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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46163040 No.46163040 [Reply] [Original]

>most women are overweight
>all vtubers are skinny

>> No.46163108

If most women were overweight then that would be the new average and therefore not overweight. God damn man dont be such a preteen crackhead

>> No.46163190

most women aren't vtubers

>> No.46163558

NTA but in this case it’s not exactly a good thing that the average is increasing. By definition, since the average is increasing, then the majority of women have to be increasing in weight too. But considering half the planet is expected to be overweight by 2035, should we really just surrender and make overweight the new “healthy” weight? I don’t think so. Not only are extremely overweight people some of the grossest, rudest, entitled people on the fucking planet, but also all the health risks associated with being a fat lard. There’s nothing wrong with a little chub I suppose but these dumb “fat acceptance” campaigns will be the downfall of western society and eventually human civilization as we know it. The foods associated with such weight gain also affect hormones and sperm count, therefore affecting population growth.

t. Normal BMI

>> No.46163590

I was calling you stupid for not getting the intital defintion right and disreguarding the entire thread through that

>> No.46163894

>most women are overweight
Do mutts really?

>> No.46164027

Im NTA though, I didn’t make the thread

>> No.46164055


>> No.46164114

even the fat vtubers aren't fat to that degree

>> No.46164574

Being overweight has nothing to do with averages but health. You are overweight if your BMI is between 25 and 30, regardless of how many fatties are in the world

>> No.46164965

Thats kinda what i was getting at. I suppose if it were any other thing we’re averaging like height or penis length, the definitions of tall/long could change if the average changed too. But weight should be excluded from that. It doesnt matter if the average weight is 300 lbs in the future, it cant change the fact that everyone’s a fat fuck

>> No.46165017

I feel like the healthy appreciation for beauty in anime communities and tangentially related shit creates that. Normalfag women are the ones on that Nietzschean ressentiment cope and build their entire worldview around hiding from negative self-reflection.

>> No.46167052

Why did you hide kek? Are you subhuman SEA?

>> No.46168835

I want to touch cow Fauna's big tummy uuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.46168893

Hello murican.

No, most arent fat.

>> No.46168970
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>american education

>> No.46169072
File: 149 KB, 1280x1030, 34EC51C6-D98A-463C-9DFE-FC4CF14746FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only fat vtuber is Mori.

>> No.46169662

asian jeans

>> No.46169794
File: 236 KB, 2030x1785, 27ds8tm66v271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are designed to be fat. That is literally their purpose

>> No.46169834

I sincerely hope you're using the retard NA fish here ironically

>> No.46169886

Modern Vtubing originate from japan where beauty concept exclude totaly (and with reason) overweight. While it's true it was hickjaked and detourned by murican bitches, still a big part of the current Vtuber are still heavely influenced by the japanese/anime concept of beauty who statisticaly will reflect on the Vtubers themselves.

>> No.46169987
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>> No.46169989
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