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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45831914 No.45831914 [Reply] [Original]

>this made japs piss and shit themselves
have there been any other nip rages as bad as this over other petty stuff?

>> No.45831966

Search Lamy issue with janitors...

>> No.45831985

They made that AKB idol shave her head and apologise in tears.

>> No.45832010

Nobody gives a shit about context but I'll copy and paste it anyway.
You need to understand the context.

The Japanese team won against USA, and they are being lauded as national heroes on Japanese media. Yesterday, the Japanese president celebrated a ceremony to appoint the player members as 'honorary samurai'. Lots of nationalistic politics in the mix, of the most visceral kind.

Now, that you understand the ongoing 'national sentiment', and I suppose you are aware of the Asian 'hive mindset', you can appreciate why anybody who makes jokes or sarcastic comments will be eaten alive by literally nationalistic drones.
tl;dr national drones on a chinese scale attacking gundou, reminiscent of the chinese attaacking haato and coco.

>> No.45832046

i understand the oriental bugman mentality perfectly and i choose to spit in their face for being like this

>> No.45832094

The doujinshi in the fridge thing comes to mind.

>> No.45832156

What about gundous comment was against japan or japanese people?

>> No.45832162 [DELETED] 
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asians are exhausting and it was a mistake to not just colonize their asses and beat (and breed) the asianess out of them

>> No.45832239

nta but basically
>is this dishonorable play possible?
nip fans
>you dare think our honorable samurai would dare play dishonorably like western pig? die traitor

>> No.45832281

I assume it's because baseball is currently of great national pride to them and her comment could be interpreted as making fun of baseball as a whole, diminishing the greatness of the achievement. Not a Jap and not a sportsfag so can't say for sure.

>> No.45832668

In the meantime
>Dota 2 hosts major at Peru
>audience will whistle to warn of smoke to give advantage to favorite team

>> No.45833395

>Gundou evades taxes
>"don't care"
>Gundou fakes a vaction in Italy while actually being at home in Japan
>"don't care"
>Gundou endorses fascism
>"don't care"
>Gundou talks about how many men she fucked last week
>"don't care"
>Gundou shittalks hololive openly on twitter
>"don't care"
>Gundou says she's worked for a catfishing website before
>"don't care"
>Gundou makes a baseball joke

>> No.45833655

None of the previous occurances involved a giant mob of demented asians that are akin to bugmen, except for the baseball one.

>> No.45833755

I guess, but it's not like people didn't care about those yabs. She has always been heavily anti'd by Niji fans, especially the catfishing shit and tax evasion got her dislike bombed hard.

>> No.45833773

>twitter screencap in a language you don't even understand

>> No.45833855

>the Japanese president

>> No.45834034

If an American streamer tweets that he wants Japanese players to die from a beam ball, he deserves to be given social sanctions.

>> No.45834090

that time Marine and Miko said something that got clipped out of context and it caused a doujin artist to freak out

also Oga making a game based on nko dice causing the creator to sperg

>> No.45834127

it was poetic justice that said whistling cost one of the SA teams a crucial opportunity and ultimately led to their elimination

>> No.45834188

do your reps

>> No.45834240

Only 1 of those costs you sponsors, can you guess which one it is?

>> No.45834335

doing my reps isn't going to make you stop being an N99 SEAnig

>> No.45834425

Miko and Marine "voluntarily" taking a 2 week break because they made fun of a BL doujin and the author started seething on Twitter

>> No.45834502

>bug hive mentality combined with sportsfag autism
Would not wish that on my worst enemy.

>> No.45834792

If you know Japanese, what is your problem?

>> No.45834891

For a board that loves pretending to be Japanese, it really seems you guys don’t like how they really are outside of your fantasies.

>> No.45834903

that this twitter screencap thread wasn't deleted before the first reply, indonesia not being rangebanned a close second

>> No.45835056

if she joked about trannies, all you faggots would have your pitchforks up and harass her until she gets fired

>> No.45835112

Weebs are retarded, water is wet

>> No.45835172 [DELETED] 
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The world would be 10-20 IQ higher, we would have space colonies on the moon and mars and GDI would be much better if compassionate colonialism won out over bleeding heart sophist philosophy.

>> No.45835356

and having the tranny on our land? hard pass on that

>> No.45835359


>> No.45835427

nigga asians invented the tranny, its called a eunuch

>> No.45835563

She did that of her own volition anon. And everyone thought it was a retarded move.

>> No.45835655

but reddit and twitter told me it was le evil idol culture???

>> No.45835822

>/vt/ would defend trannies
Where exactly do you think you are?

>> No.45835912

>Ask if the pitcher beaning a batter can get you suspended
>a/sp/ies chimp the fuck out
There's nothing more cringe than sports "fans"

>> No.45836378

Maybe they actually cared and just tallied all the offenses she made and with the last one being "That's enough"

>> No.45836431

That was another nijiantis campaign.

>> No.45836505

Lamy was 100% right and based

>> No.45836849

cringe but I admire the gumption
fucking based

Give this bitch a medal

>> No.45837472

you are retarded
it has been forever known on /a/ that elevens have trash taste. you are thinking of /jp/ retards that like jap culture outside of weeb shit.

