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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 274 KB, 753x774, Screenshot_20230313_171950_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44974836 No.44974836 [Reply] [Original]

Do you agree with her?

>> No.44974979
File: 378 KB, 900x900, FoxEYYPaUAEB_ij.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Wholeheartedly.
I don't know why others can't say the same thing too because it really is that simple.

>> No.44975130

nobody /here/ is going to disagree so I’m not sure the point of the post, she’s cute though

>> No.44975160

they're too afraid of getting called a pedo/pedo defender

>> No.44975188

The only one disagreeing would be the nijisisters

>> No.44975214

Don't care, lolis suck, boobs for life

>> No.44975305

>Is a rat

>> No.44975366


>> No.44975449


>> No.44975890

Anti-loli bigots are like nazis who were burning books to suppress any opposition to their ideology.

>> No.44976004

Why only small chuubas are this based man?
I hoope she grows bigger to cleanse htis industry

>> No.44976015

Gave this literal who a follow because of her based opinions.

>> No.44976061

All this shit started over a fucking game about Wizards.

>> No.44976127
File: 1.50 MB, 1045x918, real and fictional.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's more consistent, vocal anti-LGBT people being obsessed with gay/trans porn or vocal anti-loli people being the ones who are actually pedos?

>> No.44976174

Well I know which one has a dedicated spreadsheet about them

>> No.44976374

That video is still 80% dislikes

>> No.44976415


>> No.44976547

The guy in that pic put it so eloquently and simply that only the sick rotten NPC leftist mindset could think he's wrong.
Lines of ink do not have ages.
They do not need to give consent.
They do not have feelings.

Laws exist (or at least used to, highly debatable now days) to protect people. What somebody jacks off to in his own time is nobodies business but theirs.

>> No.44976721

Why does everyone disagreeing with her seem like a bot? Seen the same replies like 10different times.

>> No.44976782

>That fluoride stare she's giving him

>> No.44976845

Cause they are unable to form their own opinions. All they do is listen to some authority they deemed to have moral highground and repeat what they were told

>> No.44977006

I've notice that everyone who is bitching about this is either under 18, a troon or has a dbz pic

>> No.44977117

Really makes you think, especially since the dbz pics seem like they have been send from bots.

>> No.44977323

Also DB has a lot of loli stuff.

>> No.44977328

Some of the small corpos are slowly inclining and there are also based lolicons among them. However, only indies can talk this openly.

>> No.44977391

It's also the same "the age of consent" image too. Like most people don't care but twitter tends to make these retards think everyone agrees with them.

Also, did these retards every watch Dragon Ball?

>> No.44977427

co-opting dbz for twitter shit posting is the last straw. I am declaring war on trannies and roasties

>> No.44977478

You mean in the West? Kenmochi Touya had a collab with Kizuna Ai and she straight up asked him if he was a lolicon and he was honest about it.

>> No.44977484

Watching anime is for pedophiles, did you forget?
Ofc they didn't watch dbz, but they still wanna be vtubers to hide their disgusting face.
Lowkey everyone there is pretending they do not know gura.

>> No.44977516

>did these retards every watch Dragon Ball?
They watched dbz abridged and now think they're experts

>> No.44977568

>Check quotes
>Artists I liked being faggots
>Unfollow, block
Thank you based indie

>> No.44977613

Didn't they once go after Gura for that animation but then got btfo?

>> No.44977887

No one is obsessed with gay or tans porn. People don't like having their spaces invaded. The reason why people are so obsessed with shitting on trans people nowadays is because they are forcing themselves into the front of every discourse and media where normal people don't want to see it. Ironically there was far less trans hate a decade ago than now when they were mostly invisible to the average person.

>> No.44977918

Yeah, then tried again when she revealed her daki. Gura is basically invulnerable to the twitter mob though because of her size and general attitude of not caring about twitter

>> No.44978055

>They watched dbz abridged and now think they're experts
You wanna know what the sad thing is? This is almost certainly 100% true.

>> No.44978762


>> No.44979067

I think people should live and let live. The issue I have is that I don't care for anyone who makes what they like to jerk it to their entire personality. Be it lolis, coomers, loli coomers, LGBTs, whoever. Everyone makes a victim of themselves constantly

>> No.44979458

She's cute. Are her streams any good?

