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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46212868 No.46212868 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there such a large difference in viewers between the two most subbed hololive EN members. Even an ID with a fraction of the subscribers gets more views

>> No.46213694

People sub to Calli for her music, not her streams.

>> No.46213751

Considering her recent view counts for her songs they don’t even do that anymore

>> No.46214121

What a waste of a model, if Calli was a good talent she would easily have more than 10k viewers

>> No.46214290
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Age restriction on RE4R mostly. Age restriction makes it so it will not appear on the main page or recommendations, it disables embedding so you can't watch on holodex and you must be logged in. So pretty much the ONLY people who will even see the stream is live is people who see her tweet about it and subscribers who see it in their sub feed. The others are also playing minecraft which gives you a 50% view boost alone. Anytime Mori plays something other than JRPGs during normal NA hours she gets around 6-8k, but she very rarely does that.

>> No.46214471

why yall hate calli so much? i seriously am oblivious to why

>> No.46214808

Holy shit a reasonable poster in a catalog thread.

>> No.46215069

Basic pattern recognition and knowing how basic youtube mechanics work is a rarity.

>> No.46215133

She's pretty cringe

>> No.46215245

Don't look at Amelia's numbers right now

>> No.46215331

Subs don't correspond to live viewers and never have. Just compare Gura to someone like Pekora or Miko. Shit thread.

>> No.46215359

because trannies like you that ask that use "yall" while not even being from the south.

>> No.46215390

YouTube/MV views =/= Spotify/iTunes plays and CD revenue

>> No.46215411

That age restriction is pretty much why almost no one is playing it in hololive even though it is one of the bigger releases recently. Only people who actually stream games they enjoy regardless of viewership are playing it.

>> No.46215483

That has nothing to do with youtube subs

>> No.46215499

I want gura play re4 too

>> No.46215614

Lots of people who are subbed to her just listen to her music. Her 30 day channel average is still one of the highest in hololive, she floats around #2-4 depending on what's going on. Suisei dominates all though, also thanks to music.

>> No.46215816

She's too much of a numberfag to stream it

>> No.46215970
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>Age restriction
Rumao, fucking cope. Mori's career is dead.

>> No.46216117

Check VOD numbers.

>> No.46216127
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>persona 3
>was mostly a SC reading stream
>at 3 fucking am
>meaning ANYTHING

>> No.46216242
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>Age restriction
Keep huffing that copium, Mori defense force discord.

>> No.46216345
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>> No.46216363
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You literally proved my point retard. compare it to almost every other stream around that.

>> No.46216383

Now show me pekora playing the actual game. Oh wait she won't because the number rabbit wouldn't dare age restrict a game. Cope and seethe chud

>> No.46216431
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>> No.46216453


JP viewers watch JRPGs. Find me a single EN playing one that's not the first episode with decent viewership.

>> No.46216513
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>Considering her recent view counts for her songs they don’t even do that anymore
>1 million views in less than a week
>Comparing Gura's first videogame stream in over 4 month's at prime NA time while playing buffcraft to... Guerilla persona 3 part #21 at 1 in the morning NA time
Why catalogshitter numberfag so RETARDED?

>> No.46216586
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>InB4 doesn't count because X

>> No.46216643

You literally are saying that because you KNOW pokemon is the exception.

>> No.46216678
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It was a under performer for her too.

>> No.46216683

I'm sure my oshi will be fine with her 10 mil vod views In the last 30 days. Cope and seethe as always

>> No.46216755

Alright why are we targeting mori again? What happened this time?
Yes, WE, you catalogfucks

>> No.46216828

Chumbuds come for the cunny.

>> No.46216831

And yet she'll never live up to moris success, makes me wonder how she feels that she could get 10x ccv and still be a total nobody compared to her. Kinda pathetic

>> No.46216917

They can't stand to see her succeed her latest cover was faster than suzys new song even with her having the buff from first take.

>> No.46216935

It's just a retard who doesn't know how youtube works and willfully ignoring that game choice and stream time means more than anything.

>> No.46217051

>Time to shit on HoloJP
>even though my shit oshi has trouble getting 2K these days
I'm glad Pekora, Fubuki and Korone are going to pass her in subs in 3 months tops. Marine already did. Kobo probably will before the end of the year.

>> No.46217074
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New Acrylic Panel..

>> No.46217178

Delicious tears yum feed me that sweet dopamine. God I love people like you. I can only imagine how much they seethe when they see the top original in hololive is also mori.

