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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44575416 No.44575416 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Can I self post?
Self posting is allowed as long as it's for asking for feedback or starting out, there are other threads for self promotion.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Twitter branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Parasocial guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous thread: >>44483523

>> No.44575496


>> No.44575567

I've been addicted to these threads, damn (You) all

>> No.44575748

For those who asked if "just streaming" is better than having a bunch of nice assets?
Compare Digby who was streaming at the same time as the new girl.
I checked in on his stream. Didn't even get to double digits as usual. New girl never dropped below double digits.

How much of that was down to tits and how much was down to the assets though?

>> No.44575805
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Ah, right, forgot to say it last thread, but Denpafish, please make your schedule look less shit. I know you have Photoshop.


>> No.44576243

In /asp/'s opinion, is it a debuff if the (male) vtuber is a big weeb? Is it only a debuff if they sound like one?

>> No.44576428

Depends on what kind of weeb, being into yaoi would be a buff because fujos (Look at CDawgVA), being into stuff like Monster would be a debuff since most people perceive fans of it tend to be elitist assholes

>> No.44576666

I threw it together quickly since I don't have much time lately but true
I can't really honor a schedule rn anyways so I'll just delete it

>> No.44576744


>> No.44576757
File: 335 KB, 1920x1080, FqaiUizWIAAN-oN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think this schedule is better?
It's even more unreadable.


>> No.44576851

Don't be too harsh to yourself. More optimal fonts and it will be fine. At least it's some art not dumb slap of PNG with broken gamma

>> No.44576875

It's uglier but arguably more legible

>> No.44576885

Bruh you seen the cats?
He literally just writes a tweet and leaves it at that.

>> No.44576965

i can do better but just slapped it together in like five mins. I'll make myself a template when I have some free time and make it cleaner. I'll try and find a cute font to use as well.
I want to commission a cute logo but I haven't found someone I like with open commissions yet. I'd likely do the same for schedule templates if I could find someone since it matters to me but I'd rather put my time elsewhere

>> No.44577054

A jewba was giving out advice on auditions today.

>> No.44577449

Valid >>44575805 missing some fonts and structure. Easier to fix than no art, no structure - only mess.

Cat need to shitpost more to get more visibility. Can't wait!

Template isa thing. But if you don't have time - just slap shit in five mins and don't give a fuck. Do what you can, do you.

>Roleplay on audition
Poor people. On both sides.

>> No.44577567

>Cat need to shitpost more
He seems to be toning it down lately.
He posted a stream announcement here today before his stream started and that's it. Personally I think it's a shame because he seems to be the only one in gen 4 who isn't trying to hide his 4chan affiliation.

>> No.44577595

yeah when I have some time I'll try to work on a simple template I can use, this week I can't do much in the realm of vtuber activities anyway so it's fine. I wish I was a NEET of the rich variety and could just spend all my free time on stuff..

>> No.44577651

Rather than just assets, I think it was also due to a difference in their communities, as well as her debut being a special event. Like...

- Runoxi has a group of small vtuber / pre-debut vtuber friends that she regularly interacts with on Twitter, they helped promote her debut and were really supportive about it.
- She posts to TikTok and posts YouTube shorts regularly. She has a total of 1.7k views on her TikToks which informed the audience of her debut, and a total of 1.3k views on the YouTube shorts that said the same.
- The first thing you see in her stream are quality assets. Her screen transition is pretty cute.
- She starts the debut with a short skit/lore video that's actually a bit funny.
- She has an actual debut stream where she's introducing herself to the audience properly. Like, it's a proper debut.

She also has an active chat that's not just one or two people trying to groom her. I recognised some names from her Twitter mutuals in there.

I saw your Tweets, your work commitments seem like they drain a lot of life out of you. It's a shame that you can't stream.

For how to make a better schedule, I'd say that you should align your text and make the font size consistent, though the celebration being a larger font and a slightly different colour does help it stand out.

Also, 03/06 - 03/12.

I saw it before, I just didn't want to remember it. Why the fuck are the lengths of the text boxes for the days not the same? If you intentionally want to trigger people, it certainly worked.

>> No.44578021

Just shitpost. It's very cringy to doing this. But sometimes it helps.

Being NEET is a thing. Everyone want this. But someday things can change. Nothing is eternal (except of shittalkers).

I think it's not intentionally (sort of template or other shit)

>> No.44578061

yeah, I was pretty haphazard with it. I'll take some time eventually to make one that looks better and consistent.

work is rough, i don't feel like staring at my computer and working on anything else..

>> No.44578071

Makes sense. I remember Digby saying a number of times he only did an hour of prep after deciding to stream for the first time.

>> No.44578318

(Not digby) I've been having a tough time deciding how much prep time I should have before my streams... an hour is way too much, but if I give myself less time I'm bound to forget something or mess something up...

>> No.44578407

Puppetman here, do pretty schedules make a noticeable difference? I guess EVERY BIT counts, wondering if any chuubas saw more engagement going from Text-Only schedule to Commisioned Art?

>> No.44578473

(also not digby) What I meant was it sounded like he said to himself "I am going to stream the wizard game." and then went about doing literally everything like setting up the twitch and downloading the software he uses a default model from.
Then an hour after that decision he was ready and began the stream.

>> No.44578668

That's how you start, yes. Download game, download OBS, google up whatever you don't understand, click the stream button. It will be scuffed regardless, so why waste too much effort on it.

>> No.44578709

I personally would never give a shred of my attention or time to a Vtuber with MSPaint level graphics. But I'm sure kids don't care if that's who you'd like your audience to be groomer

But having nice graphics isn't going to magically boost your engagement either.

>> No.44578806

Graphics don't boost engagement, they boost interest. They get people to tune in, not stay.

>> No.44578977

The only question that matters is if you would watch yourself

>> No.44578987

>Puppetman here
You know this doesnt narrow it down that much, right

>> No.44579010

Yeah fair. I'm just Tweet my Schedule for the week and Pin it right now.
I'm not going to put out some pretty schedule if it's MSPAINT tier, what's the point.

