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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44660777 No.44660777 [Reply] [Original]

I thought things would be different oh well…

>> No.44660864

BASED but you should have known better than to think gura would actually care enough about you to stream more

>> No.44660921

I just made a second account and membered to her a second time.

>> No.44661544

>Trusting guras words
Kek atleast you jumped ship before any further disappointment.

>> No.44661716

She'll stream again in two months when she has to shill her merch.

>> No.44661725

>Trusting Women

>> No.44662115

Based never give lazy whores any of your money it never goes well

>> No.44662235

Wasn't she gonna address her "mental health" and explain why she wasn't streaming before her trip to Japan during her comeback stream, and never did? That should have been a clear sign for you to switch oshis.

>> No.44662745

That’s actually very pathetic to chumbies really?

>> No.44662936
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only 2? I have 4. One for spamming the chat, one where I use only in members stream, one where i send supas and last one for commenting under clips and vods

>> No.44663029

Statistically, no, they don't. Most chumbuds are casual watchers so the weird narrative people try to spin about a fanbase that gives her all their money is retarded. You can even compare gura return stream superchat money to ina return stream superchat money to see that despite being larger, gura's fanbase has a lot more kids and poorfags who aren't going to send 5 bucks that they could spend on a dozen eggs instead.

>> No.44663070

>another gura seethe thread

>> No.44663183

no, i won't watch your 3view uninspiring whores

>> No.44663337

>Another chumkek coping with no streams

>> No.44663822

It honestly baffles me how manipulative she is she was apparently too sick to stream for two months but suddenly became healthy enough to go to japan and do a whole 3D live? And also seemingly giddy enough to do shill streams and nothing else. What an absolutely disgusting gold digger of a woman she is.

>> No.44664183

Good on you anon if you look there are plenty of other chuubas that are much more entertaining than gura and stream way more frequently and those are the ones that are worth your time and money.

>> No.44664213

>Wasn't she gonna address her "mental health" and explain why she wasn't streaming before her trip to Japan during her comeback stream
No? She explicitly said she would never explain her health issues for privacy reasons and she never said anything about mental health at any point

>> No.44664563


>> No.44664770
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EiENTR and boobro deflection post
fuck you phasetrannies too

>> No.44664972

the update she's talking about came 5 days later

>> No.44665075


>> No.44665656

>Apparently Too sick to stream before arriving to japan
>apparently not sick enough to record for her 3d showcase and holofes

>> No.44665793

>takes a break for health reasons
>break helps

>> No.44666037

Nice logic Retardo!

>> No.44666278

I mean Ina did the same thing.

>> No.44666305

Cope she claimed to have a serious health condition that didn’t allow her to even give updates and yet somehow "recovered" instantly to go to japan and start recording. Sorry you fell for guras lies chumbie.

>> No.44666474

Most chumbuds spend their money on her merch.

>> No.44667104

But Ina's streaming right now while gura's radio silent.

>> No.44667478

Based dont let any delusional chumkek tell you shes still worth the money lazy bitches don’t deserve it.

>> No.44667539

Based and checked

>> No.44667916

>Chumbuds now deflecting towards ina
Jesus the lack of shame is astounding.

>> No.44668658

Kinda stupid of you waiting for so long but I'm still proud of you anon. You did right.

>> No.44668894

Good there’s literally zero reason to keep giving a millionaire money who doesn’t even give contestant content anymore.

>> No.44669521

Ina’s been streaming, Gura has not
And I know this doesn’t matter but I was busy most of Ina’s break so I didn’t even miss anything, I’m winning

>> No.44669847

Good on you man now you can go on a journey to give your money to actually good vtubers.

>> No.44670206

>giddy enough to do shill streams and nothing else.
Honest question, were those streams cover-mandated by any chance?

Also I can imagine that the whole 3D stream in Japan thing was something that was in the making for a long time, and high-priority too, it isn't strange that she would save her time and energy for them.

