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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46301213 No.46301213 [Reply] [Original]

What's the consensus on her right now?

>> No.46301253

>She wants to do interrogation/real life crime videos

She is a content creator

>> No.46301263

Boring, no soul, relic of the past, lifeless husk of her former self. Next question.

>> No.46301264

Still the heart and soul of holoEN as a whole, most important member of the group and /vt/'s oshi.

>inb4 "improve yourself" shitposting

>> No.46301520

she's great because she helped pushed me onto the path of self improvement. I don't watch her or support her anymore but every time I see a thread like this, I get motivated to work harder

>> No.46301800

I thought her yoshi's island stream was fun.

>> No.46301815


>> No.46301867

That I still like her and her content you can be a faggot and try to fit in with /vt/ though instead of improving yourself and learning to think for yourself.

>> No.46301881

Do you think Ame hates fatties because they haven’t improved themselves

>> No.46301915

I don't watch her unless she's playing a game I like. I apply this to every vtuber I watch.

>> No.46301977

She's cool

>> No.46301993

Sorry, was I supposed to be watching her? I was watching something else.

>> No.46302046

I like how most of the replies here are shitting on her. and saying how bad and boring she become.
When in reality nothing much changed from her streams, the mic changed but that's about it.
Seeing all of these "improve yourself" shit makes me think that she's right and you anons really do need to improve yourselves.

>> No.46302143

i did improved myself actually

>> No.46302176

t. Beta male

>> No.46302692

Ah, yes, another time loop...

>> No.46303260


>> No.46303297

Consensusual anal

>> No.46303319

I improved myself by dropping her

>> No.46303397

In all seriousness, if that comment really was the turning point, it’s much more likely that it was a wake up call to anons that they were just watching her because they were used to watching her.

>> No.46303430
File: 162 KB, 381x242, cheers my friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I improve myself and focus on my life and Migo
>no need for many waifu

>> No.46303470

Improving oneself can mean many things. What does she mean by “improve yourself”?

>> No.46303479

doesnt exist on the catalog anon

>> No.46303527

With your words, it seems her former fans improved themselves but she herself stagnates and never desire for improving
>thats an L for her

>> No.46303670

in the context of the stream it was in she basically meant you should look at yourself and wonder how you got the point that a girl might collab with a guy to shoot the shit on stream sometimes being something that genuinely bothers you and that maybe you should probably look into fixing that. Fixing it could range from growing mental capacity to not let it bother you to most of /vt/ unicorns method of just dropping her. It is hilarious she still restricted herself on the types of collabs she would do being just group oriented ones that seem to always have other girls at the minimum so is basically pussyfooting a bit herself.

>> No.46303942

i ain’t reading all that
i’m happy for u tho
or sorry that happened

>> No.46304113

luv u catalogposter

>> No.46304414

right on nijisis

>> No.46304472

Like most women she's so awful at basic tasks that I can't watch her. At least some of the other girls are cute when they're fucking up, but Ame's screeches and gremlin noises just don't do it for me.

>> No.46304537


>> No.46304550

This is beyond sad.

>> No.46304564

the unkayfabed anger is childish as fuck. bet the twitch crowd loves it, makes sense why she streams there

>> No.46304570

I only like her for Smol Ame

>> No.46305193

reeeeee no ame stop streaming on twitch and stealing all the twitch primes from fulltime vtubers!

>> No.46305735

Stuck up bitch

>> No.46305741

>Does want she wants and tells critics to fuck off
>Hates her fanbase
>Gets genuinely mad at games but I'm sure that makes Teamates cum anyway

>> No.46306438

>you have to be an unemotional robot when streaming games

>> No.46306471 [DELETED] 

I did improve myself by dropping her for someone who isn't a fucking whore.

>> No.46306509

Based and perfect. She's chugging right along.


>> No.46306538

>Anger is the only emotion I recognise
That's rough buddy

>> No.46306574 [DELETED] 

She's fine but twitch is bad and she isn't reliable enough to upload/archive the vods. And even if she she's she's going to unlist them and link them in a tweet making them hard to get to.

