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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45653431 No.45653431 [Reply] [Original]

I miss mommy...
She did nothing wrong

>> No.45654141

1 week since last stream. Anyone heard from her?

>> No.45654229

Wait a few more weeks until she starts running out of money.

>> No.45654373

last stream she was saying she was $35 grand in debt. I had been hoping that would mean more 4chan fundraising.

>> No.45654501

>She did nothing wrong
Do I have to archive dive and make you a fucking list?

>> No.45654661

Are you DB? How are you involved in anything she's done?

>> No.45654662

She's probably only talking to her friends and family given circumstances.
I think she said she wanted to make sure paypal was working, as in payin her friend back and there was no hang ups with that since people messed everything up sending it through P&S.

>> No.45654901

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXxW-AK8ExA most recent stream btw for those wondering wtf we're talking about.
Also only stream, currently, because her last two accounts got fucked by DB and YoshiP.

>> No.45655641

This, I'm sure DB is still trying to find ways to fuck with her even now sadly.

>> No.45655699


>> No.45655726

Anon...she's done a lot of shit long before DB tried to turn her into his personal sex pet.

>> No.45658346

She did everything wrong, but that's why we love her.

>> No.45659493

this. it's actually endearing. despite everything, i find myself hoping she finally manages to find some success. despite her bad decisions, she's not a bad person like she claims, and it'd be nice to see her claw her way out of her shitty situations

>> No.45659587

I'm caveman

>> No.45659830

It sounds like she at least maintained one of her friends (someone she actually considers a friend) so thats a start, she isnt a terrible person, she just self-doubts way too fucking much which then becomes self-fulled prophecies.

>> No.45660476

Vtuber who changes her name and model every few months. Has a past of being sort of a scam artist, is allegedly trying to be a better person now, recently got fucked over by one of her simps who got way too parasocial in a debacle someone else can explain. Also has a past of being a braptuber, which she's been trying to downplay now.
Whenever she streams she uses the /vt/ thread about her as a second chat feed because she loves us, which also makes some of her youtube chat regulars seethe.
About a week ago, was diagnosed with some kind of stomach cancer. Which maybe puts the braps in a different light? Up to you if that makes the boner smaller or bigger.
(You) can fix her.

>> No.45660499

yeah, she's a real good example of someone being their own worst enemy. i know she's scared, but i hope she can chill out, get her priorities straight, and find something to focus on instead of dooming inside her own head

>> No.45660940

Hope the radio silence is because she was actually able to go visit her grandmother like she wanted.

>> No.45661024

WAY bigger.

>> No.45661184

can I pay her debt in exchange so that I can impregnate her and she will take care of my kids?

>> No.45661358

She did get paid. The friend was a scam. She didn't specify what she owes besides it is to pay back a friend. The rest was from her fan service or birthday gift. Paypal hasn't said anything about the money returning back to the people who paid.

>> No.45661424

From what she told us of what DB had said, he will make her life miserable.

>> No.45661449

man that's depressing

>> No.45661668

She's very adamant on not having kids, to the point of getting her tubes tied.

>> No.45661672

She mentioned last time that the friend was that other vtuber who's usually hanging out in her chat, and that she did pay him back.

>> No.45661865

>Paypal hasn't said anything about the money returning back to the people who paid.
Were you Piss Anon, Ass Spread Video Anon, or Mr. Burp Monopoly?

>> No.45663998

>She didn't specify what she owes besides it is to pay back a friend
She literally had the amount she owed said friend on display before DB hacked her channel. If it was a scam said friend would definitely have posted about it somewhere.
This, people know her vtuber friends, they can easily verify it.
All because he was a retard and just couldn't stick to the plan so now he's punishing her for his mistakes.

>> No.45664117

>Paypal hasn't said anything about the money returning back to the people who paid.
I paid for content, I didn't get a refund as I didn't request one. The only person she owed was her vtuber friend. She mentioned returning money to a few people that sent after the fuck up because she couldn't accept it.