>> No.45839498

Sports in general are Japans bread and butter. They fucking love sports but they don't like anything that could potentially look bad upon their players or the people of their country who participate in said sports. If you fuck up even once by doing or saying something that japs see as dishonorable while playing sports you could easily lose your entire livelihood

>> No.45839545

She also got dislike bombed when she told everyone she wasn't actually a teacher, she revealed it was all kayfabe and holy shit were japs angry.

>> No.45839561
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Gundou minutes after her tweet

>> No.45840262

>she told everyone she wasn't actually a teacher, she revealed it was all kayfabe
wait what the FUCK? I knew she was kinda a shitty person and a liar so I tried to avoid her as much as possible and haven't kept up with her stupid drama but that is straight up PATHOLOGICAL. Why would she lie about that???

>> No.45840637


>> No.45840687

When I saw a massive group of Chinese decide to throw a tantrum over a vtuber show analytics from Google which happened to have Taiwan mentioned, nothing surprises me anymore.
90% of the people probably had never seen a vtuber before, but went along with the madness, I feel it is similar to this. Some people take offense at something trivial and it for some reason blows up to the point where people are trying to find any justification to villify someone.

>> No.45840830

>Gundou Mirei (HBP)

>> No.45841036
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>> No.45841152

any evidences on catfishing one and how many men she has slept with before?

>> No.45841436

It was retarded that Cover bent the knee on that matter, but ultimately it was just a quick suspension and everything went back to normal immediately afterwards. People barely even remember the incident.
In fact, since you reminded me of it, I went to look at the doujin author's twitter (her sub twitter @n72699389, she never went back to her main one) and she actually retweeted this Gundou announcement. It also looks like she's involved with Narukami, or maybe is just a fan of him. Weird.

>> No.45841524

The catfishing website? I was the one being cat fished by her.
Those men she slept with before? All me after the catfishing.

>> No.45841819

next 3d live she will have her friends throwing baseballs at her

>> No.45841914

mutt education strikes again

>> No.45842014

Because gundou is a sociopathic trainwreck of a human being

>> No.45842039
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>> No.45842052

>not a single one to the head
finish the job for gundou

>> No.45842315

Sport is better when they try to hurt each other

>> No.45842436


>> No.45842512

Based but just know if you're sponsored by said sport maybe avoid saying that

>> No.45842537

we need to back to gladiators

>> No.45842640

I don't understand what she meant by this. Like, i understand the text itself, but not the baseball context. Did a Japanese player throw a ball at an American's head or something?

>> No.45843204

no she was just wondering in general

>> No.45843764

It's hilarious that of all the things that could've gotten her cancelled, making a perfectly valid question in a civil manner about baseball got her

>> No.45843981

Someone posting something more comprehensive that makes the post sound more like a dark, shitposty joke but still nothing that would warrant a suspension.

>> No.45844407

Why do people watch cricket's retarded child? The only reason this game was born was because burgers found cricket a bit too hard.

>> No.45844521 [DELETED] 

LOL japs are bugmen no better than chinese

>> No.45844584

It's kind of fucked up because this is clearly
>I don't know shit about this sport, let me ask some rhetorical questions
Just like if someone not into capeshit said
>Why doesn't Batman just kill the villain?
Anyway, The Swarm attacks whoever pokes the hive. Chinese, Japanese, Korean, western politics. It doesn't matter.
Internet mobs have too much power.

>> No.45844750

wouldn't the Hololive one be unprofessional to sponsors?

>> No.45844774

cricket is shit because only australians and poo in loos care play it

>> No.45844801

She actually does know about baseball the whole thread is her pretending not to know shit

>> No.45844878

>jap culture outside of weeb shit
motherfucker what the hell did you just say

>> No.45844881

More like expected with this kind of "people".

>> No.45845331

Surprisingly not because she basically said
>Hehe it was just a misunderstanding
gundou is a trainwreck and a habitual liar though so I guess take it as you will

>> No.45845340

She was being disingenuous and even when people know she was trying to make a joke, they think is a shitty joke.

>> No.45845448

If this blows up internationally it will harm how people see vtubing and Japan as a whole. Abusing people just because you won a preseason baseball tournament. It makes the Japanese look like losers

>> No.45845510

Wait until they fire her and list all of this like Zaion

>> No.45845552

Yeah but who cares? She's a nobody! She's not Pekora

>> No.45845584


Literally nobody cares about this (or will care about this) outside of Japan aside from niche vtubing/weeb communities

>> No.45845775

A better way to understand is put this in perspective for the average right wing burger.
Imagine a corpo Vtuber straight out said trans rights is human rights, child have the right to decide if they should transition and started a campaign to get every other vtuber on board with that. And not only are they not punished by their corpo but other vtubers are joining them.
How enraged are you if that happened? That's how the Japanese feel when you make fun of baseball.

>> No.45845835 [DELETED] 


>> No.45845855

there's always Vshojo JP for her

>> No.45845872

Didn't she took a break due to the catfishing one? Or was it the other member because I remember there was other member who admited doing the same thing.

>> No.45845983

>how people see vtubing
A bunch of the JP's who joined in on shitting on her are anti vtubers in general from what I've heard, they wouldn't care.

>> No.45846052

Nijisanji may be a Japanese company but they're too good for a Japanese audience or so I've learned; too autistic to comprehend a clear and obvious joke.

