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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44856640 No.44856640 [Reply] [Original]

Juna tainted idol-en for this... do you guys think she'll get the message from the abysmal viewership or will she keep doing these collabs out of spite?

>> No.44857255

I can see why she did not do it on her channel/stream her perspective. Her channel will still look "clean" at a glance. I get that this is her PL/IRL friend but was it really worth it? I almost would have rather her do it with some big streamer like a Luxiem dude so that idol might benefit from the publicity.

>> No.44858140

are all koreans like this?

>> No.44858166

He's plowing her Koreanussy

>> No.44858261

dont follow idol
dont know who she is
hope she loses a lot from doing this

>> No.44858677
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Is 2 view cock so strong that you'd want to risk putting off your whales?

>> No.44858887

She's honestly very stupid. She's just establishing herself and throws all the good faith the company had gained because she couldn't keep it in her pants. The company explicitly said it's not looking for male talents and for what now

>> No.44859100

>85,000 subscribers
>57 viewers
How does that happen?

>> No.44859120

How did Idolfags allow this to happen? This is honestly disgusting, Idol should died with the jew talents, Katta is too good to be in the same company as this whore

>> No.44859239

I don't think he streams on youtube very often just covers and highlights

>> No.44859360

yea, it's bizarre.
like why are they so obsessed with putting a leash on their boy toy and walking him to work with them? that would be considered weird irl no matter how you look at it.

>> No.44859601

She must have really wanted to stream with him or he forced her. Otherwise I have no idea what the point of this stream was.

>> No.44859643

your mom did

>> No.44859765

She is going to mess up everything for idol at this rate all the good thay have done washed away..

>> No.44859793

how do you "force" someone to stream? the Mossad would kill him if he did

>> No.44859974

So she really is no different from Kronii kek

>> No.44860103

Yeah, Idol is done, can't trust anyone in that company anymore if she doesn't get fired over this.

>> No.44860670

It's a money laundering scheme. They are not real whales.

>> No.44860785

Dont know who she is but if she ever hinted at wanting to play Valorant you knew this was coming.

>> No.44860965
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>Can't go 4 full months without a male collab
The shills selling these jewbas as CGDCT have been real quiet lately. Only a matter of time before Yuko flirts with a male on stream.

>> No.44861056

>Only a matter of time before Yuko flirts with a male on stream.
Don't threaten me with a good time. The sperging will be delectable

>> No.44861074

Anybody else from Idol-En I should unfollow? I already unfollowed Rin since she seem like a cunt.

>> No.44861196

If Yuko betrays us It’s over for us bros

>> No.44861312

You should be good with Fuyo, Yuko, Pochi, Katta and Nikki. For now.

>> No.44861532

>like/dislike ratio is only 2:1
I wish HoloEN fans were this uncucked. Could have knocked some sense into Kronii and Ame sooner.

>> No.44861827

She is a Korean woman. Korean women are all turbo feminist cunts that cant wait to "own le incels".

>> No.44861976 [DELETED] 

It has been known from the very start that Fuyo has a bf, Yuko was /k/'s cocksleeve, and Juna and Rin openly said that they dont mind male collabs.
But people are stupid and fall for this shit every time.
>no nooooo maybe its just rumors maybe they are different now

>> No.44862365

What good? You fuckers are being melodramatic faggots. This is why those youtube fuckers come hear. They see how fucking surreal it is to see actual human beans that get threatened at the idea of 2D anime boys then mine the salt and turn it into videos.

How dare they do what they want and not listen to schizos.
You fags can literally stop paying, the people that don't give a shit haven't stopped throwing money at them though. If I was either of them, I wouldn't let some limp wristed faggots bully me and tell me who I can and can't interact with.

>> No.44862398 [DELETED] 


>> No.44862513

Thankfully Katta is too territorial over the Quties to do this shit to them, but I worry about the boo bros.

>> No.44862690

Tell them sister.

