333

The voices in her head.

>> No.46389830

That she doesn't actually listens to or cares about Nazuna at all.
How is it your takeaway from the situation that unicorns are the problem? She fried her brain with all those cook jokes.

>> No.46390207

That she’s right and all the schizos complaining are just proving her point

>> No.46390272

I wouldn't say her point is necessarily wrong but it sounds like she made it a bigger deal than it is? If you ignore shitholes like this place or 5ch, how many people talk about unicorns?

>> No.46390557

attention seeking obviously, anyone who can't see that are unironically retarded, there is no real drama of overseas fan harassing a chuuba for collabing with male, people just don't watch the stream not harassing anyone

>> No.46390574


>> No.46390692

you think some anon shitposting in /here/ or 5ch is a real drama ?

>> No.46390818

I have no idea what she has done/said since she quit being Coco.

>> No.46390908

Act like a retarded slut mostly

>> No.46390938

That she is salty as fuck.

>> No.46390986

is this really so hard to understand?

>> No.46391031

We only harass whores

>> No.46391079

this is an illogical statement. If you're harassing them then they are not your oshi, simple as

>> No.46391098

My oshi? I would never.
Your oshi though? I have 6 smart fridges prepared just for her

>> No.46391127

And who gets to define what harassment is?
If a unicorn tells their oshi that they'll leave if they Collab with men, is that harassment? Because I've seen people claim that it is
If unicorns have no ability to voice their thoughts, they'll just oshihen. Luckily some VTubers actually encourage their fans to voice their thoughts

>> No.46391203

>If a unicorn tells their oshi that they'll leave if they Collab with men, is that harassment? Because I've seen people claim that it is
Well it's basically a threat. It's not a discussion or expression of thoughts, it's an ultimatum. That doesn't mean expressing that you don't want them to do it is bad, but doing it with the threat of leaving is holding them hostage in a way.

>> No.46391210

I learned that noth anticorns and unicorns, who dont watch her, will come in droves to fight about 3 minutes of content. The purpose? None really, both sides are incredibly bored perhaps. Or maybe homosexual urges.

>> No.46391236

>Opinions and feedback are harrasment
Seriously what is wrong with you?

>> No.46391321

When someone said that to my oshi, her response was "I won't do them then"
In some cases, VTubers need to be made aware that certain actions cost fans. For every fan willing to speak their mind, another dozen or two would just leave without a word
My oshi has specifically stated that what she hates most are fans who leave after she does something they dislike but do so silently. As such, she tries to keep communication options open because she cares about her fans, which is what makes her worthwhile oshi-ing

>> No.46391338

nobody is owed an audience

>> No.46391388

We have a limited amount of time everyday. I'm not going to waste it on someone's content if they are going to go in a direction I don't agree with. If they consider it a threat then perhaps it is them who are parasocial and not us.

>> No.46391477

>I love my oshi
>my oshi had direct or indirect contact with a man
>how dare that bitch betray me? to ME?
>you're a whore! you have to do what i SAY!
>¨make an emotional tantrum about why you betrayed him in his video comments, DM's, hastag, etc¨
>I hope you understand that I'm doing this to you because I love you
>I love my oshi
you are not Japanese by the way

>> No.46391550

If you have to immediately resort to a strawmsn, your argument is utterly invalid
My oshi talked recently about how she's been getting more harassment from non unicorn fans recently to the point of literally calling them worse than antis while defending unicorns on stream constantly

>> No.46391622

Not what I said. An opinion is that you don't want your oshi to do X. Do X and I leave is a threat.
It's essentially the same thing but how you express something definitely changes the tone and how it can be perceived. I'm not telling you to do one or the other, it's just the only thing I can imagine kson is hung up on. Because like you say, providing feedback should absolutely be fine.

>> No.46391674

it's ok to be a unicorn pweo you have to know how to behave.
if you think my comment seems like the right way to behave, nigga you are so screwed and I can only feel bad for your oshi

>> No.46391681

It's rather telling that Kson doesn't talk about feedback at all, though
She defends people's rights to have feelings, but at no point implies that they can express them<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46391806

She's salty about people dropping her over acting like a twitch slut who also collabs with men and appears on trash taste and chaturbate

>> No.46391832

unicunt defence force is going strong

>> No.46391930

Well she's the one that had that end card "If you didn't like it don't come back!". I wouldn't be surprised if she personally does not care or want feedback, but that would be ridiculous to project on the entire industry.

>> No.46392000

I'm so glad this woman left my Hololive. All that reddit nonsense rotted her brain.

>> No.46392019

I'm surprised people didn't focus more on the part in Kson's stream where she implied that nobody she knows is happy with the "unicorn situation".
Considering how unicorn friendly some of her friends are, it's really not much different from claiming that her friends are lying when they talk about loving their unicorn fans.
Also, the only "result" I'm aware of about that stream is that it caused one of her friend's to have to deal with yet another stream where she had to defend unicorns against her anticorn fanbase who were hiding behind Kson's stream. It was really funny when not only did she admit to not having watched Kson's stream, but she was contradicting Kson's points. When someone told her that she was disagreeing with Kson's points, her response was basically
>oooohhhh nooooooo~~~

>> No.46392103

Weeb and waifu should only related to anime communities
Gachikoi and oshi should only related to vtuber communities

Every English speaking person that mixes up the two belongs to neither

>> No.46392407

Kson never had much of a unicorn fanbase. It's why she can talk about it and not understand it even slightly. Rushia on the other hand, knows how to watch which way the wind blows.

>> No.46392467

>the slaves
There are women on this board that would kill people to get in Hololive

>> No.46392532

Whores are valid

>> No.46392538

Don't listen to flesh streamers.

>> No.46392544

There's one instant fix, talk about your SO and/or sex life. Even better, have them be a guest on the show. Unless and until a chuuba does that, they're full of shit.

>> No.46392623

It's not difficult to get rid of unicorn fans if you really want to. It really isn't.
Also, no "normal" Vtuber gets unicorns in their fanbase. There has to be some sort of effort, whether deliberate or otherwise, to foster that type of environment in the first place.
Really, of everything I've seen in the last few weeks, anticorns are far worse for a VTuber. They're more willing to encourage a VTuber to commit career suicide just to get rid of unicorns, but in the end, it's only the Vtuber who suffers from this sort of activity.

>> No.46392676

Generic western ethots let's gooooooo

>> No.46392784

There's really only two people she could be talking about, and both of them are unambiguously pro-unicorn AND extremely prone to having menhera episodes about a single negative comment.
Giving people an excuse to stir shit about this issue again means she's either the dumbest motherfucker on the internet or actually wants to cause problems.

>> No.46392786

when i was talking about slaves i wasn't talking about hololive, i wasn't even talking about vtubers, i was talking about how foreigners idealize japan and try to imitate even the bad things there.
one of the bad things that exist in japan that he mentioned in his chat is the culture of corporate slaves or better known as salarymans.

>> No.46392789
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Once we get to like two she isn"t my oshi.

>> No.46392878

I don't like the implication being that only Corportate Vtubers can be unicorn friendly (also, VShojo is a corporation, even if it isn't a traditional Japanese one)
One of her friends is an indie who is unicorn friendly. There's no corporation breathing down her neck about how to act on her indie account.

