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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.23 MB, 1316x3072, InShot_20230321_100224683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45621114 No.45621114 [Reply] [Original]

>hour in

did nobody tweet the fucking stream?

>> No.45621209

>literal who
>literal who
Are you surprised it's not pulling numbers?
Ollie is the worst Holo in terms subs:ccv in the entire company

>> No.45621210

she forgot, I guess

>> No.45621250

i blame nami

>> No.45621254

>how do i take screenshots?

>> No.45621281

>why dont you watch loser girls for a loser company
plus it is 2023 you should be able to take nice screenshots if you are allowed on the internet

>> No.45621327

>loser girls for a loser company

>> No.45621447

It's fucking Overwatch

>> No.45621595

>Ollie on her way to corrupt more idol like chubas outside hololive
You can't make this up

>> No.45621846

>Ollie is the worst Holo in terms subs:ccv in the entire company
Surely not? What about loafy? Still, it's surprising how far Ollie fell after being very popular in her first few months.

>> No.45621910

are you numberfagging small corpos or is this an anti ollie thread?

>> No.45622045

Don't particularly care about the numberfagging, just here to say that even though your screenshotting and editing skills are shit it ended up being a kind of intriguing looking png.

>> No.45622097
File: 97 KB, 363x594, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

streaming rn

>> No.45622103
File: 407 KB, 931x359, idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga did you seriously erase parts of your screenshot instead of just cropping it?

>> No.45622135

What the fuck is this screenshot

>> No.45622236

I actually read the post wrong because I'm retarded. I didn't realize Anon wrote "subs:ccv" and just read CCV.

>> No.45622294

How did Ollie go from having one of the highest and most consistent numbers of her branch to one of the lowest? Many Holos have committed greater sins than her and they still doing fine.

>> No.45622340

>no premium

>> No.45622849
File: 295 KB, 379x428, 1638112946071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Many Holos have committed greater sins than her

>> No.45623048

The only Holo with greater sins than her are only Sana and Rushia.

>> No.45623093
File: 118 KB, 286x277, 1678612504600029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice screenshot retard

>> No.45625838

ID numbers are sad… I can’t even bring myself to shitpost about these girls.

>> No.45626021


>> No.45626104

Nijification whore deserves even less viewers. Hope she graduates this year.

>> No.45626373

Cuz unlike Mori, she doesn't have a lot of music content to prevent her numbers from being razed to the ground by her yabs. Although Mori's numbers definitely took a hit.

>> No.45626431

a phone screenshot

>> No.45630193


>> No.45630338
File: 2.80 MB, 1920x1080, Idon'tsuck[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fh8sxx0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, Ollie herself has trouble reaching 700 viewers when she plays FPS these days. Literally the only ID that didn't get a boost from ID3.
Only her die hard fans show up for her FPS streams these days.

>> No.45630519
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I thought Reine was falling behind. I will love my Peafowl no matter what!

>> No.45630588

She started her career by pandering to E-celebs who used her to grow their channel and now discarded her because she's not relevant anymore. The kind of people that enjoy that shit are clipwatchers. They don't watch streams or donate.
Also like that other anon pointed out, the only thing keeping Mori afloat these days is her music and constant pandering. The difference between 2021 Mori at the height of her popularity where she relentlessly shat on vtuber fans and 2023 Mori where she basically does clickbait is amazing.

>> No.45630722

I feel so bad for Ollie, she's been enthusiastic for the job since day one and has been nothing but supportive of the entirety of Hololive. She got duped by Connor and the faggots.

>> No.45631245

>the only ID that didn't get a boost from ID3
this is more pathetic considering she was leeching Kobo

>> No.45632062

>the only ID that didn't get a boost from ID3
No IDs get a significant boost from ID3. Moona inclined because of Fes and Anya inclined because of Rust. Risu doesn't stream enough to actually get any Fes boost, Reine keeps filtering her audience with VNs, Iofi

>> No.45632428

>got e-raped by clout chasers at the start
>got popular among fotm crowd
>as a result any long-staying fans she could've gotten fucked off
>after her popularity faded away the chasers and fotm faggots moved on the next new toy
Poor girl was pumped and dumped and didn't even get payed for the abortion pills.

>> No.45632789

I cant believe you fucking manually erased everything around with your greasy fingers instead of cropping like a normal human being.

>> No.45633741
File: 267 KB, 720x694, BING CHILLING[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxtij0p.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly this, it was stupid to compensate for the incoming recession of interest in hololive by trying to expand into perhaps the flakiest audience imaginable that isn't overtly hostile to hololive.

>> No.45634194

Mori was more about shit stream times and bad game choices honestly. She streamed a
Planet Coaster, which is a pretty neutral game views wise at a regular NA time the other day and had around 7k viewers. She streamed P3 the next day around the same time and didn't break 3k. EN fan base just doesn't like to watch jrpgs past the first 1 or 2 episodes and mori likes to play them.

>> No.45634459

Nah, it's because Mori goes out of her way to shit on vutber fans and idol fans in particular.
It's a fucking shame she's dragging down Kronii with her.

>> No.45634621

>She's dragging Kronii down with her
That's a pretty good joke there Anon. If there's one person in EN I would point to as a they/them, my politics are my life type of person, Kronii would be it.

>> No.45634813

Objective visible facts vs your headcanon. I think I know what one to believe.

>> No.45637789

dtto had la+ on her stream today and she was like 1.3k ccv

>> No.45637925

>fingerbanging on christmas
lol virgin

>> No.45638017

Learn to crop, retard

>> No.45639208
File: 302 KB, 512x446, 1678847447198122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dumbshit about ID is they rarely care about numbers and just do whatever the fuck they want.
And no, I'm not talking about HoloID but probably IDs in general. I mean, I'm just afraid they will end up like NijiID if they keep having this kind of mentality and keep coping saying it's better like this rather than having large numbers of viewers.
The way I see it, only gen 3 manages to stay on having 4 digits while the other is stuck at 3 digits in daily basis

>> No.45639259

I choose objective facts over cuckbeat headcannon.

>> No.45639718

It's her own fault. She left a bunch of leeches take all her fans and use her as a stepping stone to leech on more popular girls.

>> No.45644029

Keep flailing

>> No.45644324

Kobo is basically a better Ollie and Ollie already told ID only speakers to fuck off in the past.

>> No.45644507

She basically got used up by the twitch crowd and when she couldn’t deliver any of the HoloEN girls, they all just dumped her.

>> No.45650457


>> No.45651880

Literally 3 who streamers

>> No.45654020

She declared she wanted to change hololive early on. She was always a rat.

>> No.45654053

La+ was streaming her POV, so most La+ fans would be watching that instead.
