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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44537761 No.44537761 [Reply] [Original]

I thought Pippa was supposed to be based?

>> No.44537789

based on what?

>> No.44537833

>attacks twitter trannies
>tells it's bad to do the same

>> No.44537873

one more thread, Henri

>> No.44537875

So she's actually a tranny supporter that only played into the wizard drama for easy views? Sounds like grifter behavior to me, lads.

>> No.44537955

>apology stream

>> No.44537994

tranny worship

>> No.44538058

I like Pippa, but are you seriously only realizing now that she's a pickme grifter?

>> No.44538103

That rabbit knows too much.

>> No.44538230

I don't know if you're just a SEAnig or something but from the tone of my response it should have been obvious that I was implying that it's the type of shit she always does.

>> No.44538428

people on here, especially on this board, are incredibly fucking dumb
it's very hard to tell between sarcasm, people pretending to be retarded, and genuine retards

>> No.44538502

grifting complete

>> No.44538515

You can't help outing yourselves can you?

>> No.44538551

imagine having a grifter as your kami yoshi

>> No.44538713

I don't. But I do have a cute pink rabbit as my kamioshi.

>> No.44538787

Would be kinda funny, but she won't do it

>> No.44538843

>Pippa sells out /pol/ after playing them like a fiddle for views

>> No.44538974 [DELETED] 

Low effort bait SEAchama

>> No.44538982 [DELETED] 
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Vat? Ze pink rabbit girl doezn't support *checks notes* Total Trannie Holocaust? Maybe she izn't a bazed nationalsozialistische valkyrie we've all thought her to be! Guess it's off to gaz chambers for her az well! I wonder why I don't have any political allies... or friendz...

>> No.44539024

>corporate statement straight from her boss
>important in any way

>> No.44539072

If fags went too far and pink rabbit said nothing, the ADL would start getting involved meaning glowniggers get involved (see GypsyCrusader)

>> No.44539123

Anyone who isn't a drama baiting retard or terminally culture-war poisoned knows fishman hands are all over that tweet, but at the same time nobody should be trying to turn Pippa into some sort of culture war Joan of Arc. She's a pink anime rabbit on the Internet.

>> No.44539240 [DELETED] 

based tranny supporter hail tranny-connect

>> No.44539259

I'm already seeing some troons in Capippalist kek. They already lost any justification to be based.

>> No.44539296

She's also a very basic libertarian at best, which makes posts like this >>44538982 so hilarious.

>> No.44539299

>"Don't use my name to attack people."
>"Wow I can't believe the rabbit gives unflinching support to the heckin tranners!"

>> No.44539308

She has a business to run. If you expect her to fight for anything besides that, you're an idiot.

>> No.44539630

You can however expect her to suicide bait to get more donations, though.

>> No.44540407

i'm pretty sure pickme is a normal phrase for women trying to fit in too hard with any group

>> No.44540431

Except for the part where she suicide baited AFTER all the donations came in.

>> No.44540463


>> No.44540509

That's clearly a joke dumbass.
Don't get us riled up for nothing.

>> No.44540560 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44540649

If you actually believed she was based after seeing the woke shit her roommate posts then I don't know what to tell you. Learn what grifting is and come back.

>> No.44540704

She's literally never posted anything classifiable as "woke shit" as her roommate or elsewhere.

>> No.44540716

You guys are genuinely surprised that a fursuit owner supports trannies?

>> No.44540760 [DELETED] 

>God bless both our troops and our black communities. America was founded a beacon of liberty and I hope that light shines even brighter. We don't have to agree on everything, but I hope we can agree black lives matter.

>> No.44540763

Using it makes you sound like an asshurt woman who is never picked.

>> No.44540827 [DELETED] 

I hate something like BLM is considered "political". This should be bi-partisan and be wholly separated from the ire people normally harbor regarding talking about politics

>> No.44540856


>> No.44540921 [DELETED] 

/pol/tards are gullible imbeciles this is nothing new

>> No.44540926 [DELETED] 

>shes a libertarian

No wonder, lolberts are spineless worms

>> No.44540967 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44540982

Management bonk because they keep seeing pippa forced memes about hanging trannies.

