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45378533 No.45378533 [Reply] [Original]

>Unironically completely fucking forgotten by everyone in 1 (one (uno (une))) week
Why did so many fags pretend to care? A fucking dildo is getting more attention at this point

>> No.45378588

well duh thats the nature of drama. most of the people SC'ing the niji girls about this shit probably wont even watch this chick.

>> No.45378593

>A fucking dildo is getting more attention
I don't see any Kyo threads on the catalog

>> No.45378599

Do not listen to the post below me.

>> No.45378609
File: 3.40 MB, 575x537, zaion sayu if you close your eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why talk about something from a black company like NijiEN when you can talk about other, better Vtubers?
Like Sayu, as a random example?

>> No.45378617


>> No.45378622

Dramafags have a short attention span.
t. dramafag

>> No.45378627


>> No.45378631

OP is heterosexual

>> No.45378648

I'm not listening to your post

>> No.45378660

Did she start streaming again yet?

>> No.45378667


>> No.45378684

Nothing changed at all.

>> No.45378835

what else is there to talk about? the only thing left is to wait her to return

>> No.45379014

At a certain point there's nothing left to be said. What will making 10 more threads do? We've had hundreds if not thousands of discussions in the past week.

>> No.45379047

Nijiniggers think any attention is good attention so they kept spamming the board. Truly abhorrent

>> No.45379169

>Like Sayu, as a random example?
Who is Sayu? I never even heard of this Sayu before

>> No.45379179

I'm just waiting for her redebut man. Who knows how long it will take, but there's no point in making threads until it happens.

>> No.45379231

Almost like nobody really cared about her and she was just the pawn in a culture war or something.

>> No.45379370

Honestly, what the fuck did you expect? This board to crash NijiEN with no survivors? She's going to go back to being an irrelevant Twitch streamer and NijiEN is going to do just fine without her

>> No.45379451

>Anon still remembers her
>Enough to shit the catalog up
I did my job well.

>> No.45379467

I liked this model more than the one she used before graduating. It had more soul.

>> No.45379757

She literally is used like a pawn in a culture war. People will use anyone to serve their narratives.

>> No.45379850

What am I going to say? What a shame? I watched a few of her streams before genshit and thought she had something kinda interesting but checked out pretty fast. Hope she reincarnates. What's the point in engaging in catalog threads infested with the 73 IQ /#/ mouthbreathers obsessed spamming threads about their imaginary war on nijisanji?

>> No.45380741

>Nijisisters in full damage control mode

>> No.45381076

What's the matter, scared?

>> No.45381140

tier 2 sub bought, posting on her discord every day

letting her cook, in short

>> No.45381710
File: 79 KB, 1690x1079, 1678983299909669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can piss and moan all you like, but niji is a shitstain of a company that turns to life ruination when they feel their bottomline is threatened. They hung her out to dry and successfuly turned most parts of the internet against her, because they didn't want another yugo situation (which wasn't even that bad) and nothing she did or might've done could justify this.
>muh culture war
She made one offensive joke about SA. It was tamer than enna's shit and a far cry from Vox/hex levels of fetishizing rape(which is unironically disgusting and dangerous).

>> No.45381933

We've already called out the true nature of nijiniggers. Now we're just waiting for her to stream again.

>> No.45382164

The people who did care still care. The dramaniggers who were just hungry for drama have fucked off.

>> No.45382247

What are you talking about? This is the third Zaion thread I've seen just today. Sounds like wishful thinking from a bitter sister trying to distract from Dildogate

>> No.45382275

The only ones pissing and moaning are assblasted Zaimons, kek. None of you really cared about her and that's all there really is to say.

>> No.45382445

>Why did so many fags pretend to care?
Dramatards are mentally ill subhumans who lurch from one yab to the next, their porcine fingers grasping for relevance

>> No.45382530

Everyone's just waiting for her to stream again. Also completely irrevelant. But than you couldn't argue the actual facts of the case, could you? Enjoy your rape rp or gacha spam or whatever freaks like you watch.

>> No.45382545

It's called sympathy over how they assassinated her character, not that a nijifag would get it

>> No.45382633

>Enjoy your rape rp or gacha spam
Zaion is a Genshit Impact addict you actual mong. Kek, you fags are gonna drop her like a rock after her first stream back.

>> No.45382653

>10 threads a day last week
>3 threads a day today
>1 thread a day next week
>0 threads a day two weeks from now

>> No.45382660

Sisters still seem to care a lot about her considering they're still obsessing over her and trying to cancel her, like that one stupid idiot who dropped the "DAE SAYU A SHOTACON OMG CANCEL HERRRRR" video just now.