>> No.44979515

I remember, it was the same shit over loli and It happen right at the same time that they were crying over how Genshin added a new loli character. Which was funny to see because she ended up being the top grossing around that time so that made them extra mad. IIRC a lot of the loli characters tend to do really well also

I remember some dumbshit on twitter where people, including big "dbtubers" were saying that dbz abridged saved dragon ball in the west during that time before BoG's

>> No.44979782
File: 121 KB, 362x270, d2ztf0h-00219d52-aa5e-4097-a51a-61349dd1bb15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dbz abridged saved dragon ball in the west during that time before BoG's

>> No.44979905

Has there been any reactions about Gura and Hololive to this? Or even Nijisanji? They have so far managed to come out largely not referenced and tarred and feathered this past month but feels like every new spike in drama provides the twitter freaks another opportunity circling to finally lay into the big ones.

>> No.44980174

they've already went after Gura over the loli shit a few times now and it never ends up working in out for them. It's easier to just go after smaller vtubers

>> No.44980449

I hope twitter gets nuked soon. The only thing worse than it is tiktok.

>> No.44980811

We use to say that about tumblr before the banned porn. Now all those schizo are on twitter and if we nuke twitter they'll just go somewhere else

>> No.44980976

They tried going after Shondo first, but that didn't work so they went for someone even smaller.

>> No.44981155

I guess so, but the lolichuubas that do that fake uwu cringe voice shit can fuck off though

>> No.44981278
File: 118 KB, 900x506, 20230313_181727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has 4k followers because she makes defending lolicons her whole personality
I am okay with lolisho, but pandering this hard makes her seem extremely desperate. Where is her personality? In that fake penis she put on one of her clips?

>> No.44981387

shut up tranny

>> No.44981415


>> No.44981469

That model's fucking terrifying.

>> No.44981618

>dbz abridged saved db in the west
tell me this was a joke, I refuse to believe someone is this retarded

>> No.44981660

why do i get the feeling she's a school teacher with a brunette bob-cut haircut and round glasses?
Anyways, she has a point, but it's not like the tard mass will listen

>> No.44981659

Her current one's a lot better, but it still bugs me. I'm actually considering making a 3D model of her design for practice, since I feel like it could be good with a few adjustments.

>> No.44981708
File: 69 KB, 720x717, 1656374617931960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44981753

Why is the lolicon uprising lead by women?

>> No.44981872

Hate the game not the playa, she has been part of the vtuber scene for 3+ years and this single tweet has gained over 25% of her total followers.

>> No.44981901

>24 yo cousin looks like a bald soijak, complete with the patchy beard and square glasses, had a full head of hair only two years ago
grim, I fear for my mane, I think I'm starting to lose hair

>> No.44981906
File: 444 KB, 657x791, Screenshot (356).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44981908

this is actually a popular opinion among zoomers sadly

>> No.44981967
File: 67 KB, 904x401, Screenshot (354).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44981972

That model is fucking ugly do indies really?

>> No.44981977

If anything they are doubling down and going on how about they have a moral necessity to help Japan and Asian cultures grow and become better.

>> No.44982000

Her message is entirely correct but her voice doesn't match her model.

>> No.44982013

Ywnbaw anonchama
I see. Fair enough then. Still, poor girl. Terrifying model.

>> No.44982016

>pfp is a bald nigger in calarts style

>> No.44982187

>but pandering this hard makes her seem extremely desperate
She made one video about it.

>> No.44982464

these people should be tied to a chair and forced to watch all 300 episodes of dbz like alex in a clockwork orange

>> No.44982511

Two types of people

>> No.44982515

I feel bad for guys who go bald in their 20's like that, i was lucky and only started receding at 26 and had it last until 30

>> No.44982852

One of my favorite parts of wading through this big mess is seeing tourists get enlightened and immediately filtered
'Dragonball pedobaits with Bulma? DROPPING DBZ'
'I hate lolicons but Gura is different. Oh...this compilation and the retweets...DROPPING GURA'

>> No.44982889
File: 48 KB, 425x600, yes lolita no touch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you questioning if I agree with facts and the truth?