>> No.45664157

>This, people know her vtuber friends, they can easily verify it.
Estellia was active in the chat when she mentioned that she had paid him back the $900 and didn't contradict her, so either he's in on a scam with her or it was legit.

>> No.45664439

I'll go live and answer questions. The past few threads I've seen people roleplaying as me and I want my words to come from myself without any doubt that it's me.

I am incredibly tired and in pain so I can't go live for long.

>> No.45664597
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>I am incredibly tired and in pain

>> No.45664849


>> No.45665017

hag love!

>> No.45665075

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHexM_H4p78 she be live

>> No.45665312

Will you sell more content, Mel? Would like to support you but dot not donate.

>> No.45665379

>Her friend confirmed he was paid back
So nope, he wasn't in on any scams, between the 3(?) of her friends, he seems like the one actually trying to be there for her.

>> No.45665426

Missed the first few minutes, is this that desert theme she was trying to find forever? What did it end up being from?

>> No.45665525

It doesn't sound stupid, Mel. Hope you do feel better.

>> No.45665731

>Other questions
How's Meebo?

>> No.45665763

Hope you feel better, you sound tired asf, given circumstances, still same prices or thinking up new ones?

>> No.45665817

idk you this is my first time seeing you stream but i hope things get better for you soon

>> No.45665984

What game are you most looking forward to playing on stream when you get better?

>> No.45666239

i know you said you're a bad person but i don't really care either way, i still hope you feel better and things improve for you overall because you're a person at the end of the day. just a tourist stopping by, wanted to wish you well.

>> No.45666259

Dryad girl confirmed.

>> No.45666268

She does sound very weak, i'm worried

>> No.45666455

I didn't think they'd scam, neither would benefit and I doubt her friend would even agree to it.
Someone mentioned last thread you refunded everything, I think this thread as well, wasn't it just the one who sent incorrectly?

>> No.45666457

>Any other questions
Get some rest but when can we see you again, hag wife?

>> No.45666727

Makes sense, I just didn't know if it was a larping idiot/DB saying dumb stuff. Focus on recovery.

>> No.45666895

Are the legs and pits still unshaven? Dying to know

>> No.45667001

OP here, in terms of keeping us updated, would you like to make /mellow/ like a weekly thing or will you make a thread when you feel like it?

>> No.45667002

Poor hag wife! I didn't catch the last few threads, you weren't able to get any other insurance? Also I see that estellia person mentioned talkin to em on twitter if we can't reach you, did you make a twitter yet as well or no?

>> No.45667058

I wish I could save her

>> No.45667160

You other hag enjoyers are alright, I vote try to make /mellow/ a weekly thing on Tuesdays and Mel can either check in or not if she feels like it.

>> No.45667319
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As true today as it was 20 years ago.

>> No.45667376

I just want you to know how much seed I've spilled to you since your big comeback here a while back

>> No.45667538

Weird, I've seen these threads like half a dozen times but this is the first one I can recall mention of being a hag.

>> No.45667590

Love ya hag. Get some rest.

>> No.45667610

dw Mel, I would only ever believe it's (You) if there's on-stream confirmation.

>> No.45667630

I think most of us can tell when it's you posting /here/

>> No.45667654

Yeh those with common sense picked up its likely an anti or DB larping. Will wait til you stream or poke your friend directly if you disappear for awhile

>> No.45667752

Kisses before you go, mommy?

>> No.45667759

thank you mommy, please do the same

>> No.45667994

This world is cruel and unjust.

>> No.45673820

Braptuber kys

>> No.45674178

Compulsive liar. There's a reason why no one in the vtubing community wants to deal with her. She is a scam artist and a cunt.

>> No.45674783

Can you provide proof she's a scam artist? I'm sorry to ask you such a thing but she recently reached out to me and some other pretty large Vtubers about trying to set up a donothon to help her raise funds for surgery and when I search up the name "Mel Nekomata" I see a bunch of bad things being said about her so I'm skeptical to get involved but at the same time I've had family die to cancer so I want to help considering I have a much larger following than her.
Before anyone asks, no I will not reveal who I am because I'm afraid of the backlash I would receive due to associating with 4chan in any capacity and I also fear what kind of backlash I could receive if it turns out that Mel Nekomata is a horrible person like people say. My friends would echo the same sentiment...