>> No.46306576

She's still better than at least half of other Holos. I'll take her over them any day.

>> No.46306626

She was assblasted that people dropped her for collabing with males and like all fucking women she couldn't admit to herself that she's exploiting lonely people. So she told them to "improve themselves" which is equivalent to telling the homeless to just "buy a house lol". Anyone that takes two seconds to look at male virginity stats in the west will see that this shit is getting out of hand so hard that "incels" will soon be a major voting block. Yet women refuse to acknowledge it.
Watching women lose their rights in 20-30 years because of this shit will be fucking hilarious.

>> No.46306667

nice larp

>> No.46306720

you glow

>> No.46306909

She's doing fine.
Also I got my smol Ame plush it's pretty neat.

>> No.46306938

Smol Ame is one of the biggest memes Hololive ever had, the Holofes crowd loved her for two years in a row

>> No.46306999


>> No.46307010

Can't support her since she went to the reformist side

>> No.46307560
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>brownskins are still mad about "improve yourself"

>> No.46307603

Have you cut a hole into the bottom and fucked it, yet

>> No.46307672

No I'm too scared of it. I can feel it watching me at all times.

>> No.46307679
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don't tempt me, i bought an extra

>> No.46307817

>when you’re jacking off and then see the Smol Ame plush starting at you across the room, wondering if she’s silently judging you through those black eyes

>> No.46308174
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the consensus is she still makes me cum

>> No.46308642

>the only EN to actually finish Elden Ring

>> No.46308737

Ina didn’t finish it?

>> No.46308758

Does Mori's run not count because of the deadbeat summons or something, or did you just forget it existed?

>> No.46308928

She hasn’t
I forgot unironically ngl

>> No.46310026

EN3 now please

>> No.46311347

The consensus is make up your own mind and stop asking people to tell you what to think

>> No.46311690

It's not like she changed fundamentally over the two and a half years since her debut. Right now there's a content drought regarding larger projects but she's the same wallflower autist with her weird interests she always was. I don't watch her because I find her regular streams boring, but that's it.

>> No.46311715

tiny TINY hands

>> No.46311837
File: 140 KB, 420x396, 1672970675572416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her hands are actually tiny irl so i guess it makes sense for the character. Found this in /Ameg/

>> No.46312094

form your own opinions you room-temperature-IQ seanigger

>> No.46312427

she's been having more than one stream per day
and has been getting back in to counter strike
shit's been great

>> No.46313586


>> No.46314039

shut the fuck up chumpedo
nobody asked you

>> No.46314411

>At least some of the other girls are cute when they're fucking up, but Ame's screeches and gremlin noises just don't do it for me
because you're fucking gay and have shit taste
get off of /vt/

>> No.46314870

Nta, but I don't find getting genuinely mad at your fans and making the stream more boring just to spite them that cute. Not to mention she wants hololive to become a nijisanji clone

>> No.46316396

I thought the yoshi's island stream would be alright when I saw the frame on holodex, never ended up watching it

>> No.46317009

>nijisanji clone
I really don't think she has a content creator complex to even think that far ahead. (Also she doesn't give a fuck about niji, how can someone who has never cares about niji think of ideas to be a niji clone)

>> No.46317752

She doesn't want hololive to literally become nijisanji, but she wants it to become like it. As in collab invitations should be in a shared discord like for the worms collab. Doing a duet with a homo mid karaoke stream should be acceptable. Regular Twitter and chat interaction. She has said that she thinks holostars are just normal people and doesn't see collabing with them any different to holo members.

>> No.46318450

>>46317752 (me)
More specifically like nijien

>> No.46319058

I really don't watch nijisanji EN but collab invitations is such an unoriginal idea, I wouldn't be surprised if Ame thought of it just cause it is convenient. So the fact that you associate shared discord as a nijisanji EN thing is already telling that you think NijiEN revolves around the content of the whole vtubing sphere..

>> No.46319261

so fubuki is trying to turn holoJP into nijisanji too?

