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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44668210 No.44668210 [Reply] [Original]

>streams constantly and is always thinking up new and interesting stream ideas
>in a self-admitted parasocial relationship with her viewers
>refuses to even acknowledge males, let alone stream with them
I can't believe /vt/ ever hated 'Wawa. She couldn't be more #ourgirl if she tried.

>> No.44668299

>refuses to acknowledge them
>has acknowledged them on twitter before
You could have just said the first two parts and still make a point, adding the third was pointless.

>> No.44668302
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>> No.44668321

She acknowledges the holostars and wants them to find success because she care about Hololive. Now stop baiting you retarded threadreading SEA monkey.

>> No.44668401

I prefer to think she actively wishes them dead, but can't say it out loud because muh company policy.

>> No.44668433

>cares about Hololive
Indeed, as in “Hololive”.

>> No.44668510

No she doesn't homobeggar.
She only responded to them on Twitter because they forced her hand

>> No.44668549
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We continue to hate her because she can take it. She is the idol we deserves, but not the one we need. The watchful protector, the Dark Knight.

>> No.44668588

lol she can barely take it. She was an anxiety-ridden mess for the first, like, two years, because she was always last in subs.

>> No.44668609

Watch streams. I don't care about the homos either but I rather them find success than Niji males.

>> No.44668704

She might surpass Ame soon if she keeps killing her Teamates

>> No.44668781

unity chicken good

>> No.44668782

She's doing better than everyone in Council so I think she's okay now.

>> No.44668903
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I just want her to be happy bros.
Is she happy?

>> No.44668929

and to think she didn't want council to debut lol

>> No.44668930

I still find hilarious how this board did an 180 on Kiara after Tempus debuted.

>> No.44668954

How can I hate this bitch when she's the most based HoloEN?

>> No.44669008

Stay in your shitty general KFP.

>> No.44669080

>streams constantly and is always thinking up new and interesting stream ideas
And this is why she's the only EN worth a shit. God I fucking wish cover nukes the EN branch.

>> No.44669103 [DELETED] 

Eat a dick, seanig. I will spread Kiara love like I spread gonorrhea.

>> No.44669468
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I've always loved Kiara

>> No.44669529
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CringeFP. Stop making these threads. You're giving actual Kiara fans a bad name

>> No.44669563

I am a real Kiara fan and OP represents me. I agree with everything he said.

>> No.44669613

also dont forget she said she wanted to be in the Bad End Night cover

>> No.44669667

>>refuses to even acknowledge males
This isn't true, by the way

>> No.44669769

Nothing wrong with showing love for your oshi publicly. Why does it makes you seethe?

>> No.44669832

She’s a fag so 0/10

>> No.44669890

You're not fooling anyone

>> No.44669892
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She's got more pussy in a month that you'll ever have in 3 lifetimes

>> No.44669901

>wants to fuck every holo
she's just like me

>> No.44669950

Fooling who. Answer the question faggot

>> No.44670006

Besides collabs with pomu she’s one of the few en who hasn’t collabed much outside or done a ironmouse collab

>> No.44670041

Ok. But she’s still a fag so 0/10

>> No.44670047
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>> No.44670085

I love it when I see names like Tenchou's little boot licker - KFP - in chat.

>> No.44670155

I think she would accept being on Speak of the Devil, but I don't think Ironmouse has asked and I doubt Kiara cares enough to pursue it.

>> No.44670189
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I've always liked Kiara and her fans and I've always said she is the closest example of a real idol in the EN scene.
I can't watch much of her because her voice is grating (hate me all you want for saying that but I can't change what my ears perceive as being annoying sounding...) but I still think she's highly based.
She's giga based for not hopping on the 'I hate parasocial' bandwagon, which is the only sane way of thinking because there's no way vtubers DON'T foster parasocial relationships.

>> No.44670201

Nobody said kfp weren't deranged but they're inoffensive if you don't poke them. I don't understand why them loving Kiara makes some troons in this board seethe this much.

>> No.44670241

>he wants his oshi to fuck men

>> No.44670248

It will happen after 4fes. The mouse already said that

>> No.44670273

Because she's not JP, and JP purists are absolute unpleasable mongrels.

