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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44857225 No.44857225 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Can I self post?
Self posting is allowed as long as it's for asking for feedback or starting out, there are other threads for self promotion.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Twitter branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Parasocial guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous thread: >>44785102

>> No.44857442
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Post the 4th gen list now.

>> No.44857547
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Comfy thread

>> No.44857700

got a new YT and twitch follow... slowly climbing... 300 one day..!

>> No.44857752


Not a vtuber... yet.

Like the other anon, there are probably some I'm forgetting. I'll try remembering for the next stream.

>> No.44857757

List incoming.
https://twitch.tv/digbycat - chill brit variety cat, positive attitude, the main character of /asp/
https://twitch.tv/olgaokami - comfy nonlewd sister experience, cool accent
https://twitch.tv/berylch - high effort female boy (babi?), plays good niche games like elona
https://twitch.tv/lcolonq - ascii art programmer, funny zatsu and nice voice
https://twitch.tv/tallychovy - super deep voice aussie, yumejoshi hunter
https://twitch.tv/denpafish - great artist, hamtarocore
https://twitch.tv/runoxi - great production value, good artist, just started a few days ago
https://youtube.com/@kankurokingch - probably not actually shilling himself, hardcore gaming

Probably some others I'm forgetting.

>> No.44857975

that fish chick sounds like she has her mic up her ass, why doesn't anyone tell her? godawful audio

>> No.44858055

Yeah, she knows. Check the previous thread. Check her chat, too.

>> No.44858151

I don't think I'll do either of those things. I've already filtered her. another screaming loud woman? no thanks.

>> No.44859097

boohoo, she lost one viewer, she definitely shouldn't feel disheartened by it and she should just take a deep breath, fix the scuff piece by piece and carry on
rome wasn't built in a day

>> No.44859367

4/10 performance. Apply yourself Mr. Antihero

>> No.44859425

she's not gonna fuck you lol

>> No.44859493

I've got my own retard at home, retard.

>> No.44859661

yeah, you lmaoooo

>> No.44859978

Twitter post /10

>> No.44860298
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i need a new puter and a mic
am I gonna make it

>> No.44860320

Man, I don't think anyone will regardless of whether I'm a "nice guy" or not...

>> No.44860583

replying to trolls, I see asp never fucking learns

>> No.44860642

Don't worry, anon, there's always going to be somewhere there for you.
Your right hand.

>> No.44861367

I've always been a left hander, the right is for the mouse or the phone depending on whether I'm jerking on the go

>> No.44861676

The fuck do you mean on the go?

I just learned how to use my mouse with my left hand.

>> No.44861805

Very useful thread. Nice tips

>> No.44861963

You're welcome.

>> No.44861972

I think you need limiter in obs. I still failing to set up my own right. But limiter helps to not overload mic when volume of voice changes much. Maybe it will help for now

>> No.44862006

>be early gen 3
>be lumped with the likes of *lto, yellow cat, jinx and all the graduated ones

>> No.44862070

something something redebut rn smth smth

>> No.44862176

Oyeah that might help!! I'll try it out.. maybe changing my mics settings too. I'm not an audio guy so I'm dumb..

>> No.44862199

Is being an open lolicon a buff or debuff?

>> No.44862376

Depends on your target audience.

>> No.44862618

You shouldn't want to be lumped in with any of them. Why do you want vtubers to like you and watch you? You should be looking for true viewers not people who keep you on a muted tab.

>> No.44862940

Bad for western audience if you're a male, do not ever slip not even once

>> No.44863166

Smells like free publicity

>> No.44863273

I LOVE the potato slav

>> No.44863801

Darkest Dungeon tomorrow, not sure when the game actually ends - it's extremely tough and I've barely missed party wiping before.
Once DD is done, I'm going to replace it with my FAVORITE GAME XCOM, I'm so hyped to eventually get to it!

How's the other /asp/ing doing tonight/today?

>> No.44863917

>been lurking since gen 3
>still not ready to make it to gen 4
See you on gen 6 brehs

>> No.44863941

See you in Gen 7.

>> No.44864461
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>> No.44864571

Heck. Wrong gif.
https://tenor com/view/suka-blyat-sssssssb-anime-surprise-service-gif-15728951

>> No.44864845

Just finished an overlay and made a kinda ok logo. I want to make some changes to the final product and probably make the logo a stand alone item so the overlay flows nicer, but still, very happy with it.

>> No.44864950


>> No.44865029

Don't date the Potato Slav anon, we need her to STREAM!

>> No.44865569

Wow. This thread is so different from just a few weeks ago.

>> No.44865831

Isn't that what happens when half the people populating a thread leave?

>> No.44865839
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>> No.44866136

No, the difference is that people have been named, they're no longer faceless strangers

>> No.44866223

it's a new generation of selfposters which is really what i feel marks each "generation"
its not the first time there's been a large shift in who gets talked about and i feels its always refreshing

>> No.44866383

I'm selfposting because I don't even care about being associated with /here/ anymore
(Also I'm coming to think this place might make better company than Twitter, seriously.)

Any advice on what to work on next? Whether it be assets, grinding clips / videos, other REAL skills (music?) or something else entirely. I know my model isn't beautiful like what most want, but try to cut me some slack, yeah? I'm learning as I go.

twitch tv/fuzakerunah

>> No.44866476

>this place might make better company than Twitter
Low bar

>> No.44866748

Yeah, and yet Twitter is "the" place to do social media. Weird, ain't it?