>> No.44862953

>come hear
It's over...

>> No.44863001

The only supachats in that stream was from her whales

>> No.44863114

Get out fujo trash

>> No.44863285

They're just vshojo only somehow less Jewish.

>> No.44863444
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>they hated him for telling the truth

>> No.44863540

holy based

>> No.44863590

What is fucking surreal is you freaks treating Youtube as a playground for streamers to do whatever they want rather than actually try to fill the platform with good entertainment.
That's how Twitch was treated and it became a retard circus where some rape incident was put on display every other week.

>> No.44863743
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They want it.

>> No.44863745

go off queen

>> No.44863861

You guys say this while pretending Vox is your girlfriend and attacking Raimu. Fuck off stupid fucking hypercritical women.

>> No.44864236

>owned and managed by the big nose small hat tribe

If you guys didn't expect degenerate shit to slowly start making its way into the streams I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.44864799

ok but if you want to play the jew angle, jews love money and the easiest way to milk viewers for money is to do GFE and not collab with males

>> No.44864973

>Bringing Niji into an idol thread
Not everyone is associated, or knows about your tranny drama.
Stop spreading your seethe here, thanks.

>> No.44866503

Don't jump the gun. Hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.

>> No.44869112

Who and who now?

>> No.44869683

Is funny how the division of cgdct happens even in small corpos, idolEN has 2 sluts and 2 cgdct (I don't know what the dog girl stands with)

>> No.44869750

Only 57? Idol chads dropped her?

>> No.44869837

That was on the guy's channel.
The girl didn't stream her pov at all.

>> No.44869945

Are you really this stupid? No, they can't 'do what they want', it's literally their job to entertain us. They can go play valorant with their buddies in their free time. Of course, they can choose to do the opposite, but then you can't be surprised when the audience doesn't get what they paid for and bitches about it. If I pay to watch Endgame and they showed Mary Poppins or some shit, I'm going to complain.

>> No.44869962

Lmao so what's the fucking point, I swear some vtubers just want the best of both worlds because they can't resist male vtuber cock

>> No.44869973
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>Called Idol corp
>Collab with males

>> No.44870020

Isn't that her bf or some shit? I kept seeing the bait threads leading up to this collab so as much iirc

>> No.44870049
File: 84 KB, 735x809, 1678581502568651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter don't watch streams

>> No.44870127

Pochi is the agnostic Ina of Idol atm. Could go either way.

>> No.44870164

>57 watchers
Jesus I thought this was a Prism stream.

>> No.44870244

she might not want to 'taint' her channel?

>> No.44870312

Does he know...?

>> No.44870505

There was already a great reply shitting on her in the comments on her schedule this week about the collab that's got upvotes, the taint is already taking hold regardless.

>> No.44870802

This type of stuff screams manipulative greed

>> No.44870918

>do you guys think she'll get the message
Do you think her viewers will get the message?

>> No.44871053
File: 26 KB, 270x480, frame0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin keeps winning.

>> No.44871158

I think her fans dont care only 9 dislikes

>> No.44871242

She's a huge numberfag, if she thought her viewership would drop as a result then I doubt she'd do it (then again, you never know what she'd do out of spite).

>> No.44871254

Based retards throw money at vtubers like it's going out of style. no wonder they don't respect you when you literally reward them for nothing

>> No.44871264


>> No.44871513


>> No.44871606

How about Sheebs? Don't you think she cares about them too?

>> No.44871625

Holy fuck the collab was on HIS stream.
My sides are gone.

>> No.44872148

The whole stream was hilarious. >>44854403

>> No.44872167

The dislike extension doesn't work. You're seeing dislikes from other people also using the extension.

>> No.44872320

So dozens of people who use the extension disliked the stream.

>> No.44872429

If the ghost or dog collabs with a male I'm fucking done with them. Juna is desperate and she literally just shot herself in the foot. she's done.

