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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 111 KB, 850x850, oh my champy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44505477 No.44505477 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki.

>Today's streams

>Who is Kiki?
Kiyomi Pyon-Pyon, or Kiki for short is an adorable autistic Aussie chuuba. She's a wicked bright, and super sweet girl with a passion for animals and her champyons!

>Current Aggie
Previous Aggies: https://pyon.website/pools/1

>Danbooru (Art/Fan Content)

>Kiki Koikatsu Archive

>Kiki Noises Sound Effects Library

>The RABBITY Way! (MV)

>(You) got a fren in me!

>Kikiholes (champ-made MV)

>Download A Comfy Morning with Kiki! (alarm)

>Kiki’s ASMR collection

>Kiki RPG demo (pass: debtdiskdeath)

>Kikikore albums by Anon:

Kiki RPG demo is available! Link above
There's a Kiki /i/ thread up if you would like to participate >>>/i/723670
Kiki is a rabbit ( ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ )

>Recent Stream Highlights
fish song: https://a.pomf.cat/aeacxh.mp4
aeroplane over the city: https://a.pomf.cat/wjhylp.mp4
use the map: https://files.catbox.moe/aw0xm7.mp4
close!: https://youtu.be/dRZ8ypv2kJc
never give up!: https://files.catbox.moe/aw39kk.webm
poGOD: https://files.catbox.moe/69460u.mp4
sogig: https://files.catbox.moe/jq5ze9.webm
tomorrow: https://files.catbox.moe/uivw32.mp4
around the world: https://files.catbox.moe/rl5us8.mp4
sick uooooh: https://files.catbox.moe/jyb50w.mp4
Karma: https://files.catbox.moe/qy287a.mp4
I can't see!: https://files.catbox.moe/nsuppl.mp4
She forgor: https://files.catbox.moe/v5aduu.mp4
Hey: https://files.catbox.moe/ksqz4u.mp4

>Emergency Gosling Resources

>Kiki Daki


>Clip channel


/pyon/ Game Recommendations:

/pyon/ Cytube (Community Watchalongs):

>Last thread

>> No.44505510
File: 481 KB, 962x962, KIKI LOVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44505647

Gigi love

>> No.44505700

Kiki Love!

>> No.44505915
File: 28 KB, 196x222, 1659832109252412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Champy moon in the sky so bright
What is the champy gonna sing tonight

>> No.44506290
File: 2.93 MB, 1920x1080, nicehat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind status: Unchanged

>> No.44508523

I VERY love Kiki!

>> No.44509101
File: 41 KB, 237x205, moonrab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44509609 [SPOILER] 
File: 157 KB, 1920x1080, 1591364374650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a Kiki edit of this? Or just a similar style soviet apartment bloc with Kiki superimposed

>> No.44510144
File: 3.00 MB, 852x480, Kiki Is Scared[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4m8vo7.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally had a chance to go look it up and it was something I had timestamped with the intent to soundpost too and forgot about... Anyway here ya go.

>> No.44510691

i couldn't find a good shot from a window but i have something else in the works

>> No.44510855
File: 29 KB, 512x512, 6B3FC9C6-6C6F-4C86-86FB-0D74BBD5476F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44511026

nice. general real life + kiki is also cool, i might make some myself tomorrow

>> No.44511065
File: 31 KB, 850x1133, OLVEGIGI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44512119

seems like champs went to bed early

>> No.44512177
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>> No.44512268

gigi get out! thats a warzone!

>> No.44512291
File: 461 KB, 1280x720, 1674093187669320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44512435
File: 10 KB, 400x400, 1677578920659069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best watch yourself

>> No.44512507

I just woke up. Have work in a few hours. Watching the VOD now.

>> No.44512506
File: 230 KB, 1464x1304, 1678D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44512580

yes im tired. gunai *honk shoo* *honk shoo*

>> No.44512605

wall champ lives matter, freedom for wall champs

>> No.44512645
File: 34 KB, 394x448, Efrskv5U0AAR_em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me?

>> No.44512722
File: 251 KB, 601x601, 1656300620572672.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you point a gun at me you better be willing to pull the tirgger

>> No.44512730

Not sure why i didn't make the pupils black
About to go to sleep

>> No.44512819

that's a great idea, putting it on my list

someday i'm gonna take a vacation and just be a rabbit for a solid week or two...

yeah, it's bedtime for east coast burgers and the kikium is overflowing today, so they aren't being kept up by schizos

>> No.44512827

Kek cute

>> No.44512833

The weird thing is, my shoes don't even have laces. I didn't notice it until I was halfway through the day, walking around the city on my lunch break. I looked down and realized that the shoes I had been wearing for months, the shoes I had tied every morning, were slip-ons. It was a strange feeling, like discovering a secret that had been hiding in plain sight.

I wondered how I could have missed something so obvious. Maybe it was because I always put my shoes on in the dark, fumbling with the laces until they were tight enough. Or maybe it was because I was so used to tying my shoes that my brain just filled in the blanks.

As I walked, I couldn't help but think about what other things I might be missing in my life. What other secrets were hiding in plain sight, just waiting for me to notice them? It was a strange feeling, like I was waking up from a long dream and finally seeing the world for what it really was.

I walked down the crowded sidewalk, lost in thought, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a mysterious lop-eared rabbit girl with straight black hair and dark bags under her eyes standing there, holding a clipboard.

"Excuse me," she said, her voice quiet and low. "Can I ask you a few questions?"

I hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Great," she said, then cleared her throat. "First question: do you believe in fate?"

I thought about it for a moment. "I don't know," I said. "I guess I believe that everything happens for a reason."

The rabbit girl nodded and made a note on her clipboard.

"Interesting," she said. "Second question: have you ever had a life-changing experience?"

I thought about it again. "Not really," I said. "I mean, there have been moments that were important to me, but nothing that really changed my life."

The rabbit girl nodded again and made another note.

"Okay," she said. "Final question: if you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?"

I didn't even have to think about it. "I would go back and tie my shoes differently this morning," I said.

The rabbit girl looked at me with her dark, intense eyes, then nodded slowly.

"Thank you for your time," she said, then turned and walked away.

I watched her go, wondering who she was and why she had asked me those questions. It was a strange encounter, but somehow it felt important. Maybe it was because it reminded me that there were always more secrets to uncover, more mysteries to solve.

I looked down at my slip-on shoes and smiled. Maybe it was time to start paying more attention to the little things in life. After all, you never know what you might discover.

>> No.44512921


i am watching intently and intensely.