>> No.44670309

This. I remember everyone used to shit on her for acting too Japanese. But isn't that a good thing? Don't you want your oshi to act more like a Japanese idol than a Western e-girl?

>> No.44670384

Given how parasocial she is, I'm surprised Kiara hasn't gone down the GFE route. Maybe she understands that her voice... doesn't lend itself to that, let's say.

>> No.44670441

Ah yes the daily kiara bait thread

>> No.44670453

She never resorted to GFE because she doesn't want to be the only thing that her fanbase has to rely on.

>> No.44670623

The seethe the chicken woman causes among catalogfags and dramafags is genuinely disgusting desu. Literally cannot think of a less offensive streamer to get mad at. And for what? Actually fucking streaming? It's sad.

>> No.44670799

Don't try to understand troons and roasties. It's a waste of time

>> No.44670836

She'll just move the goal post again. Chat reflects the streamer

>> No.44670915

Show your tits woman

>> No.44671005

I hate her personality and any collab with her is borderline unwatchable. Her fanart is great however.

>> No.44671115

Did she really not? I remember her criticizing their lore but I don't remember anything else regarding their debut

>> No.44671129

>22 ip,s
>49 replies

Worthless thread.

>> No.44671161


>> No.44671170

Kiara will always be more popular than your oshi.

>> No.44671182
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>>in a self-admitted parasocial relationship with her viewers
>>refuses to even acknowledge males
I see a contradiction here

>> No.44671229

She sees KFP as a crowd of actual chickens

>> No.44671255

The chimkins are agender, poultry-esque blobs.

>> No.44671295


>> No.44671339

She sees her fanbase as actual chickens. Except for the waitresses, she wants to fuck them all.

>> No.44671380

>goes to sleep
>tells other people to put in the effort to support them so she doesn't have to
>never brings them up again
Kiara is the master of corporate doublespeak. Boss said she had to acknowledge them... but never clarified in what capacity and for how long.

>> No.44671388

Based hololive supremacist chicken

>> No.44671408


>> No.44671472

honestly thats not even the best part, the best part is she is a Nazi

>> No.44671499

She really is the perfect woman.

>> No.44671604

Any evidence for this besides speaking German?

>> No.44671628

I've heard people say she used to be super racist on her twitter before joining hololive, but I've never seen actual evidence. It's become a meme regardless.

>> No.44671660


>> No.44671699

People have hated Kiara since the beginning. Mostly for having an annoying voice, her narcissim and manipulative superchat baiting (crying about her numbers.) This was back when everyone else in the gen actually streamed as well.

>> No.44671730

>parasocial relationship with her viewers
this word has lost all of its orignal meaning

>> No.44671737

>Annoying voice
>Annoying personality
>Whiny entitled bitch


>> No.44671912

There were good reasons (and bad ones) that people didn’t like her early on but she got better and all her genmates got worse.

>> No.44672044

>waaah she's a narcissistic bitch waaah me me me
Yes and that's part of her charm. Makes her way more entertaining than the modest humble pushover chuubas. Chicken has drive and passion and a desire to be at the top, and it shows, and that's a good thing.

>> No.44672080
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If anything she's getting too popular on here. I want her all to myself, you all can fuck off.

>> No.44672082

t. seething roastie

>> No.44672093


> Kiara: As a huge Japanese idol fan, I don’t really see us in hololive production as idols, haha. Sorry, Yagoo!
I think during concerts we make attempts at it, but that’s just very rare occasions. Not all of us do music either. But I want to do more concerts, more music, so that I can get a bit closer to that idol dream, for my own satisfaction.

“for my own satisfaction”

I pity KFP, i really do, this narcissistic bitch will never be able to find happiness no matter how hard you try or how much money you've given to her. Her dream is specifically to be a singing idol but Cover though she's not up to it. There will never be a dream come true moment for her. That being said, I would pity Kiara too if she didn't take this shit out on other people, but as it is, Kiara will be remembered for her obnoxious personality and no amount of KFP psyops can change that.

>> No.44672166

>Schizo rambling
I sleep, come back to reality anon

>> No.44672169

She definitely acknowledged them when she said she was sad she couldn't be part of the homos Miku cover.