The comment about interest makes sense, sometimes I feel only other chuubas care about this stuff.

>> No.44579122

Ok it's Kankuro buddy.
Gosh the PuppetTuber category is packed!

>> No.44579245

It's not something I'm personally worried about, but I'm curious what might be the consensus. (Mostly from femanons)

>> No.44579543

It will only be a buff if you're interested in female-targeted anime. At least it won't be a debuff these days unless you're into creepy shit.

>> No.44579672

>tell me you're anti-lolicon without telling me you're anti-lolicon

>> No.44579721
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>> No.44579733

I'm a lolicon but be realistic about people seeing red flags in you

>> No.44579831

Anyone (female) get a view on their Hololive audition recently?

>> No.44580062

Guys don't bring that nonsense Here, this thread is sad enough as it is.

>> No.44580145

Dont worry you will get your view, but if they dont get back to you within a few days forget about it

>> No.44580243

God I hate coomers so much
Why does someone like yuzu have 4views on an Atomic Heart stream despite:
1. next to no reaction to the game
2. skipping all of the content in favor of le ebin quest marker
3. the most engaging moment in the whole intro being the horny moans at the poster robot chicks
This is the """female buff""" you're dealing with. Coomers will gobble up anything, even streams that both reduce the coom content and add next to no game-related content.

>> No.44580329

I saw only 1 coomer for now in my chat. And that one burnt, unfollowed and ran away. Feelsgoodman

>> No.44580400

The coomer problem is much more grand than just Vtubing. I'm disappointed in my fellow man nowadays

>> No.44580702

I got a view like 2 days after I sent the video.
I didnt make it

But I feel like a first rejection is something that happens to everyone, except maybe the EN1 girls.

>> No.44580954

To me it seems like they only want established creators, and creators that are active at the time of applying. (e.g. You've made popular content, but your channel hasnt been dead recently)

(Established, like 50k subscribers on YouTube)

and it doesn't matter if you've done any Vtubing, they just want actual talent.

>> No.44580959

Is paying for a youtube ad for your channel a good idea?

>> No.44581011

*has been dead recently

>> No.44581029 [DELETED] 


>> No.44581047

Coomtubing is the "you wanna be a star, don't ya?" of streaming. This is the female buff.

>> No.44581060

>50k subscribers
That's probably true for females.

I'm still holding on hope but my YT is stuck at 1k... however, I have started streaming, also got a model and have tried using OBS and all that, so for the next audition I can at least show I have more experience streaming.

>> No.44581219

I buy ads, but I find that they're more effective if you make a specific video ad, and target effectively. You don't unlock placements in your google ad account until you've spent a certain amount (~$300 ish)

>> No.44581402

is it apscord/jinxcord/anothershitcord or what?

>> No.44581424

it's jignxcord, the /asp/cord from this past summer.

>> No.44581439

Keep my last point in mind, though. They don't care about your model or that your Pokemon let's play got more views than usual. They want to know you have some kind of talent, like a traditional talent. Singing, dancing, play an instrument, making covers, art, animation, graphic design, DJing, hell, even athletic ability. It's likely that learning to use OBS at a competent level that they require is just something they will teach you through training. So the streaming experience is a bonus, but not mandatory. Try to develop other skills too while you have the time.

>> No.44581530

I remember hearing about how a certain JP streamer, Oliver Evans from nijisanji, had quite literally no streaming experience prior to his audition. I don't think he actually had any other skillsets apart from speaking english and being able to stream proper to an audience. So take that as you will.

>> No.44581641

I don’t trust JP streamer stories.
It’s a country the size of California, all these people have the same friend circles.

>> No.44581666
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to the guy who raided me about a month ago when i was starting out, sorry about not knowing proper raid etiquette on twitch. pretty sure all i did was say thanks and went back to streaming without really engaging you or even thanking you on twitter. my bad

>> No.44581733

>girl streamer
>X follows
>Y vodviews
>guy streamer
>0.5X follows
>10Y vodviews
So this is the power of autism...

>> No.44581751

He had voice acting experience, something I forgot to list but is also seemingly a big plus

>> No.44581815

>They want to know you have some kind of talent, like a traditional talent. Singing, dancing, play an instrument, making covers, art, animation, graphic design, DJing, hell, even athletic ability.
I do kinda have that, since that's what my YouTube channel is about lol, I am not a lets player/streamer, but if I could join a corpo, then I'd definetly do the jump.

>> No.44582148

In that case I'd try to focus in on the talent(s) that you're best at and make that the main focal point of your content. If you can show a visible track record that you're really good at that kind of content and a lot of people enjoy it that's a big plus in their eyes.

At least from what I can tell.

>> No.44582203


>> No.44582262

mmhmmm yup, thats what ill do next time I auditioned, I put that part last and they never got to see it

>> No.44582363


>> No.44582364

"Immersive sims", so System Shock, Deus Ex, Bioshock, Dishonored, Prey and so on

>> No.44583300

Does Vtuber Senpai lurk these threads? Seems like he would.

>> No.44583708


>> No.44584245

a vtuber who helps vtubers
Kind of surprised to hear a "who" considering /here/ is his target audience

>> No.44584291

Anyone here know how to mix covers? I wanna make a cover but I don't know the first thing about mixing. All I got is a subpar mic and Audacity and VEGAS.

>> No.44584644

If you want to make something that's more than "passable" I would recommend at least getting Adobe Audition or an actual DAW. Studio One and Garageband are free, but the most popular DAWs are Ableton, Logic (Apple), FL Studio. and Cubase. I recommend Audition or Ableton. Audition is probably the easiest to pick up and get good results, but you'll get the best experience by using an actual DAW like Ableton.

>> No.44584710

Then learn how to EQ, that will give you the best sounding mix between background track and vocals

>> No.44584775

That’s just Kongou. I’ve never heard him mentioned in /wvt/ or /asp/ even once

>> No.44584869

I suppose but like I said, I don't know the first thing about mixing. I wouldn't know what to even do in those programs.
I'll look up what that is later. Anything else besides that?