>> No.44513027


>> No.44513094

i was expecting this to be something about living in a shoe house

>> No.44513183

I liked Groomer Anthem and thought I'd do my own take on it, but decided I want to go a completely different direction after I made this short demo. Uploading here in case someone here likes it, this is going in the trash.
Ignore the fact that the buildup and drop don't match due to the main melodies being in completely different scales.

>> No.44513184

I love Kiki

>> No.44513215

me too, man.

>> No.44513278

I wish kiki was real

>> No.44513416 [SPOILER] 
File: 933 KB, 850x588, smuggoat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ii found a real pic of her

>> No.44513500


>> No.44513928

every single word of this post resonates with my heart.

>> No.44513996

i really like how this sample sounds, i hope you make and share more.

>> No.44514045
File: 259 KB, 800x600, greenies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's the greatest!

>> No.44515204

Same but if I had to highlight one in particular, it'd be cunny, no doubt.

>> No.44515466


>> No.44515591
File: 36 KB, 850x1133, GIGIOLVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry if I butcher you art but I tried to the best of my ability to add black pupils and fill in the missing hair right below the clover.

>> No.44515689

yeah I like this a lot champ. her eyes are staring into my soul

>> No.44515960

As I sat alone in my room later that day, still thinking about the strange encounter with the rabbit girl, I absentmindedly checked my phone for any new messages. Most of them were just mundane updates from friends and family, but then one caught my eye.

It was from an unknown number, and the message simply read: "The shoes are just the beginning."

I felt a shiver run down my spine. Who could have sent this message, and what did they mean by "the shoes are just the beginning"? Was this some kind of prank, or was there something more to it?

I tried calling the number, but it went straight to voicemail. I sent a few texts asking who it was and what they meant, but they went unanswered. I felt a growing sense of unease as I realized that I might never know the truth.

As I sat there, staring at my phone, I suddenly remembered something else that had seemed strange about the rabbit girl. Her eyes had been a deep, intense blue, almost like they were glowing.

I shook my head, trying to dispel the memory. It was probably just a trick of the light or my overactive imagination. But still, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to this whole situation than I could understand.

I decided to try and distract myself by doing some work. As a freelance writer, I always had plenty of projects to keep me busy. But as I sat down at my desk and opened my laptop, I couldn't focus. My mind kept wandering back to the mysterious message and the strange encounter with the rabbit girl.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair, feeling frustrated and a little bit scared. Maybe it was time to take a break and clear my head. I stood up and walked over to the window, looking out at the busy street below.

And then I saw her. The rabbit girl, standing on the corner, watching me through the window with those intense blue eyes.

I gasped and stumbled back from the window, my heart racing. How was that even possible? Had she been following me this whole time?

I felt a sudden surge of fear and confusion. What was going on here? And more importantly, how could I make it stop? I looked down at my slip-on shoes and smiled. Did I even want it to stop?

>> No.44516076

Now looking at it i think white pupils make it look more cute and derpy to me. Though black pupils are cute too. Also didn't notice the missing hair...i need to start paying more attention when i color.

>> No.44516240

Thanks! I know where to take this now, hopefully I can commit to completing it because I've never finished a full song before.

>> No.44516250

watching garry's mod videos with kiki...i'm in love (again).

>> No.44516291

dude i'm at that exact part of the VOD

>> No.44516326


>> No.44516356

I thought it sounded pretty cool, too. Looking forward to hearing the end result.

>> No.44516910

can't believe there wasn't a single "WHO THE HELL IS RON" joke

>> No.44516939 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 203x231, dyrbikiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um...who the hell is ron?

>> No.44517726
File: 917 KB, 1280x720, world[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsd8bda.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna bully kiki in chess the way she would bully me in mahjong

>> No.44518031

It makes me laugh when the updates for this get randomly posted. I'm just imagining the anon working on it 24/7 behind the scenes every day for months and months while Kiki and the rest of pyon continue blissfully on. It feels like it's been going on for a year now.

>> No.44518138

he's a dude living a busy life, and he doesn't compromise on quality

>> No.44518440

the mahjong saga continues

>> No.44518442
File: 739 KB, 1280x720, 1677085963838119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally free from the wage cage
kiki i'm ready for you to stream now

>> No.44518554

I'm not mocking him, if that's how you read my comment.

>> No.44518619


>> No.44518628

seeing/hearing how happy kiki was during the harry potter stream is making me tear up...i want to protect her smile...i want to hug her tight until the very concept of loneliness is crushed from her being. i want to put her on my shoulders and raise her up, i want to build a tower to heaven and demand that god acknowledge the sublimity of her toothy grin..yeats couldn't find the words to communicate the depth and breadth of my feelings for kiki... hemingway would cut off his hands, shakespeare would fucking rope. it's love, it's lust, it's admiration, adulation... i want to stand beside her as an equal, grovel beneath her as a worshipper, dote upon her as a husband, laugh together as friends, fuck her to insensate bliss like a desperate whore. i love this lolibaba rabbit so fucking much it's unreal.

>> No.44518755

now imagine if the vod was gone and you would never get to feel these feels

>> No.44518861

all that passion, and yet nary a single mention of huffing her armpits.. for shame cramples

>> No.44519377
File: 44 KB, 307x352, 1673593521229193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching the VOD, the quicktime event boss fight with Dumbledoor is pretty weird

>> No.44520100

can you imagine? getting ready to lay down next to this woman after a long, difficult day at the business house. you're worn down. exhausted. the world takes everything you have to give and then wants the rest of you as well. but it can't have that - that sweet center you've barely managed to preserve. that dwindling cinder, once a great fire, that represents the best of you. the world can't have that. it belongs to kiki, who's laying there nude in a half-conscious daze after struggling to stay awake to welcome you home. she smiles at you with half-lidded eyes and you strip and dive into bed, embracing her before she can even squeak out a "holy heckity!" her little body is pressed against your pecs, you hear her hif hif and giggle - naturally, you haven't showered. she loves it. you kiss the top of her head and give it a satisfying scratch. then you dive down and bury your face in her armpit and inhale audibly. she asks what you're doing and calls you a fool but you can barely even hear her. her rabbity scent is dizzying, it scratches the deepest parts of your brain, overpowers your senses. you close your eyes and take another whiff. fuck, her scent is so...rabbity. it's her, it's kiki, it's your love. it awakens the animal in you. you can't help but moan and growl, just a bit. she definitely takes notice, you can hear the rustle of her ears twitching and she makes a startled sound when her hand brushes against your pulsing, rock-hard champy dong... yeah. imagine.

