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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44907549 No.44907549 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.44907624

>Shut Up and Consume

>> No.44907632

damn zaion, look at all these dudes doing you dirty
you want... revenge, don't you?
leak the discord

>> No.44907645 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44907671
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>> No.44907712
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>> No.44907713
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>> No.44907844

Mamma mia the oof grows.

>> No.44907903

In b4 Niji Defense Force makes the post

>> No.44907907

It's so easy to just not do anything and yet here we are

>> No.44908010
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>Winning move is to do nothing
>NijiEN keeps self destructing by bringing more and more negative attention to themselves as they try to hide their dirt
The fuck is wrong with this company lmao

>> No.44908023

This. It'd be so funny if Zaion just did nothing and all the NijiEN livers just sperged out over nothing.

>> No.44908140

I may have to both begrudgingly and reluctantly go back to Hololive but fuck me if I didn't tell you corporate VTubing is rotten to the core and there's a big reason why the newer power players will be indies like Sayu and Shondo going forward and not corporate VTubing

>> No.44908327


>> No.44908479

live updates from /here/livers. Kill yourself, Kyo.

>> No.44908559

You know, back in the days people usually joked that old farts don't know about internet's short memory because they are not familiar with technology. Now these faggots who grew up with smartphones make same mistakes as old timers. I honestly don't know what to say.

>> No.44908566

Unironically take the tempus pill.
Desperation pushed me to try it, and I'm happier for it honestly.
Just don't treat them like vtubers. Treat them like any other faceless streamer.

>> No.44908608

Is this guy okay?

>> No.44908672

nta, but you know fucking what, homobeggar. I'll do it. I'll watch your homos. i am desperate for anything at this point.
nothing to fucking watch so let's see if your homos is as good as you think they are.

>> No.44908679

Luca singelhandedly ruined the camaraderie that Lazusydia built together and also singlehandedly made all of Ethyria look like ungrateful disgusting cunts in the process.
If not for Pomu I would have literally dropped NijiEN right now but she's still there. It's honestly a crying shame she never got a chance to collab with Zai because those two would have been perfect together.

>> No.44908793

I'm guessing the next step will be to remove "Zai-chan" from the description. At this point, why not just private the video? She's still singing in it. Go all in on the memory holing, anything but will just look more and more pathetic.

>> No.44908822

Yeah, he's an amateur boxer that can't afford a proper speedbag, so he uses his head instead

>> No.44908840
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>> No.44908921
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"It's afraid"

>> No.44909016
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Glad I discovered Irys

>> No.44910278

Even if you want to believe Zaion messed up, it's actually a shitty move to falsely advertise it as just being Maria. Zaion still deserves that credit for being part of the project.

>> No.44910357

how are nijikeks coping with this shit? their entire company covering up a retarded decision in the most transparent, are they lapping it up like morons on twitter?

>> No.44910373

God Nijisanji is such a shitshow

>> No.44910676

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
If you keep delete the past, obviously you can't remember it too.

>> No.44910764
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>Nothing to see here

>> No.44910808

I bet it's because of the juices

>> No.44910890

>Maria went to a 2 week "vacation"

>> No.44911034

Maybe niji accelerates so much because they have to suspend livers every week.

>> No.44911133
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>> No.44911276

The cover is garbage anyways

>> No.44911345

No way a company that does something stupid like this would screw up their judgement firing someone. Ha ha.

>> No.44911377

The respectful thing would be to take down the duet instead of neutering it and then maintaining ad revenue on.

>> No.44911474

Please jannies, keep the thread alive until Nijisanji finally privates the cover

>> No.44911534
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being "respectful" doesn't make money Jimmy, we have a black company to run here

>> No.44911602

When any holo graduate is like this too?

>> No.44911631

This. If she really was that bad that they feel the need to unperson her, then they should fully and consistently follow through with it.

>> No.44911669

>b-b-but holo tho!
here we go

>> No.44911693

I dont think even Coco or Rushia had it anywhere near this bad.

>> No.44911844
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>> No.44911905

Nah, Hololive, for all their bullshit, handles graduations and termination very well. Coco was given the best possible sendoff and they shut down Rushia's menhera crap immediately. They even nuked Rushia's channel without a second thought. Gone. Reduced to atoms.

>> No.44911923

None. Even the vaguely simmilar Rushia still has the songs she participated in stay up and credited. If the songs weren't in her channel that is.

>> No.44912204
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> what do you mean anon?
> Zaion was ALWAYS hated

>> No.44912305

So that's why they disabled comments. It would immediately go against their narratives.

>> No.44912820

what a hilarious shitshow I get to witness

>> No.44912843

Gotta control the narrative

>> No.44912941

How did you get that video of me?

>> No.44913001

Nijisanji, just do nothing. Literally nothing. Let your livers figure it out. You are killing yourself here.

>> No.44913110

They still have not removed her from the website.

>> No.44913154

>have one job as a corporation
>prove you are in the right or fool people you are
>that's it
>literally nothing else
>literally can't do one simple fucking thing
>make your own shit worse
Let's just admit now they love the drama and save ourselves the confusion later.

>> No.44913153

so how likely will the comments be turned back on with all of these gone?
will be hilarious if they just edit them to say something different so all of them will be tagged with (edited)

>> No.44913417

Here's a bit of advice: Try Magni, Vesper, Bettel, and Shinri. They are the four easiest members to enjoy. Altare and Flayon have their moments, but they are definitely the most obnoxious members, especially Altare.