>> No.44541023

You'll know when you're old enough to post here.

>> No.44541077 [DELETED] 

Its the classic libertarian two parts act:
>Hahaha lmao I am so pro free speech, I love edgy jokes!
>Wait hold on you guys are actually serious?

>> No.44541130 [DELETED] 

Liberitaniarism is based

>> No.44541229

Being too lazy to enforce your will on others is bad, actually

>> No.44541257

did anyone else thing otherwise? Glowniggers are invading her chat and her twitter mentions with shit not even a nazi would post.

>> No.44541265

Mt benis is based. In Pippa's rabbit pussy.

>> No.44541303

Sorry to break it to you but our society dosent have fully free speech, you cannot go around screaming nigger or troons and expect not to be hit with a banhammer

>> No.44541306 [DELETED] 

>calling trannys out means you're a le fed
I hate this meme.

>> No.44541308

Every one on 4chan would be the first to go in a long knife type event.

>> No.44541365

Why would feds go after her tho? Her fans are cowardly incels that hide behind radical centrism or are lolberts. Not much to radicalize.

>> No.44541393 [DELETED] 
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God I hate women like her so much...

>> No.44541406

There is a difference between calling and criticising someone and straight up talking about murdering people

>> No.44541409

If a knifes long it's just a sword, dumbass

>> No.44541436

>thanks for the donations anon, pls don't ever leave or I'll kill myself!

>> No.44541448

>no, uh, she just has to pretend to not be based to fool the government! Yeah.
Credit where it's due, this is a pretty unique cope.

>> No.44541459

Don't see a problem in gunning down anyone who tries to step on you fucking gun grabber cuck.

>> No.44541462
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>> No.44541463 [DELETED] 

You can't go around screaming in general. You can go around casually using the words nigger and troon, though.

>> No.44541472

But trannies saying all white people should die is totally acceptable.

>> No.44541480
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did you read the post? tell this is not the most obvious bait ever

>> No.44541493

I don't know, sounds pretty based. Btw want some cookies?

>> No.44541508

Because you can still install a world government with most reactionary types. Do you think feds care if some new monarchist is saying we need to all be peasants and that peasants owned nothing and were happy.

>> No.44541521

But she called that out as unacceptable too, learn what consistency is you dumb nigger.

>> No.44541522

by social standards you cant, its consitered a hate crime in a lot of amerimutt states

>> No.44541537

Jesus fucking Christ, this dude was direct.
Also, unfortunately, I don't think much can be done in that regard unless you swap out models of existing enemies.

>> No.44541543

>antagonize trannies
>gets blown the fuck out


>> No.44541586 [DELETED] 

don't ever think a female is cool for their politics you fucking morons. They are incapable of thinking outside of immediate emotional reactions, and any thought they have in the first place is something that has been parroted into their brain by their superior opposite gender.

>> No.44541609

phase connect CEO is a tranny lover

>> No.44541620

Pippa moving into Gunt's pigsty arc IKZ.

>> No.44541622

>culture warrior bad faith whataboutism

>> No.44541627 [DELETED] 

Is @bannedvtmemes really a phase cucknet shill? he made zero posts about pippa's grifting

>> No.44541664

Pippa was always a grifter. Guess the dumb bitch doesn't understand a grift only works if you never let the mask slip.

>> No.44541678

It’s the turn of troons to pick her anon. Later on she will do le based thing and then you can pick her again

>> No.44541683

yeah, me.

>> No.44541713

In literally zero states is saying either of those things a "hate crime."

>> No.44541740

Yes, blatantly

>> No.44541795
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She made more money you'll ever make this month (or ever) with that stream. She'll make even more whem she replays it. Her fanbase is still extremely supporting and openly calls out fedposting. No amount of gayopsing will make her graduate.

>> No.44541832

Your oshi is the Sargon of Akkad of vtubers and that is fucking pathetic m8.

>> No.44541860

Now hold on, there's nothing pathetic about Applebee's.

>> No.44541894

>ADL entry

Damn, walking on a tight rope

>> No.44541960

You don't remember when the ADL tried to make Korone a symbol of white supremacy?