>> No.45675837

Don't associate with Mel, she is a huge menhera. I don't know if she is an horrible person but she has certainly lied a lot of times.

>> No.45676233

Don’t ever associate with this person. She spent most of her “career” shitting live on streams, always buying new models and coming back with Dono goal like “new dishwasher 600”
She’s taken money again and again and again all on pity bait.
A quick YouTube search will do, I hope you don’t mind hearing liquid ass being sprayed for fetishist

>> No.45676393

Why the only shit i found about her is fart compilation?

>> No.45676398

I guess I'll have to take your word for it. I feel a bit conflicted after seeing all of her paperwork from the hospital showing the bills and confirming she does indeed have cancer as well as her birth certificate and other personal information she showed as proof but maybe it's best to remain cautious since everyone seems adamant she is a liar and a scam artist.

>> No.45676583

leave this site and never come back

>> No.45676609

I don't understand what that means.

>> No.45676710

it means stop believing the retarded antis who only want to see her fail
if she is truly your friend or someone who you want to support, act on your own right

>> No.45676773

I've been watching Mel for a while and she definitely fucked up a lot before, people kinda blow things way out of proportion about her. If you want to help her, you should, because I don't think she deserves the pretty shitty hand she's been dealt right now

>> No.45676815

Mel won't let me stick my finger in her belly button...

>> No.45676880

Anti? Motherfucker do you know how much she scammed out of past habitual watcher? No you don’t.
Been watching her since day 1. She REFUSES to help herself, and kept siphoning her parent.

Fuck off enablers

>> No.45676920

I don't know her and I have to be careful who I choose to support because as a big name Vtuber I could lose everything, and Vtubing pays my bills. When I search up her name I don't see anything good about her but I don't see any proof saying one way or the other. I've noticed that people on 4chan often talk about her and mention how she's a horrible person so I'm trying to find proof in order to think about whether or not I want to use my platform to help. I'm just worried about helping the wrong type of person.
What has she "fucked up a lot before"?
Can you take the time out of your day/night to provide proof of these claims? I would appreciate it.

>> No.45677014

Do it, I promise you anyone participating in this donothon will be fucked with HARD.

Do whatever you want

>> No.45677040

Why do I feel you are Mel carrying out some kind of weird retarded plan?

>> No.45677067

Any proof goes into “””””doxxing””””” territory. But go ahead and associate with her for fun. See how it goes

>> No.45677144

you're a bigger retard here, she said she will not be posting because people keep roleplaying as her. if you want confirmation of anything you have to hear it from her directly.

>> No.45677158

who the fuck is yoship?

>> No.45677260

I wish I could hear one of you retard speak, I can already hear the missing tooth, chromosomes and the sea accent.

>> No.45677270

Are you saying that you're the one that has been scammed? How much did you pay her to shit for you?

>> No.45677330

>mentions something
>”YOU must be the one haha”
Poe’s law man, you really don’t know anymore.

>> No.45677346

Reminder she sold shitjars to viewers.

>> No.45677362

How do I get one?

>> No.45677383

Actually based

>> No.45677400

dude im a brapfag and this never happened otherwise i would have bought one

>> No.45677564

As far as fucked up, she has a pretty big track record for lying and does a lot of sympathy baiting. People always bring up the brap shit but I don't really think that matters in this case. She's just in general pretty self destructive, and it doesn't help that she has some pretty dedicated schizos that hound her constantly.

She had a stream a while ago where she owned up to her past mistakes and I haven't really seen her relapse on any of that specifically. Like I said, if you want to help her, you should, but she's volatile in the sense that a few burned donators and schizos will harass anyone that associates with her.

>> No.45677613

i thought she didn't want any donations.

>> No.45677650

Well she's dying now so she doesn't have much of a choice.

>> No.45677655

When will the suffering end? I still can't believe It all started because she offended some brapniggers.

