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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45166015 No.45166015 [Reply] [Original]

ENfags... Our response?

>> No.45166028

pregnancy correction

>> No.45166066

Is /jp/ so dead for discussion you retards need to pretend to be Japanese here instead? You will always dodge bullets in an inner city.

>> No.45166075

Quality over quantity
Nijis stream 24/7 too and no one likes them

>> No.45166118

Another Niji Dildo deflection?

>> No.45166580

Do ENfags really think there is nobody on /vt/ who watches HoloJP? On 4chan, a site created to discuss Japanese culture, on a board that is a spinoff of /jp/ the specific Japanese culture board? Every time I see a comment like this it makes me think it must be some dubfag redditor who migrated over here in 2020

>> No.45166738

the largest and latest cope that /vt/ is an ENshart board lawl

>> No.45166796

Release the Kaela. Other than that however nobody is even close in EN besides Kiara, who isn't even super-high in hours relative to the top JPs.

>> No.45166888

quit larping retards.

>> No.45166906

This style of LARP was more convincing on /jp/ desu
We both know you're didn't watch a single minute of any of these streams

>> No.45167078

josh-kun is getting cocky again with their leech whore...

never change i guess...

>> No.45167140

Kiara, the streamer of EN, is too busy having steamy lesbian sex.

>> No.45167157
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>> No.45167256


>> No.45167568

She even has an anime opening and ending now

>> No.45167865

/vt/ was made to try and get most of the newfag ENfans out tho.

>> No.45167967

Minecraft....Mario Kart....Minecraft....Mario Kart....Minecraft....Mario Kart
How does watching the same stagnant content for years not drive you insane?

>> No.45168119

JP bros just cant stop winning
Even their Gamers Gen have only Fbk and Koone care about games.

>> No.45168165

Keep Koyori out of your shitty bait threads

>> No.45168197

Not trying to be mean here, but /jp/ is larp central, the only reason you can't see it, is because you yourself are a larper.

>> No.45168279

how does okayu not care dipshit, she's played all kinds and has possibly the best general knowledge and skill

>> No.45168345

Imagine calling someone else larper because you can't comprehend the possibility of someone understanding a language you never even tried to learn.
Keep being inferior.

>> No.45168484
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Sounds like cope for not doing your reps and having to make do with shit tier vtubers because of it. If you watched subbed anime for a few years you will have absorbed enough Japanese knowledge to watch JP streams

>> No.45168627

Koyori 3D live is still living rent-free in my head.

>> No.45168742

Minecraft fucking sucks, but the streamer reactions while playing mario kart can be pretty damn entertaining.

>> No.45168820

I barely know any Japanese and I still prefer HoloJP over most of EN. The girls are professional and entertaining, and they're not snide or woke.

Simply the superior form of entertainment.

>> No.45169029

ehh kinda this is still a reach, maybe if your N2 plus. Anime tends to use very limited vocab, vocab is the cornerstone of learning any language, anime on its own is not gonna get you there.

>> No.45169089

They don't consider themselves 'larpers' because they think JLPT N3's worth of knowledge is somehow passable Japanese.

>> No.45169092

Now imagine if they get culled as much as EN and if their projects get neglected as much as EN
Let's see if they still stream as much

>> No.45169117

I'm looking forward to Koyori's "news" show being all about the new gen once it drops. Being shilled by the company 24/7 for over a year just for the shilling machine to move on to the new & shiny thing like that will break her.

>> No.45169147

you don't watch JP or EN

>> No.45169261

Still sticking to this cope?

>> No.45169347

you JPnigs were quick to jump on the cull train when the rabbit only got 20k with a handcam pokemon card stream.

>> No.45169553

There's literally a proof of this happening and you JPtards keep denying it

>> No.45169861

Myth got shilled harder than any other gen and they still failed lmao

>> No.45169883

Ah yes proof that's entirely localised to the HoloENs only and literally no one else.

>> No.45170036
File: 113 KB, 261x248, lui karaoke announcement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what went wrong?

