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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45904303 No.45904303 [Reply] [Original]

>Says she loves streaming and being in Hololive
>Says how much she adores the support from her fans

>Hates her fans, can't even stomach wasting 5 minutes of her life to update twitter over multiple days
How do saplings not see through this facade?

>> No.45904322

she cute

>> No.45904444

>Another Gura seethe thread
You go sis

>> No.45904448
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>> No.45904485

lmao does this confirm that the chumkeks are the ones botting? i think the bot picked up on your vocabulary and assumed that you posted about gura

>> No.45904517

Source: The voices inside anon's head

>> No.45904581
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>> No.45904595
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If you actually watched her you'd know that she were going take a few days break after HoloFes and her Bday OP...

>> No.45904603

Chumbie, update your bot to filter "sapling/s"

>> No.45904643

This live was so much fun holy shit I'm amazed

>> No.45904649

Gura's once-a-month stream deflection thread

>> No.45904766

Mommy would be disappointed in you you naughty sapling

>> No.45904815 [DELETED] 
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I almost used this image for the OP for how she feels about her fans.
But no, she said she wouldn't stream on Wednesday and nothing after that. She actually said she'd be on twitter looking at all the stuff made by her 'precious saplings' after the stream.
Another lie from the green woman. And you eat it up time after time.

>> No.45904877

but shes cute

>> No.45905021

She have literally said on stream she would "take a few days off" after all this.
Try harder please...

>> No.45905149

Twitter is trash and so are it's users
If I were a corpo vtuber I'd only use it the bare minimum amount that I'm contractually obligated to

>> No.45905269

You are a faggot but you are right. It's not hard to tweet a few words to make things clear.

>> No.45905303

Thanks, I couldn't be bothered to fish up a timestamp to disprove that threadwatcher

>> No.45905323

I like blond

>> No.45905476

Can't tell if Nijishitter or Chumbud

>> No.45905515

I don't know if I'm just conditioned to expect bottom of the barrel treatment from being a Teamate for 2 years but Fauna always seems incredibly appreciative of what she's been given
She genuinely seems to like the people who watch her and bouncing off of chat
A year and a half in she still does consistent schedules and is always in a positive mood
And when she takes breaks she always communicates it beforehand so it's not like her radio silence is unexpected, it's good to disconnect anyway and it's probably what contributes to her positivity
I gotta say it's nice to watch someone who isn't vying to spite you

>> No.45905570

post fauna abusing saplings

>> No.45905600
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fuck off schizo

>> No.45905633

this is certified chumbud cope

>> No.45908377

She is chumbud prime after all...why not learn from the best and ghost your fans?

>> No.45911982

>Hates her fans, can't even stomach wasting 5 minutes of her life to update twitter over multiple days
I think you should stick with you oshi anon, you literally have no clue on what you're saying :D

>> No.45912030

There's a reason they're called cucklings.

>> No.45912089

Everyone in council except Bae is like this, it's not worth getting mad at. One literally hated her fans so much she graduated lol.

>> No.45912098

>another seething psychopath thinks he know vtubers irl
Meds, now

>> No.45912478
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>> No.45912569

Fuck off. Why not simply utter the unholy name and kys, faggot schizo.

>> No.45912647

Gura paywalling her return stream deflection thread

>> No.45913533

Lol it's been 3 days and she communicated she was going on break after her birthday. And who gives the smallest fuck about Twitter updates on a sub week break? Shit posting, nijibots or an actual schizo retard meltdown?

>> No.45913908

what kind of retardation is this
in any case, it's severe

>> No.45914280

I'll absorb all the hate so that useful saplings can experience only love! Mommy only hates (Me).

>> No.45914476

>twitter updates
Twitter is fucking garbage and I don't care about it at all. She had 4th fes and birthday, and said multiple times she would probably take a break afterwards. I don't want my oshi wasting time on twitter when she is on break.

>> No.45915424

Take your meds, faggot

>> No.45915684

>if you really loved your fans you'd be a twitter addict

>> No.45915702

Based ex-teamate

>> No.45915813

Look, I'm replying to bait

>> No.45916165

exactly she said multiple times she was going on break
as for twitter, it's a fucking break, I'd do the exact same thing, not working, not on working devices or accounts, it's that simple, how are you meant to relax and properly take a break otherwise
OP's just a retarded anti who doesn't even watch streams

>> No.45917007

Seething and making up baseless claims because your oshi could never be this funny, passionate or consistent

>> No.45919759

Literally a timestamp ITT.
Not even a threadwatcher, let alone watch your supposed "oshi"

>> No.45919897

My oshi's love > shit > your oshi's love

Take the L.

>> No.45919977

>spews random zoomer shit
You need to be 18 to post here champ

>> No.45920347

all "Sapling" posts on here are falseflags anyway.

>> No.45920391

Watched the clip, she literally said she would take a BREAK and occasionally like things on twitter, and she did after ending stream. But oh no i'm sorry she's not viciously scrolling through twitter while on break.

I'm sure if you had a job and were qualified enough to work at mcdonalds you would spend your rest day scrolling through their social media liking their tweets!

>> No.45920446

I don't use Twitter at all, please feel free to take that personally.

>> No.45920511

>hates her fans,
they are saplings, it's understandable

>> No.45920891

Cope and seethe.