>> No.45677712

how much did she get?
why did she refund it?
donations are gifts, right?

>> No.45677763

What did she said her bodycount was?

>> No.45677855

more than yours, virgin.

>> No.45677876

i think you replied to the wrong person?
she sold some pics and videos and got a little over a thousand, $900 went to repaying her vtuber friend estellia and then she had about $200 left over but shes $35k deep and needs another $20k for surgery for her cancer. the only donation she refunded was because it was sent as goods and services instead of friends and family.

>> No.45678070

>started because she offended some brapniggers
what are you even talking about? none of her blowups have been anything to do with fart sniffers beyond the fact she is known for ripping ass for them
this whole recent debacle was born from failing to sell her body for a model

>> No.45679246

what did she spend it for?

>> No.45679266

She was in the hospital for a few days while they tried to figure out what she had and then of course she was diagnosed with gastric cancer.

>> No.45679768
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Well, I guess one upside of her having medical bills to pay is that she won't be able to burn cash on new live2d models

Still fucked up though.

>> No.45681992

>She did nothing wrong
She doesn't commission lewds. Thats bad enough

>> No.45682565

ok now this sound like a scam. how did she suddenly get into that much debt?

>> No.45682590

The only person that claims she's a scam artist currently is a guy named dogbear that fucked himself over and is blaming her. Legitimately don't believe anyone especially here saying she scams. She's shown proof of everything she ever gotten money for, to the point her family could be heard talking about some stuff, i.e dishwasher, and her mom wouldn't lie for her.
This person is dogbear, for as much bs as mel received for being a "braptuber" none has ever been so absolutely venomous towards her with such vitriol in their words besides this person. All because he was being stupid.

>> No.45682629

Nonburger bro, American Healthcare system is shit. That's actually cheap without insurance.

>> No.45683543

>That's actually cheap without insurance.
what the fuck man

>> No.45683730

Her bill lists a lot of things that were done such as blood tests, ct scans, urine tests, pain medication, endoscopy, anesthesia, IV and she was also charged for staying there for a couple of nights. Even with insurance this would have cost a lot but she has no insurance so the medical bill she showed to me and some other Vtubers was insanely high.

>> No.45683937

Coronary artery bypass surgery, including the full package of hospital stay, tests, medication, and so on, cost no more than $20k in my country.

>> No.45684180

US inflates the costs of these things and insurance pays it. Then the insurance company passes it on to the patient in the form of copays, bills you have to pay in portion before the full insurance kicks in. Example, they need surgery and it's $100K but insurance co-pay is $5K. You pay that and the rest is covered. All a scam.

>> No.45684592

Why is getting people to donate for a new model, using it for a while and then fucking off not considered scamming people? Sure, maybe she got some of them on her own but others were basically paid for by the fans.
>Hey guys new dono goal for my new model
>Streams 2 months
>Fucks off

>> No.45684692

I agree and disagree with you to be honest. Sure it's shitty, I don't disagree with that but at the same time money given to her were donations so she can do what she wants with them. If she asked for donations to get McDonald's and then got Burger King instead is that an issue?

>> No.45684858

she bought the mcdonald, ate a bite then throw the rest into the trash can.

>> No.45684938

>If she asked for donations to get McDonald's and then got Burger King instead is that an issue?
how the fuck is that even comparable

>> No.45685052

Man now that I'm caught up I just feel bad for her, why is American heath care like this

>> No.45685340

Sorry, I'm not good at analogies. What I'm trying to convey is why do people who donate to her care what she does with her money? Again I don't disagree it's kind of shitty but at the same time I just think it's a bit silly that the worst people can say about Mel is that she received donations and then used the donation money.

>> No.45685953

Yeah, I'd like it to be weekly, too.

>> No.45686345

>he'd rather pay insane taxes for shitty yuropoor medical healthcare
get real. all she needed was an insurance.

