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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44676460 No.44676460 [Reply] [Original]

>a month later
>beggars still seething in the comments section
taso, i kneel...

>> No.44677188

Are you people retarded? Link the clip fucking idiots. Whats with just posting all these thumbnails.

>> No.44677230


>> No.44677277

Did you not believe she said it or something? Faggot.

>> No.44677364

do you have a vocabulary or do you just talk in quotes and retard mumbles

>> No.44677367

>Are you people retarded?
Yes they are

>> No.44677400


>> No.44678134
File: 68 KB, 2380x362, never watched her.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44678279


>> No.44678292

If he links it in the OP, people will accuse him of being the clipper. So he waits for someone to ask for the link.

>> No.44678320

Let people look it up.

>> No.44678473

Plenty of male idols or idols who collab with males so not sure what he's getting at.

>> No.44678738

>Check the comments
>No one seething about it in at least a month
So that was a lie

>> No.44678883

It's normal for Japanese to not collab with males due to their culture but it's unforgivable for our chuuba to not collab with males because they don't have excuse

>> No.44678982

He never watched so this is not a loss for kanata

>> No.44679143

I mean, he's got a point. It's kind of a dumb conception of idol culture that it entails no males ever. If Kanata doesn't want to collab with Men that's perfectly fine, but her reasoning wasn't flawless.

>> No.44679282

You're still going to get called names no matter what you do. What do think this is, you retard, a hugbox?

>> No.44679416

Advertising actually gets you banned

>> No.44679482


>> No.44679743

>Believing a clipnig thumbnail and not watching the clip itself
Since when vt are full of retard?

>> No.44679818

*hugs you*

>> No.44679820

Just check all their sub, most of them sub to nijien, those faggot are so easy to recognize.

>> No.44680098


>> No.44681199
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kanata and botan are based

>> No.44683207

I just want to feel Kanatan’s gorilla grip pussy, that’s all.

>> No.44683475

link pls

>> No.44683515

She banned a guy for being a unicorn

>> No.44683545
File: 21 KB, 488x127, サムライ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these kinds of comments motivate me to do my reps

>> No.44684081

This guy is really based

>> No.44684313


>> No.44684349

She banned that guy for sending a condom money spacha during a tourney she spent hours planning.

>> No.44684352

She banned a guy for being rude, not for being a unicorn. Botan is an older woman and that idiot literally told her that she went out on a "date" with literal kids. Most of players in that tournament were around 20 years old.
Clip is still out there. Dont twist the narrative.

>> No.44684363

parasocial fag

>> No.44684380

This shit is months old and gets reposted here consistently because it's easy (You)s.

>> No.44684394

There's no polite way to gore someone to death for not being a virgin

>> No.44684474


>> No.44684670

> If Kanata doesn't want to collab with Men that's perfectly fine, but her reasoning wasn't flawless.
Her reasoning is that she wants to be an idol based on her ideals for an idol, so she’s doing that.
She doesn’t care about any gaijin flamboyant faggot who wants her to do stuff she doesn’t want to do only to not watch her at all. She’s not forcing her views on anyone but herself, which is actually the finest way to exert her freedom, but that’s not something twitter and discord rainbow dick-sucking faggots will ever admit.

>> No.44684739

why do the people on this board hate their own gender
I only dislike male collabs because most male vtubers fucking suck

>> No.44684740

Based nips. One of the only cultures left that haven’t bent the kneel.

>> No.44684799

Having judgmental ideals isn't cool. Especially when they're bullshit. Nothing wrong with not collabing with guys, but if you think it makes you a "real" idol, you're wrong.

>> No.44684925

I don't mind males I just don't want to watch them fuck girls live on-stream.
I watched Vesper and Magni on debut but Vesper turned out to be a pathologically lying sex pest and Magni is just seething faggot.
As far as I can see Shinri seems alright to watch but I'm already done with Tempiss and their bullshit.

>> No.44684929


>> No.44684969

Has that ever happened with any vtuber? Certainly it hasn't in hololive

>> No.44684973

It’s how she defines being an idol for herself and she doesn’t force that definition on anyone else. The only judgmental one here is you, because you’re a cunt and no amount of “I-I totally don’t care that she doesn’t want to collab with men” can cover up your true intent.

>> No.44685072

I truly don't have a problem with it. If she thinks she can't do it because she wouldn't be a real idol she's just wrong.

>> No.44685100

says you

>> No.44685113

What you think doesn’t matter. You’re upset that someone holds herself to a different standard and you can’t force them to use yours.

>> No.44685185

I forget but it was basically

>no hololive doesn't allow female(males) to join because it's dishonest

and then compares it to ordering beef and getting pork

>> No.44685191

You do realise the only person with judgmental ideal here is you? If not, baby, your retardation is probably clinicaly proven and just stop trying to look smart on the internet because you can't IRL.

>> No.44685223

I feel like it's just yesterday where you call her leech and now you call her based?

>> No.44685248

It's been 2 years since coco graduated and kanataso really did come on her own since then.

