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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 729 KB, 2892x4096, 20230327_145919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46169210 No.46169210 [Reply] [Original]

Tasty Girl edition.


Kawaii Idol Project Original Song:

All song covers:


>Gen 1
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Gen 2
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Gen 3
【Aletta Sky アレッタ スカイ】

【Miryu Kotofuji 琴藤みりゅう】

【Peony Aeria ピオニー・エリア】

【Sava Safari サヴァ・サファリ】

【Hana Flores ハナ・フローレス 】
【Aruru Gray アルル・グレイ 】

▼Kawaii """"""Friends""""""
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
AkioAIR and Not-Not-CyberLive >>>/vt//aa/
V&U >>>/vt/vnug/
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Nene's pet crustacean Kani - https://twitter.com/Kanikanizawa
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Mogu Muge - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKj-DqyMpHgYNB3-9lZq8-w
Yuyu Cosmos - https://www.youtube.com/@yuyucosmos
and (You), the viewer!

Previous thread: >>46134665

>> No.46169259
File: 267 KB, 511x239, 1679850788509939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judgement Day is coming.

>> No.46169418


>> No.46169438

>fapped to AI pics of cunny Sava with skirt lifted up for the first time in my life
I feel a bit weird now bros

>> No.46169450

They are women, "help" can be as simple as them all getting on vc to hang out for emotional support while Miryu forces them to watch her groom a 1 or 2view

>> No.46169505

Or, there are a hundred things baring down on her all at the same time and she's cracking. She might be spilling her heart out in comms with them and they had to postpone to stay on with her.

600 could be a lot of things. Art comms, music rights, shorts contract, lost merch, the company invoking a contract clause.

My real fear is she mentioned vods going away to tip off archivers in advance for her graduation.

No, I am not sane.

>> No.46169536

I'm still scared

>> No.46169555

If you guys care the oneesan that Miryu is gushing about has audio of her counting down from 10 and saying zero many times at the end.

>> No.46169556

being a gaokek is hard, probably worse than being a horsecuck

>> No.46169590

>tip off archivers in advance for her graduation
She wouldn't need to do this as management's policy is to leave up graduated channels and give archivers a month to grab terminated ones.

>> No.46169620

>falseflagging whorsecuck

>> No.46169784

they need to get rid of sava and aletta
we would do so much better without gagkeks and horsecucks roaming these threads

>> No.46169799


>> No.46169810

nice try doxshell, Aletta is the only one we hate here

>> No.46169825

gaoCHADS are the strongest fanbase

>> No.46169849
File: 162 KB, 1327x964, 1677189798726631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything will be okay, we just need to be patient

>> No.46169852


>> No.46169921

does she know

>> No.46169926

Wait what is going on with Sava?
i only watch her and don't follow any of her social medias or these threads

>> No.46169956

obvious dramasister, at least read the previous thread before begging

>> No.46169988

you really think those autists are still around here? get over it already
i’m glad the seabitch got terminated, can’t wait for the horse and orange rat to go away too so all you fags will fuck off

>> No.46170022

listening to Nene's ASMRs once doesn't make you a part of this thread. fuck off

>> No.46170049
File: 1.70 MB, 1428x788, sava.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care that much. I will just watch her next stream if i can.

>> No.46170056

kill yourself Andrew

>> No.46170187
File: 2.04 MB, 3500x5000, 1677734254184472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other nothingburger drama news the "artist" 100% traced for this Nene/REDACTED christmas art.

>> No.46170208

y'all goofy lmoa

>> No.46170230

fat tits lmoa

>> No.46170257

Now that sava is confirmed gone how much longer do we have to wait for the whorse to go too

>> No.46170266
File: 328 KB, 750x750, 2F4F9203-56BF-4BB2-B235-7ACA0DC8D2C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right right, we’re all doxxshells and newfags

>> No.46170288 [DELETED] 

dramanigs shitting up the thread already

>> No.46170290

and a disgusting iphone poster to boot

>> No.46170395

>next stream
lol, lmao even

>> No.46170408

I hate you dramaniggers and schizos so much. I saw yesterdays tweet, thought "okay, she's got it, the girls are helping her out too", but no, I had to visit the thread one more time before going to sleep, read all this rrats about graduating and whatnot, and psyche out over nothing, so of course I didn't get enough sleep last night. And although I have only myself to blame, I still hate you.

>> No.46170512

Its burger hours

>> No.46170549

where were you the past 11 hours

>> No.46170555

nigga it's 5 in the morning here

>> No.46170761

weak loser bitch lmao

>> No.46170815

Lua old lol

>> No.46170842

Its always burger hours because America is the only country that matters

>> No.46170887


>> No.46170917

No yabs? Guess I'll go back to watching sportsball.

>> No.46170941

>In the extra recording she says "Thank you for the request but what are you going to use this for?" and laughs

>> No.46170947 [DELETED] 

SEAniggers can't cope with this fact. It's why they're always upset about our superiority.

>> No.46170980


>> No.46170984

No, being a whorsefag is easy. You just have to be a retard with no standards.

>> No.46171017

Nami's sweaty smelly armpits.