>> No.44520227
File: 2.62 MB, 2233x1600, 1655030364805251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what i'm talking about ToT

>> No.44520257

Very nice, pyon is at it's best when there are horny and gosling posts to make sure Kiki knows she is loved. Nini champs.

>> No.44520327

gnight, i'm gonna hang out for a few more hours before packing it in myself

>> No.44520506

nini champy

>> No.44520581

dream of rabba

>> No.44520751

/pyon/ isn't a normalfag place or my therapist. Yet on nights I can't sleep. I do my best to not light a cig and just stare out my window as some jazz music plays in the back. Take a sip of my coffee, watch the bread and watch old Kiki vods. Are things really ogey? Comes to mind, I just need sleep and some hugs probably, but shit could be worse. I love kiki and all the champs who are positive TOT

>> No.44520856

I'm certain Kiki was late because the between streams bread was filled with hornyposting and Kiki was flicking her kikibean ToT

>> No.44520873
File: 458 KB, 1850x1850, 1653414841082315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this post ends in double digits, everything will be daijobu

>> No.44520984
File: 65 KB, 840x700, 1651296652586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck were DOOMED!

>> No.44521007

Stand back, let a professional do it

>> No.44521052

Shit, we'll take those double 0s

>> No.44521103

Everything is going to be daijoubu

>> No.44521459

Champys are truly blessed to know the joys of loving and being loved by Kiki.

>> No.44521749

loved, cherished, lusted after, and hopefully, understood. i just want her to not feel alone, i just want her to feel seen (yes, in her entirety, flaws and all) and to feel nonetheless beautiful and desired and admired for all her qualities beyond the superficial...and i just want (You) to know there's a group of people here to welcome (You) home, too. through the doors of /pyon/, you're just champy, just a humble happy bun doing reps with your bros and loving your wife.

>> No.44521778

In one hour my three months of being a dedicated Kiki NEET will come to a close and I will once again become wagechamp. FML

>> No.44521828
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 699c929d2cb1cddf19292fc5bc112cf0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad youre here champ. pyon runs on unity and champs like you make it work

>> No.44521860

>and i just want (You) to know there's a group of people here to welcome (You) home, too. through the doors of /pyon/, you're just champy, just a humble happy bun doing reps with your bros and loving your wife.

>> No.44521977

Some times it does get lonely, but at that point it feels personal. Kiki and everyone champy (that isn't a baiting fag) are great, I need to get my shit together ToT

>> No.44522397

thinking about a harness that could position kiki on my person so that my cock is planted firmly inside her cunny at all times. fulfill hers and my desire of making her my living breathing onahole. like one of those baby slings but just slightly bigger and lower hanging/angled.

>> No.44522431

I know I am annoying and goosey sometimes but I am really glad to have you guys. Nini champys. Today was a good day, I hope tomorrow is a good day too.

>> No.44522502

nini champa. kiki really spoiled us today

>> No.44522947


>> No.44523313
File: 445 KB, 622x521, 1650746887642558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44523386
File: 1.10 MB, 1039x692, 0262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not soviet but here's a photo I took of kiki the other day

>> No.44523397
File: 388 KB, 800x632, Fo-IK0gagAY7adm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My last post here as a free Champ...

>> No.44523541
File: 20 KB, 298x296, 1673339154855535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in your cagie

>> No.44523549

perfect vibe, i'd like to make some of these too...

godspeed you! wage champy

>> No.44523796


>> No.44524146

nightnight pyon. kiki, you are loved my many and especially me

>> No.44524217
File: 216 KB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44524221


>> No.44524264
File: 7 KB, 96x110, a8d56681e4facb9b53660529678687bd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiki when she sees a hornypost (i posted that)

>> No.44524487
File: 2 KB, 126x48, 1457564688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44524761

nini rabbaheads and gigi i love you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much

>> No.44524823


>> No.44524866

burning the midnight oil for some art reps


nini champ

>> No.44524873
File: 132 KB, 607x771, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noticed that there is a lack of Kiki-oriented lewd material so I drew champy's tits getting groped by a creepy old man

>> No.44524929

nice! i have a couple champy lewds brewing too. good job.

>> No.44525637
File: 145 KB, 1416x672, 1664433147754633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought about pulling all nighter to work on something, but that's just gonna fuck me up tomorrow so i think i'll pack it in here
gnight pyon

>> No.44525751

i was thinking the same...nini

>> No.44525849

Damn, you draw champ pretty well

>> No.44526527

kiki should play king's field

>> No.44526579

yuri harem is real

>> No.44526603

hehe my wife has friends im so proud

>> No.44526614

Not here.

>> No.44526637

it's too slow and difficult for her, also playing a dungeon crawler while trying to be entertaining and reading 2 chats would be too confusing

>> No.44526653
File: 12 KB, 605x567, 60627b163823b12ac586f9c606ab160e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day #5 of waking up next to my kiki daki, i love this women with all of my heart, and I start the day off well when the first thing I see is her cute little head and it makes me smile. i love gigi.

>> No.44526945

Kiki should play Ys

>> No.44526983

I agree, kings field stream would be kino regardless of which game in the series she chooses

it being slow would make reading chat easier
and they're not that difficult, just a bit obtuse at times

>> No.44527052
File: 19 KB, 259x224, goodnight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nini Champs
Gonna catch some Zs
Honk mishumishumishu

>> No.44527255
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 1661351221258419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44527605
File: 198 KB, 264x300, nini rab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

champy can't hang on anymore


>> No.44528022
File: 63 KB, 500x312, 1661725230915632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a hard time telling whats what in that but goodnight

>> No.44528044

Nini burgerchamps

>> No.44528100

It looks like champy is a dissolving severed torso with one of his hands cut off. But I'm just a rabbit, so I don't know

>> No.44528768

I like this version as well. This is one of my favorite tracks to have playing silently in the background when working. It's ambient enough to not distract and it's groovy and moody enough to not lull me to boredom. I've listened to it probably hundreds of hours.

>> No.44529556
File: 140 KB, 392x495, 120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shout out to any late night burgers!

>> No.44530070

>i want to swim around in the guts of my enemies while having sex with champy
Also Kiki:
>eewwwwww mt everest has dead bodies as landmarks, i would hate that!

>> No.44530239
File: 39 KB, 462x498, 283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its all about the context, except some things

>> No.44530784
File: 96 KB, 496x393, EyMCp5BUYAUUnxC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight kiki n champs, a neat new fancy kiki to say goodnight with. i wonder what kiki is up to, did she say what she might be doing next?

>> No.44531012

morning pyon.