>> No.46319430

Trash, loves homos, only stopped collabing with them because of "business" dislikes the fans, think they all want to raid her house.
Doesn't enjoy streaming, hates reading people's opinions, not brave enough to fight for her opinion either, she rather coast with minimal streams and comments while gathering resentment.

>> No.46319446

haven't watched her for a long time since I'm busy improving myself (and watching actual good vtubers)

>> No.46319472

I like anyone who streams yoshi's island.

>> No.46319505

Unfortunately yes.

>> No.46319551

Ame is a good but flawed girl.

>> No.46319561

she's streamed 5 times in the past two days lmao
you sound like a bitter little bitch

>> No.46319657

go back to your cucked split, cuckmate

>> No.46319700

where's your concert, nijinig?

>> No.46319710
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literally only cared enough to watch her Oblivion streams since those were always fun and buggy bethesda kino. other than that, can't be bothered to watch anything else from her, gotta go improve myself elsewhere

>> No.46319779

totally organic and not botted posts

>> No.46319886
File: 36 KB, 870x589, 1655602309145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wish I was a bot, huh teakek

>> No.46319911

you might as well be

>> No.46320059

I'm not really a fan of her unity stuff either, but at least she's a lot less spiteful and more professional about doing them

>> No.46320109

>you should look at yourself and wonder how you got the point that a girl might collab with a guy to shoot the shit on stream sometimes being something that genuinely bothers you
She knows exactly how.

>> No.46320181

how is she less spiteful? how is ame more spiteful for that matter?

>> No.46320213
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 1656973991167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find a better oshi that doesn't treat you like shit buddy. I genuinely feel bad for you fags

>> No.46320228

Why do teakeks default to calling others nijiniggers just like tempiss fans? Or are they just the same people

>> No.46320321

who's your oshi bro

>> No.46320324

No, she respects other talents not wanting to collab with the homos and doesn't act like a passive aggressive bitch towards her fans who don't like it.

>> No.46320383 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46320424

she literally had weekly collabs with oga in response to unicorns melting down over her collabing with them lmao

>> No.46320491

eat shit selenfag

>> No.46320507

How does the altare karaoke duet make any sense otherwise. He just got a lot of antis after him and she most likely didn't even ask permission. Haven't seen fubuki do anything equally stupid

>> No.46320638

She herself is fat tho

>> No.46320636
File: 7 KB, 250x249, 1629577604513s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't your oshi actual collab with selen, teafag? take your fucking meds lol

>> No.46320647


>> No.46320702

>teakeks melting down
improve yourselves

>> No.46320727

fubuki released a cover of turing love featuring oga AND rikka when her unicorns were melting down. she did an official cover of a love song with TWO MEN in the midst of 5ch unicorn rage, even had a very half-assed MV so she could push it out faster lmao

>> No.46320737

>>46320507 (me)
I'm not even a fan of Fubuki, so if that's true then fuck them both

>> No.46320897

selenfag isn't a selen fan you fucking retarded newfag

>> No.46320975

What actually matters with Fubuki is that she can collab with homos while still having close friend groups and good collabs with other Hololive girls. Ame is incapable of doing that and pushed away the person she had by far the best chemistry with in Gura.

>> No.46321041

I guess Ame really is the fubuki of holoen then

>> No.46321081

you know ame did more collabs while in japan than gura did, right? and that gura was the one who didn't make time for ame in her schedule?

>> No.46321489

Please understand.
Improving themselves would mean dropping Ame, but they can't do that since they are yes men

>> No.46321755

Still fun to watch but dont get attached and avoid all homos

>> No.46321953

>>46321041 (me)
The main difference between them is that Ame did her homo shilling in holoen where the impact is a lot bigger relatively due to them having less members. I really think we weren't far from a much bigger change in holoen with management leading the charge with "holopro unity". Luckily there were members like Fauna, Gura and IRyS that didn't go along with it

>> No.46322134

LOL, you forgot to remove the (me) while trying to have an argument with yourself.

