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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44893307 No.44893307 [Reply] [Original]

Please come back to streaming soon. So we can stop shitting up the board and channel this energy into more positive way.

>> No.44893475
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In b4

>> No.44893490

I still find it weird how this feels like a proto-Zaion model.

>> No.44893533

her retarded fish eyes are strangely endearing

>> No.44893563

>watching stream

>> No.44893656

Participants (in order of appearance)
raechit: https://twitter.com/rae_chit
Shylily: https://twitter.com/shylilytwitch
Kage: https://twitter.com/CaptHokageVT
Tane: https://twitter.com/tane_tenshi
Thinkerbella: https://twitter.com/thonkerbella
Ria: https://twitter.com/sagisawaria
raechit: https://twitter.com/rae_chit
IKeepItTaco: https://twitter.com/IKeepItTaco
Amaiami: https://twitter.com/aiamaiami
Merryweather: https://www.twitch.tv/merryweather

Which of them are going to prove to be true friends and welcome her back and which ones are going to throw her under the bus to placate the Twitter mob?

>> No.44894025
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for real though

>> No.44894113

Merry already unfollowed her on Twitter after he got educated on Sayu's sins

>> No.44894130

What a fucking coward.

>> No.44894193
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Fag bend knee as fast as possible

>> No.44894239

Don't worry, he won't be the only one. Once she gets back on Twitter the rest will follow.

>> No.44894248

>saying an antisemitic joke

>> No.44894272

But if you close your eyes
Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?

>> No.44894310

Antisemitism isn't a joke, anon.

>> No.44894371


>> No.44894382

Redditors are already eating the story up. Still funny Finana can get away with literally breaking company rules and lying to management but nothing will happen to her.

>> No.44894446

I mean does anyone not think he's a complete faggot?

>> No.44894482

She said she didn't want to be queen of the Jews.

>> No.44894541

How can she be antisemitic if she's the Queen of Jews? They way Nijiniggers are twisting the facts to create their narrative is hilarious.

>> No.44894597

She literally said she doesn't want to be the Queen of the Jews, probably because she thinks Jews are basically human rodents.

>> No.44894643
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>Merry acting as Kyubey, turning her into a niji for his XSOLEIL gig with Riku
>now that the contract is broken he unfollowed her, bridge burnt too mayhaps
anime arc ongoing

>> No.44894690

The reason this continued on the board is because other NijiEN members started throwing her under the bus.

>> No.44894749

What? Lmao talk about twisting the facts, try harder Niji-Intern. Nobody believes you.

>> No.44894769

Here's "antisemitic" "joke" since her channel nuked

>> No.44894798

holy dishonesty batman

>> No.44894800
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Hey, I would appreciate if you don't bring up other corporate vtubers in this thread dedicated to this cute indie chuba. Thank you in advance.

>> No.44894821

If you believe that's an antisemitic joke your a retard.

>> No.44894866
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Why do these losers even give a fuck about antisemitism? I bet none of them are even jewish.

>> No.44894903

Can someone explain to me how this is antisemitic? Why does it feel like every time one of her supposed 'yabs' is sourced it ends up being way tamer than how she's being portrayed? Like genuinely from twitter's picture of her you would think she's a puppy-raping genocidal Nazi murderer.

>> No.44894910

He clearly doesn't, that's why antisemitic is in quotes.

>> No.44895058

Because simply saying then word "jew" to the twitter trannies is akin to saying "Taiwan" to a chink.

>> No.44895061

>intern-kun talking about antisemitism
You will only get more support for Zaion, Noor

>> No.44895153

>antisemitic jokes
ah, so this is why the faggots /here/ defend her

>> No.44895257

She said the j-word.

>> No.44895264

Hi sister, watch the fucking video >>44894769

>> No.44895277

>he bought the anti semite disinfo
I mean he was always an absolute faggot but still clear he's just a spineless little shit, didn't even verify just blindly followed the mob.
Better for sayu though, stuff like this always cuts through who's an actual good person and who's a slimy leech.

>> No.44895316

>Framed someone making antisemitic jokes
>Npcs won't even checked the fact
>Cancel her
Every fucking time

>> No.44895379

Is this how Rushia fans felt? Seeing any nijiEN on my youtube homepage legitimately sours my mood now. I secretly hope she doesn't acknowledge any of this and just returns to streaming, but I also can't stand the unfairness and sliminess of it all. It's frustrating.

>> No.44895422
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>ah, so this is why the faggots /here/ defend her

>> No.44895427

Because it's all part of the damage control strategy, they want to tarnish her reputation as much as they can before she exposes the can of worms that NijiEN really is when she returns.