>> No.44585130

No don't worry about anything other than volume, EQ, and getting the vocals synced. Then just use those ears of yours to tune it until you think it sounds good. When you think it's done, step away, then listen to it the next day. If it still sounds good then you're good to go, but likely you'll hear things you don't like and you can perfect it!

Also all you have to do is watch a couple YouTube videos to know what you're doing, I'd say don't be in a rush to put out dogshit and take a couple days to learn how to do those few things

>> No.44585359
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Alright. Sounds good anon. Thanks!

>> No.44585981

He's brought up in /wvt/ every so often.

>> No.44586081

Kongou is, I have literally never heard of Vtuber Senpai and I browse that thread everyday

>> No.44586175

Yeah, that's what I meant.

>> No.44586336

It's the viewercord yeah. Don't go there if you are an aspiring chuuba

>> No.44586535

>Verified Accounts Only Chat
Let. Me. In.

>> No.44586879

It's not the viewercord, if you're gonna crab at least have something proper

>> No.44588895

Bump. Slow day?

>> No.44589122

americans are asleep, western europeans are doing reps, eastern europeans are celebrating women's day, SEAs too busy streaming

>> No.44589545

It's the middle of the night in America and there's not many Aussies or JP expats here.

>> No.44589608

Having made schedules and stuff before and putting in effort for the twitter crowd without a sizable following those are practically useless. Over 6 months the people coming from twitter are like 2% of my views. It's more likely someone watches me from twitch itself. It obviously depends on your following but if you are just starting out I'd say a schedule is the least of your concerns

>> No.44590089

On the topic of Aussies, are there any Aussie aspies?

>> No.44591096


>> No.44592692

I see his face behind every post. He's living rent free in my head.
I hate him but when I think about his bratty half-smile I can't help but touch myself.

>> No.44592901


I kinda wish anons posting weird shit elaborated and gave context.

>> No.44593626

I have to stay vague otherwise someone could figure out who I am and who I'm talking about.

>> No.44594003

Just say who you are so I stop interacting with you.

>> No.44594082

Wait, so why did you post it? Is this specifically for the streamer to know? Or was it just to be creepy to the rest of us?

Look, I don't want to judge too much, but I really just want to know why you said what you did.

>> No.44594447

Whaaa- but we're like besties! Why would you want to stop talking to me!?

A little bit of both, I also wanted to let it out. But foremost I enjoy (You) trying to determine if I'm talking about you or not.

>> No.44595113

Even though you said "he", I still have the impression that you're from /pyon/ and that you're talking about Kiki.

>> No.44596011

The glowie... he's in the icecream van outside...

>> No.44596268

Interesting... I'm sure there's a champyon in denial furiously masturbating to exorcise the visions of Kiki but that's not me. I have manners, I wouldn't bring/pyon/ or /wvt/ drama into /asp/.
I wish I had half as much fanart as she gets, I've clicked on her thread a couple times and the quality is impressive. She must be doing something right.

>> No.44596501

To that one twitch viewer who apparently stuck with my bullshit throughout the entire stream, thank you.

>> No.44596768

Autotune is the MOST important part, I personally prefer to use Melodyne so I can select which note I am supposed to hit with each word, since sometimes you can be way off. If you are a pretty good singer, then just autotune is probably good.
But yeah, from experience, you can add all sorts of fancy effects but if you are singing the wrong notes, its gonna sound like shit, music is NOT forgiving.

>> No.44596816

phew couldn't be me i never smile

>> No.44597044

What she does right is appealing to an audience that's much more obsessed than usual people, even by /vt/ standards. I'm half-convinced she wants people to stalk her.

The post says "half-smile". Make sure you check for that as well.

>> No.44597534

I'm in a bit of a pickle.
I want to stream a game I like and that has given me good number in the past, but my only regular dislikes the game and has already mentioned he wouldn't come watch if I streamed that.
I don't think prioritizing a single regular is a smart choice, but i also don't want him to be bored. wat do?

>> No.44597762

I wouldn't don't want to pander too much to a single person, that's giving them too much power.
Just alternate the streams, he'll come to the next one.

>> No.44598128

Because you're not required to accept scuff as your first outing. You are actually capable of putting effort into producing a watchable product. "Its going to be scuff anyway." is quitter talk for people who silently stare off camera.

>> No.44598479

Do you want a viewer or an audience?

>> No.44598604

can I just use Display Capture on OBS to play a game if i'm streaming on youtube?

>> No.44598773

>You are actually capable of putting effort into producing a watchable product.
You are capable of putting effort into it, sure. Do you know how to produce a watchable stream on your first try? If the answer is yes, you've done entertainment before, and don't need any advice from /here/.
If you're /here/, chances are you're chasing a passing dream, are autistic, are introverted as shit, and yes, that you're a quitter. So there's no reason to spend much until you've streamed for long enough that you know you're not going to flake out tomorrow and regret it.

>> No.44598947

my model has no facial expression except the default one and half-closed eyes for a judgmental look. it's by design

>> No.44598970

No, it is impossible. Of course you can but try to avoid display capture if you can. Game or window capture are better because you're less likely to dox yourself when your game crashes or you alt-tab and your dedicated schizo fan decides to read your discord using the miniature preview window that gets displayed when you alt-tab.

>> No.44598981

No need to go to the convenience store!

>> No.44599062

do you have a picture of jinx's avatar? I have an idea

>> No.44599102

"If you build it they will come." doesn't work anon. Streaming for 3 years to the void praying that somebody will find your zero view and suddenly make you famous isn't the way. If you want to join a hobby built on content production then it behooves you to put in baseline effort to learn to produce and promote content. Saying "just go out and do it" but to do it in the most minimal effort way possible just to say you're doing it is the road to burnout and disappointment.
Anons should be doing their homework. Work on your design, work on your plans for content and presentation, watch other content creators and producers, not just for personal entertainment, but to study what and how they do things and learn from them. You can do all of these things without spending endless hours reinventing the wheel on 1-2 viewer streams watched only by other 1-2 viewer streamers.

