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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44746682 No.44746682 [Reply] [Original]

>Yugo is now removed from all backgrounds of NijiEN livers' streams
I love the family.

>> No.44747173


>> No.44747329
File: 343 KB, 750x422, ACD60A24-C7CF-4AE1-9961-08F34B9B2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile Hologirls for a member that got canned and people thought would be memory holed…..

>> No.44747362

kek even Rushia wasnt memoryholed

>> No.44747440
File: 1.57 MB, 5000x8000, Yu go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44747455


>> No.44747480


>> No.44747553


>> No.44749152

Fanbase resembles the company. My only exposure to niji was through this board, but after reading the replies on twitter praising the termination I now understand what kind of scum watches nijisanji. I can't imagine any hololive talent getting same treatment if they were fired. Pick whoever you want, the most hated hologirl in your opinion, you know she'll get a ton of support if fired.

>> No.44749193

they never gave a shitabout him/her
only makes uki look worse with his whole " we fought for him"

>> No.44749530

the we fought for him shit was so fake because they never explained what yugo did or why they needed to help fight for it and now they fucking memoryholed her

>> No.44750479

Just recently Miko was playing Soul Calibur and someone joined with a Rushia custom character, she was joyful while reminiscing about her

>> No.44751104

I was actually surprised by that
also that hair looks... not great

>> No.44751429
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk why but him randomly turning into a strawberry fucking killed me

>> No.44751508

pomu mentioned him a couple of times tho

>> No.44751733

After a termination that by all accounts could be considered worse than Zaion's no less.

>> No.44751777

Pomu better watch her mouth before she gets terminated then.

>> No.44752403

You can think that Hololive’s termination as understandable, but also mourn for the girl’s unfortunate career derailment…. But yeah, she’s not memory-holed, not even her official songs like Halloween Tonight are taken down.

Respect for Hololive for knowing where to toe the line I guess. Maybe in the far future where everyone forgot and her termination become distant memory, she can come back as a new girl

>> No.44752463

……as in a collab. No way she got recruited back.

>> No.44752796

What the fuck is wrong with this company

>> No.44752871

Nijisisters, our response?

>> No.44755945

For spreading lies?

>> No.44756019
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>> No.44757834

Why waste your skills on something so pointless when anyone can go right now in her most recent stream and see that you're lying?

>> No.44758095

Even Rushia got a metric fuckton of support and a bunch of people got mad at Cover's decision, even when it was mostly justified after she was a dumbass for going to a fucking dramatuber mere hours after her yab instead of waiting to see what would be management's course of action. Zaion's case is fucking disgusting and I can't believe there are people who like having fans that cheered for the contract termination of one of your co-workers, let alone a gen mate.

>> No.44758324

where is the strawberry? the exclamation sign?

>> No.44758826

For the same reason websites like Snopes and Media Matters make shit up. Literally no one will actually put the effort into checking it themselves and there will be at least some retards who weren't already on his side that will believe it.

>> No.44759014

Sad, but predictable from the shitty tribalfag wars that dominate this board.

>> No.44759334

hey, that's not bad. You should apply for an internship at nijisanji.

>> No.44760207
File: 208 KB, 926x704, upe_twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They even still have the full sankisei displayed on their twitter banners.
All except Flare, but I don't know whether she changed it after Rushia's termination or not.

>> No.44760753

Which site is this?

>> No.44760881


>> No.44760975

Nice shoop, you should offer your services to Nijisanji. They need someone to erase Zaion.

>> No.44761163

Nijisanji learned well from their Soviet teachers.

>> No.44761348
File: 3.26 MB, 498x498, amamiya_thumbsup1677172692623853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, anon.

>> No.44763329
File: 477 KB, 1305x981, Flare Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare did change it at some point after the termination, but it wasn't directly afterwards. I was checking over the Sankisei girl's twitter banners for weeks after the termination and none of them changed it during the month of March, at the very least.
You'd have to ask the Elffriends when she changed it, but it was this for, at the very minimum, several weeks/months after Rushia's termination

>> No.44763987

>For the same reason websites like Snopes and Media Matters make shit up.
/pol/ lost

>> No.44764563

You will never be a woman.

>> No.44765886

You don't have to be /pol/ to notice how bad faith or outright dishonest those organizations are.

>> No.44768067

What did this guy do?

>> No.44768529

The most hilarious thing behind all of this is that she presumably participated in Pomu's 3D debut stream.

>> No.44768631

had the audacity of being a biological woman.