>> No.44541988
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lmao she's so fucking fake

>> No.44542001

My screen fucking FLASHED in a MASSIVE glow.

>> No.44542010

flop connect

>> No.44542052 [DELETED] 

I know that's why I lurk. I just like reminding them that their oshi is a troon loving furry that got her edge-lite humor dicked into her, and that they waste their money and time getting bunny girl to say le epic memes instead of grooming their own pipkin. And I enjoy the yabs.
>Verification not required.

>> No.44542067 [DELETED] 

Optics. Declaring TTD will lead her into being attacked and eventually banned.

>> No.44542092

Good. We need more martyrs.

>> No.44542124 [DELETED] 

Sargon won, metotranny.

>> No.44542153

Who are the "we" you are referring to, mr. glowie?

>> No.44542155 [DELETED] 

Pippa based for dancing over Pikamee's corpse

>> No.44542176

typical anglo baboon with hypocritical double standards. this cunt is so fucking fake.

>> No.44542183

kind of lazy to just rehash the same thread for days on end.

>> No.44542244

If not a shill, definitely an extremely biased diehard capipi, she can do no wrong in his eyes

>> No.44542257

okay there is no fucking doubt this is the reason for the statement lmao

>> No.44542327

I'm not entire sure either, but didn't she vote for fucking biden last go around?

>> No.44542331

PICKme GRIFTpa has no spine. She will meet the same fate as all grifters and get hanged by her own audience.

>> No.44542377

Well, if there's more than one of them, at least one of the people running that page is a paid phase shill almost certainly

>> No.44542389 [DELETED] 

>I have zero reading comprehension and I don't watch streams.
Pippa's company is incorporated in Canada, were interent harrassment based on someone's (((identity))) is a crime. On top of that, she's just a shitposter not an actual culture warrior. Finally, she's angry that people harrassed people over a game, not that the harrassers were axewounds.

>> No.44542427
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>> No.44542445

Trannies aren't people

>> No.44542462
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This is a standard press statement saying that she isn't taking responsibility for what random idiots are doing. She isn't even apologizing.
What are you on about?

>> No.44542485

she's a grifter. we've been over this, anon. people aren't saying that ironically.

>> No.44542605

She is unfathomably based.
And (You), well, you're a newfag at best.
Try actually knowing what's going on next time.

>> No.44542616

I'd block this retard too and I'm transphobic. In what world does think a corporate figure would support his message.

>> No.44542615
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this board has been in panic over the past few days, exposing the tourists. A astroturf statement that dosent point at anyone is somehow controversial. No matter what v-tuber it were to be if they had as much shit as reddit has on pippa their companies would also force a statement out.

>> No.44542631
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>> No.44542680

This is what the fourth, fifth time something happens and people who thought she was some kind of turborracist (plus whatever else you want to think of) are proven wrong again?

>> No.44542708

Only because euros also share our internet. It's only a matter of time before they wall themselves off like the russians and the chinese.

>> No.44542754

All part of the clout game you see

>> No.44542773 [DELETED] 

Gullible doesn't begin to describe it
"i hate harassers so I will mock their quest"
"OmG ShE HatES TrAnNIeS"

>> No.44542805


>> No.44542819

Making edgy jokes doesn't mean she actually belives them, retard

>> No.44542849

>epic 4chan /here/ redpilled girl
>grifter and backstabber
Every time

>> No.44542882


>> No.44542886 [DELETED] 

I used to think people that said that were a joke up until this this random guy started talking to me once and he started saying there are hidden trains all over the country kidnapping millons of kids to take to hillary clinton and that she was some sort of alien creature that was controlling the government and how Q has exposed everything, then he told me to go watch some video at one of those yt alternative sites and then he said and Trump could help us, i mean he was serious too. Guy was fucking insane and sweating, he went on for a long ass time too, like 20 minutes just ranting at me. Shit was weird, when people start talking crazy government conspiracies i kind of tend to think what if they are retarded or crazy. Like Ame with the chemtrail shit.

