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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45042573 No.45042573 [Reply] [Original]

follow yoroshiku


>> No.45042602
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>> No.45042614


>> No.45042616

Did it

>> No.45042621


>> No.45042645

>Kanata finally gets it
>no thread
Heimin are as dumb as our oshi...

>> No.45042671
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>> No.45042717

Why did Kanata call Gyoubu as spoiler, he's the first boss

>> No.45042736

she hasn't met him yet

>> No.45042744


>> No.45042781

>spamming L1
she is going to have a really rough time again with other bosses

>> No.45042806

At least she'll be overleveled for the next couple of bosses, and then there are two gimmicky ones next that she doesn't necessarily need a specific attack power for. Should unironically be smooth sailing from now on, maybe she gets stuck on Genchan a bit.

>> No.45042829

What do you mean? That strat carries you through the whole game.

>> No.45042869

genchan is going to destroy her

>> No.45042909

this is kino

>> No.45042958

Still hasn't figured out the controls...

>> No.45042982

she respawned so far away...

>> No.45043025

kanata, it's a stealth game...

>> No.45043045


>> No.45043063

Subete ga seks

>> No.45043097

lol, that was perfect

>> No.45043125

What the fuck just happened to the snake is that a glitch lol

>> No.45043135

>eh why is there a snake in this game
Kanata should learn more mythology.

>> No.45043145

man, that couldn't have gone better. we're in, it's Sekiro time.


>> No.45043252

first try

>> No.45043288

did se buy the firecracker?

>> No.45043319

>detests delayed attacks
she will not enjoy elden ring

>> No.45043372


>> No.45043455

>1 Try Gyobu
She's starting to believe

>> No.45043505

Heifriends and Kanata are getting too cocky, she still has to fight Genichiro, Great Shinobi Owl and Sword Saint Isshin

>> No.45043527

she'll missclick and go to shura end

>> No.45043530

She keeps talking about exploring but she's not exploring at all...

>> No.45043533

you forget the mirror match

>> No.45043549

>Kanataso licks every corner of DaS maps

>> No.45043580

still impressed at how much worse she is at exploring in this game compared to DS1. the vertical movement combined with her tunnel vision made her blind, kek

>> No.45043581

I forgot the Monkeys and Apes too, those guys are going to give Kanata a rough time

>> No.45043625

No illusory walls so she thinks everything will be easy to see

>> No.45043683


>> No.45043697

Based soldier putting Kanata in her place

>> No.45043706

Big dog on fire incoming

>> No.45043744

I think she thinks she needs to rush to compensate for losing so much time to the ogre and butterfly. Typical bakataso.

>> No.45043793

And she missed tengu ojisan's pig hunt quest in the process.

>> No.45043868

She's just goofing around by this point, silly tenshi

>> No.45043869

kanatabros... it's over...

>> No.45043946

>reaching boss with one heal

>> No.45044033


>> No.45044180

Probably already forgotten, she did beat the boss without them so no need to bother.

>> No.45044186

please heal...

>> No.45044230

It's not needed, but it's useful against so many enemies and bosses. Of all tools to ignore...

>> No.45044304

Did not beat the game

>> No.45044352

go back, elden tranny

>> No.45044638

bros, she's too stupid....

>> No.45044866

kanaro always trying to jump away from the attacks keeps on scaring me

>> No.45044942


>> No.45045159

She's playing it like Dark Souls 1, which is completely understandable for someone who skipped from Dark Souls 1 straight to this game...

>> No.45045354

She said that she'll approach the cow like how she approached the ogre. I'm not sure if she read chat or decided it after getting overwhelmed.

>> No.45045567

There's nothing wrong with how she's approaching the bull. She just needs to improve her positioning and movement, also stop attacking it when she's too close to his head.

>> No.45046288
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>> No.45046488

Hoping for at least half an hour of sweet Sekiro talk

>> No.45046553


>> No.45046671

kanata said she actually get somewhat pissed off at the boss

>> No.45046753

According to Kanata

>> No.45047135

kanata in a roundabout way telling schizos trying to tell her what she should or shouldn't play to fuck off and let her play what she wants

>> No.45047139

I like it more as well, but that's just salt.

