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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45255635 No.45255635 [Reply] [Original]

What is it with this new breed of vtuber who wants recognition from us and will theme themselves as from /here/, but will ultimately declare support for the funny gender people in some way or other?
Hello. We don't much like identity here. In fact it goes against the idea of being anonymous. We've never liked it. Can you go away now?

>> No.45255775

Can you list some examples because I don’t know what you’re even talking about

>> No.45255776

what a funny thing to get depressed over. do you have so little loyalty that you keep looking for new oshi? I haven't given a fuck about whores trying to jump into the bandwagon for several years now. I'm happy with my (dead) oshi

>> No.45255798

I don’t disagree, but could you provide an example or two of who you are talking about?

>> No.45256058


>> No.45256100

>declare support for the funny gender people in some way or other

>> No.45256137

Sure. Pippa, Shondo and Kirsche come to mind. They all pretend to be based and a little chuddy, but when pressed they all show obeisance to the cult of identity that we're all supposed to respect.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were planted into the industry specifically for the task of de-chudifying our home, or pull more people away.

>> No.45256139

Life could be so easy if you cared a little less

>> No.45256192

She said not to attack people's identities.

>> No.45256324

What shouldn't I care about?

>> No.45257685

not your blog

>> No.45257905

What Pippa said doesn’t “declare support” for them though…

She hasn’t even apologized for any of her past statements. Twitter brought up a bunch of old shit she said that was basically her spouting /pol/ memes and she didn’t even acknowledge their whining. She also has never said anything in support of “trans rights” either. No apologies.

Pippa merely distanced herself from the people trying to use her to attack people. She doesn’t want Pipkin Pippa or Phase Connect to become symbols used by retarded online wiggers with no sense of subtlety or care for optics as weapons. If she just lets that go on she could jeopardize not just her own career, but the careers of her coworkers and the existence of the entire company itself.

Again, nothing she has said has been supportive of the “funny gender people”. She’s playing smart.

>> No.45258400

>Pippa, Shondo and Kirsche come to mind

Just because none of them advocate publicly for TTD doesn't mean they aren't thinking it. Pippa is a corpo and has not only her image but all of those she works with to keep in mind and thus has to toe a line
Kirsche is on twitch and can get deleted for even saying there's only 2 genders, and she still talks about this shit.
Shondo hit hard at the twitter freaks as well

>don't harass people who had nothing to do with harassment
is such a nonissue statement

>> No.45258878

damn that sucks hope you get some meds or something bro

>> No.45258884

>Pippa, Shondo
I have no idea what you're even on about.
Pippa and Shadow specifically have shown how well gatekeeping works. The normalfag twitter users have become repulsed by VTubers because of their actions, actions that weren't even radical by any means btw. Good, hope they all stay away now.
Pippa tweeted she would be playing Harry Potter, twitter seethe ensued. People, even outside of the VTuber side of twitter, were talking shit about VTubers all day on twitter that day. About how the VTuber community is "transphobic and racist", just because of a tweet.
Shadow tweeted about her flat chest, and the same seethe ensued. There's even been recent discourse on twitter about lolis in the VTuber community. Normalfags have tried so fucking hard to claim that " actually, loli vtubers are the tourist invaders that don't belong in the community". But those faggots are getting proven wrong and BTFO as far back as Kizuna AI
Again, what is even your issue? They obviously don't want to get banned, so they pull back a little bit at times. But I've not see any apologies or bowing down like you seem to think has happened

>> No.45259139
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Listen anon.
Drop them all. They're all cowards. Embrace AI. /here/ vtubers are just grifters. They'll say some things that people here agree with but they will never ever say shit to trannies, niggers and faggots. Ever.

Pippa and Shondo are just milking the brainlets here who think they're "one of us". They aren't. They see you for what you are, an open market to be exploited. You're all just as braindead as the trannies you hate because you fail to see this.

>> No.45259303

The reality is that they are public figures and have no choice but to cave to the media machine. You either pay lip service to the accepted opinion or you lose everything. It’s a lot for someone that doesn’t have fuck-you money to overcome.

>> No.45260332

When are you fricks going to realise that it being good public image to validate the pronoun people is a lie that they get you to believe. You don't have to play along and it isn't keeping your image clean to do so.
Kirsche also made a point of saying that the poor trans people are not to blame for the harassment in a recent stream.
None of the /here/ grifters can be trusted because none of them are prepared to go the distance.

>> No.45260413

Aren't you on the same meds that they give to sex offenders.

>> No.45260466

Because you edgelord fags are so easy to manipulate and it works. And the majority of the edgelords always end up coping after the apology or denouncing.

>> No.45260473

You do know the funny gender people are /here/ too?

