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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44892365 No.44892365 [Reply] [Original]

It's time we actually lay out who is or isn't involved in this mess. I watch and enjoy NijiEN quite a lot and even I'm tired of this shit. But maybe we should determine who actually is a part of this bullshit.
Categorizing them by their involvement...

The E(vil)nna Clique Confirmed members

Extremely Likely involved (Practically a member)

Highly involved

Medium/Likely involved
>Fulgur (his one defence is he talks to practically everyone)

Little to no involvement
>Selen (Contention against her is she communicates with almost everyone)
>Elira ("The cause of it all", but strongly disconnected from any of the current events)
>Mysta (in fact, reacted the most violently against being in the GC stream)
>Alban (Hangs out with World/JP more than EN at this point)

Other nijis are welcome to correct me if I'm off on some/others.

>> No.44892817

What happened ? Didn't follow much of Nijisanji news lately.

>> No.44892997

They tried to bully Yugo and Zaion to death.

>> No.44894139

I don't watch him, but isn't he just a bitter gamer bitchboy? What involvement does he have with le clique??

>> No.44894305

Rrat plague outbreak over Zaion's termination

>> No.44894739

Before the Zaion fans continue to get upset at the livers and Nijisanji, please just watch this clip.

It's what Finana said about her lying, now after watching this, do you truly believe she needed to stay in the company?


>> No.44894841

Stop spamming this here, you already have Twitterfags and Redditors on your side. Yoi wont change any minds here.

>> No.44895014

Never before gotten deja vu 8 times in 1 fkn day...

>> No.44895259

1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, I hope this was w ou ruth your credit score chink.

>> No.44895602

He convinced me, and I'm a /vt/ originalfag.

>> No.44895668

Kotoka's uneasiness in her statement feeds the clique rrat.

Does Millie really care about this shit? She's Enna's best(?) friend, but I imagine she is standing by Enna without a strong opinion of her own.

>> No.44895719

I feel the same since she's kept to herself since the GC shit.

>> No.44895780

given how bad it looks posting this in every thread I woul not be surprised if it was someone trying to make niji look bad at this point. or they might be that retarded

>> No.44896011

I didn't think wactor would be retarded enough to dox another 1 of their talents but here we are.
Do not under estimate the stupidity of a company especially 1 like niki with their long history of yabs.

>> No.44896025
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Alright I wanna chime in on this subject too.

NijiEN WAS good at one point, and that was during the Lazusydia days. Once Luxiem and Ethryria came along, the gig was up, everything immediately went to shit. Genuinely.
Yeah, Luxiem and Ethyria brought in all of the twitter trannies. All of the faggot LGBTQ+ cunts. All of the lonely incel chink office ladies.
Luxiem and Ethyria, to put it bluntly, is the equivalent of a mostly white and orderly country letting in a bunch of shitskin migrants who go on to rape, murder and cause chaos while mixing and muddying the bloodlines of that once beautiful country with their subhuman genes.

Not one Lazusydia lover cares that Luxiem brought in a whole slew of new fans because it was to no benefit of them.
Enna is one of the worst fucking things that has ever happened to Nijisanji. She is an absolute cunt in every sense of the word. Same with that wigger kyo, they're both cut from the same cloth.
ILuna was the death rattle of the company. Nothing but a bunch of fleshtubers and boring bastards, most of which hadn't even heard of vtubers before they auditioned. Only Maria was somewhat decent.
Then comes Xsoleil.
>Keep the boring korean beta who let's Enna shit talk him and stomp all over his already non-existent masculinity
>Keep the fat gook gyaru who has no appeal outside of being a crass cunt and a snake
>Keep the Jap girl who can barely speak a word of english and has a dialect that is nigh impossible to understand, straight up sounds like she's gargling marbles in her mouth, I literally have no idea what the fuck she's saying, unwatchable.
>Keep the cringy as fuck "chuuni" larper who makes every collab I've ever seen him in unwatchable because I can't help but cringe at his rp.
>Keep the literal groomer who is advocating for his underage fanbase of depressed girls to send him selfies and to donate to him so he can 'diagnose and treat their suicidal thoughts and depression'

>Terminate the cute, tsundere, highly energetic, shotacon loving, gacha addicted cat girl who has the best rigging and model of any liver, period. The one that can larp without it being overbearing and cringy, the only one who knows how to play her character well out of the last 5 waves
Zaion was the best part of that wave and now she's gone. The rest are garbage.

In terms of the clique, I wanna say something.
Elira, though she is the reason why Enna, Millie and Uki etc etc are now part of Nijisanji, she herself has SEEMINGLY not done anything wrong. I know people refer to it as her clique and in a way it is, but I think referring to it as the Enna clique is more accurate now.