>> No.45047166

1/4 of the Valentines stream is sekiro....

>> No.45047180

According to most people she's correct. I wish she could try Demon's Souls but there's probably no hope unless someone gives her a PS5.

>> No.45047200

Stop trying to stir shit up you stupid faggot

>> No.45047208

>baba was Bisky and that was the Greed Island arc

>> No.45047257

Is it impossible to get PS3 Demon's permissions? I like that one more anyway.

>> No.45047300

if you understand, then be more dere too kanataso...

>> No.45047432

A KanaLuna RUST stream would be a good way for Kanata to be more genki.

>> No.45047513
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sekibros, we just can't stop winning

>> No.45047534

Kanata's biggest anti is Kanata

>> No.45047588

Probably considering it has different publishers, but most likely they're simply advised to play the PS5 version.

>> No.45047589

the sofa is too addictive

>> No.45047606

Seems like she didn't actually practice, was sorting stuff out on the sofa and then just went to sleep there

>> No.45047701

Holofes/EXPO is coming a bit too fast for her...

>> No.45047764

She's saying her part for the expo is really early on the 18th, somewhere between 7-9am

>> No.45047788

It's for preparation, she is opening for the EXPO

>> No.45047817

don't overdo it kanata

>> No.45047860

>Obake machigai sagashi

>> No.45047891

watch out for my cameo
t. ojisan

>> No.45047940

fuck that stream was fun, heimin dividing themselves into room was funny as shit

>> No.45047962

for me, it's oolong

>> No.45048053

heimins can cook better than kanata...

>> No.45048123

Because I'm always the one who cooks for my cute wife, Amana Kanata ch.

>> No.45048182

Looking at steam achievements
She's the top 50%

>> No.45048357

Past kanata was smarter, buying things she needs and with less money than now

>> No.45048437

Kanata loves me too much

>> No.45048539

Open ze SC Kanatazo
Let's ze flood of money in

>> No.45049029

That's me

>> No.45049055

I wrote this

>> No.45049091

love can be achieved at even the oldest of ages

>> No.45049173

Kanata WILL marry a cute girl and you WILL like it

>> No.45049202

Because it WILL be me

>> No.45049221

shut up femanon...

>> No.45049260

>ywn be a cute japanese girl and marry kanataso
why even live

>> No.45049265

As long as I get to dick her down full blown adult style first

>> No.45049307

luna should give in and just install line already
>elden ring
slow down kanataso

>> No.45049570

kanata's gaining confidence!

>> No.45049613

she doesn't know about Isshin...

>> No.45049709

sasuga uma gyoubi showing kanata that sekiro is fun

>> No.45049726

why does she keeps doing the "i'm bad at game stuff"...

>> No.45049793

I don't know about grouping these mobage with the action games Kanataso

>> No.45049808

>games are fun
she is not really smart...

>> No.45049920

finally she's talking about a kamige

>> No.45049953

why did you have to remind her....
why heimin why...

>> No.45049965

confidential info yab

>> No.45049983

leak nanakisei kanata

>> No.45050044

I'm going to freak the fuck out, stop poisoning her mind with this kusoge

>> No.45050069

Because she is.

>> No.45050088

Noel will get her to play it

>> No.45050103

Why is she so fast at looking up shit games.....

>> No.45050159

Fuck you, these games are fun

>> No.45050198

Kusoge is vtuber lifeblood

>> No.45050419


>> No.45050454

What happened to tetris 99?

>> No.45050627

She literally forgot her password

>> No.45050827


>> No.45050948

fat fuck has no brain...

>> No.45050970

just like me fr fr

>> No.45050994

Holy png, you could even see how the page loaded

>> No.45051028

Kanaken will rule the world with iron grip

>> No.45051183

misleading title

>> No.45051409

it's the true gfe just chatting with your gf about random stuff

>> No.45051733

next year for sure

>> No.45051804

not holding my breath, she'll probably forgot about it

>> No.45051916

Was listening to sleepy Senchou space and she just randomly started humming Tenshi no Agape... it's stuck in her head.