>> No.44895511

shes not coming back as a vtuber until at least a year. if she streams, its going to be image only or voice only. thas how it usually goes

>> No.44895527

Without context you question it
but with it, its just so bad how shes portrayed like shes vile
Her tone alone doesnt even sound malevolent

>> No.44895565
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Yes. It gets easier but it never fully heals.

>> No.44895641

Do people actually believe she's gonna spill the tea? Sounds pretty risky.

>> No.44895717

What will Kurosanji do if she streams? Shit in their pants in anger?

>> No.44895728

Despite not being in this video, her and Silvervale were friends so I'm sure she'll welcome Sayu back.


>> No.44895750
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>shes not coming back as a vtuber until at least a year. if she streams, its going to be image only or voice only. thas how it usually goes

>> No.44895820

the cycle is always the same when there's a graduation or a termination, people pretend caring when they actually don't so with time they actually start hating them

>> No.44895871


>> No.44896054

Except this time the rest of the internet is shitting on her, her company and colleagues are shitting on her, and only /vt/ seems to completely on her side. That's not how the last few of these have gone.

>> No.44896077

she was acquainted with and close to a lot of people from the bigger indie scene on Twitch long before joining Niji. I think it's safe to say those people aren't going to fall for retarded corpo slander so easily

>> No.44896078

Any Sayu loremasters can confirm whether or not she was toxic as an indie, or did the corpo environment break something in her

>> No.44896083

is this the shota rapist?

>> No.44896102

Telling her fans NOT to make an antisemitic joke is somehow her making an antisemitic joke.

Also niji are the ones who came up with the name

>> No.44896165

she absolutely was not, she was always very chill despite talkative and never really had any glaring political shit of any sort come up
unless you consider constant Genshin streams toxic, of course

>> No.44896179

She's entertainment enough and doesn't need to be GFE
Also she's 30+ so good for her

>> No.44896208

>did the corpo environment break something in her
Gee i dunno maybe the company suspending you with a big announcement saying "SHE MADE INAPPROPRIATE JOKES CANCEL HER" and her own coworker liking tweets shitting on her and people trying to dox her on their PL.

>> No.44896213

She was basically universally loved and hanged out with a bunch of /lig/ tier friends who never had a single bad thing to say about her

>> No.44896315

There's a thing called contract, and in nijisanji you can only stream as a vtuber after a year.

>> No.44896322

And people say talking about this places is bad(except for containment braking a ton)

>> No.44896332

They will willingly ghost her. A few will stick by her but the wokest types that she's collabed with as Sayu will pretend she doesn't exist. I promise you Sykkuno and his OTV leech friends have made her persona non grata.

>> No.44896337

universally loved sound like a bit of a stretch but yes, I can't think of a single streamer who had any issue with her during her time as an indie

>> No.44896392

Eurotrash faggot.

>> No.44896395

I want her to come back, but not on Twitch.

>> No.44896425

She was well liked. Kurosanji fucked her over. We'll see who indie chuubas will keep it real and still support her.

>> No.44896443

That's too bad

>> No.44896519

It's as simple as joining a company with pre-established cliques and just not fitting in. Also I think she saw how bad her numbers were and realized she was better off as an indie. Plus imagine how bad niji fucked up her income with all of the suspensions

>> No.44896570

Fubuki? Or do you mean Noel?

>> No.44896740

4chan being contrarian, big surprise

>> No.44896859

>both of the randoms are kpop posters
I do not want to accept this reality.

>> No.44896960

honestly i wish she gets poached to EN3 just so her true potential can be unleashed and niji can once more show how black of a company they truly are

sayu can be her best self, holo gets a streamaholic that they desperately need, and niji gets fucked - the best case scenario

>> No.44896987

You don't get to escape from your sins nijifag

>> No.44897015

>Poaching a Genshin streamer
Yeah, no shot

>> No.44897097

What's the point of talking about it? It will never happen.

>> No.44897102

Moruru graduated 6/27/2019, Luna debuted 1/4/2020, so you are completely wrong.

>> No.44897371

Omegatroon and his minions wouldn't let her in

>> No.44897416

yeah, and then she gets fired 3 months later for talking about emulators and doing the same shit

>> No.44897515

She's fucked because she signed the contract for 2 years. She won't be able to stream as herself anytime soon.

>> No.44897552

She's literally coming back next week.

>> No.44897634

What does joining holo have to do with niji being a black company? Is hololive a black company too because of all their members leaving to join another corpo?

>> No.44897832

Russia debuted in 2019 by that logic she wouldn't be allowed to join Vshojo til April 2023

>> No.44898061

She just didn't fit the corpo vtuber culture and should've stayed as an indie.

Probably thought talent freedom is a meme with no actual basis.

>> No.44898381

holy based

>> No.44898531

I had no respect to lose for this faggot, so i am not even mad

>> No.44898887

But I don't get how you could be someone well liked as an indie but fuck up so badly as a corpo that your genmates disavow you and your senpais are saying they were victims. I don't think the niji livers are being coached. But things aren't adding up.