>> No.46171027

Not any different than a gaokek then

>> No.46171037
File: 171 KB, 828x893, A197D2DF-B49F-4E1A-B352-CA5D97FB635E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46171055

why is nami falseflagging as a doxshell

>> No.46171070

She's bored because no one's called her fat or posted pics of her futa cock lately

>> No.46171083
File: 1.46 MB, 2152x2000, 1228166-1.output.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magnet-anon, are you still in these threads? Skeb finally came through for you. Sorry for the huge delay. Title text was skipped. Apologies if that bothers you.

>> No.46171182

aruru was the superior cat anyway

>> No.46171201
File: 20 KB, 340x273, giggles[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fdcho2e.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spicy take, anon, but absolutely correct.

>> No.46171208

No one hates Aletta except for the 3 gender fluid individuals who had xeir messages skipped over for shaaaang's one time and are still seething about it 6 months later.

>> No.46171290

nice try Nick, hopefully the 5min discord talk is worth the 22k you dropped

>> No.46171371
File: 219 KB, 1280x720, 1654286099857006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.46171390

When will we finally remove the whorse from the OP

>> No.46171409

>no words from Sava
>no words from Kawaii
I’m guessing maybe someone in Sava’s family died and all the girls are supporting her so they can’t stream, she doesn’t seem like someone who would pull a Neena or an Oceane and she streams too much to just quit like Aruru

>> No.46171408

If you're not a fan of:
>constant AWAWAWA CHIKEN BOIGER MATTE DAYO *squealing sounds* in your ear all stream
>donobaiting (paired with fake concernfagging for paypigs)
>pitybaiting every single stream, recycling the same few stories because she hasn't actually lived a traumatic life
>inconsistent kayfabe clashing with irl stories
>preferential treatment towards favorite viewers
>literally lying to your viewers and maintaining said lies even after you've been caught red-handed
Then I don't think you'd be a fan of Aletta. Big surprise, a lot of anons here aren't willing to put up with her endless bullshit. Keep trying to falseflag though

>> No.46171465

>the $600 was her cousin

>> No.46171494

Actually, I also think that it might be related to her uncle Phojisan.

>> No.46171504
File: 1012 KB, 768x1152, 04228-2057764535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shared room with OL shee during a business trip

>> No.46171539

>>donobaiting (paired with fake concernfagging for paypigs)
>>pitybaiting every single stream, recycling the same few stories because she hasn't actually lived a traumatic life
>>inconsistent kayfabe clashing with irl stories
>>preferential treatment towards favorite viewers
>>literally lying to your viewers and maintaining said lies even after you've been caught red-handed
You could say the same about a ton of vtubers, she’s just following the trends

>> No.46171573

and most vtubers are shitty, no surprise there

>> No.46171831

I don't think Miryu realized she has her member stream set up at this time

>> No.46171856
File: 19 KB, 949x95, dasc_267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be tomorrow I think

>> No.46172009


>> No.46172801

Isla sex btw

>> No.46172850

>literally lying to your viewers and maintaining said lies even after you've been caught red-handed
This seems new. What happened this time?
I kinda quit after she threw a member under the bus over a small criticism.

>> No.46172891
File: 16 KB, 441x307, 1679050515639010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46172908

I think it's still from duckgate

>> No.46172988

She promised she would have sex with me

>> No.46173147


>> No.46173319

That's mainly what I was talking about, actually. She was caught straight up lying about the whole lottery thing yet still maintained the "it's just duck naming lol" argument and that she was innocent. Anyone upset about that situation didn't give a shit about the ducks, it was about the precedent that chosing favorites sets and lying to a live audience about it.
A lot of her stories don't line up with the kissless neet girl kayfabe she tries to push and she lets a lot of suspicious details slip out, like how she cosplayed at conventions and went clubbing in her college years.
There's an argument that she lied about her rice purity score since she was clearly trying to memoryhole it until one of her viewers mentioned it but that's grasping at straws

>> No.46173479

Lmao, at this point I would offer my services for free to Kawaii Management to teach them how to set up an AI server that all the girls can use to make pics on

>> No.46173539

t. erminally online vt dramacel

>> No.46173622

it's ok, whorse is already DISCORD OWNED. Nothing people say here will change anything.

>> No.46173672

after actually watching the duck stream, the first few werent rigged. only when she started giving out ducks instantly could you argue rigged

>> No.46173857

>defending the whorse
cope discordtroon she got caught playing favorites

>> No.46174103
File: 45 KB, 500x500, Ix46Y9_OH7W5x_APncyi2Ao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46174120

That sounds like a funny shitpost image that an AI guy could gen. Aletta in bootyshorts that have the Discord logo on them.

>> No.46174175

>actually watched the duck stream
I know you're making this up because noone here watches the whorse

>> No.46174202
File: 685 KB, 1080x720, peekaboo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all must have been really bored with the dead hours huh

>> No.46174235

>built for BDC (Big Discord Cucks)

>> No.46174243

not your hugbox whorsecuck

>> No.46174320
File: 477 KB, 1080x2038, Screenshot_2023-03-29_070403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you find it at least a little suspicious that her discord immediately started joking that her poll was rigged and mocking that "the other place" would be upset? or that Aletta decided to hide her streamlabs since they clearly correlated to almost all of the lottery winners? looks like an admission to guilt from both sides the me. unless you're one of the discordtroons yourself in which case fuck off

>> No.46174382

You could literally watch the stream and realise the one theyre talking about is the least "rigged" one of the ducks

>> No.46174386

>hidden streamlabs
yeah that was weird, is it still hidden?
I think the donothon exposed her whales anyway

>> No.46174587

>no arguement
>watch streams
discordtroon confirmed

>> No.46174764

Yes I am bored. Now show me your pussy.