>> No.45051967

Anyone got anything about if she will stream tomorrow? My Japanese is too garbage

>> No.45052054

Or appear in choco's live, making it so she barely streams one hour and that's it

>> No.45052065

Yes there should be a stream tomorrow, but since Koyo will have a birthday live the time is still not set in stone. Other than that, likely no streams on Friday due to rehearsal.

>> No.45052227

Thanks anon

>> No.45052345

Speaking of, do you think Kanata will be in Koyo's live? She mentioned there will be 11(?) guests so I wonder if she'll include Kanata, Flare and Miko who were in her previous live already.

>> No.45052502

I heard she was talking about a stream at like 17JST, or was that just suggestions?

>> No.45052666

The way she did not expand further on Koyo's live when it was brought up or put emphasis on promoting it made it seem unlikely, just my guess.
Did not hear any specific time, she just said she'll let us know later.

>> No.45052903

Kanata should make a sex alt account

>> No.45053243

Hiru is out by the way

>> No.45053693


>> No.45053773

Thanks, I'm still trying to learn but Kanata's speaking is hard as hell to understand

>> No.45054068

She was saying "Dark souls is too interesting/fun!" every stream, sometimes 2-5 times per stream while wandering around the world. In Sekiro all she is doing is dying to bosses after the initial awe in the first hour was over (she did seem to fucking love the first bit before everything started slipping).
Overall, it was a probably mistake to move to Sekiro because a lot of the parts Kanata enjoyed in DS1 just aren't presenting in Sekiro.

But! The good thing about Sekiro is that as soon as she beats Sekiro she is done with Sekiro.

>> No.45054073
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Everyone starts somewhere, with time and exposure you'll get it eventually.

>> No.45054160

also I miss 隠し扉 bot

>> No.45054209

Hmm sound good but it's doesn't click with me yet, maybe after a few more listen

>> No.45054424

I really hope she at least comes back for DS3, even if she skips 2. 3 is made specifically for people crazy about 1, it'd be a shame if she missed basically 40 hours of pure fanservice.

>> No.45054442

I just can't with the title

>> No.45054585

She can't seem to wrap her head around the Abunai attacks yet. She was fine with just parrying at the start.
She's also having difficulty with the stealth since she doesn't seem to understand the arrows well, and she doesn't make use of the items to help her make distractions.

>> No.45054741

Can't listen right now, do the lyrics make any reference as to why that title specifically?

>> No.45054886

I avoided ep2 because I heard she just goes into a spiral with that. Is 3 any better?

>> No.45054946

Kanata got the better end of the DECO*27 deal, definitely one of the better songs in the album along with Suisei's and Okayu's

>> No.45054944
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>> No.45054965

this is the result of the stream earlier

>> No.45055003

I listened to them all, other than the ones that were already released before most of them are pretty good.

>> No.45055192

If it was DS she will just play it instead of whining on Twitter about it

>> No.45055234

Well that looks promising, thanks. I'll go listen to the borderline bearable tenshi suffering then.

>> No.45055391

>finishes stream pressed for time
>posts on twitter that she wants to play it
yeah she hates it

>> No.45055463

Yes, because it's not Dark Souls

>> No.45055546

Terminal fromfags are actually mentally ill.

>> No.45055560

Really? I thought most of the songs were forgettable but I like Kanata's though

>> No.45055629
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Me & Kanata then

>> No.45055639

Just filter the game title, love Kanata's playthroughs but the people here can be insufferable

>> No.45055691


>> No.45055728

timezone dependent, maybe?

>> No.45055866
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Not sorry for talking about the game Kanata is playing.

>> No.45055880

Why do you keep coming back, schizo? >>44969667

>> No.45056462

and what are the games (You) wish she would play?

>> No.45056508

I'm talking about the retards fighting over which title is better or which way is the right way to play.

