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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46039070 No.46039070 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.46039091

Thank god

>> No.46039115

The erolive comeback will be sweet

>> No.46039147


>> No.46039177

That's mean my oshi will get more money from my SCs right ? Right ?

>> No.46039250


>> No.46039287

revenue shared with the talent is listed as a major cost under all sources of revenue so I'm pretty sure they're doing just fine the way things are

>> No.46039306

At least Cover will. But now Cover will have to pay for the upkeep of the site, which I imagine they'll use a cut of the superchats for.

It's probably still a good move, with how volatile twitch and youtube both are. Twitch is on fire and youtube still is a nightmare to communicate with. I wonder if they considered Rumble, though

>> No.46039309

Finally they don't have to wear spats anymore in 3D

>> No.46039321

>will take 500 years to develop
>won't release because they'll realize its too difficult
>would be full of lag and crashes even if it did release
As amazing as it would be this idea is just delusional
Reminder that not even Microsoft could manage to create a streaming alternative to Youtube/Twitch. And that was with Mixer actually being fucking GOOD.

>> No.46039359

>it will probably have shit encoding
>in fact, several aspects will be shit
Feels bad

>> No.46039385
File: 357 KB, 1392x755, Screenshot_20230327_125555_Xodo Docs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god. Did yagoo not get the memo that metaverses are dead? Even facebook gave up on it.

>> No.46039401

They won't leave Youtube, they lose discoverability by doing that.
Their platform will be for concerts, ASMR, and things like Hololive Summer where they wont have to worry about getting banned for toeing the line of what is and isnt allowed on YT.

>> No.46039467

I don't think they realize how much it actually cost to run the streaming service. Only reason Youtube is still doing well is because they can monetize your every click.

>> No.46039493
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>> No.46039499

This thing?

>> No.46039562

What? The platform is only for their talent not thousands of streamers. It will be easier to handle.

>> No.46039564

its just a nice way to interact fans and possibly kill vark

>> No.46039599

isnt this just twitter hololive edition

>> No.46039657
File: 506 KB, 1392x1535, Screenshot_20230327_130408_Xodo Docs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what Cover thinks.

>> No.46039686

And you think their platform will be able to handle the 150k+ concert viewers that come for Suisei/Marine etc. ? (and that's WITH youtube culling viewership)

>> No.46039750

This would 100% destroy hololive.

>> No.46039917

I think Zuckerberg was onto something, but failed in his execution. Vtubers themselves are kind of an extension of the "metaverse" he predicted would come, after all.

>> No.46039943

>no more black spats on 3D streams (custom panties for everyone)
>bringing back the swimsuits for holo summer
>no need to nerf the outfits to please youtube retarded guidelines

>> No.46040014

Good fucking luck.

People don't stream on Youtube because it's reliable, they stream because that's where the eyeballs are.

>> No.46040028

and even with all that monetization aren't they still a pretty big budgetary black hole for google?

still at least this stuff clears up a few questions the last few months about whether certain decisions were malice or incompetence. as in it confirms it's all the latter.

>> No.46040046

wow i can't wait to see my holo oshi go from a 20k streamer to a 5k on this new website!

>> No.46040087

YouTube hasn't made money in over a decade. Google makes money by selling YouTube user info to advertisers.

>> No.46040176

YouTube is losing money because they have to invest in tons of storage, i think they said every minute 500 hours of video are uploaded to their servers, that's a ton of videos to get processed and stored.

>> No.46040206

Choco’s time has come. She’s going to reclaim the Hololive throne for it is rightfully hers.

>> No.46040286

You said twitch is voletil then recommended rumble...that shit ain't gonna last 6 months

>> No.46040336

Many have tried this over the years and failed. Curious if this will work out for them or crash their numbers. Though lower numbers could be fine if they don't have to give a cut to Yt/twitch.

>> No.46040345

I would imagine a holo streming site is very controlled thus far more easier to manage, youtube deals with billions of videos everyday the difference is too big

>> No.46040353

I shall welcome the asmr queen with fanfare and blasting white viscous bodily fluids like a confetti

>> No.46040359

Cover will never go exclusive to their own site
It would kill any growth
But for event streams like fes or bikini summer stuff or more lewd streams it would be great

>> No.46040370

Are they fucking retarded?

>> No.46040372

Why is Yagoo so insistent on wasting all the money Holos make on such retarded shit

>> No.46040376

Despite the buzzword, it sounds more like a more legitimate attempt at their own MMO VRchat.
The Zuck failed because he was basically trying to create a digital replica of Californian normalfagland combined with wall street

>> No.46040383

They definitely won't make a full shift that's impossible probably dividing there content between youtube and there platform

>> No.46040389

The comparison is not with Mixer, its with things like Nebula and Floatplane, which are both successful platforms that are based off of rehosting content from popular youtubers and some exclusives, which in Hololive's case this would be the live concerts

>> No.46040401

I just want to hear Miko shout more faq

>> No.46040424

Basically, Choco, Aki and Mel will be able to do ecchi asmr again without issue.

>> No.46040436

it just means the holoearth ingame paid concerts, like the one they had already done. And yes it is paid because they wont want to spend too much on servers to accomodate eveyrbody, people can still watch it free at youtube at worse 1k quality

>> No.46040473

How much money they actually make is questionable. It heavily depends how you allocate income to expenses. The reality is, as you said, they get lot of info from Youtube that supports they're overall monetization model. when people use their website, google makes money. If they SC or watch ads, they make even more money.

Google has servers all over the world and splits the traffic. No single datacenter will be able to manage bigger holo events. The cost is enormous.

>> No.46040555

I think it's about this. I attended this event and thought it was an interesting experiment.