>> No.44872468

the stream was boring as hell

>> No.44872509

Anon you describing something working
even if those are just extension users, still users pressing the "I am displeased" button

>> No.44872532

Yuyu can be trusted.

>> No.44872688

Imagine all the clockcucks that switched to watching her for this

>> No.44872712

I believe it. But I've been let down before >>44872468

>> No.44872774

seems like it
very cool to wait until just after her donothon to do it lol

>> No.44872780

It was so-bad-that-it-was-good stream. Mainly because of the extreme cucking of Juna's whales.

>> No.44872874

It's her boyfriend with a ton of money. She went out on a limb for him and now she's fucked her entire career. Bitch literally beat herself back into the lead and pulls this shit. A literal fucking woman moment. Like she didn't have a thousand other examples on what not to do. This is why women aren't in charge.

>> No.44872886


holy kek what an antidraw

>> No.44872966

I'm not saying it's accurate, but the approximation based on the extension users is useful too.

>> No.44872975

>rather her do it with some big streamer like a Luxiem dude so that idol might benefit from the publicity.
Imagine thinking Luxiem fans want to watch a unicorn company for straight men. Luxiem fans leave the stream whenever a female barges in the VC of their oshi's stream, what makes you think they want to watch an entire collab?

>> No.44873008

Literally no one (bbcode because we aren't on discord) watched it either. Literally no one cares about it either.
...Except for a bunch of discord sisters it seems.

>> No.44873045

Okay but Mary Poppins is by far the better movie tho schizo-chama

>> No.44873207

If this was with a popular male i can understand,a small corp trying to get more numbers, but man 57 ccv it was worth it?

>> No.44873220

an unpopular Juna is an easier Juna for them to groom and get close to.

>> No.44873252


>> No.44873412
File: 2.26 MB, 1170x2532, 1676161321707944 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the next anon

>> No.44873432

You sound like a faggot apologist. Shut the fuck up. Luxiem is mostly bots anyway. The chats are always the same with the same comments. It's a literal repeat every stream. It's fucking baffling why people bring luxiem up outside of Twitter

>> No.44873543

Tranny gaslighting and damage control. You are a faggot. And you will never be a woman

>> No.44873548


>> No.44873598

On, no. Tempiss is too powerfull.

>> No.44873626

did you have a stroke

>> No.44873721

Good, I'm glad I was born with a dick and I'll never part ways with it.
By the way, yeah, the corp will surely change forever because of a sub-50 CCV collab that wasn't advertised at all and didn't even air in the girl's channel. Let's keep crying about this forever.

>> No.44873796

>Ina waiting for her break where every tako superchatted "I'm going to miss you" before dropping her male collab song
You got a point

>> No.44873817

I never cared about Juna from the start, so as long as Pochi, Fuyo and Yuko stay clean I'm fine
I will still watch Rin even if she does male collabs because she's legitimately funny so her entertainment value doesn't rely on CGDCT, call me a cuck for it if you want

>> No.44873938

Damn Koreans.

>> No.44874014

I want to watch more Rin, but there's something I find kind of annoying about her voice and way of speaking. She is funny, though.
Maybe I'm just fuckin stupid.

>> No.44874068

I dropped Kronii and Juna was my replacement.
Jesus Christ I have bad taste in women.

>> No.44874099

Well she's bri'ish.

>> No.44874118


>> No.44874172

Yeah. Rin was never CGDCT. She's in an entirely different genre. In the context of the group she's something like a brother figure in a CGDCT anime.

>> No.44874223

Who is this and why should I care

>> No.44874379

Mate, attractive girls with charisma and good personalities get boyfriends and have sex with them. Anyone on this board who's out here watching vtubers and simultaneously expecting them to be virginal maidens are out of their fucking minds. Watch the streams because they're cute and pleasant, don't let yourself have weird fantasies about them being "pure" if you can't handle being disappointed.