>> No.46174809

Whorsecuks are the most delusional fanbase

>> No.46174843
File: 19 KB, 280x268, 1678510730422402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all cray lmoa

>> No.46174917

it's klaaaazy lamo

>> No.46174949
File: 111 KB, 1040x633, ForeheadVagina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46174959

Good morning evil Isla

>> No.46174970

>whorsecuck falseflagging as a coleknight

>> No.46175002

chill out nigga

>> No.46175105

It really is evil Isla... real isla would never call anyone nigga

>> No.46175200

she would if it was legal

>> No.46175214

not even a SEAnigga?

>> No.46175324

One of the earliest things she was criticized for was chat favoritism so it makes no sense for her to do this, it's far more likely she was simply too stupid to preempt this by setting it up in such a way that this couldn't possibly happen, or maybe she assumed the chances of it were too low to bother.
>disingenuous dramatroon

>> No.46175483


>> No.46175490

>One of the earliest things she was criticized for was chat favoritism
>so it makes no sense for her to do this
you forgot that she is a woman, half chinese at that

>> No.46175552

>you forgot
No I didn't
>it's far more likely she was simply too stupid

>> No.46175647

>so retarded she appears malicious
>so malicious she appears retarded
not sure which one is better desu

>> No.46175660

Because I am poor, there are no streams I have the ability to watch for the next 7 hours. I lament my circumstances but I will not let them get the better of me. I'll use the time to work hard and try to change my life. One day I will be able to afford supporting all the girls simultaneously and never miss a stream again.

>> No.46175693

>people are shitting on Aletta again
/pkg/ is healing! this general is usually dead around this time

>> No.46175711

>he is poor

>> No.46175926

Its fucking over

>> No.46175938

this thread is moving way too fast, I guess dramanigs got bored with catalog drama. good night /pkg/, I better not wake up to a negative announcement from management

>> No.46175963

I can't believe Kaolin would post this on the official account

>> No.46176060


>> No.46176165
File: 163 KB, 638x870, 820792159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SAVA bebe!

>> No.46176181
File: 34 KB, 3072x369, 1678617997791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is fucking over...

>> No.46176279

"He" is off shooting christcuck children
godspeed troon nigga

>> No.46176623
File: 91 KB, 775x822, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46176882

Me but with Nami

>> No.46177019

watch some vods.

>> No.46177063

Actually no wait, what you're saying about working hard is a better idea. Work hard and only watch vods if it doesn't interfere. Good luck anon.

>> No.46177149
File: 90 KB, 775x822, untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46177237

Wow it really has been nearly 3 weeks now. Unban Kevin Nami


>> No.46177240

Hey that's me right there

>> No.46177293

Fuck you Kevin, you troon worshiping faggot. Eat shit and stay banned.

>> No.46177296

Literally the same thing

>> No.46177418

Nene version should be a cloudtomo surrounded by various female vtubers in the first panel and then the usual second panel with Nene opening the door and the cloudtomo greeting her alone

>> No.46177671
File: 23 KB, 652x128, dasc_275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46177706


>> No.46177932

So is Sava dead or no? Just tell us already, you fucks

>> No.46178171

Nene’s fanbox is such a scam, you get one chatting stream per month and it’s right when I’m at work so I can’t watch, she should at the very least do them on a weekend
Not only that but she never delivered my custom voice message and the fanbox ASMR isn’t even that good
I love Nene, but fuck her fanbox

>> No.46178400
File: 164 KB, 775x1218, peony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46178416
File: 204 KB, 1024x1536, 00003-4060975772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suddenly got a bunch of free time for the rest of the week and am thinking about an earlier release of the Kimono series, maybe even tonight. If the other AI anons want to chip in pictures post a catbox archive, imgur album, dm me on twitter, whatever you want/like. Just let me know how you would like to be credited or if you want to remain anons.

>> No.46178491

Fuck you

>> No.46178533

"Only Nene" lol

>> No.46178668

Thank you for your review.
Do any of the Kawaii girls have super kino fanboxes? I don't think anyone raves about any of them.

>> No.46178664

Once again that wasn't me, and I don't think it would make Nene happy if I did that. If she really wanted me to I'd probably do it.

>> No.46178684

Rope now, andrew

>> No.46178823

Fanbox is literally
>Hey, the economy is in the shitter so let me make this thing for some extra cash

>> No.46178827

I don't think you have any idea who Andrew is, you just know he watches Nene. That is not the kind of thing he'd say.

>> No.46178856

Kill yourself moonboot

>> No.46178889

>it's a cloudtomo infighting episode again

>> No.46178925

Wrong again.
You aren't good at this.
You should probably get off 4chan and rethink your life.

>> No.46178992

I don't think the guy trying to tell others to an hero is a cloudtomo, I have my doubts he's a kawaii fan at all. He seems to me more like somebody who just comes here to try and cause trouble.

>> No.46179140
File: 1.15 MB, 530x576, 1673444148220147.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46179372

No, for me it's just like the other two.