Sensei did nothing wrong. Fuck management, fuck the nips, fuck everyone really.

>> No.45846084

That wasn’t her

>> No.45846100

fpbp don't forget Coco-Haato and Miko-Marine suspensions that bronies keep memoryholing
Why are Nips so autistic about boreball? Holy shit it's literally just a kid's game.

>> No.45846145

They should have been fired for this.

>> No.45846193

Holy based
kek what bitches

>> No.45846235

I don't get the Nips' obsession with a kids game. I thought football their most popular sport outside sumo.

>> No.45846242

Lamy wasn’t even the one saying it, it’s just that her POV had the most popular clips of the incident.

>> No.45846272

starting to think japs are generally fucked in the head. They ok with loli and shota manga but not ok with a dum baseball joke by an animated girl on twitter.. fucking cringe bro

>> No.45846276

Based. I like her even more now

>> No.45846324

Don't forget Haato and Coco saying the T word.
kek, never let the bronies memoryhole this again

>> No.45846361

They think the joke is cringe and retarded.

>> No.45846376 [DELETED] 

We never said we liked the subhuman Asian mentality faggot
They just make good anime. They're a shithole country otherwise.

>> No.45846410

>he doesn't know
You will never be white

>> No.45846418

One of Nijisanji JP's biggest vtubers is openly a pedophile... Anycolor has no consistency in what gets punished and what doesn't,

>> No.45846449

It's unironically just a kid's game though based off Rounders, lad.

>> No.45846461

>a fan of narukami
he has fans?

>> No.45846467

>How enraged are you if that happened?
not at all because i'm not an autistic rightoid

>> No.45846488

I hope Gundou pulls through. Niji would take a massive hit if nip management fires her for no reason

>> No.45846529 [DELETED] 

It's why nips and mutts are laughed at worldwide
They have nothing on us Ultras

>> No.45846556

t.darcy tucker

>> No.45846560

Welcome to nip mentality. Just as bad as chinks.
They could be watching football, a real sport, but no, the bastardised version of a kid's game invented here.

>> No.45846618

I'm unironically quitting the Internet if Gundou is fired. People are just way too sensitive. People are clearly receptive to banter in the real world but never the Internet. A shame. Things used to be the complete opposite. What happened?

>> No.45846671

No shit mate. Do you not remember the fucking permissions holocaust 3 years ago?
Boreball is shit because only burgers and nips play it.

>> No.45846697
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>Boreball is shit because only burgers and nips play it.

>> No.45846710

>It makes the Japanese look like losers
>implying they never weren't losers
Sensible chuckle

>> No.45846720

You just realized how many ironic weebs are on here with how many deadbeats are around?

>> No.45846753

It's a fucking kid's game based off rounders you utter muppet.

>> No.45846805
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>Talking shit to any other sport after this happened

>> No.45846806

>implying they always weren't
Mate, you're behind the lot. Japan may make good anime but they've been rightfully hated in every other department.

>> No.45846850 [DELETED] 

Case in point.
Get filtered, mutt.

>> No.45846890

No he's an old fart and I just wanted to use TLR.

>> No.45846914

What are you even talking about

>> No.45846993
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Yeah, Anon. And drug addicts take drugs because they like it.

>> No.45847038


>> No.45847055

>Amerishart """"""humour"""""""""

>> No.45847643
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If your sport can't have a you get hit by a ball traveling at 164 km/h and result in your testicle getting ruptured, is it really a sport?
I think not.

>> No.45847669

Right wingers not gona rage at all. They just gona sell overpriced med to lefty childs who will 41 in a few years after realising how much they ruined their whole life.

>> No.45847680

No shit it's not a sport

>> No.45847710

You make fun of japs but 99% of /vt/ would kill themselves if Gura mentioned tempus for a microsecond

>> No.45847759

>cutting it off right as the pain receptors would start blasting
Truly whoever made this is a sick individual

>> No.45847781

Who cares? Gura doesn't stream anymore. No one would barely notice her if she did that as we've all moved on to other oshis at this point.

>> No.45847855
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>> No.45848210

this isn't anime though. Anime is merely a product, vtubing involves real people.
So you either have to make exceptions for your oshi like "she's not like the other Japs" or only watch holo EN and half of EN are asian anyway

>> No.45848219


>> No.45848269

Actually this is a good thing. Anykara knows that baseball fags are an important market yo them. And instead of own the haters they do the sensible thing and give a slap in the hand to the talent to put the others on line. If only HoloEN would have done the same to Kronii and her attempts to own the chat, maybe Holo EN wouldn't be in the current sorry state and EN3 were already announced.

>> No.45848274

Weird flex but OK

>> No.45848328

You're a yank aren't you.
No wonder you suck corporate cock if your life depended on it. It is the yank's way of life after all.

>> No.45848559

And the equivalent of all that...is "what if they threw the ball at the dude?"

>> No.45848781

she shaved her head in an attempt to keep collecting money from mentally ill otaku
they are the drug addicts and she is the dealer in this scenario

>> No.45852070

Didn't something similar happen with that football player who refused to kneel to the glorious Burgerstan ceremony? Sborts and nationalism are a dangerous combo that will always attract the absolute lowest common denominator no matter the country.