>> No.46040561

>Choco will be able to fuck the menhera out of Matsuri live

>> No.46040774

They can manage the traffic for paid events. YouTube and Twitch aren't the only sites that do live streaming. Plenty of sports-related channels do too, and to a much larger audience (millions for the Olympics and World Cup).

>> No.46040824

Would be good if they can implement a way to filter users better than Youtube which caterings to a wider audience and is less interested in moderation. Something like figuring out how to prevent chinks from spamming fubuki's channel while also not adding a barrier to chat

>> No.46040838

Silly anon, it's their platform so they can bot 50k easily.

>> No.46040839

remember niconicodouga? what ever happen to that?
japanese sites have always been shit. no exception. yes, even pixiv.

>> No.46040864

indeed, pixiv is unusable for me without extensions.

>> No.46040893

has youtube ever made gains, and not run in the red? i was under the impression the entire platform was propped up by google's other properties after the acquisition

>> No.46040998

Coco comeback with effective bug spray

>> No.46041099

>cut out the middleman
>talents have to pay a 50% streaming tax + tip

>> No.46041117

>breaking away from the poisoned well of US platforms
Excellent. Because on one hand you have SJW's and on the other the usual christcuck/moralfag/normalfaggot garbage. Japan should've come up with an alterantive to youtube that actually works and just roll with that.

>> No.46041157

Finally, whenever it goes down 5 times a day I can scream YAGOOOO into the void. Bye bye Neal! God I hope it works with the general GDPR bullshit so I can continue to watch Holos

>> No.46041180

IIRC around at least after 2020 YT has turned a profit.

>> No.46041237

Do people actually believe cover is capable of doing this?
Even a shitty streaming site would cost millions

>> No.46041265

This. The discoverability of YouTube is too valuable to completely give up. It'll be like the podcasts that have their normal segment on YouTube, and then edgy or wrongthink segments that they would get banned for on their own website instead.

>> No.46041367

I would still like to watch them on youtube. Holoearth is too heavy for my old laptop...

>> No.46041418

zhangbros imagine the DDoSing...

>> No.46041523
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It seem they mistranslated

>> No.46041529

Based and coverpilled

>> No.46041557

This may be a dumb question, but technically speaking, is it possible to livestream a single stream to two sites simultaneously? May be a bit tricky, but I can't think of a reason it wouldn't be possible. I know very little about this sort of thing though.

>> No.46041624
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They already did that with protolive

>> No.46041738

I still watch NND because of my interest in nip underground culture.
I am convinced that at least NND is a better service than Twitch.

>> No.46041748

Yes, there's an OBS plugin for it.

>> No.46041757

This is already happening in the wider creator industry, but as subscription platforms like Nebula instead of the unsustainable free youtube model.

>> No.46041855

possible, yes of course, simul-/multi- streaming rather trivial from a technical perspective
The problem with it has always been usually more on the financial/legal side instead, because when you partner up with one streaming site to be able to receive income through them, they usually have some exclusivity clause bullshit in your contract that says you can't stream at the same time on another platform (which leads to arrangements like stream on twitch, then after a few days post archive vod on youtube, etc.)

>> No.46041866

Imagine being this bitch right now lol

>> No.46041888


>> No.46041914

That's what stream keys are for. Biggest limitation would probably be the upload speed

>> No.46042021
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stream on our platform, gaijin

>> No.46042038

Not nearly as retarded as woke YT staffers that flex their jap hateboner against lucrative corpos. There's straight up porn on YT but anime girl cleavage gets demonitized for being "problematic"

>> No.46042095

I didn't know Twitch had such retarded rules.
It's funny that twitchildren who don't even follow the game's permissions follows Twitch's rules to the letter.

>> No.46042152

>Another attempt to create a youtube alternative
>but with vtuber
still ngmi

>> No.46042160

Kinda. Problem is that in that case payment providers will still take their cut, but it would cut out the middleman, but could have worse conditions that amazon or google. If their plattform is on android or apple devices they also would have to still pay applepay and googlepay fees (the latter are kind of included in YouTube) so on mobile there's still about 30% that goes to those companies.

>> No.46042190

Depends on your definition of metaverse. The facebook thing is a literal scam until proven otherwise. Other metaverses, such as World of Warcraft, GMod and VRChat, have had great degrees of success. I welcome the opportunity of watching 3d lives and actually being able to move the camera freely, instead of relying in some chromossome collector cameraman.

>> No.46042223

Yeah Youtube has a LOT of problems and always manages to find a few to fuck with its content creators/fanbase. due to chronic mismanagement. Ther hateboner culls Hololive gets and the removal from the algorhthem havehave cost them money and would have killed them if the 2020 explosion enevr happened

>> No.46042236

They make it viable if everyone with a youtube membership cancels that and migrates it to whatever platform hololive comes up with, if they move all the membership content to their new thing.

>> No.46042256

Would never happen

>> No.46042380

Still, the thing is people watching shit anime videos on youtube might get recommended a vtuber, and youtybe tends to favor those who already have decent followings. You lose the people who are into anine but haven't heard of/watched vtubers yet. I know I wouldn't be watching vtubers if it weren't for youtube pushing Korone playing sonic 2 onto me.

>> No.46042384

People will follow their oshi to new platforms, just like how they follow reincarnations

>> No.46042450

>Cover tech
Yeah, maybe a few decades later

>> No.46042464

Yeah but that wasn't membership content was it. They can still cross post regualr streams, youtube doesn't have the kind of exclusivity BS twitch has, as far as I know.

>> No.46042669

Ah yeah, makes sense. But do you think youtube would have a way of 'getting back' at them by favoring others who aren't using an alternate platform to stream and collect money on? Especially vtubers given they're some of the highest earners on the livestreaming buisiness for them.