>> No.45686568

anon, european healthcare is handled by public insurance, it's not part of taxes. They just force you to get an insurance, but you can instead get private insurance if you want to. The fees aren't insane enough to bankrupt people like the shit you amerigolems have to deal with, whenever you get up from your mobility scooter and bust your kneecaps.

>> No.45686601

>insane taxes
they cost like fucking nothing

>> No.45686786

shes said many times on stream she cant afford $600 a month for health insurance, she was struggling to pay the $400 a month for insurance she used to have through the va back when she worked

>> No.45687050

>income tax in yurop - 50%
>VAT (tax for buying lmao) - 20-25%, you literally pay taxes for buying shit lmao
>obligatory health insurance - public health insurance providers in Germany charge the same basic premium of 14.6 per cent of your gross income, plus a supplemental charge that is an average 0.9 per cent of your gross income
I fucking can't stand you retarded niggers.

>> No.45687140

dont know why youre calling me a retarded nigger when i dont even live in burgerland you faggot. im just relaying what its like for Mel over in burgerland and the circumstances. i dont know why debating shit healthcare is even important in this situation, Mel's probably going to die because of the fucked up healthcare situation thats preventing her from being able to get live saving surgery.

>> No.45687414

>when i dont even live in burgerland you faggot
your lack of reading comprehension and inability to speak English shows it.

>> No.45687515

>actually believing US doesn't have assistance for people with gastric cancer and no money
try googling gastric cancer financial assistance

>> No.45687645

damn I know this is 4chan but you guys are awful. when she ends up dying you guys are going to pretend you gave a shit just like you did for Sana and Zaion.

>> No.45688105

"yurop" isn't a single country, and the eu isn't a federation like the us
income tax varies between countries
vat varies between countries
health insurance varies between countries

still, it'd rather give away a cut of my salary that to worry about how an emergency ambulance ride and hospital visit could potentially bankrupt me and my relatives for life even after paying for private insurance

>> No.45688771
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I treat every post on 4chan with a grain of salt. Especially sob stories. She baited suicide before.
no, I don't go out of my way into her youtube chat to harass her. I'm self-contained here and I quite simply don't believe the constant spew of internet bullshit.

>> No.45689106

I’m not going to trust her on this matter. I leave it at that. I’ve only ever talked about her on /vt(, and I’m not going to change that whether she’s lying or telling the truth.

>> No.45690855

Man, this time around she really bagged herself some simps that seem to defend her for free. This was like what? her 4th resurgence? respect her hustle tho, idiots deserve getting duped out of their money.

>> No.45692262
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So anyone got a qrd with this. What's the new update with her gastric cancer?

>> No.45692571

So, it's pretty much guaranteed that Mel is going to die due to the lack of funding.

>> No.45692866


>> No.45692875 [SPOILER] 

So we have 3 kinds of people in these threads now:
Ones who believe everything she says
Ones who don't believe anything she says and are upset that other people do
Ones who don't really care if she's telling the truth or not as long as she pees next to her mic again for us.

>> No.45692952
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I don't understand how people get so deep in debt that isn't a car or a mortgage. Universities never wanna disburse money directly to the students anymore and hold onto it for them. Gone are the days of going to university merely to fund a vacation.

>> No.45693132

>Still dying. Tired all the time.
>35k in debt from hospital shit already + need 20k more for the surgery.
>Wants us to know that anyone claiming to be her posting in these threads is LARPing, when she wants to update us she will stream.

>> No.45693237

>I don't understand how people get so deep in debt that isn't a car or a mortgage.
Staying at the hospital for a few days and getting diagnosed with cancer. American healthcare system + no insurance.

>> No.45693538

>35k in debt from hospital shit already + need 20k more for the surgery.
this is why husband is important, mel, if shit like this happens at least you have someone to rely on for financial support and someone to care for you.
modern feminism and antagonism of traditional family value and gender roles has been the biggest downfall of western society.

>> No.45693838


>> No.45693930

go marry her then

>> No.45693969

she's already too old

>> No.45694222
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>having a husband is important
>nah she's already too old
lmao ok
enjoy your child bride mohammed

>> No.45694338

Fine I'll do it then. I will marry the hag wife, and give her free Canadian healthcare.
Call me, Mel.