>> No.46179568

The entire vtubing industry isn't a regular service where you're supposed to be getting something that has a physical value worth what you paid. It's about supporting the performer, not about getting a product. I honestly don't care if there is no special content on the fanbox at all, it just lets the company know how much people want to see her.

>> No.46180033

They should just be honest then. Just come out and say "This is to give me more money." Don't pretend there's a bunch of content there isn't.

>> No.46180228

They aren't pretending anything, the fanbox tiers list exactly what you get and they are very open about when they are behind.

>> No.46180355

that is adorable

>> No.46180504

That's exactly what Lua said, fanbox is just if you want to support them, not if you want some kind of extra service, she said it from day 1, she even said if you only want the ASMR, get the fanbox every 3 months or whatever and cancel so you get 3 at the price of 1 as an example.

>> No.46180545
File: 893 KB, 3840x2160, FsY4a72aMAIYcy6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmmMMMM that heart choker on ms. isla coleman. tasty

>> No.46180597

Unzip Charzu's jacket like a lawnmower

>> No.46180685

Nene's tits are nerfed here, or Isla's and Reina's are buffed, no way they're all the same size

>> No.46180790
File: 56 KB, 663x663, 1664957443662514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing happened to Sava, nothing happened to Kawaii, all is fine, all is well

>> No.46180902

Anon was complaining about Nene's fanbox, not Lua's

>> No.46180961
File: 2.22 MB, 2039x2894, Fq2vCY0aYAAKi-x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same artist did this, zim zam thank you ma'am. This should be Isla's second outfit.

>> No.46181311

The first post was about Nene, the second complaint was saying "they", plural, as in more fanboxes than just Nene's.

>> No.46181354

Thanks for reassuring Nene!

>> No.46181539

I think kawaii doesn't want a capcom lawsuit

>> No.46181734

The special content is streams without gifted members. This doesn't help if it's the paypigs you don't like, though.

>> No.46181783

Reina and Isla look like their original names were Raymond and Steve. Who the hell drew those tranny faces?

>> No.46181910
File: 216 KB, 1024x1536, 00223-2238036238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably got used to AI perfect-face images. But I agree Isla's face is kind of weird there compared to the second one

>> No.46182251

Cat is playing Alien Isolation if you guys are bored

>> No.46182401

Peony RAPE.

>> No.46182855

I'm playing subnautica again after a long time and listening to Reina's twitter space in the background so I don't get scared of Leviathans :3

>> No.46182877

juanetti my beloved

>> No.46184118

[Discordtroon News] First sighting of a rare Horsespouse. Could be a one of "those" but still...

>> No.46184125
File: 217 KB, 1024x1536, 00243-192531298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46184614

jwu sava graduated yet?

>> No.46184820

Yeah, just graduated from virginity, with me

>> No.46184868

your mom graduated from my fingers to my cock

>> No.46185779


>> No.46185835


>> No.46185886

based NTR enjoyer

>> No.46185901

must have typod his catalog search as well to end up in /pcg/ instead of /pkg/

>> No.46185923

why am i an emotionally unstable schizo

>> No.46185989

you cared too much about internet women

>> No.46186026

what did you do andrew

>> No.46188152

>NTR enjoyer
>is also a cuckling

>> No.46188720
File: 700 KB, 998x1026, 1664324824389112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Use whichever seems to fit the best. Credits go to the Other AI-anon.

>> No.46188853

that reina looks great. the blue-purple and pink, very nice.

>> No.46188869

She looks very cute here.

>> No.46189217

troon colors

>> No.46189233

"Other AI anon" it is
Wow. Thank you for upscaling them too!

>> No.46189382
File: 198 KB, 1144x720, timefor a break.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe take a walk anon. get some fresh air.

>> No.46189415

Charzu colors

>> No.46189448

is this bait

>> No.46189507

That Reina one is really pretty

>> No.46190133

That once again wasn't me but I gave Nene an offline dono.

>> No.46191217

Superiority in doing nothing, getting fat by eating a lot of burgers, and scapegoating other people for your own wrong doings. Most of all, superiority in being the ultimate cucks. Guns are more important than kids, that’s why your favorite pass time is school shootings. AMERICA NUMBER 1 YEAH heh

>> No.46191605

>guns bad because 3 letter glowies groomed another discord troon to commit atrocities to convince retards gun item _____ bad and give jews an emotion argument days before the next congress meeting discussing a bill to ban it

>> No.46191667

>emotion argument days before the next congress meeting discussing a bill to ban it
shocking how frequently this happens

>> No.46191859

I understand 'O' being next to 'K' and making a typo, but 'L' is not next to 'G'. Either way, this is neither /pog/ nor /pol/

>> No.46192209

/pkg/ is against gun control

>> No.46192273

Why didnt you tell all 3 of them to go back?

>> No.46192289
File: 163 KB, 1024x1536, 00282-3751803188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny Shee it too cute to not be shared

>> No.46192657

Because the idiot that starts the bait doesn't deserve an (you)

>> No.46193315
File: 11 KB, 209x219, PeonyDerp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 days without Peony...
Peonyium levels draining...

>> No.46193331

she's so small you could pick her up so easily uooohhh

>> No.46193567

Rape Nami

>> No.46193644 [SPOILER] 
File: 197 KB, 1024x1536, 00290-1862873813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a realistic model to make some cool graphic art for the cover title and pressed generate on the wrong tab. Looks weird but still cute(?)