>> No.44531613

i posted this in my sleep

>> No.44532060

Nini champ

>> No.44532112
File: 52 KB, 1024x768, 1659962655330931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha one of us one of us

>> No.44532950

that yoshi ending was too damn cute

>> No.44533523

hope i don't miss tetris again

>> No.44533758

i hope that with a big lobby the game dynamics are a little slower. we played a test game 2-3 us losers vs one tetris nerd and he obliterated us too fast, so i hope with many more losers the rape is more spread out.

>> No.44534136


>> No.44534183

wow kikikins, you're looking spiffy! quite the gentlerab

>> No.44534250

oyasumi to you too madam pyon

>> No.44534300
File: 67 KB, 420x447, 1642826421675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likewise, madam.

>> No.44534487

I wanna eat kiki

>> No.44535243

I want Kiki to sit on my face

>> No.44535280

well if you insist <3

>> No.44535344

I want to sit on Kiki's face

>> No.44535499

Keep up the good work champ! Thanks for remixing my track!

>> No.44535953

me disolving inside kiki's stomach

>> No.44536349

if nothing else, maybe whoever gets first place each round could leave the lobby & spectate for a while. Maybe keep doing that until Kiki wins, I think that'd be fun to watch & cheer for her

>> No.44536776

Shaved for the first time since October, aside from trimming the stache. So long hobo beard!

>> No.44536825

Fuuuuuuck, it's the next day and it sounds like shit now. The wages of not resting my ears, deleting my DAW.

>> No.44537517

why would you do that
I haven't shaved in over 10 years

>> No.44537584

It's too itchy in the summer and also I look better shaved or with a 5o'clock

>> No.44538053

Also it kinda looked like shit honestly, I just let it grow wild I can't bother styling it, so I just always shave it all off in the end. I looked 40 and now I look 25.

>> No.44538212

geez 10 years. thats a long time for a rabba

>> No.44538483

watching the vod so i can start my day with kiki. best way to start the day!

>> No.44538817

Good morning pyon!! Thank you for the new nini images!!

>> No.44538880
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/pyon/ vs /rrat/ is the 2nd match of the 1st day, in 3 days and 2 hours from now. I hope those hype videos will be finished by then. I heard two people were making them and I want to say please don't worry we'll figure something out and 2 is better than 0.

>> No.44538965
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, 1651224314996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning! You seem very rabbit today

>> No.44539115

I feel very humble and extra rabbity! Going to make some tea and jump right into /pyon/jects with my phone on silent.

>> No.44539220

Guys I'm sorry for dooming. I hate to ruin the mood of the bread but I just want to know, do you guys actually like me? I've already accepted a long time ago that no matter what there's always going to be people that just hate me for no reason so I don't really care but I feel like if people here in /pyon/ didn’t like me I'd be actually hurt by it. The support this thread provides is so jarring to me that I can never tell if it's genuine or not whenever someone compliments me or my work. I’m sorry if maybe I namefag myself too much (though I never do it in the breads). I’m just used to having some kind of identifier incase people want to make requests, commissions, or hopefully collab with me on a project rather than just being “that anon who does the comics and Warhammer stuff”. So personally I don't mind being namefagged but I'm realizing how strongly it's disliked here and I'd never namefag anyone else. I’m also just afraid that people find me annoying either because of my art or my personality or even just because of this post. I’m sorry if this just looks like I’m fishing for attention but I just want your honest opinions no matter how critical they are. I genuinely love you guys (not in a faggot way) and I just want to do my best for you. Again I’m sorry for venting like this.

>> No.44539413

why wouldn't i like you champ? i'd like to do my best for you too but it sounds like all i can do is tell you to be genki. you work hard and care much

>> No.44539440

yes you seem fine? not sure why you'd assume we didn't, having your name attached to stuff you make is totally fine, thanks for the cool art and videos

>> No.44539589

I like you, we both autistically overthink things and feel the need to spill our spaghetti due to intellectual honesty.
I'll be honest too. I don't like the namefag-creep as of recently and I don't like twitter, but both of these are minor issues and nowhere near enough to damage my sense of champy unity. So yeah, I don't think you're going about it optimally but I still appreciate you and your work and you did nothing wrong.

>> No.44539954

Damn 10 years ago I didn't even have facial hair

>> No.44539955

lol @ the dude weet art

>> No.44540038

I am remaking my video to suit the /lig/ match
so there is no problem

>> No.44540082

I like what you make. You're alright. The support is genuine. People deserve credit for the things they make. There are a lot of people here that make things and I think we all understand the desire to be recognized for what we do. Attention fagging isn't the same as just posting your work somewhere with an identifier attached to it. Even if people think they know who you are, as long as you don't insist on identifying yourself in here/cytube by name (or shout down other champyons in places.with names), I think it's fine.

>I don't like the namefag-creep as of recently and I don't like twitter,

I agree, which is why I've been trying to post less on Twitter/YouTube. It gets a bit obnoxious sometimes. But I also don't want Kiki to think I love her any less or that I'm not still here, so I don't know what the best thing to do is. I'd rather just express myself honestly, in good faith, without worrying about it than try to find the best method of self censoring.

same kek

>> No.44540169

smokin that ZA with kiki :fire: :100:

>> No.44540256

fr fr

>> No.44540355

sorry for NOTICING but Kiki doesn't have her oshi mark in her name or anything, does she still want people to use it? I can't see why she wouldn't want people to but I'm just curious if there's any reason

>> No.44540618

>second part
Yeah, there's a big difference between being identifiable and being an attentionwhore. I don't think any champ is crossing the line. I'm not in favor of autistically caring about hiding who you are and changing up your posting style every time etc... and yeah the most important bit is keeping the namefagging out of the bread.

>> No.44540660

She changes her twitter name all the time, she just forgets. Using it is not mandatory but welcome, probably?

>> No.44540701

Thank you all for your honesty and support <3 I feel very grateful and uh a little humble if I do say so myself. I'm so happy to be a part of /pyon/ thank you guys :)

>> No.44540862

walls of text seeking validation make me like you less
I'm now gonna harass and bully you every time you post

>> No.44541028

I fucking LOVE walls of text! Give me blogposts to read please.

>> No.44541044
File: 78 KB, 1006x654, 1669242094452782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell him, sister

>> No.44541178

that makes sense, ogey i'll add it in when i rember

i love my sleepless lurking rabpire wife!

>> No.44541260

yeah nah i change my mind fuck you

kidding, champyon love <3

>> No.44541263

thats fair. just don't forget to tell me to kill myself

>> No.44541344

haha imagine someone else using those two exact emoticons earlier today...