>> No.44899077

What her coworkers say is mostly a PR move.
She just wanted to be her own thing, which was seen in a negative light in "Nijifamily".
She declined to comply, which then made every little thing she did a "yab" because they said so.

>> No.44899329

nijisanji is a literal high school clique

one of them goes "omg becky was such a bitch to me" and the rest follow

>> No.44899386

I mean do you want Sana 2.0 or what

>> No.44899428

almost like she was in a burakku kompani and then some

>> No.44899783
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shiggy diggy

>> No.44899856

Exactly. The Nijicult they have means you have to go along with everything or you're an outcast. Typical commie behavior.

>> No.44899894

Umm Finana said Zaion literally gaslit her but won't say how and she lost all faith in humanity from that event so clearly she's a super manipulative mastermind and just joined a company to do the 5D chess move of ruining her own life.

>> No.44899956

>mild shit joke
i hate twitter and permanently online tards

>> No.44900317

Non-competes are almost impossible to legally enforce even for megacorps

>> No.44900747

>a gentile doesn't want to be queen of the Jews

>> No.44901106

I mean, Twitter and Reddit cunts (same breed of retarded cucks) made a huge buzz out of the "Reformed Rabbi Bill Clinton" kid and started a crusade against the "antisemitic alt righter Nazi guy" just to find out he's a 15 year old JEW so they put their pitchforks down and pretended that nothing happened. They're NPCs programmed to react every time something Jewish is mentioned. Like the /pol/fags.

>> No.44901113

Lmao, this is the same guy who constantly seethes about Neuro-sama

>> No.44901450

What time does she usually stream? (As in timezone.)

>> No.44901581

Yeah, so we can drop her after a month and move on to the next drama

>> No.44901840

zaion dick riders dont know the concept of empathy lol lmao haha

>> No.44902642

Holy shit kikes are so fragile lmao

>> No.44903059

merry still follows sayu. dont let chinese sisters get away with lying

>> No.44903248
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>> No.44903260
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>> No.44903270

>There's a thing called contract
Which Niji terminated and Sayu is no longer bound to.

>> No.44903507
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why are you lying??????????????????????????????????????????

>> No.44903579

Great edit buddy but anyone who goes check it for themselves is going to figure out that you're the one lying here.

>> No.44903585
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chinese sisters get the rope

>> No.44903649

ummm sweaty I had to follow merry for that show some respect plz thx

>> No.44903695

wondering what these mentally ill faggots get out of this by lying

>> No.44903736

sayu is unfortunately going to learn that being friends with leftists and cloutgloblins means you dont have any friends at all

>> No.44903743

Check your eyes sis
It was about ant-semitic joke, no one give a fuck who this spineless faggot following

>> No.44903804

the literal jew company allows talents to make worse jew jokes than this

>> No.44903812


>> No.44903835

merrydawg is literally merry on the screenshot you fucking faggot

>> No.44904135

>chat makes inappropriate suggestion
>streamer bounces off them while making it clear it's bad and won't be done
>ree she's an antisemite!
guess their brains got rotted by all the image memes and two second tiktok clips so being confronted by actual humor involving a setup and a punchline offends their poor underdeveloped brains and they fail to understand the punchline is her knocking the suggestion back specifically because of how inappropriate it is.
I hate zoomers so god damned much.

>> No.44904237
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You replied to >>44903507 he's still following her, it's literally on the screenshot sis
Why so angwy OwO

>> No.44904310

>So we can stop shitting up the board
That's not happening any time soon

>> No.44904546

Katta (one of the actual Jews who’s with Idol) literally made a joke about having 6 million fans or something like that.

>> No.44904785
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>> No.44904963

>hiding in the furnace? do you remember I'm a jew

>> No.44905050

i sleep, his comics are lame and uninspired
wake me up when he throws himself off beachy head

>> No.44905676

>implying anyone here will actually watch her
Half of the people didn't even realize that she was a big genshin streamer.

>> No.44906236

wow...this is really it?
even if she was jewish, she would probably word it the same way

>> No.44906293

Are you making light of antisemitism? This is one of the reasons she was terminated, you know.

>> No.44906381

leave, please.

>> No.44907798
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Spat my drink. Thanks, that was great.

>> No.44910572

He said Rushia you pitful cuck. Keep paying for her condoms.

>> No.44912405


>> No.44913162

Hey, some of these jews are alright.

>> No.44913498

>Is this how Rushia fans felt?
I couldn't watch Hololive for around a month after that
Then Mikeneko said she likes rabbits (Pekora) and still watches Hololive streams and made a reference to an apex stream Towa did and so I felt better about watching Hololive again