>> No.44542897 [DELETED] 

There's a vast ocean of choice between her saying TTD and saying "I will ban you if you talk about my golden cows"

>> No.44542911

Next she'll turn over her audience and calling them cancer.
she's another boghog in the making
harvest season is near

>> No.44542931 [DELETED] 

But that is exactly correct.
This whole shitstorm started because LBGTQ people started attacking, doxxing and harassing streamers for playing some wizard game.
If you want to be based, the correct thing to concentrate on your own interests. Not get butthurt about other people.

>> No.44542937

Women like Pippa have no conviction. They're charlatans who, when time comes, reap what they sow for being spineless cowards.

>> No.44542976

Grifters get the rope.

>> No.44543064
File: 145 KB, 322x527, 951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How new are some of you? fuck

>> No.44543092

It would be hilarious to her pull an Idubbz and fully turn on the fanbase she cultivated. The fallout would be glorious.

>> No.44543107

I don't believe you.

>> No.44543114

And I thought I coudn't hate this whore more kek

>> No.44543131

I fully expect this to happen.

>> No.44543169

In this case it's a shit ton of money.

>> No.44543212

>You're a glowie if you call pippa a grifter
Does she have her own discord raiders?

>> No.44543217

she never was lmfao and thats the best part. She aint called Griftin Griftka for no reason.

>> No.44543224

I think this is more of Fishman being a coward. Go back to the comments of the Hogwarts video and she is going through and liking all the comments thanking her for streaming the game which is going to get her a shit ton of hate. The chances Phase is compromised is however very high now and everyone should be ready to jump ship at a moment's notice.

>> No.44543309

Discord and kiwis. Some of these anons are so touch starved they will do anything for her. I wouldn't be surprised if she has groomed her own personal guard with non committal ASMR.

>> No.44543347

Tenma had no problem whatsoever saying she was forced to clarify. If that was the case what's stopping pippa. Aside from that "OMG I got kicked from phase" Pippa. Fucking Pippa is fishman's gura what fucking exposure does that company give you.

>> No.44543395

Money won't save her when the fighting breaks out.

>> No.44543407

Two more weeks?

>> No.44543434

Pippa liked, not retweeted, damage control. She's not a grifter after all.

>> No.44543437


>> No.44543482


>> No.44543485

>when the fighting breaks out
And anyway she would be fucked no matter what sort of side won. Do you think if actual american fascism happen they will just be like "yeah no you can be an anime rabbit online and reap money from lonely men"

>> No.44543572

Yes, but she would reap money from one lonely man and bear his children and it's beautiful.

>> No.44543606

But sisters says she based redpilled and our girl!

>> No.44543611

She's already doing that.

>> No.44543635

The joke of the industry strikes again

>> No.44543674

Oh that's right. Not quite how I pictured it.

>> No.44543734

No dumbass.Anything right of woke. No one who's not woke goes though a lecture the audience arc.

>> No.44543767

I doubt, if she already got her money she would be a prized wife and wouldn't be given away to the lesser entities of society, like lonely man.

>> No.44543782

wouldn't be surprised. wasn't she one of kiwifarms' groombabies?

>> No.44543807

>she was told to not make fun of trannies anymore
>that means she won


>> No.44543843

subtlety is dead

>> No.44543880

>Like Ame with the chemtrail shit.

>> No.44543885

>people pretend that she is something she is not
>she says that she isn't
>what a clout chaser
What is wrong with you? You can't just make things up about people and then act butthurt because it isn't true.

>> No.44543954

Can you show me where she claimed to me some hardcore right wing redpill merchant?

Can you show me where she made fun of trannies?

>> No.44543985

Remember when she started crying on stream about how she's afraid twitter people think she's an awful person?
Do you think she cries out of concern that non-lefties think she's an awful person?
Thinking exercise for chuds.

>> No.44543987

Yeah it's so subtle that the one faggot who made that tweet posted twice about how pippa noticed him and is now posting it here.

>> No.44544007

How long do you think that is going to take and what will you do when it doesn't happen? What specifically makes you so sure?

>> No.44544008

>if we dont enable trannies then we'll have heckin facism
Ok retard

>> No.44544017

>at first
>fuck harassers
>fuck harassers
You people are literally just mad because she didn't made a post saying "FULL TRANNY ANNIHILATION".

