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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44656062 No.44656062 [Reply] [Original]

Why do some people hate yuri so much? Does the idea your oshi might want to fuck girls make you think she'd never fuck you?

>> No.44656286

No because it not real its just a bait
And it is really over used, kiara tries this with every girls she collabs
The jps have phases which they switch between being a lesbian and being straighther than a romanian road
I belive the only one is Matduri which literally sexualy asulted pekora

>> No.44656343

I hate actual fags. I don’t distinguish between male and female on this matter. I also dislike shipping.

>> No.44656547

Lesbians aren’t real, women really do hate each other.

>> No.44656565

i like you anon, you're my role model

>> No.44656585


Women seriously hate each other, I was so fucking surprised.

>> No.44656860

Yuri is cuckery but with other woman. To not think so you would have to think lesbian don't exist.

>> No.44656879

I'm used to my messages being picked up a few times a stream and the interaction appears similar enough to all of her other interactions with chat(assuming no favorites) that it lets it feel like one massive convo I'm a part of
ship means collabs means no comments

>> No.44656917

Lesbians aren't real. Bulldykes coping about being diddled come the closest and even then, it's all founded on cope and mental illness. The closest thing you'll get to cute girls lezzing out is drunk college whores experimenting and quickly abandoning it for the cocks they're designed for.
As yurifagging is a mandatory step in any autogynephile's downward spiral to troonhood, I'm going to preemptively tell you that you will never be a woman.

>> No.44656967

Because some man like those 5 : >>44656286
are so insecure with their sexual hability that it hurt them to get remember that their dick can't rivalise with a woman finger. That what micropenis do to a mf.

>> No.44657073

But with Kiara's case it's actually funny, since we get a material to shitpost about her fucking with other people oshi.

>> No.44657096


>> No.44657149

ESL? Or are you so mad you’re losing your mind? Either way you’re proof that /u/fags need culling

>> No.44657271

Try speaking English properly first, lobotomite,

>> No.44657379

I'm pretty sure there's anti yuri discord somewhere raiding this site constantly for past few years
I used to doubt the possibility but with how far holo antis can go it seems pretty sensible in retrospect

>> No.44658438

Yuri is haram

>> No.44658541

>SEAmonke accusing others of having a micropenis
bro, rocks and glass houses

>> No.44660219

The idea that my oshi wants to fuck girls is a large part of my reason for watching vtubers, op. To the extent that if it is hinted that she wants to fuck guys instead I might well drop her.

>> No.44660304
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No because it's childish along with all the other unity and idol shit

>> No.44660484

>too many do it
>it normalizes homosexuality
>devalues men
>most of them just do it for clicks
>I don't watch Vtubers to hear about their sex life
here are some reasons for you, OP

>> No.44660505

based af

>> No.44660559

Fuck people who hate yuri
Fuck trannies
Fuck anti-para twitchtards

>> No.44660577

Thank for the (you)s i guess i hit the sensitible nerve., proving my point.

>> No.44660784

Like pretty much all subversions, lesbian shit provides cheap thrills for a while but is mega boring after five minutes. Heterosexuality is eternally beautiful.

>> No.44660941

On the contrary, yuri is soulful and not governed over by animalistic lust and desire to conquer. We as human beings are more than that. We were made more than that by our creator.

>> No.44661307

Because unwelcome shippers never stay in their containment. They spill over into the normal threads and are so full of themselves passing off their headcanon imaginations as facts.

>> No.44661859

>Fuck people who hate yuri
>Fuck people who love yuri
bit misanthropic of you anon

>> No.44663956

I don't hate Yuri Anon
I hate the /u/ fags.

>> No.44665238

>straighther than a romanian road
romanian roads are NOT straight
t. romanian

>> No.44666300

Holy based

>> No.44666911

Its just closeted homo /pol/tards like this

>> No.44667059
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 810D283C-8E00-4EC7-83EF-503952541FD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s wrong with her?

>> No.44670993

I like Yuri, but I wish for once it was real

>> No.44671998

It doesn't exactly bother me on-stream but it leads to some people taking it really, REALLY seriously.
Take Ametori for example, nearly every Ametori shipper I've come across froths at the mouth, starts seeing red and posts the copypasta of wholesome 100 Keanu shit they did months ago the moment you say something that might even imply that they -gasp!- aren't. That's just my personal experience, but I'm almost certain that people get that way about a lot of other pairings, too.

>> No.44673563

If it's a fetish or you see Vtubers as just generic streamers, it's fine. What I genuinely dont get are the male watchers who want GFE from man hating lesians. It makes me think it's guys who transition into "women" but miraculously find out they're "lesbians" once they do that love this stuff. Doesn't make sense otherwise. No, you're not curing actual lesbianism with your 3 inch dicks, just stop.

>> No.44673613


Yeah, same. Yurishippers in my experience are even more psychotic than normal shippers, that's more than enough reason for me to want nothing to do with it.

>> No.44673623
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yuri isn't bad because of the concept at hand

its bad because it attracts the most rabbid, insane people who simply put do not understand how the fuck to calm down. its why noeflare has calmed down.

>> No.44673776

Election tourists outing themselves. If you hate girls loving other girls you're a tourist.

>> No.44673881

If it was actual yuri nobody would have an issue. It's yuribaiting people don't like.

>> No.44674603

>the most rabbid, insane people
Self-insert fags? How does it attract them?