>> No.46393960

What yab are nijiniggers deflecting from now?

>> No.46394097

Remember back when Coco graduated and you had retards saying
>Oh boy I can't wait to see what she will do now that she has complete creative freedom!
And now we're here.

>> No.46396466

rent free

>> No.46396484

i simply stated the fact that she is just attention whoring tho, there is no real drama about unicorn harassing their oshi let alone overseas unicorn, no shitposting in here isn't harassment

>> No.46396582

If you're a normal functioning member of society, what she ranted is just common knowledge.
But if you're shizo, you'll feel offended.

>> No.46396800

I'll use weeb and waifu, just to piss you off Precious.

>> No.46397118

There’s alot of indies and small vtubers that do gfe because it’s there only relationship outside of family on account of being extremely antisocial. How would kson know what corporate slaves are if she’s never worked a real job. Lui and Marine worked at actual black companies and say this is the best job they ever had. None of them even have to stream consistently or at all look at Toya, Mito, Ayame, and Shion I’m sure they are more stressed now than their whole lives. Doing mental gymnastics to defend someone stupid and wrong must be tough

>> No.46397197

that /vt/ is some kinda fishtank of plebbitors gone wild

>> No.46397485

>How would kson know what corporate slaves are if she’s never worked a real job
Do your reps
You seem to be the one trying too hard to be furious that someone said harassing others is wrong

>> No.46397970

If the topic was just about general harassment, why make the stream about unicorns? One of her friends literally said that her anti unicorn fans had been acting worse than antis just a week or two before this stream.
And I don't buy this "unicorns always harass" line of logic
It seems to be that this is going further towards this bizarre idea that fans should literally never voice their opinions to their oshis and should just accept every decision they make
The line between "harassment" and "criticism/honest feedback/harsh, but true facts" should be decided by each individual Vtuber and not by people who are completely outside of the fanbase.

>> No.46398025

Sounds like avoiding males would avoid the problem. If someone told me running into oncoming traffic could hurt me am I a slave for not running into traffic? In what way does someone becoming an anti in the future because of male collabs mean slavery? Why are unicorn antis bad but antis that want to force male collabs good, antis that want them to quit the day they debut, antis that attack their behavior. Why are the antis that force them to do things they don’t want to good? Unicorns are antis in the future what about the antis now are they righteous, are they slave owners? They make some of the girls depressed but it’s definitely the supposed antis that may possibly do something in the future that are the problem. Kanata gets attacked by homobeggars but unicorns are her slave master

>> No.46398386

She pointed out unicorns though. Are the saplings always trying to push fauna to do male collabs not the same. The homobeggars attacking Kanata who go under a clip or in her stream just to say this is why i don’t watch you. None of this is harassment because it encourages the opposite. I’m a happy slavemaster with who i watch don’t care<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46398510

Gays make up almost zero of the entire population and that’ll never change troon.
If you’re bored join the 41% nobody likes you

>> No.46398771

People really bought into nazuna being kson’s sock puppet. She’s definitely insane but she is not a follower.

>> No.46398807

it's simple, she wants unicorn's money without having to pander to them
>And I don't buy this "unicorns always harass" line of logic
agree, in fact unicorn rarely harass their oshi , unless the chuba hard pander to them and only when she collab with males, most of them will just voicing their disappointment and/or leave, compared to actual antis who will harass chuuba whenever they can
i think it's a common occurence among celebrities when they suddenly or in a short time lost fame and/or money they either go menhera or succumb to drug

>> No.46399089

Misunderstanding something there are people in love with the vtuber but ok with male collabs. The idea is like men that let their girls go out with guys they don’t know but you have to trust them. Only way to get rid of them is being straightforward about it. Look at teammates they’ve now warped gfe being no males and caring about their opinions to male collabs and being berated by her. As long as it’s not straightforward some will always stay

>> No.46399156

It is funny that her entire point hinges on unicorns being future antis bad but current antis wanting them to change their content not bad

>> No.46399157

First of all why don't you watch the stream so you can know what you're talking about?

>> No.46399163

SEAlanders get mad at literally anything, they need dutch correction

>> No.46399657

I try to keep track of what she's up to because she's friends with my oshi and in my opinion it's firmly the first option. her fans being a bunch of yesmen doesn't help

>> No.46399686

I read a full transcript of Taishi's TL, which he handedly provided.
The fact that literally nobody can even figure out who Kson is apparently speaking on behalf of shows just how ill advised this whole stream was.
She is claiming to speak on behalf of one of her friends because "they can't", but all this has resulted in is people assuming it's about either Kanata or Mikeneko when both seem like extremely unlikely candidates.
It's especially damaging for Mikeneko because
>reignited yet another unicorn debate in her fanbase which was tearing itself apart over the topic
>Mikeneko outright said she didn't watch Kson's stream and disagreed with Kson's points
>Mikeneko literally called herself a unicorn
>completely ignores how the harassment she received from anti unicorns made her threaten to quit streaming
Kson is free to have her own opinions, but I've seen literally nothing good come out of that stream. It's causing issues for other fanbases.

>> No.46399776

She is a faggot and should die

>> No.46399861

>women hate having to give anything up in exchange for something else
Yea we know.

>> No.46400463

Taishi is a Taiwanese who translates from Japanese to English.

Kson speaks English in case you didn't know and taishi is not going to translate that.

>> No.46400560

I'll be honest, I can't take a side in any of this because I'm not really sure what her point was.
Some people are outraged and others are saying people are exaggerating.
I didn't really have any idea what she was getting at.

>> No.46400563


Everyone is focused on Kanata and Mikeneko but in fact Kson went out to dinner with Mori just prior to this stream. If you assume she's just now hearing about what's been going on in HoloEn it makes a lot more sense.

>> No.46401000

>Kson wants every vtuber to be able to do what they want without feeling pressure from fans
That's a pipedream. Any entertainer will always feel some pressure from fans, unless they're delusional.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46401108

Unicorns just cry in their rooms and move on when that happens

>> No.46401141

That's ridiculous. If I tell you that I'm going to stop visiting your restaurant if you don't clean up the place, that's not a threat. That's just feedback from your customer, take it or leave it.

>> No.46401316

Personally, I don't even deny this theory. But if anything, it makes this whole stream even worse, because
>made at a time two of her other friends are being kind to their unicorns
>Mori does not have unicorns, so this is a stream on behalf of someone Mori spoke about
We're getting into Chinese whispers of defending people, but the only results seem to be to cause issues for others.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46401366

Why don't you specfically point out my mistakes instead of beating around the bush. To my knowledge, the majority of that stream was in Japanese, because Kson expressed an intention to cover the same topic again in English at a later date.

>> No.46401607

kson was always a pretty shitty friend or at least has issues understanding how others actually feel

>> No.46401691
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>there are women on this board

>> No.46401786

>>46401316 (Me)
Also, this part probably flew over a lot of people's heads because they don't watch her, but a lot of Mikeneko's unicorns are kaigai. To the point that Mikeneko has literally reassured her "海外ユニコーン" on stream about her jokes and has made numerous comments that suggest that she views her overseas fans as having a larger amount of unicorns
There is a reason that her JP fans accused her of "abandoning her JP fans" because of her repeated attempts of defending Unicorns

>> No.46401935

She managed to get the anti-unicorn crowd in the west against her because of some of her ramblings.
While they agree with the whole anti-unicorn and anti-gachi sentiment, the moment she started talking about slavery and how she feels like Vtubers shouldn't have significant others (which is something western indies/vshojo have been fighting to normalize) is when they started calling her out of touch and wrong.