>> No.44866771

>Also I'm coming to think this place might make better company than Twitter, seriously.
that's true for both here and wvt
i think the streamers you meet from /here/ on average tend to be way more chill than on twitter or reddit

>> No.44866837

Checked your first VOD and the first thing that jumps out to me is pacing. Jumping straight into the game is good but there's no harm in doing a little setup before you get started. Also, check your audio and window setups before you start. If you're using OBS you can check that all of your scenes are ready to go without actually pushing them to broadcast by using Studio mode.

>> No.44866852

I checked a VOD, your audio is crisp my dude.
Can't really say anything bad about it, you played some niche retro games so I guess it would just be a matter of time before that crowd finds you.
Do you make Shorts on YT? I saw your channel posted and I think there was only one Short there. Really make use of that tool, it's an engagement steroid for getting your content out there.

Also your model is unique, reminds me of that bad guy in Killer7...

>> No.44867149

It's obviously true, assuming we're talking about /asp/ specifically and not /vt/ as a whole.

>> No.44867207

I'd still take the whole of /vt/ over the whole of Twitter or Reddit.

>> No.44867309

Same, it's just not as immediately clear of a victory.

>> No.44867391

I've been thinking of doing some zatsu at the start of streams, but since I'm 1view on a good day I figured I might as well stream the game itself, then make clips and eventually work that in when people are around to reply
Okay first Katamari Damacy, now Killer7. Both games I've wanted to play for ages, and both cult classics. My faith in my model rises. Also, my mic is crisp because I did serious research on mics and mic setups, since for a long time I wanted to do audio work. I don't have the proper technique to continue with that, but I'm gonna keep working towards getting there eventually. Thanks for the compliment though! My audio is something I'm proud of.

>> No.44867543

I meant /vt/ as a whole, but /asp/ in particular is definitely somewhere I've been worried about selfposting in, only to find that Twitter is worse and less helpful anyways. At least the drama here can be filtered.

>> No.44867551

Even if its not like, zatsu to an empty room, its still not bad to do a little intro to what you're doing that day, what you think about it, etc. Imagine that somebody sees the VOD later or that you export the VOD out to a youtube channel. You'd want it to be a complete package.

>> No.44867730

True that, I was thinking too much about the present of being live. Speaking of, Twitch didn't export my VODs and I gotta do that / clip. I'll keep that in mind for my future streams

>> No.44867811

For the zatsu thing the anon was talking about, you can literally just summarize what you were doing last stream. Just give the viewers a bit of time to get collected before you go into the meat and potatoes.

>> No.44867849

Any info on him?
Seems cool

>> No.44868066
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Not Me, and the guy below isn't me either.

>> No.44868182

Disregard I suck cocks

>> No.44868498

model is ew

>> No.44869420

I can feel His presence, lurking in the shadows. That's why the thread changed. He is here.

>> No.44869516

Are we really gonna pretend you didn't selfpost already

Audio is better than last time, well balanced, but overall a little too low, I'd boost everything a bit

>> No.44869909

It's tempting to selfpost because anons here are oddly kind but it feels like a psyop.

You're just prending to be nice to collect rrats for the future amirite?

>> No.44870084

The rrats only ever come from anyone associating with either viewercord or jinx cord.

>> No.44870176

There's a reason why I didn't put Herahera-chan in the list...

It's really hard to find stuff that you can collect for rrats here when people can take the time to think about what they're typing, especially when all they're doing is asking for advice. Like, what am I going to do with the knowledge that someone's audio sucks ass, or that they played so-and-so game?

>> No.44870336

That comes once people start getting envious of other's numbers.

>> No.44870430

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.44870688

What do we have to Rrat about? We all Noviews trying to get more outside viewers.
Most of Gen 4 has no overlap with one another.

>> No.44870778

Yeah not the first time I've been told. At least I'm debuted and streaming, I'll upgrade it when I'm more versed in modelling or art, since those are work in progress skills.
Oh no I just mean I'm going to continue doing so, as I've gotten actual advice out of posting here. Also, will do with the audio, thanks.

>> No.44870889

not yet
this is just the start. it took a while for the past gens to start collabing and forming their circles too

>> No.44871318

anons...how do I watch my VODs without getting embarrassed?

>> No.44871361

Someone in gen 4 should make a discord and invite the other gen 4 guys to it.

>> No.44871373

Get drunk.

>> No.44871500

Get aroused.

>> No.44871686

What are you embarrassed about?
You should like watching yourself, if there's anything you don't like seeing change it.

>> No.44872259 [DELETED] 

here you go

>> No.44872574

Too dangerous. Whenever I'm intoxicated, I experience intense dread and contemplate deleting everything. I also see demons I think.

I'm embarrassed about the fact other people actually watched. I've always been 10x more self-conscious than I should be. I wouldn't care if it were a recording that never saw the light of day.

>> No.44872686

It gets easier over time, you'll build up the confidence too.
Just gotta keep going through it, if you don't know how to fill the empty space make a short list of topics.

>> No.44872911

I meant just for the gen 4 guys, so they can communicate with each others without being groomed.
By gen 4 for gen 4.

>> No.44873145

I selfposted once and am now on the list. I'm pretty sure the man in the van outside of my block is a glowie and I call him a nigger twice on every grocery trip.

>> No.44873286

almost joined that on main fuck

>> No.44873334

I can do this later if we have enough interest.

>> No.44873776
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>OUR potat!

>> No.44874809

Eh you guys are cool, I’ll join the discord if there’s enough interest.

>> No.44874904

so many twitchfags

>> No.44875734
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>> No.44875869
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>> No.44875910

Looks like someone completed your request.

