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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.73 MB, 972x1555, 1679009042062454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45211283 No.45211283 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.45212621

No matter what shitposters say, your oshi will become an idol.

>> No.45212727

This is the only two days in a year, where even whores can be idols.

>> No.45212804

I'm poorfag so I'm going to wait for the nyaa version

>> No.45213115

>pay to watch
no thanks

>> No.45213247

Have you considered not being a poor fag?

>> No.45213931

so what i can see is, poorfag only deserve to watching homos

>> No.45214145

Well now I’m paying for the deco 27*, I don’t wanna stay stuck watching homos instead. Fuck it even if the songs are mid

>> No.45214304
File: 2.37 MB, 572x906, 1648702725272.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks king

>> No.45214317

Why pay for something when you can just pirate it? Let me guess, you pay for anime too.

>> No.45214359

Can moomin even dance

>> No.45214456

I pirate everything too but I don't shit on the people paying for stuff since they are the reason anything gets made

>> No.45214484

Too late/early. The torrent will already but up each day by the time I wake up.

>> No.45214537

>sister marine (paid)
>uproar shite (free)
the world is cruel sometimes

>> No.45214584

with this mindset now wondering SEA monkeys like you are always poorfag

>> No.45214625


>> No.45214682

Don't you have a version without the males?

>> No.45214714

>all three floor tours are by the homos

>> No.45214879

what the fuck is wrong with their management to think that's a good idea

>> No.45214954

yagoo is a cunt. remember when he flew all the way to CRX just to hang with "the boys" and have his ego stroked by the crowds last year?

>> No.45215401
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They created heaven and ruined it with demons.

>> No.45215411

>Seanig called out another seanig with completely broken english
I swear by God, this board is filled with /int/ seanigs.

>> No.45215549

Place your bets now!
Will a single of these goddamn shows have subtitles for the EN/ID audiences?

>> No.45215593

just watch the restream in usual place anon
watching concert vods is like eating a cold fries

>> No.45215606

Everything I care about is free content. I love men.

>> No.45215707

At least he's not a broke poorfag.

>> No.45215791
File: 244 KB, 640x531, 1665535932050521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you are a credit to the team

0, just like last year and once again ID will look incredibly egregious because there will be JP subs.

>> No.45215808

Not gonna get much sleep on Sunday.
Looking forward to the new outfits.

>> No.45215872

Learn Japanese.

>> No.45215937

>Cover: We won't translate any of our prerecorded shows for Fes/Expo for our EN/ID audiences.
>Cover: But please, remember to buy your tickets to 4thFes and buy all the merch of your oshis!
Fucking grim.

>> No.45215969

No use paying if you don't understand Japanese

I'll just watch the webms of Bae hitting the nae nae or whatever

>> No.45216063

NTA but I got into vtubers through Myth and for me personally, I have too many other things in my life that are more important than learning another language. Cover should let EN and ID be more of their own thing and stop lumping them in with JP for everything

>> No.45216220

Maybe if this was in 2021 but I think the treatment of Coco and the overwhelming evidence of the lack of badly needed attention for HoloEN by management shows where Cover's priorities lay.

>> No.45216271

I don't know why exactly there is always a lack of en subs, especially where it makes sense to have it.
Although you should change life goals, the ideal life will be to marry a japanese hag

>> No.45216330

The homos are staining the event.

>> No.45216385
File: 1.48 MB, 972x1555, 1679011372654155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, look at all these spaces that could be filled with cute girls.

>> No.45216447

damn yagoo

>> No.45217046

Prerecorded stuff might

>> No.45217148

New to this holofes thing.
If I buy a ticket, do I get access to an archive or something? I don't think I'll be able to watch the whole thing live.

>> No.45217254

If you don't care about JP, then why would you care about subs anyway?

>> No.45217286

Yeah it's available as vod for 30/31 days.
That's how it works for SPWN at least.
I've always listened to it for the first month through spwn and then pirated it.
It doesn't make sense but the audio quality is legit better on SPWN than on the file

>> No.45217329

Yes, the archive will be there for limited time for 1 month iirc

>> No.45217389
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>free-to-watch full EN collab at a reasonable hour on a Saturday night
Neat, I'll be there

>> No.45217414


>> No.45217416
File: 22 KB, 400x400, GS2b2-TE_400x400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to pay extra to watch the Expo streams that would have been free last year? Guess you better watch the Stars instead!

>> No.45217525

>tours expo with homos
wait... no kino tours with cute girls like last year?
fuck you yagoo.

>> No.45217533

I am sorry you cant think straight Unikek, Cover wants your money they know you will bend the knee to pay for your precious girls.

>> No.45217609
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>> No.45217626
File: 474 KB, 1920x2700, Sistermarine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pity the poorfags who will be stuck watching HOLOSTARS EXTREME FITNESS TEST instead of Sister Marine kino.

>> No.45217629

So, how would one go about watching previous years' holofes?

>> No.45217684


>> No.45217847

You will watch the boys and you will like them.

>> No.45218347

that police station with noel just sounds so good.

>> No.45218712

>putting the best stream of the whole event behind a paywall

>> No.45218928

you can watch the males for free

>> No.45220500

Thanks, King.
I won't be sleeping this weekend.