>> No.46042682

I didn't recommend rumble. Not only does that site still have infrastructure issues to sort out, it's got a political association that an entertainment company probably doesn't want to get into, and I don't even know anything about how it supports non-English companies. But I would expect them to have at least considered it since it's the biggest youtube alternative

>> No.46042686
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I can't wait to watch streams in 144p, because there is not a single Asian streaming site that can output reasonable image quality
>yea but fanclub
...failed the initial load test magnificently, has authorization issues and isn't compliant with European data privacy legislations.

and if you motherfuckers think youtube premium pricetag is bad, you'll be paying more for these streams because it's downscaled version of an absurdly expensive system built by people who are lacking 10 years in experience to match existing platforms in terms of service quality

>> No.46042990

Did you know that the "new platform" has already completed development as Holoearth and has passed server load tests?

>> No.46043092
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Ah, my crunchy, cute Oshi.

>> No.46043173

I might add to this; there are currently 11 streams online, that means they would have to archive FullHD VODs at the rate of 2.2Gigabytes per minute.

if the bandwidth cost doesn't run the company on the brink of bankrupcy, the data storage space will

>> No.46043231
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Do they just hire random intern translators off the street or somethin?

>> No.46043271
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>> No.46043338

Freedom? You will have even less perms for games than on youtube.

>> No.46043525

Facebook was trying to make it that you have a headset on 8 hours a day and thinking everyone functioned like Zucc. This "metaverse" feels more like VRChat but with 3D lives.

>> No.46043725

I hope they will stream audio on different channels so the viewers can set and change the audio of different vtubers in a collab themselves to their desire and mute mori kek

>> No.46043936
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>japanese video player code

>> No.46043948

There's nothing wrong with pixiv except popularity search being a paid feature

>> No.46043959

The only way this is viable is if it's only for concerts and stuff too lewd for youtube.
Anything else is going to have such a steep dropoff in viewership it's not worth it.
Also what >>46043338 is saying. Doubt game permissions include anything for HololiveTV so expect Minecraft and only Minecraft

>> No.46044025
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even if they would somehow magically pull off the technical solution to stream and host the videos without going bankrupt, there's still the question of "who pays for it"

>game companies strictly forbid using their game footage behind paywall.
yes I'm aware few have given their perms to Cover for member-only game streams, but we are still talking about the 1%.

Ye it's a neat pipedream to have your own platform, but realistically even as profitable as coomerbait market is, it's not enough to justify it's existence

>> No.46044159

>we are planning for content creators to eventually stream on our own platform

name one instance where this kind of an effort resulted in success. cover is literally wasting money.

>> No.46044339

It's about fucking time. Youtube's such a piece of shit that relying on it was always lunacy.

>even if they would somehow magically pull off the technical solution to stream and host the videos without going bankrupt
You say that like it's difficult. It isn't.
>there's still the question of "who pays for it"
Cover. They make enough money to pay for it.

>> No.46044558

I'm not American, so I don't give a shit.
I think there should be other options than retarded American-made web services like Youtube and Twitch.
Why should I bother to watch some retarded Twitch drama after coming home from a long day at work? I just want to see a cute Vtuber with professionalism.

>> No.46044664

japan have niconico
can handle million on viewers even concert 3d live

>> No.46044805

>What would they do without youtube?
Cover already has hololive-fc tho.
Also AVGN, TGWTG (the Escapist too iirc) for example had their own integrated players. Are there really only zoomers who don't know anything besides youtube/twitch here?

>> No.46045135

>Cover. They make enough money to pay for it.
To be exact, Cover makes half their money from Youtube.

Now you should see why this equation stops making sense when you remove Youtube from it...

The evil 30% Youtube takes goes into hardware/software/bandwidth, covers banking fees, technical support etc... the expense-shitlist for hosting a video site goes on forever.

>> No.46045500

>You say that like it's difficult. It isn't.

Making a video hosting site isn't difficult.

Making a live video hosting site that can handle 200k people simultaneously without sneezing is difficult

>> No.46045691

Kaela streaming will kill Cover.

>> No.46045783

hololive-fc is built on top of NND fyi

>> No.46046515
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They are making their own Youtube with pachinko and hookers.

>> No.46046636

I have a spats fetish, this sounds horrible for me

>> No.46046770

Probably a very good move. They'd be mainly streaming on youtube but then use cover's streaming service for content that youtube doesn't allow such as swimsuit streams

Doesn't have to be too expensive if they only limit streaming on it to their talents. They're not exactly going to compete with youtube or twitch

>> No.46046812

I don't know about the very early days but the video were just embeded and hosted on blip when i watched them.

>> No.46046878

Hololive will fall and flop,
Niji will rise and dominate.
Soon brothers and sisters!

>> No.46047171

Rumble's infrastructure is still kind of shit. When there are big streams with 100k viewers the whole site goes down.

>> No.46047270

hi sar, ddo my nijisanji livers get to participate in it?

youtube took my niji oshi money away

>> No.46047304

>Did yagoo not get the memo that metaverses are dead? Even facebook gave up on it.
Yagoo is betting on HoloEarth for streaming, paywall concerts, and microtransactions. There is potential but Cover has never made a game before so trying to make an MMO that can be a platform for hololive is going to be far harder than what he can imagine and it will suffer numerous delays.

>> No.46048441

Fuck yes, it would be heaven on earth, everywhere you look, Hololive!

>> No.46048535

I'm so sad that zoomers hate real computers.

