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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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460644 No.460644 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw your voice is too deep for you to ever become your own dream anime girl streamer.

>> No.460703

Don't worry, anon. That hasn't stopped some v-tubers! Just use a voice changer or text-to-speech. ^_^

>> No.460747
File: 456 KB, 789x678, EkrKxbjUUAEbWY3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called?

>> No.460961

Pretend to be a mute girl, it works

>> No.461857

Lead the male vtuber revolution!

>> No.461895

This didn't stop army of babinikus who are pretty popular... So...

>> No.461946

Post a clip of your voice so we can judge.

>> No.462205

just say you're a heavy smoker

>> No.462346
File: 1.53 MB, 1450x1920, 79957234_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are weak. There's already a subgroup of Babinikus who don't hide the fact they are male.

>> No.462459

Only the biggest of schizos care if you use a voice changer and say that you're using one. Or just stream with your actual voice. /pol/ will call you a tranny on here but they were gonna call you one anyway. Hell, I'm sure some /pol/tard is gonna call me a tranny just for saying any of this too.

>> No.462489

Just use a decent voice changer. I tried one out and I literally sound just like my sister with it.

>> No.462587 [DELETED] 


>> No.462834

Damn, doesn't feel the same when I basically asked for it

>> No.462876

ok tranny

>> No.462882


>> No.464706

Be the first Bara anime streamer

>> No.464789

Just become a YouTuber and woo thousands of women with a deep, masculine voice.

>> No.464947

It is really easy to spot who here is genuine long time vtuber fan and who is a newfag considering babiniku streamers are nothing special and out if ordinary in Japanese vtubing scene. Only absolute newfag schizos sperg out about it.

>> No.465845

Just lie and say you have a medical condition that makes your voice really deep.

>> No.465894

Thanks for trying Anon, but it's really not working out. It's not you, it's me.

>> No.466810

take the advice of passing trannies and VOICE TRAIN EVERYDAY

>> No.466887

which one'd you use?

>> No.466939

Fuck off tranny

>> No.468357

>doesn't want to become hot anime girl with hot daddy voice
Why do you waste your voice on whining about how it isn't high enough? The karaoke alone would be golden

>> No.475741

>tfw your voice is too high to ever become the dream husband anime character streamer

it hurts

>> No.476413

Just use a voice changer like this guy
He is probably the strongest babiniku in terms of subs and views

>> No.476732
File: 98 KB, 900x900, shittyrapper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.478142

I will never understand how this is a problem.
Just live your dream. Life is too short to leave it with regrets. There is already a niche for this so just go for it.

>> No.478227

>Tfw your voice is too freakishly deep that everyone thinks its a voice changer
You normal voiced people have don't understand the struggles of people with actual deep voices

>> No.478355

who was the singer that quit

>> No.478381

Just do your voice reps bro

>> No.478394

>not making your voice deeper and becoming a demon possessed cute girl vtuber

you're not gonna make it anon

>> No.478470

Pretty sure Tomari Mari already has a voice in the high androgynous range anyway. The only reason it works as well for him is because the voice changer barely has to do anything.

The further you get from your natural range, the more obvious it gets.

>> No.478716

>not adopting a cute JRPG mascot persona that suits your voice and then collabing with all of the anime dream girls

>> No.478854

Sooner or later there will be voice changers that can produce whatever voice you want convincingly. I'm surprised it's not a thing already, voice changer developers need to do their reps. I want to sound like Norio Wakamoto.

>> No.479949

Most of the ones I see these days are pretty good. I can tell it's there, but only because I've heard enough that I know what to listen for, and even then it's not really distracting or anything.

>> No.480111

I like that he doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.480116

You will never be a woman

>> No.480195

Nobody said woman, he said anime girl you fag

>> No.480218


>> No.480225

That just makes it better?

>> No.480266

That's right. But he can be an anime girl.

>> No.480864

join the babinikus today anon