>> No.44670338

>Honest question, were those streams cover-mandated by any chance?
They 100% were which just makes it worse as it pretty much exposes her laziness even further.

>> No.44670552

She is working hard for holofes bro, once that is over she is gonna comeback stronger than ever!

>> No.44670636
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>> No.44670690

I'll give you credit. Ina DID do the same thing. The problem is that this has been guras thing for forever. The constant unexplained breaks with promises that she'll totally get better, the blatant apathy she's had towards streaming for the past year and a half makes me wonder why she still has defenders /here/ you take away the cunny and honestly what does she have going for her ?

>> No.44670805

I think gura is picking the same contract model shion aqua and now laplus have

>> No.44670818

I fully do believe that she's ready to graduate. I honestly think that there's some sort of contract that she has going on with management where she could do below the bare minimum and get away with it because she's still a golden chuuba in their eyes

>> No.44671047

What the "hates their fanbase and the agency they work for" model?

>> No.44671206

yes and?

>> No.44671354

>I fully do believe that she's ready to graduate.
Probably for the better she does, the chumbabies will probably cry and wine nonstop but if they care even a little about guras health than they should be happy when she does.

>> No.44671512

who wouldn't be sad about their oshi leaving? are you just crying about her now? sad life bro

>> No.44671624

retard lmao

>> No.44671649

this time for sure, sister

>> No.44671686


>> No.44672033

I see Chumbuds already posting the retarted "oh shes so busy she can’t even stream for an hour" cope

>> No.44672381

when are chumcucks not coping? gura's strategy is perfect, she's fully transitioning into EN's Ayame. the drip feed will continue.

>> No.44672836

Well they’re not exactly known for having an IQ above room temperature after all.

>> No.44673191


>> No.44673620

Please tell me your joking……

>> No.44674146

Hes not chumbies are that delusional

>> No.44674492

BASED BASED BASED save your money on chuubas who deserve it.

>> No.44674535

>working hard

>> No.44674558

Wants to believe their money has power against the money shark.

>> No.44674639
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>this guy

>> No.44674734
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You can't win.

>> No.44674801

I have 2 as well. Both on tier 3

>> No.44674810

Wtf IS THAT LOL. Asian man tears. Reading that made me feel pleasure.

>> No.44675149

The fuck is this? Lmao where is this even from? Do chumcucks really?

>> No.44675181

I think she's sabotaging her career because she doesn't want to be #1 anymore. She'll probably stream more again when someone else takes up the mantle.

Either that or when she gets back home from Japan. Maybe, for whatever reason, she just absolutely hates streaming outside her original home.

>> No.44675591

You think she is not streaming because she does not want to be number 1. You don't choose based on your frequency you just are. Kind of like ur little rice penis.

>> No.44675671

It's what u become when u don't stop watching her chink.

>> No.44675839

I mean nobody should be surprised that she’s basically the logan paul of vtubing at this point. They are both popular, unfunny and love to scam their fans out of their money.

>> No.44675860

If that were the case, it's going to be a looooong time until someone snatches that mantle from her.

>> No.44675918

And that room is a fucking panenka from the deepest part of Russia, you gotta hope their IQ doesn't fall lower under two digits.

>> No.44676312


>> No.44676756

not enough copium for this guy

>> No.44676764

You cant stream

>> No.44677004

>not a cent of it goes to chumbuds
The /vt/ equivalent of Elon Musk simps

>> No.44677452
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>She'll stream again in two months when she has to shill her merch.
Gura hasn't even shilled this yet. What makes you think she'll be back for new merch?

>> No.44677752

She WILL get back to 3 streams / week once she gets home. Right now she hates her setup, that's why she doesn't stream.

>> No.44677810

>2016 merch
Nice try, try again.

>> No.44678742

And all the other lies i like to tell myself.