>> No.46401969

I learned that she wants the fans to shut up and keep paying the streamer even if they don’t like what they see.

Kson wants fo turn the viewers from the slaver to the slaves

>> No.46402062

>Mori doesn't has Unicorn
Retard piece of shit opinion.
Deadbeat just like Tatsunokoes.

> They are unicorn at core
> they have high intelligence and EQ
> but bad apples appear more frequency recently.

>> No.46402082

Also, and this shouldn't be an unreasonable request
If this topic was so important to her, why did she do it "off the cuff"? She should have prepared notes and written out these arguments in advance to prevent rambling or for her words being misunderstood. A scripted video would have been far preferable to a stream.

>> No.46402127

I'm confused. Are you saying Mori has unicorns? Fans who get upset when she collabs with men?
Realistically speaking, she shouldn't considering how long she's been collabing with men.

>> No.46402160

I've learnt that when I first saw vtubers and thought "who the fuck would give an anime girl larper money" I was supremely euphoric and exalted in my overwhelming intelligence *tips spaghetti miladily*

>> No.46402283

> Slavery
She talked about this more in SC time.
She mean about " talents must be wrong and should be treate like traitor if against company". Yes, I agree with Kson because I know about Chinese Vtuber community like now. Vtubers become slave to audiences. They relation are not friend anymore.

This is serious matter more than you think and we have Chinese as sample like now

>> No.46402393

Yall retards need to treat it like any other company/product. If you don't like it you should be within your right to complain about it and criticize it. These people aren't your friends they are capitalists preying on the heightened isolation resulting from covid and its aftermath. Treat them like they are.

>> No.46402478

It was all just impotent anger.

>> No.46402502

They are similar to Tatsunokoes
They just not watch and come back when she is not collab with men.

She talks about minority vocal bad apple who want to attack good behaviour unicorn without good reason. Anticorn just hate Unicorns for moral highground and she doesn't want it.

Do not mistake
Kson doesn't like " hate among their fan base"

>> No.46402986

If my oshi told me
>I'm going to start collabing with men and if you don't like it, just don't watch them
I'd tell her that I would just stop watching all of her streams. Because in my eyes, doing something that you know hurts a bunch of your fans isn't the type of behaviour that should be encouraged. The reason I like my oshi is that she actually cares about her fans' feelings, so it's annoying to see anti unicorns and homobeggars feeling empowered by this stream to try to trick her into believing that collabing with men is something good.

>> No.46402989

It may be confuse and my English not good so tolerance with me. I am ESL from Japan.

She doesn't mean Unicorn bad or Anticorn bad but she doesn't like who attack other factions first without any good reason like anticorns did in Mikeneko case.

But she also mention about Kanata situation as well because Kanata fears her unicorns fan will harrass her if she talks to male ( Yes, some Heimins almost do it) so Kson warn Heimin about this and Kanata can't tell Heimins like Kson did.

Kson hears and acknowledge about The west audiences behaviour changing recently so she want to warn the west before it's too late like Chinese Vtuber community. Vtubers become slave to Chinese audiences and company unironically.

Kson has a solid reason to speak in this matter because "only" she can talk about it.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46403023

Get help

>> No.46403036

Kson once invited Nazuna, live on stream, to join a collab she was planning to do with rpr. Nazuna had to very awkwardly switch the topic because she clearly didn't want to participate in that sort of thing<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46403127

That she has finally completely lost it.

>> No.46403171

It's ok and no one shame you.
Even Kson told you that you have right to stay or go. She give you a freedom to chose your destiny.

But why your feeling hurt when they collab with man? I want to know this

>> No.46403210

>Kanata fears her unicorns fan will harrass her if she talks to male
There is no way that someone like Kanata, who loves her fans, would be afraid of them.
That's honestly a horrible thing to say about someone like Kanata.

>> No.46403375

She actually was a normie all this time and she's lost it going into Vshojo

>> No.46403378

Let me explain to you what my oshi said about this topic.
She said that she understands why unicorns don't want her to collab with men. She said it was because her unicorns were gachikoi who were in love with her, so they get jealous if she talks to men. She understands this, so she won't collab with men
Why is this so difficult for the Japanese to understand. All I've seen from the Japanese are people performing insane mental gymnastics to justify male collabs. If you want them, go watch a Vtuber who does them. Don't try to ruin a Vtuber who doesn't them by lying to her and telling her that they are a good idea.

>> No.46403389

And Kson never force her to collab she gave Mikeneko freedom to choose in the end.

What's wrong with it?

If you want to understand Coco/Kson, You must have hi IQ and good Japanese.

She has very solid point in that stream.

>> No.46403487

A good chuba in Hololive it's a mid one outside Hololive, it sure is cold outside the company.

>> No.46403494

You should look at Heimins behaviour in their treate when they found out male in Kanata MC collab.

It's hard to believe but some Heimins are rotten people. They are lunatic idolfags among them.

>> No.46403499

>> They are unicorn at core
>> they have high intelligence and EQ

The absolute copium is on galactic scale here

>> No.46403585

>What's wrong with it?
Because she did it live on stream. This puts a huge amount of pressure on Mikeneko to say yes or no in front of a crowd of people who will criticize her no matter what choice she makes. It's a horrible thing to do to someone.
Mikeneko's fans do not want to believe that Kson is trying to get Mikeneko to change, but if she keeps doing things like this, they will. And they won't be happy with Kson if they believe this, because all that will happen is Mikeneko will lose fans, lose viewers, lose money and will break down crying on stream again because she's doing badly. Why would I want my oshi to go through that?

>> No.46403794

I agree with this statment.
And do not mistake
> Kson agree with this as well
> She want freedom to everyone
> If you choose to be Vtuber who love unicorns then so be it. Kson support you
> If you choose to collab with male then so be it. Kson support you too.
> Kson doesn't support who harrassing Vtubers when they did against "freaks" 's wish. It's not just about Unicorn or Anticorns

It's about " schizo" people

>> No.46403973

She just gave Mikeneko a chance and
She gave freedom for Mikeneko to choose. You think too much

Kson never rob Mikeneko's freedom to choose or forcing her will

>> No.46404029

Mikeneko likes her schizo fans. She loves them because they love her. She doesn't need anyone else to tell her who to accept into her fanbase.
All this stream did was allow Mikeneko's anti unicorn fans to start trying to make Mikeneko reject her unicorns again. They lied to her for an entire stream about the definition of unicorns because Mikeneko called herself a unicorn.
I told Nazuna how unhappy she made me when she did that Gartic Phone collab in January. A lot of her fans tried to remove me from her fanbase because I was a "schizo" fan. But Nazuna did not reject me, she listened to us, and she agreed that it was fine for us to be jealous. Mikeneko even liked some of my comments telling her that I was in love with her AFTER I got upset with her, and she said that I didn't cause her any problems when people asked her about me on stream. So I don't care about what Kson said
All I care about is that her stream made things worse for our fanbase for no reason.