The thing I don't agree with in your OP is saying Kotoka has little to no involvement. She is a snake who threw her so called friend under the bus. She's cozying up to Enna and trying to earn her favor. She's a piece of shit.

Rosemi needs to stay away from the Enna clique, she's the most in danger out of the 3 best streamers in NijiEN (Pomu, Selen and Rosemi). She needs to stop fucking going on those off collabs, they're polluting her brain and they will fucking ruin her, I guarantee it. She needs to tread carefully as fuck.

>> No.44896275

Dementia patient lul, you're gonna forget about this before you can make another post anyway

>> No.44896350 [SPOILER] 
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Most of the blame goes to the management for not properly filtering during audition and failed to correct the situation immediately.

If only they'd call me, I'd personally correct her.

>> No.44896474

This is Nijisanji, the Funko equivalent of vtuber companies, they're THAT retarded.

>> No.44896675

NijiEN is bad

>> No.44896721

I swear I've read that first part in another thread, was that also you?

>> No.44896785

Yes, with a few edits made for this one

>> No.44896878

The nijishill spams it in every single thread

>> No.44896927
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I will just show this, make of that information whatever.

>> No.44897065

I'm not reading all of that...gave it a skim though.
I contend that if Ike and Vox didnt pander exclusively to yumes, they would've been great. Vox's shoutcasting in the WWE stream was particularly great.
She's had 3 collabs in the past 2 months. I reckon she's disconnected from this entire fiasco. Ask her anything about Zaion and she'll take a second or two to remember who she even was.
That's a rrat and a half, if I've ever seen one.
>cozying up to Enna
>trying to earn her favor
Citation needed. Catalogrrats dont count
She's much like Fulgur in a way. She can associate with anyone she wants and still stay far far away from their shit.

>> No.44897193

>literally just do her own thing

>> No.44897243

Queen bitch commands submission and the slaves bend over backwards to simp for her. They knows what happens to those who don't.
The kingdom is losted, better to burn it down before the disease spreads.
Sieg Ziaon

>> No.44897264

>>44897065 (me)
Honestly, this reminds me of Dream and his fans.
The dude pre1mill was genuinely respected by the Minecraft community, when his career took off and attracted twitter crowd, it was everything for the worse... And then the cheating drama happened kek

I feel like Niji will go through a similar phase, and steadily plateau into a stable balance of disinterest and mild respect for getting far enough. Also the twitter collective will turn on them, so here's hoping.

>> No.44897342

I sincerely hope you're getting overtime for this, you've been at it for a while, intern-kun. Are they letting you take bathroom breaks? Respond with the copypasta twice if you need help.

>> No.44897374

The strong closeness with Kyo is why she's there. She may not be involves, but I don't doubt she's sat in a vc or two with the clique listening in.

>> No.44898289

Before the Zaion fans continue to get upset at the livers and Nijisanji, please just watch this clip.

It's what Finana said about her lying, now after watching this, do you truly believe she needed to stay in the company?


>> No.44899216

well yea bcs scarle act like big sis with kyo but she rarely join vc (bcs most time she literally streammmmmm)

>> No.44899300

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.44899538

>Suspension notice that was both detailed yet vague
>Twitter goes into overdrive scouring zaion's vods for incriminating evidence
>Proceeds to harrass doxx and stalk zaion
>kyo uses roommate account to support the doxxing
>Termination notice is finally released, is a laundry list of all the dirt the twits dug up and minor shit half the branch has both done and done much worse
>catalogue is flooded with bootlicking for nijisanji and copy pasted anti zaion clips of the talents blatantly coached into what to say
You are here.

>> No.44899601

At this point is obvious all Xsoleil is part of it, throwing Zaion under the bus was proof of that.

>> No.44899713


>> No.44900108

Before the Zaion fans continue to get upset at the livers and Nijisanji, please just watch this clip.

It's what Finana said about her lying, now after watching this, do you truly believe she needed to stay in the company?


>> No.44901573

Honestly, I would love to watch Ike if he wasn't giving so much attention to fucking BFE enjoyers every single time, I can barely watch a stream without feeling sick with the whole Ikey wikey bullshit
Can agree about Vox, too, if it wasn't for him being a bitch for the Chinese, he would've been a blast to listen to. Hell, collabs where he does not see any fucking superchats or chat messages whatsoever are still funny as fuck, Nijicancelled is a good example of that (even Enna isn't half bad there)

>> No.44901842

I stand by debut DS2 Vox being the best Vox. Yumes will insist he hasn't changed one bit, but demeanor, jokes and how he addresses his audience is so different it's not funny.