>> No.44768924

Would never be a man

>> No.44773588


>> No.44773598


>> No.44774216
File: 913 KB, 1080x1517, sniffing the Bum Bum Cha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Bum Bum Cha, she still has the green whore on her banner even though she implied on stream she doesn't give a fuck about her.

>> No.44774406

why is flare such a bitch?

>> No.44774479

She is the most menhera in her own gen after Rushia got ejected.

>> No.44774573

>replaced by fruit

>> No.44775091

the bitch was too big to memory hole. and you know hololive is going for that wholesome image, would be too sus to erase her.

>> No.44777387

She never implied to have any beef with her. Pekora is legit autistic, she wouldn't have kept in touch with anyone, especially after such an awkward departure.

>> No.44777506

>Why does Flare hate someone that backstabbed her?

>> No.44777767

Isn't she the one who hosted that emergency farewell stream where she pretended to cry so hard she could barely speak? And now she's saying she doesn't even know Rushia's contact information and has no interest in ever talking to her again?

>> No.44777896

Family only exists if you are still in the family. You don't see family talk about their disowned family members.

>> No.44777942

You also forget that the anouncement of the termination tried as much as not paint her as a bad actor while still trying to avoid themselves look bad. Anycolor just thrashed zaion as much as possible.

>> No.44777959

Live as fruit, replace by fruit

>> No.44778845

ok but that's bullshit, everyone was sad for Yugo graduating

>> No.44779252


>> No.44779641

Flare is the most based and least cucked sankisei member , honestly her cold and response to Rushia's termination alone almost made me sub her , girl literally jeprodized her entire company over some petty shit and expected everyone to over look it. Flare just stepped right over the body if Noel ever did something as stupid i'd expect her to do the same thing.

>> No.44779864

Cover’s announcement of her termination is was quite literally the equivalent of a smear campaign. As much as I hate Niji, at least they have real reasons when they fire people.

>> No.44780051

is pol in the room with us right now?

>> No.44780345

>least they have real reasons when they fire people
Hows the taste of Rikus boot? They brought a bunch of petty shit that literally everyone in the company has done in the past and would never be used as a reason for termination, even if it was many done in quick succession, but that's not a smear campaign while saying that Rushia leaked shit WHICH THERE WAS A VIDEO EVIDENCE CONFIRMING IT is worse than the literal grocery shop list? And before that Cover actually went out to defend her ass and she would 100% still be in Hololive if she didn't went to a fucking dramatube 3 hours after the fuck up, while Anycolor threw Zaion under the bus on the first suspension notice which made even more people aware of her tame ass rape joke. You nu-Nijifags are a fucking disgrace.

>> No.44781041

>she didn't went to a fucking dramatube 3 hours after the fuck up
Seriously, what was she thinking trusting a twat like that to confide in.

>> No.44781136


>> No.44781177

Did you post the first two images in the wrong order?

>> No.44781439

>russian literally tries to doxx her genmates to prove -something-
>"cover absolutely smeared her"

>> No.44781573 [DELETED] 

>if you notice my team lies you're actually the liar
This is also why no one cares about the truth anymore lmao. This is before considering everything costs extra now because of all the cool new policies and shit. I genuinely hope that everything in massachusetts goes up 1000% and bankrupts everyone living there.

>> No.44781615

Who the fuck knows. Cover was also has a blame in this for not putting a handler on her even during holidays and weekends, but if she just waited out for a few days until management dealt with this she would come back to a massive fanfare, would still be part of Hololive and pretty much everyone would forget or just ignore that the discord yab ever happened. Instead she tried to "take care" of it immediately after the fuck up and went to the last person she should've ever put her trust on.

>> No.44781813

changed in August.
Reason: old design ribbon. She looked for another image with all 5 of them, but didn't find one that was high-quality and to her liking WITH her new design. She can't use or promote herself using the old design anymore, at all. That it took months for her to realize the old ribbon was in it shows how often she thinks about the fucking twitter banner in the first place.

if it matters at all, Rushia's butterfly is still very clearly seen in Flares usual room/background, along with rest of gen3 marks. And we know she has opened this image to edit it before (to remove the bow. fuck bows).

>> No.44781841
File: 245 KB, 2400x1600, FOPqcqXVsAMzhKU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44782862

A holo termination is a significant event, it can't be memoryholed. For Niji a termination is tuesday.

>> No.44784833

Because the dramatuhers were her friends. She never considered rhe other Hololive members to be her friends so she didn't really care about "betraying" them. I doubt she has spoken to any of the other girls even once since she was fired.

>> No.44788265

>I love the family.
me too