>> No.45852854

Agreed, the batter should charge the pitcher with his bat and end him for the insult of being beaned.

>> No.45853194
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>in a better timeline

>> No.45853705

Why do you want asians to be self-hating gay trannies too?

>> No.45853721
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>> No.45854060
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Let's not get too crazy, they are at least slightly better than chinks.

>> No.45855617

What a cuck, he should have punched that asian into the ground

>> No.45856377

Baseball fans are just mentally ill, I try to imagine a similar question to that this in the context of other sports like "hey couldn't they just murderball the other guys lol" and this overreaction seems increasingly moronic.

>> No.45857199

baseballfags are such pussies
Gronk is like the most beloved football player and he regularly would hit players with the intention to injure them.

>> No.45858793

And his body is detroyed beyond repair, also he is a fag. Buttbuddy of the crazy puerto rican schizo.

>> No.45859510 [DELETED] 
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brony is such a weak and pathetic invective. are yuo a woman or a faggot?

>> No.45859802
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brony is such a weak and pathetic invective. are you a woman or a faggot?

>> No.45860125

It was still REALLY dumb. Like, it’s one doujin artist. Who cares if she spergs out? Maybe I’m missing context here but I just can’t justify it since Marine was already pretty huge even back then.

>> No.45860183

That's a terrible analogy anon. Western countries are super left wing, even America. That corpo would be lauded as heros on twitter and reddit. It would be like 90% positive, and 10% seething on 4chan.

A better analogy is Pikamee getting bullied into graduating for playing Harry Potter, by twitterfaggots who have nothing better to do.

>> No.45860219

>Gronk is like the most beloved football player and he regularly would hit players with the intention to injure them.
Fuck Gronk

>> No.45860283

>Western countries are super left wing
>This is your brain in /pol/

>> No.45860402

Bronies are obese animal fuckers who moonlight as pedophiles, as one quick look at /mlp/ will tell you. The insult has layers.

>> No.45860632

and you are subservient to mutts, so suck on that.

>> No.45861008

Nta bit you're absolutely delusional if you think Burgerland is generally left-wing instead of mixed and polarised at most. Like you actually need to get out of your media bubble because it's damaging your mind.

>> No.45861077

That was hot, so it’s fine.

>> No.45861175

What this anon said >>45846242
jealous niggers took advantage of lamy’s weak personality and tried to cancel her

>> No.45861194

Get spiked cuck

>> No.45861324

The inferiority complex baseball fanatics have towards football is just insane
This meme competition needs to end ASAP, no one outside Jap Korea Taiwan even cares about this
Once boomers die out there will be no baseball since they're the only ones into this "sport"
Lmao how can you even call it a sport when it consumes only like 200 calories for an entire match
It's more like a leisure, not a sport
World Cup still has higher viewership and enthusiasm in Japan btw
I hate American """sports""" but this Gronk chap seems based.

>> No.45861386

Describes Holofags to a T right?

>> No.45861449

It worked and she was suspended for 2 weeks.

Never let the Holokeks memoryhole this.

>> No.45861642

and yet baseball persists

>> No.45861686

And yet it's still not a sport by most of the world's standards.
Japan is a football island anyways.

>> No.45862254

>World Cup still has higher viewership and enthusiasm in Japan btw
Koshien matches are more watched that the games of Japan in WC.

>> No.45862570

>watching amateur "sports"
Do Nips really?

>> No.45862903

>cutting off penises is equal to a sport
Nigger please.

>> No.45863235

>Getting angry over a game with imaginary stakes
>Getting angry over doctors cutting off penises, inverting the remaining tube into neovag and using taxpayer money to create eunuchs who cannot work and suffer severe physical pain every day who are dependant on welfare to live.
Who got it right?

>> No.45863614
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Unless japan finds a legit soccer talent like kvisha or Haaland, no. Baseball is more of a popular sport in Japan, ESPECIALLY with the rise of Roki Sasaki

>> No.45863773


>> No.45864039

She's referencing the Nootbaar hit by pitch incident that happened in Korea game. Surprised not a single person pointed it out. Nips were completely nuclear about it. Gundou tried making a joke to be relevant in current topics and got punished, nothing unusual.
It's kind of dumb crying about much undeserved when you have no idea about the context.

>> No.45864150


>> No.45864335

The fact you're so upset over it proves my point.
Japan takes baseball as seriously as the rightoids take their culture wars.

>> No.45864837

Getting this made over a baseball joke is pretty embarrassing Japan. I know you like baseball but we don't get this mad over baseball because we care so little about it.

What the hell are you talking about? Nobody has memory holed what happened with Coco or Marine. There wasn't much to bring up because it wasn't relevant till now. It just used in comparison to how lame Nijjisanji's version is which is incredibly lame by comparison.

>> No.45865555

Because nobody here knows shit about baseball. They just want a reason to start tribal wars.

>> No.45865628

Mitoma is joining United and is expected to be Son tier good so it may not be far off.

>> No.45865722

No one is obliged to know about your non-sport, burger.

Sensei unironically did nothing wrong and Nijisanji is shooting themselves in the foot by suspending her over what would be a nothingburger in the rest of the civilised world.