>> No.46217289

Koyori learned her lesson and is trying to finish RE4 as fast as possible.

>> No.46217293
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Because Gura is QUEEN

>> No.46217411

>has trouble getting 2K these days
I like how you have to put some many asterisk on this statement for it to be even slightly be true and even then it's a still a reach lol
What a shit thread

>> No.46217559

AH, i see how it is nijibros.

>> No.46217627

Divide and conquer, one of the oldest tricks in the book.

>> No.46217652

>doesn't count because of x
>doesn't count because of x
>no YOU'RE the one coping
Fucking KEK. You fucks are the one moving the goalpost a million times in the thread every time people point out your COPE level arguments. Fucking face it. She'll be a three view soon and the JPs and A FUCKING ID are going to surpass her subscriber numbers. You can't contradict this.

>> No.46217668

Yeah, seeing that this fuck up makes me think it might just be a bot.

>> No.46217744

>Numberfagging an age restricted stream
Fucking kill yourself

>> No.46217770

See this is someone coping that she can keep playing games she enjoys without worrying about CCV because she will continue to get 10m+ views a month.

>> No.46217852

>her music carreer is doing fine
>begs people to buy her bluray

>> No.46217982

Do you do this nagging every time a streamer shills their merch, or do you make a special case for pink woman?

>> No.46218003

Shit, suisei must be failing too because she shills her album so much.

>> No.46218047

>her music career is doing fine
>originals got mogged by "do u"

>> No.46218219

>actually she has great CCV
>actually she doesn't care about having bad CCV
So which is it

>> No.46218292

Yes? She still gets far more views across all her music. Do you think people loop 1 song over and over when you have almost 60 to choose from? I'm sure if Gura released a new song it would get more views than any of Mori's recent stuff but would still fall far behind over all because you can only loop the 2 songs she has so much.

>> No.46218308

Ahaha that runt kiara will never even come close to her total listeners. Keep dodging everything and moving goalposts to satisfy yourself. Keep feeding me that dopamine

>> No.46218358
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>beats her when overlapping

>> No.46218371

You’re not fooling anyone

>> No.46218436

You are mistaking me for someone else. There are several people in this thread calling you retarded. That other guy never claimed she has great CCV either, just her choice of games and stream time is fucking terrible.

>> No.46218523

>Do you think people loop 1 song over and over when you have almost 60 to choose from?
Yes, and that's literally Mori's case, people loop her first year songs over and over, that's the bulk of her channel views

>> No.46218534

>part 7
Part 1 of a highly acclaimed series of one of her most popular games. Shit what a gotcha, you sure showed me. Kiara will always live in moris shadow and will continue being jealous of her for all time. Seethe

>> No.46218576

>N-no you see she's struggles to reach 2k***! (((When's playing a 17 year old JRPG*) Combined with a Superchat reading stream*)
when at 5 am PST when most of the NA viewebase is asleep)))
Face it retardchama, If Mori cared about CCV she'd be one of those vtubers who spam minecraft at prime time 24/7 and would probably average 10-15k

>> No.46218622

>Part 1 of a highly acclaimed series of one of her most popular games.
OK this is one is good

>> No.46218642

Because Cringeope Mori bad

>> No.46218674

mori anti, the usual catalogshitter

>> No.46218684

See that's the best part. Once her songs reach a certain age the youtube algorithm will stop pushing them. And then her views and income will really hit rock bottom because her new shit can't even beat "do u".

>> No.46218699

I bet it makes you seethe how close those two have gotten you really need to up your game eggaurdo.

>> No.46218836
File: 362 KB, 915x403, Screenshot 2023-03-29 185022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retardchama? the timestamps in the screenshot you posted literally show they didn't overlap each other
Plus comparing part 1 of a series to part 7 is MASSIVE cherry pick

>> No.46218839

So when will that happen? those songs you are saying are a bulk of her monthly views are 1.5-2 years old now.

>> No.46218851

And her 10 mil views a month compared to kiaras absolutely garbage is really hindering that income huh. Absolute retard and don't forget the 90 other sources of income she has compared to the runt kiara. Face it she will always live in her shadow

>> No.46218868

nothing about gura can be accurately explained from our vantage point. nobody knows. nobody knows who those viewers or subs are.

>> No.46218993

Kek your blood boils at the fact that Mori loves Kiara so much.