>> No.44541398

I liked Kiki's original oshi mark more than the new one, but I don't remember when she changed it since I'm not around often enough

>> No.44541422

what was it... stethoscope and something

>> No.44541505

stethoscope and a rabbit

>> No.44541572

wait a second, this champy just realized something and it's mind bottling: kiki is a rabbit.. woah

>> No.44541611
File: 777 KB, 1920x1080, 1662494691632829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mind bottling

>> No.44541614

my mind truly feels like it's trapped in a bottle...there's no escape, oh god, it's kiki, what's she doing with my bottle? she's holding it up to her cunny ahh noo o ooo o oo oof brrlglrlrrllrlflflblrlfllgllfllltllllfl i have become piss

>> No.44541628

>I don't like the namefag-creep as of recently
Can you be more specific about what this entails? I don't want to piss Champs or Kiki off and will change my ways if it is somehow applicable to me. I don't think it is but I'd like to be sure.

>> No.44541803

nta, but it's pretty annoying when people try to attach your name to anon posts regardless of if you made them or not, if you do this, even in a joking way i will personally find you very annoying

>> No.44541819

youre fine, champ, theres always someone thats bound to be unhappy or complain about something

>> No.44541842

Nah, don't worry about it.

>> No.44541846

don't namefag in bread
simple as

>> No.44541866

you'd know because i'd be harassing you, don't worry about it

>> No.44541903

That champy's kinda cute I wanna fuck his bussy

>> No.44541913

please dont, I have to copypaste them into a TTS website and have the robot voice lady read them to me...

>> No.44541915

and the "you" in this post isn't referring to you specifically, i just mean people in general, i don't claim you're doing this

>> No.44541932

Yeah that's gay, but I don't think he was referring to people who try pinning names on comments here. It sounded like he was complaining about YT/Twitter/Cytube account activity.
I use mine just as a show of support for Kiki so I don't think I'm attention-whoring, but I dunno. I just wanted to know what he means.

>> No.44541940

I almost mentioned someone by YT name earlier because I was specifically responding to something they said in chat after the stream had ended but eventually decided not to do it because I wasn't sure if that kind of thing was acceptable or if it would make them feel self-conscious or something.

>> No.44541982

i understand the temptation, thanks for not doing it. would have really shitted things up.

>> No.44542090

i want kiki to whisper ASMR pyon post readings to me,,

>> No.44542210

I don't like ASMR, whispering and soft sounds in general make me uncomfortable...

>> No.44542221

Anon wrote this

>> No.44542249

too bad, I think it's about time for another Kiki asmr stream

>> No.44542321

pots and pans clanging ASMR!

>> No.44542420

I think mamapyon will pitch a fit if Kiki dents all the cookware in the house again

>> No.44542460

this image made me laugh a lot lmao

>> No.44542476


>> No.44542497

i love it. it's not really ASMR (at least the ones I have experience), it's more like a nice gentle intimate whispering zatsu. when there's no VOD to catch up on i often go back and rewatch/listen to my favorite asmr vods or clips. she's so sweet and affectionate and bratty and cute. it's probably not her favorite thing to do since she's worried about being boring and gets embarrassed but it does a lot for me (emotionally, mentally, and sometimes sexually depending on the context/content).


>> No.44542532

i filled that bottle

>> No.44542575

Are there any good unlisted ASMRs? I've been trying to collect them all

>> No.44542657

yeah, when things are so crazy it gets your thoughts all trapped like in a bottle. it's a doggy dog world out there, don't be afraid to swallow your prize for all intensive purposes.

i'm not sharing anything unlisted

>> No.44542669

I can link you the pyon Mega archive, it has all the ASMR (including unlisted and deleted) sorted into a folder
post your discord or twitter and I'll dm

>> No.44542712

Dont share that you retard dont share deleted content

>> No.44542713

I'm not asking for you to share anything, I'm just asking if any exist. I don't want to waste my time looking for something that isn't there.

>> No.44542731

I don't know why you keep bringing that up but I don't think Kiki would be happy with you, you should rethink your life choices.

>> No.44542765

Its probably a shitposting tactic to stress her out.

>> No.44542780

I'll share it just to spite you specifically

>> No.44542865

is it okay to ask for loli artist recommendations? i don't want to make kiki jealous but i want to study so i can draw her body type better...

i think that person is trolling/joking/baiting

>> No.44542893

check OP

>> No.44542916


>> No.44542939

champy...you can't get spoonfed any harder...

>> No.44543009

shimanto shisakugata
kawakami rokkaku
tamano kadema

>> No.44543088

Do you really think I don't have every bit of content in the OP already? That isn't what I was asking for.

>> No.44543193 [DELETED] 

I think you are replying to 2 people in on the joke, champy.

<spoiler>about artists? try @Egami_Mal or @lilium_ra</spoiler>

>> No.44543199

thank you! i've only studied "standard" proportions, so i didn't even know where to begin. this is a huge help i really appreciate it.

>> No.44543229

lol! idiot! you screwed up!

>> No.44543255

*anxiously watching the deletion timer tick down*

>> No.44543260

haha deleted boy !! lol !!!!!!

>> No.44543281

I'm just a pariahrabba myself so I'll say at least some people really do hate here.

>> No.44543284

I think you are replying to 2 people in on the joke, champy.

about artists? try @Egami_Mal or @lilium_ra

>> No.44543297

Fine, it's simple. Can you do it anonymously in bread? Then doing it that way is optimal. Other mediums are fine but anon is the ideal.

>> No.44543301


>> No.44543339

thanks so much

>> No.44543348

if you're a pariah you did something wrong

>> No.44543376

yeah i've never had that problem. my trick? in bread, i post about how much i want to fuck kiki in her cunny. in chat, i post kikilove. works every time

>> No.44543392
File: 42 KB, 422x509, ab64f97022598b3b9f1c3c511dbca518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44543415

mama raba, i'll clean this up and repost it, sorry for subjecting you guys to my 4 am schizo art WIP

>> No.44543449

Ogey, cool. I think I am fine, then.

>> No.44543451

I like it

>> No.44543565

i thought it was pretty cool

>> No.44543706

thanks! i like it too, it just needs to be worked on some more.

>> No.44544103

Oh no! I just spilled yogurt all over my shirt! Now I look like a fucking idiot! Fuck!

>> No.44544210

One time I was going on a long drive with my cat on my lap and he peed on me and when I got to the other end I was too tired to change so I just kept wearing the peed on pants and went to sleep and woke up the next day and continued wearing the peed on pants until after a while I was in the car again and I noticed the stench was becoming overwhelming and actually making me a bit nauseous so I went home and showered and changed.