>> No.44913541

>they love the drama
The irony of the dramatrannies of this board posting this is very amusing

>> No.44913547

I think it's just going to end with them privating that video

>> No.44913565

magni and bettel are ironic fags and vesper and shinri are unironic fags. axel is the only tolerable one.

>> No.44913687

what need is there for that when comments are off

>> No.44913829

maybe if we do some MORE illegal things, attack her more and scream at more people on twitter, they'll see we're the good guys. We have to do it, there's no other choice

>> No.44913961

So he's smart enough to remove his glasses before punching himself in the head, but dumb enough to punch himself in the head in the first place...

>> No.44914035

What are these illegal things you speak of?

>> No.44914630

>They even nuked Rushia's channel without a second thought. Gone.
They give fans 1 months to archive it.

>> No.44916266

The word archive was no mention but yes, her channel was left up for one month after her termination was announced, what people did with that information was for them to decide

>> No.44916422

i miss zaion

>> No.44916474

26-40 year olds are the only demographic who understand how the internet and technology works, excluding the few literal boomers who designed the first websites, servers, and PC technology. Anyone else is either too old to care much more than pushing the button to pay their bills and order things from Amazon, or so hopped up on weed and white claw with minimized attention spans that they can't even fathom how to take a step back from the internet and decompress.

>> No.44916832


I'm not sure if she did any more collab songs, but these were the ones I knew of. They're still up and she's still credited for her participation in the description.

>> No.44917198

Which is the appropriate way to handle it.
Not this dragging your feet and chopping it up in a desperate attempt for one more buck BS.

>> No.44917251

Project harder.

>> No.44917293

All of Rushia's collab songs are still up retard.

>> No.44917341

what am I supposed to see here?

>> No.44917427

>he says, posting in a drama thread

>> No.44917435 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44917471

>am I the one who is drama?
>no, the 4chan is the wrong

>> No.44917479

There's a lot more drama in the indie scene, you just don't notice it, because the chuubas aren't relevant enough.

>> No.44917515

They are actually pulling a stalin

>> No.44917588
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>> No.44917679
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It looks like this now.

>> No.44917694

>watching males

>> No.44917792

this place is literally infested with twitter and troons, are you a blind retard?
this may be the most baffling defense i've ever read

>> No.44917865

>i'm not the troon you're the troon!
yeah okay nigger

>> No.44917877 [DELETED] 

Would be awkward if someone superchatted her asking who the other girl was in that cover song of hers a week or two from now...

>> No.44917945

read the thread

>> No.44917974

I've never seen a company do this before, not even the shittiest companies do this, they'd either take the whole video down or just leave it

>> No.44918053

>poorfag tries to personal army
every tme

>> No.44918106

>Play crappy game that looks like crap
>get fired

>> No.44918116
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>> No.44918160

what the fuck did you expect? it was the same with yugo, and now with zaion. holy shit you faggots turn every single thing into drama

>> No.44918233

Innocent child, companies were literally poisoning people with chemicals guaranteed to cause cancer only 50 years ago. Those big suits are not your friends.

>> No.44918308

kind of puts into perspective people on a basket weaving forum chimping out about anime girls

>> No.44918345

Unironically saving this one

>> No.44918354

If Zaion has dirt on NijiEN that would explain why they are going so far to have this smear campaign against her.

>> No.44918366

I’m just waiting for the edit where they replace zaion’s parts with dead air kek

>> No.44918378

I know companies are evil but they usually at least try to look like they arent evil.

>> No.44918445

Maybe they'll just have Maria perform the whole song on her own and edit the entire video.

>> No.44918600

ESL moment.

>> No.44918635

Meanwhile all the names and comments are still here:
And that's an orisong, so they're making money from it. A cover should be inconsequential if it's demonetized.

>> No.44919079

wtf are you talking about companies do evil shit all the time without trying to hide anything. They're just big enough that they can get away with it. I'm not even sure why you're bringing this up in a conversation about a vtuber agency lol. The type of "evil" we're talking about is not even comparable.

>> No.44919162

And there are zero issues with acknowledging her or the song.

>> No.44919367
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Just watch phase girls, nothing else can remotely do it for me

>> No.44919613

Deleting her from previous content is really, really weird. I don't watch NijiEN so I don't care too much about the termination, but all the damnatio memoriae is fucking odd.

>> No.44919821

The best part is reading the comments elsewhere trying to justify this filthy behavior.
>ooohhh but look at how hurt Finana was don't look at that
literal gaslighting at play.

>> No.44920074

Isn't removing her from credits of something she helped make illegal in Canada? Even the US too, IIRC.

>> No.44920150

My guess is that they are gauging audience reaction and are noticing that they want blood and/or the 'Enna runs the branch' clique meme is actually real.

>> No.44920288

It would also make sense they're using her as an example for the other members of the branch.
>If you quit, we'll sick our idiot fans on you, we'll let htem doxx you relentlessly, all of your credits will be removed, your former """"""""friends"""""""" will disown you at the drop of a hat, you'll be public enemy #1 on the internet for a while before gradually fading as we take other actions against you and your persona
sasuga black company

>> No.44920326


>> No.44920429

Most people outside of here agree with what is happening though. Reddit and Twitter, Nijisanji EN's primary audience, are cheering every bit of this on. They all loathe her now and see her as Hitler.

>> No.44920490

yep, and that's why we should all archive everything.

>> No.44920797

I mean we know she probably does, wasn't it confirmed that Xsoleil got invited into that infamous private discord before they even debuted (I remember somebody couldn't talk to them because they don't use it, was it Selen? Would confirm that she's smarter than most nijis). It have to be a rrat eldorado, mall filled to the brim with all sorts of drama angles, some of which nobody expected might be even a thing.