>> No.44982892

They already tried Gura, posted irl pictures doxx and whatnot. It didnt stick, they dont have the manpower to touch Gura.

>> No.44983163

how did this blow up so hard from a literal /who/-tuber?

>> No.44983284

Didn't start with her, she just put herself in the line of fire when the normies were already fired up.

>> No.44983613

don't let twitter know that pikamee had subscription to LO

>> No.44983816

>dredging clout out of the outrage of twitter freaks
unironically based. hope it gets her views

>> No.44984624

Yes but wtf is that ugly design? It feels like a mockery of blonde beauty

>> No.44985006

Do you think the people will magically get less deranged once they start using whatever the next website is?

>> No.44985140

Normalfags never sure if those twitter freaks qualify or not are pretty riled up right now for some reason.

>> No.44985636

They've been going after different lolitubers, it was just a matter of time until a response blew up.

>> No.44986229

definitely won't be the case, as the internet becomes more decentralized, it'll lead to even more disconnected and deranged echo chambers.

>> No.44986608

the more decentralized it is the less impact they have. i miss the early 2ks days where the only thing that blew up enough to get the normies on board was numa numa

>> No.44986868

I hate to break it to you, but the normies are already on board the internet train. You only have to look at /pol/ to get a glimpse into what happens when you give deranged tourists their own place.

>> No.44987019

is gura as cute and funny irl as her oreo breaking stream indicated

>> No.44987158

Just listen to what the holo JP members said about her, she’s small even for JP standards

>> No.44987716

t. forbidden lore knower

>> No.44987844

who's the smallest?

>> No.44988554

la+ rm looked kinda regular for a JP

>> No.44988754
File: 112 KB, 604x1008, gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the FUCK is this so-called famous lolicon "Gura"

>> No.44988936

There was another attempt trying to say cover forced her to do the cunny daki and literally everyone called them retarded for it

>> No.44989142

twitter algo be getting wild

>> No.44989427

>larps as a m*le, maintains a shitblog dedicated to a chinese png
>let me tell you about your hobby
gatekeeping fucking doko

>> No.44989697

honestly if these people are so disgusted by lolis/anime/most vtubers, why don't they just leave? They think we're freaks anyway, so just leave, do us all a favor, never wanted you here to begin with.

>> No.44991546

is there an actual effort to ban lolisho from twitch and yt or are they just complaining for the sake of feeling right with themselves as twitfagots usually do?

>> No.44991590

she need a better one if she want to hope to have a bigger following, its the main thing that prevent her to get traction

>> No.44991956

twitterfags started seething at shadow a few days ago, and it's been escalating since, so there's an army of (presumably) teenagers harassing them all

>> No.44992182

it really started with the whole pikamee thing, after trannies saw that they were being lambasted for what they had done, and instead of taking a single ounce of accountability, started smearing pikamee as a pedophile.

>> No.44992370

>actual effort
The only effort trannies and normalfags can muster is making angry tweets, they're not getting anything banned. All they can do is harass the people they disagree with. Its all they know how to do.

>> No.44992464
File: 2.97 MB, 1800x1800, 1675423456608993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb laundry

>> No.44992884

Honestly if you're a pettanchubba and you're not putting a clip out right now addressing this you definitely don't want to grow

>> No.44993029

ogey rrat

>> No.44993180

>I like vtubers=clicking the like button on a tweet with a picture and hashtag of #vtubing

>> No.44996806

shondo said it, another person clipped it and then another one posted it on twitter amazing crowdsourcing of drama

>> No.44996914

Id smack that small creature against my wall until it was a dark brown stain

>> No.44996969

Common milf W

>> No.44997059

Imagine pandering to bottomfeeders

>> No.44997293


>> No.44997370

She's absolutely goddam right. I'm loving with anti-twitter mob sentiment I'm seeing lately, but I am a bit worried people might push to hard too. But to not pushback at all is how we got in this situation in the first place.

>> No.44997829

They’ve been regurgitating rrats from over a year ago about her and Fauna. The most common insult from these tards is to call her a Hololive reject like it means anything to her.