>> No.46404087

Mikeneko does not need anyone to give her freedom. She doesnt even like freedom. She's told us this before.

>> No.46404218

>Putting pressure to her to say yes
Great fucking "freedom".

>> No.46404241

>If you want to understand Coco/Kson, You must have hi IQ and good Japanese.
>She has very solid point in that stream.
Take your meds Kekson.

>> No.46404354

>They are lunatic idolfags among them.
Especially the one named Amane Kanata.

>> No.46404373

I know I like relationship between Mikeneko and Kson too. I understand you Nekofami.

But you should stop use Kson as reason of Anticorn's behaviours. They will eradicate unicorns anyway with or without Kson.

This stream was mistranslated and picky word by westerner clip or Twitter. I really don't know they really honesty misunderstand or trying to spin Kson's word for drama.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46404430

Kson love freedom and good friend will give something they love to their friend.

>> No.46404539

A good friend would also avoid giving something to their friend that their friend might dislike.
And you are Japanese, so be honest. In your society, the nail that sticks up gets hammered down. The pressure of society is too much
Now, when she is asked on stream, "will you collab with this man", do you not realise how much pressure society puts on her to say "yes"? It's too much. She has to stick out when she says "no", and that's very hard for her, but she still avoided that collab because she cares about her fans and knows that that collab would have hurt them.

>> No.46404626

Because of lacking in intelligence and Nihongo skill. They are mistranslating her intention.

This treat is good evidence

>> No.46404747

Even if they dont want it?
"Giving" suddenly becomes "forcing" then...

>> No.46404752

Are you saying Taishi, Kson's trusted translator, is too stupid and bad at Japanese to translate Kson's streams?

>> No.46404813

You don't know Rushia and Kiryu Coco don't you ? www

They are exceptional in Japanese society.
They are the most hated people in Japanese company culture and they even admit it themself. www

They are friend anon
Believe in them
And I am Kekson
You are Nekofami.
Let support them together anon

>> No.46404880

No, Taishi is goos but someone also spin Taishi's translation too.

And Taishi did't translate SC reading time which she talked more about slavery matter.

>> No.46404927

Trying too hard, anon.

>> No.46405004

The wall of text about slavery I've seen was literally by Taishi<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46405027
File: 61 KB, 473x397, 20221207_084641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must because only I will do it.
I witness her stream and this is my oblige to tell only truth about Kson stream.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46405063

Don't tell me that I don't understand Uruha Rushia.
If I felt like Kson was doing anything to actually help Mikeneko, I would be more positive about their relationship. But everything I've seen suggests that they are not compatible. Even their collabs are not enjoyable to watch. I don't like the Yuri-shipping, and I don't trust Kson to keep men away from Mikeneko either.
Kson also invited her to that Minecraft server that has men play on it. It's annoying that Kson is too different from Mikeneko. They are too different to continue to interact with each other too much without both fanbases getting annoyed at each other.
I don't believe that VShojo will ever be a good place for Nazuna, either. I think she'd be better to quit now and just focus on Mikeneko.

>> No.46405218

Taishi did't translate SC time which she talked and clarified more about meaning of slavery matter when she talked in first part of stream. I think she know about Chinese Vtuber relationship with CN audiences situation like now so she want to stop the west before they act like CN

>> No.46405354

You really think Taishi and Koheita should be count as " male" in that stream?

We know about Taishi but Koheita... really? You really care about Koheita in that stream?

>> No.46405452

Yes, because they are men. MEN
I don't want her collabing with men. She promised not to.

>> No.46405587

Koheita is a "no body" and for god sake
Koheita is the most harmless man I know. He almost undetectable in most collab.

>> No.46405683

Still a man. He is not acceptable. Ever. She broke her promise when she did that collab. Breaking promises is disgusting and vile, it's awful and it destroys trust.
You don't know this because you're Japanese, but the Nazuna thread here was so annoyed at her for that collab that they stopped praising her and stopped calling her "wife". They were furious and a lot of them wanted to abandon her for breaking her promise
If she turned around and told her fans she would collab with Koheita again, she would have lost a lot of her overseas Core fanbase. Why don't you Japanese understand something so simple? Are you all like this?

>> No.46405820

Because we treate Koheita as a "dog"

>> No.46405931

That's because you Japanese are stupid. The more I talk to you, the more I understand that Nazuna is too good a girl for you Japanese men.
You're terrified of admitting the truth, so you make up these dumb jokes and try to justify it to yourself. But all you're doing is lying, and lying is a vile thing to propagate.
I'm glad Nazuna listens to her overseas fans, because if she listened to people like you, her career would be soon over.

>> No.46406000

I mean Koheita is a "dog god vtuber who transfrom to human shape" so we treate Koheita like a dog more than man because of Koheita's lore.

>> No.46406079

Yes, and he's still a man.
Nazuna is an angel, but she's a girl. Korone is a Dog God Vtuber, and she's a girl
You are so fucking stupid. You are honestly the dumbest poster I've ever talked to on this board.
And Koheita posts pictures of HIS face on his Twitter, so you have no excuse.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46406126

Yes, Nazuna is a good girl and she really love you. It's very hard to find Vtuber who "really" love her fan like us. We both are blessed with this regard.

Good luck and Koheita is a dog god vtuber not male

>> No.46406169

He is a man, you stupid fucking retard. You fucking Japanese retarded cuckold
Her chat was trying to ship him with her. Fuck yourself and kill yourself. You're a disgrace to your gods and your family

>> No.46406237

You lie as easily as you breathe, you digusting piece of shit. Take a knife, gouge out both of your eyes, and maybe then you'll be less blind.

>> No.46406259

This is like saying making a marriage proposal at a big event in front of thousands of people is giving someone a choice.
It's technically true, but disingenuous.

>> No.46406258

Not on stream when there's pressure to answer. In private where they can actually discuss things freely.

>> No.46406276

> Read Koheita's lore
> Dog god Vtuber who use human shape for communicate with human

Do you have zoophilia fetish?

>> No.46406315

Holy fuck! This is biggest cope I ever seen. Literally pathetic justification.

>> No.46406358

She is Kson.
It's her nature but without malice
What are you expect?

>> No.46406429

Lore is a dumb argument
By your "lore" argument, Rushia was doing male collabs with Tamaki because Tamaki's lore says that she's a guy.
So shut up and stay out of our fanbase. People like you will ruin Nazuna and push her towards an early death.

>> No.46406502

Yes, Tamaki is a guy and Tomari mari is a cute girl. What's wrong with it?

>> No.46406619

Ok, so you're an anti or a troll. Hahahaha.
Why do I waste my time on you? Never comment on Nazuna's streams, please.

>> No.46406672

If lore is dumb agruement
Does Tomari mari is a girl or male in your eyes? Think before answer


>> No.46406804

Japanese serious about Vtuber's lore anon. They are part of Vtuber's life and if we deny it that mean we deny Vtuber's indentity.

No, we don't do it and we respect "lore"

>> No.46406811

Some of her points were fine, but she really came off as self-righteous and pretentious as a whole.