>> No.44920994

Whoever is the management of NijiEN is the absolute worst shitters at their job. Can't get song perms, game perms, doesn't know how to gently lead their Vtuber talents to behave, they just make them combative, or resentful, and they all demand their talents lie to everyone that their management is doing great. They're the absolute worst.

>> No.44921348

with good management this would have all been a funny story they laughed about in months to come

>> No.44921517 [DELETED] 


>> No.44921670

what’s the difference?

>> No.44921882

What would have been a 'good' way to handle this, assuming Zaion is being difficult?

>> No.44921980

Public beheading with Caramelldansen playing in the background.

>> No.44922063

We all know that Rushia is a true menhera and even she wasn't just publicly put on the pranger.

>> No.44922082 [DELETED] 

fire and say "we have our differences" as reason and then stfu. It's that easy.

>> No.44922149

literally a professional boilerplate response, "we couldn't reconcile our differences and decided to terminate her contract"

not a fucking list of warcrimes that make it sound like she's the second coming of Hitler

>> No.44922402

Bettel will make you feel better about yourself, because you will realize that you are more put together than someone who should have probably died 10 times over by now.

>> No.44922674

NTA but I see two ways to handle a termination that I would consider appropriate, depending on the severity of the crimes. The second one should ONLY be used if there are serious legal issues, NOT simply because you don't like somebody.

1. Simply release a statement saying they weren't a good fit and that they are being terminated. Be extremely vague about it and include a notice stating that you do not condone harassment towards them. This what you should do in 99.99% of cases.

2. Release a large document detailing (WITH ACTUAL DETAILS) their actions along with evidence of said infractions. Completely bulletproof cover-your-ass style. Nothing vague. Nothing you would get laughed at for including(raid shadow legends joke). Hopefully nothing that people could just point and say "This existing employee also does this shit all the time". You should STILL include a notice condemning harassment because that's the ethical thing to do. It goes without saying, but the document should not include dox (Yes, that means you, Wactor).

>> No.44922747
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Hory Shit

>> No.44922869
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At which point in time? I think she realized that something was fishy about this corpo when Yugo was terminated two days after her debut so that was probably unavoidable. I guess not putting her on a stealth suspension during holiday season and making her lie to the fans about it three weeks in would be a start. Assuming we did it anyway, assigning actual staff to check what a repeat offender was doing instead of telling her "don't do bad thing we have in the rule book somewhere kay". Assuming we are a Pajeet ran company with 1 manager per 10 livers and can't afford actual management despite record profits in our books, just let her go gracefully "due to personal circumstances" with a graduation stream. Assuming we are too retarded for even that, release a statement asking Luxiem fans to please not dox and harass our talents right in our twitter comments even if we and our talents totally agree that people making fun of rape deserve death. If we fail at that then maybe terminate her with a vague premise and make the talents shut up about it instead of attracting every dramafag on the internet with a laundry list of shit nobody cares about and a rehearsed line about how they all tried to teach her how to follow rules but she just wouldn't because she is a very very bad person.
This is the stupidest fucking case of mismanagement I've personally followed in my life and I served in the military and worked for a small tech company. Christ.

>> No.44922921

Wait I thought you tribalniggers were just making up shit about clique and organized psy-op posting

>> No.44923007
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really makes you think

>> No.44923049

Week stuff, this one is a better one to rrat about

>> No.44923176

this is the biggest red flag of this whole thing, say "We're done here" and let that be all. Instead, they intentionally bring out a trumped up list of things ALL of their talents are equally guilty of doing.
A literal public condemnation like an actual shoujo manga complete with flimsy excuses, sneering former friends taking their masks off, and a rabid public using it as a vent for their personal problems. I could see her life story getting serialized.

>> No.44923321

Easy to say that but you know everyone would have been like "anykara brack company firing for no reason" It's pretty much a lose-lose either way

>> No.44923388

No, going out of their way to 'punish' her after she left is just petty vindictiveness, and makes their case flimsier by the day.
Even twitter normalfags are starting to wake up and question it. These are the same rabid dogs who were yesterday calling for her to be doxxed and publicly attacked. They fucked up so hard they caused dissonance among their own cult.

>> No.44923421

>They love Maria enough to put up with Zion
honestly pretty cute

>> No.44923420

Are you dumb? The response would be way tamer

>> No.44923501

from the outside, a firing usually looks like it has "no reason", and yet no self-respecting, decent company names and shames their employees as they fire them. makes you think, huh?

>> No.44923631

better to remain silent and be thought a black company than to speak and remove all doubt

>> No.44923634

Why is Maria stealth suspended?

>> No.44923709

She streamed less than 12 hours ago?

>> No.44923736

Ideally you make the separation amicably, in a way which saves face for everyone involved.
>hey, we just didn't fit together, but we wish her the best going forward
What anycolor did was essentially a call to arms against a former employee.
It is especially devastating, since just a week or so prior they released their "pls no bully talents" manifesto.
I can't trust anyone who can't even stand by their own word.

>> No.44923807

She is going on a two week "break" including social media starting tomorrow.

>> No.44923817

Fuck off kraut

>> No.44923872

>someone who should have probably died 10 times over by now.

>> No.44924006
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>making up shit about clique and organized psy-op posting
no, this is female nature anon.

1. form a clique (ALWAYS rooted in the disdain for other women)
2. gain simps/orbiters with teasing and sweet talk
3. send your white knight drone army into the wild
4. ?????

