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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 659 KB, 715x444, homostars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46375965 No.46375965 [Reply] [Original]

>Unicorns feel threatened by this

>> No.46376089

Brotubers? Who is the blue hair girl?

>> No.46376116

i mean... they're unicorns after all. lowest of the low.

>> No.46376167


>> No.46376200

bunch of sex pests in the position of a coworker instead of residing in some gutter where they belong? yeah

>> No.46376218


>> No.46376263

Hey, I remember this song.


>> No.46376479


>> No.46376556

this, why else would vesper be there?

>> No.46376683

Why are Rio's boobs out?! And why is she standing nude next to so many boys?! What happened to Hololive?!

>> No.46376711


>> No.46376987
File: 68 KB, 420x541, 1639600090924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even NijiEN does this kind of shit. Congratulations Holobronies, you outdid NijiEN degenerate management.

>> No.46377039

Is Astel gonna be ok???

>> No.46377106

>they dont know

>> No.46377145

>Zhang doesn't know of glorious JP comedy
Ofc is nijiniggers

>> No.46377218

come on have you guys never been at a gym? You're the weird one if you don't feel comfortable being naked around your bros.

>> No.46377260

(brotubers btw)

>> No.46377306


>> No.46377352


>> No.46377375

fucking retarded newfags

>> No.46377404
File: 103 KB, 221x218, ogrey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"""unicorns""" never heard of gachimuchi

>> No.46377429

Rio breasts
Rio breasts

Rio breasts

>> No.46377466


>> No.46377812

this board is filled with newfags...

>> No.46377851

jesas, since when are boobs allowed in youtube?

>> No.46377899

neck yourself loser, this shit is based

>> No.46377966

I saw this in the April Fool's collection thread. Hit me with a wave of Nostalgia.
I don't care for Stars but Yatta was a fun part of a simpler time of internet culture.

>> No.46377976
File: 403 KB, 727x732, 9D33FCE5-7A84-4CA3-9FAF-E50B0A71F9A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46378189
File: 1.57 MB, 1312x850, 1649696315653876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not the ones the unicorns should feel threatened by

>> No.46378195

holoEN was a mistake

>> No.46378224

/vt/ really is the new fag board, rangeban americans.

>> No.46378351

Belmond you gorgeous man

>> No.46378536
File: 2 KB, 319x352, 1654467791670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homos sucking each other naked is fine because it's le ebin Japanese reference
Nice one retards, you sure owned the newfags nijiniggers putting with this

>> No.46378537

holotwinks vs nijiMEN

>> No.46378799

>it's not gay, it's just an ironic reference

>> No.46378937

damn what a semen slurping corpo
niggas really watch this?

>> No.46378976

>Literally imagining them sucking each other off
Anon /lgbt/ is a click away, you know...

>> No.46379010

Holy faggots lmao

>> No.46379059

>doesn't know gachimuchi
Newfags OUT

>> No.46379067

Rio getting gangbanged. Yabba Dabba Do.

>> No.46379094

It's a guy, believe or not.

>> No.46379099 [DELETED] 

Already reported it for sexual content.

>> No.46379153

>Sex pest: a person who sexually harasses or assaults another person.
The girls want them there.... you are more of a sex pest to the girls thatn fucking tempus LOL

>> No.46379173

>"they are all gay because they take bath together"
You never had friends, have you

>> No.46379240

>people dont know gachimuchi
You must be 18 years old to post on this site.

>> No.46379245

This thread proved that there's so many underage poster on 4chan...

>> No.46379293

Is Belmond single? If so then he is either gay or ugly as fuck. The guy has a good male voice so that should already get him very far, but I never heard anything about him fucking the Niji women.

>> No.46379324

So when they start referencing the blowjobs it still won't be gay because it's just a reference right

>> No.46379478

Gura doesn't want them. And her opinion is the only one that matters.

>> No.46379554

its almost like you want to see them sucking each other.

>> No.46379653

Exactly this. Gura is the queen of Hololive, what she says goes. And it’s clear what her stance on homoerotic faggotry is. She hates tempiss with a burning passion, and I stand by her.

>> No.46379679
File: 118 KB, 252x259, 1680323663392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit the theory about Unicorns thinking about nothing but dicks all the time is actually real. My fucking sides.

>> No.46379680

I like how they all fucked up their chins to make nowa feel better

>> No.46379710

>The girls want them there

>> No.46379773

I have no clue what this is a reference of and I'm old af.

>> No.46379856
File: 68 KB, 1200x675, 1666582111907707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody fucking cares about this crap. Its not what we signed up for
>b-but le heckin unicorns!
fuck you too. Tempus has no humor. Its all shit.

>> No.46379865

hey ladies, I like male vtubers too~!

>> No.46379953

The true bros?

>> No.46380087


>> No.46380112

Define "old".
Because if you were a weeb in the 00s', there's no way you didn't watch it.

>> No.46380157

What is this shit?

>> No.46380175

no you're not, you're either a zoomer, or you should be posting on twitter instead of 4chan if you don't know this

>> No.46380205

>it's ok when women do it
you fags are just twitter feminists

>> No.46380231

It was a famous meme in the early 2000s on the internet.

>> No.46380242

Magni Court mogged a good chunk of HoloEn's 2D live projects and had its dedicated share of humor that was good for what its worth.
Go back handegg mutt.

>> No.46380281

>Troonikeks can't stop thinking about men fucking
Water is wet

>> No.46380320

Cool I don't watch Magni and he's a fag. Good job faggot.

>> No.46380344

>7 men
>1 woman

>> No.46380404


>> No.46380508

I dunno how to tell you this, but a guy can talk about dick and not make it gay
>t. Not burger or european.

>> No.46380660

no you

>> No.46380745

I was a late bloomer to weebdom. Didn't have internet at home until I was almost out of highschool but I'm in my mid 30s. At this point, I've seen around 1000 anime so I probably am familiar with it.
Yeah, it's a faint memory but as a reference. Never seen this video until now.

>> No.46380901

Perhaps you heard it through flash animutations instead?

>> No.46380972

Kill yourself homo

>> No.46381112

Yes. Alot of posters are underage.

>> No.46381264
File: 986 KB, 2480x3186, Korone AVGN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless blackalbinosheep

Nobody here knows what that is btw, because most of this board is underage or only started using 4chan after 2019 :)

>> No.46381274

I don't even feel. I watch vtubers. All kind. Women and men.

>> No.46381348

I used 4chan since the 2014.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46381381

yatta isnt gachi...?

>> No.46381390

bossu's long chin is love, bossu's long chin is life<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.46381424

This is the April fool's joke of this year of 4chan. AI bullshit.

>> No.46381431

The fuck are those Dorito chins

>> No.46381716

>it’s clear what her stance on homoerotic faggotry is.
When all of the girls are gay for the pay, and with some of them being actually LGBT, yeah I think it does make it clear.
I wonder what fantasy land /vt/ lives in sometimes

>> No.46382929

>I wonder what fantasy land /vt/ lives in sometimes
incel land

>> No.46383026


>> No.46383064

oh no they have no nipples!

>> No.46383122

There's a difference between thinking about a dick once and constantly thinking about men sucking dick

>> No.46383333

Rio is about to get FUCKED by seven men!!! AIIIIEEEEEEE

>> No.46383881

nigga you the only one