>> No.46322196
File: 103 KB, 827x769, C2783CE4-1EFB-4535-87FB-ADD9A267DD3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another ame bait thread that cant even reach a 100 IP,s

Kek see you guys later i guess

>> No.46322294

There is no difference, Fubuki is just as bad (or good) homos are a plague and all supporters bring drama and negativity to hololive as a whole.

>> No.46322322 [DELETED] 
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I like that she said that she didnt want to live in Gura's shadow but superglued herself to the first dick that casted a shadow over her, very consistant.

>> No.46322394

>and pushed away the person she had by far the best chemistry with in Gura.
Interesting it's always "Ame pushing away Gura" in the eyes of chumbuds. It's ALWAYS somebody elses problem whether it be management, a colleague, this or that. Gura can do no wrong, surely. Oh... But barely a week ago Ame revealed that even though she asked Gura for a collab (which was talked about for 2 weeks prior) she was shot down because "too busy". But I guess that doesn't count, right?

>> No.46322415

Learn english, SEAfriend

>> No.46322438

the same threads, with the same posts

>> No.46322454
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who are you even replying to then fag? holy shit you teafaggots are mentally ill

>> No.46322453

Its even funnier when you see the thread was periodically getting bumbed around the 50nth reply mark

>> No.46322527

I didn't say Fubuki is better. They both have done equally stupid stuff. I'm just saying that Ame's actions could have led to a much more grim future

>> No.46322619

You could see Gura trying and getting shut down, you can say she gives up too easily but this situation was 100% clear initiated by Ame.

>> No.46322697

Delusions of grandeur

>> No.46322850

I'm just pondering. I put it there on purpose

>> No.46322888

Sure you did, shitposter

>> No.46322968

how many retarded reaction images do you have /jp/ tourist

>> No.46323097

She's true woman that likes dick, not this fake cutesy lesbians

>> No.46323154

Why do you love Tempiss so much?

>> No.46323156

you can tell this retarded brownskin gets all of his information from the catalog

>> No.46323160
File: 581 KB, 687x631, 1669518291999122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first it was nijifag, then selenfag, now /jp/ tourist
>I-I'll just keep throwing boogiemen at him and see what s-sticks!
cope and seethe teafag

>> No.46323247

you're a retarded subhuman no matter what you are so what does it matter, lol. bet you have an entire folder of shitpost images dedicated to your craft.

>> No.46323257

This nigga can't even samefag correctly
No wonder Ame bait threads are so shit
Its always the same 1-3 schizos talking to themselves

>> No.46323398

I'm cautious with her at the moment. Like, I wanna watch her entire oblivion playlist.
But if she pulls another spontaneous collab stunt whilst I'm in the middle of it then I'll just lose interest and it will have been time wasted

>> No.46323432

if that's what you find annoying, you teakeks really are more thinskinned than even chumbies, which I didn't think was even possible kek

>> No.46323599

i can only imagine the mudhouse you must be posting this from where your whole hobby revolves around shitposting and collecting images for it

>> No.46323614

You know you can just watch her casually like i do right? Zero attachment, not being a fan and no support. Just a streamer playing a game and seeing her reactions to it.
I did that for the Fallout New Vegas streams

>> No.46323655
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I forecast a cs collab

>> No.46323733
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>> No.46323758

That's my prediction too, i know her too well since i'm an ex teamate

>> No.46323780

bet before /vt/ came along you spent all your time posting smug anime girls on /v/

>> No.46324518

Tempiss sisters do the same shit. Somehow saying their homos were a mistake as a holofan makes me a nijinigger. Wouldn't surprise me if teakeks and tempiss fans are one and the same at this point

>> No.46324782

She's really smart and crafty. I wish I could be like her.

>> No.46325305

Cuckmate rage is real.

>> No.46325451

She can be quite creative, but she certainly isn't smart. I personally would describe her more as a spiteful bitch.

>> No.46325728

She's the most creative EN but streams with homos

>> No.46325908

>Cheesing Elden Ring
S-Sugoi....not like egirls on twitch beat it daily.