>> No.44599265

Oh, ok. I was just wondering because I never streamed before. Don't have a mic or even a model yet.

I figured I just start off with something simple like going on youtube and streaming a pokemon game with OBS's display capture. Just to get my feet wet with this whole streaming business.

>> No.44599368

There are better capture methods. Use window or game capture sources rather than display capture for the reasons that other anon mentioned. Also it allows you to treat that capture window as a portion of your larger scene and manipulate it in various ways once you have overlay(s) and model sorted out. Its good to get into best habits early.

>> No.44599477

Guess I better look up more OBS tutorial videos then. Display capture is the only method I tried so far and I'm still learning how to use all of OBS's features. Maybe I'll try the game capture.

>> No.44599703

Display capture is the most basic capture and its designed for when you want to show your whole screen or a portion of your screen. I would basically never use it unless I was trying to do some sort of Youtube tech support style demonstration of how to set up OBS or something.

>> No.44600426

nta, display capture tends to be needed for multiwindow programs, since windows and display capture only capture one window, granted, most aspies won't stream themselves using one, but it's sometimes needed

>> No.44600593

Ah sorry, I might have been a bit too rough.
You should also get a sample model to try setting your scene, maybe create a throwaway youtube account to check your stream settings.

>> No.44600996

No need for a throwaway if you just leave the test recordings unlisted.

>> No.44601287
File: 158 KB, 1022x579, 愛棒.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a comedy partner. I can't bounce jokes off by myself.

>> No.44601404

Have you ever thought of trying to use a different voice to act out two characters on stream?

>> No.44601728

KankuroKing again, hope everyone here is having a nice day!
Going to be streaming TEKKEN later, idk what your guys thought on playing fighting games as a complete newbie are?
I’ve seen some streamers pull up game guides to learn characters, but I’m not sure if that would get my VOD pulled.

>> No.44601763

That sounds like the most depressing /asp/ie stream I have ever heard of
If one of you fucks actually does this, please post the link so I can have a good laugh

>> No.44601778
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>> No.44601779

That's why so many streamers have made "chat" a participant in their storytelling. It gives you a singular entity to talk to. Also why chuubas give pet names to their viewership.

>> No.44601816


>> No.44602240

Yeah, I've even done vid related for a bit.

They'll come eventually. Soon. I need to start thinking of a cringe and embarrassing nickname for my chat.

>> No.44602452
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>> No.44602472

Where did that anon go that was working on the /asp/ soccer players?

>> No.44602684

Huh, do you have any clips you want to post? I'm actually starting to wonder if a schizo-tuber is actually fun to watch.

>> No.44602798

divegrass anon, someone calling for you!

>> No.44603198

No, it's really not fun to watch, and you can't keep it up for two hours. I've deleted all my stuff because I'm not happy with it.
I wouldn't watch myself stream but I'd watch myself if I was a girl. No homo.

>> No.44603224

Forgot my tag. Anyway, somebody offered to work on 3d models. Obviously don't want to put all of that on one anon but we should definitely get in contact away from the board to make following up easier.

>> No.44603441

I mean, if a girl sounds cute, being schizo is like the extra spice to her content.

Kind of a shame that you've deleted it all.

>> No.44603578

Boy got a deep and smooth voice

>> No.44603632

The invite expired... :(

>> No.44604017

don't feel bad about pushing it all on him, it's going to be a learning experience
do you still have his twitter or do you want me to give it to you?

>> No.44604092

this is late but covers are my main thing so this is what I’ve figured out in my year and a half of it. I’ve only worked with pre-existing instrumentals so if you’re planning on making your own or having someone else do it I can’t help with that, also i haven’t used audacity in years so I don’t know how much of this is doable there, but anyway:
>record in as sound-absorbent a room as possible (ie. carpeted) and as far from external noise sources as possible (ie. dishwashers, washing machines and dryers, fans, air conditioners, heaters, the neighbour’s bitch ass dog, and nearby train tracks or freeways)
>assuming the room isn’t sound treated (doesn’t have those jagged fabric/foam wall squares you see in recording studios), at least put up a blanket behind your mic or something to catch the sound before it bounces back
>drop the instrumental’s volume to somewhere between -10 and -5 decibels (depends on how loud the raw instrumental is)
>record each verse of the song individually (or maybe even each line depending on how it’s structured lyrically), you’re not on The First Take
>make sure there’s a noise gate either on your vocal tracks or on your mic itself to cut out ambience
>double the lead by recording a second vocal track as similar as possible to the lead and making it significantly quieter (if you want you can do this twice and pan one double to each side)
>adjust vocal volume to be clear against the instrumental but not overpowering it (this part is pretty self explanatory, you’ll know what’s right when you hear it)
>use EQ on vocals to drop off gradually below 100Hz and above 10kHz (known as high pass and low pass if you wanna research for more specifics)
>on that same EQ, find around what frequency your voice is most prominent (probably somewhere between 600Hz-3kHz) and raise that area by a few decibels
>super professional EQ setups look a lot more complicated than that but even just the basic “down at the ends and up in the middle” is a lot better than nothing
>add a de-esser if the S and T sounds are stabbing you in the ear (or you can manually EQ down your S frequency, probably somewhere between 7k-10kHz)
>more reverb on doubles, backing vocals, and harmonies (I like 70% dry 30-40% wet), less on the lead (100% dry and at most 15% wet)
>depending on your genre (eg. for rock, metal, or aggressive edm) you might want to add some distortion to the vocals
>pray to god you can find an automatic pitch correction plugin so you don’t have to either record perfect takes or manually tweak them (or you can use melodyne like that other anon said)
>then comes mastering, which for me is split into two main parts: the compressor and the limiter, both added to the song as a whole rather than individual tracks
>in a nutshell, the compressor dampens the loud parts of the song and the limiter boosts the entire song, up to, well, a limit, combined they bring up the quieter parts while keeping the loud parts from peaking so the final volume is more consistent and the listener isn’t getting jumpscared by the chorus just because they turned up their volume to be able to hear the verse
>set the compressor’s ratio to somewhere between 3 and 5, depending on your tastes, and the limiter’s limit to -0.1
>if the limiter shows you when and by how much it’s limiting the output (it should), adjust its gain so that it’s only going a bit over at the loudest points (my preference is around 2db max)
>if the output volume is still well below the limit at the “average volume” (eg. standard verse vocals as opposed to a big climactic chorus) despite not going much over at the high points, consider intensifying the compression
I might have forgotten a few key steps and I also might be either underestimating or overestimating your existing knowledge but that’s what I consider the basic steps
other effects like creating lofi, gramophone, or phone call type effects can be achieved either with plugins or with manual methods that build off this knowledge (they often involve messing with EQ, reverb, and/or distortion somehow), you’re free to ask google for shit like that later down the line
good luck coverchama