>> No.45170111

>EN's CCV is severely more culled judging from their waiting room to poll participation to likes to vod view ratios
But keep denying it JPfags

>> No.45170481

More than twice Kiaras numbers. Pretty good for the runt.

>> No.45170514


>> No.45170532

Maybe people just don't like watching boring women who act like they're entitled to fans money without providing content or doing anything but the bare basic 3 streams per week of shitty kusoge and zatsus

>> No.45170533

Streaming makes the girls sleepy, they need to rest up for the big concert at holofes in a week.

>> No.45170550

5k for Karaoke + announcement at JP prime time is pretty pathetic, considering the amount of money Cover has sunk into HoloX. Lui is quickly approaching Roboco-tier and it'll only get worse once the shill machine moves on to JP7.

>> No.45170565

I watch japanese holos more because they actually stream.

>> No.45170571

they watch chloe

>> No.45170639

Lui has better content than any of the ENs though. It just shows how spoiled for choice the JP side is while EN is 9 boring whores who barely stream

>> No.45170650

so true nijisis

>> No.45170801

JPchads laugh at EN fags too, the nijisisters aren't the only ones who mock ENfags. You're just at the bottom of the pecking order because you didn't do your reps in a Japanese hobby

>> No.45170825

What does that have to do with anything I've said? All I've said is that based on verifiable metrics (waiting room, poll, likes to vod ratios), it's undeniable that EN is more culled than JP. You can keep coping with those excuses though.

>> No.45170860

go back to /jp/, dogfucker. you'll fit in there.

>> No.45170899

God I wish I'd done learned Japanese in my early 20's when I had the chance. past the point of the brain finishing development so no point trying now.

>> No.45170901

EN gets low numbers because they're lazy Tempus onaholes, not because of a mysterious cull that affects one vtubing group on Youtube for no rational reason.

Sorry cope bro. EN fucking sucks thats why nobody watches them.

>> No.45170934

Return to reddit ENfag, you belong there

>> No.45170997

nta but /jp/ is also a shithole. Over there you have subhumans defending anyone only because they belong to a company and like 90% of them barely understand what すみません means.
Then you have /vt/ where nobody speaks japanese and almost everybody watches disgusting shit tier western whores larping as vtubers.
We don't belong neither on /jp/ nor on /jp/.

>> No.45171048

you don't blend in

>> No.45171074

ok SEAbro

>> No.45171082

I hope not this board is overrun by reddit trash who defend western whores

>> No.45171147

Kaela is not EN

>> No.45171182

Holos talk like their listeners are literal toddlers, it really isn't hard to learn Japanese just to watch them, just do flashcards and read stuffs.

>> No.45171233

EN viewers have the mental capacity of toddlers. Open twitter and look at some of the people who follow the EN girls, trannies galore, ironic weebs and SJWs

>> No.45171634

>because they're lazy Tempus onaholes
You know that JP holos also collab with JP stars right? Aki is the most recent example
>not because of a mysterious cull that affects one vtubing group on Youtube for no rational reason
I've told you that there are proofs of it, dumbfuck

>> No.45171694

If you go to /#/ you'll get laughed at for cull cope. They don't accept any kind of cull that affects only HoloEN. ENfags just picked up a new cope during CCVID and thought they could keep using it after it got fixed

>> No.45171726

>If you go to /#/ you'll get laughed at for cull cope
lol, it shows that you never actually visit /#/.
/#/ literally believes that EN's cull is more severe than JP and they're the one who actually proved it.

>> No.45171781

ENfag...We're laughing at you. Nobody believes that shit except a handful of filipino ENfags who shit the thread up

>> No.45172153

Keep coping.

>> No.45172632

/#/ loves EN, retard. Stop trying to turn it into /jp/ 2.0

>> No.45172675

SEA hours

>> No.45174738

Correction due indeed

>> No.45178342


>> No.45179895

but koyori have both quality and quantity at the same time which En members can't do.

>> No.45179936
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>> No.45180594

Didn't we just get 2 gens of males, we're supposed to watch them right? Cover thinks you Enfags are into that...