>> No.45056519


>> No.45056664

Sengoku Rance

>> No.45056697

Project Sekai even if she is shit at rhythm games

>> No.45056746

Jumper on the PS2

>> No.45056767

Shadow Tower

>> No.45056885

FF Tictacs

>> No.45057333

Lobotomy Corporation

>> No.45057776


>> No.45057831

Kanata should be more courteous to the elderly

>> No.45058641


>> No.45059231

NieR: Automata

>> No.45059368

Skyrim…I feel she would find great enjoyment in being a hero, and also there’s not really a “right way” to play it so she could just mess around with different weapons/classes until she found something she liked

>> No.45059896
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>> No.45062277


>> No.45063118


>> No.45064778
File: 3.78 MB, 960x720, #かなたーと 多くの人が後ろから迫る巨人に気を取られ、振動で揺れるかなたんの胸に気が付かない。動画を.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45067760
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>> No.45070659


>> No.45074364


>> No.45076147

Mario Bros 3 since I want to see if she'll enjoy it and provide entertainment like what Miko and Koyori had when they ran it.

>> No.45076327
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>> No.45078060
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>> No.45079488
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>> No.45080028

instrumentals too loud but I really like it as a whole

>> No.45081584

The mixing overall sounds shit

>> No.45083515
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I miss supacha readings...

>> No.45083783

I was missing the zatsu parts of the streams but the KanaMari minecraft collab was pretty much a zatsu stream with how many stories we got and how much fun the interactions were so that was nice. I do kinda miss the post-stream zatsu but I definitely don't miss the actual reading of the superchats.

>> No.45085110

>I do kinda miss the post-stream zatsu but I definitely don't miss the actual reading of the superchats.
Yeah, that's what I meant. I'm not going to speculate on what's happening with the whole superchat ordeal, but regardless of that, I wish she'd institutionalize C-part zatsudan for streams like she did for that Dark Souls stream, even if it's just every now and then. We get so little comfy time of just Kanata and heimin chatting nowadays.

>> No.45087650

Marine retweeted this too kek

>> No.45089520

Dunno what to say about it, really, it's good but sounds like a regular modern j-rock song. I guess the breakdown was cool.
I swear I heard End Role's vocal lines in a dozen songs. I think aside from Kanata's song I liked Lamy+Lui's one the best.

>> No.45089730

I find it weird that she's even allowed to turn off SCs for so long, I guess it really is a negligible part of their income at this point. At least I hope it is, otherwise it's kinda sad.

>> No.45090648

I mean, when Elden Ring first released, everyone turned off their sc for like a month or 2

>> No.45090706

I'm pretty sure FromSoft doesn't allow superchats enabled when streaming their games so it makes sense that for those streams it's off. Plus, I think she insists on catching up with her backlog before enabling them again, which is frankly pretty silly since those SCs are at least 2 months old at these point.

>> No.45090949

My oshi is like a rolling stone. She needs momentum when doing stuff.

>> No.45090983

This isn't even the longest a holo turned off their SC. I'm pretty sure Haachama turned her SC for longer.

>> No.45091242

Haachama is weird and disappears for weeks so it doesn't make it less weird.

>> No.45091926
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Shit dude I didn't even know that she beat Butterfly and even worse miss it live. Fuckin' work.

>> No.45092232

Probably some combo of Holofes prep + Birthday prep + Souls games + Mane-chans wanting her to keep her momentum up by focusing on her strengths (where strengths = audience pull).

>> No.45093693

she already answered it on stream, there's no need to speculate why she has them disabled. plus, sc is peanuts in the bigger picture when merchs alone moves millions without jewtube cut. if anything cutting them out gives them more time to do productive things.

>> No.45095036
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>> No.45095191


>> No.45095346


>> No.45095920

looking forward to the choreo

>> No.45098097
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>> No.45100024
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>> No.45101236

This would be a pretty good pick, sadly there's practically nobody who can recommend it to her so the closest thing we could get is BotW I guess.

>> No.45101273

just rest kanataso...

>> No.45101548

she really should take a rest, it is holofes week, no one is going to blame her for taking it easy with streaming this week...