>> No.46193693

Please never post this ever again.

>> No.46193808

seconded. real women look disgusting.

>> No.46194063

I love the hair. Shee's such a cutie, never fails to make me smile.

>> No.46194197
File: 23 KB, 768x512, 00303-3336502446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The end result turned out like shit anyway so it wasn't even worth it

>> No.46194241
File: 25 KB, 829x129, 6 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s over merica genshin bros

>> No.46194451

Good. Genshin is a boring ass grind fest.

>> No.46194454

based if true

>> No.46194966

Aletta cancelled her stream

>> No.46195642

damn weebs will have to play good anime games now

>> No.46195860

Whore horse

>> No.46196198

There’s another upcoming genshin clone game.


>> No.46196216

the room is still up

>> No.46196278

still chinese so it'd also get banned

>> No.46196322

Cute scared Lua with elf ears being cute

>> No.46196368

She hasn't said anything since her twitter post about internet problems

>> No.46196548

it should be illegal to make shorts of that stream. one of the most intense Gfe experiences Kawaii has seen.

>> No.46197315

Gaming Female Experience company

>> No.46198683

Today is like we jumped back in time when their was only gen 1 judging by the number of streams.

>> No.46198692

what the fuck

>> No.46198789

Anti-china bill in the US senate

>> No.46199006

I play Azur Lane and I'll be damned if Biden takes away my anime women

>> No.46199234

if we had two of them going all out with twitter replies like Reina and Hana used to back then it would feel extra nostalgic

>> No.46199237

Using a VPN to avoid a ban will also be considered a criminal offense according to the same bill. So if any Kawaii girl becomes blocked in the US, RIP burgers

>> No.46199311
File: 371 KB, 500x500, peonyLub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46199657

TIP lua and letti... no more large chinese

>> No.46199707

I wonder how the hell are they gonna find out that you're using VPN.

>> No.46199824

I think the big deal is that the Chinese has your bank account info. So VPNs wouldn't matter your bank just needs to report you.

>> No.46199951

Same as this very same website does if you do not have a 4chan pass. IP ranges but in reverse. They look through DNS records for outgoing traffic from you to a known VPN IP then request the data from that VPN provider.

>> No.46199982

even if it's bullshit i need to get out of this collapsing shithole of a country

>> No.46200132

Yeah leaving China is a good idea.

>> No.46200588
File: 109 KB, 571x964, 20230329_160154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46200758


>> No.46201398
File: 695 KB, 749x562, 237632543243242352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just blew a fat load to Lua

That Lia poster is not me, I have never fapped to any Phase girl

>> No.46201490

Lying whore.

>> No.46201574
File: 15 KB, 447x110, image_2023-03-29_172014649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check /v/ and /gig/ about this
>no one seems to care
>google this
>not even an article
>some clickbait title for a faggot drama channel
>bill hasn't even passed anything, just been drafted
>Genshin probably wouldn't even fit the definition of the bill since it only bans things that are explicit propaganda
Here's your (You). Fuck you for making me look deeper into something.

>> No.46201620

Lia isn't a lying whore. She's an explicit whore and yet people still defend her.

>> No.46201635

all chink shit media is propaganda desu

>> No.46201653

He's calling the poster a lying whore, not Lia

>> No.46201772
File: 65 KB, 456x456, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46201775

Yeah but I'd rather have that with anime tiddies than Amerifat propaganda with nogs and troons.

>> No.46201892

I am watching sportsball, any yabs?

>> No.46201938
File: 573 KB, 1384x757, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46201966

Honestly these past few years with the shit that happens and comes out of America and the fact China has provided both Genshin faps and large women, I'm starting to think maybe we're the bad guys here.

>> No.46201990

Yeah this >>46201574

>> No.46202020

Apparently if some bill passes, Charzu's getting fired.

>> No.46202404

some racist bill?

>> No.46202564
File: 239 KB, 2001x1125, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46202622

>only bans things that are explicit propaganda
it's much bigger than that, the bill threatens to place a ban on VPNs and grants the government access to freely audit any information or media you consume, which is important to us because it includes streaming platforms and video games. it's a massive privacy breach and the banning "explicit propaganda" part is bullshit

>> No.46202948

Yeah, that's what that dramafag's video focused on, he just used Genshin in the title as clickbait. It's a serious breach of first amendment rights and since it's gotten bipartisan support, you know it's probably bullshit that's designed to fuck over the common man. It's essentially a far more extreme version of the Patriot Act except instead of tapping your phones and voicemail to protect us from those muslims, it's making sure you don't accidently use software that dem chinamen can have access to.

>> No.46203057

burgers getting btfo lmao

>> No.46203202

You do realize when the USG wants a distraction they start bombing other countries, don't you?
No one escapes globohomo.

>> No.46203266

Personally I prefer to call them the Globalist American Empire or GAE for short.

>> No.46203674

if vtubers, video games or porn become illegal i'll probably just kill myself

>> No.46204547

>he doesn't have a bunch of external drives full of pirated shit that would last him for the next 10 years

>> No.46204726

Suicide vill be illegal, globohomo needs you

>> No.46205188
File: 1.17 MB, 688x1152, 1678044141680864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't told Nene
I really miss Nene
I want to hold Nene
I want to kiss Nene
I know it's bold Nene
I can't resist Nene
When I behold Nene
I live in bliss Nene
I think you're gold Nene
I must insist Nene
I like your soul Nene
I made a wish Nene
I'd find a whole Nene
Then we got hitched Nene
and bought a home Nene
and reminisced Nene
when we got old Nene

>> No.46205520
File: 289 KB, 498x249, 23446634234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kawaii Chads, I find your lack of streams disturbing.