>> No.46048540
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Hololive join me on Floatplane

>> No.46048566

poor move imo, but an app that platforms from and between youtube where all hololive central news is located would create a bubble free from other companies. Think of a portal that is only dedicated to Hololive. But the issue is that youtube offers so many benefits to publicity

>> No.46048593

I will never donate money to vtubers until they set up blockchain wallets

>> No.46048658

I agree with, Zuckerberg was onto somethign. It's just that he failed to do it. Some form of the metaverse is bound to happen bust most likely from a collected community as opposed to a corp push. It'll eventually be owned by coprs. Vtubers will just bring it around tfurther

>> No.46048769

Sure, I -
>$5 per channel per month with 30% cut
Congrats it's exactly the same as Youtube membership streams except you also created friction with needing to move to another site

>> No.46048926

Yes you dumb ass. No one hosts web servers in house anymore. It's going to be hosted by a third party company.

>> No.46050358

dead on arrival

>> No.46050627

I'm pretty sure neither youtube nor cover cares about swearing, Kiara is extremely sweary even dropping multiple fbombs per stream and has never caught flak for it afaik.

>> No.46050872

The more burning question (at least to me) is why they refuse to run these through any of the native or otherwise proficient EN speakers working for the company.
>Selfish of a Rough Stone

>> No.46050876

I'm glad they added that last line about not solely depending on a single platform. I didn't think Cover would be dumb enough to abandon Youtube all together, but media companies regularly do retarded shit.

>> No.46050995

Youtube cares. For one thing, ads are limited or the video might be completely demonetized if a creator swears within the first 15 seconds. It's trivial for them to detect it since they're transcribing all the videos anyway from start to finish.
Now, they've never outright said they penalize videos or channels with swearing, but I wouldn't be surprised if the algorithm scores them lower heuristically since it would just be following through on that policy. Youtube doesn't have to reveal its workings at all since it doesn't want people to game the system.

>> No.46051016

Floatplane was a flop with awful service and speeds. This is a very difficult task to accomplish.

>> No.46051297

>The erolive comeback will be sweet
There are several hololive talents that would flat out refuse and management would be too worried about losing major sponsorship deals. Cover didn't feature women in their recent advertisements just for marketing reasons and they want hololive to go mainstream.

>> No.46052613

this is going to flop so hard

>> No.46054065

>the process of creating real-time drama
I didn't know Yagoo is trying to create his own 4-chan

>> No.46054765

Japs are shit when it comes to modern front end and I am prepared for it, but the back end will be a dumpster fire for sure if this is Cover's first livestream service app.

>> No.46054804

>Cover has never made a game before
ahem, I think you'll find that their wide experience in *checks notes* ... a ping pong game and a visual novel ... more than qualifies them to make a metaverse/mmo/streaming platform.

Seriously tho, while I like the talents, the company can be pretty retarded sometimes. This has all the signs of an overambitious white elephant vaporware moneyburn project that you'll read years later in one of those "where did it all go wrong?" business postmortem articles about other companies that burned their money on stupid ventures instead of simply continuing their stable core business. Especially when trying to develop everything inhouse, would be much less risky to simply outsource and subcontract that shit out or just license your Holo IP out to already existing platforms via collabs and shit. Sure, it's not as profitable as it would be if the Holometaverse actually works out and becomes the next big thing, but it's also much less disastrous when/if the Holometaverse likely doesn't materialize the growth they projected for it.

>> No.46054871

Doesn't seem like they're quitting youtube over their own platform so it's not as bad, but still a terrible idea

>> No.46054999

Anon all people they hired for the game are new only 2-3 people might be the original employees no way in hell all these new people haven't worked on games before and they are still hiring for holoearth

>> No.46055172

Good, fuck YouTube

>> No.46055193

Thing is, you'd only get the fans you already have on to your walled garden bubble app. No one who doesn't already knows and cares about vtubers in general / Hololive in particular would use the app, so it's not a growth avenue. Youtube, for all its faults (and there are many), has the benefit of discoverability, especially if you're already an established franchise like Hololive that puts out dozens of contents per day (plus, almost more importantly, hundreds of fan clips per day, basically doing "free advertising" work for you), which makes sure the algo will always put your stuff into the "recommendeds" of new potential audiences who don't know you yet and might become fans.

>> No.46055303
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>waste money on video games that are guaranteed to flop
>waste money on another youtube killer
>stock already collapsing

>> No.46055307

This is honestly the worst issue here. Nips don't know how to code because they are secluded in that island while the rest of the world speaks english and grows in knowledge by sharing it. Their front end is cancer from 30 years ago and the backend is filled with exploitable issues since they develop all by themselves (and they aren't good at it) instead of relying in code done, tested and managed by worldwide communities. It's a cycle where they can't improve because of their "all made here" mentality and serious lack of english speking skills.
I wouldn't trust anything remotely significant to a JP made site.

>> No.46055363

This reeks of vaporware projects you announce to keep shareholders happy but never goes anywhere

>> No.46055483

This is exactly why Korea and China are slowly getting ahead. Nips really fucked up hard by ignoring English for so long. 90% of young people all around the world can communicate easily with English. While Japan keeps being an isolated island with their alien language. Genshin was the first real eye opener but more will follow.

>> No.46055524

7seconds, and it get's age-guidelined.
and Youtube isn't in wrong for reducing rating for constant swearing, build your vocabulary or go work at construction sites
(and they do go into details how the system works in their content creator guide videos)

>> No.46055858

There definetly is some disincentive to excessive swearing on Youtube. While you might not get outright banned for it, it makes your channel get depushed by the algo because muh advertiser friendliness and shit, so you get recommended less and your discoverability goes down.