>> No.44875945

That is exactly what this thread is. Lonely viewercorders picking on new streamers by baiting them with friendliness

>> No.44876119

And then after they join the viewercord, the cycle renews again...

>> No.44876169

I consider rrats a sign you're doing something right, because you can't have haters without having people who actually like you first. That's how I know I'm not doing it right, because I have no rrats about me

>> No.44876521

they deserve a better artist to capture their passion

>> No.44876685

KK here, oh wow my first fanart!
Thank you anon, you sick freak you!

>> No.44876898

Least deranged KK supporter

>> No.44876982

you can see the dynamic, digby's clearly on top and KK's the bottom

>> No.44877192
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>implying anyone /here/ is a top

>> No.44877243
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Digby here.
My first fanart too.
Is it what I expected? No. But I love it either way.

>> No.44877759
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Still Digby here.
So next stream I'll have an exciting announcement for something I'll be doing next week. Be sure to check it out.
Depending on how much I manage to get done today I might even have a little promo video to go with it.

But just to temper expectations here.
-It's not a new model
-It's not anything that involves me spending money because I am poor
-I'm not joining a corpo
-No planned collabs
-No I'm not killing myself

>> No.44877873

I'm guessing it's a collab.

>> No.44877947
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>Revenge for grammar crimes in 3... 2... 1

>> No.44877968

I literally said no planned collabs.

>> No.44878091

You promised to never show that dick pic online!

>> No.44878284

I can't fucking read. Um... You're doing a karaoke stream?

>> No.44878381

Alas my living arrangements don't make that possible. I should have put that on the list.

>> No.44878526

Well, it's not an affiliate celebration. Hmm...

I have no idea.

>> No.44878587

how are you even awake this early?

>> No.44878833

It's 9AM or later where she is bruv

>> No.44878874

Potat is ESL but lives in the central US.

>> No.44878906


Cuz it's late. I live in Texas now.

>> No.44878909

You think thats bad?
It's 6am where I am. I just got home from work. About to go sleep.

>> No.44879032


>> No.44879077

Texas. My condolences.

>> No.44879274

Sounds rough, buddy.

>> No.44879327

Rly, why so? Texas is awesome place. Cheap rent, silent, 2A defenders, sweet neighbors, low crime level. And there's no snow or other coldshit, already 30 degrees. Love it

>> No.44879417

I've never met a single decent person from Texas.

>> No.44879543

He's actually gonna make a discord account holy shit!!

>> No.44879642

Could be worse. This vampire lifestyle helped make Digby happen.

I will neither confirm nor deny the existence of such a Discord.

>> No.44879684

We all know what low-crime level is code for.

>> No.44879856

Its code for a good place to live.

>> No.44879886

I want to watch Colon but i can't support an unironic Emacs user

>> No.44879921

NTA but texas has some of the worst city design known to man. Austin is basically a textbook example of how NOT to build a modern city.

Both Austin and Houston are in my top 3 un-human cities. The third being Phoenix, Arizona. May God burn them to the ground so we can rebuild from scratch.

>> No.44879981

Did you know that despite making up a negligible share of American population, jingxcord users constitute at least 50% of the incarcerated?

>> No.44880002

We all know what that's code for in America anon. There's a reason Americans are willing to travel for hours to work and build hour long suburbs just to avoid living in the inner city or central commercial areas.

>> No.44880058

Anon, you're not being clever. Your wink wink nudge nudge shit just makes you look like an idiot. Go ahead and say it. Then tell us why we want to live with those high crime rates.

>> No.44880126
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Some rec'd mic settings before you go shopping around:
>Compressor: See pic
>Limiter: Threshold @ -6 dB, Release @ 60 ms
>Noise Suppression: RNNoise
These are supposedly good defaults, then you can tweak from there as you learn more.
It's refreshing.

>> No.44880135

I live here for more than a year and most of people were decent. Assholes can be anywhere. But most of people was very nice.
Code for "you will be shot in case if you'll break in someone's house". And I am fine with it. And hope this state will resist enough to protect 2A.
I moved from place where people unable to defend themselves properly from criminals and from tyranny too.
When government want to take a gun from you - they still will be armed and protected. But not YOU won't be.
When they say that it will low street crimes (criminals are so well known for obey to the law). They will low only number of survivors.
I live closer to outback. Feelsgoodman.

>> No.44880236

What wink wink nudge nudge? I'm saying Americans don't want to live with high crime rates, that's why they don't live in the inner city. I didn't say they want to live with high crime rates.

>> No.44880241


>> No.44880287

>We all know what that's code for in America anon.
This is you anon. You're backing down now. That's weird. You're weird. and a coward

>> No.44880314

i think he is saying there are no niggers outside the big city

>> No.44880363

Because you keep dreaming of the ideal one.

>> No.44880367

I sure hope not. That would be ignorant /and/ racist. I'm sure he meant something else.

>> No.44880379

I finally have a rrat for gen 4. Olga moved to Texas to live with her husband.
You know how the thread occasionally gets questions from women asking if they should be open about their relationship status? And they're usually be told they should never talk about it or they'll lose viewers? Olga.

>> No.44880430

It would also make sense why she doesn't want to be sexualised. And how she's basically a house wife.
This is a wholesome rrat.

>> No.44880522

Olga how did they find out about us already? Who did you tell?

>> No.44880588

Olga is a gold digger who got scammed into marrying a broke boy. There, not wholesome anymore.