>> No.46406907

No, you are dumb. because I have never seen any Unicorns upset about Rushia collabing with Tamaki and Rushia had even more Unicorn fans than Mikeneko or Nazuna.
Why are you so desperate to lie? Rushia would not collab with a man because it would hurt her fans. Are you saying Rushia wanted to hurt her fans?
The only thing the Japanese are serious about is ruining Nazuna

>> No.46406930

She just don't want the west do the same mistake like Chinese Vtubers community.

>> No.46407064

I think the West needs even more Unicorns.

>> No.46407085

What if Nazuna collab or talk with Tomari Mari ? Do you consider as broking promise because you deny Tomari Mari's indentity as a cute girl?

Answer me right now

>> No.46407130

If the 中に人 is a man, then yes, I don't want Nazuna to collab with Tomari Mari

>> No.46407144

She doesn't talk about Unicorn or Anticorn but schizo people who want to attack other faction without goid reason

>> No.46407186


>> No.46407206

She talked with Tomari Mari on stream already anon.

>> No.46407230 [DELETED] 

The economy of indonesia is going to collapse.

>> No.46407294

Do you have a clip?

>> No.46407355

Yes, Kson even still there and watch them coomunicate.

>> No.46407407

I expect her to learn how to interact with people like an adult.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46407462

I said give me a clip, you fucking retard
Give me a time, date, and which model. Nazuna? Rushia? Chino? Mai?

>> No.46407467

All roads lead to Mori.

>> No.46407484


> Nazuna never know Tomari Mari is an old man before she apoke with Mari.

If you want to know

>> No.46407550

Why are you so fucking stupid
Do you know what a CLIP is?
Which stream? What time? When? If you can't give me this information, you just seem like a liar.
I checked on Google and no results come up for Mari and Rushia

>> No.46407707

Nazuna with Kson
They chill VshijoJP at that time
Kson talked about joining VshojoJP = not indie anymore.

Tomari Mari came in chat and she said she was treated like this when she joined Upd8 too. Nazuna talked and greeted Mari in chat. Nazuna surpire when she know Mari is an old man who act cute girl later.

>> No.46407740

Ok, so this was in chat? Not even a collab? Did Mari talk on voice?

>> No.46407793

No, just chat but you can say Nazuna broke promise by communicate with male in "your standard".

>> No.46407877

You can stop trying to make everything about pink woman now. It got old 2 years ago

>> No.46407914

No, because Nazuna has replied to Male streamers on Twitter before. Talking in chat is not an issue for me, especially if she didn't know he was a man
But, if Nazuna said she wanted to collab with Tomari Mari, I would tell her not to, because she is an old man. Her promise was that her interaction with men would not go beyond anything more than a very casual interaction with men, so this does not break her promise
Even Nazuna called "her" an old man. In that case, Nazuna knows she can't collab with him.

>> No.46407951

She just fishing together recently and had girl party before Kson stream anonchama

>> No.46407956

She just wants other vtubers to lower their ccv by becoming unlikeable so she doesn't feel so bad about having left Hololive and having an inferior number of viewers nowadays.

>> No.46407998

What if Nazuna collab with CEO of VshojoJP?

>> No.46408059

I'd also say no
I'm glad Kson did that collab instead of Nazuna.
Why are you arguing with a unicorn if you don't even understand us? What's wrong with the Japanese?

>> No.46408083

No, I think Kson know about Chinese Vtubers relationship with CN fanbase ( slave to audiences and company) and she try to warn us

>> No.46408229

Because I want to know

Well.... Nazuna kicked CEO of VshojoJP and he just repled back to Nazuna with smile " violence is not suit you Nazuna-san"

Did she broke promise because she mention about kicked and talked with male on stream? Even he is CEO of VshojoJP?

>> No.46408369

Dealing with staff off screen is not an issue as long as she keeps it professional. I'd be annoyed if she flirted with them, but she doesn't, so it's not an issue.
But a collab on steam is different, because she'd be making us listen to her talk to another man and having a man on stream, which would break her promise to us.
Before you ask, the video that the VShojo CEO was fine. he sent a video to her stream, she watched the video. That didn't break her promise either in the same way that watching any videos iwth men don't break her promise
This cna't be that difficult to understand

>> No.46408467

not the anon you're replying to, but what about the times when rushia interacted with males on vc in the games she played? besides male collabs, what do you even define as "interacting with a male"?

>> No.46408561

VC is fine because it's fickle. And even then, she'd never do it for long in case it bothered us.
Now, if she made a premade with the same guys for a full stream and kept VC on, that would be crossing the line
Basically, it's just common sense. I prefer her to keep VC off anyways. It's safer for multiple reasons<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46408565

> Kicked CEO of VshojoJP
> it's professional

What is " professional" mean to you?

Well other time was she talk about Haigai in chat but it's same with Tomari so ok.

>> No.46408661

By professional, I mean that she only interacts with him in work.
Dealing with work based matters, even if done in her dumb way, is professional. Now, if she told us that she was hanging out with the CEO in her free time for fun, that would break her promise because she said she wouldn't do that sort of thing
I don't care if she mentions male streamers by name either as long as it's only for a bit and she isn't flirting/acting unprofessional. But no collabs

>> No.46408710

As a Mikeneko fan, I learned to dislike Kson even more than I already did.

>> No.46408766

>If a unicorn tells their oshi that they'll leave if they Collab with men, is that harassment?
Don't know if count as harassment but this is literally toxic girlfriend behavior giving ultimatums to control their bf

In the end unicorns are just low on testosterone acting like a menhera slut I guess

>> No.46408839

>I don't like when you collab with males, I wish you'd stop
>If you collab with males again I will leave you

>> No.46408919

Why is Nazuna collab with VshojoJP CEO will be treate as broke promise?

They are working like professional in my standard. They will not flirting/acting unprofessional.

Answer me

>> No.46408921

The person giving feedback is saying the "threat" in his heart. He will also leave, but he won't tell his oshi even if it would stop her from losing more fans
This is more evil than the fan who actually gives the threat

>> No.46409008

Because now the interaction would be on stream, and she said she would not collab with men
Nazuna has several promises. Not collabing with men is a separate promise from her not interacting with men beyond what is necessary, but both promises are equally important
If she goes to the conbini and the check out clerk is a man, I don't care. But she's not allowed to collab with the check out clerk on stream. Do you understand?

>> No.46409132

But it's professional work right?

>> No.46409229

No. Her job does not require her to collab with the CEO on stream. Why would it?
As we have already seen, when Kson did her collab with VShojoJP CEO, Nazuna just submitted questions. Nazuna will never have to collab with the CEO for work. Anyone pushing it is dumb

>> No.46409234

the threat is plain evil and more dumb
evil cause it's a form of manipulation
and dumb cause if the manipulation fails it's more likely for the girl to doubledown

nobody stays the same shade of gray the entire time, if you poke enough it gets darker and everyone loses

>> No.46409238

What if Nazuna chill VshojoJO with male ( CEO VshojoJO) and it's just a honestly professional work.

>> No.46409310

Chilling is not professional work, so no. Work is work.

>> No.46409353

No, it isn't.
If you have an oshi who is worthwhile supporting, she will appreciate you telling her your honest feelings. And if she can't, she was never worthwhile having as an oshi in the first place
No good oshi wants to hurt her fans for no reason

>> No.46409443

What if Nazuna collab with male Vshojo staff with voice changer can be treate as broke promise?