>> No.44874433

Juna doesnt have a good personality, retard

>> No.44874438

there's that, and also that Rin is so autistic (not that it's a bad thing) that any male collab probably wouldn't be flirty/sexually charged at all

>> No.44874503

A week ago you would have said otherwise, don't try to kid me.

>> No.44874567

just because you have low standards doesnt mean everyone does, fatass

>> No.44874726

Let this serve as a reminder, that any woman who has to beg for money via a donation stream can and will publicly fuck you over as soon as possible.

>> No.44874746
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Probably 90%, but there are exceptions

>> No.44874763

>just because you have low standards doesnt mean everyone does
Incels are a lost cause

>> No.44874771

There's definitely a skewed bias towards people who download the extension solely because they care much more about disliking videos.
The formula doesn't adjust for that for that and usually shows the dislikes to be higher (to some unknown degree) than what it really is.

>> No.44874935

Juna has always been the taint of Idol but she's Aviel's favorite so nothing will ever be done about it. She was the first to get individual ads despite not working for it which pissed off several of the other girls. She's asked multiple times to meet up with Aviel and their manager, I wouldn't be shocked if she got ahead through providing services if you catch my drift. She has a private discord where she tries to convince other talent's viewers to drop them for her. She nepo'd one of her friends into the agency, gentoo was already picked from some of them before auditions closed. She's leaked key information about the company and even though she got caught management does nothing cause she's sucking their dicks. If you don't trust me, just watch who debuts next gen. One is her very good friend and a notable thot.

>> No.44875035

Go back

>> No.44875062

Not every YouTuber is a streamer you know

>> No.44875083

At this point pretty much all the "Kronii like" vtubers are shit, remember that mermaid girl that was creating a secret discord army to shit i
On her genmates....people were also saying she was a good Kronii replacement, now there's only Erina from phase left

>> No.44875088

I'm pretty sure dislikes can not be really seen from user side that plug in or addon it's only showing you what other users of the same addon like or dislike, so it's not accurate because other people use a different addon or no addon at all

>> No.44875245

Male vtubers are a plague.
Imagine the worst kind of fan possible, the attentionwhore that tries to pay their way into his oshis heart, but instead of spending it on supas and supporting her, he spends it on a model.
Vtuber fans know exactly how vtuber fans are like, thats why we dont trust male vtubers at all.
They are exactly the same kind of person you'd find in their chats, they are all creeps.

>> No.44875284

>Go back
already did and it brought me here

>> No.44875312

Erina, you're the last hope

>> No.44875339

That's literally nijiEN guys trying to be noticed in chats of gfe vtubers

>> No.44875361

>At this point pretty much all the "Kronii like" vtubers are shit
anon there is literally nobody like Kronii

>> No.44875422

Aster, every fucking stream

>> No.44875504

you're the one making the "all women are whores, expect nothing else" argument

>> No.44875562

>Juna acknowledges his desperate comments
it's over

>> No.44875725

>"all women are whores, expect nothing else" argument
holy shit dude go outside talk to people

>> No.44875752

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TDA42ew6ns the best korean speaks japanese and is in vspo

>> No.44875878

Rin is so fucking autistic

>> No.44876090

Her boyfriend was allowed to grift their company, an idol company. They are a joke.

>> No.44876172

I'm not convinced these are real streamers. Who the hell are these people? No way in hell you all actually know who they are.

>> No.44876272

>tsuna enjoyer
unfathomably based

>> No.44876666


>> No.44876710

Who gives a shit about w*men? I'll check out this cute green boy, though

>> No.44876929

Whores gonna whore.