>> No.45694492

Akshually, she's a christmas cake, not yet a hag.

>> No.45694843

Then I will frost her with my butt

>> No.45696265
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>> No.45696956

If she says:
>"I'm taking money to get a car"
Then shows up with a $70k model, that's a scam. However she has always been up front with, based on even fart compilation videos, the money is going for her to use it on whatever or a model or to help her parents (which she has done.) It's not a scam.

>> No.45697710

American healthcare system is designed to cover everyone, she would have to have willingly canceled her insurance.

>> No.45697720

Medical debt doesn’t effect credit, and it disappears after about 4 years. BUT some states may try to garnish wages. If you don’t live in a state that does that, literally don’t pay them

Source: I work in health insurance

>> No.45697754

>literally made a video saying she needed money for a few months and then would bounce again
People want to be charitable it's really on them.

>> No.45698099

>shes $35k deep and needs another $20k for surgery for her cancer.
What happened to all the VA money?

>> No.45698179

>>tired all the time
Holy shit, I’ve had cancer since I was like 5, I guess.

>> No.45698224

>calling others retarded
>thinks "yurop" is a single country
>tax numbers that came to him in a dream

>> No.45698421

Unfortunately, most of the best evidence will be hearsay. Mel routinely deletes her vods and nukes her Twitter accounts and so everything gets lost down the memory hole pretty quick. My advice would be to ask her for as much evidence as she can provide for her diagnosis and get a doctor friend to look at it if you can, because this is not the first time she has had a medical emergency that required immediate funds. As I said, this will all be hearsay, but the ones that I have witnessed are her posting about a broken jaw resulting from a domestic incident that healed shockingly quick (to her credit I cannot remember if there was a fundraiser for this, but we were all extremely worried because the person who allegedly did this to her was someone she had expressed lots of fear about), a pretty severe tooth decay issue that she had a fundraiser for, and a broken ankle or some other injury that resulted in an expensive ambulance ride to the hospital that was also used to fundraise.

tldr, ask for proof and get it verified if you can. being wary is understandable. i want mel to be good in spite of all the bs she's pulled but at this point she's done too much for her word to be worth much.

>> No.45698643

You don't get that money at once, like all government backpay if it's over a certain amount. The absolute only exception is unemployment.
> My advice would be to ask her for as much evidence as she can provide for her diagnosis
NTA, but she's done this. She's just not going to post that info publicly, because you know, doxxfags.
>but at this point she's done too much for her word to be worth much.
I've followed her since the start, she's not "done too much", it's people just stretching the scenarios into shit it isn't. All she's literally done was burp, fart and shit on stream all the while shifting through models lol. I have all archives, I can see all chat and all donation "goals", she's never misused funds or lied about what she'll do with it. The only thing she's guilty of is:
>"I'm quitting bye!"
>2 weeks - 3+ months later
>"Okay I'm back"
People are just assblasted she tried to escape people harassing and literally doxxing her by pretending to be someone new, that isn't "scamming."

>> No.45698979

Okay Mel, if you say so. Keep siphoning the VA fund.

>> No.45699110

>I've followed her since the start, she's not "done too much", it's people just stretching the scenarios into shit it isn't. All she's literally done was burp, fart and shit on stream all the while shifting through models lol.
You're forgetting the masturbation. You're forgetting her weird obsession with Pippa and Shylily. You're forgetting her DMing her regulars to beg for money. The biggest irony is that Mel will be the first person to admit that she's a horrible person, yet she has white knights like you trying to say otherwise. Kind of bizarre.

>> No.45699419

>You're forgetting her weird obsession with Pippa and Shylily
Pippa did her thing talking shit about someone, it lead to doxxing. I wouldn't call that obsession.
>You're forgetting her DMing her regulars to beg for money.
>yet she has white knights
It's okay Dogbear, unlike Mel, you seem to be hardpressed to admit you fucked up.

