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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45077108 No.45077108 [Reply] [Original]

Which vtubers are confirmed straight?
No bisexuals allowed, only girls who confirmed they like dick and only dick.

>> No.45077231

Shylily is german, so she fucks dogs and/or niggers.
Which is straight, I guess.

>> No.45077387


>> No.45077731
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>> No.45077735
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>> No.45078191

While I don't doubt she's straight she's never actually confirmed it, has she?

>> No.45078324
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>> No.45078667

>orgasm denial is SS
>chastity belt is fuck no
A bit odd, but ok.

>> No.45079215

She probably thought it would be her wearing it not her making a man wear it

>> No.45079352

Orgasm denial and chastity are different things.
Orgasm denial is like the girl stop stroking your cock when you are close.
Chastity is masochism and torture

>> No.45079538

Isn’t this the blacked chuuba

>> No.45079595

>Orgasm denial is like the girl stop stroking your cock when you are close.
>Not locking the bottom in chastity after denying them several times in a row

>> No.45079731


>> No.45079776


>> No.45080333

I didn't know hetero VTubers were a thing because all of them are always cooming over women all the time.

Like seriously it feels like almost every nerd girl at bare minimum is bi, which sucks because in what world would you seek a dude instead of a girl.

>> No.45080456

Anon, all women are bi.
If it's sexual or polar, you got to find out in a case by case basis.
It's normally both.
>Verification not required.

>> No.45080595

Women just larp as bi

>> No.45080677

>All women are bi
This anon fell for it

>> No.45081246

Identifying as some variety of LGBT or neurodivergent is how Zoomers make themselves feel special.

>> No.45081497

She's going to lesbian up whenever she debuts in whatever corp took her in, save for TALENT FREEDOM whores, which is honestly where she belongs. Shylily and Vei hardly feel any different.

>> No.45082270

Marine, Noel, Pekora, almost all of them really

>> No.45082496

Vei's community is full of cunts and the mods don't give a shit how other mods act toward users because haha it's just le internet bro, go fap in your cumsock.

Not much experience with Lily's community but it seems to mostly just be coomers and emote spammers, already much better than Vei's where coomers are pepelaugh'd into oblivion

>> No.45083052
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Chikafuji Lisa

>> No.45083706

>Prolapse A
How the fuck do you even get this fetish

>> No.45086069

Masochism and underestimating how much a damaged ass hurts

>> No.45087652

Everyone likes tits. Doesn't mean they won't all end up marrying a man though.

>> No.45091989

No woman would lower herself to fuck men if it wasn't necessary to survive.

>> No.45092015
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>> No.45092663
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>> No.45092723

>No bisexuals allowed
Anon, I hate to be the one to tell you this but every single woman on the planet is somewhat bisexuality. They will all have sex with one another under the right conditions.

>> No.45092866

I would genuinely be surprised if she had any sexual interest at all.

>> No.45093070

Oh anon... I wish i could live in ignorance like you

>> No.45093222

Just because female vtubers are forced to larp as bi/dykes by the chink companies doesn't mean that's what they are. Every woman wants and craves dick and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.45093254


>> No.45093296

Do... do you know what Bisexual means?

>> No.45093422

Ain't no way lmfao

>> No.45093555

Kinsey Scale ftw

>> No.45093706

You are thinking of enna

>> No.45093753

Tower 100%. I still laff whenever certain moments from streams pop up in my head. The way she cringes whenever someone brings up business yuri is hilarious.

>> No.45094001
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Surprised by the lack of Tenma considering how often she publicly thirsts for men with solid gains.

>> No.45094479
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>> No.45095688

she cute when she burps

>> No.45095757

Every vtuber besides Kson is straight. The Bi is for show only. No vtuber has ever seriously contemplated a same sex relationship before.

>> No.45096248

Yuri is so gross.

>> No.45096471

Pomu said she dated a girl too before.

>> No.45096960

>Pomu said
Known liar. Irrelevant.

>> No.45096966

>jewish claws typed this post

>> No.45097281

You think that anon meant in a company? No, it happens during the sleepovers and weekend hang outs
But it’s true that women think women are hot, straight women watching lesbian porn, straight women making out if the woman is hot enough etc

>> No.45097600
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What if she only likes guys and cunny? That's pretty much only liking people that don't have tits, right?

>> No.45098119

Possible for a heterosexual women to have a strong interest in cunny, wether it just be an appreciation for lolicon aesthetics or self inserting as the loli in lewd situations

>> No.45098257

My sister once said she would rather die than to have sex with a woman.
You are incorrect

>> No.45098299

Wtf i love shylily now?

>> No.45098458

Most girls who like cunny aren’t attracted to if they just like to be seen as the current object of affection
Cunny popular? Time to appeal to the niche

>> No.45098700

calm down, ezekiel.

>> No.45098732

>this is what happens when you let polcels in this board

>> No.45099049

>it’s true that women think women are hot, straight women watching lesbian porn, straight women making out if the woman is hot enough
no fucking way

>> No.45099214

>fuck no yuri
>B futanari.
>A pegging
Oh god...

>> No.45099249

don't worry anon, her boobs will feel good on your back

>> No.45099293

She joined the shell org with vshojo that otk made. They have the same community now.

>> No.45099382

If Marine isn't at least bi nobody is

>> No.45099462

Petra Gurin

>> No.45099540

They all become straight at one point once their wombs start begging for seed

>> No.45099723

Uh huh, I'm sure she did and there is no set of consensual circumstances that would ever change her mind. Afterall, as a woman she is known for her long term vision and unchanging mental state.

>> No.45099815
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See here: https://files.catbox.moe/7x9ev2.mp4
Captcha: VJJX7 (Seven vaganias?????)
