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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46319259 No.46319259 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.46319352

But Niji is a black company. Why Kiara....

>> No.46319406

Why does hololive keep throwing nijicucks a lifeline?

>> No.46319436

Jesuschrist I can't even begin to defend this shit.

>> No.46319438

>3 posts
>2 IP's
samefag lol

>> No.46319497

You can keep Kiara.

>> No.46319507

I hate Nina so much it's unreal bro people always pomu is a leech but no this bitch Nina is like the biggest leech of all time she leeching everyone twitch tubers fleshtuber vtweers this bitch is everywhere

>> No.46319575

they can keep kiara

>> No.46319616

kiara deflection thread

>> No.46319663

hey at least she doesn't collab with MALES

>> No.46319666

Why don't industry professionals act exactly like the screeching 15 year old console warriors in the beancounting thread bros...

>> No.46319675

You're like a year out of date bro Nina is a cool gamer hag

>> No.46319695

Pomu and Rosemi are okay since they are pretty inoffensive. But why Nina?

>> No.46319724

>mad about Pomu and Rosemi

>> No.46319749

it's like an all out war

>> No.46319752

Cannot wait for it to be better than the Uno game between Mori, Kiara, Ina and Gura

>> No.46319770

Honorary holos

>> No.46319856

Kiara really wants to bring about the destruction of Hololive with her slutty behavior.

>> No.46319874

>Nijisis still malding that Nina got to hang out with Luxiem, when she cannot
The absolute state...

>> No.46319912


>> No.46319919

sussy sex

>> No.46319929

Pomu was part of the clique that shit on hololive

>> No.46319974

Maybe orange woman is bad after all.

>> No.46319992

Nina was trying to convince Kiara to stream Paradox games so she's based in my book

>> No.46319998

>I hate this person doing their job collaborating with other people
Just say you're parasocial bro, you're not the only one here

>> No.46320055

Unitycorns thriving
Tribalfags seething
Homobeggars on suicide watch

>> No.46320072

Think one of the Luxiem boys will join the VC?

>> No.46320124
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The tongue piercing was a big red flag for what is coming.

>> No.46320165

>Makes tribalfags seethe
Damn Kiara is fucking based

>> No.46320172

doesnt kiara have enough people to collab with in hololive? Or is JP tired of her shitty nihongo and EN of her screeching

>> No.46320194

I see all Nijis, what's wrong

>> No.46320198


>> No.46320247

Why is she in Hololive again?
She should do us all a favour and transfer to Niji already, everybody will be happier.

>> No.46320257

I don't understand how people can still have hurt feelings about Fungus making milquetoast, surface-level observations about Cover's extremely obvious corporate maneuvering.

>> No.46320272

Because she wants black company

>> No.46320318

I guess JP hates Marine, since she has collabs with Niji

Don't even get me started on Suisei

>> No.46320339

in the clique

>> No.46320370

Guaranteed better than any holoen Uno collab

>> No.46320389

yes lets make it true unity in a token of friendship exchange students so to speak, holo gets pomu niji gets kiara

>> No.46320513

Not a very high bar to pass

>> No.46320584

Long time for an anti Kiara thread.

>> No.46320621

this collab will get low numbers and orange woman hate will spurge once more

>> No.46320688

I will enjoy the stream and the sperging from the usual anons

>> No.46320712
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>Look at my cute thumbnail
Look at my cute wife

>> No.46321095

How much of a newfag does someone need to be to seethe about this now?

>> No.46321163

Kiara is HoloJP but in English, newfag.

>> No.46321189
File: 105 KB, 1024x450, Leechama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to watch the entire Nijisanji leeching arc.

>> No.46321199

Can't wait until the chicken finally leaves Holo

>> No.46321228

Rosemi is the only one I would consider a positive exchange for Hololive.

>> No.46321235

Stay with them Kiara

>> No.46321257


>> No.46321272

better than the pink whale. at least it isnt with niji's council

>> No.46321316

It literally took 2 years to bring this collaboration to realize.
Mori's Connor drama has brought Myth success in exchange for mori's career.

>> No.46321335

We all talked about some Nijis being honorary Holos, but in the end it looks like Kiara is an honorary Niji....

>> No.46321353

the meltdown would be perfect if kiara collabed with vox after snubbing tempus

>> No.46321375

Almost decent, shame Nina had to show up

>> No.46321393

Because Kiara gets along with them better than her genmates

>> No.46321417

How to make this stream good:
>remove Nina
>remove Pomu
>remove Kiara
>Rosemi plays Uno all by herself

>> No.46321598

It's your fault Kiara literally does this because she gets ignored in holoEN in nijiEN the girls act as if she is a goddess, the least popular Holo gets to be a queen in the eyes of nijis and she loves it because of her "mememe" personality

>> No.46321904

Damn women are easy just be nice to them

>> No.46321948

then she wonders why she doesn't gain subscribers, low views, low audience

>> No.46321957

Kiara is a low tier chuuba so I see no problem?