>> No.44877009

This happens so much, and so often, to so many small companies and indies, it's a repeating pattern. Something about parading your boyfriend (or male friend, if we're being charitable) around in front of your male audience is absolutely irresistibly compelling, even if it's going to cost you in the long run.
The juice is worth the squeeze to them, somehow, this is apparently the ultimate thrill.
It makes no fucking sense, it's literally mixing work with pleasure, a HVAC repair guy doesn't "collab" with his girlfriend when he goes to fix a commercial refrigeration unit at 4 AM

>> No.44877513

>Sees what the girl perceives as a disgusting audience and is taken aback
>Decides to fix this by filtering them out by using a male, if they stay they're normal, if they don't, good riddance, in the girl's perspective.
Sounds normal to me.

>> No.44877810

He helped her out, now she is helping him out. Isn't that wonderful?
These whores should be beaten with shit sticks.

>> No.44877883


>> No.44877943

>Hey, let me be a fake as fuck cute UwU girl that joins an "Idol" company that announces heavy focus on CGDCT.
>Let all these lonely nerds fall in love with me and shower me with cash
>Do a successful donothon
>Collab with a male
This happens so many times its actually hilarious. Who the hell trusts these whore vtubers anymore?

>> No.44877946

>girls hate money
I doubt that, anon.

>> No.44878001

I only know one good Korean vtuber who is not trying to ruin the mood and does cgdct routine. What is wrong with those gooks?

>> No.44878069

Listen anon, for some reason, women cannot disassociate.
They take their online persona as a part of them for some reason, so they take "having to perform for lonely men with my online persona" as "this is the real me and I don't like it". Literally cannot switch off. Their online persona doesn't disappear when the monitor is off.
Literally only a western behaviour.

>> No.44878265

Yuko is a filthy whore but she keeps that stuff off-stream. Clearly some women can do it.

>> No.44878456

And some can't, yes.
I've legitimately seen this happen in a cafe I use to work at.
The female waitress was throwing up in the back alley because she couldn't put up with being nice to "filthy strangers that only stare" at her tits when it was a 3 hour job.
Even if that cafe paid her 80k a year, she couldn't hold it in for 3 hours a day.

>> No.44878575

kill yoursel

>> No.44878889

Rin is like Towa for me, if she collabed with male it will be male to male collab in my eyes, nothing to seething about.

>> No.44878949

What a cuck lol

>> No.44879132

This is the saddest superchat ever sent in the history of vtubing. I feel so bad for this guy, sincerely.

>> No.44879337

dyrbi it's not a Jewish plant? This company is phoney as fuck.

>> No.44879402

How does it feel to be powerless against the unicorns?

>> No.44879570

She made VERY clear from the start she wanted to play trash game with trash males
i know holobronies won't believe it but the whales are real people

>> No.44879645

>several whales appear out of nowhere
sure thing rabbi

>> No.44880076

It is pretty scummy for her to do a male collab immediately after the donathon. I wanna give her the benefit of the doubt and assume it's a coincidence but she has made fun of unicorns in the past so she definitely is aware of their presence. I don't even give a shit about male collabs per se but her way of going about it is really bitchy. It feels like she wanted to do one last cashgrab and go mask off afterwards.

>> No.44880355

cute boy
ugly foid
why should I care

>> No.44880633

>She motorboat his balls

>> No.44880718

Yea no, he too smart to play dumb game that risk his paypig.

>> No.44881211

no, another member is next

>> No.44882225

Could you not tell what she was from trying to crush a watermelon with her thighs on cam
Just don't get (financially) invested if there's a chance something will come up that bothers you

>> No.44883181
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Poor astel...

>> No.44883265

Yeah, Rin is her own genre. I expect nothing from her but snark and comedy, she doesn't give a shit about anyone, including herself or her fans, and just does whatever, whenever. And I can respect that, it's up front and honest. She has given clear 'dont get attached lads, it'll be your funeral!' vibes from day 1.