>> No.46219150
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I'm not even sure where that 1.7k thing comes from. Was it taken early in the stream or something? Yeah it wasn't great since it was a guerilla 3am PST stream, but it wasn't that low.

>> No.46219234

Yeah Idk what he's doing, trying pit Kiara vs Mori is so fucking corny considering those two are like spa date away from having rough lesbian sex together

>> No.46219346

He's in global a lot. I honestly think he is just someone who tries to make deadbeats look bad or something since there are other posts typed in basically the same style that tries to pit others against each other.

>> No.46219470
File: 70 KB, 240x236, Screenshot 2023-03-29 190048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread is just massive cherrypicks kek
Even the fucking OP image cherrypick

>> No.46219641
File: 33 KB, 1242x202, 0E4DA099-3F15-422F-8E5D-0ED8CC4E0395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably just someone seething at the fact that Takamori is stronger then it has ever been, now that the tsundere Kayfabe they were doing was dropped.

>> No.46221204

Didnt mori already send death treat to kiara

>> No.46223107

i thought they left

>> No.46223315

As if the south is some holy sacred place and not the shithole of the us

>> No.46224042

the brap cope in this thread is palpable

>> No.46224937
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>t-the brap cope in this thread is pa-palpable!

>> No.46226081

How's the fanbase war going Niji bros? Did they take the bait?

>> No.46226697

so much for 2nd top sub.
admit it, she has a shitty personality.
just like the fags who watch her.

>> No.46226762
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Didn't read the thread, but I love Mori!

>> No.46227008

Niji MO, cant use nijiloser for number, start mori vs kiara, mori vs gura, mori vs holo. Face it nijinig, you guys the loser in this industry
>inb4 rent free.
You free to gtfo from this board, but you still here.

>> No.46227550

>holo vs holo
>EN vs JP
>EN vs EN
stay mad nijiniggers

>> No.46228671

>One of those VTubers that spams Minecraft at USA primetime
You can just say Gura

>> No.46228822

Nice Samefagging Schizo

>> No.46231655

Have you seen a Mori stream? They're dreadful

>> No.46231876

She loves Twitch streamers so much. No wonder she doesn't know how to entertain an audience.

>> No.46232083

Got bullied out of morig again, twitchtard?

>> No.46232216

>people sub to Mori for her music, not her streams
>people sub to IRyS for her streams, not her music
>IRyS is the one that's supposed to be a Vsinger
How did this happen?

>> No.46232511

what is morig? mori thread in /vt/?

>> No.46232903

I saw a bot bring up success not understanding music views don’t bring in much ad rev. Her vod views and ccv are down and in a vacuum she’s an alright seller but merch is usually stocked less than gura and ina and still sells out afterwards. Saying Mori is more successful than koyori when koyori definitely makes more money is factually incorrect. Everyone calls them the most shilled gen because they’re always getting merch drop sponsorships The works. All of holox are probably within the top 20 myth is probably there as well but if myth is there Ame directly at the bottom then kiara then mori then ina. Holox would be just barely above them on account of beating them in everything except subs which don’t really matter for myth they don’t get much sponsors. Gura probably #1 tho shitting on them all by hundreds of thousands but mori was the point. Her music views have taken a hit someone showed 1 million in a couple days well go check the archives for music records she held the fast record for everything except fastest to 1 million. Fastest to 10 million was Q or Marines treasure box that but she briefly held that record and fastest to 20 million. Has I’m greedy reached a million has her magnum opus reached 2 actual questions i don’t pay attention to things dying

>> No.46232959

Do this for mori why do you keep picking and choosing streams put all her streams out there

>> No.46233156

Ask mori she herself said she love to stream on twitch

>> No.46233390

Don't have a dog in this fight but Mori was the second most popular EN until the shit that happened in 2022. Whether or not she is a 2k or a 6k she is effectively less popular than she used to be.
All the girls are, but Mori has had the biggest drop from second best to middle or second from deadlast depending on person.

>> No.46233419

1.rm starts twitch business
2.mori's popularity drops
3.mori believes the Vtuber bubble has burst.
4.rm increase more reaper business to make up the loss

She is stuck in this loop.

>> No.46233526
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This. The decline is self-evident

>> No.46235045

What happened in 2022 specifically?

>> No.46236555

what the fuck is this drop

>> No.46236575

pls buy her bluray

>> No.46236903

SCs reading starts.