>> No.44544057 [DELETED] 


she should have desu

>> No.44544063

Why not? Do you think Facists just stand around saluting the flag all day?
There was entertainment in ancient Rome, there was entertainment in the 3rd Reich and there will be entertainment as long as "we" aren't starving to death.

>> No.44544067

The sheer amount of people thinking being based, hating harassment and having an edgy sense of humor means she thinks exactly like they do is depressing.

>> No.44544090

it not that far-fetched

>> No.44544096

I don't know about crying, but she watched a series of streams called year of the chud as well as streams that featured TND regularly. And if she didn't then she's liar and grifter like everyone has said so far.

>> No.44544100

Wouldn't have helped anyone. Except maybe the transformers, since it gives them victimhood points.

>> No.44544119

She could have avoided that problem if she wasn't getting anally prolapse from sitting on the fence. Pick a positing and stick to it. That's it. She would get more respect doing that rather than saying one thing and then going back on it later on just because it pissed other people.
You can't please everyone. It's not a hard lesson to learn.

>> No.44544122 [DELETED] 

It must be hard for a literal run-of-the-mill white BLM-supporting liberal woman to run this kind of a grift. I wish her luck in the path she has chosen but plenty of people definitely think she's an awful person, now more than ever.

>> No.44544125

Tenma is the second biggest in Phase Connect, has been growing consistently, is one of the hardest workers in EN vtubing and she can quit whenever she wants because she's a career woman with applicable work skills.
These things give her the ability to just drop her dick on the table when she wants.

>> No.44544223

The sheer amount of people in this thread trying to say
>she's not a grifter
While simultaneously saying
>she was never like that anyway
Is proof enough for me that she's a grifter and you fags all bought it.

>> No.44544238

>how long do you think that is going to take
depends on how tight sakana's leash is.
>what will you do when it doesn't happen?
absolutely nothing.
>What specifically makes you so sure?
pattern recognition.

>> No.44544250
File: 1.18 MB, 680x454, unhime yourself[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fvymrza.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember when she started crying on stream about how she's afraid twitter people think she's an awful person?
No, because it never happened.

You are retarded. Bonus points for not just falling for it, but doubling down on the lie with your expert takes. Filthy self-absorbed drama tourists.

>Pick a positing and stick to it.
She didn't change position either. There is no "I take it back" in her statement and and no position she abandoned relating to it.
>It's not a hard lesson to learn.
You understanding how little you know on the other hand is very difficult.

>> No.44544254

copium overdose

>> No.44544269

There being entertainment doesn't mean you get to buy atelier totori and watch vtubers anon. Fascists are moralfags down to it, and I am sure you can find hysterical reasons to ban anything if you wish.

>> No.44544293

>I have no idea
>I'm used to being wrong but it doesn't influence my behavior
>It came to me in a dream
What I expected.

>> No.44544294

Maybe but Phase is not Hololive. Pippa's fans would follow her out the door. Fishman's hands might have been on this but it's consensual.

>> No.44544319

I'm tempted to make a copypasta in the similar vein to TND like that one ai voice clip of Tucker Carlson calling for one. Just replace the N with G as in grifter.

>> No.44544328

>No, because it never happened.
What do you gain from spreading rrats? Pippa is known for being a menhera on stream and crying over how nobody likes her

>> No.44544350

Concession accepted. Read the thread it's the majority of what pippafags are saying.

>> No.44544390

>Filthy self-absorbed drama tourists
>reddit spacing
Go back.

>> No.44544398

Can I get a link of her crying over twitter though. It'd be a good one to spam for her whiteknights.

>> No.44544414

She isn't a grifter because she never said the thing you think she is grifting about. If she had said "let's show those trans harassers who's boss" and then backpedaled you'd have a point, but she didn't say that.
You're just threadwatching and you aren't even doing a good job of that, since you don't care about what's true or not. You just want to feel smug for not having fallen for it. Even if the thing you didn't fell for isn't real.

You are a hallucinating retard huffing your own farts.

>> No.44544422

Heavy drinking stream. Starting from 1:50:00. Cries about insulting various woke vtubers and saying the wrong thing and offending twitter people kanye style.