>> No.44685261

If she just said "that's not the kind of idol I want to be" that would be fine. But she didn't.
Yeah. And descriptively I'm correct. Female Idols collaborate with Men sometimes.

>> No.44685260

Go tell her how to be an idol based on her views. Teach her, anon. Explain to her why driving her career the way she wants is wrong and how she should drive it the way you want her to.
I know you know better than the actual successful idol who has always been an idol otaku, gachikoi, rise and born in the country were idol culture is common.

>> No.44685295

Watch any Vesperonii collab

>> No.44685327

I don't need to, even if I wanted to. She's an idol.

>> No.44685360

You're wasting time astroturfing.

>> No.44685430

I would never do that. Intentionally convincing someone I'm two people is a line I refuse to cross

>> No.44685448

NijiEN is the greatest proof male collabs are character poison and unicorns were right all along.

>> No.44685483

She's JP her fanbase is solidly consolidated, you're wasting everyone's time.

>> No.44685514

What am I trying to do and how is my methodology ineffective for it?

>> No.44685565

No one's falling for your forum slide after what happened to NijiEN.

>> No.44685591

I'm pretty sure you've confused me for someone else

>> No.44685984

Yes, I used to give male indies on twitch a shot and frankly I stop watching them after 1 stream from each one because they seethe by bringing bullshit into their streams.
But with the indie girls I keep coming back after a stream because they're playing cute and tries to avoid bringing up bullshit, heck there's one who collabs with males often that i didnt mind because their dynamic is perfect, no sense of flirting just entertainment on screen.

>> No.44686106 [DELETED] 

Have fun watching that inferior forgery.

>> No.44686117

That sucks. Sex pest behavior is the one thing I can't stand about male/female collabs.

>> No.44686177

Because it's fucking Kanata you SEA clipwatcher.

>> No.44686490

>unicorn who can only spam threads to make himself heard talking about astrosurfing

>> No.44686930

Unicorn are the silent guardians of this board.

>> No.44686976


>> No.44686990


>> No.44687044

Based and unicorn pilled.

>> No.44687098

It’s impressive how unicorns have gotten this holier than thou identity that needs to argue when they’re constantly made fun of and keep to themselves back in Japan.

>> No.44687388

You ruin everything you touch. It has just become far more obvious.

>> No.44687573

Are you calling them a unicorn?

>> No.44687640

I don’t get this post, I get why people are unicorns and why people aren’t, I’m just making an observation about the perception of unicorns.

>> No.44687755

Well nigger I'm just making an observation about your mom choking on these nuts.

>> No.44687820

Great post, keep it up.

>> No.44687906

those are normies and troons, this board its getting shittier every day.

>> No.44687984

It's just because of the new jannies censoring every single fucking thing.

>> No.44687997

Only violent unicorns are the ones who are made fun of/hated on. The rest are okish to the japanese. Of course this doesn’t take into account riajus, they are normalfags and will laugh at anything otaku-related.

>> No.44688113

Stuff does get stricken a lot more than it used to.

>> No.44688196

It’s because those ones keep to themselves, and so they don’t care like I said.

>> No.44688247

ideals are judgmental by nature you dummy. the very concept of an "ideal" version of something implies a standard by which you judge it. being judgmental isn't inherently bad.

>> No.44688371

I suppose you would know about what it means to fall short.

>> No.44688514

Your actual point is dumb too. Having high ideals without misvaluing them or other ways of being is easy as pie.

>> No.44688581

i don't see how that's relevant but i guess you got me there, im not an ideal idol.

>> No.44688686

I was insulting you. The implication was that you don't generally succeed at things.

>> No.44688734

in that case, thanks for conceding my point.

>> No.44688782

I didn't

>> No.44688912
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>he doesn't know

>> No.44688923

Yeah, culture really doesn't make any sense when you stop to think about it. Oh, your people did something a certain way, so you want to as well? Not very western white woman of you sexist, transphobic, giga-racist. Why can't non-western "cultures" understand that only Twitter culture is acceptable? This board bent the knee, why can't the actual streamers?

>> No.44689048

Says the guy who thinks western women are awful

>> No.44689189

But that can apply to anything. For example someone who says they’re vegan are more obnoxious than the ones who are but don’t say it unless you explicitly ask them.
In general stuff push down your throat will get a more negative reaction than stuff done quietly without bothering other people.

>> No.44689253

Based Kanatan

>> No.44689600

>no wonder I've never watched her

Yeah, we know homobeggars don't watch streams

>> No.44689671

why bother doin that? wtf...

>> No.44689688

That doesn’t make my statement wrong.

>> No.44689730


>> No.44689817

People who are nonjudgmental vegans get tons of shit for it.

>> No.44689824

same group as twitter tranny freaks
also same tranny freaks that were attacking pikamee were doing the same harassdment to pomu

>> No.44690130

You implied they were hated and kept to themselves but that’s not entirely correct. Some of them aren’t hated at all. They get treated like the average otaku though.