>> No.44924280

Nigger every time they go on a break now people will question if they were stealth suspended because they like a bunch of retards admitted to stealth suspending zaion in january

>> No.44924410

Maybe not stealth suspending people in the first place was the way to go

>> No.44925528 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 612x1194, average niji quote people unquote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Treat her as an employee even if she's now a former employee. Legal team on full alert and don't let the other talents mention her and for fuck's sake don't let them aggravate their fanbase by letting the talents dump on her with hearsay on their public streams.

You can go on twitter RIGHT NOW and find her full name, address, former employers, and all of her family in the main thread of both Sayu's graduation and the Nijisanji announcement and no one is doing shit, people are actively encouraging it. Some of these are liked by other vtweeters who are followed by the other talents.

Nijisanji, in attempting to broaden their appeal, has created the worst vtuber fanbase on the internet. Picture breaking the law in defense of a company who is, at no point in this debacle, in any danger of their own and is in fact being actively encouraging this response with galvanizing their fanbase, but doing it for Nijisanji of all companies.

The agitating the situation the accusation, the wink and a nod toward people attacking her personally by letting their talents get in on the fun, and the inaction to deal with the fallout of their actions is why Nijisanji should take some level of responsibility for this. They caused this every step of the way, whether intentionally or not.

It's a good thing for Niji that Zaion is naive and maybe a little stupid because a more opportunistic, ambitious, and petty person could maybe even have grounds for a good lawsuit depending on where she is.

>> No.44925600 [DELETED] 

Why was this deleted? tf is wrong with you jannigger.

>> No.44925640

Unironically, in all professional scenarios, the less you say, the better.
>"Due to ongoing disagreements with management, we have opted to terminate Zaion Lanza's contract with NijisanjiEN, effective immediately."
This explains the situation enough to justify her termination, and is concise enough to be difficult to scrutinize without involving blatant speculation. If you REALLY want to shoot her in the back on the way out the door, but still stay professional, you can throw in a bit about "refusal to cooperate with management" or "continual violation of internal policy".
What Anycolor actually did is an outright hit piece. The business equivalent of a child screeching about how they don't want to share their toys, and breaking the toy to prevent anybody from playing with it.
Zaion almost definitely deserved to be fired, but Niji's termination notice is unprofessional as fuck, and they should be drug through the mud for it.

>> No.44925646
File: 181 KB, 612x1194, average niji quote people unquote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Treat her as an employee even if she's now a former employee. Legal team on full alert and don't let the other talents mention her and for fuck's sake don't let them aggravate their fanbase by letting the talents dump on her with hearsay on their public streams.

You can go on twitter RIGHT NOW and find her full name, address, former employers, and all of her family in the main thread of both Sayu's graduation and the Nijisanji announcement and no one is doing shit, people are actively encouraging it. Some of these are liked by other vtweeters who are followed by the other talents.

Nijisanji, in attempting to broaden their appeal, has created the worst vtuber fanbase on the internet. Picture breaking the law in defense of a company who is, at no point in this debacle, in any danger of their own and is in fact being actively encouraging this response with galvanizing their fanbase, but doing it for Nijisanji of all companies.

The agitating the situation the accusation, the wink and a nod toward people attacking her personally by letting their talents get in on the fun, and the inaction to deal with the fallout of their actions is why Nijisanji should take some level of responsibility for this. They caused this every step of the way, whether intentionally or not.

It's a good thing for Niji that Zaion is naïve and maybe a little stupid because a more opportunistic, ambitious, and petty person could maybe even have grounds for a good lawsuit depending on where she is.
No I did that, missed blanking a reply in the image so people could just go look it up.

>> No.44925688

the fact they didnt put out a "please dont harass anyone" statement is amazing, it's the bare minimum to protect their own asses

>> No.44925746

I still don't get it. How did she audition, pass multiple levels of said audition, have a 200+ CCV pl that streamed regularly and somehow completely blindside management with her personality?

>> No.44925815

Fucking this, Coco got a "please don't harass anyone" message and so did Rushia.

>> No.44925819 [DELETED] 
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I love Pomu, she's my shining star!

>> No.44925892

>Picture breaking the law in defense of a company who is, at no point in this debacle, in any danger of their own and is in fact being actively encouraging this response with galvanizing their fanbase, but doing it for Nijisanji of all companies.
Reminder that doxxing people is a crime in America. Encouraging others to commit crimes, even vaguely, is also a crime.

This at least partially confirms the rrat about Niji's talent acquisition just checking the CCV/Sub count of applicants and using exclusively that to approve/deny applications.
Anybody who looked at Sayu's socials or streams for more than 30 seconds would see the exact kind of person she is, and that's exactly what she brought to Zaion.

>> No.44925977

Stop assuming that NijiEN management has any level of competence. I wouldn't be surprised if nobody in the actual management ever directly talked to her. They are mostly tard wrangled by third worlder "staff" doing this shit in-between tech support gigs.

>> No.44926016
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Because we're clearly not getting the full story. It would be foolish to trust people saying she was actually the worst person alive when they're talking on a platform that has threatened legal action toward her if she talks back.
Whether it's true or not, you can't trust anyone's words on this, you have to examine their actions. The sheer unprofessionalism on display from Nijisanji lends credit to the idea that everything they're saying about this is a load of shit. We already got the rundown of why their list that, has some legit complaints, is mostly padded with holes like treating jokes as if they were actual attempts at breaking contract and punishing behavior that was done with multiple other talents present.