>> No.44544430

believe what you want. The harvest will come eventually.

>> No.44544449
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>be wrong about something
>get told by multiple people that you are wrong
>Well people telling me that I am wrong means that I am right
You have to be trolling

>> No.44544455

You are very creative. I can see why you are looking for encouragement in this thread, since this is quite the undertaking you're planning. How many upvotes until you do it?

>> No.44544489

So the spineless white trash furry groomee is spineless? Who would have thought.

>> No.44544499

I'm sure she wanted to play hogwarts legacy on her own (when she specifically says she hates harry potter and JK rowling)
She also likes Pikamee very much (never interacted with her, even once, anywhere)
Remind us what she did in that hogwarts legacy stream again? Was it saying fuck those twitter freaks for harassing Pikamee? Oh right she was shilling her merch like a good grifter would. Cant let a tragedy go to waste.

>> No.44544521 [DELETED] 

Regardless of how this ended, I hope that the 42% got at least a tiny bit higher during the process.

>> No.44544535

She's a grifter for saying attacking people for their identities is a bannable blockable offense for her. She didn't say death threats or fed posting or whatever cope you fags are using to contend with this.
Shondo one of her friends or at least someone who has her discord recently was mocking people for pronouns on their twitter. Which would fall under that umbrella.

>> No.44544540

Show me where she changed anything or apologized for it.

>> No.44544541

>nobody likes her
She deserves nothing more. She ended up being disliked by both sides of this controversy just so that she could profit from it like a fucking kike.

>> No.44544549

Holy shit she really is shameless. Phase faggots get the rope.

>> No.44544570

Also Hime is a jkr brainworms tranny supporter. Should have picked a less obvious girl to falseflag with

>> No.44544584

courting the kiwi/IBS crowds never pays unless you're built like a brick shithouse.
too bad she didn't get Jim to stream with her before he fucked off

>> No.44544588

I need an RTX 3070ti because training a voice cloning ai is no joke and I'm not sending my info to elevenlabs.

>> No.44544590

Tune into her next stream when she suicide baits for donations

>> No.44544708

She was on his goodbye stream for a bit. Jim was willing, but management hates fun.

>never pays
She is doing fine. This is not the end of the world. People have been doomposting her ever since she was a 2view and nothing has had any real impact on the people who actually enjoy watching her.

>> No.44544717

You guys scared me, but is literally a nothingburger.

>> No.44544756

Yep. Just people airing out frustrations. Like me.

>> No.44544767

She was also making jokes about muggle genocide, which was pretty fun

>> No.44544812

>owned the Ts and chuds using the same event
Based finger toe'd rabbit

>> No.44544909

Being based generally calls for not making a faggot of yourself, anon.

>> No.44544916

talking about this you fucking mong
literally a fed account

>> No.44544971

Still is. She literally funds them when they exposed her

>> No.44545042

>She is doing fine.
for now, sure. she'll trip eventually. Happened to every other motherfucker not named Metokur or Null.

>> No.44545101

LOL. Everything is kiwi farms now huh? I tought what's it's face "destroyed them?
No just regular people calling out hypocrisy.

>> No.44545115

One day you'll die. Will happen eventually. Happens to everyone. I am very smart.
Doomposters who just jerk themselves off like that are boring.

>> No.44545163

Schizo fight!

>> No.44545222

just enjoying the shitshow anon.

>> No.44545266

Nigga she ain't ruining her career for some wizard game or political agenda
She only played it cause she saw the drama surrounding it
She knows very well that the troons are stronger than ever so it'll be better to just leave them alone

>> No.44545270
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>> No.44545329

I wish this girl was consistent in anything she does, but she's just leeching as much as possible while trying to stay out of trouble at the same time.

Literally the kind of person that would've scavenged battlefields to graverob corpses during medieval times. Not a part of the fight, not a part of the war, not an ounce of loyalty to a cause, simply there to cash in.

>> No.44545335

Rangeban Americans

>> No.44545344

This. Also the statment made sure she'll become more restrained when "making fun" of certain groups.