>> No.46322041

I don't know if Kiara is actually that smart or just lucky that these Niji collabs are happening after the huge collab spree with multiple JPs and ENs in Jan and Feb. (Especially the one-on-one offcollab with gura)
She also announced a big Easter holo collab and wither collab before this collab was announced. So maybe she is smart but idk.

>> No.46322148

Kiara really killed her growth when she collaborated with nyanners and now she is condemned to be the last one for collaborating with nijis

>> No.46322188

Kiaraschizos are going to ignore that she had more HoloJP and HoloID collabs than any other HoloEN in that timeframe

>> No.46322254

The only thing kiara does is lose followers and have low views

>> No.46322266

Yea I guess that is the reason why there is not that much of a meltdown because it is only a few group of people trying to shitpost unable to convince the tourists on this board.
That gura offcollab and the myth offcollab also stopped the Gura hates her genmates shitposts.
Really impressive from Kiara

>> No.46322303
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I love the smell of unity. You console wars niggers need to go and stay out.

>> No.46322363

Kiara has good taste in Nijis

>> No.46322371

Kira why?
The only thing you will do is continue being the most unpopular of HoloEn, then you will cry and ask why nobody sees you

>> No.46322430

>t. Crying tribalnigger

>> No.46322442

Oh boy, I was worried after the first offcollab in Mori's place but credit to Kiara for changing that narrative with that "unbelievably believable" offcollab.

>> No.46322506

then she will cry in some members stream asking why she has low views

>> No.46322568
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I wish more people on this board would just have fun and enjoy streams like this instead of sperging out about an autistic brand-war.

I have hopes that the schizos and parasocials will eventually become an unnoticeable minority. See you in chat, anon

>> No.46322617

Holosisters... why doesn't our company act like us... it's not fair

>> No.46322628


>> No.46322629

I think the impromptu offcollab during her FE stream was the one which squashed all 'Myth does not get along with each other' narrative.

>> No.46322729

collaborating with people who throw people under the bus?

>> No.46322764

Well... Mori was not in that one, so Unbelieveably believeable was needed

>> No.46322804

Don't even mind the cross company collab. Just replace Kiara with literally any other holo and this would be great

>> No.46322941

It already will be great with Kiara, you schizos are just retarded

>> No.46323024
File: 72 KB, 1744x469, AnotherAutisticEgg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what happened to this retard.
He used to spam this shit in every thread before the JP arc

>> No.46323068

The same industry professionals that had a discord leak making fun of the competition. The same ones where they got hate thrown at their jp senpai because she made it seem like hs drama in minecraft. The same ones that can’t ignore a bad tweet without exploding. The same ones that blame the competition for them being shit on debut. The same ones that did fake 4chan video entirely shitting on coworkers that people had to come out and say I wasn’t part of it or let’s forget about it. Neither side are professionals they all act like high school students jealous of each other but also want to be praised by those same people. Selen, Gura, Ina, Petra unironically Vox and Fauna not included.

>> No.46323133

there's far more schizophrenic shit on this board like people sperging out about male-female collabs "cucking" them (see any niji criticism thread). This one gets a pass lmao

>> No.46323138

How long before Kiara is running with le clique?

>> No.46323139

Back to your mental ward KFPshitter

>> No.46323159

Are you referring to Zaion? None of these three had anything to do with Zaion at all

>> No.46323205

Surprisingly enough, Nina it's "alright" now. I'd be worried if it were Enna, Reimu or Millie.

>> No.46323259

Snore, wake me up when she collabs with NijiEN males

>> No.46323301

>Constantly being a delusional anti towatds Kiara gets a pass

>> No.46323329

>Just replace Kiara with literally any other holo and this would be great
are there any OTHER members in holoEN that would be willing enough to collab with nijis? hell, include the IDs even

>> No.46323490

>Kiaraschizo telling anyone else to go to a mental ward
RUMAO the absolute lack of self-awareness

>> No.46323527
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If she loves Niji so much why doesn't she just join them?

>> No.46323553

She is also lucky that Mumei and Ame also collabed with NijiEN which was more shocking to people. Because of this genuine teammates and hoomans cannot join in the shitposting.

>> No.46323556
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>> No.46323585

Ask Marine, Suisei and Matsuri that

>> No.46323628

I don't watch Kiara and I don't know why people are antis towards her. I'm seeing his comment as "this would have better chemistry if there was another holomem"

If he IS being an anti against Kiara specifically, then no it doesn't get a pass lmao. Still, there's way more schiz shit out here.