>> No.46205558

Gen 3 ended...

>> No.46205802

Is Nene ok? Did something happen?

>> No.46205825

Kill yourself Andrew

>> No.46205904

You guys really want your oshis to hate you. You're such self-destructing losers.

>> No.46205913

It's over...

>> No.46205941

Is that who's messing with Nene?

>> No.46206003

>new IP
>blaming people for the actions of an individual
this is such a female streamer thing that I almost want to accuse you of being one of them

>> No.46206007

seems like the andrewschizo was right
Andrew really needs to kill himself

>> No.46206074

I was actually referring to this https://twitter.com/amanene_kawaii/status/1641203967815475200
>I needed to read some nice things today
Sounds so sad

>> No.46206166

This is the first time I’m seeing a tweet like this from Nene. She did complain in the past about questionable behaviour of some viewers, but here it feels like she’s really had enough.

>> No.46206224

Apparently it's one guy https://twitter.com/amanene_kawaii/status/1641210014705516544

>> No.46206247

because that sounds like a real unhinged fan with the makings of a schizo real life stalker

>> No.46206344

By acknowledging offline donations in twitter posts instead of just the next stream she has opened up a new avenue for cucks to earn Good Boy Points.
Naturally that would be exploited by those who are thirsty, desperate, shameless, or abusive, or any combination of the above..

>> No.46206385

I'm abusive.

>> No.46206407

This is the Rushia situation all over again. Some guy told her based on nothing that he "feels like they are drifting apart", so she had to talk to him and set him straight. I like GFE but some of...wait for it...I'm gonna use it...some of Y'ALL need to chill the FUDGE out.

>> No.46206408

This absolute dunce, this amateur.
If you're going to go full creepo you never let the object of your toxic affection know about it. 1st off because if you really love them you won't afflict them with your deranged mental state and 2nd, it tips them off to the fact that they need to be weary of you.

This is Stalking 101.

>> No.46206419

Glad my oshi isn't GFE. Sounds rough trying to deal with these people.

>> No.46206443
File: 1.35 MB, 2048x3072, Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kawaii AI Magazine - Issue 2 is Out

I will work on a directory page linking to all of the volumes(i mean, it's up, but needs fixing)

>> No.46206480

>new IP
>le GFE bad post

>> No.46206601

She tweeted thanking offline donations and then someone @her in the circles or whatever because he felt jealous and had some schizo delusion over her stream interactions with him.
Btw wtf even are twitter circles?

>> No.46206606

>le new IP

>> No.46206626
File: 43 KB, 719x211, 42747525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek Nene ESL

>> No.46206674

>there is a non-zero chance that Nene made a post in /pkg/ and I replied with ">ESL"

>> No.46206691
File: 34 KB, 876x212, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a thing so randoms can't see your tweets

>> No.46206692

>@her in the circles
What does that mean? I didn't use twitter since 2015

>> No.46206706

There's something wrong with your screen capture software, bro

>> No.46206754

Oh ok.

>> No.46206759

GFE is bad from a moral standpoint but plenty of morally questionable things worse than that are not only legal but also encouraged so it is what it is.
I believe GFE does more good than harm but some people may argue otherwise.

>> No.46206800

A circle is a group of followers to which you can limit the visibility of your tweets. If I have a circle comprised of only the kawaii girls, only they will see what I tweet. My circle is empty. I use it just to test if the twitter cards are cached before sending out a tweet to the public.
So yes, Aletta can create a circle of paypigs and only they will see what she tweets if she wants to.

>> No.46206919

*slams the hand on desk* THAT'S what's wrong with this country alright! Kids running around on twitter, @-ing themselves in their "circles".

>> No.46206921

I'm not gonna take thoughts on what is and isn't moral from people who watch streamers.
>but don't you wat-
Yes, and I don't go around talking about the morality of what they do.

>> No.46206926

Aletta and everyone else.
I wouldn't put Nene above doing some favoritism behind the scenes if it's well concealed

>> No.46206943

>I wouldn't put Nene above doing some favoritism behind the scenes if it's well concealed

>> No.46206975

Very nice. The magazine format adds a touch of refinement that really brings your work together.

>> No.46207014

Only one of them practiced favoritism while ducknaming

>> No.46207041

Nene having a meltdown on twitter, never seen her like this, she must be feeling really emotional right now, maybe on her period

>> No.46207087

> never seen her emotional on twitter
You're so new you don't even remember when she nuked maro's?

>> No.46207145

I hardly ever use twitter

>> No.46207156

What makes GFE bad from a moral standpoint?

>> No.46207159

Dude, this is so great, please never stop making them. It really feels like reading a fashion magazine

>> No.46207184
File: 1.28 MB, 1194x720, savaling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46207190

i want angry nene to rape me

>> No.46207206

My favorite Kawaii graduate...