>> No.44901866

I don't know how to feel about her now. I do really like her and she's by far my favourite in NijiEN, but her friends (Enna, Millie, the clique) are so fucking cancerous that it feels like she's almost complicit by not doing anything about it

I'd like to think that she's not actively participating in this shit behind the scenes, as that'd obviously be way worse

>> No.44901960

his best stream by far is him telling his fanbase to fuck off after the Reimu incident, honestly
NijiWWE is a close second in my eyes
the rest is all garbage

>> No.44902103

I would not be surprised if Elira was the one who pretty much started it all (Enna nepotism hire and all) and now distances from it because of how bad it got just because she is not someone to stand up to retards unless something actually bad happens. Her indecisiveness is what marks her as complicit, too... I don't know, man, debut Elira was a lot of fun, and now I just don't watch her enough to actually know if she's just a double-faced snake or just not a confrontational person in general

>> No.44902208
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You can rest easy.
She's smart enough to dissociate with anything to do with drama. She could not give less of a fuck about anything to do with not-JRPGs, streaming and idol anime boys.
She knows to think for herself, what's best for her audience and knows to not care about what other people are doing.

>> No.44902378

Good morning sirs

>> No.44902396

>>44902208 (me)
No, she just doesn't care. That's really all that can be said. She does not care. Mere complete dissociation.

>> No.44902562

honestly this sounds fairly plausible. it's also probably tough for her to do anything since they were her irl friends as well.

I've been watching Elira since debut, and she's been continually entertaining, but NijiEN has only gotten worse and worse which sucks. I don't think she's two-faced, just not confrontational, which is unfortunate

>> No.44902621

yeah, I used to watch her a ton (since debut) and just ignored all the collabs, but with all the recent drama I took a break from Niji. I'll go back to watching her soon enough, she's too cute and entertaining for me to drop unless she actually yabs big time.

>> No.44902774

>Alban (Hangs out with World/JP more than EN at this point)
wtf based?
is this dude any good?

>> No.44903689

The only one to blame is Zaion.
It's very simple: if you cost money (perms) you are out. The rest is to appease the twt crowds

>> No.44903734
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>> No.44903784

I enjoyed theater nerd Vox performing Much Ado About Nothing with Pomu. Shame that version of Vox crawled in a hole somewhere and died.

>> No.44904123


I'm a Nijisanji fan, however;

This is the clique of 'mean girls' who are ruining Nijisanji EN for a lot of viewers, they are creating a toxic environment of snitching and backstabbing etc.
>Petra (pretends to be nice, is not)

He is just added because hes most likely dating Enna.

>> No.44904809
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>> No.44905365

Zaion who?

>> No.44905605

Congratulations comrade, you will not got to the gulag today

>> No.44905969

>mean girls
go back to /nenmen/, nyfco gossipfag
Petra hasn't done shit.

>> No.44906437

his collab with Selen was pretty good
literally haven't seen anything with him other than that

>> No.44906519

It's kind of funny how two of the biggest guesses here are pretty much the alternative of one another
It's probably a mix of the two, too. At least I hope so, she isn't half bad as an entertainer

>> No.44907929

It's not really a guess.
she is terminally allergic to causing problems, evidenced in rare SC hijacking.
alphabet people have tried to hijack her streams via SC from time to time, getting her to say shit. Her response boils down to
>"yeahh, go you. anyway--"
she means well, I'm sure, but also feigns to start shit/talk about things she knows nothing about.
her one and only """yab""" was when she was sekuhara'd directly, and responded to it by setting boundaries.

>> No.44908055

Before the Enna fans continue to get upset at the livers and Nijisanji, please just watch this clip.

>> No.44908534

yeah, I remember the whole boundaries stuff
I guess it was so noticed because she barely speaks out about anything controversial, ever
maybe that's not a bad thing

>> No.44908968

>the only way to be a decent liver is to disassociate yourself from the larger, most visible niji group
the absolute state of ANYKARA. HUH?

>> No.44909081

pajeet defense system

>> No.44909358

>only way
I'm saying this is Elira's specific way.
Pomu and Selen are doing the exact opposite, and consistently interacting with said larger niji group, and yet you claim they are "the good ones". So they must be dissociating in their own way, yes?

>> No.44909868

This is a strange way of sucking up to the NijiEN management
>Noooo, management did nothing wrong, it's all the clique aka members I don't like!

>> No.44909911

Has Mika said anything yet?

>> No.44909955

Members usurping management already happened in NijiKR. Look it up if you don't believe it. It's the reason why ID/KR got merged into JP.
People pointing this out doesn't mean they're absolving management of blame.

>> No.44910250

niji's management style is to barely have any and let them govern themselves so now there's one pajeet for every 10-20 livers and can't tardwrangle them all 24/7 so there's designated favorites and snitches to help do the policing for them. Enna is probably one of the favorites so she gets to play management when she feels like it and lord it over everyone who isn't in the in group.

>> No.44911872

Kiara also part of the Elira clique

>> No.44912800


>> No.44914597


>> No.44914607

Everyone is