>> No.44604120

My man, I'm not here to argue 0 production content forever. What I'm saying is you don't need to spend a single dollar to start learning confidence and public talking. No shit you're supposed to do your reps and make yourself presentable, that's not the point. The point is that streaming to the void is a big part of the homework. Might as well start there and invest gradually as you learn.

>> No.44604133

I don't think he posted any contact information after we discussed the draft character roster a few threads back.

>> No.44604236

not everyone has 5000 dollars to pay for an artist
donate more, and she will make to better

>> No.44604294

NTA but damn that sounds like a real pain. Really wish I could sing it perfectly in one take.

>> No.44604345

Anon, it costs literally nothing to make a presentable schedule sheet.

>> No.44604401

everyone female VTuber or streamer with a "presentable schedule" has artists and studios on a payroll. the "cost nothing" ones are the dudes no one is watching.

>> No.44604410

Something simple like this works.

>> No.44604463


>> No.44604502

How did you come to that conclusion?

>> No.44604560

Editing is a real pain, especially if you cant sing well.
Having to edit each note in melodyne is a nightmare, especially with several layers and harmony.

>> No.44604598 [SPOILER] 
File: 738 KB, 902x680, いぶき.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm clumsy so I can only hug you

>> No.44604651

I'm going through the make friends and spend my time with them instead of aspiring

>> No.44604654

How do you come to any other conclusion? It's the same with TikTok, Shorts, Youtube highlights. It's all done by dedicated staff or paid personnel. And there is nothing wrong with that, but I find it silly how people think these VTubers do everything themselves.

"Just streaming" is fucking time-consuming. There are only 24 hours in a day, and going through hours of footage, and editing it, in only a matter of days, while you are preparing for a new stream is simply impossible.

Anyway, it's no secret or anything. Indie does not mean they do it themselves - it means they are not part of HoloLive for example. But almost all are managed by agencies, or they pay agencies. Without an agency, you don't even have contact to Twitch for example and you can get fucked sideways by a few salty reports or false viewers.

>> No.44604700


>> No.44604717

doing god's work anon, will save this to my notes, I might also need to tinker with autotune to save myself from embarrassment

>> No.44604721

So the conclusion the test audience came to after watching my stream was "it's not cringe, just a dude playing <game>". Is that a positive because at least it's not bad or a negative because it's boring?

>> No.44604896

Are you stupid or just pretending?

>> No.44604974

oh we all do. it's especially annoying if you don't like the sound of your own voice because you can end up listening to the same 2-3 minutes of vocals, for hours at a time, for over a week. honestly i didn't realise how many things i considered "basic steps" until i posted that and saw how much green there was
but if you take out all the fluff text that can be boiled down to
>good recording room
>record verses separately
>noise gate
>double the lead
>the mixing part of mixing
>pitch correction
and most of those become second nature after a few releases, once you get to know what settings work better with your particular voice

>> No.44605142

someone post a discord invite or I will kill myself

>> No.44605146

I got busy with irl stuff and my own projects, but i'll promise i have the models ready for next cup. If you mean the anon that suggested to make an /asp/ team for the next cup, no clue

>> No.44605182

i was just tired, i'll commission someone to make me a template which i assume is what most of them do.

thanks for the resource, i'll use this for now!

>> No.44605287

Oh no we can't have that, you shouldn't die before I get a chance to groom you, you're so precious.
Let me DM visage right now.

>> No.44605350

I should've scrolled a bit more before posting, gomen
Discord: alto_walker#9337
Twitter: @alto_walker_

>> No.44605370

bruh the /asp/ discord is shit

>> No.44605608

is lancecord still a thing?

>> No.44605758


>> No.44605936

Is it just oldfags or do they add newfags with potential?

>> No.44606431

Damn this thread is toxic as fuck lol.

>> No.44606627
File: 45 KB, 800x450, FirstTime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time visiting an /asp/ thread?

>> No.44606774

Nah it was negative with the Babi seethe/hate posts.
Right there’s some dude posting about how streaming in general is pointless.
Guys if you honestly started VTUBING thinking you’ll join a Corpo in a year just stop lol. If you don’t find the actual practice or streaming and interacting with an audience this shit is not to you.

>> No.44606790

Did someone not make it? I told them they weren't gonna make it

>> No.44606832

Envy tends to hit this place pretty hard. I remember quite a while ago when I first started streaming and had posted myself a few times I got a 100+ person raid randomly and people here were quite mad about it for days. Of course it didn't mean anything in the end, still a forever 1 view. But yeah, just don't take the bait and you will be fine.

>> No.44606839

Thoughts or opinions on him?

>> No.44606843

This is toxic to you? Feels like room temperature to me.

>> No.44606929
File: 780 KB, 736x736, 20230306_192109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna stream and work on stuff for it so bad but I'm a wagie who is both busy and burnt out. Sad!

>> No.44606950

Bro who are you lol?
At this point I’m feeling like you are falseflag to attract hate posts on me.