It wouldn't surprise me if Cover also has some management policies on swearing, but they're likely not going to be as anal as counting the number of "fucks" and "shits" on a stream, just more general "try to keep it PG, don't actually offend anyone, we're trying to run a friendly entertainment business here" etc guidelines. And most of the ENs more or less adhere to it, as you noticed the one who swears the most is actually the ESL chicken (and that's because she's ESL, the "swears" don't register for her as "bad" as they would for a native speaker). Coincidentally she also has some of the least viewership, which might be the aforementioned algo depushing at work (plus the simple fact that for most people, the swearing is actually a turn off, one of her many debuffs)

>> No.46055999
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same vibe

>> No.46056047

with blackjack and hookers?

>> No.46056103

>yeah just write a video streaming platform to live stream to 150K+ people simultaniously
>don't worry about infrastructue, we're gonna host it on AWS/Azure
You sound like the worst type of project manager.
This isn't just a challenge on the hardware side of things. Not saying that it's impossible for anyone but the really big tech guys, but still.

>> No.46057235

wait a godamn second. maybe this isn't a lost cause.. i miss mio's thong.

>> No.46057255

>Nips don't speak English, so America First will stay.
I wonder these Yankees really believe this.
Actually, the Dutch government's Metaverse is much better than Facebook's.
The main code of Youtube and Twitch is made of Indian programmers and opensource, so I wouldn't be surprised if Cover makes new platform.

>> No.46057374

>Some form of the metaverse is bound to happen
VR Chat?

>> No.46057395

Before someone warned of exclusivity or them ditching youtube….

>therefore, we do not depend solely on single platform

>> No.46057484
File: 76 KB, 650x365, 1679937702906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all forgot about AZKi's first live.

>> No.46057583

Its only for like 100 streamers or so, probably localized into few regions. It will be more similar to Floatplane rather than Mixer. Floatplane is made by a Tech Youtube channel with “only” 15M subs… Cover can probably scale it up abit more

>> No.46057797

Anon, Cover’s future, and vtuber future growth are kinda tied on “metaverse” succeeding. Its the nature of their job to be somewhat excited on it.

FB tries to make metaverse as place to live and spend 8 hours a day inside, every day, selling ads while you’re there. Cover is not that ambitious, they just want to make a place to interact, play and have live concert in. They just want to make a Fortnite-like thing basically, but more Hololive-themed.

Honestly, if they did not go public, and its not Japanese, I can see Epic Games try to acquire Cover wholly

>> No.46058037

>is it possible to livestream a single stream to two sites simultaneously?

It's not tricky at all https://restream.io/ . The only reason people don't use it more is because Twitch discourages it if you're a partner.

>> No.46058233


>> No.46058238

Mori performed at a ZUTOMAYO concert the other day, which I watched via VPN on a website called "Abema.tv".
Since this web service was developed by a mobile gaming company, I honestly believe that it takes more management skills than technical skills to launch a new streaming service.

>> No.46059437

i vaguely remember a few years back that you need to download some apps to watch Sora (or some other chuuba, cant remember). how shit was the experience?

>> No.46059463

They'll likely just cc the Youtube TOS onto their new platform, so there will not be much change in the content. But other platforms will become more important to them in the future once governments begin applying caps to daily stream viewing.

>> No.46059528

literally just search for tag_name and 1000 or 10000

>> No.46059664
File: 50 KB, 844x441, aquabutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no more black spats on 3D streams (custom panties for everyone)
based yagoo, please actually do it
i'm afraid they're just gonna go "welp, our western audience wants spats anyway" and we're gonna be stuck with them until they all graduate
i want more aquabutt

>> No.46059670

VR chat is just one part of the metaverse. The idea of the metaverse is a 3D place where you can experience and do things you wouldn't normally. VR chat does offer that and is making strides, but the Metaverse includes business interactions, AR support, the link between smart goods and VR, digital ownership and business exploration.
Instead of going to your doctor, you hop onto a metaverse clinic and get a checkup over the metaverse. We already do that with telephones. The same would be true interaction with education and more. It's all quite dystopian or utopian depending on how you look at it. Our tech isn't there yet, but we're already seeing a huge aspect of AI, VR and vtubers leading to it for better or worse. Vtubers aheed more to the social acceptance.
>You can now be an anime girl IRL
And so on

>> No.46059715

I will never cease to be amazed how Japanese people insist on using English names for a not insignificant part of their media without understanding the language in the slightest.

>> No.46059720

That is a funny way of saying hanging themselves. This never ends well.

>> No.46059793

About goddamn time. Now they can do whatever they want.

>> No.46059798

What VPN did you use? ProtonVPN doesn't work for me, Abema snuffs out my gaycockajean ass anyways and then blocks me.

Seriously, why are Japanese people like this?

>> No.46059883

Yagoo is just making VRChat but with combat.
Or Second Life, which has been a thing for over 15 years now I think.

>> No.46060133

>newfags of yesteryear don't know about Colon or Iriam
I am genuinely excited to see this crash and burn.

>> No.46062031

Nips still use fucking NND in 2023, they fucking suck at video platforms.

>> No.46062196

can't wait to see their own platform crash constantly when it can't handle sudden huge traffic

>> No.46062239


>> No.46062274

Japanese people are naturally a comfy nation and that means they wish it was 20 years ago, at all times.

>> No.46062318

What did she mean by this.

>> No.46062997

I think what they'll do is this, concerts & membership content will be the metaverse thing, + stuff that makes Susan and her replacement angry will go to their platform. Sponsored streams will go on youtube. Majority of stuff will be on youtube still.
They'd be mad to exit youtube in entirety.

>> No.46063106

Imagine data leaks and lag.

>> No.46063333

But what is their platform(s)?

>> No.46063358

Isn't that what everyone wants?, I remember the massive wave of fags that bent over for SAO hype back in the day because of this exact reason.