>> No.44884527
File: 2 KB, 120x120, pill_1f48a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uppermost kek, consume meds
>abysmal viewership
Wasn't on her channel, so why should she care? It won't drag her solo numbers down.
Look through his channel and it's pretty obvious - he's more of a content creator than a streamer. He's come back to streaming on Youtube again after a break over a year long, and before that even his "vtuber" content was mostly edited 10-15 minute segments that may or may not have been based off Twitch streams.
She literally did nothing wrong tho.
based, glad to see I'm not the only sane one on this god-forsaken board.
But she literally did go play valorant with her buddy in her free time, and (You) are acting like this somehow prevents you from being entertained the rest of the time. She had 5 other regular streams and a member's stream the same week.

>> No.44884750

>great reply shitting on her in the comments
>unicorns REALLY BELIEVE they look good when they /pol/post on youtube community tabs
>that's got upvotes
>implying this has any value
Go back.

>> No.44884931

The """"""people"""""" /here/ calling themselves cgdct enjoyers are just depressed losers who can't cope with the fact that anime hasn't been good for 15 years.

>> No.44884983

When is /vt/ going to stop treating male collabs like some sort of earth-shattering yab instead of just the part and parcel of EN vtubing? Male collabs have been fully normalized across the entire industry; we don't need any more drama threads about it.

>> No.44885093

The funniest part about these unicorn schizos is that they don't give a shit about being faithful themselves. Go check out how many different 2view chats Gabe is shitting up now.
Speaking of which, fuck off Gabe, it's bad enough that you shit up the chat for so many 2views, but now you're gonna pretend you've settled down? Lol, lmao even.

>> No.44885143

>because they care much more about disliking videos.
Not just that, but they have a personal vendetta about proving to each other that specific videos are actually poorly received.
Proof next thread?

>> No.44885164

based Lucky Star enjoyer

>> No.44885218

>(You) literally had to go look up some other guy's channel to find the stream, and she still had a full schedule the rest of the week anyway

>> No.44885272

>fake as fuck cute UwU girl
Good job outing yourself as a threadreader.
>announces heavy focus on CGDCT
This is (You) reading schizo unicorn bullshit into "we have no plans to recruit males at the moment".

>> No.44885326

>being faithful themselves
it's a complete different scenario, and she has hundreds of viewers, the viewers can watch hundreds of streamers.

>> No.44885329

>implying Idol is paying 30% of amount shown on screen to Neal just to own the mongolian basket weavers
rent free

>> No.44885368

holy esl

>> No.44885412

I wish with all my heart that every single redditor kill themselves.

>> No.44885463

Will there be a thread of retards crying every single time a chuuba people never even watched collabs with a guy? The answer is yes.

>> No.44885612

That's not even how it works. It knows if someone else with the extension disliked it, yes, but it takes that number and extrapolates on it with asspull napkin math where if X amount of people with the extension disliked it, then a completely made up proportion of normal viewers must have disliked it too. Only vindictive autists use an extension just to see youtube dislikes, and they're the ones that will dislike bomb a streamer they don't even watch. Literally only catalogfaggots and /#/ cite it, for this reason.

Disclaimer: this is not a defense of Juna, who I do not care for

>> No.44885616

top kek the falseflagging, you faggots never watched idol and nobody in /jidf/ cares about this

>> No.44885712

Pretty sure I heard something about Erina openly talking about past relationships. But I couldn't find anything to corroborate it myself, so do with that what you will.

>> No.44885758

itt. people that will go to great lenghts to defend male collabs just because they want to own "le incels and unicorns"
So people cant have preferences it seems. Inb4 just skip those streams.
Ok heres a sports example for you normalfags. Imagine if all of a sudden in the middle of the season male players start playing in mixed male and female teams. Sure you can skip those games but they still happened and that alone makes me not wanna watch it anymore.

>> No.44885765
File: 40 KB, 680x502, FT8l0f1UsAASPP8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a ritual of passage before their reputation is destroyed and their fans get mocked to the end of times, call her a whore and a betrayer, dislike every video she shows up in, block her on twitter and watch her career get destroyed.