Thanks for the help man, but this place is not for shilling. I got burned already I don’t want any negativity,

>> No.44607000

This is not me, I am ok with the shilling, keep going bro!

>> No.44607153

who is the real i cannot know

>> No.44607233

Bro idk lol

>> No.44607259

who cares about shilling, just post the Discord invite

>> No.44607321

anyone needs a design? I'm bored

>> No.44607404

dont pretend you dont secretly like the attention

>> No.44607435

yes i need i am thinking complete loser who got jail for pinned crime and is innocent but still loser or if you dont like then please give me what is bad

>> No.44607593

Its really funny how self-assured you are about something you clearly know nothing about.

>> No.44607601

He’s posting the same question every thread lol.
It feels like a troll post.

Anyways, for people here who play a lot of FROMSOFT games, do you guys have any suggestions on games that appeal to a similar audience. I’ll google this, but it would be nice to hear from the actual VTUBERS and what they saw.


>> No.44607627

Just play what you wanna play, bro

>> No.44607698

But we've had larger indys talk about their staff.
Snuffy for example literally pays someone to clip her streams.

>> No.44607813

>Right there’s some dude posting about how streaming in general is pointless.
He said streaming without prep just for the sake of doing it is pointless.

>> No.44607824
File: 626 KB, 1000x1000, Neuron activated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44607924

east euro vtuber goals

>> No.44608020

You're taking one of the biggest indies in the market and extrapolating it to all indies with any meaningful audience. No shit somebody with a ton of money and a ton of viewers is cycling through models like new clothes and hiring management. After a certain size you should be looking at getting outside management. That doesn't mean that everyone posting clips or shorts of any quality to promote their shit is doing it through hired sources or management. I can think of several channels that either recently debuted or have been running for a few months now that either do their own posts and edits without management or just have one fan channel (who they don't really know) who clips and reposts their streams. That happens. People make friends with their clippers all the time without actually hiring people.

>> No.44608029

Stop saying 4views to refer to four digit numbers. It's not intuitive at all.

>> No.44608042

If you are a chuuba you can join.

>> No.44608091

How new are you friend?

>> No.44608182

And how do I request to join?

>> No.44608335

Do you even watch vtubers or like anime?

>> No.44608365

Just DM Lance.

>> No.44608420

Quit this gaslighting.
>newfag ha new new wow
No one takes the wierd digit thing seriously. It was invented by a random thread poster who was merely pretending to be right. Astroturfing.
Hell, that guy could be (you) for all I know, gaslighting to this very day.

>> No.44608512

The whole 1view thing has been a mainstay of this board ever since we were kicked out of JP for spamming.
Just learn the working jargon man instead of being mad lol.

>> No.44608517

Ok newfriend.

>> No.44608605

There was a serious reply here once, but here's the same message compressed into a single word:

>> No.44609630

>Reading compression.
Digits refer to the placement of numbers in a string. So using 4-view for a four-digit means calling any xxxx number a 4-view, which is retarded. By that logic all HololiveEN chuubas besides Gura are "4 views". Starting to get it? Need me to explain further?
>ever since we were kicked out of JP
(You) never were.
You read the above post too ESL-chama, I can tell you were confused.

>> No.44609864

>44609630 (me)
Comprehension. Yeah I see the irony.

>> No.44609916

whats his discord?

>> No.44609965

What’s wrong with calling Gura a 4view?
Anyone that’s in the “4view” range has more or less “made it” vtubing wise.

Getting super salty about your precious guwa being lumped in with the rest huh? I see you Chumbud..

>> No.44609997

>So using 4-view for a four-digit means calling any xxxx number a 4-view, which is retarded.
Yes its stupid, being a 2view could mean having 10 viewers or 99 viewers, but its the terms we use, so get used to it.

>> No.44610034

Twitter my dude, Lance Maverick.

>> No.44610184

And what, I just DM him? Do I even need to have vtuber friends to get in, or have some minimum followers/subscribers? He intimidates me.

>> No.44610272

You could you know…just join the other cord.
I didn’t go for LanceCord either, kinda weird you have to message a guy to get in.

>> No.44610397

... Youre doing this on purpose aren't you? Please don't make me say "reading comprehension" again, I'll just spell it wrong again. Re-read the post you're replying to and think long and hard about what I'm actually saying there.
It's artificial and I don't like it. Forced meme -_-

>> No.44610406

The link expired...

>> No.44610416

Tell him you want the thing, the good stuff

>> No.44610461

>>Reading compression.

>> No.44610471

Last time he mailed me dried lion nut and charged $400

>> No.44610472

anyone (that jignx likes) can join on the jignxcord link. snippets of that discord have been posted publicly multiple times, and who knows how often in other private discords.
remember this.

>> No.44610559

Im too shy, I feel like that will just confuse him.

>> No.44610596

Apologies as my reading comprehension is in the toilet due to being sleep deprived.
Are you saying jinxcord is doxx central or something?

God I just want a bunch of 1-2views to share this hobby with…

>> No.44610630

I'll share this hobby with you for free bby

>> No.44610703

Mostly they just sit around talking about their dinners and which kind of energy drink is the worst.

>> No.44611208

It will make an impression

>> No.44611289


>> No.44611337

It's not doxx, it's just a public server so some people in this thread might see what you post but it's been for the most part ignored recently.

>> No.44611408

MAAAAAAN who cares about creepy secret discords.

When I make it as a chuuba, the only Discords I'll be in are from indie chuuba senpais who I was a fan of beforehand anyway. I won't even make my own Discord, it's too much to manage.

>> No.44611520

so I'm currently using a condenser and don't have a treated room, should I get a dynamic mic to offset this, or should I treat my room first?
I have been fooling around with singing every now and then and want to seriously jump into doing covers, perhaps becoming a youtaite first before streaming

>> No.44611538

I dont wanna bother him...

>> No.44611577

Fantastic write up. Thank you

>> No.44611579

Really hate this vague post because my model has a half smile

>> No.44611600

Nobody's making you join.