>> No.46063452

I'm all for it, fuck Youtube and their rules

>> No.46063645

And streaming minecraft somewhere else other than youtube would be just basic retardation, so ye, if they have a brain don't expect any normal stream on that platform, basicaly you will get some concert and borderline ero stuff but that's it. And no they won't also stream game they don't have perm on this platform because that would mean no company will ever give them perm ever again.

>> No.46063945

Part of the reason why services like YouTube are so expensive to operate is the sheer volume of stuff being uploaded/streamed at any given point in time, most of which will never even get any views. Cover doesn't need to build that kind of capability into their platform, all they have to do is support their existing talents.

>> No.46064302

>thinking anything can compete with YT as a platform

>> No.46065289

Cover doesn't think that either. They just want to have another option for certain streams or in case shit hits the fan

>> No.46065405

Hololive official fanclub, for one https://hololive-fc.com/

>> No.46065420

>"therefore, we do not solely depend on a single platform"
reading comprehension-chama...

>> No.46065756

Semi-unrelated but I was actually surprised when otter Media decided to just shut down machinima instead of actually hosting it on a brand new website alongside a lot of their other properties .
They honestly could have been a YouTube killer to a certain degree had you actually had a site where it required more than an account to actually set up streams and you were made a contract to be on that site.

They could still release regular content on YouTube but it would be timed releases with early access being available on their site and they could offer a higher pay cut to the people on it.
I wouldn't be surprised if cover is actually going through with a similar idea where you may have certain videos on the site that do not make it to YouTube until a certain period of time is up.

>> No.46065803

>thinking anything can compete with Myspace as a platform

>> No.46066095
File: 378 KB, 1304x1544, 1651357636965764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new censorship free platform drops
>Pekora goes live
>starts spewing racial slurs immediately

>> No.46066212

Can't wait for their viewership drop, the video sharing costs to go up and the girls needing a management permit if they want to stream more than 3 hours at a time.

>> No.46066644

that sounds like a really really bad idea

>> No.46066692

>censorship free
lol lmao
it will be even worse

>> No.46066747

it’s bad if they abandon youtube and twitch, if they do something similar to weverse than it can do really well

>> No.46066776

can someone explain to me why amerigolems are afraid of a little 4-letter word?

>> No.46066964

Lol, I have seen a lot of streamers experience a significant decrease in popularity when they switch to a new platform for sponsorship, and many viewers choose to stick with their familiar streaming platform instead of following the streamer to the new platform
Don't know why they think this would work

>> No.46067017
File: 496 KB, 1500x1500, 1679949282045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paying 16/mo to stream to two platforms
Where's my FOSS alternative?

>> No.46067190

pay attention, theyre already getting unique swimsuits via the pixiv contest

>> No.46067256

Nevermind found it I think.

>> No.46067319

I wonder how monetization will work, since I contribute very little to nothing thanks to adblockers.

>> No.46068125

Bandwidth is by far the largest worry here because greys no longer even give them ad revenue to offset the cost, and of course users can open multiple streams at the same time, compounding the bandwidth expenditure even if they're only really paying attention to one. It feels like full paywall and moving member streams over is the only way to make it survive, like floatplane and nebula had to do.

>> No.46068278

kids these days don't remember the lag stuttering and low res of ustream, justin tv and youtube early days
the only platform worth its salt with content is Abema

>> No.46068412


>> No.46068498

Abema's parent company paid 150 million USD for world cup perms
Cover can't even afford to get RE4 English version perms

>> No.46068669

that sounds like a huge mistake since youtube's algo won't be able to pick up their content and serve it to normalfags anymore? how are they going to grow with that?

>> No.46068710

litterally there are a lot of "make your own YT/twitch" tutorials. the thing is nobody does because the clients (users) are in the big platforms alredy

>> No.46068839

It's most likely, as it says, a contingency plan in case youtube completely goes down the shitter and probably a place where they can properly host their own content and not get fucked by youtube's retarded and vague rules.

>> No.46068945

The biggest advantage with youtube is that they shill your stuff if it makes money. Too many people won't bother switching to another site just to watch a stream.

>> No.46069075

but it is retarded to rely solely on youtube

>> No.46069188

yeah, instead you get fucked by your cloud service provider charging you for every gigabyte of data your non-paying viewers gobble up streaming high-res video while just using it as background noise

>> No.46069256

No term will ever tell me "No one in Japan thought VTubing would break into the mainstream in the west" louder than "liver."

>> No.46069414

God, you're absolutely right, I fucking hate cloud services.

>> No.46069578

>I wonder how monetization will work, since I contribute very little to nothing thanks to adblockers
Anon you are not the target audience for HoloEarth which is mostly going to be used to sell paywall concerts and digital microtransactions.

>> No.46070836

So we can get lewd ASMR streams that youtube can't delete? based

>> No.46070926

I might be interested, remains to be seen how well the service actually works.

>> No.46071125

Simply having a place to superchat without youtube's 30% cut would be valuable.
It would basically be determinate on whether youtube allows them to stream on both platforms at the same time.

>> No.46071276
File: 604 KB, 1428x2000, gigaplus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm excited about this and think it's a great idea, but not because of benefits to Cover. I support it because I want to hurt YouTube and hasten its death.

>> No.46071320

>will take 500 years to develop
I mean, twitch is open source :)

>> No.46072073

choco and mel masturbation asmr coming back?

>> No.46072665

Yea, it's called Tiktok
It's basically the same exact model as Nebula. Exclusive extra content and early access for videos. Cover has this already laid out for them with things like Concerts and ASMR streams. If they wanted they could also do a paywalled variety show like Nijisanji does on NND for more exclusive content.