>> No.44544291

cat piss is the worst. i once wore a cat piss jacket and only realized after it was too late so i can relate

>> No.44544331

a seagull pooped on my ear before, I didn't notice for like an hour until I started to smell it

>> No.44544530


>> No.44544552

can we post guilty pleasure songs?


>> No.44544619

Every time I scroll down /vt/ I see multiple threads dedicated to people freaking out about their oshi collaborating with a male and it makes me appreciate my wife even more

>> No.44544779

saved saved saved saved saved, thank you!!!! hopefully i can upload some sneaky lolibaba lewds to the booru in the near future.

while i rarely leave /pyon/, i do sometimes. at first i felt bad for the anons that got cucked but then again it's kind of hard for me to feel bad for people that misplace their trust in normalfag tourist e-girls with an anime avatar instead of a cultured lolibaba idolfag. i do still feel a little bad though in spite of myself and i hope dramaniggers die.

>> No.44544893


>> No.44545010

She collabbed with a male for divegrass

>> No.44545048

i actually love this...thanks

>> No.44545057

it's over..

>> No.44545154

My humble music recommendation for today

>> No.44545194

I need to dab a bit into ai art for a thing, which one champs use?

>> No.44545326

I haven't touched it in a while but /h/ has a general with a bunch of guides in the OP that were pretty helpful for getting stuff set up locally. >>>/h/7237566 is the most current one I think.

>> No.44545337

Try starting out with NovelAI. It's pretty good and very easy to use. It's a good start.

>> No.44545550

Stable Diffusion is the way to go
Midjourney is decent but relies on discord, is paid, and no lora / embeddings / custom model support
NovelAI is the quickest route to using Stable Diffusion with a quality anime model but is also paid and lacks the customizations

if you want to self-host you need a decent Nvidia GPU, alternatively you can pay for a cloud GPU, paperspace being your easiest / cheapest option ($8 / month)

>> No.44545815

I've been listening to a lot of 00's edgy rock? metal? emo? im not really sure. Stuff like breaking benjamin. It's fun!

>> No.44546044

never heard of this band, thanks, it really is fun!!

>> No.44546242

I used to think Nu metal was corny, or should I say Korny. the last couple years or so Ive really been getting into slipknot, mudvayne, korn, soad

>> No.44546343

How did I forget what Nu Metal is.... kek

>> No.44546405

i've also noticed i'm enjoying a lot of the music i thought was cringy/too popular when i was a teen kek, except in my case it's more of the emo stuff. turns out fun things are fun and i'm a lot happier not caring about being cringy.

>> No.44546407

i was just reminded my birthday is in 2 weeks, yay...

>> No.44546460

I think its because the term "nu metal" was almost used like a derogatory slur up until recently. Alot of bands didnt want to be associated with that label

>> No.44546521

Nu-metal is corny. Although it was the genre of a generation, full of teenage angst. All wiggers deserve a bullet to the head though.

>> No.44546534


>> No.44546615

nta i think it was definitely the style that put me off it at the time, now i think looking at videos of them is funny and i can enjoy the music instead of wanting to kill myself because of the association

>> No.44546631

I mean its cope from the bands. They're nu-metal, they have the sound and the look. They denied it because it was hated and all the negativity behind nu-metal. Many of the fags that were like "we're not Nu!!!" Accept it now and do a full 180 "We were always Nu and never denied it!" Why? Nu-metal made a come back and it should stay back in its time

>> No.44546707

the corniness of nu metal is what makes some of it really enjoyable. You can listen to "break stuff" and enjoy it without being a wigger or a tweaker

>> No.44546759

The style was terrible and all the poser mall goths that were into Nu made me want to kill myself when I would go to the mall. Slipknot's first two albums caught my attention and they went to shit after selling out with Vol 3. Also, I hate how Industrial got mixed with the nu-fags

>> No.44546855

I blast Limp ironically knowing it gets people mad. Only a small group of friends of mine get Fred Durst Friday gifs because its all a joke. Limp Bizkit will forever suck

>> No.44546982

i agree

>> No.44547069

Exactly. limp bizkit does suck, but 100% I would go to a limp bizkit concert. The last few years people have started to appreciate how stupid their music is, instead of just unironically hating them kek

>> No.44547121

Why don't kiki and shondo collab? Was there some drama there? They have a lot of similarities.

>> No.44547226

"gfe" and "gfe" doesn't mix
and besides that they have nothing in common

>> No.44547236

no clue who that is, but does anyone genuinely want collabs? i just want kiki alone blowing kisses to me in stream without anyone there to interrupt

>> No.44547248

i dont watch her, does she ever collab with anyone?
yeah this was my first instinct, to ask him if he knows how magnets work lol

>> No.44547278

ask shondo, kiki followed her on twitter but unfollowed when she didnt follow her back

>> No.44547283

I'd shoot myself and then hang myself than to go to any nu-metal concert or fest. Being a "elite" and gatekeeper as the normalfags call me, Nu-metal is a product of its time and should stay dead

>> No.44547348

welcome, new champ. Lurk long enough and you'll understand why that'll never happen

>> No.44547359

They're both edgy /here/ menhera "lolis" having an obsessive relationship with their fanbase

>> No.44547384

why dont two jealous women go on a double date

>> No.44547448

why would i want a stream where half the people i don't care about, when i could have a stream where i am deeply infatuated with just kiki alone?

>> No.44547459

Would be hot af desu

>> No.44547482

yeah see that's why

>> No.44547522

>kiki was being friendly with some chuubas on twitter
>suddenly anti-collab posts appear

>> No.44547552

retard or the actual baiter

>> No.44547608

I'm all for Kiki doing collabs if she chooses to, but I can't imagine the two them doing it. Talk about a personality/mood mismatch.

>> No.44547638
File: 45 KB, 452x498, 8e8407e26f2b3679e610f8cb5cabaa85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb tourist collab begging niggers should do an off collab with a gun

i don't really want or care about collabs in general unless kiki wants to do them, i'll show up and support her of course but i know she gets jealous. i'd rather her be allowed to have friends and hang out with them off stream like other people do without worrying about what their respective audiences are going to do or say.

correct and accurate assessment

>> No.44547665

no need to get so worked up over music some people happen to enjoy. I dont think anyone wants new nu metal, its the shit from 15-20 years ago thats good

>> No.44547900

Cult immune system: activated

>> No.44547946

>admits to being aids

>> No.44548018

>admits to being a cult

>> No.44548077

Were the pippa collabs quality?