>> No.45382685

>gacha spam

guess the dramabuff will be gone even faster than we thought

>> No.45382708

Just two more weeks right?

>> No.45382792

People also resigned themselves to Pikamee's graduation. Drama gets forgot to make way for the next drama.

>> No.45382856

I'm just waiting for nu sayu so I can support her
I haven't watched a single nijien stream since the fallout and probably never will again

>> No.45383203

Meanwhile at JP

>> No.45383403

I still dont understand what Zaion did to the sisters to be this mad lmao

>> No.45383411

>Literally no news or communication since her last discord post on the 11th

Gee I wonder

>> No.45383430

nijiJP and nijiEN might as well be considered entirely different organizations at this point, their fanbases have literally zero overlap (which is probably part of the reason why the management keeps hiring ESL japs into the EN branch so at least some of them can collab with the JP branch and bring some overseas interest to them but it is not working and they just fired the only jap who spoke fluent English from the latest wave)

little do they know, if they manage to convince their twittersister EN fans to actually start giving a shit about the japanese branch they'll just go schizo on toya

>> No.45383523

Herd mentality, the company told them to be mad and that's it

>> No.45383613

>making shota jokes is basically raping real children
>she's a pickme
>she said she wanted to play a romhack and mentioned that ffxiv mods exist, this is literally piracy and will get the entire company's perms revoked

>> No.45383793
File: 1.09 MB, 1155x768, I wept when I remembered Zaion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never forget Zaion...

>> No.45383901

Only 50+ body count twitter whores and their cuckold paypigs use this term.

>> No.45384019

If she's so forgotten why do you keep making threads about her NIGGER

>> No.45384032

>sister still seething
Man, Zaion still lives in your heads rent free . I'm just waiting warmly for her return. Also, the dildo yab got traction precisely because niji sisters are now hyper paranoid after harassing Zaion.

>> No.45384146

She was kind of a bitch and Sayu makes it apparent she's everything wrong with western girl streamers. The only losers that "cared" treat her like a mouthpiece for some kind of edgy political movement that's clearly flopped.

>> No.45384310

shouldn't the ndf be seething about hololive is mogging them in everything

>> No.45384332

you didnt hear this from me, but she's at Anime Impulse right now, physically there and cosplaying as Zaion

>> No.45384548

What is it with zoomers/late millenials and thinking that repeating something often enough will magically make it true? Like, do you honestly believe repeating ‘you don’t care’ often enough will magically cancel my tier 3 sub and magically delete my archive of Zaion VODs? Is this what zoomers do in lieu of religion?

>> No.45384671

No, the event will be remembered for a very very long time and will be used to show how Nijisanji EN, or as a whole, is a black company.

>> No.45384677

they say "Zaion gaslight bad" and go on to constantly tell zaimons that they never cared about her or watched her

>> No.45384682

"Only initiate battles you think you can win" -Sun Tzu

>> No.45384698

I think this is exactly what zoomniggers call "gaslighting"

>> No.45384759

you have "zaimons" in this thread whining about nijiEN doing "gacha spam", anon

>> No.45385420

who is this girl? is she the new vshojo?

>> No.45385480

OP doing a great job of showing what gaslighting actually means. Hope Finana sees this so she learns something.

>> No.45385567

I will keep enjoying daily niji streams and there's nothing you can do about it. Now excuse me, my kamioshi is having another 8 hour stream being extremely cute and entertaining

>> No.45386275

I assumed she would be able to stream right away but I guess it's more difficult than that. Or the contracts in Niji might differ from the contracts in Holo where termination doesn't immediately grant you freedom from said contract.

>> No.45386387

She's deliberately delaying her redebut for the sake of a rebrand. Frankly I wouldn't have minded at all if she just kept streaming with her old Sayu model immediately after, the latest iteration of it was pretty sex. But I can see why she'd want a change after all that happened.

>> No.45387090

You are everything wrong with the western fandom

>> No.45387413

Let this be a lesson for anyone who is aware of drama coming their way ahead of time. Get your counter-barrage prepared in advance as you will only have the big stage attention for a matter days to shoot your shot. Waiting until shit goes down and taking days and weeks to properly prepare a response results in only delivering it to an empty room.

>> No.45387872

She's radio silent. What do you expect anyone to do?

>> No.45388839

average catalog tranny

>> No.45388946

The other anons were just retarded, the joke was fine.

>> No.45392969

Zaimons don't exist anymore and yet they live rent-free in your head.