>> No.46326398

Yes, naysayers are coping

>> No.46328650

I dropped her during the improve yourself shit and I'm glad I did, though I still find myself missing her sometimes

>> No.46329864


>> No.46330361 [DELETED] 
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>it's an actual fucking sapling
holy shit

>> No.46330589

Improve yourself

>> No.46331784

virus link don't click

>> No.46332158

/vt/ wanted the GFE and they got it. An ideal girlfriend would want you to improve yourself and aim for the best version of you. Literally no irl woman would do that.

Instead you have retards still screeching to no end months later.

>> No.46332698

You mean like how Nijiniggers default to calling others Holobronies? Two sides of a coin, fucker.

>> No.46333206
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>> No.46334231

This. I'm so glad she helped me improve myself by dropping her so I could find someone that doesn't suck off tempiss

>> No.46334860

>Improved myself
>Still in this thread thinking of her
You didn't improve shit

>> No.46335305

I'm so happy I'm no longer a fan of her.
Unironically this and I'm not kidding (except for the tempiss part, I don't care about the boys, Ame just sucks as a streamer)

>> No.46335410

Barely even remember what she sounds like. Making the remaining teakeks seethe is fun

>> No.46335440

Ame turned most of her fans into saplings which is based.
They improved themselves with an ishi that actually loves and rewards them

>> No.46335647

Yeah, I was about to drop her even before tempiss. She just seemed to have lost all passion

>> No.46335881

that's a lot of botting

>> No.46336165

I mostly ignore any stream and just let it play in the background since none of these girls are doing anything more interesting than whatever else I could be doing anyway, but if I'm going to give a passive view when multiple people are streaming, I'll always click on Watson first.

>> No.46336280

She wants to he apart of Twitch culture so badly. She is one of those people who see streaming on Twitch as being cool compared to YouTube. You'll never be apart of it Ame

>> No.46336341 [DELETED] 

Cuck solidarity?

>> No.46336505

It's over.

>> No.46336675


>> No.46338943

id say i couldnt care less but i could because i do care a little just not that much
like shes less important scummy and controversial than 90% of world leaders or successful business owners or whatever and she has even less impact on my life than them so the amount of fucks i give are pretty minimal.

>> No.46342915

We're on /vt/ no one has improved themselves here

>> No.46342969

Kek. Seeing sad bastards exposed like this is always fun to see.

>> No.46343534

Is this some kind of gotcha? lol.

>> No.46345037

I love the blind rage her statment came across to all the right people for all the right outcomes.

You hear it, think it's kinda weird, then remind yourself you follow this idol to watch her grow, get accomplishments, experience, and confidence to be the person she is meant to be--and youre there for as many steps as you can. Shes meant to be inspiration that this nobody can make it with encouragment and support, even if you may never see face-to-face.

Or you can throw a tantrum that a woman might imply that youre not the perfect being or somehow superior to her in every conceivable metric, even though you mire in your filth, accomplishing nothing, growing cold and resentful of those with aspirations and talent. I know it's hard, but seriously ask yourself "what did she mean by this" unironically. Shoot for three answers to this. Hopefully you will keep to your oshi and grow with her, savoring successes and basking in virtual camaraderie. Noone will fault you, or necessarily care, if you chose to take the statement maliciously and seethe endlessly in this imagined slight, but please do so quietly.

>> No.46345114

>boring in 2020
>boring in 2021
>boring in 2022
>boring in 2023


>> No.46345512

>You hear it, think it's kinda weird, then remind yourself you follow this idol to watch her grow, get accomplishments, experience, and confidence to be the person she is meant to be--and youre there for as many steps as you can. Shes meant to be inspiration that this nobody can make it with encouragment and support, even if you may never see face-to-face.
Watch her grow?
In what sense?
Grow from streaming 100hr/mo to 40hr/mo?
Grow from doing the occasional one-off project to doing nothing?
Grow from streaming Elden Ring to streaming competitive shooters (which she sucks at)?
Grow from singing badly and not being able to speak japanese to still singing badly and not being able to speak japanese?
Grow from making herself sick every month due to being too fucktarded to eliminate a single element from her diet to still doing that?
What kind of growth has Ame had?

>> No.46346488

you lost