>> No.44548106

yep but shes blacklisted

>> No.44548164

>i'll show up and support her of course
yes, these are definitely supportive posts

>> No.44548272

no they were awkward, both of them were new to this and didnt play off each other well

>> No.44548286
File: 219 KB, 1920x1080, 1664630690854666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't do it

>> No.44548302

one of the reasons Kiki finds collabs stressful because of the "business" aspect of it, which I totally get. The other person could be doing it purely out of a desire to find new viewers, or they might think she's doing that. As a fellow rabtard who's been bullied, I understand where she's coming from when she talks about it because a lot of the time I get paranoid because even when people are nice to me I can't understand why & usually assume it's not genuine until I've known them for literal years

>> No.44548310

NTA but I don't think they were trying to anti or anything. Just saying like they would prefer to watch Kiki alone than Kiki + some other chuuba.

Personally I sort of agree, but I'd be happy with her making friends and come to watch her collab with whoever, but if you asked what kind of content I would personally prefer to watch I would choose Kiki solo streams over some collab thing. Not like I hate collabs or anything but just how it be.

>> No.44548355

It was the first time I saw Kiki and she was hilariously unprepared

>> No.44548391

You're being way too reasonable. Just look at what he's posting, is he reasonable? He is either retarded or merely pretending. It's useful to discuss this with other champs but don't bother trying to convince him.

>> No.44548425

They were both still green as fuck at the time, so give them a watch if you like scuffed, awkward, cringestreams,

>> No.44548492
File: 46 KB, 407x530, 1654673639836262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiki is a nice rabbit

>> No.44548535

look at her cute socks

>> No.44548539

I agree with >>44548310 it doesnt seem like they were anti-ing at all? whats your problem

>> No.44548543
File: 224 KB, 723x617, 1672376652181295.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiki is devilish

>> No.44548549

I just wanted to let /pyon/ know that I hope you have a cunnytastic day except for the baiting fags and the fags that talk about collabs. At the end of the day, its Kiki's choice. Stay hydrated

>> No.44548590

You're not following the conversation, I agree with him too. The guy calling those posts anti-collab IS the anti, and the same calling us a cult.

>> No.44548628

nice try H20 man, i will not be drinking any of your transparent snake oil today

>> No.44548661

lmao I forgot about that one

>> No.44548668

if anything, the guy obviously samefagging about not wanting collabs even though kiki said she wants to do a collab this year is anti-ing

>> No.44548684

oh ok

>> No.44548726


>> No.44548743

that wasn't me, you're not following the conversation

>> No.44548747

and there he is again. im only even replying because its insidious and for the sake of other champs.

we do not mind her collabing. we are not ANTI collab. we are not PRO collab either.

>> No.44548771

i credit water with saving me from hiccups tday

>> No.44548789

I'm pretty sure something I said made Kiki uncomfortable but I can't really bring it up again without making her uncomfortable again so I'll just quietly wonder if she thinks of me as "that guy" now with awkward feelings

>> No.44548823

if it was me i'd definitely bring it up

>> No.44548840

Water is unironically bad for you. It sucks out all the minerals out of your body. Drink milk or juice instead

>> No.44548869

I don't know why but I sometimes get headaches when I drink water.

>> No.44548875

Shit take. Do this only if you want to become obese

>> No.44548881

they don't even know each other for one, Kiki doesn't like the predatory networking aspects of collaborating with people for growth so I don't think she'd like the dynamic, all her previous ones were with people around her size that she had already gotten to know prior

>> No.44548895

how much of kiki's kiki would i have to drink to stay hydrated?

>> No.44548903

>he is still falling for the liquid jew
i eat a solid block of minerals every morning , i haven't needed to piss in 8 years

>> No.44548913

Nice try rabbi

>> No.44548922

Caffeine withdrawal. Drink coffee instead.

>> No.44548946

then I wasn't talking about you retard, I'm talking about the guy who literally said he doesn't want a collab

>> No.44548960


>> No.44548993

you just brought it up vague-posting motherfucker

>> No.44549049

But if I'm vague about it she won't know what specific shithead I am so it's ok

>> No.44549053

so what? do you understand words? its just a preference. if you really need to know the difference ask for a male and for a female collab, you'll get very different answers that will illustrate what being anti-something means.

>> No.44549062

the mention of old streams does make me a bit nostalgic and happy for how much kiki has improoooved, it's a huge difference and i'm really proud of her.

yeah mantra reps, we had a comfy morning though. i've always kinda wondered about the "cult" thing. maybe it's just because /vt/ is a tourist board but being a non-invested casual consoomer of anything has never been a good thing on 4chan.

also i have productive conversations and disagreements with each champs and kiki all the time here. i (and others here, i think) just try to be a bit more sincere and considerate of kiki's tastes / feelings instead of treating her like a mascot that i can do whatever i want with. when i'm actively hostile it's because someone refuses to lurk or is just trying to stir shit up

we're all cringe sometimes, kiki included, don't worry about it or bring it up imo, apologize via maro if you have to, maybe, but don't make a big deal out of it.

...are you drinking distilled water? champy?? drinking normal water helps you digest and actually absorb and utilize vitamins/minerals from the things you eat.

>> No.44549089

I have to sleep so that I don't die but I refuse to miss Kiki tetris. Why can't these multi-billion dollar companies figure out how to make their shitty app notifications work properly?

>> No.44549106

I mean, I'll support kiki in whatever she wants to do, I just think it's unlikely she'd want to to collab stream, and I know I wouldn't give a fuck about whoever else she brings on. i don't even like vtubers really, I just like kiki.

>> No.44549135

I thought about apologizing in a maro but I'd just imagine her seeing it and just thinking I'm even more of a bastard for bringing it up again and feel anxiety so I probably shouldn't. I'll just try to put it out of my mind as best I can.

>> No.44549279

nta, i've been drinking exclusively distilled water for over a year.. am i going to die?

>> No.44549320

dude just get the twitter app with notifications, she always posts when she starts

>> No.44549347

why would I drink a fluoride bomb when I have fresh orange juice, milk and blood

>> No.44549383

This. No one here cares about vtubers, I'd be okay with a collab since Kiki making friends is a good thing but as content I'm not really interested. She'd be interacting with the other vtuber and not us

>> No.44549386

>he doesn't know about reverse osmosis

>> No.44549547
File: 124 KB, 435x674, 1_kikimoody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44549583

>i don't even like vtubers really, I just like kiki.
"vtuber" these days is a ridiculous umbrella that barely means anything. however, even though i don't watch other vtubers, i do hope that other vtubers that might have communities similar to /pyon/ have just as much love for their oshi and just general fun and creativity going around as we do

to put it simply, if you live in a shitole area with bad water, distilled water is better than nothing. however, it will leach minerals and such from things it touches, including your teeth, plastic containers, etc. as long as you have a somewhat nutrient rich diet, you should be fine. but you might want to switch to purified instead.

great to see more from you!!! good use of colors and mood. i like the style you went with for the eyes as well.