>> No.44880613

You're literally retarded schizo.
>Then tell us why we want to live with those high crime rates.
This is you being a retarded schizo. I'm saying that they don't want to live with those high crime rates. I shouldn't have to say that cities are crime ridden shitholes, but it's weird that you even care I'm being coy. I don't have to say it outright, people who know cities suck are already in on it and you being cranky about me saying cities are shitholes in a subtle way is weird and 'cowardly.'

>> No.44880639

I want to watch too, but I don't know what language he uses and I'm not sure I want to learn it.

>> No.44880706

He's writing a pokemon autobattler in lisp right now.
I don't know lisp but its interesting to watch and he's very responsive to chat and Digby is often there being his typical chatterbox self

>> No.44880721


>> No.44880792

I'm with you.
I have a VERY solid concept that I want to build on, but concept =/= design.

I can't design for shit. I only have a few rough ideas. Going to have to pay someone more talented than me to make it real.

Same goes for my name. A few ideas but nothing solid yet. Need the feedback from whoever I end up commissioning.

>> No.44880814

Nice try. Try to make story more believable and detailed for next time
Looks like a typical blind shot for luck

>> No.44880899

You should try to understand the concepts even if you don't learn the language, it's lisp, a functional language, which is is a very interesting paradigm. It's great for abstraction.

>> No.44880993

>the main character of /asp/
Did that nigga literally just shill himself to the point people are calling him the main character of the fucking general?

>> No.44881086

I'm not omnipotent, the best I can do is compare the situation with situations I've already witnessed. And sometimes the voices in my head. They are surprisingly accurate.
A young neet who moved abroad is either living with family or a husband because of the visa requirements. I don't think she qualifies as a refugee.

>> No.44881246


Also, people ALREADY asked me same even on broadcast
I said that I won't tell as FACT yes/no.
Any too personal info - already too personal. OpSec leaks drop by drop with any piece of your info.

But if relationship status will change something for you - I am just not your option. Because with/without relationship - I am not looking for a partner in Vtubing or other stuff like this. I am not virtual gf as always said. I am just chilling with some vidia as was telling from start.

So "losing" filter already worked or what?

>> No.44881355

>one schizo rrat

>> No.44881618
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Since self-posting is allowed, don't mind if I do.
So if you ever decide to spend money on commissions, make sure to have at least 10 artists compete. Openly tell them that they are part of a bidding war. Instill insecurity and paranoia into them and them lowball them for prices.

twitch tv/kuromaruoniisan

>> No.44881684
File: 58 KB, 742x742, 1662043080687536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok here's your rrats based on what i've seen people talking on the thread alone without watching any of their streams
can't afford a new model because he's a neet. spends all his time online in other people's streams for attention when he isn't streaming himself
hates being sexualized because her online activity is closely monitored by her husband. has an extremely limited social life due to her restrictions from her culture and domestic life, copes by streaming.
femboy that gets off of attention from his model being attractive, tries to ignore/play off comments in streams but secretly get turned on by them reading them on his own time. probably very horny irl due to his design.
programmer, so probably femboy irl. doesn't stream anything else outside of coding since he can't play games properly or talk about anything outside of coding as his niche. may be an autistic savant.
was complimented once by his voice and let it get to his head. constantly sexpests and hornyposts, and slides into dms of other chuubas. most likely the hornyanon in the threads.
pick-me-girl. very attracted to the attention made on the thread right now, will probably go full menhera once the hype and talk of her dies down. audio issues probably exacerbated the process
extremely rich irl, knows popular people from networking. spent a ton on her debut and assets to get attention. will probably move up into /wvt/ and try to wipe all info that she ever posted in /asp/ once she gets decent ccv
self-posts nonstop. tries to say "that's not me" in order to get more attention on the self-posts. probably 50% of the thread is him replying to himself replying to other posts replying to himself. possibly schizo, but the good kind, not the yellowcat kind

>> No.44881764

Whenever I learn someone was born and raised in the city my opinion of them lowers significantly and stuff like this just proves that most people from the city are incapable of not being arrogant and thinking they're correct. People who are from rural areas never assume they know what other people are really thinking in their heads, or how other people really feel inside like the freaks churned out by the human rat race do.

>> No.44881773
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2023-01-31_23-46-52-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I still a western VTuber if I speak fluent Moonspeak?

>> No.44881795

It works for Ike.

>> No.44881831
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>online activity is closely monitored by her husband
And father. And brothers. And will be beaten by stones for death in case of going outside alone

>> No.44881842

she is literally a mail order bride holy shit

>> No.44881867
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Is this really the best we can do?

>> No.44881873

Gen 4 is starting to experience malice. They will grow from this experience.

>> No.44881953

i made this in 10 minutes so it's not well thought out, i tried making it believable enough

>> No.44881979

nta but while main character is a pretty ridiculous title, there do tend to be people who stick out more in the thread than others whether it be because of frequent selfposting or because they get talked about a lot, or both. bloom and mashi come to mind as examples of people a lot of anons knew about when they were active in this thread

>> No.44881985

>femboy that gets off of attention from his model being attractive, tries to ignore/play off comments in streams but secretly get turned on by them reading them on his own time. probably very horny irl due to his design.
This one is pretty good.
Just to be real for a second though, has he ever acknowledge a horny comment from anyone here during his streams?
He's gotten a couple that I've seen but I think he literally ignored all of them.

>> No.44881986
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>> No.44882036

I'd pick Denpa if she knew how to cook.