>> No.46072686

I feel like this is okay. I understand the concerns but it can be manageable if they only streamed exclusive content like big events or concerts a few times a month. I'd pay for that considering they could probably get away with much more then what youtube currently lets them do.

>> No.46075447

That wasn't a livestream anon, that was a rebroadcast of a concert from about two months ago.

>> No.46075794

I will set the maximum quality and then leave it for a whole day while going to do something else, and when they are not streaming? I loop the VOD

>> No.46075882

Well, Cover won't have hundreds of millions of videos to store.

>> No.46076107

They'll get AWS or some other shit and be under the thumb of a new master.

>> No.46076533

>There are several hololive talents that would flat out refuse and management would be too worried about losing major sponsorship deals.
Nobody gives a shit about burger sponsors.

>> No.46076742

As the existence of Kick so aptly proves.
I'd love to see how much leaked code is behind that site.

>> No.46077226

common practice at japan newfag, they only use youtube for promotion once in a while while they stream the real content on private platforms, those use to be more personal when it comes to service but can be quite expensive.

>> No.46077572
File: 15 KB, 240x200, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cloister Black Font
She's trying to tell us that she's L.

>> No.46078559

They should have done this years ago.
Three cheers for swimsuit models once more!

>> No.46079884

Let's Go!!!

>> No.46080094

>death note sequel to the sequel where it's the aftermath of that kid giving everyone in japan money but now ryuk is helping a vtuber kill her antis

>> No.46080249

you fool, YAGOO is a man with a dream and we have given him the resources to achieve it - come what may

>> No.46080336

Same reason retards tattoo kanji on their skin without knowing what it means.
>it looks cool
That's literally the only thing going through their minds when they come up with these names.

>> No.46080726

So what will happen with Holodex?

>> No.46080907

This is a great idea if they also allow other Vtuber agencies and indies to use it too.

>> No.46081387

for a fee *rubs hands*

>> No.46081504

Cover is a lot more motivated to stop being at the mercy of the whims of Youtube than Microsoft was to have a 5th place streaming platform. And other people have already mentioned that the technical requirements are nowhere near a generalized streaming platform.

>> No.46082080

How long before YouTube does a 50/50 cut, like Twitch?

>> No.46083601

Cover started adding spats to the 3D models before they even released holoEN. This isn't the 1980's and even major Japanese sponsors would stop doing business with hololive if they go too heavy on the lewd content.

>> No.46083926

what a waste of money
YAGOO could've bought a yacht

>> No.46084183

a fellow based spatsbro. i hope at least one of the girls enjoys her spats, then keeps them and asks to get a cameltoe on them or something.

>> No.46084274

And some lame ass VR game and some other shit they've sank millions into. Sure thing, bud

>> No.46084436

Yep I doubt this will ever come into fruition. They basically won't grow at all from streaming on their own version.
It's the same reason why Twitch is still gonna be around too despite their issues. Large potential viewerbasw trumps all.

>> No.46084484

Lmao ok
Let's see how this turns out.

>> No.46084490

Twitch was hemorrhaging money before they got bought out by Amazon, so YouTube actually seems like a more stable platform. Or at least Google is just fine with the balance of gains and losses.
It might make YouTube consider more rules if they begin to lose too much of that free supa/membership money though.

>> No.46084612

YouTube is not gonna die from Cover making their own platform lmao
Hololive is a very small part of YT in the grand scheme of things

>> No.46084730

its just a question of time media moguls realize streaming and youtube videos is where the money is and brands and youtube groups realize they dont need youtube or twitch if they do their own marketing
also googles monopoly on internet advertisement has its days counted and that will drive an end to monopoly over internet monetization.

>> No.46084735

I think it's inevitable. Streaming platforms are not very profitable and at some point Google may decide they want to actually make the streaming part of YouTube profitable itself because it obviously it isn't right now.

>> No.46084781

This never works. Smaller streaming sites are always laggy garbage in places like Australia, which usually isn't a problem, but guess fucking what? Cover has multiple streamers located in Australia. Japan never understands how the internet works outside of Japan. They can't even get their own chuuba app to work reliably under poor network conditions.

>> No.46084833

If Yacht and YouTube Clone were the only two options, I would absolutely make the same choice, even if I knew it would flop. Speaking in terms outside of money, causing YouTube and Google any harm is basically a moral good at this point, and an infinitely better long-term investment than a yacht.

>> No.46084867

yeah but the thing is youtube streaming is most likely not profitable at all for youtube, they might decide to one day try to make it more profitable which would likely include a 50/50 split

>> No.46084953

Sounds like a quick way to lose discoverability.
Every time content creators tried making their own video platforms they always came back to the mainstream ones.

>> No.46085414

They're going to debut new generations(maybe even an ES branch) in line with this.
Makes sense to have a high profile events to wrangle in a lot of eyeballs right away.

>> No.46085511
File: 61 KB, 1080x1167, 1679968634794788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your new streaming platform bro.

>> No.46085590

How many westerners get tattoos of Japanese kanji/Chinese hanzi without understanding what it means?

>> No.46086441

>He doesn't know

>> No.46087290

Anything to avoid me paying jewtube more money

>> No.46087745

Considering their use case it should be fine. Had fun talking with a lot of gaijins and JP fans inside of Holoearth while Holofes was going on.
But if they are going for the whole Ark kinda thing where you build your own bases and whatnot I don't foresee it doing too well in the long run simply because I have doubts about their developers.

>> No.46087825

It's amazing how hololive dodged a bullet there, since you'd think "liver" would be a natural fit ala "hololiver"

>> No.46088004

the country was founded by puritan faggots

>> No.46088135

It’s gonna flop.

>> No.46089035

the age of choco...!