>> No.45699452

She has a weird obsession with Shylily? Since when, I've been watching her for two years at this point and have heard her mention that skank like two times lmao.
As for Pippa, Pippa has literally been directly involved in the harassment and doxxing of Mel, so of course Mel is going to have a "obsession" with her. But Mel has already messaged all of those in Pippa's shit company and they literally don't care so she just has to suck it up, she's said so herself. Hope Pippa fucking kills herself.

>> No.45699488

As long as she’s selling content for the money instead of just panhandling for donations I honestly don’t care if she’s telling the truth about the cancer or not. I feel like I got my moneys worth with the piss and I’ll happily pay for more when she’s up to it. If that actually helps her not die of cancer then bonus, if that was a lie then I’m still happy.

>> No.45699677

Dogbear was lurking the stream when people brought up vtubers "immersion breaking" and shylily was one of them since she's posted irl pics before and we know mel is one of the believers of separating irl from vtubing. Literally only ever talked about her once.
It's that simple. The only person who would have issues with her in this moment is the guy that cucked himself. It's painfully obvious lol

>> No.45699790
File: 491 KB, 774x792, 1658615291359693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She has a weird obsession with Shylily?
It's a new obsession. Mel was completely mindbroken by Shylily saying that you "have to be pretty to be successful as a vtuber" (Mel's interpretation) and Shylily has been living rent free in her head ever since.
>As for Pippa, Pippa has literally been directly involved in the harassment and doxxing of Mel
Nope, she hasn't. Again, these are lies that you choose to just willingly believe because you're a braindead simp. Good job. The "doxxing" was Pippa calling Mel Mel, something you yourself are doing in the same fucking reply, as well as literally everyone else here. Lmao. In fact, Mel herself will refer to herself as Mel even under new names. Muh doxx.

>> No.45699857

DB, do your reps, you're new here.

>> No.45700046

Reminder: https://youtu.be/erZHk8EBGL0

>> No.45700074

>Second outfit
Hey look at that, she shows what the money is for (and indeed was used for.)

>> No.45700273

Reminder that these braps were the early cancer warning, and you could have saved her if you weren’t too busy cooming.

>> No.45700289

>I have all archives

As in, video archives of her streams? If so, that seems like a very tall claim. Do you have this archive uploaded anywhere?

>> No.45700466

I personally haven't uploaded a few just because of mega being weird, I was planning on gap filling the already previous archives uploaded if I noticed any, think only 3 streams were missing of her old stuff that I see on quick glance.
You blinking is an early warning then, since you know, natural body function and all.

>> No.45700569

Totally lying about the price of health insurance. Can only that price if you choose the most expensive one. She is lazy to look up free health care and blames on her parents vet income. Don't know how she ended up 35k in debt from the hospital for being Mia from streaming for 2 weeks.

>> No.45700686

>Don't know how she ended up 35k in debt from the hospital
These are insanely expensive in the US.

>> No.45700925

She just lazy to look.

>> No.45700949

Pissing is a natural body function, yet pissing a lot is a symptom of diabetes. Strange, it's almost as if an abnormally high frequency of things can be signs of something being wrong...

>> No.45701046

This is news to me, there's archives of all her previous content? As in, full-length streams of her days and months as Mel Nekomata, Ames, fish vtuber, and everything else? The specific medical incidents I was referring to happened during her Mel persona and her fish persona. We're talking years of content here.

>> No.45701160

Bro, try BitTorrent

>> No.45702245

>indeed was used for
Except it wasn't? She instead went off to get an entirely now model and persona, but okay man. Don't know what you're talking about dude.

>> No.45702317

No, more like fans bought the McDonald's for her, she ate a bite or two, then trashed it. Later that day she claims she's hungry again and fans then buy her Wendy's and she repeats the same behavior.

>> No.45702602

Das fucked up bro.

>> No.45702685

Who is that? I've seen that model so many times, it's not a personal one.

>> No.45702757

starterkit model anyone can buy and use

>> No.45705455

when i said she bought it, i meant she bought it using money from her fans.
i forgot about the repeat part.