>> No.46323657

>KFP likes Kiara
Woah next you are going to tell me that Chumbuds like Gura

>> No.46323687

HoloID collab with Mika every once in awhile. Moona has been in Millies chat several times and they know each other pretty well. Zeta and Ollie collabed with Selen.

>Don't like Kiara
>Must be a schizo
Holy shit. Can't even accept that maybe your oshi is shit and that's why no one watches her?

>> No.46323747

>/vt/ told me to be mad at her a year ago, so I'll continue to be mad at her for whatever retarded reason /vt/ spit out.

>> No.46323783

Well first off it’s not true stars aren’t banned from talking with holo so he doesn’t know what he’s saying. That’s one side the other is saying council didn’t do as well as expected which even generously is just retarded as if anyone thinks council would match myth why would that be expectations. People were actually mad that he was saying this 1 month into debut bragging that luxiem/noctyx matched jp even dramatubers that downplayed the leak said he shouldn’t be talking. Year later he’s bottom of noctyx and there doing a fraction compared to debut. People anti hologirls for absolutely nothing but you think it’s out of left field for this. It was funny seeing kiara and pomu both ignore sc asking them what they actually think

>> No.46323802

>He is not a schizo
>Goes to an anti thread to shit on Kiars
>Kiara would not have great chemistry
Ogey Kiaraschizo

>> No.46323805

She's off collabed with Rosemi and Elira, collabed with Pomu, and admitted to having dreams about Millie and Enna. Shu is the only member of Elira's clique that remains.

>> No.46323817

>"I hate cancel culture!"
>"X said Y about 12 months ago so I will NEVER watch her! also she cucked me"
ppl need to log off

>> No.46323840

Look everyone Orcschizo is back

>> No.46323891

Its simple. They start being around these people then they start acting like them. Then it spreads like a disease to anyone she interacts with. Segregation is the only way.

>> No.46323942

>Goes on /vt/ to shit on Kiara
>He is not a Kiaraschizo
Who are you trying to fool Kiaraschizo?

>> No.46324089

I will never understand why Holofags hate Kiara. If anything she's the most idol in her group.

>> No.46324146

It is just the same 10-20 eggs still seething

>> No.46324307

It was never all of myth it was certain members for example Gura doesn’t like mori/ame. It’s still believable all they showed you was them collabing have you not seen others. Zaion is now the devil even though looked fine in collabs. kawaii terminating oceanne literally a day or two before she joined a call in with her genmates to another member’s birthday they were laughing like it was nothing. Now after she’s gone everyone hated her idk what’s true anymore.

>> No.46324332

He probably got rangebanned or something because he's still yelling into the void on n*fco

>> No.46324478

>Goes on /vt/ to shit on Kiara
No one besides deranged KFP have Kiara on their mind 24/7. I saw a thread, I click thread, I make objective statement and you seethe

>> No.46324525

jump ship already please jump ship already

>> No.46324615

>Thread still up
Smell like teakeks in here

>> No.46324815
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Cover is having Anykara be the ones doing the dirty work (acceleration, lower quality everything, yab central) which is profitable as it attracts new viewers for cheap.
Meanwhile they focus on making the box stronger... increase the reach of its gravity. Being seen as the better option is easier when standing next to something of lower value. That's why these cross company collabs are being encouraged now.
They target a select part of Nijisanji's rosters and get holofans see them as "honorary holo" vtubers. Nijifans can only be grateful about it.
In EN it's working great: Pomu, Selen, Rosemi and Nina are seen as honorary holos stuck in Nijisanji.
This pulls even the most stubborn Nijifans near the event horizon, and that's when Yagoo's finger snap comes in: Announces EN3, JP7 or ID4.

>> No.46324863

She won't do that. This is her chance to be the big fish in the pond, the big english senpai, nijis love her.
Meanwhile in hololive she is basically an afterthought, the runt of the litter.

>> No.46324903


>> No.46324986
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>> No.46325083

Is kiara so desparate for views shes turning to niji of all places?

>> No.46325395

on one hand, i shouldn't have included ID
but to (you)r credit, i'll be damned

>> No.46325561

even outside of ID, I forgot Ame and Mumei had a collab with Selen

>> No.46325941

new myth, kek

>> No.46326444

Rosemi is NOT sussy

>> No.46327031
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>wow that's gonna be a great stream!

>> No.46327226

Gamer Hag Supremacy

>> No.46327329

yeah, me

>> No.46327330

I like all four but this game is trash, they will just do cringe batsu, I blame holobronies for enabling this kind of content

>> No.46327381

Honestly I'm more pissed it's Uno

Like does every fucking chuuba suffer memory loss and forget how annoying it is to set up Uno? How it's still buggy and sloppy as shit?

>> No.46327436

How do all of these hags keep winning???