Some of these are things that aren't even serious to begin with. Like joking about pirating games. Literally every tweet responding to this like she committed a heckin' holocaust has pirated a video game. Everyone in the west has, likely the east as well. Multiple talents have discussed it in plain view.

>> No.44926337

anon, some NijiEn members have confessed on stream that they lied on their interview
no surprise there

>> No.44926372

Niji also opened themselves up to it, whether they know it or not, by the encouragement and also attempts to condemn her without an avenue for discussion.
It is the worst outcome of one of these graduations.

>> No.44926492

Lying is one thing, but like the other anon said. All you'd have to do is watch 30 seconds of her pl to understand how she is.

>> No.44926659

This. You read the list and you instantly know who's in the wrong, and it's not who was suspended.

>> No.44926969

Don't forget about the vague and wrongthink accusations on the list.

>> No.44927117

Could've easily taken from the same playbook as Hololive when they terminated Rushia but they somehow make it worse. Nijisanji really needs to work on their PR because they make Hololive good in comparison in this regard.

>> No.44927124

unfortunately he's chinese (it's terminal)

>> No.44927230

>Cover <3 Nijisanji EN <3
So Maria is such an unityfag that she switched the title to that. I'm moved.
Next time any Nijifag wants to attack Hololive / Cover, remember that your oshi (or oshi's friend) loves Cover

>> No.44927275

It started out as a meme, but the fact is this is sort of the nature of Nijisanji at this point. There's 30 something talents in the EN branch already, they arent all going to be close friends no matter how desperately they all want to paint the image that they're a family all on good terms with each other.
If you step out of line, you're done.

>> No.44927283


>> No.44927633

Welcome twitter tourist, at least you're learning.

>> No.44927677

Or maybe it's a code, Maria wants to join Cover

>> No.44928010

she's never coming back from this 2 week totally voluntary break that definitely isnt a secret suspension, is she?

>> No.44928613

the company isnt doing anything, maria is

>> No.44928701

she flew too close to the Zaion...

>> No.44928796

I love how anons think its management doing that shit when in the very original song from xsoleil, zaion still is in there in the thumbnail

>> No.44929176

It was Maria and she said as much in her mengen. I love how none of the nijiniggers posting in these threads watch her and need to come up with some convoluted proofs that don't prove anything.

>> No.44929319

Nina literally exposed the entire thing, said her genmates had a secret discord group she wasn't invited to

>> No.44929397

NijiEN management has been incompetent since the first sign of issues with Vox

>> No.44929475

It's management AND the nijiEN clique demanding blood sacrifice

>> No.44929938

Doxxing is not a crime in America unless the person is on a jury or an employee of the federal government.

>> No.44930334


>> No.44930417


>> No.44930918

it isnt directly a crime but when it's part of encouraging others to harass people it is. The people DMing others to spead her dox could go to jail for it

>> No.44931882

ngl "Niggisanji" is the perfect nickname for this Black Company

>> No.44932335

Probably the same one with that famous vent channel

>> No.44932461

>Reddit and Twitter
Having...THAT as your audience is setting yourself up for failure since both are deranged as fuck and operate SOLELY on bad faith.

>> No.44933280

>Most people outside of here
Who cares what hugboxes who ban all wrongthink believe?
>Yeah they all believe the narrative, CHUD. Because they'll ban and censor anyone who doesn't agree.
Not much of an accomplishment.

>> No.44933343


>> No.44933653

Being professional is a start. No matter how much an employee fucks up, you don't fucking slander them on social media. That's horrible for optics and makes it seem nijisanji is the kind of business that abuses its own employees.

>> No.44933954

Oh no no no no lmao can't have that getting out now.

>> No.44935081

It's actually insane seeing nijizhangs trying to defend this stuff

>> No.44935491 [DELETED] 


Before the Zaion fans continue to get upset at the livers and Nijisanji, please just watch this clip.

It's what Finana said about her lying, now after watching this, do you truly believe she needed to stay in the company?


>> No.44935660

Stop being a bot
Also feesh is retarded and can't explain shit

>> No.44935677

It'd be funny as fuck if that was the case

>> No.44935703
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holo was allowed to talk and even joke about it more than 2 years ago already.

>> No.44935727
File: 1.02 MB, 1812x1826, zaion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zaion does not exist. Zaion never existed. Your memories? They are wrong.

>> No.44935804

How do the music rights part of things like this work? If it's still her voice on the song, surely you have to give credit?

This is a great reason not to join niji otherwise. If they can just delete your music that you have to pay to make, that's just really dumb on your part. You should never sign over your art like that.

>> No.44935866

>Finana gets caught joining a fan discord server with her official account where she constantly joins vc and plays games with its members, gets bonked by management and is forced to leave it only for her to create an alt account and join again behind management's back, causing her biggest paypigs to leave her over the preferential treatment to the members of the server

>Finana's aforemention discord groomer circle leaks her Nijisanji audition tape
>Finana discord cancelled their b-day billboard project because she told them they're unoriginal and copying hololive
>Finana let a male crash her yuribait off-collab with Pomu as a "surprise"
>Finana openly admitting to lying about it and selling it as a "girls night" despite the male being planned all-along
>Finana has a menhera meltdown on twitter about how nobody draws her in group fanart and cancels streams because of it
>Finana jumps in during the Vox drama with her infamous "L + Ratio you parasocial fucks" tweet (somehow this doesn't stop her from doing valentines dates and sell wedding ring merch though)

>Finana menheraposts on twitter about "trap" being a slur and bans the word, tells viewers to "educate themselves", then promptly backpedals unbans it and apologizes after backlash

>> No.44936032

Why would she stay in a company that encourages harassment and doxxing of their own livers? It doesn't matter whether she deserved to get terminated. Finana's opinion is completely irrelevant to this matter. A company simply cannot be allowed to enable illegal actions like this.