>> No.44885861

> nobody in /jidf/ cares about this
Notice how it's always
>0% disagrees
>100% agrees
Sounds EXACTLY like Kronies and cuckbeats coping, can't ever say anything as themselves and have to pretend they speak for hundreds of people, thats YOU now, welcome to their team.

>> No.44886128

hi falseflag, let me guess, you're from /pcg/ aren't you?

>> No.44886137

>P-Please be mad..PLEASE!
And that's how you sound. Go look at their general, go look at the archives, there were maybe 3-5 people upset at most.

>> No.44886225

>can't argue
I accept your concession.
Also, /jidf/ already disowned Juna since the schedule dropped, people barely even posts about her anymore and when they do it's ignored or mocked.

>> No.44886314

kek, you can't even thread read correctly. None posted about her to begin with, barely even any posts during her whole 48 hours donothon.

Juna made it clear she will collab with males and shes not parasocial since the beginning, thats why none on /jidf/ cares and she had no /jidf/ fans to begin with.

>> No.44886446

>Inb4 just skip those streams.
Yeah, unironically just skip those streams.
In after just skip those streams.
>Imagine if all of a sudden in the middle of the season male players start playing in mixed male and female teams. Sure you can skip those games
Yes, yes I can.
>but they still happened
and I have zero reason to give a shit about that, because I'm a normal, well-adjusted person.
>and that alone makes me not wanna watch it anymore.
Cool blogpost, schizo-chama.

>> No.44886470

Because at this point it stops being about the girls and just turns into we must defend our corpo tribalfag mode.

>> No.44886477

Normally I'd say /pkg/ is the worst for this kind of thing, but /pcg/ clearly sees /jidf/ as a threat so yeah.

>> No.44886548

Selective blindness doesn't make you normal. You shouldn't have to turn a blind eye to continue enjoying something.

>> No.44886927
File: 1 KB, 184x77, dghfghdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesnt look that good

>> No.44887027

So who reached out to set up the collab?
I hope it was the green twink.

>> No.44887064

>posting about it /here/ and then expecting the dislikes to remain untouched

>> No.44887173

Stop projecting

>> No.44887584

Fuck off Juna

>> No.44888719

None of her viewers followed her to that faggots channel. That alone says A LOT. Whoever thinks otherwise is coping.

>> No.44889563
File: 145 KB, 394x368, 1673385505792017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phew thanks god I went the cunny route I don't care about gfe I don't care about her RL fuck off

>> No.44889711

>57 watching
who gives a shit?

>> No.44889740

Whose chat is this?

>> No.44890786


>> No.44890815

Exactly, it tells you a lot of how much idol corp bots their streams

>> No.44891109

>she keep doing these collabs out of spite
I want her and the rest of the company to do it. Show those incels thing or two of a thing or two. Come on Idol girls, teach these fools a lesson. Don't let them control you, collab with males now.

>> No.44891364

idol didn't even retweet the collab, they weren't proud of it

>> No.44892748

Ngl, there is something pleasing about seeing them lose their minds. It kinda makes me feel better about myself.

>> No.44892854

A retard trying to cite it in /#/ would get the exact same response about the numbers being bullshit. Then someone would take it and post it on the catalog

>> No.44895604

Cut yourself deeper for Hex next time, sis. Maybe you'll get lucky and hit an artery.

>> No.44895616

Could be worse

>> No.44896244

I will believe anything negative said about a korean without question.

>> No.44896439

Go back to watching Markiplier shoving FNAF themed dildos up his ass for charity, Josh.

>> No.44896914


>> No.44897127

Hello Josh Po!
welcome to the boards and fuck you!

>> No.44897209

I haven't seen her complaining about death threats yet so it's a nothingburger, call me again when that changes

>> No.44897340

that doesn't sound like you guys don't care, rather it sounds like you guys care so much you preemptively dropped this member of the group just on the possibility of it happening.

>> No.44897456

There is a reason why porn gets tagged. There are surely those who wouldn't mind if lesbian porn turned into gay porn in the middle, but others have more specific preferences and want to consume only the porn that fits them.