>> No.44690378

what is actually wrong with conceiving of the ideal idol as female though? what makes you say it's dumb? where are the flaws in her reasoning?

>> No.44690452

>bent the kneel

>> No.44690518

What does it say? I don't understand Japanese

>> No.44690622

Descriptively, female idols can interact with males. It may not be the kind of idol she wants to be, but it happens. And they aren't less of idols for it.

>> No.44690683

The people pushing for diversity don't respect kanata's individuality.

>> No.44690695

>her reasoning wasn't flawless.
Yes it was.

>> No.44690984

And she never said anything about other idols, just the kind she wants to be. That's her goal, her ideals, her choice, but for some reason that's what makes her a lesser idol for you cunts.

>> No.44691205

It doesn't make her lesser to me. The only possible beef I have is the implication that people who don't live up to those standards aren't idols simpliciter.

>> No.44691343

Watch again and listen to her this time.

>> No.44691357

You are unreasonably angry. Does the topic bother you?

>> No.44691582

I suppose it's ambiguous, but calling it an "ideal idol" is pretty loaded. I don't think she meant anything much by it though.

>> No.44691605

You seem to really, really care about her personal standards for herself for someone who says it doesn't bother you at all what she wants to do and what she views as her ideal idol self.

>> No.44691613

they don't match her ideal concept of an idol. that's not the same saying they're less of an idol.

>> No.44691641

Are there even males that want to collab with her?

>> No.44691669

A month later unicorns still thinking about cocks

>> No.44691681

Learn Japanese.

>> No.44691699

I don't, I just argue easily. Literally autistic.
That's a distinction without a difference

>> No.44691734

Do you think that matters to the beggars who show up asking "y no male collab"

>> No.44691753

>That's a distinction without a difference
it's not

>> No.44691776

I legitimately hate ever single one of you faggots that posted in this thread.

>> No.44691780

>Trannies seethe at pikamee
>she's forced to graduate
>homobeggars seethe at Kanata
>you expect her not to kneel
Pikamee should have been a lesson to you, enough pressure and a chuuba will be forced to kneel to these fucks.

>> No.44691784

That's fair. I really was making a mountain out of a molehill anyway.

>> No.44691935


>> No.44691996

As one of those faggots I promise you that this is correct and wise.

>> No.44691999

The beggars can barely watch their own homos do you really think they'll be able to force Kanata to obey them?

>> No.44692001

If there are it's only literal who indie fags or unicorns that would leap at the chance it they were a vtuber. Any male chuuba worth anything wouldn't want anything to do with her out of principal for her ignoring their existence and pandering to lonely degenerates and out of politeness to not want to bring harassment to her either.

Like hell man if I got into holostars I'd want nothing to do with 90% of these broads. They got their hustle and I'd have my own shit to worry about and my own sphere of other holostars featuring the wigger of nippon when she wants some random ass holopro collab.

>> No.44692148

No, it really isn't, because they can excel in many categories compared to her that make them amazing idols compared to her by her own criteria, but this is just one of many ideals that she would want in a "perfect" idol and one she believes she can achieve for herself. To me, the perfect basketball player is one who is unmatched at layups, free throws, 3 pointers, and dunks. If someone isn't good at 3 pointers but they dominate the scoreboard through other means, they aren't perfect but they're not WORSE than someone who is good at 3 pointers and free throws but bad at layups and dominates the scoreboard that way. I'm not Shaq but if I think his free throw game isn't very good does that mean I don't think he's a good player? Does this mean that I can't idealize being good at both and try to get good at both?

>> No.44692211

Does Kanata even know english?

>> No.44692385

I don't have a real problem with that. I don't think the phrasing is exactly in line with it.

I get that path dependence is a thing, and that some criteria are more important than others. I honestly don't begrudge her for having her own particular goals she'd like to achieve.

>> No.44692391
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>You're bad if you're not lockstep with my twitter approved wordview!
blah blah blah

>> No.44692396

She has been averaging 20k viewers a stream with Darksouls. Yes there is a bunch of leeches that would just from that fact

>> No.44692425

Why do people get so worked up. If you want girls who collab, theyre there. If you want a girls only club theres also plenty to pick from. Theres literally options for both sides why do some people gotta bitch about it

>> No.44692463

bruh, these retarded homobeggars are so fucking cringe, let Kanata do what she wants

>> No.44692661

Values are generally about more than consumer choice.

>> No.44692778

All the real fuckwits have moved to twitter
/vt/ is quickly becoming the most welcoming place of all vtuber social media

>> No.44692806
File: 179 KB, 1920x1080, 1678343452772965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total Idol Victory

>> No.44692853

In the clip there wasn't really a homobeggar

>> No.44693058

i fucking kneel kanataso

>> No.44695772

Based and unicornpilled.

>> No.44697929

Hololive stay winning

>> No.44698603

Is vt so desperate for drama that anons decided to recycle dead drama that was banned by the mods?

>> No.44698736

Go shill tempus elsewhere

>> No.44698771

Yes they are lesser idols. Grifting posers trying to get the idol clout without committing to the role.