>> No.44882061
File: 8 KB, 280x280, dik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't make it on the rrat list

>> No.44882083
File: 620 KB, 861x806, FoSNasJWAAANBf6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't restrict you listen to voices from electric plugs

>> No.44882239

I can't ignore the voices in my head because they're my only friends, they're the only ones still willing to talk to me.

>> No.44882272

retarded take. name a better state to live.
>0 state income tax
>weather is great
>great local meat cattle
>with an LTC I can concealed carry and no business can realistically stop me and I have no waiting period for guns or ammo
>highest concentration best BJJ, MMA, firearms training


>> No.44882404

The voices are here to help anon. The feds want you to take pills so that you lose this great power

>> No.44882611

>he lives in a flyover state
lmao ratiod

>> No.44882773

my advice to new vtubers is to be wary of kind people
at least you know you can distrust assholes but it's harder to tell when they are kind on the surface

still a western, unless you mostly stream in japanese

>> No.44882817


>> No.44882905

>been an aspi 8+ months ago
>never had any rrats posted about me, even as a joke

Thats good right?

>> No.44883002

Why would I want to be Japanese if I'm already a memeber of the Victor Nation that weilds the power to drop the sun on you for sinking an old battleship?

>> No.44883024

I'll prolly catch his next stream after I read a short tutorial on Lisp.

>> No.44883029

I'm sorry anon... Ait means you're a male...

>> No.44883079
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>> No.44883138

>nooooo, you can't design a city around cars, you need to think about le heccing trainerinos

>> No.44883152
File: 83 KB, 600x338, sicp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like memes I recommend this textbook: https://web.mit.edu/6.001/6.037/sicp.pdf
I wonder if Colon browses /g/.

>> No.44883347

Actual "should I" question
So I was passed over for a collab by hypersensitive eurocucks over some very mild political content.
Is doubling down on politics and fedposting a good niche to fill?
Example vid https://youtu.be/cdInyhWHQWc

>> No.44883523

Fucking ameritards and their car obsession.
Whatever happened to walkable? Even countries that don't plan to have fully walkable cities don't explicitly design all their travel around a car.
I used to not understand the idea that you NEEDED a car and that you could just get by with a bike, but after seeing American road planning I understand that Americans NEED a car just to do basic things.

>> No.44883564

It's free publicity once Twitter finds out

>> No.44883596

I think you would do better on a different platform, which one was MY NIGGA BOSEPH!! streaming on? cozy.tv?
There's no way you can backtrack on being yourself and I know there's a demand for being political.

>> No.44883619

Considering he uses NixOS, highly likely

>> No.44883657

I've touched this subject during my streams and I am living in Europe, but imagine going on a date and not having a car.

>> No.44883659

Bcs we will not be bound by WEF 15-minute city cringe.

>> No.44883662

How would you even go about streaming on cozy anyway?

>> No.44883696
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I'm always watching

>> No.44883856

My VTuber app only works with Twitch API.
To be fair, Twitch itself doesn't penalize me for the spice. eg. unlike YT I can breakdown and reassemble a gun on Twitch in full view of the camera and be fine as long as I don't ND into my desk.

>> No.44883912
File: 417 KB, 642x551, dik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man, that title and thumbnail alone have enough keywords to know you don't have any other options than to double down. Scrolling further down the channel, it feels like I'm about to ingest some Sargon or Metokur or Razorfist or Styx or (astaghfirullah) T-m P--l type beat. You don't need to double down, you're already there so just embrace it.
Also, private that vlog for fuck's sake, no one wants to see that on a vtuber's page

>> No.44884192

>So "losing" filter already worked or what?
Ah sorry, I don't actually watch you.

>> No.44884215

eh, fair enough. Althrough my takes are not as boomer as Sargon.
As for the vlogs, there are unboxing vods, immersion is not the point. I sarted using a VTuber as a safeguard against doxxing not to sell a fiction.
But thanks for scrolling that far regardless

>> No.44884274

I don't think I need something that in-depth. I already know how to program...
Thanks for the recommendation, even if I likely won't read it. (Please, I already have so much shit I need to read...)

I dual-boot Windows with Archlinux. What does that say about me?

Considering I've seen a rather normal Pokemon channel turn into a far-right conspiracy channel, do this if you really want to? I don't recommend it, since the nature of the audience would push your content to be more polarising just for more views.

>> No.44884356

Depends on what you use it for and your DE but the fact it's Arch and not Artix, and that you're dualbooting gives Reddit vibes

>> No.44884367
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And there's no problem with that.
You can't be a piece of cake for everyone, because people normally have different taste in content.

>> No.44884605

I'd love to watch and support the new /asp/ies but I'm a registered sexpest offender and I cannot come within 300 feet of a 2 view, court order.
It's just not worth the drama if my name was to be seen in your viewer list.

>> No.44884607

I mainly use Windows for basically everything, even most programming tasks. I only use the Arch install whenever I want to work with C (and Python since I fucked up my path on Windows). I spent two days fucking around with it just to get it to dual-boot properly.

Main IDE would be VSC for Python and C, IntelliJ for Java, and Notepad/VSC for Batch/Shell scripts. However, for more specific things, I use their related IDEs.

And lmao, I do use Reddit a lot, but not for anything tech related. I think I decided to dual-boot because I thought it would be helpful? It hasn't been, if I'm being honest.

Man, I should go to /g/ if I want to talk about tech...

>> No.44884664
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>> No.44884860

If you're just using Linux for C and Python and use Windows for everything else, you should look into WSL, you'll save yourself a lot of hassle, specially since neither Linux nor Windows likes being dualbooted. Did you pick Arch for any particular reason?