>> No.44672243

I never liked Kiara because she comes off as too obnoxious and selfish at times, at least that was my first impression at myth's debut (plus I was a fan of calli and takamori was really, really obnoxious aside from that one airplane song). But now she seems like the only one who cares about the holoen as a whole, scheduling collabs and stuff, I can respect that. As a fellow jrpg fan I also respect the dedication to losing viewers over her love to that shit. But god, now it is more obvious than ever that myth was always a group of solo players and not a team, a family or whatever.

>> No.44672251

Fanfic too detached from reality. Try again

>> No.44672266

>t. OP

>> No.44672273

Remember guys, when a vtuber is called a ME ME ME ME, is always a lazy, jealous 1-3 view.

>> No.44672284

venom status?

>> No.44672300

Kiara is based now, but she was #1 numberfag pitybaiting during her early years. That's legitimate reason for not liking her early on.

>> No.44672310

GFE is inherently fake. The only one people thought was "true" GFE was Rushia because she was people actually thought she was menhera enough to truly "love" her fans. And then she turned out to be just another cocksleeve who was simply very good at faking it.

>> No.44672313

I don't. Especially not that blue-haired cause-supporting prick.

>> No.44672343

Don't cry anon, us kfp will enjoy Kiara and hololive for you. You can pull the trigger now

>> No.44672422

I'll agree with the statement, but I can't say that I enjoy her voice even to this day I wish that she just stream with the voice that she used to have
And her pekora lust gets tiring after awhile since pekora very obviously does not care about her

>> No.44672459

She had a good character arc. I have to admit she really started off as an annoying little brat but she slowly became a fan favorite by hard work and a good heart. The colleagues love the wawa. Management loves the wawa. Sponsors love the wawa. We love the wawa.

>> No.44672469

She is actually menhera though

>> No.44672493

I'll watch her when she drops the dumb voice.

>> No.44672520

Is this the usual thread? I'm getting some snacks, anyone want anything?

>> No.44672548

Yeah but people mistook her menhera as some sort of real life yandere shit, when that wasn't the case.
The last time her menhera flared up she cucked her fans on her birthday by calling random males on JPomegle

>> No.44672553

>refuses to even acknowledge males, let alone stream with them
I hate to stir the pot, but this is slightly false.

Kiara is adamant in not streaming with them, but she does acknowledge them. She has responded to a Holostar saying "Get well soon" to one of her many sickness tweets before.

>> No.44672601

Come join us in loving the orange woman while we laugh at the impotent seething.

>> No.44672603

She also didn't want IRyS to get her redesign because it would make her have the worst model in EN again

>> No.44672608
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>taps sign
Fuck off homobeggar

>> No.44672657

Timestap of her saying this?

>> No.44672662

The weird thing is her fans used to be just as menhera as her but I guess they don't care what bs she pulls on them now.

>> No.44672673

She also liked fanart of them (well, specifically an outfit swap with Axel, but he was in it)

>> No.44672730

I always see that pity subs clip getting thrown around, but is she really wrong for pointing this out when HoloEN is mostly filled with deadsubs?

>> No.44672762

Her being a tryhard early on, taking cliche approaches to chase numbers that ended up being counterproductive because of how obvious it was, evolved as she got more comfortable with her job and position. Now it just takes the form of her actually trying and caring at all rather than growing complacent like others.

>> No.44672783
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>> No.44672803
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>Schizos resorting to blatant lies because they have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING on orange woman
You love to see it

>> No.44672808

J-Chad treated her like shit because Mori had “bigger number”. Her mental health improved once she left Japan and got a real manager.

>> No.44672921

I've heard her real voice. It's no better.

>> No.44672937

Let's not downplay that shit, she was genuinely whining about it. I don't even blame her for feeling bad about being last, it's normal if you actually care about your job instead of just phoning it in like certain other ENs. I do blame her for whining about it, on the very stream where she was supposed to celebrate her achievement.

Can't stand it when her menhera flares up like this. I can almost guarantee you it's still possible for her to sperg out like this, there just hasn't been a trigger in a long time.

>> No.44672995

I see. Yeah I didn't know that.

I think the only chuuba that has completely utterly not acknowledged them is Gura.
Because even Fauna follows them on twitter and has has said the word "Holostars" before I think.

I'm not even a unicorn, I just like keeping track of this interesting dynamic.