>> No.45865973

I remember she took a break for health reasons because anti slandering and harassing her. Nice revisionism. They did apologize though

>> No.45866073

>attacked her fans for "backseating" which was flat out disrespectful in general
>i-it was just health reasons

>> No.45866092
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>> No.45866201
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>> No.45866380

Japan cares. And the people that watch Nijisanji Koshien, care.
I, for one would be laughing at that dumb broad getting suspended one month and wait for the next time when she says something stupid again and people flame her.

>> No.45866418

No one asked for your input Holofag

>> No.45866496

i can piss and shit myself on demand, without needing a vtuber as the catalyst. asians are weak and retarded

>> No.45866515
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I like the niji koishien but gundou is a MORON

>> No.45866584

These people deflecting aren’t gundou fans but fans of nijisanji ch

>> No.45866739

Just piss off already Holofags

>> No.45866833
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>> No.45866923

What does this even mean? lmao

>> No.45867798

Just stating the fact that Gundou is going to be suspended at least one month and when Nijisanji Koshien (the most watched event of the company) comes she probably was going to be sidelined.

>> No.45867822

Cute friends

>> No.45869369

Wait, if Nijisanji eventually cut ties with Gundou, does that mean her dream of becoming a Holo can finally happen?

>> No.45870809

Yes please. Please take that dumb whore. If Nijisanji fired her I'll celebrate hard. If HoloNPC take her I'll laugh and celebrate harder.

>> No.45871085

Deflection post. Discussion thread gets derailed because it hurts the brand. Typical nijinig tactic because it can’t really refute anyone because it hasn’t watch a single stream or follow the liver. >>45866833

>> No.45871308

>Gives context
>Makes it sound even more retarded
What was the point?

>> No.45871445

>hasn’t watch a single stream or follow the liver.
>a nijinig

>> No.45871481

I want asians to go exinct anon. That's very different.

>> No.45871542

Yes. It's retard. But that is reality.

>> No.45871922

His context is wrong, this is the only anon that know what he is talking about: >>45864039

>> No.45872005

I think Cover was worried about getting the entire BL community against them. The artist was getting some support before it was drowned out by Marine and Miko's fanbases.

>> No.45872139

So what? She's not harming anyone. Let her be.

>> No.45872423

It was hockey.

>> No.45872940

can you actually name a single case where every single person is dogpiling someone over a joke?
the best I can think of is kramer's actor and other comedians saying 'nigger' but even then there are a ton of people who still support the actor.

>> No.45873042

How likely is it, that Gundou is having "zaion discussions" with management right about now?

>> No.45873167

That incident was the worst. The author wasn't originally even going to sperg out but some vtuber anti posted a out of context clip of marine laughing and made it seem like she was laughing at the contents of the doujin, when it's the opposite and she actually liked the doujin and wanted to gift it to Miko so she can read it too. It got overblown as fuck.
Same situation as Gundou's. She doesn't watch or play baseball and made a comment asking why don't people just throw the balls at the players. She doesn't know that getting hit by a hard ball going 100 mph can kill you. It doesn't matter because chuuba anti's already made it out of context and made it seem like she wants pitchers to throw dead balls at players for fun. Both situations are overblown and it sucks because common people never have the context and always follow the tweets that get the most reactions.

>> No.45873380

This thread is feels like a /sp/ thread lmao.

>> No.45873468

>She doesn't watch or play baseball

>> No.45873958

>Western countries are super left wing, even America.
>even America

>> No.45874281

>Same situation as Gundou's. She doesn't watch or play baseball and made a comment asking why don't people just throw the balls at the players.
Anon, you don't know shit about anything. Gundou knows about baseball. Her comment was a reference of something that happen in the match between Japan and Worst Korea; where the korean pitcher intentionally hit one of the best hitters of Japan.
That is the reason why people reacted that way.

>> No.45874416

NTA but what she say? Wasn't this all about her making fun of baseball?

>> No.45874832

like canceling streamers over playing funny wizard games?

>> No.45875021

People love to laugh at other countries getting mad over dumb shit when their own is also getting mad over dumb shit too.

>> No.45875330

99% of japanese people don't get sarcasm or real jokes. Gungun is one of the 1%

>> No.45875895

not very. She's been deleting the tweets but she drew a picture of saber and played game dev story for like 8 hours yesterday. She's spending her mahjong time fucking around

>> No.45876348

This reads like a bug trying to deflect that they lost 1-8 vs Japan. When you can't beat them, drag them down to your level.

>> No.45877392

Since none of you are actual baseball fans I'll tell you

Bringing up that any pitches might have been intentionally thrown at a batter poisons the well and causes insane drama in the baseball community.
It's not uncommon for teams that have drama with each other will often cause mass fights on the field if the pitcher hits one of the enemy teams star players.

Because there have been many controversies in sports around coaches paying bounties to intentionally injure high priority players on the rival team, it's an unwritten rule in sports to never, ever bring this up as a reality because it sours the entire sport and just makes everyone butthurt, going so far as to demand championship titles be relinquished.