>> No.45921174

True, I forgot how insufferable they were. Got cucks like >>45920391 ITT actually coming up with all these schizo delusions for why their oshi can't spend 30 seconds tweeting. It's insanity

>> No.45921253

>hates twitter
Absolutely fucking based. Fuck every single terminally online twitter freak

>> No.45921273

Niji/Gura/Kanata deflection thread

>> No.45921370

Funny, your oshi loves using it when it's involved with shilling her merch. Funny she can't spend that same time doing that to speak even once a week to say hi to her fans.
Makes the mind turn, huh?

>> No.45921506

>can't spend 30 seconds tweeting

Your oshi can't spend 2h a month streaming, cope chumcuck

>> No.45921524

Shork do be like that

>> No.45921706

I'm glad you admit your oshi is on the same level as Gura. These small concessions make understanding each other much easier.
I didn't expect sapkeks to be brave enough to shit on their oshi by comparing her to Gura, I'm impressed.

>> No.45921710
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>> No.45921846

Fauna loves us and is resting because she deserves it more than your oshi does. That's just the way it is.

>> No.45922032
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>been very anxious for months because of Fes
>has been saying she'll take a break after birthday
>HoloFes and Birthday back to back
>streams Monday and Tuesday(birthday), which is her usual day off
>Faunaschizo has been seething and shitting up global and catalog Wednesday night
This is like when her cat died, and retards started making constant threads about how she's going to take months off. Only for her to get back after a single week. Give her a fucking break.
>could've said something something on twitter
She didn't say that she will, she said she'll go through all the art and wishes on twitter. I agree, she could've communicated how long she's going on break for; but she's bad at that and honestly all of EN are, except maybe Kiara. And you should know if you watch her regularly, that she does internet detox when she goes on breaks.

>> No.45922147

>Funny, your oshi loves using it when it's involved with shilling her merch.
I hope for your sake you're baiting and not actually this stupid
management makes her shill merch, you know like they do for literally every talent, I shouldn't even have to explain this

>> No.45922548

>le management boogeyman
Fauna has literally said how you can tell how much of the value of merch goes to the talents based on how much they shill it, and whether it's "cover mandated" merch. She's admitted to doing this.
What the fuck even if this deranged explanation? Do you not even watch her?

>> No.45925582

She has things to do her outside of streams you know. Stop being such a baby.

>> No.45926853

See, that wasn't so hard was it? Glad you guys are getting another extended break arc, hope you'll survive

>> No.45927603

how "extended"? she herself said LAST WEEK that after her birthday stream she is going to take a break. the most common would be for her to come back on Sunday (on a normal break), but this Sunday is obviously out of the question so she will be back this Monday or Wednesday at the latest.

>> No.45927828

whats happening sun to stop her streaming??

>> No.45928150

I dont hope they survive. Cucklings are peak cringe

>> No.45933739

Not being able to pick up on very obvious jokes is a sign of autism anon.

>> No.45937075

bro, there are pro gura bots, anti gura bots, and fucking nijisanji bots all over the fucking place

>> No.45944929

I love breaks. Gives me more time to watch other people

>> No.45945227

>Doesn't watch streams to know she said she would take a break
Like fucking clockwork.

>> No.45945753

I love breaks. Gives me more time to watch VODs

>> No.45948138

>UUUUUUUUUU I need an entire week off to rest from something that was pre-recorded in January UUUUUUUUU
This is a saplings mind on cope

>> No.45948369

This is a good thread about an important subject, and I agree with the sentiment expressed in the OP

>> No.45949194
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>Week off
And how long did Gura take?

>> No.45949626

What does Gura have to do with green woman needing a week off to 'recharge' after a prerecorded event?

>> No.45949731

gura basically taking off half the year for 'pre recorded' event.

>> No.45950086

Dodging the question again...
I'll accept your concession, sapling.

>> No.45955156

she said it last week before fes, too

>> No.45958197

Why do saplings shit on every other fanbase in an effort to deflect from their 'perfect' oshi. They can't take a scrap of criticism even when their mommy is totally in the wrong.
This board was right about them, truly the worst fanbase.

>> No.45961300

Haha, you guys are wild. Not streaming for a few days is equivalent to murder in your book. Maybe you're a little too invested in dramaposting and you should learn how to relax. It's not good for your mind to be wrapped up in so much negativity. It hasn't even been a week since she's last streamed and you're already starting with this bullshit.
The fact is, that she streams consistently. If she takes a week off, that's fine with me. She deserves it. Even if she took a month off that'd be fine. But in all likeliness, she'll probably be back on Monday with Minecraft.
If watching streams is too stressful for you, where you think taking a few days off is 'totally in the wrong', maybe you should step away and re-evaluate your life. Get some other hobbies.

>> No.45961447

>bumping a thread on page 10 to respond defensively to a shitpost
saplings truly are the dumbest fanbase
do you guys want this thread to live that badly?
fine, i'll make /uuu/ for you so you stop shitting up the catalog

>> No.45965743
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>> No.45966124
File: 116 KB, 850x1209, __ceres_fauna_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_zedd_zedgawr__sample-82cfc0c997f9163e17ea39454ac23ce6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.45966170

>What the FUCK is her problem?
You answered your own question.
Women were a mistake.

>> No.45966203

she doesnt have to be perfect to be better than everyone else in EN besides kiara

>> No.45966494

She doesn't deserve shit, retard. This stupid pampering is what leads to the cases like Gura, Ayame etc. Vtubers get too much of a free pass. Take a gander at the amount of hours real streamers pull off and it's no wonder people consider Fauna a lazy whore who streams few hours and constantly takes breaks even though it's not as bad as some of the other members of EN.

>> No.45967241
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>> No.45967854