>> No.46207260

manipulating lonely men into thinking there's a connection between you two for money

>> No.46207322

>new IP

>> No.46207326

I cast moral judgements all the time on anything because I have a set of principles. If you don't do that it's fine and I have no problem it.

>> No.46207346

So just like real women?

>> No.46207368

look mom new IP

>> No.46207384
File: 1.20 MB, 768x1152, 04319-4143210029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks amazing anon. Will the next theme be Easter?

>> No.46207408

and here's another new IP
wow must be another different person

>> No.46207446

catalogniggers and phonetroons seething because they got called out

>> No.46207543

IP watchers can only find joy in watching the numbers tick up by one
btw here's a new IP for you

>> No.46207556

Shee saving us from dead hours in an hour

>> No.46207573

>New IP
posters should be shot. bravo, you can count. you don't need to announce it to everyone. I go to take a shit and reply to something from my phone and here comes the mr. resident cock smoker pointing out that we have a new IP. neck yourself retard.
btw one time i made 3 posts with the same ip after i woke up, from my pc, and this faggot called out a "new ip" the 3rd time kek. fucking mongoloids.

>> No.46207608
File: 406 KB, 500x500, peonyHeppy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pg 24
>pg 30
>pg 47
well done ai anon and guest contributors.

>> No.46207611


>> No.46207630

>here's a new IP for you
>not a new ip

>> No.46207677

nta but as a GFE enjoyer I would say it's immoral as it is an exchange of what is naturally intimate - the affections between a man and a woman for an artificial and impersonal simulation of that intimacy. In the best case you have the GFE streamer and the audience in a mutually emotionally dependent relationship but what is much more likely to happen is that a GFE stramer is emotionally abusing her audience for financial gain.
In either case the dynamic is heavily imbalanced and the streamer is able to satisfy their needs from a multitude of men picking whichever ones she favors to be particularly affectionate toward while the audience has to be content with sharing the streamers divided attention.

Like I said, I consume GFE content, I'm running the same hamster wheel that everyone else is but I can't not recognize what is actually going on, it's my vice and like all vices I found a dealer who would peddle it to me.
In a perfect world men like me wouldn't exist but this is not a perfect world.

>> No.46207694

I don't use and never bothered to learn how to use twitter circles and that is not something I would say either. She is not talking about me.
Are you in her fanbox? Watch the fanbox stream, she was upset because of something with an irl friend group and she was also interrupted from talking with cloudtomos by a company meeting and then getting messages, and that was before this whole situation here she is talking about.

>> No.46207703

they don't even count, they just use the extension and suddenly they think they're thread police god lmao

>> No.46207817

Stop leaking fanbox content Andrew

>> No.46207838
File: 24 KB, 364x233, north of the border.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're going to lose her to the moosefuckers.

>> No.46207873

I switched my wifi since that usually counts as a new IP, guess I'm just retarded

>> No.46207942

wait how long has prechat Shee been a thing??

>> No.46207975
File: 203 KB, 1536x1024, 00006-1975952498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I wanted to try a more random approach at page selection but I think that same girl on double page is probably more eye pleasing. I will have to make sure in advance that I have an equal number of images of each girl.
Thank you. Not much reading going on though.
Good idea but it's a bit far away. I will start preparing for it, but Sava will probably have to drop something from her head for it to work. Probably Miryu too.
Yes, 47 is really something. Would have been a shame to leave it out

>> No.46208011
File: 1.45 MB, 702x720, 1676506933048148.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Peony so much bros
Getting to see her tomorrow is going to make all the time without her worth it. I goslinging over her so hard

>> No.46208053
File: 689 KB, 1079x1081, 1673747060778821(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46208089

I rape Peony.

>> No.46208159

I will defend Peony from rapeposters.

>> No.46208192

Peony is for Reverse Rape into Domination Loss

>> No.46208205

> Why are casinos bad from a moral standpoint? Because some people gamble more than they should.
> Why is alcohol bad from a moral standpoint? Because some people become alcoholics.
> Why is porn bad from a moral standpoint? Because some people masturbate too much.
> Why is food bad from a moral standpoint? Because some people eat too much.
Judging things by their worst possible outcome is disingenuous at best and a strawman at worst. Elevate yourself, freedom is never the problem.

>> No.46208257
File: 198 KB, 662x993, 4224556236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife! Good stuff AI anon chama.

>> No.46208275

I will rape you.

>> No.46208351
File: 873 KB, 672x960, 04414-3456185579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking for it

>> No.46208386

lua's three arms...

>> No.46208392


>> No.46208412

The waitress serving me my food doesn't legitimately like me and is only attentive for a tip. Doesn't mean it's wrong to enjoy the service or that it's not genuine. I really am having my cola refilled. I really am having the kitchen redo the steak they burned.

>> No.46208413

Nice ultrawide...ass

>> No.46208435

I was not ready
Also haven't looked through the first issue, thanks AI anon, gonna check them out now

>> No.46208469

Now my dick and each ball gets nice handwork. Sasuga, Lua.

>> No.46208496

That is the exact opposite of what I want, I make donations offline because I'm trying to avoid making her content about me in any way.

>> No.46208573

Then you are a dumb fuck because offline donation are the most attentionwhore kind of donation, just under using superchat as your personal chat with the chuuba

>> No.46208643


>> No.46208792

Do you know when Peony jumps up on stream? Yeah, that's me behind her doing it. Sorry to break the 4th wall.