>> No.46090855

Lets not forget about the "fuck frogs" tag line that AZKi also used.

>> No.46090991

Just over 25 years ago was when they peaked so of course they wished it was back then.

>> No.46091315

Good. It's time to get off of Youtube. I was recently, for the first time ever, given a 24 hour ban from commenting and their retarded asses don't even tell you what for. Also they've had it out or anime for a while. Won't be long before the landwhales have it purged from the site.

>> No.46091612

cuckerberg is a boomer retard who wanted a shoddy technology to sell itself. You know how you sell a product to people who wouldn't look at it twice? You get somebody they like to use it. I don't think boys would use Snapchat if girls never started to use it. Holometaverse will be groundbreaking and change the entire vtubing medium, if not all of society.

>> No.46092302

Probably closer to 35 years ago, getting before the big bubble popped and birthrates really dropped.

>> No.46092341

>yagoo will become a trillionaire
>zuckerberg will then claim he invented anime

>> No.46092366

what's a metaverse

>> No.46092397

A miserable pile of jank.

>> No.46092396

No one wanted metaverse because your avatar inside of it was hideously ugly.

>> No.46092844

That's not gonna work well for games. Except for fanservice or paywalled streams like Hentai ASMR

>> No.46092997

Real life drama as a stage?
So... Minecraft SMP but Anime?
It sounds pretty nice

>> No.46094024

>No one wanted metaverse because your avatar inside of it was hideously ugly.
Sadly that was done on purpose and western corpos go out of their way to limit avatars to various degrees of ugly. Can't have avatars that are cute or feminine since that might offend someone.

>> No.46094318

>Zuckerberg was onto something
The core assumption that his "hard" metaverse was based on, that the COVID-19 situation would become so permanent as to prompt an immediate mass adoption of expensive headsets and alien software to adapt to it, proved wrong. Three years later, 99% of people who went out to shop are back out shopping, 99% of people who went out to doctor's appointments are back out at the doctor's, physically. Only 1% of people made all digital workflows for those things a habit.
Granted, there are indeed areas where the pandemic changed everything forever like the film industry, but that wasn't enough or in the right areas to help get people to think about the "digital world" differently than they did before.
The "soft" metaverse concept that simply suggests a gradual uptick in virtual identity and communication in extremely focused areas and contexts over the years, is far more reasonable, but it also can't be invested in in the same way, so it was ignored in favor of the flashy stuff that takes zero tact, personality, or soul. Now, with all that said,
Holoearth will probably do alright.
It's cringe to use the "metaverse" term and common meaning to describe it, but it is really just a way to host live events and centralize fan-to-fan interaction someplace, with gameplay serving to facilitate the latter a bit and keep you in the app. The digital market part is a bit much, but I'm willing to bet that's simply a long-term monetization plan to keep investors happy.
It's closer to a 2023 Club Penguin than it is a megalomaniac Zuccland, and it's probably not the worst idea all things considered.

>> No.46094407

>will take 500 years to develop
So you're saying we get all this and Coco too?

>> No.46094595

I think Cover can do this successfully. Virtual performances are the next logical step after livestreamed performances

>> No.46096031

It's funny that it's called Genshin (Japanese) instead of Yuánshén (Chinese).

>> No.46096315

Wonder if they will use firebase for the livestream comment system. Heard it's blocked in China like many other tech services, but I don't know if they will just completely ignore Chinese viewers just because they pulled out of the country too.
I used to do event tech for a virtual event company and having to find workarounds to support China viewers was such a fucking pain in the ass.

>> No.46096748

I actually like that popularity search is a paid feature. Lends to better discoverably for new creators overall (even if that does mean westernshit slips through the cracks - and frankly, some of it isn't too bad either).

>> No.46100250

But gacha mechanics never run out of style

>> No.46100570

So you're saying Kson could have just stayed and she would have gotten the talent freedom she craved so much?

>> No.46102042

Youtube stores 1080p video at roughly 3 GB per hour, including the lower resolution copies it makes. Right now, hosting 1 PB of data in Azure costs $16k a month- and that's the super fast access kind. That's enough for 38 years of video footage. Cover will be just fine on storage costs.

>> No.46103302

>no more 30% youtube cut before taxes
>no more third world south american or sea poorfags screwing with holo income by using ARS supers and buying dirt cheap membersheep
5k would be a good amount after a transition from youtube desu

>> No.46103460

Please don't ruin Yagoo's dream again, Mihoyo burned a lot of his money for this metaverse experiment already, it has to keep going
btw Mihoyo is so smart not test metaverse with their own money, a really smart chink

>> No.46103888

Every single job opening for server-side stuff for Cover is asking for GCP, Firebase or AWS experience.
Which does not bode well for their streaming idea because those charge out the wazoo for bandwidth since being industry leaders they can get away with it (0.08/GB for GCP and 0.12/GB for AWS). For perspective, this means that if 150K people watched a 1 hour concert at 1080p60fps, it would cost Cover 50K USD just for the bandwidth costs alone. Other CSPs like DigitalOcean and Linode charge a much more reasonable 0.01/GB but your devs need to do more legwork and you don't have the breadth of services or integration that something like AWS has.

>> No.46103987

Given that they're well-funded, and don't have to worry too much about being cancelled, quite a lot of the work could be done for them by 3rd party services. Servers on Amazon EC2, edge network on akamai or whatever, and I'm sure there must be open source software they could start developing from or even just use as-is. It's unlikely they will go full KiwiFarms and self-host everything, including developing their own DDoS mitigations.

>> No.46104018

it's japan so imagine shitty UI, copyright strikes everytime you so much as mention a brand and gaijins get paid 3 months late because they stink and someone sent blacked JAV to one of the leads