>> No.45221210

Whats the usual place? I watched the last 2 through someone sending links here before but I always forget the site

>> No.45222211

They're making some of the streaming segments paywalled too this year?!
Holy fucking shit the greed.

>> No.45222286

You have more than enough time to sleep between each day you retard

>> No.45222352

Archive reps anon.
Either that, or just lurk in global day of. Someone will spill the beans.

>> No.45223745


>> No.45224352

They'll have like 100k people watching them, all of which will be filtered from ever watching Hololive again except for a few who become diehard homobeggars.

>> No.45224408

I dont understand japanese i ll wait for clips

>> No.45224509


>> No.45224901

I'm US east and I have to work during the day.

>> No.45225400
File: 850 KB, 822x1047, 1670458034478491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paywalling holos so we are forced to watch homos
No way fag.

>> No.45227020

>sister marine and subaru police

>> No.45227050


>> No.45227077

Can someone explain what the through ticket is for when the individual tickets for fes and expo add up to half the price

>> No.45227150

Nevermind, I'm a fucking retard and just needed to click into the page to find my answer.

>> No.45227222

I guess I'm going to have to check out these Stars.

>> No.45227394

Those paid events better be worth the dime
Really? A Quiz show is paywalled? The fuck?

>> No.45227409

Cover actually acknowledging their American audience and doing something beyond relying on fan subs to grow their other branches? Why, by God, man, what else is there to assume in your pursuit of competence?

But no for real I expect nothing.

>> No.45227458

I assume you're not EST, then, cause 5AM is not a reasonable hour

>> No.45227514

ain't that the truth.

>> No.45227651

You get what you fucking deserve

>> No.45227998

>Day 2 includes Mori
Pass, atleast last year the fat pink wigger was avoidable.

>> No.45229208

>homo tour
Nice fucking yagoo
This is how you lose fanbase
Based company destroyer.
Enjoy your downward spiral into irrelevancy

>> No.45229650

I bought the entire package but shit I would have been ok with skipping day 1 and sailed the high seas for that part. Day 2 is fucking packed.

>> No.45230475

Why is the so much homoshit?

>> No.45230559

Overseas viewers that don't understand Japanese don't matter to them, just like the EN branch
Just look at the variety shows, not a single sidebranch member

>> No.45230637

I mean the ones with the JPs

>> No.45230947

I only bought a Day 2 ticket. It is indeed a stacked day with what should be pretty good performances.

>> No.45231049

>only 1 IRyS
>probably not even in 3d
to whoever setting up the illegal streams, godspeed
>Verification not required.

>> No.45231651

>JP stars this year
>EN stars next year.
Lol, guess the sales will be down next year in comparison to this year. Better get the chink impressions running to get EN stars fired before then.

>> No.45231670
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>> No.45232637

It's disgusting.

>> No.45233376

Yagoo is making sure I'm not overspending on them. If it was a Hololive-only event, I would buy the ticket to see my oshi despite finding it expensive.

>> No.45233762

Will still rather wait for vods just for the power of having a progress bar.

>> No.45233890

La+ returning ruined everything for me

>> No.45234176

Because if everyone had your mindset nothing would get made.
Also some people aren't poor.

>> No.45234272

ah a very rare neutral korone

>> No.45235204
File: 236 KB, 348x440, miko likes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks bro

>> No.45235219

We are all going to make it

>> No.45235784

Not gonna support the males.

>> No.45236031

Cope, third world nigger

>> No.45237827


>> No.45237888
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x629, Mogu Mogu Mogu Mogu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'member when we went Mogu Mogu a lot?

>> No.45237978

This was fucking amazing.

>> No.45238097

My post is in that webm.

>> No.45239611

Grab the coffee

>> No.45239954

Time in CET:
JST ---> CET
10:30 -> 2:30 (Opening)
11:00 -> 3:00
12:00 -> 4:00 (holoSPY Sunday)
13:00 -> 5:00 (holo*27 Sunday)
14:00 -> 6:00
15:00 -> 7:00
16:00 -> 8:00
18:00 -> 10:00 (Hololive Stage Day 1-2)

>> No.45241254
File: 36 KB, 308x308, korosmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so hyped, got tickets for all three concerts. This is like the Super Bowl for weebs.

>> No.45241610

Would help me be excited if they didn't block me on twitter

>> No.45243002

fun thread

>> No.45243195

kek what did you do? I shit on homos in their replies all the time.

>> No.45243234

Yeah pretty much just that, also some taking the piss out of the fans

>> No.45244016
File: 158 KB, 1024x1147, 1658478362998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boys are the future.

Alea iacta est.

>> No.45244161
File: 405 KB, 455x720, 1676722655134180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boys are your future faggot

>> No.45244463

You are curious too. Drop the pretense.

>> No.45244502
File: 1.34 MB, 1205x1500, 1676799244364584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No? Try not to delude yourself, it has no benefit.

>> No.45249432

thanks, this is useful

>> No.45249553

>Ame, Ina, and Moom have to be with a bunch of ESL
Poor Ina the Japs will tear her apart