>> No.44611713

I'll do it at the same time. it won't be as much of a bother if someone does it just before you, will it?

>> No.44611839

Lance here. Just DM me and it won’t be a problem.

>> No.44612228

Alright, sure then!
How can I be sure its really you...

>> No.44612270

Half of being a successful vtuber is imposing yourself on others.

>> No.44612281


>> No.44612305

I’m going to LanceCord too!

>> No.44612307

I asked! your turn.

>> No.44612349

>kinda weird you have to message a guy to get in.
Jinxcord is what happens when you let anyone in.
A bunch of people looking to stir shit up/talk behind their back.

>> No.44612352

I just don't wanna bother him, I don't really have any views or followers, I think he'll just laugh.

>> No.44612365

I'm going to both your discords to falseflag

>> No.44612440

Is there a valid reason for joining the Jignxcord nowadays? Everyone worth talking to seems to have left, moved to another discord, or stopped vtubing entirely

>> No.44612461

My heart is beating super fast and my hands are trembling, I dont think I cant do it...

>> No.44612556

If no one is gonna post the Jinxcord link, then I'll go ask Lance

>> No.44612601

What do you wanna do?
Do you want to suck up to 3views hoping to get a collab request?
Or do you want to vent in a place with other 1-2views, and share in the pains of streaming?

Either approach is valid, just I hope you find (some) group to hang with otherwise you will burn out.

>> No.44612649

Lance if you're really here, give us a sign its ok to approach you to join the other Discord!!!

>> No.44612806

>no one’s joined either one
just join lmao

>> No.44612863

How do I get the viewercord boost? I don’t give a shit about the jignxcord, let me into viewercord I’m a VIP.

>> No.44612922


>> No.44613102

you can achieve most of what a treated room accomplishes on a much smaller budget than getting a high quality mic, and i find a mediocre mic is a lot easier to salvage in editing than a mediocre room, so if you have to pick i'd recommend prioritising room quality. ideally you'd end up getting both, but only once you get the hang of the production process and have decided you don't hate it. same reason people /here/ advise not to blow a grand on a model off the bat if you might end up not wanting to commit to streaming. if you wanted to be a professional producer i'd say get both asap but for making youtube anime covers you can get by on a pretty amateur setup with little more than a basic streaming mic, a few blankets or towels, and a DAW, as long as you know how to mix. most audience members won't notice the difference between that and the high end stuff

>> No.44613149

Lance isn't even the owner of Lancecord, he inherited it.

>> No.44613458

gomen, anon... he is friendly though!
I hope you gain the courage to interact with others one day. it is scary, even for me now.

>> No.44613477

Would Pedo Groomer be better?

>> No.44613542

I'll post a magic card that's 5 colored on my twitter after this, but yes you can message me for an invite. It isn't a troll against me. It's just a way to verify legitimate vtubers.

>> No.44613622

Anon, you better drop a link later.

Congrats, every single one of your streams is JOI for your anti.

>> No.44613645

Only Jignx can do that ;^)

>> No.44613906

I'll try again at another time, maybe I should familiarize myself more with streaming.
Oohh, I guess I'll check out later and see if its true! But yeah, I'm still very very new and don't wanna seem like someone pretending, so I'll reach out later when I'm more comfy.

>> No.44614196

Literally my only requirement is have a channel, stream/making content or are working towards streaming/making content. I don't care about anything else.

>> No.44614234

>check Lance's Twitter
>he posted the card

Jinx, this is your last chance to get me to your join Discord before I take a dive.

>> No.44614329

he's getting ice cream!

>> No.44614473

Very based take.

>> No.44614775

REEEEEEEEEE Why can't discord owners be grills? They are much easier to approach than a guy, and I say this as a male.

>> No.44614931

I know I'm always so scared to get groomed by the discord owner and I say this as a guy

>> No.44614998

The only grooming that happens in lancecord is him trying to get people to play card games.

>> No.44615176

>play card games
Like Poker? Or those nerdy card games like Magic The Gathering or whatever?
Either way I'm not into those, sorry

>> No.44615299

I'm not talking about being groomed, I just don't want guys to be assholes or rude to me
I was bullied by boys when I was in school, and girls were the only nice classmates I had.

>> No.44615429

haha youre so mature
looking for a manager?

>> No.44615575

How stupid of an idea is it to try dating a femanon form here. Asking for a friend, that friend is me.

>> No.44615609

I'm gonna try it and report back.

>> No.44615647

So are you a babi or a femboy?

>> No.44615743

not a babi, I find them creepy
femboy? i dont think so, some people say i have a "femenine aura" or whatever :/ but idk, im just a regular anime guy

>> No.44615936

submissive and breedable as always

>> No.44616006

ughhh, shut up

>> No.44616120

>he didn't throw the biggest bully over two tables and into the third one day when it got too much
Not the quiet kid, ngmi

>> No.44616127

thanks anon, I've been on the fence on buying acoustic rockwool panels and might pull the trigger this weekend

>> No.44616160

just groom them

>> No.44616292

I dont like fighting, and specially fighting physically.

>> No.44616370

Don't date 4chan females

>> No.44616509

It's a wonderful idea! Don't listen to the haters, go do it, I'm sure you won't regret it.

>> No.44616642

We should hang out, for your safety's sake

>> No.44616648

Male hands wrote this post. Don't bait like that anon. Its rude.

>> No.44616738

Do you really want to date a woman who's going to call you daddy on the first date?

>> No.44616745

Sure, what's your Discord

>> No.44616781

I was going for a sarcasm angle, I didn't think anyone would take what I said seriously if I made it sound overly positive and bubbly.

>> No.44616839

I'd love a female manager, that's the male fantasy

>> No.44616955

I remember one of the guys in the aspcord did some hyper schizo version of this where it was him and his fictional gf he would use tts for and he'd roleplay being degraded
He would retweet vore because it was in character and roleplay as two characters on twitter
Even in privacy he would treat her as a real girl rather than his weird tulpa gf or something

>> No.44617088

I was merely bluffing

>> No.44617131


>> No.44617147

What do you think, no seriously. What do you think is the answer to that question.