>> No.44549603

Mineral water is good for you if you're in Europe, if you're in the USA it's just fluoride packed tap water. Drink freshly squeezed orange juice or raw milk, pasteurization is the devil.

>> No.44549611
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the water shills are out in full force today i see
you can't make me drink anything other than kiki's piss

>> No.44549622


>> No.44549668

The fun part of collabs is not the other vtuber but seeing Kiki put in an unfamiliar situation and how she handles it. It's like a game and having autism is playing on hard mode

>> No.44549669

do you guys ever think we're submininally making kiki addicated to smoking again with all the smoking related art?

>> No.44549672

man, the bread is going too fast for my rabba head

>> No.44549676


>> No.44549696

I have it but the stupid notifications don't ping until I turn my screen on which defeats the purpose since I'll be asleep. I've checked every setting on my phone and haven't been able to figure it out. Only twitter does it so I don't think it's on my end.

>> No.44549703

ah fuck yeah i hate pasteurization too. good to see a fellow mycobacterium tuberculosis champ


>> No.44549735

It can be fun in small doses, but speaking as someone who once had an oshi that transitioned into collab spam for a while it can fucking suck if they do it too much. (Don't bully me this was a long time ago)

>> No.44549741


>> No.44549748


>> No.44549765

you can sleep for 4h

>> No.44549791

flat chest, visible ribs kiki with huge, drumstick shaped THICK legs

>> No.44549814

Okay, I'm trusting you...

>> No.44549823

how do you guys suppress your urge to jerk off to kiki?

>> No.44549827

thanks precogchamp

>> No.44549842

I eat raw meat every day and I haven't gotten sick once, getting tuberculosis sounds like a you problem. Although I am European and don't have niggers handling my food, so maybe you do have a point.

>> No.44549859

lmao suppress. im suppressing my urge to bite bait by jerking off to kiki right now

>> No.44549861

I just have sex with Kiki instead

>> No.44549892

I think raw meat is mostly just an issue if it hasn't been handled properly. Most American meat you'd find in markets and stuff is raised and prepared in disgusting conditions prone to spread disease but if you're a yuro or something it's probably different

>> No.44550022

i take cumstack supplements, hornypost, and edge for long periods of time specifically because i know kiki wants to be covered in my cum

okay champ, i hope you never get sick and have a long healthy life. all the best

>> No.44550078

i just go to one of her unlisted asmr streams and start tugging

>> No.44550121 [DELETED] 

Americans should be careful (they have dirty minorities handling their food), but there are still some reputable farmers and sellers. Yuro food quality is orders of magnitude better than American, last time I read the ingredients I was horrified. It's funny how a piss poor country in Europe has better food than the richest in the world. Why do you let them poison you like this?

>> No.44550246
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I've been trying to make this thing work despite the shitstorm a mere proposition of it quickly devolved into.

Seems that YouTube's API sends info only when the waiting room goes up, not when the stream itself goes live.
If there's any champ good with coding can actually figure out how to make this thing work I think it would be good thing for everyone (smaller chance of missing the stream for us, less stress of being exactly on time for Kiki).

>> No.44550340

Thanks for trying

>> No.44550376

hey neet/ex-neet champs, im getting into a normal sleep schedule to prepare to wage, but despite a decent diet and 7+ hrs of sleep each night I still feel tired & low motivation mid day for some reason. What do you champs do when you’re feeling this way?

>> No.44550418

I chalk that up to my chronic depression. Only thing I can do is cope.

>> No.44550429

Have you gotten blood work done? It could be a hormonal problem.

>> No.44550438

i quit caffeine

>> No.44550448

what is a decent diet? you might need more fats and such that release energy slowly rather than carbs

>> No.44550477

has kiki ever played or thought about playing deus ex or system shock 2?

>> No.44550480

I was thinking about this the other day but most people seemed to think it wasn't necessary so I didn't want to invest too much time into it. I can probably contribute if we decide it's something we actually want to do since I have some experience working with YT API already but if it's just going to be a source of conflict it might be better not to...

>> No.44550484

one coffee in the morning on weekdays is all you need

>> No.44550525

you don't have a decent diet

>> No.44550527

no need to over engineer anything, somebody can just make a better RSS feed, hell it could be something that a regular just updates in real-time, then people can use whichever million RSS clients exist under the sun

>> No.44550541

Hold on, I'm about to notice.

>> No.44550561

idk I always feel that way

>> No.44550564

I don't see what the problem is if it's literally just sending out a notification.

>> No.44550604

It's going to take an indeterminate amount of time because of my lack of time (juggling a few different /pyon/jects on top of jam projects, work, and school) but I do have something in the works. it sounds like what you're doing is a good project pure for the experience of creating and learning. thanks for the effort and for what you do champ.

something to keep in mind is that people often naturally get sleepy around and just after midday. it's completely normal. that's why it's normal to have afternoon tea/coffee or whatever. stay hydrated, get some sunlight, and try doing some exercise in the morning.

>> No.44550610
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>> No.44550639

I still think RSS is a terrible option (even though I did include it in the poll) because the latency is gonna be pretty high (based on whatever polling interval your client is sending but if a whole bunch of people are polling at really low intervals that could become a problem in its own right)
Yeah, Telegram might be more palatable to people but I think some didn't like it requires a phone number or something to register. I haven't really used it at all so I don't know much about it though.

>> No.44550755

it doesn't get better

>> No.44550765

you're not building the next generation social media RSS feed, you're making a thing for like a dozen people at most to use

>> No.44550814

Yeah, that's true. Well, creating a RSS feed would be like the most effortless choice possible so I could try it if people would actually use it, even if I think it's not necessarily the most ideal option, and add other sources to publish to later

>> No.44550821

anyone baking?

>> No.44550877

not it

>> No.44550918

i'll do it one sec

>> No.44551018

it's the only headache free option, you'll get like 2 guys joining your shitty telegram server and like 4 people screeching about it, the people already using discord probably already have there own thing so won't care, and for anybody else that would consider using it they'll get the flexibility of using whatever they want with a little instruction, and if there is a real go-getter champ that absolutely wants to build a fancy APK or something as an alarm frontend for learning they can do so (and everyone else can use any of the milions of rss alarm apps that already exist)

>> No.44551057
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>> No.44551219
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see you on the other side...

>> No.44551260
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>> No.44551641

kiki love