>> No.44673022
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>> No.44673144

Gura's ghosting would mean more if she even used twitter in the first place.
Or to make it more shitposty
>can't acknowledge them if you never stream!

>> No.44674278

>Muh menhera
>When anons have been seething about this for 2 years
Yeah there is menhera and it is not Kiara apparently

>> No.44674382

>bumping a bait thread for this worthless cope post

>> No.44675026

>caring about a bait thread being bumped

>> No.44675143

Who is Gouda?

>> No.44675331

Rushia wasn't cheating on her fans, newfag.
Lurk for 1 year or more before posting

>> No.44675488

Shut the fuck up fancuck

>> No.44675606

Too bad she plays boring games.

>> No.44676175

Yeah she should play Minecraft and Skyrim, also she should put on a green wig and yellow contact lenses...

>> No.44677263

It was also just her overcompensating due to her emotional and mental bag from her previous failures and feelings of insecurity regarding her talents compared to the others as a streamer.

>> No.44677856

This. I don't know where this idea that there's some big difference comes from.

>> No.44679399

only reason I have to hate the orange chicken woman is that she played games I'm interested in and manages to make them all seem boring as hell.
otherwise, she's pretty great. still hate her tho

>> No.44680200

She said she wanted for it to be Myth a while longer, probably so she could catch up, but she never said she doesn't want new gens.

>> No.44681125

There is a reason, why she isn't popular with the Japanese audience. She does not act Japanese. Remember when she went to Subaru's apartment, complained about not having a chair to sit on, only to sit on Subaru's trash can and then her ass broke that trash can?
Remember what she did to Shion on Holotalk? Yeah... you do, right?
I think most KFP also don't speak Japanese.

>> No.44681509
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I was one of the first KFP, one of the first people to look over her shitty mic and mid singing to cheer for her.

Two and a half years from now, I have moved on. Kiara, while still a bubbly and cheerful girl in public, I have come to recognize isn't exactly the best of people. She has matured and has gotten rich from her popularity due to being in hololive, but the more I learned, the less I liked her. For all intents and purposes, she would still be selling gravure if not for hololive. That's just the quality of personality and entertainment that she provides. She's not the worst but she's definitely not the greatest. I think that's why she clings to her hololive personality SO MUCH MORE than the other Myth talents, because she knows she will fall to irrelevance once she stops being Kiara and stop being the center of attention she so desperately craves.

To be clear, I don't hate her or dislike her. I'm just not her fan anymore.

>> No.44682174
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Just to provide proof I was one of the first, this is one of my first screencaps, during the /jp/ days when global threads lasted a day or two and /hlg/ went through the great EN purge.

What have I moved on to? A better EN idol unrelated to hololive.

>> No.44682368

Kiara’s bluntness from being Austrian ESL makes her seem rude when she doesn’t mean to be but it is even worse for elevens because she is terrible at reading the air.

>> No.44682437

Both of those games are more entertaining than JRPGs, yes. She could request one of the millions of actual games if neither of those interested her.

>> No.44683313
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I can't wait for the 2nd wave of "orange woman bad" when she finally collabs with Tempus (presumably in their one year anniversary). It'll be 2021 all over again.

>> No.44683343

The best Hololive girls are the ones that need it and like streaming.

>> No.44683394

That's just a quirk of the German language, it's an extremely direct and to the point language. All people who speak German natively come off like that.

>> No.44683440

How many threads, KFP?
How many threads will it take?

>> No.44683663

I know, that is why I mentioned her being an Austrian ESL. It is cultural too, but then language and culture tend to reflect each other.

>> No.44683857
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Why can't Kiara catch up to Ina in subs when Ina didn't stream for over 1/3 of the year?

>> No.44683865

>always thinking up new and interesting stream ideas
And one day she might actually think of one!

>> No.44684173

I honestly feel bad for her. She’s the unluckiest holomen to ever exist. Were she admitted into the JP and allowed to live in japan this girl would be at least thrice more successful.
She’s the closest thing to holoJP you can find in the EN branch and the fact she’s so unpopular just shows EOPs who allegedly like JP don’t like them for any logical reason: they think they like them because they don’t understand them.

>> No.44684430

Honestly weird because a lot of people said that council took way too long to come out

>> No.44684451

t. part of the 1.45M subs who doesn't know shit about this evil woman and just views her as some token in the Vtuber board game.