>> No.44679324

Lol lmao

>> No.44679445


>> No.44679666

Cover was founded in 2016 you fucking mong

>> No.44679769

this is unironically why she's the best
just the fact that she can barely lift a finger and the worms will writhe below is so hot

>> No.44679778

Keep pretending she hasn't shown up in collabs. Keep pretending she didn't give fair warning that streams would be sparse until she goes home. Keep pretending that anyone who actually watches her gives a single effervescent fuck what you have to say.

>> No.44679909

Keep pretending gura doesn’t despise her fans to the point of not wanting to stream

>> No.44680017

nakiri counter doesn't update when she shows up in collabs, why would this whore get a pass

>> No.44680089

Thanks for the condom money, we were getting too close to running out of it for a few days

>> No.44680774

Lol settledown chumkek

>> No.44681018

This may be a harsh reality but you need to accept it, Gura will always be loved while Ayame is hated, just the fact that this whore didn't give a fuck about Coco alone is more than enough to justify the antis.

>> No.44682228

>hes this delusional

>> No.44683113

Sure she will

>> No.44683203
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Now you learned your lesson

>> No.44683357

lol lmao even

>> No.44683872

>mumei pic

>> No.44683936

I don't remember subscribing to your blog

>> No.44684581

Lmao it's so obvious how much bait it's and (you) still managed to get the chumbies to come crawling out of /#/, kek.

>> No.44684704

How did you think it would be different?
She's done this so many times I doubt there's anyone who has an actual count of the exact number.

>> No.44685456

>post in the thread anyway

>> No.44685964


>> No.44686317

(barely managing to navigate to thesaurus dot com through veil of tears) effervescent

>> No.44686407

Why do people willingly give money to millionaires? I'll never understand it.

>> No.44686479

Do you want her to stream or don't you. I'm getting confused by the retard logic

>> No.44686622

Honestly its not so bad when the content creator at least uses that money to create more content and use it in a way to give back to the community except gura doesn’t do any of that and just takes your money like the greedy whore that she is.

>> No.44686863
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>> No.44688259

Gachi Sheep mentality unironically

>> No.44688968

>what does she have going for her?
She has literally nothing going for her becauss she functionally does not exist. There's nothing to talk about.
It sucks because Gura right before her ghosting got me back into vtubers. She's inspired and motivated me in different ways (quitting alcohol, listening to her karaoke while lifting). But now she's gone, and it probably doesn't even matter why

>> No.44689029

>care about her health
Who are you kidding, the reason for her absence is pribably the relapse (and the guilt)

>> No.44689286
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>> No.44689346

Lmao, simp.

>> No.44689525

"She has literally nothing going for her"It's a bit obvious that you're not even trying to look. She graduated high school, she has an oshi practice account, she paid taxes last year. And quite a few things beyond that as well.https://www.kantei.go.jp/files/fo...536988154090.pdfAnd yes, almost certainly without saying anything to anyone outside of hololive management, she contributed money to the Josephine Lamb fund along with most of the other english staff members under the condition that it be spent on Japanese tsunami relief despite having never visited Japan herself once in her life and knowing nothing about the country other than what she learned from movies (which is actually pretty darn good). Probably doesn't pay any attention at all to stuff like this unless pressured by management or someone else to do so though unlike most line vtubers she also actually tries to read stuff off stream and isn't just spewing shit out of her ass like everyone else in management. You might as well just complain about Mori here instead of pretending Gura's existence is enough to complain about

>> No.44689568

At least do everyone a favor and leak the membership stuff.

>> No.44689714

Gura won, good for her
What's exactly the issue? Just close your eyes

>> No.44689775

And at least two of the four you mentioned have been found out playing with males off stream.
I really can’t understand how such girls manage to keep their fans. They don’t do anything, their fans have to go watch someone else because their oshi never streams and never does anything. At that point what’s the point of supporting someone who’s only activity is doing nothing?

>> No.44690140
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I am the lord of all that is Gura... and one day... we'll return to our home... bathed in rays of gold...