>> No.45102332

the first thing that comes to mind with kanata playing mario 3 is https://youtu.be/fYv0KXW6TWM

>> No.45103389

Deco utawaku

>> No.45103444
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>> No.45103986

> needs to rest her throat
>is going to do an utawaka
why is she so dumb...

>> No.45104135

My dumb taso….

>> No.45104488

Girls are the cutest when they're nearly retarded.

>> No.45106236


>> No.45106900

Who's leeching who now

>> No.45107650

#天界学園放送部 #天音かなたう

>> No.45107707

Never noticed it's pronounced nii-na....

>> No.45108013
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>> No.45108675

obakataso needs to rest

>> No.45108990

I miss Kanata's impersonations...

>> No.45109033

She hasn't stopped doing impersonations.

>> No.45109178
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When's the next prank collab?

>> No.45109184

JC heimins exist...

>> No.45109251

I haven't listen to Leech yet so damn it is quite good

>> No.45109252

looking forward to this song with a live band

>> No.45109348

I hadn't listened to it yet either. It's not bad, but at the same time it sounds just like deconina song #4372.

>> No.45109420

Overseas Brothers stamp getting its moment. Now another 6 months until we see it again.

>> No.45109575

When she stops hating ui and collabs with her again

>> No.45109772

It's actually a lot better without the mixing of the official release...

>> No.45111132
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>> No.45112880


>> No.45115309
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>> No.45115312
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>> No.45117147
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>> No.45118702
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>> No.45118941
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Ordered the CD from Tower Records just so I could get Kanatan bromide tokuten

>> No.45120631
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I'm surprised she didn't sing ghost rule.

>> No.45122267
File: 707 KB, 1052x744, EXG3O2YU8AAenJe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Kanata

>> No.45122561

next stream only after fes?

>> No.45123733 [SPOILER] 
File: 334 KB, 877x620, u04sGby8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe someone still had this saved, I commissioned this like 2-3 years ago

>> No.45125988
File: 34 KB, 885x367, 1647116880508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need... Micra...

>> No.45126508

Didn't she say she'd start doing Kanaken related stuff after Holofes? Because everyone is currently busy prepping for that.

>> No.45127553

Yeah she mentioned that in the member stream I think.

>> No.45129199
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>> No.45129652
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I see a cute tenshi, I save it. It's great.

>> No.45132220
File: 246 KB, 938x867, FVg_jIHagAA2quh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45132549

Why does it have a butthole and why is it biting that plushie's cheek?

>> No.45134294

Why do you think it's a plushie? It's sweating from having a titan eat its face/spoiler]

>> No.45137218
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taso love

>> No.45140001
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>> No.45142008
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>> No.45142130

>be cute girl
>be nice to kanata
>she's already head over heels for you
it's not fair...

>> No.45145523
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>> No.45146650
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Being a cute girl is just generally a buff to everything.

>> No.45149246
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>> No.45152462
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>> No.45153581

Am I allowed to touch the Kanata?

>> No.45153674
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>> No.45154723

You are THE KANATA. We all are.

>> No.45156243
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>> No.45157498
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>> No.45157752

Imagine getting killed by this

>> No.45158218
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I’m actually a fan of the increased amount of dekaitaso art

>> No.45161273

Kanata dancing with me in her arms!

>> No.45161415


>> No.45161860

wonder what song will it be, shame that it's not wandarada but I understand that she should sing other songs for the fes too

>> No.45163485
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>> No.45165307
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>> No.45165625


>> No.45166727

Of course it's not wandarada, that'd be actually making Kanata happy.

>> No.45167170

I think this is just a combination of good and bad luck.
>kanata already sang wanadarada in the previous fes
>thought that cheering restrictions would still be in place for the next one
>decided to choose a different
>submit her decision
>all of a sudden, cheering is back
>can't take back the decision since the band and other parts of the production team like those responsible for lights, background visuals, and other effects have already been prepared

>> No.45167361


>> No.45167401
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>> No.45167441
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Well I hope it's going to go well regardless. I'm not sure that "learning the song the day before the thing" is going to work out for the majority of the audience but that's still better than nothing.