>> No.46409500

If the staff member is a male, then yes, it would break her promise

>> No.46409555

Chilling = advertising service, product or organization.

It can mean work in my book

>> No.46409604

And dont harass your fans
Retarded grifter throwing rocks from her glass house

>> No.46409654

That is not what chilling means. Don't use English words you don't understand
Nazuna is a VTuber. If she is sponsored to play a game, she will just play the game on stream, not in a collab
If she is sponsored by a game, she might do voice work for the game, or her image might be used in a game. But none of this requires collabing with a man.

>> No.46409659

>No good oshi wants to hurt her fans for no reason
they are women anon, they will be more prone to make emotional mistakes, so which approach you think will cause distress on her? that's why "everyone loses".
I have see alot of chuubas regret saying/doing shit on the heat of the moment or because they got "empowered" by other chuubas

>> No.46409757

What if Nazuna collab with trans men vtuber? Or collab with tran woman vtuber?

>> No.46409777

>good friend
only in her own head

>> No.46409790

Yes, and if they're a good oshi, they'll apologise for their outbursts
But if they don't realise how much they're hurting their fans, they can't apologise properly. A relationship with your oshi is a two way relationship. It doesn't work unless both sides understand each other, and you can't understand each other if you have to lie constantly.
That's why I will honestly tell my oshi that I don't want her to collab with men and that I'm serious enough to leave her if she wants to start doing it
Luckily my oshi actually likes her fans and even called comments saking her to collab with men as "anti comments" because they were only made to hurt her fans

>> No.46409848

I don't care for transgender identity.
Whatever you are born as, that's your gender. So I wouldn't accept her collabing with a Male to Female transgender

>> No.46409932

KSON slowly becoming what Mori is to hololive, gives shitty opinions about idol culture wich was the main reason they got big, i remember when every holo was playing RUST and because of mori everyone from holoEN started to play less and less for her fucking sake, i actually dont hate KSON and hope she becomes just like she was when indie, she needs to chill and do what she used to be.

>> No.46410011

i respect her autonomy and i don't really care either way, but i don't understand this mindset. if you don't mind me asking, why do you care if she interacts with males or not? is it just because you walk strictly cgdct content, is it because you get angry/jealous? and if it's the latter, why?

>> No.46410039

Ask Yuragumis about that

>> No.46410224

Nazuna asked her fans to tell her things like this in the first place. Her response has been an unequivocal "I won't do them if they hurt you or cause you to leave."
She and her gachikois/unicorns/whatever you want to call them have been increasingly affectionate toward each other recently.

>> No.46410237

I am jealous because no man should be closer to her than her fans
She said that her streams were like a date between us and her. What kind of woman would bring a man on a romantic date
Also, she promised she wouldn't. I don't understand you Japanese, but in the West, we treat promises very seriously. If you promise something, you should keep it. If you start breaking your promises, you cannot be trusted and people will leave.
I suppose CGDCT content is "part" of it, but I actually prefer most of her solo streams to collabs, so it's not really the same. If she had more collab partners that I liked, I'd like more collabs, but currently I prefer solo streams.
I am her gachikoi. She loves me, I love her. She said we're in a literal romantic relationship, both on and off stream. She said she hates when men try to flirt with her because she's already dating us. She said we're her husband and her spouse because we stayed by her side through everything she's gone through and she's clarified that the love she feels for us is romantic and not Roleplay.

>> No.46410516

there are people who ACTUALLY believe these dumb whores, and I certainly don't just mean kson/coco, are actually creative and entertaining enough by themselves without someone to tell them what they can and can't do.

>> No.46410657

Can you explain this further, please. Yura is that one blue haired Vtuber with the enormous breasts who is one of Kson's friends, right?

>> No.46410660

thanks, i understand more now. by this logic aren't you jealous of her other fans and gachikoi?

>> No.46410714

No, because all fans are on the same level and Nazuna hates favouritsm. Fans are a single entity

>> No.46410718

NTA, but Nazuna has made several promises as part of the foundation of her relationship with her fans. That relationship is romantic in nature, and exclusivity is part of that. Breaking those promises damages the foundation of the relationship. Aside from that, there is no good reason to do male collaborations in the first place. They will only damage her career. Kson and her fans should mind their own business and not make their opinions into other people's problems.

>> No.46410788

even in a scenario where she favored you specifically?

>> No.46410865

Even then.
In the same way that, if I ever became a Vtuber, I'd never ask to collab with her or even try to interact with her because I'm a man

>> No.46411330

so would you say yuribaiting is also not allowed, or is your standard exclusive to males? i recall her doing it in the past.

>> No.46411614

Yuribating is fine because even the word "bait" makes it clear that nobody actually takes it seriously. I don't care much for it, and it sometimes gets distasteful, but Mikeneko tries to not go over the line and has apologised before for going too far with dirty jokes, so it doesn't bother me.
Personally, I found her Marine Yuribaiting a lot funnier than her Kson Yuribaiting because something about Marine being rejected for acting like a creepy old man is just inherently funnier than Yuribaiting played mostly straight.
Also Mikeneko has gotten upset on stream before when people told her that they'd be fine with her getting a girlfriend, so we know that she isn't going to cheat on us with women either

>> No.46411996

After joining her group, she started having male collabs even though her company didn't allow it, then she traveled to japan to "meet" them allegedly, and she had a duo cover (with some NTR tones) and drunk collab with him

>> No.46412143

I assume Yura is only a small VTuber, but did her fans not complain at all?

>> No.46412258

I'm not the person you replied to but yeah, because if she started favoring me she'd be knowingly breaking promises and hurting her fans
A liar is always a liar, they don't turn it on or off depending on who they talk to. If I saw her lying and breaking promises she made to other people I would know that she is probably lying to me about things too.
I want to be able to believe her and that is impossible if she is a liar

>> No.46413569

She never stayed away from yuribaiting before so 別に

>> No.46413702

They're too whipped to disagree with anything she says or does

>> No.46413991

I actually did some catalog reps, and now I understand that Japanese "person's" cope about Koheita being a pet. As in, it's literal retarded cope and anyone buying into it is fundamentally stupid

>> No.46414021

>not the anon you're replying to, but what about the times when rushia interacted with males on vc in the games she played
Didn't this happen only once? In Apex or something
Otherwise the only time she was on VC with a guy was for the pokemon tourneys and was planning to go on the TV show, both of which are examples of things that are work-related promotions with people she never interacts with when not streaming.
Same reason unicorns here didn't start problems when she was on VC for that Fall Guys competition interview she did as Mikeneko.

>> No.46414210

Management and the other girls leave her alone.

>> No.46414352

I didn't ask about management or the other girls
But if you go from never collabing with men to collabing with men, surely some fans will kick up a fuss.
Going through the catalog and seeing the amount of shipping/cuck jokes made about Yura and Koheita is actually disgusting.

>> No.46415705

That's why she's left to her own devices. Only her sunk cost fans stayed. I've moved on from PRISM as well. I only really watched Shiki and Nia.

>> No.46416121

So does that mean she lost views/fans due to this, or in a sense, I'm asking if she's less popular post Koheita than she was pre-Koheita?