>> No.44936241

The only things rulebreaking here are the Discord and audition video leak. Everything else is just her being stupid.

>> No.44936530

>openly disparages the brand
>engages with illegal copyright artwork
>intentionally lies and causes distress for viewers
>interacts with an unofficial group. Even after being told not to repeatedly
>leaks sensitive personal information to this group

how about it, do I sound like niji management?

>> No.44936642

>bruh fr fr she gaslighted me corporations good btw no cap

>> No.44936679

Only in the small indie scene. Bigger indies don't have even 1/3 of the drama of Nijisanji

>> No.44936732

Word of warning if you dislike (horny) female/faggot-oriented audiences
Do NOT open chat and avoid /MANS/ at all costs
Some of tempus may "advertise" themselves as brotubers, but the reality is that you're likely to get a better "brotubing" experience watching fleshstreamers
This is kinda why I'm glad Magni and Vesper got shit models that are less likely to attract yumes/fujos/fags although I eventually grew bored of them

>> No.44936806

>"only" "the Discord"
privately contacting and interacting with certain groups of fans off-stream seems like a pretty major breach of conduct, yet it was never officially addressed, even after she broke the rules again by creating an alt and continuing with the valoguard bullshit.

either way, I think the point of >>44935866
is that she's far from a reliable source of information or a moral bastion of any kind, so there's really not much weight to her accusations especially when Zaion literally cannot defend herself

>> No.44936815

That's a long list....she must have been awful!

>> No.44937026

>yet it was never officially addressed
Because it was dealt with behind the scenes, just like how they were trying to deal with Zaion's rule breaking behind the scenes before her public suspension notice.
>creating an alt and continuing with the valoguard bullshit

>> No.44937033

No, because you arent management and you didnt have contact or conversation with any of those talents

>> No.44937046

Rushia had decent grazing period before getting her channel nuked post termination

>> No.44937131
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>> No.44937145

neither do you but you seem to blindly believe zaion deserved to get smeared after being fired

>> No.44937265

Because there is no actual audition, nothing in the process matters
NijiEN selection process goes like this
>filter by number of subscribers highest to lowest
>pick the top 5

>> No.44937307

>internet's short memory
First off, I remember when 4chan discussion was saturated with reminders that the internet never forgets.
Second, to the extent that you CAN lay low and let things blow over, that's a social issue, not a technical one.

>> No.44937319

Did you people never work?

>> No.44937532

The people DMing others to spread her dox are probably Chinese, and would never see a jail cell because the CCP appreciates every soldier fighting the Waito Piggu Menace.

>> No.44937972

funny you fags keep saying that when kotoka was literally a 1view and no one knows her PL to this day

>> No.44938085

NijiEN could have simply terminated her with a generic breach of contract statement. Maybe don't smear Zaion with an exaggerated list of complaints, have the other livers engage in public condemnation, and than unperson her from previously made content. She doesn't own the vtuber character and can't defend herself from these allegations so going this far to destroy her reputation is vindictive even for a Japanese corpo.

>> No.44938511

Other than the discord grasping at straws here.

>> No.44938589

jesus those replied are infuriating
It will take a lot for me to forgive these snakes for standing by and flaming this shit

>> No.44940860

shilling is their job
and some do it for free

>> No.44941209

and they're everywhere, that's the blood boiling part. they are all over the announcement and niji don't give a shit.

>> No.44941353

Comments turned off..kek

>> No.44941629

>737 max
>only airbus makes RETARD calls
You need to fix this because it makes you look like the retard

>> No.44941774

It has nothing to do with intelligence but the modern state of man

>> No.44941844

>hopped up on weed

>> No.44943288

it's a coin flip whether they're chinese or just a seething tranny

>> No.44944025

they're actually unpersoning her. weird.

>> No.44944310

Many have already given a good answer to this, but I'd like to add something:
What Nijisanji did is basically the worst way to go about it: this announcement with the amount of details, pettiness, and consequences it brought, leaves the door open for Zaion to actually answer what has been said against her. This is the last thing you'd want, especially when the roomate identity is basically self-evident at this point.
You can say whatever you want about possible NDA or whatnot, but in a situation like that, the level of bullshit is so high that it might push even reasonable people to just say "fuck it".

If management simply said that it was a termination due to breach of contract or misconduct (and nothing else), there would have been a simple shitstorm that started and ended right on this board. and nobody would care about it. Management priority should be to prevent garbage to go out in the mainstream.
However, the way they went here just leaves the tiniest possibility of a reply from an ex-talent, and it completely blows my mind that anybody thought this was a good idea. That being said, what I've seen from the EN management leads me to think that there's very little "thought" there. If they're lucky, Zaion will say nothing of value and nobody will care about this in a week.

>> No.44944396

The only reason they didn't flat out delete it is because they still want the ad revenue

>> No.44944508

Do they even get ad revenue from a cover? Aren't those usually demonetized?

>> No.44944627

Considering Maria paid for the cover out of her own pocket, she shouldn't have to lose her revenue from it.
Some can be monetized, others not, all depends.

>> No.44944938

this motherfucker is a fans of hex, no wonder

>> No.44945067

>Say she was terminated due to creative differences
>Put out a message telling fans to not harass her or dox her, remind them that any termination or graduation is a sad time and should be treated with respect to the fans
>Tell livers to keep their opinions on her termination short and non-inflammatory as to not make things worse

>> No.44945316

Yeah, given how they smeared her, she almost has to respond. I'd be compelled to respond as well, whereas if they gave a dry, boring, legalese reason I'd have to take the initiative to bring it up. Now they brought it up first.