>> No.44884949

I used WSL. It was cancer. I uses MSYS2. It was cancer. I used Cygwin. It was cancer. I'm not touching Linux in Windows ever again unless someone set out the compilation toolchain and I only need to type "make" or something.

And no, I just chose Arch because I know someone that also uses Arch.

>> No.44885033

I use a CentOS military fork after stealing the distro from my last employer, it feels nice to be special but the glowie might know so I just order my groceries in and never leave the flat during dayight

>> No.44885148

Fair enough, i'm actually not a dev, i'm a sysadmin, so I spend most of my time on Linux and Mac machines, my only Windows machine is the one i use for vtubing, so my only experience with WSL is using it for SSH whenever i happen to be on that machine and i get called to fix up something (I know i could use Powershell, but i hate it)

>> No.44885530

The key to succeeding on Twitch is consistency. Find a category you can stream in for a long time. Stream until you can get 100 CCV and only then should variety streaming ever be on your radar.

>> No.44885646

This might be the most schizo thing I've read today, and I spent half of today on /wvt/.

>> No.44885706
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>> No.44886120
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><game> stream 5.mkv
>oh yeah should be a good philosophical monologue in there to highlight
>streamed muted and didn't notice

>> No.44886122

What category will let me run the most ads? I want a fan base of masochists that are perfectly fine with watching 10 back-to-back ads.

>> No.44886182

which ones would you fuck marry kill

>> No.44886489

The only category you belong to is special needs

>> No.44886601

Probably round based multiplayer games with long matchmaking waiting periods. Games like league, dota, or battle royale games. Perfect amount of time to run a ton of adds every hour or two and your viewers will have already been conditioned to see it as normal.

>> No.44886637
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>> No.44886954

C'mon man, it's not fun to do this when there are males and females in that list.

>> No.44886959

Yes. I'm a certified rrat collector.

>> No.44887103


>> No.44887127
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>> No.44887131

It's something you just have to brute force. You get used to it. What helps is when you have a specific reason for why you're watching them.
For example, yesterday, my first regular watcher alerted me to the fact that my XCOM stream from the day before apparently had FPS problems near the end. Even without consulting the VODs afterwards, I immediately linked it to the fact that the game apparently starts getting technical problems after 2 hours of streaming. I went to see the VODs and yes, in both XCOM streams, the stream started to turn into a Powerpoint slideshow the moment the game itself started experiencing lags and audio crackling.
What's weird is that, apparently, XCOM is the only game with which I had this problem. As far as I can tell, no other game gave me caused this.

>> No.44887270


>> No.44887472

i wanna be funny and make my viewers laugh

>> No.44887788

Are you cute? Men only want the cute and funny.

>> No.44887925

Then how come this thread argued people don't like Flay- oh, right. The "funny" part is the problem.

>> No.44887990

He isnt cute either

>> No.44887995

what do if not funny

>> No.44888103
File: 1.69 MB, 1061x720, society.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seinfield marathon.

>> No.44888283

be consistent for like 5 years

>> No.44888384

there's nothing more comfortable than taking your date on a walk. and if you use trains they can lean on you and doze off very cute.

>> No.44888427

I forgot about this guy until I went to check archives >>44743362

Anyone going to watch his stream? I'll be unavailable at that time.

>> No.44888602

It's not about being able to go places, its about having a lot of money

>> No.44888782

Or you know, they just think you're a scrub or a manchild. It's 50/50.

>> No.44889083

I think I'm too old to have these kinds of problems. But then again I don't date people I don't know so there's never a need to show off.

>> No.44889143

my oshi is a woman and she funneh AND cute and funny, she's the whole package

>> No.44889158

Walking is truly the best.

>> No.44889339

Watch stand-up comedy and goofy Vtuber clips for inspiration.
Try to make people around you laugh. Write down jokes that worked and train your timing.

>> No.44889443

what are some good recs of funny chuubas? i only know of chibidoki

>> No.44889465

anon, that's a cunny, not a funny chuuba.

>> No.44889524

chibi is both cunny and actually funny

>> No.44889609

It depends on your taste. I guess every big company has someone goofy.

>> No.44889634

I'm also unavailable at that time but I hope he does well

>> No.44889635

My favourite part of this vid is how she's consistent with the 9 inches.

That said, calling chat incels and using your mom jokes isn't the pinnacle of humour. Or maybe it is, since I did laugh.

>> No.44889736

for a streamers that is the peak of comedy. She's not a stand up comedian, she's a streamer and she does a really good job bantering with chat.

>> No.44889769 [DELETED] 

9 inches a lot if any femanon is wondering, it's unnatural

>> No.44889836

lmfao I love how this was deleted.

>> No.44889851

I’ll defer to the penis inspector expert right here.

>> No.44889911

Before I go do something else and forget, is there anything we need to add to the next OP? I've been wondering if we should add links to /lig/ and /wvt/?

>> No.44889991

I deleted after posting because I realized the girls here don't need to be told about different dick lengths. I felt stupid. Of course they know already.

>> No.44890174

I typed up a lot in a reply but then I realized that was dumb.

Anyways, to change the topic, for the /asp/ies here (and the currently busy/sleeping ones), which vtubers are your inspirations/role models when it comes to how to being a vtuber? Is there any kind of style you wanted to emulate, some kind of feeling you want to foster in your community?

>> No.44890589

It's unintentional, but I'm mimicking some of Flayon's habits. I think he's cute and he puts a lot of effort into interacting with his members, so I'd like to do the same.