>> No.44690324

I don't even make fun of cumsharts anymore. Gura is a textbook emotional abuser to her entire fanbase. Lovebomb, withdrawal, ghost, rinse and repeat. Hang in there you sorry fuckers.

>> No.44690755

>off stream
If you think Gura is only a pc/tv poster, then you don't understand her at all. She doesn't spend her off-stream time playing Call of Duty or Diablo or whatever x-toys boys like to play. She's a very different kind of girl.

>> No.44691792

I don't watch Ina, but from what I've heard, her break did her a lot of good. She came back way happier and has been doing well with her streams. I can respect a break when it leads to a noticeable improvement. Doesn't seem to be the case with Gura though. I hope once Fes is over, she'll get back in the swing of things, but at this point that hope feels like cope.

>> No.44691803


>> No.44692009
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>> No.44693891

If you set your expectations low you will never be disappointed.

>> No.44696626

Gura won? maybe
her fans? lol lmao

>> No.44697400

This shark won't last another year

>> No.44697597

So he better not give any streamer money then?

>> No.44698495


>> No.44701213

>another month

>> No.44702187

I wasn’t talking about the shark. I don’t watch her all nor I watch EN. All I know is that she has a lot of subscribers and that she doesn’t stream.

>> No.44702844

Man if graduating high school and donations to a relief fund are all it takes to have "something" going for you, I should be a hell of a lot more well known than I am vs a wagie slavie.
But regardless my entire argument was that she had nothing going on streamer wise. I can't say she's funny cuz she doesn't stream, I can't say she's got a great singing voice cuz she hasn't got shit for songs out there and karaoke is rare
I can't say her gameplay is entertaining cuz it doesn't happen
I can't say her commentaries keep me interested cuz they don't happen
What honestly is there to say about her?

>> No.44705283

Nice paragraph

>> No.44709659


>> No.44709901

Based Goomba filtering normies

>> No.44710190

Gura antis literally have NOTHING on her dude, she's the only girl that they want to target but will never give them the response.
The trust between her and chumbuds is JP chuuba level, and so they only have the option of spamming threads like these and pretending to be "ex fans".
Every single post seething about her just reinforces the fact that Gura is still the best, and nothing they do can take that away from us.

>> No.44710309

> gets exposed
> starts seething
a classic

>> No.44710414

Reminder that Gura's butthole is at the very base of her tail.

>> No.44710607

Fans don't have nothing on her too because they receive nothing.

>> No.44713256

Imagine the smell

>> No.44713414

I will never forget the golden moment she mentioned a nose pressed to her rear

>> No.44716044

I can think of two
>constantly lying
>constantly ghosting

>> No.44716218

She and cover are both getting free paypig sucker money through completely passive member subs. Why would she bother graduating when she gets free money?

>> No.44716448
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>communicates constantly
>one of the most active on twitter in holoEN
>very openly feels guilty about not streaming
>will stream even when sick or under the weather because she misses us
>had the choice to drop university or holo and dropped university
It's like you've never watched her

>> No.44716542

why you keep complaining for the thousandth time when you can just stop watching her. Why you such a cuck?

>> No.44717228

You know, Mumei hates you for your shit opinion

>> No.44717320



>> No.44717381

Good. HoloEN is probably the shittiest corporate vtuber sidebranch ever existed.

>> No.44717626

Chumfucks are even more cucked than cuckbeats.

>> No.44717856


>> No.44717944

We’re not seething at Gura, we’re laughing at her fans.

>> No.44718322

why are people like this

>> No.44718689

Drowned in self misery, they have nothing better to do than to argue with people.
It must be a mental issue since this is seemingly becoming an obsession for them to repeat the same unfounded vitriol day after day

>> No.44718815

Collabs are low effort content. Streaming requires some preparation work: OBS, audio and holo app checking beforehand, which requires 30 min - 1h and the reason JPs don't have as many tech issue delays as the ENs is that they do it earlier. They also make the thumbnails and they probably have to submit a report about the contents of the stream to their managers
Gura just doesn't give a fuck, she only came back because she saw the number of memberships dropping and wanted to get that number up before fucking off again. And it's understandable, her stream hours per month have been on a steady decline in the past year. Why would she stream 60h a month now when 10h is enough to get similar revenue?