>> No.45167762

>Sekiro but she can't get angry
30 minutes stream

>> No.45169372
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>> No.45169787

>ーー天音かなたさんが参加した3曲目「ヒル」はどうでしょう? この曲は「ゴーストルール」の歌ってみたなどでも印象的なクールなロックが似合うかなたさんのイメージですね。

>> No.45170296
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>> No.45170341


>> No.45170662


>> No.45170691

Those were all her braincells used in unison to press two buttons and she couldn't do it

>> No.45170701

It's absolutely insane how much better she was at exploring Dark Souls.

>> No.45170821

she can't press 2 buttons at once, too hard for her

>> No.45171092

The snow and particle effects in this game absolutely murder my 60fps stream

>> No.45171303


>> No.45171382

She sold money bags to buy money bags at a higher price......

>> No.45171471

Self-sustaining economy!

>> No.45171732


>> No.45172106

Will she ever learn how to read the arrows?

>> No.45172240

She is reading them from time to time, she's just ignoring them or being blind and not seeing them most of the time

>> No.45172435

A few minutes ago she said she didn't pay attention to the posture because she thinks it wouldn't matter like with the oni
I'm sure that won't bite her ass later

>> No.45172450

She was talking specifically about the bull.

>> No.45172460

>cow's running away from her
>uses fireworks

>> No.45172746


>> No.45172776
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Kanata is becoming a cow herself!

>> No.45172831

That's like 4 chokes at the 95% beaten range

>> No.45173051


>> No.45173127

There no bonfire traps in these games.... why is she so scared whenever she sees one?

>> No.45173498

she forgot how to fight again...

>> No.45173578


>> No.45173754

cute feet

>> No.45173787


>> No.45173852


>> No.45174917

Because it feels like something FROM would do in later entries. ER had a grace mimic item but no actual grace mimics, very disappointing.

>> No.45175013

kanata is impressed with sekiro's grip strength

>> No.45175055

kanata please

>> No.45175158

stealth mechanics, you are meaningless to this gorilla...

>> No.45175276

She's going to ruin the woo man moment, isn't she? Luckily she completely missed it earlier when he flew in.

>> No.45175340

missed it twice

>> No.45175356


>> No.45175378

Completely ruined. Hopefully she keeps dying on this next part and gets to see it properly.

>> No.45175382

He did come from her right..... you can't blame her

>> No.45175473

There we go.

>> No.45175728

Did Kanata forget you can swim in this game?

>> No.45175795

every time she learns something knew she forgets 2 other things

>> No.45175915

Well, she ran straight past the 2nd woo man trap, but I'll take what I can get.

>> No.45175952

She'll have fun in the bottom of this tower

>> No.45176093

Kanataso your throat.

>> No.45176108

her throat...

>> No.45176270


>> No.45177098

humans are no match for kanaro

>> No.45177122
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Zakotaso shows occasional flashes of brilliance
A shura is sleeping within her

>> No.45177233

kanata is at full power when she's not thinking

>> No.45177340


>> No.45177412


>> No.45177556

Kanata you have to attack him too...

>> No.45177586

she's learning the moveset

>> No.45177983

>few minutes behind
>see 上手い and いいよ in chat
>turns out it's still the same L1 spam
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.45178261

She's starting to love sekiro.

>> No.45178263

Don't forget to tell her she didn't beat the game because she didn't play the way you approve of in chat and on twitter.

>> No.45178307


>> No.45178339
File: 2.96 MB, 454x498, 1662363617797666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanata fucking understands.

>> No.45178606

I'm going crazy

>> No.45178750

>loves sekiro
>goes back to DS slow-style fighting in the future
she is going to hate it

>> No.45178871

Utawaku and Kamakura was nice
I know first hand re-installing the stamina bar into your brain is hell

>> No.45179041


>> No.45179408

I've avoided sekiro ever since I learned that it's completely different from souls but if the tenshi is having fun suffering maybe I should reconsider.
