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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45083104 No.45083104 [Reply] [Original]

I am done with Kiara
Her complete inability to address the birthday situation for EIGHT MONTHS and counting is absolutely abysmal coming from EN's 'top VTuber'.
I am done.

>> No.45083359


>> No.45083434
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You're fired. Best of luck in your future endeavors.

>> No.45083538

>address the birthday situation
spoonfed me

>> No.45083568

Time for you to become fried chicken. Off to the fryer you go. Your time with us will feed us well.

>> No.45083697

Pomu confessed merch goes straight to riku and finana doxxed scarle, why do you think he's making up this bullshit?

>> No.45083800

>birthday situation
??? Also, you just took this from somebody in global also trying to force seethe for a completely different reason, kek. >>45082502

>> No.45083857

Good. We dont want your lame ass.

>> No.45084382

I want to make an announcement quaso, WHO IS WITH ME?!

>> No.45084520

>9:00 PM
>posted at 21:35
It took you 30 minutes to make this thread? Were you so enraged 6 minutes after the collab announcement that you couldn't solve the captcha and shit up the catalog with your stupid drivel for 30 god damned minutes?

>> No.45084624


>> No.45084735

Good. More Wawa for me then

>> No.45084742

See you again, tommorow, you schizo.

>> No.45084985

KFP being retards falling for bait that's not even meant for them

>> No.45085076

Shut the fuck up, I don't care about the schizophrenic ramblings from a fucking egg.

>> No.45085859
File: 354 KB, 1920x1080, 10690532798327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you'll miss the behind the scenes extra secret info of the Nina collab!

>> No.45086525

>finana doxxed scarle
jesse what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.45090874

>EIGHT MONTHS and counting
damn nijinigs are not sending their best today
it's time to deploy the chink bot farm

>> No.45091009

you'll miss kiara x nina and kiara x ironmouse though?

>> No.45095297


>> No.45095438

>being membered to begin with
Uh, yikies!

>> No.45095686

smells like teamate in here

>> No.45096014

Kiara getting buddy-buddy with wine mom is enough reason to unmember her, truth be told. I gave Moomers a pass for collabing with Niji because she was actually friends with Selen already and like Pomu, Selen stays away from the NijiEN clique garbage. But Nina is a key member of it and part of the wave that ruined that branch.

>> No.45096276

>Top Vtuber

>> No.45096424

Nina has been distancing herself from a lot of the niji en drama lately

>> No.45096426

I have no idea whats going on and I dont even watch Kiara but I can assure you that I am OUTRAGED!!!

>> No.45096948

>day ??? of KFP setting up obvious bait threads so they can act like they're better than at least *someone*

>> No.45097003 [DELETED] 

Trust is harder to earn back after losing it

>> No.45097096

The “clique” actively distanced themselves from her from the start

>> No.45097127

Kiara won't stop pushing for this weird niji shit until she gets herself involved in drama. People like her don't learn unless they take some hits. Let her do whatever she wants, she'll soon find herself in some retarded nijishit drama and HOPEFULLY she distances herself from them. If not, it means she deserves it and should unironically switch companies if she craves drama in her life.

>> No.45097193

>Why are kfp like this the thread
KFP falseflagging so others KFP can act like victims

>> No.45099118

Don't get me wrong, Kiara is a shit because she can't fucking shut up for one god damn second, but OP what the FUCK are you talking about?

>> No.45099199

I mean, yeah? Certainly within the EN sphere, but overall too.

>> No.45099279

Not really, no.

>> No.45099298

Then why doesn't anyone watch or discuss her outside of the most loyal KFP?

>> No.45099347

are you a retard that only watches vnijiholo or something? how can you be this into the hobby and know so little?

>> No.45099445

that's thousands of people, retard-chama...

>> No.45099549

Capitalize the first letter in a sentence ESL.

>> No.45099613

respond to arguments when presented to you and don't deflect SPED.

>> No.45099718

It's fucking hilarious because Nina has complained that "the clique" has been ignoring her messages and excluding her multiple times.
Also just like Kiara people said she'd bring politics into vtubing and ironically she's one of the few ones post obsydia that DIDN'T end up doing that.

>> No.45099737

What point? You didn't make a point, you just used an insult. A badly thought out one as well. ESL SEAfag go home.

>> No.45099813
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Reminds me of another anon that doesn't capitalize the first letter but still does so for given names and uses punctuation

>> No.45099829

Then it should be easy to you to actually respond rather than sperg out.
Kiara is clearly one of the top vtubers, at least in terms of popularity. She easily gets multiple thousands of CCVs for even mundane streams which is better than all but a small handful of vtubers.

>> No.45099863

I'll never understand the hate for Kiara.

>> No.45100014

Kiara has one of the lowest ccvs in EN and routinely gets less than some of the bigger indies and nijis. I say this as a 2+ years KFP.
She's not EN's top vtuber by a long shot, even if EN is in the top of all vtubers.

>> No.45100062

One of the lowest ccvs in HoloEN/Myth. I was talking about the whole vtubing sphere, fucking ESL retard.

>> No.45100118

Extra ironic cause any given day 50% of the board is
>we must protect the heckin politics baiting tuber of the day! we are legum!

>> No.45100151

She's pretty stagnant in growth my dude. Most people tune out when she's in collabs as well.

>> No.45100200

You're ignoring twitch.

>> No.45100222

Nina is not even a part of a clique, anon.

That's why she tried to pander to males when they debuted first she was almost completely abandoned by her genmates, excluded several times from group chats, and almost all their off-line collabs turned out to be awkward as fuck. Their last proper collab as a branch was two and a half months ago.

>> No.45100270

it's powered by mental illness

>> No.45100275

i know is bait but what is the birthday situation?

>> No.45100329

>coming from EN's 'top VTuber'
>Certainly within the EN sphere
No you werent you retarded assclown. Next time you get an autistic fit kill yourself instead of stealing a screenshot from global to make yet another mongoloidical thread.

>> No.45100414

I dropped Kiara when she tweeted back at the Tempus Boys. A reasoning most would consider petty and/or retarded by this board. That being said, I’m sorry she didn’t wish you a happy birthday, or whatever. Good luck out there.

>> No.45100939

>Pomu confessed merch goes straight to riku
wtf, gonna need a timestamp for that

>> No.45101012


>> No.45101511

Eww, on the eve of holofes too lol

>> No.45101547


>> No.45104003


>> No.45104544

Ok Chumcuck

>> No.45104599

Nina is a good hag, why are you nijisisters always smearing her name

>> No.45104618
File: 1.12 MB, 1411x1000, Kiara president jannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clean it up, Jannie.

>> No.45104629

Ethyriafags still seething Nina stood against their sociopathy

>> No.45104650

Pretty sure it's supposed to be a parody of niji bait, he instantly stole the OP image from global the second somebody posted it and ran to make a bait thread with the image, see >>45083800
Kiara's birthday was 8 months ago, but since multiple people have asked what you asked and got no answer, I'm just going to go with the niji bait parody. Kind of weird though to immediately steal somebody else's image just to use it for parody bait, but don't try to understand what goes on in the mind of a schizo.

>> No.45104844

I'd rather not have NijiEN involved in anything with Holo.

>> No.45105200

Obsydia had one wave collab in the last year, and that one was for their fucking anniversary. Just saying, wave collabs are not everything, not arguing with the rest.

>> No.45105899

Lol after Nina will be Petra next, chicken talk about her even more than Nina, collab is inevitable

>> No.45107625

Man this bait sucks if it was gura it would have already reached bump limit.