>> No.45260716

Yes, because we failed at gatekeeping. There are other boards and even threads that are tolerant of this trans mania and act as a gateway. The whole rotten ideology needs to be eradicated.

>> No.45260775

What makes me an edgelord?

>> No.45261275

Milking both sides has never been easier.

>> No.45262969

This is a big cope, considering she defended her trans friend from that "vtuber cringe" account (a retard from here)

>> No.45267765

Its called grifting, they will say and do anything to get your money.

>> No.45268020

Shut the fuck up Henri

>> No.45268125
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Make me

>> No.45268126

"Pippa didn't call for the execution of trannies in the streets. Not so based after all I guess."

Graduate from life poltard

>> No.45268483

I understand that, but she should at the very least be calling for the complete eradication of transgenderism. The whole rotten ideology.

>> No.45268612

>she should at least
No retard. She's not your Jeanne d'Arc to lead your culture war slapfight. She's a pink anime rabbit working for a Canadian coffee company.

>> No.45268792

She sold herself as /here/tuber so she should start acting like it.

>> No.45268843

/here/ isn't /pol/
Go back

>> No.45268913

>funny gender people
This website has a way bigger obsession with wokeness than any vtuber I've seen.

>> No.45269114

Yes it is. Everyone of this of one mind against identity. It is by our nature as anonymous.

>> No.45269163

>he thinks anon is his army
I want all of the newfags and zoomers to die

>> No.45269180

Because it needs to be gone. Until it is gone you won't hear the end of it. So you know what to do.

>> No.45269314

Nigger I'm old enough to remember when this site had a frame down left the side with all the boards and when threads were archived upon votes.
I speak for this site more than your compromised arse ever could.

>> No.45269375

>why don't they just deplatform themselves to placate my ideological pet issue?
or they could just not. they'll do much better with the platform they have now than they would as rumble/kicktubers

>> No.45269505

>let's give the paper tiger trannies the power to silence us
Or, let's not give them that power and tell them where to go. It's because of people like you that they have that power to begin with.

>> No.45269666

>She doesn’t want Pipkin Pippa or Phase Connect to become symbols used by retarded online wiggers with no sense of subtlety or care for optics as weapons.
Your expecting anons to do their reading reps?

>> No.45269788

im surprised none of them has tried to go with the idea that people with honest gender dysphoria born from legit chromosomal disorders are separate from the loud weirdos who simply "claim" it the same way otherkin claim to be a different species.

>> No.45269806

Then you should be old enough to know that 4chan is not and has never been a secret club. Anyone and everyone are anon. It makes no sense to speak for them

>> No.45269813

The ai said she likes pippa henri, but good job improving your English

>> No.45269820

They are doing their bests to fight back under the current circumstances. The tide is changing. It doesn't make sense to kill all momentum by getting banned now.
What is your approach to fighting back, anon? Go all-out and just end up getting banned anyways?

>> No.45269862

What about pyon?

>> No.45270005

There are people that say this. They're usually labeled as "trans-medicalists" and lumped into the same category as transphobes despite them being much more nuanced.

>> No.45270121

>born from legit chromosomal disorders
Aren't those people called intersex?
But yeah I feel like those are the only ones that make sense to even be called "transgender" even though they are technically separate, because they are literally born with fucked up genitalia and weird body proportions from the start. But those types are less than 0.01% of the population.
The trans rights and trans identity shit is entirely socially manufactured. Just quit porn and play some football or something and those thoughts will go away. Problem is we live in such socially isolated times that we have so many maladjusted people getting so wrapped up in their own internal narratives of self that they genuinely believe they are opposite of what they actually are

>> No.45270333
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>oh noooo people enjoy memes and anime but they refuse to be right-wing. b-but that's my identity ooooh nooooo

>> No.45271034

So the summary of this thread is if you stream on either Youtube or Twitch you may as well forget about your 4chan retard past because the ToS on those websites mean you can never be "one of us"?
It's one thing to laugh at people on Twitter who think they can cancel you, it's another thing entirely to cross the line and put yourself in a position to be banned and have it stick. Nevermind the problems that arise if you're also a corpo

>> No.45271133

in my own experience it's a surprisingly easy way to sidestep normie conditioning because most of them simply have never been presented with the information.
they're just unable to voice or even form an opinion around the instinctive revulsion they feel toward tranny behavior without some kind of caveat to latch onto. especially for women, they need to feel like they are not judging an entire group. saying nice things about the tiny percentage with actual gender blurring disorders gives them the mental lifeline they require to go off on the autogynephiles and victimhood grifters.

>> No.45271522

What's right-wing got to do with not falling under the spell of identity worship?

>> No.45271910

The fact that you think this is an actual important issue that influencers are obligated to talk about is what makes you right wing. Normal non-political people don't care about this shit.