>> No.44897645

What's fucked up is how a fanbase can become so toxic that not even the streamer who they are literally paying subscriptions to pretend to love them is willing to keep putting up with it and would rather deliberately alienate them than keep up the charade. Really says a lot.

>> No.44897817

lmao the fameely are as inoffensive as a fanbase can be

>> No.44897978

It's a consequence of the CEO being very open on Twitter, his words get misconstrued constantly. So for the longest time idol fans on this site heard "we aren't accepting male applications for gen 2" and somehow reached the conclusion that he also meant "no male collabs allowed"

>> No.44898348

Given that Juna said from the start that she was going to collab with males, I don’t see anything wrong with this.

>> No.44898628

>200+ posts

>> No.44898643

Cgdct is just autogynephilia

>> No.44898661

There are a bunch of reasons people hate male collabs. Not all of them are unicorn reasons. For Kronii, one of the big reasons people got mad is that she was barely streaming as is, so every stream that was a male collab was another stream in an already sparse schedule that people either had to watch or skip, which was irritating as hell.
Juna’s still been practically streaming every day, this is on the guy’s channel, and she’s told her viewers that she’d be doing male collabs since day one.
It’s basically kept away from Idol-related channels so no Idol fans who don’t give a shit have to care, she’s doing her usual thing, and she doesn’t act like male collabs are the only streams when she’s actually somewhat happy. That’s why this is a nothingburger.

>> No.44898735

>>44898661 (me)
>since day one
Not literally day one. But within a few weeks of debut, so months ago. I thought I’d clear this up before someone takes it out of context.

>> No.44898754
File: 63 KB, 750x690, 1660188653774719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what triggered this tweet...

>> No.44899143

Katta love. She's such a good girl.

>> No.44899421

I missed the stream when she said that so I was disappointed and canceled my membership when the schedule popped up, but I'm glad it happened sooner than late before I got too attached to her.

>> No.44902315
File: 170 KB, 436x456, 1662383834662819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind silly ol' me coming around to laugh at all the traitors and backstabbing cucks here.

>> No.44902695
File: 493 KB, 479x450, 1667651512587983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and by the way we won't take you back idolcucks

>> No.44902789

I dropped the entire company when this popped up in the schedule, better cut loose before I'd actually have any attachment

>> No.44903125

cope more unicuck

>> No.44903548
File: 2.40 MB, 1922x1534, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a plot twist.
idolcucks were cucks all along.
But you niggers need to learn to never trust women. There is not one thing they won't end up fucking up.

>> No.44904587

thats okay, I started watching it because of this thread

>> No.44904715

I will remember this SC idolkeks

>> No.44904762

Catalog threads are always a joy to read, keep it up schizos

>> No.44905673

so... we preemptively didn't care?

>> No.44905835

nice sister, keep o hurting yourself to own the incels and unicorns.
that's such backwards logic, instead of having them on your side you rather have a broken community

>> No.44905914

>he doesn't know

>> No.44905926

so true sisters!! i cant wait to jerk off to more cuck porn!!!

>> No.44906104

>/vt/ - NTR and Cucking

>> No.44906113

Who is the one that says Amelia Watson is her inspiration? I'd avoid that one as well

>> No.44906350

Lmao even
Get those gosling folders ready.

>> No.44906805

cuck bros!
we won!

>> No.44907542

Or maybe, y'know, because IDOL is the fucking name? That has certain connotations that should be lived up to, or it's deliberately misleading.

>> No.44907598

>deliberately misleading
Have you met jews before?

>> No.44908553

I recognize that pill.

>> No.44911320

Feel free.

>> No.44911428

What about riro the new girl?

>> No.44912767

are /pcg/ the boogeymen of /vt/?

>> No.44914043

She's a lesbian.

>> No.44914263

Kata LOVE!!!