>> No.44945450

Did anything happen to wactor after supposedly doxxing one of their talents?

>> No.44945609

I applied to both Hololive and Nijisanji back when they were hosting auditions to both. One company actually bothered watching my audition while the other didn’t. Guess which was which.

>> No.44945615

>>44945450 (me)
because I havent heard anything about it if so, and I fear that the same will happen here.

>> No.44946043

I'm willing to bet she's under an NDA. They wouldn't talking shit if they knew she could clapback and set the record straight. It might be a year or two before we can legally hear her side of the story.

>> No.44946325

Does Wactor have a good reputation and great success? My impression is that they do not.
She is most likely under NDA. Unless Nijisanji somehow did something legally that might allow her to break NDA, or she decides to just talk anyway (because who cares? she's blacklisted everywhere at this point and I maybe a jap corp would not bother to sue a foreigner publicly over this). She could, however, find a way to respond minimally to what Nijisanji said about her without breaking NDA.

>> No.44946476

Sorry, chud. You must fulfill two of the following criteria to be hired:
>Elira's friend
>5-digit subscribers
>200+ CCV
>A child groomer
We won't look at your application even if you have these things.

>> No.44947557

remind me of my audition, holo at least watch mine for at least 5 seconds, it sucks, but way better than niji who didnt bother at all

>> No.44947756

She can vent her feelings and experiences into the story of her new character. Taking inspiration instead saying what actually happened.
She could base her new model after Zaion, bonus points if her Nijimom makes her another one.

>> No.44948004

the "adopt what happened to her as her new model's lore" is kino of the highest order, but basing it on zaion would just be too on the nose. It would be great to have her nijimama and papa draw and rig something as good as Zaion's model was though.

>> No.44948241

Nijisanji fans are very cult like. Weird

>> No.44948781

They just can't move on without scrubbing the Earth of any trace of this woman. Even the people against Zaion gotta admit this is immensely petty of them.

>> No.44949186
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Nothing gets more on the nose than this. Short-haired flat-chested cyberpunk Sayu soon

>> No.44949196

Rushia's original song is still on Spotify I listen to it from time to time

>> No.44949336

Which means Cover is still profiting off of Rushia's name even though she is no longer in the company to receive royalties.

>> No.44949540
File: 87 KB, 724x620, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Removing just one (1) line from her suspension notice.
> genmates were already supporting her and awaiting her return
> fans could understand that she's new to corpo culture but is making too many mistakes, hence the bonk
> no alphabet soup harassment in the qrts
> could return to stream, apologize for her fuckups, and continue streaming
Of course, this all assumes goodwill from NijiEN management, that they intended for her to return, and that the "suspension" was not simply a step taken before the inevitable termination.

>> No.44949923

Potentially. I don't know exactly how it works, but I remember Matsuri saying something about how the talent in Holo need to pay for their original songs by themselves. If that's the case I feel like she'd be owed some sort of royalties. Regardless they are still profiting off of her as you said

>> No.44950032

Are nijidroids still defending this?

>> No.44950129

there were NIJISANJI MEMBERS giving thanks to she who shall not be named

>> No.44951957

Make her the Harbinger of the Apocalypse KEK

>> No.44952463


Read the comments for brain damage.

>> No.44952616

They can sell their songs to cover like polka did. I assume cover probably bought her song after termination.

>> No.44954737

Kek, this is indeed looking like a initial plot for revenge isekai villainess shit

>> No.44956237

zero self-awareness

>> No.44956288

Admittedly how many know about the callout systems between manufactures?

>> No.44957307
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>Having...THAT as your audience is setting yourself up for failure since both are deranged as fuck and operate SOLELY on bad faith.

>> No.44957414
File: 2.54 MB, 1739x1236, shitpostingat9am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cam on Zaion, drop some discord leakz

>> No.44957709

Yes they are

>> No.44957783

>Read the comments for brain damage.
Why do that when I can read this thread instead?

>> No.44958067

No. Look in a mirror kid. If you haven't figured it out than you are lost as mole rat in water.

>> No.44958100

Oh look. The interns are here.

>> No.44958265

lol, imagine being such a vindictive asshole that you go out of your way to kick your ex-coworker while they're down. There is not a single huge vtuber agency other than Nijisanji that would do this.

>> No.44958476

Hololive didn't even unperson Rushia. Her collab songs and name are still in them.

>> No.44958524


>> No.44958654

This feels like something that would happen on twitch kek

>> No.44959170

They still unpersoned her but not to THAT extent.

>> No.44959544

Seems like Ver and Hex removed her from "Channels" page, while Kotoka, Meloco and Doppio didn't. Guess it shows who actually cared for her and got forced to slander her after the announcment and who really didn't give a fuck

>> No.44960859


>> No.44960977

She's definitely getting smeared here but not all of that list is inane bs to make Anycolor seem justified.
Management is just incompetent as hell in handling this. You either maintain the same level of info given in the suspension announcement or you directly provide specific examples of rule breaking with evidence.
Most would opt for the former, as the latter has a very high chance of backfiring. But doing this laundry list of all "potential" offenses is just asking for people to poke holes at it. I'd say half of these are legit and half are fluff. Management adding the fluff makes the list less reliable.
I get the point you were trying to make, but it was still far too easy to look it up with this second picture. Rest in peace, hope you realize you yourself contributed to the doxxing.