>> No.44891153

I'm not sure, all the vtubers I watch have viewers and I'm not sure how my stream would work if I had viewers. Chat interaction is alien to me since I'm talking to the void. I'm not sure who I want to become right now. I don't look at any successful vtuber and think "this is my final form" or aspire to be them.
Hmm, Machita Chima from nijisanji can sing really well and does many different genres of music. I'm envious.

>> No.44892164

Thank you!! I'm going to try to setup stream elements today as well as play around with limiter settings and run some tests

>> No.44892618 [SPOILER] 
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>Stuck on read for 7 days waiting for my artist to get back to me
At what point does it become okay to badger my artist?
10 days?
2 weeks?

>> No.44892656

What are you waiting for? A new outfit? A sketch? They could genuinely be working on it or just busy. A week isn't very long

>> No.44893245
File: 508 KB, 817x457, 1676552371712387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A character design/character sheet.
I was given an initial design sketch to choose between a few elements then responded with feedback and an image with some edits I'd made to the initial draft.
I know a week isn't that long which is why I'm trying to avoid badgering them. But what would be a long time for a second draft? 3 weeks? A month?

>> No.44893299
File: 1.37 MB, 1184x828, chibi thundercock doki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for the /asp/ies here (and the currently busy/sleeping ones), which vtubers are your inspirations/role models when it comes to how to being a vtuber? Is there any kind of style you wanted to emulate, some kind of feeling you want to foster in your community?
i want to be funny like chibidoki, every second of her streams are hilarious and she's very clippable. Also, i guess Korone too for the same reasons.

>> No.44893521

Just go back to ask them after you forget about it.

>> No.44893963
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Playful design, high energy, ridiculous singing prowess, shonen protag-tier voice, this guy is the epitome of what I want to be as a male chuuba.
Astel comes in a close second, the guy is just idol incarnate.
At least you already locked one, I missed out on an open commission batch after waiting for months and I don't know how long do I need to wait now for that one artist to open up again, I'm bummed out just thinking about it

>> No.44894943

I don't need a permission slip from the government to travel more than 3 hours in any direction, Hans.

>> No.44895037
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>> No.44895760 [DELETED] 

I often get inspired unknown Japanese indie vtubers and some aspies but I do my own thing.

>> No.44896109

I often get inspired by unknown Japanese indie vtubers and some aspies but I do my own thing.

>> No.44896358

i turned myself into a slime
sidenote i think premiere updated and broke again, the audio is fucked up in program but exported fine. tried messing with audio setting and playback and timecode but it still sounded fuck. export is fine tho. whatever

>> No.44896577

i think my audio problem may have just derived from using an ancient YouTube to mp3 audio and Adobe hates audio that isn't high quality and its programs fucking break thanks adobe

>> No.44896793

Turned herself into a slime. Funniest shit I've ever seen.

>> No.44897339
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>> No.44897798
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Strangely enough, none come to mind. The combination of my value proposition and format is pretty unique, at least in the vtuber space

>> No.44898004

Tekken has been doing wonders for me.
Although I break it up with Zomboid bcs I like it, and any games I get on keymailer to review.
BTW Clash: Artifacts of Chaos is very good

>> No.44898076

well you're in luck buck'o, I average 5 live views

>> No.44898144

I'm a noview I'll take anything

>> No.44898321

Pokemon TCG was mostly a way to bait audience with an evergreen video. The viwes for them were okay, but people don't sub or follow so I dropped it entirely. Not to mention that the nostalgia of opening boosters got stale pretty fast

>> No.44899933
File: 331 KB, 724x1000, olgaokami2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drew a quick olga

>> No.44900155


>> No.44900879

This is not something anyone wants to see. Please just drop the model if you're going to do something like this. A lot of people also think that adding something like "VTUBER DOES THIS" works well sometimes it can and sometimes its a massive debuff along with a stupid fucking vtuber model.

>> No.44901313

splish splash your opinion is trash
"VTuber does X" is an irksome format I use only for shorts and it performs.
Why should I drop the model? it gives my chat options to interact and gives me a consistent visual stand-in

>> No.44901490

>give me criticism
Fuck off then, do whatever you want.

>> No.44901673

It's midnight here which means it's officially Menhera Monday.
What I'm currently experiencing isn't burnout, because I haven't been doing much recently, but that's exactly what I think the problem is. I guess I feel demotivated because of irl stuff, and so I haven't been able to sit down and focus on the things I want to do. I know it's just a funk that will pass eventually, but I can't help but feel I'm letting down both myself and my very few fans by not keeping a promise I thought I could deliver on.

>> No.44901833


>> No.44901869

>mfw when Digby and I got clean from the rrat post

Haha, if self-posting is all I can get smeared with - my SEISO only run is doing wonders!

>> No.44902110


>> No.44902147

KK here, I wanna be what Vesper Noir was originally hyped to be on the boards. I took his “solo content is the most important part of a streamers appeal” thing to heart. Dude is my inspiration, from his PL to how he got to Holo stars.

>> No.44902247

Thank you so much! It looks cute and really fir to meaning "socially awkward potat"
can I post it discord/twitter? I really like it ^^

>> No.44902270

>Comes to aspiring chuuba board
>Just wants to be a Normie using model as bait

Do what you want my friend…

>> No.44902499

sure thing! just credit me @denpafish and use it for whatever you like! i tried to use one of the poses from your banner

>> No.44904547

Denpafish you’re a boon to this community!
If you wanna stream with your mic up your butt, do your thing Gurl!

>> No.44904908

Bold new direction for ASMR

>> No.44904922

God I wish I could afford to be a neet.