>> No.44684661

He's right though. In a time like where she was admitted to JP she'd be an instant success. Think about it. Do you think Coco's voice was pleasing? Hell no. The only thing that made her popular was being bilingual. Kiara is already one of the more successful ens but she'd be crazy successful in Jp.
People would love that she spoke English and would always be excited to watch JRPGs from her
Her voice wouldn't filter anyone and she'd be able to stay in Japan longer during the height of her career

>> No.44684965

If you knew japanese you would’ve realized the amount of weird and schizo shit JP says. The same kind of stuff twitted faggots cry their souls out about.
People hate kiara when she’s unironically pretty much a holoJP they can understand. It really put things into perspective.
JP crowd would welcome her excitedly because, based on their taste, kiara is good.

>> No.44685812

It's almost like hiring ex idols for a virtual idol job is a good idea.

>> No.44686024

I find her voice annoying and don't give a fuck about unicorn shit. If she wants to cultivate an audience of desperate weirdos good on her, I enjoy seeing the fatties that post their KFC date with a picture of an anime girl

>> No.44687107

This thread made me hate Kiara AND KFP, thank you OP!

>> No.44687236

I still can't get over that her persona is based on KFC. Maybe Japan thinks it's funny but I'm pretty sure the west thinks it's cringe.

>> No.44687247

>I totally do not hate Kiara
>Calls her an attention whore and cries about gravure
RUMAO Egguardo you are shit art masking your seething
>I am just going to say this is me, you can totally trust me even though my wall of text proves that I am a liar
Kys retard

>> No.44687502

See you in the next thread where you repeat this lie, since you have been seething at orange woman for 2+ year

>> No.44687561

She has streamed with males, just not coworkers.

>> No.44687568

yeah, i have to agree. i won't lie and say i'm a kfp, i stopped watching after her rm shit came out way back when she first debuted but i feel like she's redeemed herself enough desu. especially now compared to the rest of en.
i don't know if that says more about her or if our standards are just low thanks to the over saturation of the vtubing as a whole but kiwawa is pretty good. she enjoys doing her job, stays in character and likes being an idol. also can't forget her letting the gamer word slip lol.

>> No.44687639

So that is how you cope with the fact that you are near the bottom of the social totempole

>> No.44687767

i've seen a couple of anons here claiming she was/is a terf so that's probably why. if that's true, that's fucking based.

>> No.44688477

>t. seething schizo
Wow look at that garbage

>> No.44689038

>about an opinion
I don't care about her gravure, just saying she would still be doing it if she had never had hololive's brand, precisely because I have found much better talent and entertainment outside of hololive's bubble.

You don't need to listen to me though, you can continue to place your passion and effort into someone who really isn't worth it, just liked I figured out how not to do. But I doubt you'll do that and call me a retard again.

>> No.44689635

If you really believe that, more power to you, but I find it interesting how you have absolute belief in one talent while you've lost that in another. If anything, losing all trust and good belief towards anyone in the scene would make more sense.

>> No.44689668

Good work ethic
Bad personality

>> No.44689800

Hi, different anon here, just want to call you a retard. I thought people would hate her for her political stuff, but instead of stupid shit like "her voice is annoying", "she is a pick me", and now "gravure". Just say you are an anti instead of a fake lying fuck.

>> No.44689922

>ITT: KFP using yet another thread to shit on the other EN girls because apparently they can't just praise their beloved Wawa in their own split

>> No.44689966

When she debuted I saw many flaws in her, stuff that I found annoying or petty.
But over time I've come to see way more flaws in the other girls while Kiarara's positive attributes became more notable over time.
I've come to respect her and appreciate her a lot.
She's still not really my taste in content creator but orange woman good.

>> No.44690159

you must be blind, this is probably the only positive thread about Kiara in weeks, every other thread is the same guy shitting on her with the voice annoying or pick me excuse.

>> No.44690351

>I say that I don't hate her, but still say shit like this "you can continue to place your passion and effort into someone who really isn't worth it"
Oh come on Kiaraschizo you are not fooling anyone

>> No.44690353

>I can't believe /vt/ ever hated 'Wawa.
It didn't.

Are you crying? kek

>> No.44690444

>New and interesting ideas
If that was actually true I'd actually watch Kiara.