>> No.46416360

V-Tubers can't take criticism full stop, It's all affirmation or you're an anti.

>> No.46416378
File: 349 KB, 1365x1862, Fa2dS-IUIAAQ0kk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who actually believe Koheita is fucking Yura rather than DMJ

>> No.46416559


>> No.46416812

>If you assume she's just now hearing about what's been going on in HoloEn it makes a lot more sense
Pure retarded rrat spreading. Literally nothing has been going on in EN, the Tempus shit was months ago and they've long moved on from that and Tempus collabs have been mostly normalized by this point. Also Mori is too preoccupied with her music career to keep track of what goes on with the other members or EN as a whole to tell Kson anything that isn't from the last few months but that was basically just everyone getting ready for Fes.

>> No.46417006

NTA but just a quick glance, it looks like over the course of the past year she lost close to half her vod viewers. She seems to heavily depend on Kson's indie group to boost her viewership.

>> No.46417077

perfect example of the type of joke I never want to see made with my oshi and another reason for why avoiding male collabs is important

>> No.46417084

>>46416812 (Me)
Also all the members of HoloEn have made their stances. Girls like Kiara, IRyS and Fauna have basically indicated or implied they wouldn't collab with Tempus and the girls who have like Kronii, Mori and Ame have done the "We'll collab with whoever, don't like don't watch" and most of the EN viewers have been supportive of their decisions.

>> No.46417129

So as expected, going from no male collabs to collabing with men destroys your fanbase.
So the question is now: vocal unicorns might actually be a necessary evil to prevent VTubers from sabotaging their career for little to no reason.

>> No.46417206

Out of curiosity, who do you think Kson was talking about

>> No.46417269

That Kekson or some say Kshart, has always been an overrated garbage with an overinflated sense of self-importance

>> No.46417360

>numbershart thinks his opinion matters

>> No.46417581

You're memeing but vshojo and nijiEN cucks unironically believe this

>> No.46417648

Paypigs are always going to allow a vtuber to self-destruct (especially if discord servers are involved) since it means less competition. Easiest way to groom a girl.

>> No.46418444

Honestly, we probably won't know, simplest explanation, she just wanted to talk about "western weebs" in the Vtuber space adopting Japanese unicorn behaviour based on her exposure to the Western fanbase since joining Vshojo but she really can't articulate properly and did a poor job at trying to relate it to her experience as a corpo and the experiences of her other corpo friends but it was again poorly explained. I don't even really think the stream was meant to be a rant rather it was just suppose to introduce the concept of "western weebs" in the vtubing space to her Japanese audience like she's done in her previous "explain X western thing to Japanese" streams in the past but this one just for some reason ended up sounding overly ranty.

>> No.46420251

Probably why she's taking forever to do that english twitch stream since someone probably told her that she made no fucking sense and only made things worse for everyone.

>> No.46420408

Weebs can be Japanese apparently

>> No.46420527

Rule of thumb, whenever Kson gets mad it's because something bad happened to one of her friends and they're upset and vented to her. Literally every time, like clockwork. That's also what happened here. She's speaking on behalf of one of her friends. You don't even need to know that fact to know that's also what happened here, since she literally said that's what she's doing.
She most likely forgot about it already. She got it off her chest and moved on back to playing the new Yakuza game. She doesn't dwell on shit for years like /vt/sisters.

>> No.46420731

I think everyone knows it's about a friend, but literally nobody can figure out which.
Mikeneko and Kanata just seem too unlikely. I imagine people assuming it's about HoloEN are saying it because Kson went out to dinner with Mori a day before that stream

>> No.46421721

The day before that she was hanging out with at least one HoloJP roommate and probably random indies. And then there's Discord.

>> No.46421918

But it can't be Mori since HoloEN has been yab free for months other than not streaming and even then none of the yabs pertain to unicorn shit since the Tempus stuff was practically done back in October, so even Mori doesn't make any sense as the friend who vented to her about this.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46421955

Which isn't exactly good, having to rely on crumbs of more successful ones

>> No.46422333

Yeah, but you'd just assume that someone who was complaining about overseas unicorns would have had some sort of incident about them recently. Or else why complain about them to the point of asking Kson to speak on their behalf
But the only two unicorn incidents anyone can think of are Kanata's thing (but Kanata loves her unicorns) and Mikeneko's thing (but that was her defending unicorns against anticorns)
The timing made people assume those two, but we're still absolutely none the wiser as to why she made that stream and on whose behalf.
If it's such an issue, you'd think we'd have noticed by now.

>> No.46422710

That she needs meds just like (you)

>> No.46422959

>you'd just assume that someone who was complaining about overseas unicorns would have had some sort of incident about them recently
I don't agree with that assumption. They could have just egosa recently and seen people talking shit for some reason. Maybe from that containment breaker twitter account. Or they have a few dedicated antis.
>Or else why complain about them to the point of asking Kson to speak on their behalf
They didn't ask Kson to speak on her behalf, Kson asked them if Kson could talk about it.

>> No.46423111
File: 132 KB, 1100x1100, 1644175792489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned if you call unicorns out on their shit, they get mad and shitpost for days.

>> No.46423209

She is

>> No.46423251

It is a threat, and an actually valid one. Unlike the faggotry you shitters kick up because you want to apply ideas that died in the idol world ages ago to vtubers.

>> No.46423416

A lot of words to say absolutely nothing.

>> No.46423465

She was never really friends with nazuna, kanata, and hololive

>> No.46423479

Seek help.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46423552

>recent dinner with Mori
oh wtf I completely forgot about that, this shit all makes sense now. Fuck Mori for feeding Kson mental poison

>> No.46423626

Meds and a shrink, anon. Get them.

>> No.46425282

You assume it must be connected to yab.
While collab drama was months ago, the tension from it exists to this day. With Tempus 2 announcement and debut making it even bigger than it was ever before. We are in what can be called cold war state. Neither side of fanbase can claim victory in "culture war". The new status quo was established, but both sides are still very hostile to each other. It's ticking bomb situation. The moment something will break current status quo, the pandora box will open again.

>> No.46426213

mikeneko fans are retarded. News at 11

>> No.46426462

>the tension from it exists to this day. With Tempus 2 announcement and debut making it even bigger than it was ever before. We are in what can be called cold war state. Neither side of fanbase can claim victory in "culture war". The new status quo was established, but both sides are still very hostile to each other. It's ticking bomb situation. The moment something will break current status quo, the pandora box will open again.
Absolutely schizo shit and only matters to idiots on /here/ trying to find a potential yab where there isn't. The rest of the main EN fanbase has long moved on practically and accepted Tempus as just being another part of EN. This is pertaining to what Mori would've said to Kson when they met up and literally all that shit you mentioned about a ticking timebomb goes ignored by the girls. Even the horse AI shit gets more attention from Mori now than whatever retarded "culture war" bullshit you are talking about.

>> No.46426734

>The rest of the main EN fanbase has long moved on practically and accepted Tempus as just being another part of EN.
Actually delusional.
Even the extremely heavily moderated subreddit, which bootlicks cover like nothing else, complained about the obvious favoritism tempus continues to receive.

>> No.46426744

literally who?