>> No.45878849

Because they know it was a joke/sarcasm nips go ballistic over it. Gundou basically said "what if baseball player doing dumb shit? Wakaranai~ teeheepero!". And if you actually watch Gundou from day 1, you will realize she know a lot of baseball. And she post absolutely dumb question pretending to be dumb. And the whole country basically said "shut the fuck up, whore" to her.
Look at this post.
>The tweet was met with a number of comments from the county road, "That's a statement that can't be dismissed as ignorance. People are going to die." "It's an unbelievable statement, even if it's a quip," "It doesn't matter if you don't know anything about baseball anymore. It's not a matter of not knowing anything about baseball anymore. This comment is out. Stop watching baseball," and the situation went up in flames.
Basically don't you fucking joke around about it.

>> No.45879423

What the fuck kind of baseball do they watch over there in nipon? Pitchers throw intentionally at batters all of the time. They have huge brawls afterwards. It's a part of the game. Also, when pitchers DO throw intentionally at batters, their suspensions are less than Gundou is getting for joking about it.

Japan is a joke. Nijisanji is a joke. Anyone defending this deserves to be laughed at. You know nothing about this game. Nothing. Zero.

>> No.45879786

Gundou being a baseball expert and tweeting that just makes it funnier anon. Gundou Mirei is the japanese andy kaufman

>> No.45879985

Americans lost the baseball game to nips and seem to have lost to them morally as well.

>> No.45880403

nothing you say will sway a nijihater mind so why even bother explaining? They aren't looking for a discussion. Just let niji steamroll everything while schizos look dumbfounded that their 2 years of holoshilling meant jackshit

>> No.45881172

funny considering that mysta used to run a ask x pony anything tumblr account

>> No.45881375

Only watch my hololive oshi but I understand the situation and see why it happened. Its "dumb" from my outsider perspective, but I'm not arrogant enough to think bitching about it will change their culture.

>> No.45882025

>Internet mobs have too much power.
Then why don't we ourselves become an even bigger mob to combat the bullshit?

>> No.45882369

Basically she said: "What if the pitcher throw a ball very hard to the head of one of their best hitters? It could remove him (the hitter) from the game".
That was the thing that the korean pitcher did: intentionally hit Noorbart in the back so the gap between South Korea and Japan didn't increase. Baseball fans went ballistic.
Summarizing, what this anon said: >>45878849

>> No.45882374

>corpo talent makes public joke about killing someone in baseball while their country is playing on the biggest world stage for their favourite sport
>oh those crazy nationalist hive mind Asian people

Embarrassing modern Western mentality, this kind of shit wouldn't fly not too long ago but now were a joke culturally, our biggest entertainers and role models are egomaniacs who flaunt their ignorance and excess

>> No.45882658

>Yesterday, the Japanese president celebrated a ceremony to appoint the player members as 'honorary samurai'.
...This just sounds like a stupid move in general, to be honest.
I like anime, I never said anything about liking the Japanese.

>> No.45883942

The only embarrassing thing here is being invested in the most boring sport in existence.

>> No.45885814

>Gundou evades taxes
lol based
>Gundou fakes a vaction in Italy while actually being at home in Japan
lol based
>Gundou endorses fascism
lol based
>Gundou talks about how many men she fucked last week
lol based
>Gundou shittalks hololive openly on twitter
lol based
>Gundou says she's worked for a catfishing website before
she wouldn't be the only one lol
>Gundou makes a baseball joke
Over the fucking line, Ohtani worked hard for this.

>> No.45885926

>the Japanese team won against USA
Won in what?

>> No.45885995

Oh baseball
I hope the new samurai enjoy their win

>> No.45887454

Couldn't describe it any better than this.

>> No.45887528

A Mickey Mouse kid's game tournament no one except the fucking Nips pretend to care about

>> No.45888492

I am pretty sure that players like Mike Trout care about it.

>> No.45888607

Literally who?

>> No.45888788

>Japs are dumb
>Anycolor and Gundou are also japs
>Everyone involved is dumb
Pretty much.

>> No.45890103

That one is less about the talents themselves and more of it spiraled into conversation about BL in general, and copyright of all things.

Remember, technically speaking, doujinshi is gray area in japan. No such thing as universal fair use, derivatives are decided by individual companies, and copyright of derivatives belongs to the companies.

>> No.45890670

I'm sorry that in your pagpag mud hut don't know any sport or recreation other than deepthroat their own fathers.

>> No.45890749

I'm Serbian you mutt

>> No.45890914
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Now shit like this doesn't happen in my Oshi's league the JBA

>> No.45891323

>out of context clip
There was no clip. The first tweet by the artist was a link directly to the stream and she said "look at *timestamp* sadface".
She intentionally lied for pity but didn't know sh would have every single vtuber anti behind her repeating that lie.

>> No.45891425

Ohtani is my oshi unironically.

>> No.45891428

>people are going to die

>> No.45891483

Americans have no fucking idea this happened. People had to explain in this thread what this event is even about and this is even for people who are well-versed in Baseball.
and for the most part people are saying 'well good for you man' and that's it.

>> No.45891551

You seriously believe that the people in this thread pretending to be well-versed in baseball didn't know how the WBC turned out? You are this gullible?

>> No.45891569

>>corpo talent makes public joke about killing someone in baseball
hitting people is a legit strategy and has been employed in american baseball, even in the world series, numerous times to make star hitters walk.

