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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45255968 No.45255968 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine 4th fes has come and gone. There was no announcement for a new EN gen. Things in EN carry on as they have been doing for the foreseen future. What would you do?

>> No.45256077

why would they announce a new gen?

>> No.45256242

continue as normal, I dont watch en

>> No.45256294


>> No.45256302

Men need their new FOTM waifus, please understand.

>> No.45256451

Good. If the status quo remains "for the foreseeable future", then some of them will eventually graduate. And I won't have any qualms spending on the 5th fes because it will not be tainted by unpleasant bitches.

>> No.45256754

So we can have at least some EN streams?

>> No.45256919

Remind me why there are people obsessively waiting for a new EN gen.

>> No.45256979

I assume if they make an announcement it would be something like a mobile game, or an anime, or some more info about their shitty survival game, something that has to do with hololive as a whole. An EN announcement would only really be targeted at EN audiences which fes isn't exactly aimed for. JP gen maybe I could see.

>> No.45256993

most people are waiting for JP7. nobody cares about EN.

>> No.45257071

Ok, remind me why there are people obsessively waiting for a new JP gen.

>> No.45257079

Because they're EOP so they don't watch JP or move to other EN vtubers

>> No.45257135

At this point, I want members of Myth and Council to graduate more than I want new ENs. You can keep Kiara, Mumei, Fauna, and Irys though. Gura too although she's basically soft graduated at this point like Aqua.

>> No.45257143

HoloX went above and beyond every expection laid out for them. It's exciting to see if the next gen can replicate their success.

>> No.45257193

because the council/myth rrats are all stale and the shitters are looking for something new to scream about

>> No.45257206

Fair enough. I just think there's already a fuckton to watch on the JP side already that it kind of doesn't feel necessary to have more.

>> No.45257251
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I'd be happy, everything's going wonderfully in EN as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.45257254

>keep Kiara, Mumei, Fauna, and Irys

Great minds think alike.

>> No.45257265

This. Aside from La+, Gen 6 has been a great addition to Hololive.

>> No.45258276

In the past, did they announce new gens at events like this? I remember them being announced at random times.

>> No.45258307

They announced ID3 during 3rd fes.

>> No.45258984

We've had like 3 streams in the last 2 days bruh.
I don't like the idea of just getting 5 new girls for the "new shiny toy" thing, but 10 girls is evidently not enough considering there's usually two days a week at least where it's just completely dead.

>> No.45259427

Indeed. If there was a new EN Gen then I wouldn’t mind either.

>> No.45259535

Just give me JP7 and ID4 and I'll be happy.

>> No.45259712

Continue as normal. My oshi streams regularly and has a bunch of projects coming up.

>> No.45259954

Hololive is fucking finished if they just let EN die like this.

>> No.45260356

Slowly lose even more interest in the EN branch as I have no interest in male vtubers and the girls don’t stream like they used to. I’ve also lost faith in HoloEN decision making so i probably wouldn’t even get hyped or excited for a new gen at this point. A year wasted on 8 fags and im supposed to trust that they won’t fuck up with new girl hiring? At this point I expect a whole gen of Homocollabing twitch whores. I have been forced to temper all hype.

>> No.45260462

because the existing ones don't stream

>> No.45260886

EN has become so bland and boring, that I rather watch ID girls when I want to see entertaining english speaking tubers.

>> No.45261238

Extremely grim but there's still the EN summer concert.

>> No.45261640

???? Massive revisionism. All under CCV average, the main attraction doesn't stream and is a yab machine, 2 others are boring and can't pull their own weight. And all of that despite being extremely coddled and shilled by the company for a year.

>> No.45261709

>>45261640 (me)
The only worthy one was Koyori. 1/5

>> No.45261738

I will kill myself.

>> No.45262202

Seconded for JP7.

>> No.45263258

Their oshis don't stream. Half of EN Gen1 soft-graduated at this point.

>> No.45266652

But think of the streams you'll miss!

>> No.45266682

Continue coping I guess

>> No.45267093

If they do announce EN3 this place will become unusable for weeks.
If they don't announce EN3 this place will become unusable for weeks.
As much as I dislike the idea, I'm going to have to go seek refuge on my home board until things die down.

>> No.45267097

I wouldn't care. I only watch Fauna and JP. But she really wants new kouhais though.

>> No.45268186

It's sad seeing Fauna in that situation. Hololive is like a boring side job to so many EN members.

>> No.45271444

There are plenty of EN streams.

>> No.45271640

i stopped watching en entirely back around august. i don't really care at this point since i don't think new members is what is hurting en.

>> No.45272090


>> No.45272463
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Ah yes, one is plenty....

>> No.45272582

Wouldn't be the first time a JP company lets a promising foreign investment wither on the vine because the fax machine suits can't stand that gaijin won't brown-nose them like natives will. But I don't think that will be the case, the mood with the current girls would be a lot more somber if it were.