>> No.46427386

>Even the extremely heavily moderated subreddit, which bootlicks cover like nothing else, complained about the obvious favoritism tempus continues to receive
Okay but what does this have to do with unicorns and what Kson talked about on her stream then? Are you this fucking retarded that you forgot about what this whole thread was about?

>> No.46428236

1) Never taking meds
2) Mikeneko is my literal wife
3) Genuinely my actual, literal wife
4) Fuck you and your meds
5) I will never take meds
6) Somethings got to give

>> No.46428352

they are but what does that have to do with this

>> No.46428614

Nekofami have been running the narrative it's 100% about Kanata because they never want to blame themselves for their own fucking problems and still have a grudge against Hololive a year later. It should fucking be about Nekofami. Fuck these faggots. I try to support their "wife" too.

>> No.46428709

Sums up /ggg/ kek

>> No.46428832

Shhhh don't tell them the facts that most unicorns are EOP retards who get mocked by 5ch all the time even though they think 5ch is always on their side.

>> No.46428909

You're in every thread rushing to Kson's defense larping as a Japanese person. Why?

>> No.46429000

>giving a shit about 5ch shit talking
That's like giving a shit about what random fuckers on 4chan say. Nobody sane cares about what they think any more than what we think.

>> No.46429087

>mocked by 5ch
oh no

>> No.46429115

Screenshots of these so called "Heimin?"
Oh that's right you're full of fucking shit you larpfaggot.

>> No.46430366

Stop falling for the larp faggot

>> No.46430952

You sound deranged.
Mikeneko didn't even watch Kson's stream and continued to defend unicorns. It's very obviously not about Mikeneko unless Kson is very fundamentally mistaken about Mikeneko's stance on the issue.

>> No.46431025

Provide proof it's directly about Kanata then, Marineschizo

>> No.46431029

Nothing, /here/ is just a place full of retards, schizos and newfags

>> No.46431129

Her 5ch is a fanti/anti general that spends all of its time repeating the same few forced memes or just name dropping fans to shit on them or praise them
The fact that their thread mostly disagrees with the EN side only further proves how shit 5ch normalfags are

>> No.46431132

Still waiting on the screenshots of the evil "Heimin" that made Kanata take a break from streaming for... less than a day

>> No.46431320

I'm not Marineschizo. I have no idea who Kson was talking about.
But if it was about Mikeneko, why did Mikeneko not bother watching the stream. Why did she sound dismissve when her chat mentioned that she was contradicting Kson's stream?
Regarding Kanata, besides the thread here, I don't know how large her EN Unicorn side fans are, so I don't know if it's actually about her either unless Kson was assuming the bait threads /here/ were being made by actual fans instead of shitposters. I know Mikeneko has literally talked about kaigai Unicorns before, but I wouldn't know if Kanata has since I don't watch her.

>> No.46431339

She's happier and more lively within Kson's circles than she was before. She changed a lot.

>> No.46431709

Since you can check her DMs, can you tell me if she received my dick pic?

>> No.46431727

Glad to hear that Koheita-kun is making her so happy

>> No.46433083

>Regarding Kanata, besides the thread here, I don't know how large her EN Unicorn side fans are
Essentially nonexistent, because she's one of the harder JPs to understand and rarely has live translators or clips.
Not that it matters, because it was Kanata who said she herself is a unicorn and that's why she wouldn't interact with men on stream in the first place

>> No.46433328

Mikeneko also called herself a Unicorn, to the point that her fantis spent an entire stream changing the definition of unicorn to try to get her to disagree
It got to the point that they claimed that even if you disliked mixed sex collabs and even if you left comments in the stream chat saying this, you weren't a Unicorn unless you DMed the streamer, which is perhaps the most retarded definition for Unicorn I've ever heard in my life. Does Kanata get the same shit in her chat?

>> No.46433595
File: 379 KB, 611x578, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't have DMs enabled you moron

>> No.46433735

No, Marineschizo, she does not.
In fact the mengen she hosted after the Minecraft event she was OK as usual and talking about seiyuu for nearly 45 minutes straight and no one was flaming her.
Less thread ready, more reps doey. Maybe worry about your "wife" having another menhera attack over nothing.

>> No.46433962

>it should be about nekofami
What about them?
>fucking problems
What problems?
>grudge about Hololive
Marineschizo this is why everyone can always tell it's you
Nobody else cares about talking about [negative thing] at or about Hololive besides you

>> No.46434041

>they think 5ch is always on their side
fucking what lmao

>> No.46434266

Stop calling me Marineschizo. Marineschizo is a Sankisei anti.
The reason I'm asking is to try to figure out why Kanata's fanbase remained sane while Mikeneko's took a complete nosedive into retardation. So I obviously have two theories now, which are more concrete, but it still doesn't give me the answers I want. But now the fundamental idea of
>Hololive fans are far more likely to be unicorns while also understanding the meaning of the term
has solidified in my head. I suppose that's another consequence of her termination.
I think you're also operating from some fundamental misunderstanding that I dislike Kanata when there's literally no reason for me to? I know you've pointed out that Kanata is a unicorn herself, but I imagine one of the other reasons she holds herself to that sort of standard is that she knows that it makes her fans happy, which is always something that should be praised. In my eyes, an oshi that doesn't aim to make her fans happy isn't worth following, but Kanata must obviously be aiming to make her fans happy because of how serious she takes these things.

>> No.46434286

The problem is that normal functioning members of society aren't the ones paying their bills, it's hilarious how much they hate the people making them millionaires

>> No.46434288
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, 1679523728419221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering how much she's been hanging out with Mori recently that's probably her giving her the brainworms. Even if not directly involved with any of the parties, it's pretty easy to have seen how western vtuber fans have been reacting.

>> No.46434337

>accusing people of being him
there is no narrative here in either direction you moron people just hopped onto the most surface level assumption
but you know that and are just mad because you wanted to use it as an opportunity to schizopost about hololive using her while LARPing as her fan

>> No.46434498

>nosedive into retardation
>it is retarded to have preferences
>uses 5ch as a source
learn Japanese please

>> No.46434754

Sorry, now you've confused me even further. I didn't even mention 5ch in my post or preferences. What on earth are you talking about?
If you think the anti unicorn rhetoric that was being pushed against Mikeneko was confined to 5ch, you're 100% incorrect. It was in her public Twitcast streams to the point that I was looking at some of her biggest fans literally typing ユニコーン死ね in her streams. Her biggest fan artist was making anti unicorn posts despite every single other oshi she had being against male collabs.

>> No.46435906

Yes? That was before she spoke out against it. She never endorsed that type of behavior in the first place.
Moreover it has no bearing on your bizarre claim that they 'nosedived into retardation' because a preference is exactly that, a preference

>> No.46436243

>It got to the point that they claimed that even if you disliked mixed sex collabs and even if you left comments in the stream chat saying this, you weren't a Unicorn unless you DMed the streamer
Nobody said that, people just called you a coward if you never said anything
Also, this obsession with DMs specifically is extremely strange.
Why do 'people' always insist upon centering the conversation on a frowned upon communication method? The DMs are literally just a delivery mechanism, the concept of DMing a person isn't some strange centerpiece of an idea

>> No.46437056

So business as usual.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46438591

Part of it is probably that you can safely assume Kanata will not secretly start dating a guy because she is the world's most obvious closeted lesbian