>> No.44718953

You are way too angry about this. Did you use to be a fan before you stopped taking your meds?

>> No.44719078

If you think gaming streams are more difficult than prepping for something like the 3D collab you're insane

>> No.44719099

I accept your concession

>> No.44719216

>If you think gaming streams are more difficult than prepping for something like the 3D collab you're insane
JPs do that for multiple 3D streams a month and stream long hours
How many3D streams has Gura been in the past year?

>> No.44719254

Sorry bud, NTA. It just seemed like you've thought about this way too much and you seem angry. One can only assume that you used to be a fan and that you need your meds

>> No.44719298

You seem to be the one who's angry because people are just pointing out the truth

>> No.44719357

>multiple 3D streams a month

>> No.44719434

Guest at someone's birthday live
Guest at someone's anniversary live
Their own birthday live
Their own anniversary live
Hololive related lives (holofes, holosummer, Christmas)

>> No.44719508

yes I'm aware that those things can happen
still doesn't happen that often

>> No.44719531

this doesn't even seem impressive anymore because of gifted memberships, I know how psychotic and obsessive you tards are on hating gura and probably having multiple accounts subbed to her in hopes one of them gets gifted a membership

>> No.44719543

It gets pretty annoying to see repeat threads about someone not streaming but I'm not angry.
I certainly haven't thought about the differences between vtubers I respect and vtubers I don't (But still watch because how else would I know). Even to the extent of counting number of 3D livestreams and number of stream hours.
Get some help or take your meds

>> No.44719941

They still happen. There are 35 holo JP members, so 35 anniversaries, 35 birthdays for 12 months, which is 6 lives happening per month on average just from anniversaries and birthdays. But they have other stuff in the main channel, sponsorship streams, group lives and full gen anniversaries... Some holos might join to multiple events in a month and they would still stream during that month

>> No.44720008

she also sang in a language she doesn't understand and did choreo without any prior knowledge, other EN girls (be it niji, holo, etc) are uninspiring as fuck, I have no idea how any of you can put up with their shit, literally a bunch of pick mes trying to conceal their whore natures by abusing the brand power.

>> No.44720017

You sound pretty angry, maybe practice what you preach and take your meds, because I don't see you complaining in Ayame last stream X days ago threads

>> No.44720100

How can you be a Gura fan but hate on others in her group? Gura would tell you to fuck off

>> No.44720164

>she also sang in a language she doesn't understand
Do chumkeks really think singing anime songs is hard?

>> No.44720400

Ok man. I haven't done any number crunching or analysis on someone's lack of streaming but you do you.
Should probably get some fresh air once in awhile since it also sounds like you spend too much time here; talking about some Ayame's-lack-of-streaming-thread I guess I should have been in

>> No.44720433

k cool, you don't need to do pull out your math autism (which probably isn't even a good estimate) and compare to holoJP to say you don't like someone's amount of content
besides, if you actually watched the content-making-machine holoJP you praise so highly, you'd know that there's more than enough content to be happy with so if any of them don't stream it's not a big deal
now can you fuck off while I enjoy holoJP and gura, I just don't care about hating on chuubas I don't care about

>> No.44720439

>No argument
I rest my case. Face the music, the only reason you watch her is because she's cunny. There's literally no other point

>> No.44720554

Objectively speaking, she really is multi-talented. But what do you know? You don't even know what songs she sings while making a rather unreasonable claim. Singing in a language you hardly understand IS hard. She has also done so with a popular Korean song

>> No.44720600

All these seething and she's still the tourism ambassador of japan

>> No.44721141

oh well

>> No.44721291

So is Mori. Not exactly a group of high standards

>> No.44721900

Yes, sadly this means more work for Migo and Mori.