>> No.45891634

>You seriously believe that the people in this thread pretending to be well-versed in baseball didn't know how the WBC turned out?
you seriously believe anyone in America cares about baseball outside of America? It wasn't even on ESPN here AFAIK.
Literally no one cares and nobody knows about how they're doing their victory lap. If they want to name new samurai and declare they're gonna do ten pearl harbors in celebration, let them. Who the fuck cares about international baseball?

>> No.45891709

wouldn't you want to make sure your yacht got that golden anchor.

>> No.45891720

I'm not saying normal americans but the people you say are claiming to be well-versed in baseball. They would at least know the results of the ending of the tournament.

>> No.45891722

Besides, this is fucking based and it would be nice if we could celebrate international wins in anything as grandiose as this.

>> No.45891831

>I'm not saying normal americans but the people you say are claiming to be well-versed in baseball.
Again, you think anyone in America, even people well-versed in baseball, know anything about international baseball or CARE about it?
No, I'm serious, the major channels don't air it. You only get play-by-plays from niche sources, and 100% of the media coverage here is owned by the MLB.
> They would at least know the results of the ending of the tournament.
And even if we get past that filter which already filters out 99% of Americans who are into baseball or even well-learned on it, do you think they would also talk about the fallout of Japan celebrating a bit too hard?

This whole thing sounds like bitching by koreans and chinese about the victory lap and not actual Americans (who don't care or know about it)

>> No.45891951

It was a nothingburger; its just Nijinigger management being shit as always and bending the knee just because clickbait news sites were memeing it.

>> No.45891964

>you can appreciate why anybody who makes jokes or sarcastic comments will be eaten alive by literally nationalistic drones.
But to also clarify, this part stlil fucking sucks though the same way a black man in any promo artwork immediately triggers chuds.

>> No.45892128

>Western countries are super left wing, even America
There's a big difference between twitter and real life

>> No.45892176

Holy FUCK they had their own Brazil moment?

>> No.45892189

A preseason tournament where the best American pitchers stayed home? Congrats I guess. Americans care about MLB. Not this stuff. Most think Japan winning it and celebrating so much was cute.

>> No.45892201

the WBC at this point is the 2nd biggest baseball event in America after the World Series, it's growing in prestige every edition and this year even the talking head shows that literally never talk about baseball talked [briefly] about the final since it ended like it was out of a literal script with the two best baseball players in the world facing off in a one run game.
Americans in general still don't know about the WBC because most Americans don't care about baseball, but among actual baseball fans the WBC is legit, most Americans aren't passionate about it like the other dozen or so countries that love baseball are (this is like the world cup for them), but we recognize it as a meaningful, fun, and competitive tournament

>> No.45892224

Mitoma is way more well known than Fagtani
>t. Nip

>> No.45892236

>Gundou endorses fascism
>Gundou talks about how many men she fucked last week
... whatever

>> No.45892267

No one fucking cares about muh WBC though.
Baseball fanatics live in a bubble and used their shittiness to get Sensei suspended for no fucking reason and reassured the West that the Japanese are not to be trusted at all.

>> No.45892283

> it's growing in prestige every edition and this year even the talking head shows that literally never talk about baseball talked [briefly] about the final since it ended like it was out of a literal script with the two best baseball players in the world facing off in a one run game.
was it even on ESPN?
>Americans in general still don't know about the WBC because most Americans don't care about baseball
They do, but specifically MLB baseball because sports in America is an overmarketed scam ran like a crime ring where the leagues own the networks who serve the leagues. Which is why soccer is barely talked about and rugby is nonexistent a real man's football.

>> No.45892306

Not even Japan cared mate.
In fact, most nips I knew rooted for Korea in their match.
Japan is a football island and will be by 2026.

>> No.45892328

>Which is why soccer is barely talked about and rugby is nonexistent
*Even though it's a real man's football

>> No.45892385

Yeah but none of our top pitchers played.

>> No.45892393

not even most Americans care about the NFL, and tenfold more people care about the NFL than MLB, at least

>> No.45892428

MLB is less popular than MLS and NHL in most cities anyways

>> No.45892431

What kind of made up bullshit is this

>> No.45892447

>not even most Americans care about the NFL
The superb owl is the most watched event every year and remains so despite the falloff of sports in general

>> No.45892468

It's /sp/'s anti-baseball schizo expat

>> No.45892512

and less than half of America watches it. and of those a very large portion are watching just for the commercials or the half time show or because it's just something to talk about with coworkers, most people don't really care
most Americans are simply not passionate about sports at all

>> No.45892586
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The WBC final was on Fox. Undisputed with Skip and Shannon covered it and showered praises on Shohei and team Japan even though they rooted for team USA. Definitely has gotten good press coverage but it will take time for baseball to regain its popularity.

>> No.45892601

>and less than half of America watches it.
that's a lot of fucking people. i don't know if you realize that. that's way more than the number of people who vote or even pay money on taxes
and this is assuming we're using ratings when a good chunk of the modern world streams or pirates it.

>> No.45892621

At the end of the day theres easily offended retards everywhere but I would rather deal with sport zealots over transtrender cults.

>> No.45892663

Fox sports, right? That's not a great metric because that channel is a fraction the size of ESPN. They must have bought exclusive rights for it .

>> No.45892671

It's like a holiday event people use as an excuse to get together. The superbowl parties I've attended no one watches the games except that 1 guy that is super into it and is explaining the storyline to everyone to get them invested during the last down.