>> No.46208837

It's a romantic relationship between real humans but predicated completely on lies and perfomances.
The gf/bf side of the equation gains monetary and emotional support depending on how well they can keep the illusion going. The more you lie, the more you are succesful.
And if it's not a lie, the streamer will inevitably suffer psychological damage because sustaining a percieved real romantic relationship with thousands of men/women at the same time online while also walking on eggshells in your real life to not destroy the illusion is simply not how relationship are meant to be lived.
It's a deception and can be psychologically and even physically harmful for the streamer, all for some monetary gain and internet fame.

And I won't even touch the side of the equation that relates to men because I think, if you are a true GFE consumer, you know exactly what you are and why you are in that place of needing GFE content in the first place.

>> No.46208876

This doesn't make sense and sounds like you're just trying to make insults for the sake of it. Online donation messages show up and would get read the same way as superchats, so it's just one or the other.

>> No.46208879

Did some quick fix. The images still need to be resized but you can find all of them listed here: https://kawaii-ai.tech/magazine/

>> No.46208886


>> No.46209007

>if you are a true GFE consumer, you know exactly what you are and why you are in that place of needing GFE content in the first place.
Because the world is miserable and hateful towards single young men, hence why the number of them more than doubles the number of single young women? Yes.

>> No.46209074

Yeah, but she will receive a handful of offline donations and will be completely focused on those because she is doing other stuff when she reads them. It's like signed maros with money attached to them.
On stream they are just a part of the show and don't get as much attention.
Don't use the "I don't want to make the stream about me" cope, you want Nene to focus on your donation.

>> No.46209160

t. Red Dragon

>> No.46209271

Freedom to do wrong is not a moral good. That's the reason laws exist to curtail the freedom to do evil and to regulate good behavior into productive avenues of disposal.
Casino's and Porn are fundamentally different from Food and Alcohol. the latter can be enjoyed in completely healthy ways (food in fact being a necessity for basic survival) and only in the abuse of them do they become an accessory to immorality. That is you have to bring an immoral intention to food and alcohol to transform them into such.
Pornography and casino's exist specifically to exploit the vices of people. There is no porn studio that sets up shop which increases human flourishing or cultivates health and growth in individuals (like say a gym would which could support a persons vice who develops an unhealthy fascination or fetishization of themselves but otherwise is a great benefit to peoples health and happiness) and casino's exist to profit off of the greed and poor decision making of people to take money away from them. There are some genuinely fair casino games and other genuinely unfair casino games and the casino's run them side by side hoping you get trapped in their system.

Your waitress at a restaraunt isn't normally giving you any more attention than is considered appropriate in the context of the service industry. She isn't pretending to be romantically affectionate, she doesn't call herself your girlfriend or your wife and tell you how much she loves spending time with you.
It's a totally different thing, so much so I'm surprised you even bring this up.

I would lean more into the "performance" description than calling it a "lie". I feel a lie would imply I don't know what's going on. I haven't been deceived but I am buying into a fantasy. It is immoral for the GF/BF streamer to provide this fantasy and it is immoral for me to consume it but here we are. I don't think there should be a law against it, it's not that kind of wrong-doing but it definitely isn't good.

>> No.46209358


>> No.46209397

>one tweet saying thank you for the big love
>one thank you at the beginning of the next stream
Damn so much focus

>> No.46209400

y'all goofy lmoa

>> No.46209523

baek tred

>> No.46209592

You know what you are doing, dumb attentionwhore.
You want her to read your cringe shit even while she is not streaming because on stream there's too much competition. You fuckers are so manipulative and you don't even realize it, or pretend you don't. You should've been women.

>> No.46209620
File: 219 KB, 1024x1536, 00008-1063493711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, Nami!

>> No.46209675

i love how the thread has just accepted the headcanon that goofyposter is Nami

>> No.46209703

Then just drop a supa with no text, or a streamlabs with a fake name or just underscore or whatever.

>> No.46209746

why is Nami so unbelievably SEXO

>> No.46209873

Look at those pussy lips...I need that on my face every morning.

>> No.46209919

Ask her artist: https://twitter.com/hinaki0102
I mean, there's not much reason to ask at all after seeing the pinned tweet

>> No.46210010

How do you know I said anything? If I wanted her to read my cringe shit when she's not streaming I would comment on her posts.
And I am a woman. I have a thick meaty vagina.

>> No.46210080

it's kawaii glownigs falseflagging

>> No.46210137

only had that stuff once, it was amazing

>> No.46210145

that's an axe wound, ma'am

>> No.46210181


>> No.46210220

Good morning, Nami!

>> No.46210281

>I have a thick meaty vagina
I actually stood up to salute. Thank you for your service ma'am.

>> No.46210359

>thick meaty vagina
thick vagina? what the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.46210546
File: 16 KB, 415x176, thicc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna see?

>> No.46210562

Nene playing Elden Ring with her CANONICALLY massive ASS

>> No.46210567

It's a surgical wound neme

>> No.46210619

Shee installing RE4 remake

>> No.46210680

do it

>> No.46210691

New bread doko

>> No.46210744

we're on page 9 retard

>> No.46211351

Shee's first adult stream uohhhhhhhhh

>> No.46211389

join the 41% retarded troon

>> No.46211554

salted caramel brownies