>> No.44674874

I don't hate it, it's just not my thing. I do hate the anons around here who peddle it in unrelated threads however.

>> No.44675392

Rayman’s Raving Rabbids

>> No.44675494

>You must secretly be a fag!
Hell of an argument there, bud.

>> No.44675550

>Engages in discussion
>Mocks those who reply to him
oe day /vt/, and this website in general will learn the unwritten rule of the internet

Don't. Feed. The trolls.

>> No.44675562

Yuri and rape is the best combination.

>> No.44675655

Which way?
Lesbians raping straight girls?
Or raping a lesbian straight?

>> No.44676027

I like lesbians in a sexual context, threesomes are hot because lesbians are hot and im involved too, so its me plus more tits. But heres the thing, i dont emotionally care about those women i have threesomes with, its purely sexual, im not gonna fall in love with them. With a chuuba is different, its parasocial, you like them, you think about them, hope they are doing ok, then they do lesbo shit and the happy warm feelings you have turn into a weird pit in your stomach, full of dread covered with some disgust. There was this pretty girl i liked once, then in the club i saw her booty dancing with another girl, like too much, they were very handsy with each other, completely lost all attraction to her in a second. Too gay, dont want gay in my personal space. Think of it this way, you meet a girl, she is hot and she sucks your dick in a club bathroom, then you fuck her doogy style and its hot, she says what a slut she is, and loves taking your dick, she is a complete slut and its hot, i mean thats great, its a great time, but no fucking way am i taking her to meet my mother. I know what type of time and place she has in my life, and its not an emotional one. If a girl i like, someone i actually see myself caring about event hints at having done anything with a girl, or wanting a threesome, or wanting to experiment, im breaking up with her that same day.

Yuri in chuubas is not just gay, ill read a yuri hentai, fine, but yuri in my chuuba is yuri in a more personal space, and that is yuri in an emotional space, and that is yuri in an space that simply does not belong. If a chuuba i like does yuri, then in that moment she is no longer my oshi.

>> No.44676482
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It's nice when the girls are actually gay and act like a couple, but sadly most yuri shippers are emotionally damaged shut ins that haven't ever seen a genuine friendship before and assume any semblance of closeness is sexual interest. I just feel bad for people when they're obsessed with some ship and think they're soulmates, and then you watch a clip of them and it's just basic girl stuff anybody with female friends saw in middle school.

>> No.44676734

All yuri shitters i've met are tranny lesbians

>> No.44680833


>> No.44682466

this sums up my feelings towards it

>> No.44682510

She'd never fuck me anyway. Yuri is just boring.

>> No.44682571
File: 1.50 MB, 1447x2047, __gawr_gura_and_bloop_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_tsukiman__8a70d87e3ebc2243bde4584b4fc54d1f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.

Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

>> No.44682761
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>holos are obviously gay
>noooooo they cant just express their sexuality on stream they have to lust after guys so I can fap to being cucked
It's kinda hard for me to understand.

>> No.44685033

I hate all forms of degeneracy, including homosexuality.

>> No.44686183

I kinda respect you for this

>> No.44686364

Whatever shit they throw out, at the end of the day it boils down to the same insecurity and arguments that they accuse the other side of. Just search "man-hating" and you'll get posts loaded with neurosis and paranoia, even in this thread.

>> No.44686366

Yurifags are more annoying than yaoitards. At least the fujos have the excuse of being sexually repressed teenage girls. Yurifags are autistic men who express their intense self-loathing by finding and/or creating porn that doesn't include reminders of themselves. Worse, yurifags try to intellectualize their fetish by screaming that yuri is the purest form of love. Often times they end up trooning out to actualize their inferiority complexes. Jesus Christ I hate them so fucking much.

>> No.44686567

Extremely normal individual and behavior.

>> No.44687036

>Femoid here-
Did not read

>> No.44687583

This isn't even ESL English.
This nigga had a stroke.

>> No.44687786

He's saying that those 5 dudes are so sexually lacking a woman would be better off pleasuring herself with her finger.

>> No.44688332

So how does that work?
>dude watching lesbian porn
>"I want to fuck the two girls"
>"no wait, I want to BE the girl fucking the other girl"
such an unnecessary step.

>> No.44688525

Troons love yuri so they can self-insert

>> No.44688877

>Lesbian here.
Nah, you're just a scorned straight. I'm lesbian and I don't center my sexuality around men like this.

>> No.44688943

Nobody decides to be a dyke because they hate Men.

>> No.44690565

looks like you caught a couple troon tourists in the replies.

>> No.44690832

This is a very goofy idea

>> No.44690927

>Why do some people hate yuri so much?
Because they're homosexual and they can only get coom if there's a man involved. They can't stand yuri because 2 girls = nothing for a fag to fap to.

>> No.44691019

What kind of heterosexual thinks heterosexual sex is a major turn-off?

>> No.44692692

It doesn't. Malebeggars like to pretend that's the case so they can justify their "heterosexual" cuckold fetish and act like they're not "supporting the cause" and are in fact the based ones.

>> No.44692747

It's a copypasta, sister.

>> No.44692974

These posts were only 8 seconds apart but over 1600 posts went in between them. How is this possible?

>> No.44693218

All me

>> No.44693613

what if she says she wants to fuck (You)?

>> No.44696151

and yet you love the forms of degeneracy known as vtubing and 4chan, curious...