>> No.44962498

Honestly the only thing they needed to fucking say both in the suspension and the termination notices was

>We took this action because her behavior on stream risked our relations with our stakeholders, and especially with the rights holders of which we are under their permissions for streaming their property, and she did it in a repeated and/or serious manner that she was actually a risk to those relationships
>Our talent also had differences with our managers and livers (on termination: that we eventually determined to be irreconcilable)
>IMPORTANT: Please do not harass her

This would have been the most sensical and reasonable way to be as transparent as possible with her termination, without maliciously painting a target on her back for vicious twitter trannies to attack.

>> No.44963272
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I mean her original model already looks like proto-Zaion so

>> No.44963446

Even Vwhorejo knows better than to behave like this... Truly pathetic.

>> No.44963780

Even though Yugo’s (mutual agreement) graduation was better it still wasn’t under good circumstances
Even then they left the Noctyx song alone same with hold it down
It looks like wave songs are untouchable

>> No.44963844

She’s in the credits but now neither Maria or Zaion are in the title

>> No.44963965

>IMPORTANT: Please do not harass her
I mean that should never be stated but yeah, the petty as fuck notice not only makes you double think her termination but also made the livers who came out about the subject look like fucking tools.
Without the dumb notice i would had drank Kotoka's tears unquestioned, even believe the fish.

>> No.44964093

This happens with any NijiEN song thing, maybe not solo covers, but if you see a popular one you shouldn’t expect 8 talents doing this in the comments

>> No.44964443

It seems my superiority has caused some controverse.

>> No.44965482

It also makes the point that what Zaion has done is unprecedented or of enough severity and/or frequency that it needed action. Not that fucking laundry list they put out containing everything other livers in the branch have already done, some to a worse extent.

>> No.44968228

Aight', lay it down for me /vt/
Who decided to do this? Maria or Management?

>> No.44968618

Management told Maria to private the vid and Maria told them to fuck off because she still wanted the revenue and had to pay for the cover out of pocket. That's why she's on a suspension now. Oh, sorry, "vacation for two weeks".
During her "vacation" the video will either suspiciously vanish due to "a youtube bug", or Maria will suddenly have issues and need to stay on "vacation" longer.

>> No.44969063

Maria should have never joined Nijizhangxi and should've been HoloEN3

>> No.44970664

>Maria joins Holo3
>She's gets to snatch a Niji Collab with Rosemi
I want it to happen just because of how funny it would be.

>> No.44970853

That's what makes it especially weird: reading the notice you'd think that something extremely bad happened. But even if we look at the things we know that Zaion did, none of them warrant that kind of laundry list. It looks petty.
Maria had nothing to gain by doing this. Management didn't either, but we can't assume that they are able to think.

>> No.44971089

This is assuming Maria had no beef with her. Who knows, maybe there was some bad feelings between them under the curtains.
Someone did mention that Maria said she did this herself on Mem Only, but i can't corroborate that.

>> No.44971122

Nijisanji EN is literally trying to sudoku and it's fantastic.

>> No.44971178
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I just went to YouTube looking for this video, and man, this didn't age well huh.

>> No.44971443

I wonder if the clique will target her next

>> No.44971946

they could target anyone really, management isnt going to do anything about the bullying culture, they're actively participating in it

>> No.44972777

Did any of the members in Hololive ever throw Suzaku, Kaoru, Chris or Aloe under the bus?

>> No.44973512

They even removed her post-cover zatsu with Zaion. Seems like we're going to see more collabs with Zaion completely removed from the other members' channels.

>> No.44973855

Maria is great, but she would never make it into EN3 because she's hard stuck in AUS hours and because of S****.

>> No.44974175

Because of Secks? Sluts? Sucky? Simps?
Why do you speak in riddles, anon?

>> No.44974456

kill yourself retard

>> No.44975010

Zaion is under NDA but the other talents can shit talk all day long. Such bullshit.

>> No.44975121

I wonder if they gave her the commie style struggle session before ultimately terminating her when she wouldn't give in?

>> No.44975195

You know what isnt under NDA? Their super sekrit gayops discord. Sure would be a shame if another member was sick of their shit and saving everything that's being said in there.

>> No.44975294

what in the fuck
i posted this because i didn't like what Maria did.
why is this shit still going??
maybe i shouldve just posted in /nenfem/ or something...

>> No.44975509

Zaion is of Nihonjin stock but Chinese think every other Asian is inferior to them anyway.
In a personal relationship sense but not on a professional level.
Her literally cut her off his twitter banner the day she was fired. Fuck him.
Which brave patriot is willing to do it?

>> No.44976183

Nope, she's still in the banner, it's unchanged. Because of the position of her face, it's always obscured by the profile picture. It's been a running joke for a while now.

>> No.44976187

>Her literally cut her off his twitter banner the day she was fired
No he didn't. Expand his banner. It's been like that since the beginning.

>> No.44976247

what an unfortunate coincidence, unless it's been planned from the very beginning lol

>> No.44978819

there was probably one over her wanting to play Hogwarts Legacy, wouldnt be surprised if that's the real reason why the woke clique wanted her gone

>> No.44978866

There is no Zaion, there never was a Zaion.

>> No.44979162

I also want to know kek, is he just that much of a retard?

>> No.44979202

I love being vindicated in regards to my eternal hate for NijiEN.

>> No.44979283

It doesn't help that Altare and Flayon play boring games

>> No.44982200

Wow, that's an unfortunate coincidence. I guess he doesn't need to change it.
>"Just say it. Admit you're transphobic and apologize."