Doesnt matter anyway, im pretty retarded, the type of women that does that is not gonna be interested in spending time with me.

>> No.44617204

come here baby boy

>> No.44617286

Do women like this exist, actually i dont think i have ever seen that uwu type girl in real life, ever. Probably too late for me to meet them, they are usually college girls and im 31, they are not gonna wanna date an older guy.

>> No.44617298


>> No.44617361

How do you even join those things, is an invite the only way?

>> No.44617549

No! Stop it!

>> No.44617598

Sit on my lap in vrchat i dont bite, hard

>> No.44617660

There are 50 million other places online for you two to be faggots in, do this shit in another thread or something, seriously.

>> No.44617699

She's got those daddy issues, being older is perfect

>> No.44617759

It's a public server

>> No.44617842

How do i find it? Looking in discord public server search gives me nothing.

>> No.44618129

You ask, you hope somebody drops a link to the actual server and not one of the trashbins that bots have been spamming around lately.

>> No.44618249

Well actually only Jignx has the link, but it's still public

>> No.44618280

That's why it's a fantasy...

>> No.44618722

Anyone know what might've caused my window capture in OBS to stop working? The panels show nothing

>> No.44618778

Mmm, ask jinx

>> No.44618862

I hate streaming narrative heavy games. It's like I'm watching a movie and I can't speak over the characters dialoguing.

>> No.44618931

screen capture works fine

>> No.44619099

You mean google?

>> No.44619248

Try game capture (even if it's not a game). Sometimes window capture doesn't work for one reason or another. Usually one or the other ends up working. If that doesn't work just delete that element and create a new one.

>> No.44619352

Try game capture, try switching your game to windowed or borderless windowed

>> No.44619518

uninstalling then reinstalling the flatpak fixed it

>> No.44619613

try also changing the "capture method" option between the two options

>> No.44619774

im a guy...

>> No.44619905

saving this for later, tysm.
I used up my free trial of Melodyne, and ReaTune sounds so tinny. any other suggestions for pitch correction?

>> No.44619963

Pirate melodyne

>> No.44620037

I like games like that. I love voice acting all the characters with different voices and everything. It's a lot of fun of you put the effort in. If the game is voiced I will usually mute the voice over audio and do it myself. My audience seems to like watching me play games like that, visual novels and games with lots of descriptive text.

It's also great acting practice and voice practice, I'm super glad I started doing that kind of thing.

>> No.44620400

This is bullshit though. At least the one in Hololive straight up says you should be in-character, presumably after you're done with whatever bits you wrote you go and behave normally again. But then it's also bullshit because if you send any agency a full on roleplay audition video, and you have good enough numbers, they will hire you anyway so this is kinda pointless. Like yeah you're not an actor but then why do they call it a fucking "audition" then? if it was a normal job you'd send in a resume that had your youtube/twitch links instead and you wouldn't have to make any videos in the first place. They don't want to know you as a person anyway they just want to see your numbers above all else.

>> No.44620525

You're a real silver lining kind of guy, aren't you?
I would lose my voice voicing 4 hours of non-stop dialogue. That's why I won't play the Harry Potter game.

>> No.44620694

Because they're not hiring you to play a character you made up, they're hiring you to fill a role and do the corporate dance. They're not hiring your alter ego, they're hiring the person behind it. You can show them clips of you doing your thing in-character, but generally speaking Holo/Niji doesn't give a shit about how well you can play your past-life role. They want to know that the person they're hiring is suitable to their cast slot they're trying to fill.

But hey, you must know better sitting pretty at your HoloEN position right? Which one are you, you can tell me. I can keep a secret.

>> No.44620716

Its been about a week since I started learning rigging though I haven't been able to spend as much time on it as I like. I think it's going well though!

>> No.44620882

Every approach is different. If the lines are already voiced, many streamers will just make commentary over or back at the dialogue. Even if its not the lines your character actually says. Its a way of injecting yourself into the scene. Alternatively, just act back the dialogue options your character gets. That limits the amount of reading and speaking you have to do but keeps you as an active participant in the dialogue. You can even involve the chat by thinking out loud about which decision to make, how you feel about it, why you're choosing the one you do, etc.

"Wow this guy is a dick. I'll be toxic back at him." (mean dialogue option)

>> No.44620911

And? There's enough of me for everyone

>> No.44620961

I did a 6 hour visual novel stream once. No idea how I didn't lose my voice. Just constant dialog, sometimes with very strange voices. Voice was completely fine.
When I first started I had trouble going for more than an hour. I think vocal stamina is definitely a thing you can build up over time, though a part of it is finding the correct vocal range for you to talk in. Quickly getting tired from talking is a sign that you might be using an unnaturally high or low voice.

>> No.44622005

Anyone have fun redeems or plugins they've particularly liked for their streams?

>> No.44622049

Bump limit. New bread.

>> No.44622054

I likes tits (twitch integrated throwing system) for a while.

>> No.44622125

Okay, if you are being true, whats your discord then?

>> No.44622277

Is Reaoer good enough or should I get Melodyne?
I don't want to learn 50 things.

>> No.44622343

Im assuming this was a typo and you meant Reaper?
Those 2 different things, you use Melodyne to tune vocals in Reaper.

>> No.44622344

That guy called me a faggot and I don't want to look gay so I shouldn't. I just flirt with the homies because it's fun, I'm not gay.

>> No.44622632

Faggot behavior.

>> No.44623011


>> No.44623242

I knew it

>> No.44623245

Took some time today to try and fix some things up but it's a bit scuffed, this is an hour or so work

>> No.44623322

I'll still love you, as a friend

>> No.44624307

who is that

>> No.44624624

I see nobody talking about this

>> No.44625661

I wish I had a muse that inspired me to draw and improve myself.
And no I won't draw Azu.

>> No.44625941