>> No.44690473

>t. Schizo that seethes about Kiara in her split

>> No.44690568

>creating a delusional scenario in your head where Kiara would collab with Tempus
Why are homobeggers so pathetic?

>> No.44691909

>All people who speak German natively come off like that.
What is this lame ass excuse? I am German myself, but I wouldn't say "that was long" after my co-worker performed a song. She is just rude and I am tired of hearing this excuse.
But just for the sake of argument, let's say she is rude because of her culture. How does this make it any less bad?
In addition to this, how does German being a direct language affect her when she speaks English or Japanese?
Especially Japanese is so different compared to German. Just be nice and speak formal Japanese.

>> No.44692208

Kiara's defining flaw is her complete lack of self esteem, which is almost certainly a result of her daddy issues. I've known other women who grew up with an absentee father, and they were similarly fucked up. Because of this Kiara struggles to form healthy relationships with men, but also requires their validation to feel good about herself. Being in Hololive is her solution, and it's about lucrative and successful as one could hope for. Most women just become whores, so I respect her for taking the vtuber idol path.

Personally, I find this crippling flaw of hers beautiful and it's a big reason why I love her. Broken girls have such an allure, at least for me. I'll always pick a broken girl to support over one who has their shit together. They need and appreciate it more.

>> No.44692349

What a snowflake lmao

>> No.44692403

>All this copium.
Very funny.

>> No.44692436

Has she changed her voice? I watched a stream for the first time since she debuted and it was whiplash to hear her voice has changed.

>> No.44692708

Another day, another thread where KFPiss fails to samefag/shill their oshi but succeeds in people disliking both of them even more.

>> No.44693808

I never lost trust in her. Simply, I recognized she just isn't a good entertainer and tries her best to prove this notion wrong, with varying results. Her extroversion is due to her desperate attempt at relevance, and is her one defining characteristic. Like I said, I don't hate her.

See above. Not an anti, just former KFP who moved to greener pastures after finding out I was living on astroturf.

Let's not kid ourselves anon, selling gravure is kinda whorish, and there's a good chance she might do it after she graduates to sustain the lifestyle she has acquired from hololive. But I'm happy for you because you know what you like, it's ok to admit someone's flaws and still like them, I was just one of the people who deluded myself into thinking her flaws weren't serious.

>> No.44694409

This is the shittiest larp I've seen in this board and that's saying a lot.

>> No.44696403

You know you can disagree with me without resorting to insults, right? Although I don't expect much from current KFP, I understand why you are like that.

>> No.44699877

What do you expect from the fanbase that currently vilifies their own for so much as having a different opinion?

>> No.44701291

Shut up lol

>> No.44701737

2+ years of living on 4chan and liking Kiara might do that to you. I don't agree with or condone their behavior but that's just another reason to not look back.

>> No.44701934

I'm illegally downloading that meme.

>> No.44701984
File: 428 KB, 498x280, shubaduck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still, it's nice to see Subaru catch up and then pass Kiara in subs.

>> No.44702026


>> No.44702156

If she were American, then it would have made sense. Frankly, Ame should have been the phoenix (fast food fat american ha ha) and Kiara the detective (european).
Not sure WTF they were thinking on that one.

>> No.44702256

>No argument

>> No.44702422

>uses Android over shitty Apple iCrap
I love her

>> No.44702455

she is a selfish cunt

>> No.44706594

Kiara and Ina turned out to be the best in their Gen, surprisingly. All it took was for them to stay the course, slow and steady really do win the race after all. They both have some of the most dedicated fan bases in Myth.

>> No.44706922

Some of these aren't even correct, what a retarded ass thread.

>> No.44710342

based /g/entooman

>> No.44713313

I daresay almost every thread that gets made here that isn't a general is retarded

>> No.44716810 [SPOILER] 
File: 30 KB, 600x338, 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44718810

I try my best to create high quality /s4s/ vtuber themed content.

>> No.44720776

>/vt/ ever hated 'Wawa
or one crazy schizo

>> No.44720801

I know Kiara is homesick. But I really think she should move to Japan permanently. With access to the studio, put out more 'idol' content. It is one of her unique strengths.

>> No.44720858

thats why generals usualy filtered

>> No.44724585

Is it working?