>> No.46327579

>wahhhh the tribe I like is mixing happily with the tribe I'm not supposed to like
>I must seethe about it to gain acceptance and validation because my life is worthless without it
These threads are funny.

>> No.46327676

>Kiara can't get the JP fans to like her for years so she goes even lower and leeches off NijiEN

>> No.46327777

Oh that's right
The Blue Homo tried to get the credit for this collabs LMAO.
Could no even keep the act for a month. Sasuga Leech.

>> No.46327917

Kiara is horny anons pls understand

>> No.46327920

dont forget
>im not going to watch the thing i dont like VICTORY!!!

>> No.46328024

I hate SEAniggers so much

>> No.46328083

Pretty sure Kiara has collabed or at least streamed with everyone in holo

>> No.46328492

i know this is hard to understand for the /vt/ caveman brain, but most chuubas aren't tribalfags and have friendships across company boundaries

>> No.46328757

I know it's hopeless to say this here but, that shit is in the past. And seeing how things are going normally and they're still allowing NijixHolo collabs it means that none of those things were that big of a deal.
For once in your lives, stop holding grudges and let things go.

>> No.46330712

She's having fun with Metal Gear Solid, she's cool with me.

>> No.46330926 [DELETED] 


>> No.46331090

>Drawn to orange woman threads like a moth to flame
Seek help

>> No.46332921

Friendly reminder cover lost 37% of their initial valuation already

>> No.46332996

Rosemi, Pomu and Kiara together... Imagine...

>> No.46333207


>> No.46333220

>stubborn Nijifans
Where does this come from? Your post is build on the Holobox theory.
Holobros are the ones refusing to watch anything else than Hololive.

>> No.46333293


>> No.46333298

Funny how many incels fail to do this.

>> No.46333315

lol. Unless it's gura niji en gain nothing.

>> No.46333451

>Deliberately clicks thread, because it has Kiara to shit on her
Again Kiaraschizo you are not fooling anyone, especially not with your seething at KFP

>> No.46333691

>Gives subjective opinion that he would prefer anyone else than Kiara
>It is actually an objective statement, I am not a schizo btw.
RUMAO the absolute cracking

>> No.46333819

The reality is Hololive doesn't consider NijiEN a competing branch of the company anymore. So now they don't have issue with throwing them a bone, because they know no one's gonna go see them in the end.

>> No.46334506

>going from 750yen to +1300yen is a 37% loss
you should go retake those special needs classes

>> No.46334754

sex stream

>> No.46335033


>> No.46335346

>Kiara has more collabs with NijiEN than with IRyS or Mumei.

>> No.46335976

Going from 2k yen to 1370 yen is a loss yeah

>> No.46336310

Kiara and Mumei watched Holofes day 2 together over discord.

>> No.46336401

lol @ Kiara. She's stooping so low by collabing with 2nd and 3rd rate vtubers.

>> No.46336633

You say that like she isn't one herself.
To be the 2kview runt of Myth you have to be quite terrible

>> No.46336644

Kiara will never collab with Finana unless she likes little annoying zoomer twitch brats

>> No.46336803

At least she actually loves streaming and her fan base unlike Gura.

>> No.46338596

>she is basically an afterthought, the runt of the litter
As she should be

>> No.46340367

Refusing to collab with Tempus earned her enough goodwill to get away with this.

>> No.46340978

Not going to watch it but it's really retarded that a fucking UNO collab has multi-POV. Why are nijis so retarded?

>> No.46341066

Sexo collab

>> No.46341259
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What's happening is Kiara fishing for numbers. Cross-company collabs have traditionally garnered high viewership. Kiara, in her neverending hunt for more views, believes she can replicate it with NijiEN collab. What she isn't aware of, is that the phenomenon does not translate to EN branches.

Pomu, Rosemi and Nina are just tools to feed Kiara's narcissism.

>> No.46341619

Kiara will collab with anyone if it means more views, except with males because that goes against the goal.

>> No.46341649

Sony will acquire both companies within six months.

>> No.46341680

dont hold a grudge on me after i rape you tonight

>> No.46341702
File: 216 KB, 328x291, 1649213440599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Rosebud.

>> No.46341747

Kek Finana is the last one to get views

>> No.46341980

No, I'm seething because it's not a good Holo in the collab.

>> No.46342059

Niji help holo out by being a yab magnet that all dramafags flock to.

>> No.46345196

Ok Chumcuck

>> No.46346093

>750yen is 2000yen, yeah
oh dear... it's terminal

>> No.46346466
File: 223 KB, 1024x771, KFPbuffetAssaultUnit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fellow KFP, which Nijisanji is our favorite?

>> No.46346973
File: 38 KB, 692x587, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do threadfags have so much trouble looking up a public company?

>> No.46348191

Oh look at him go, feeling special for posting the first shit he finds on google.