>> No.44905015

Thank you so much! It's really so sweet! I though that you mad at me, but I typically misread social context. Thank you for being cutie :3

>> No.44905459

Anyone journal/write to improve their streams? Does it help?

>> No.44905758

Poor olga..

>> No.44905878

Considering Runoxi started literally days ago. I'm surprised she's gotten so many followers.
She's probably already hit affiliate.

>> No.44905931

not sure to be happy or sad that i've never been talked about here too much

>> No.44906059

no, someone not liking my voice is whatever to me, I don't care. I like your content and just wanted to draw some fanart! Keep it up! You're doing really good

>> No.44906097

Runoxi didn't start from zero streaming. She built up a brand and circle of contacts before going live.

>> No.44906122

or rich olga....

>> No.44906178

Rich Olga, Poor Olga, Quick Olga

We're collecting a lot of Olgas here.

>> No.44906242

> I don't care
Base department. Really, I like people who living not really paying attention to opinions from outside.

>> No.44906268

denpa got her first schizo she's def gmi

>> No.44906355
File: 292 KB, 700x415, dik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured it out /asp/

>> No.44906404

yeah I like criticism and try to take it if it's constructive and actually helpful, someone not liking my voice isnt really something I can do anything about so I'm not going to cry about it

>> No.44906658

I need to do more networking on twitter.
But urgh twitter.

>> No.44906666

Are you saying I'm gmi on twitter with this sort of game

>> No.44906759

Damn, now anon knows

>> No.44906864

>OP: should I do politics
>other ppl in thread: yeah sure
>you: noooo, you can't use a vtuber to be political, vtubers are for saying uwu and having jiggle physics, how will I get my parasocial fix reeeee

drink bleach retard

>> No.44906912

I thought streaming would be fun and help me break out of my shell but I don't have the nerves to actually go live now

>> No.44907011

Want to go live on my stream where you're guaranteed to get noviews and worry about nothing?

>> No.44907034

>self-posts nonstop. tries to say "that's not me"

>> No.44907068

I really believe that it's not him. What do you mean?

>> No.44907259

Normie? If I were to repeat half of the things in my content, with my power word known, I'll be ejected from society

>> No.44907365
File: 2.45 MB, 2508x3344, Adobe_20230305_180249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dedicate time to being physically active, or at least touching grass. It will improve your mental focus, the limited time you have to work on content will break up the monotony.
pic related

>> No.44907386

I just noticed. I've gotten subs when I wasn't streaming.
Probably from me playing dragonball breakers with the same name that references my twitch channel.
But dam bruh. Does this mean I made it?

>> No.44907723

Take your time and care about yourself. It's a marathon. You can win only with long-term tactic

>> No.44908323


>> No.44908476

>Main Catracter Buff…


>> No.44908525

whats wrong anon?

>> No.44908922

dead thread
anon sad

>> No.44908949

Olga still beats us all out on subs

>> No.44908974

only if you are female. People that watch Vtubers and are politispergs only want to watch females saying based stuff.

>> No.44909078

Voices in my head are sad today.

>> No.44909085

so if I'm male, I've gotta have a voice buff and have a calm rapey atmosphere on stream, right?

>> No.44909106

Being female? cringe

>> No.44909166

lift heavy things until sad voices are replaced by angry voices

>> No.44909284

oh.. yeah that makes me sad too
just ignore them anon they're only jealous of you

>> No.44909889

Please tell me who you are I want to have sex with you

>> No.44910055

Nice try fed

>> No.44910125

Please tell me who you are I want to handcuff you and peg you in a grey room

>> No.44910230

Leave your streaming software open in the background.

>> No.44910286

What is grey room?

>> No.44910287

Honestly, if you actually stole shit from the army, I'd be worried in your position.

Why do I get the feeling that if Olga was more fluent in English, she'd be calling Denpa her "oomfie".

>> No.44910550

man i am so lucky to have an active chat despite being a 6view

>> No.44910688

I don't think you know what the X-view thing means...

>> No.44910770

I'm an expert at falseflagging and schizoposting on the internet. Confessing to crimes on a honeypot imageboard isn't my forte

>> No.44910815

yeha i know i am just sleep deprived. meant 6 ccv

>> No.44910920

I have determined the value of my digninty. It is 100 twitch followers. If I reach that number I will produce a full production cover of Baka Mitai

>> No.44910938

Imagine having a hundred thousand viewers and a completely dead chat.

>> No.44911009

Kill yourself I am so fucking sick of this revisionist bullshit Fuck you and fuck femoids having it so god damn fucking easy you people literally had to pretend to rewrite definitions because its literally impossible for a vagina to not be successful

>> No.44911013

>>44889911 (me)
Anyone got anything to say to this? About to bake the next thread.

>> No.44911053

I saw dat shit. It's sort of bots or bought "followers"?

>> No.44911115
File: 869 KB, 3200x3200, 1677986649153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love being a woman

>> No.44911145

/wvt/ sure, but no one still actively here is making it to /lig/

>> No.44911230

I will build houses and do Ukrainian war kit reviews with a quirky bishie avatar
Eat that, women

>> No.44911281

One thing thats pretty common is people will embed their muted stream in adds on certain sites. So they get tons of views but nobody is actually watching them.

>> No.44911296

make it a shota and i will be there simping you

>> No.44911301

not wrong

>> No.44911382

there is no evidence of women being good at games

>> No.44911401

My life is masturbation, one big jerk off

>> No.44911420


>> No.44911443

Next thread