>> No.45892722

so sportfags are just avergae normies correct?
damn they actually more vicious than twittertroons and antis

>> No.45892793

/sp/ is a special kind of place.

>> No.45892819

the final was on FS1, I think most cable packages have it but not a lot of people actually have cable anymore. A couple of the earlier games were on FOX, USA-Venezuela and USA-Mexico I think.
the previous editions of the tournament were on MLB Network, a more unknown cable channel. I think the first edition in 2006 was on ESPN but it flopped so they dumped it

>> No.45893423

/sp/ has been crowned the most autistic board on 4chan multiple times don't make me post the philmarilion

>> No.45894816

Can they just dq the mf play like that. Yellow card, red card etc...

>> No.45895317

it's not easy to tell intent. the umpire can eject anyone from the game at his discretion, usually takes at least 2 hit by pitches before any ejections.

hit by pitches are usually brushed off no problem, pretty rare for any serious injury to happen from them. (though Jose Altuve, one of the best players in MLB, will miss half the season because of a hit by pitch in the WBC)
Anyway, it's rare but hit by pitches can be dangerous so players get mad as fuck about it, especially if they sense intent behind it. Even Ohtani who's famously friendly was noticeably and audibly pissed when a Korean pitcher nearly hit him with a pitch in the WBC. Korea vs Japan is a huge rivalry far beyond baseball of course, and some Korean pitcher had made a comment about just hitting Ohtani earlier

sometimes intent is clear and it often leads to a team brawl which is kind of ridiculous, funny though

>> No.45895441

love it the schizos here dumping on baseball probably haven't stepped out in months

football, soccer, basketball are all fun. but baseball is america's classic past time. and it's fucking fun if you understand the general gist of the game.

the WBC games this year was intense and filled with passion. I got an erection watching Trea Turner hit a grand slam (four point home run) to give America the lead against Team Venezuela to win us the game.


I swear to god, if we lost this game, we would've lost to a socialist shit hole. but god bless captain America aka trea turner '

man hit 5 HRs throughout the tourney for America.

god bless

>> No.45895505

if your favorite athlete can't hit a hard ball 450 feet, are they really an athlete

>> No.45895954

America should reteach the japs what American baseball is as a sport if the nips are gonna be bigger spergs than the drunks that attend baseball games in its home mother fucking country clearly they cant handle the banter part of sports ball.

>> No.45897216

A classic

>> No.45897333

Is this like when UFC first started and if someone called BJJ gay?

>> No.45898747

No there's just no equivalent. There is no one sentence a VTuber could say that would make the news and have westeners come together in bugman-tier solidarity to call for her resignment. There's just way too many contrarian retards for better or worse.

>> No.45898793

Please explain, I'm interested in this blue woman

>> No.45898916

Basketball is the only fun sport to play and watch. Baseball is for 95 yr old grandpas who eat mayonnaise and whose hobbies are gardening.

>> No.45899451

anon there are like two cases of brazilian football murders occuring where people are killed or dismembered by during the game

>> No.45900220

There's no equivalent because the idea that all of Japan is up in arms about it and demands her termination for insulting baseball without anyone in Japan arguing that the suspension is retarded, is untrue to start off with.

>> No.45900324

unironically really, since people have died by baseball throws
and japanese + sarcasm never works well

>> No.45900614

So a random that knows nothing about baseball makes a comment that doesnt even register as malignant, just being a dumb comment, and baseball fans lose their collective shit and said person gets punished. Its stupid.

>> No.45901048

>appoint the player members as 'honorary samurai'.
Kek imagine serving your full term in the Japanese Self Defense Forces protecting your nation and doing literally what samurai did in the past but with modern equipment

And then your nation tells you a bunch of baseball players are deserving of that honor
I thought Japan was different from America kek

>> No.45901701

Professional Players from the usa will never take non MLB games seriously japanese samurai my ass i guarantee you ever united states player was told do the bare minimum and don't hurt yourself before the regular season starts kek Shohei Ohtanis final strike out was against his own MLB team mate too that tells you everything.

>> No.45901755

Do your Reps faggot

>> No.45903268

you can always tell when a group of esl fags are desperate when you keep hearing them parrot the same word over and over again

>> No.45903369

yeah but remember when everyone pushed back against that?
literally no jap is standing up for her. even worse they are saying "see everyone is against her, why aren't you too?" like some weird hivemind

>> No.45903458
File: 21 KB, 350x350, 1663293977544458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> People are going to die
lmao jap nationalist use the same arguments as twitterfreaks for hurt feelings

>> No.45903525

This scares the slit eyes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro7RTx5PU-E

>> No.45904822

Don't be like that anon

>> No.45905701

The magicians start fights every other game the fuck you on about

>> No.45906499

a problematic chuuba over baseball and chink sponsors? doubt it. enikara proved time and time again they only care about the money. gundo is next on the chopping board.

>> No.45906553

not your personal army nigger

>> No.45909823


>> No.45910492

>makes joke question asking if hitting someone with a baseball is okay
>westerners laugh because obviously its not okay
its equivalent to getting mad at the "If there were two guys on the moon and one killed the other with a rock, wouldn't that be fucked up?" meme

>> No.45911347

>parasocializing athletes
