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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45205104 No.45205104 [Reply] [Original]

I know she is from PhaseConnect but whenever there is a discussion about them its always about ntr girl, Pippa and maybe Tenma/Lia.

>> No.45205309

She's an extremely motivated and hard worker who'll grind through everything from Covid to injuries to university exams to deliver streams. Is an unapologetic GFE chuuba by design and choice, seems to be in perpetual contact with her fans through twitter, membership posts etc. Basically she is a machine that's devoted to what she does and overall a great chuuba. Also has an explicit no males policy.

>> No.45205381

she's SEA

>> No.45205383
File: 195 KB, 320x320, 1672147711979025.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UOOOH BRAT, loveable, accident prone, sweetest there ever was.

>> No.45205458

Little known Remi fact: she knows German.

This too.

>> No.45205485
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wemi is my wife

>> No.45205574

Has she ever said where she is actually from? I'm curious because i have no idea based on listening to her accent.

>> No.45205672

Oceane accidentally doxxed her during a collab, Malaysian iirc

>> No.45205738

Just post the toilet already

>> No.45205781
File: 224 KB, 400x400, buttpad_dance_073420.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's got a big butt. She's also mentioned that she likes it when her fans send her horny maros

>> No.45205780

You really think that, in hindsight?

>> No.45205876

Interesting. I never would have guessed that

>> No.45205878 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.45205991

new to phaseconnect who tf is ntr girl and why?

>> No.45206100 [DELETED] 

Pippa since she has a furry boyfriend and therefore cucked all her fans

>> No.45206182

She's Chinese-Malay. Lives in Malaysia, speaks Chinese to her parents.

>> No.45206224

Window licker remy

>> No.45206253

Anyone know if she does memberships regularly and what they are bout? Ive been thinking of getting a membership but I dont want to join if she rarely does them, Id rather stick to supas

>> No.45206296

Has she said this in some stream?

>> No.45206315

That anon is right but Pippa is not usually refered to as the ntr phase member, look up wanton in the archive

>> No.45206343 [DELETED] 

Shiina is wonton girl, Pippa has a bf but goes full enna from nijinigger saying she is a virgin and Lia cucked her entire fanbase with a literal who SEAnigger voiceactor after a donothon in the middle of a GFE asmr, Wemy and 10ma are the only ones worth watching from Phase

>> No.45206375

Isn't this the one with a bf? Lmfao I knew phase fags were cucks

>> No.45206591

Membership streams are about once a month. She used to write love letters every week, but since midterm season started she's fallen behind

>> No.45206667

This is starting to feel like a ritualpost for all Phase connect threads

>> No.45206676

At least read the thread...

>> No.45206751

Tbf we know that most of the members in pc have bfs

>> No.45206921

>luv you Remiilia shit toilet.jpg

>> No.45207092

Oh, did you just the notice that you were rejected from gen 3

>> No.45207286

She's a sweet and kind girl that likes romance but thinks all her lolicon viewers want her for her body so she does lewd things like popsicle ASMR to try to attract people.

>> No.45208051

She is very active in general so yes, there's always messages and content. A bit of a dry spell at the moment purely due to her university obligations, but at this point it's more than clear she's dedicated and won't let you down.

Also this thread stinks of Nonna's. Did the farms go offline again? Fuck off either way.

It's Nonna's from lolcow farms. They hate Phase Connect or for that matter any non radfem chuuba. They troll essentially at all times, not just PC girls but in general. Using the BF, NTR, cuck stuff plus copious uses of kek, lmao and such are their usual lingo. Just go on their imageboard, lurk there a bit and you'll catch on. This board has been under their perpetual raid for a long while, since most of them entered into this sphere with Luxiem and other maletubers.

>> No.45208087

She's one of the few true GFEs in Phase. Very cute and a hard worker.
There is no "ntr" girl in Phase. Its just retards who dont watch the girls posting schizophrenic rrats.

>> No.45208167

So true sister...

>> No.45208297

>Wemy and 10ma are the only ones worth watching from Phase
Pippa and 10ma are the only ones worth watching. They both make the best content overall. Wemi is a close second.

>> No.45208444

That place looks too dead to actually organize anything

>> No.45208960

The farms are one of the most active imageboards out there anon. And they aren't organizing anything, they come here to post because they're fujoshi who watch maletubers while simultaneously hating men and non-feminist chuubas. You're confused because their boards don't spam threads, but act more like a forum with gigantic threads. I don't think you can post threads there unless specifically tied to their existing system of thread-making. Notice that every thread there is a sequel to defunct threads. They're all legacy threads. Then notice that on every board threads get constant replies. Like I said, it's one of the most active imageboards out there, populated by femcels from across the world. It makes for fascinating reading. True psychosis lives there.

Have fun.

>> No.45209082

sometimes i want to go there and see what new types of seethe and autism i can discover.

>> No.45209465

so it's like chan equivalent but for femcel?
then why the fuck you ppl don't organize group blind dates, I mean we pretty much schizo just like them

>> No.45209843

They hate men.
We hate women.
Both sides are destined to never breed. Probably for the best.

>> No.45210313

She's a little too retarded for me and not in the cute way.

>> No.45210619

She is great. The voice can be a little overwhelming at times, but she is easily the hardest working girl at phase barely ahead of Tenma. Worth loving

>> No.45210747

>Both sides are destined to never breed. Probably for the best.
Men who hate women are more likely to breed because their name is chad thundercock.

>> No.45210768

touch grass.

>> No.45210803

>then why the fuck you ppl don't organize group blind dates, I mean we pretty much schizo just like them
Why does your brain immediately jump to relationships, normalfag? Get a different hobby or fuck off.

>> No.45210860

You are literally a femcel.

>> No.45211267

It's alright femanon I know you don't want a group blind date, you want me to rape you I understand

>> No.45211269

Don't give up anon, I'm rooting for you

>> No.45211361
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>> No.45211476

She showered on stream, I don't care about NTR, my dick was rock hard throughout it all and still is.