>> No.44545386

She confirmed she will be playing it again. No need to samefag and falseflag as 2 people spreading rrats

>> No.44545424

She's 100% consistent in wanting numbers so I follow what she does on that respect

>> No.44545432
File: 83 KB, 610x900, you need them.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name one thing she hasn't been consistent on.

>Literally the kind of person that would've scavenged battlefields to graverob corpses during medieval times. Not a part of the fight, not a part of the war, not an ounce of loyalty to a cause, simply there to cash in.
And take your meds.

>> No.44545485
File: 34 KB, 680x492, 01f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44545521

Yes, but she will never pull another stunt like using Pikame's graduation to "own the twitter freaks" ever again.

>> No.44545527

Pippa pls you court with those crowds you know they'll bite you when they don't get what they want.

>> No.44545549

Don't know when, maybe in two more weeks. My guess is somebody like Mori reaching out and trying to convert her more to woke side behind the scenes and first and then openly, by setting up collabs with people like mouse and nyanners.

>> No.44545587

Playing hogwarts legacy IS owning the twitter freaks. She would never play it otherwise

>> No.44545599

Rangeban yourself from life you fucking faggot.

>> No.44545634

Her feet content is highly inconsistent

>> No.44545638

There's a difference between playing the game for fun or to do a bit of trolling
And forming a crusade against weirdos of the internet

Pick your sides anon.
Which will be more profitable?

>> No.44545657

There's a difference between playing the game because you want to stream it and because you want to "own these freaks", anon.

>> No.44545669

ho's mad. take your pills Pippiger

>> No.44545759

Slander! Her toes are very reliable in their enormous length.

>> No.44545782

Impressive numbers
Wasted potential

>> No.44545827

Not sure what's really funny, trans and chuds getting mad at her because she's not "based" at all, or pippatards trying to remove any agency from her ever tho she willfully chose to involve in the HL drama.

>> No.44545861

Not letting yourself be used as a banner for someone else's war sounds based, don't know what I'm missing here.

>> No.44545872

She did it out of spite, because she was mad at what happened to the kettle. She even took a day off when the announcement hit.
Not sure what difference you are making up in your head and why you think you can predict the future based on that when she has taken nothing back and changed nothing.

>> No.44545940

We got TWO streams with feet content in December and ZERO in January and February. They way she treats her fans is just appalling.

>> No.44545998

> tho she willfully chose to involve in the HL drama.
Where is anybody saying otherwise? She chose to play the game and she will keep playing it until she's bored of it.
She didn't say she was wrong for doing it. She didn't say that she was forced into it. She didn't apologize for it. I don't understand you funny man.

>> No.44546037
File: 246 KB, 1448x2048, give feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, you're right. This injustice has to end now!

>> No.44546045

>Your countryman slumps over at your side
>You're filled with fury
>You pick up arms and return fire

>A bullet whizzes past your head
>you lay down your rifle
>you bury your head in the sand and assume the position

Nobody would have cared if she stayed out of it.

>> No.44546083

Gonna be honest I like Pippa, she's pretty entertaining and based of course. Has similar interests to a lot of us here I'm sure including myself. Once I found out she was a metokur fan I knew she was a keeper. There's just so many of these bitches now these days tho, the I definitely post on 4channel like the boys, I have thick skin and like warhammer and games and anime. If anything I wish she would stop treading the line and just commit to it. In that regard I like Kiki more cause she leans into the I'm a 4chan poster thing. But even Kiki can be weird with it, this place isn't a secret club anymore so just be open about it who the fuck cares. I'd be lying if I said I don't automatically latch on to these pickme type girls cause we all feel like we want a 4chan gf, but idk after the nyanners days a feel like its getting old and there's too many chicks trying to follow suit

>> No.44546093

Dont throw rocks if you live in a glass house

>> No.44546148

Maybe she should stop idolizing Jimbo and look for his audience. She a grifter with 0 fuckin spine

>> No.44546236

What rock did she throw that contradicts that shitty press release?

Name one thing she hasn't been consistent on.

>> No.44546259

Pippa is fucking awful as the bridge to the Jimbosphere desu.

>> No.44546288

>Whenever someone says what I think publicly, it's a false flag
Something about conservatives never taking responsibility for their actions and the lengths they'll go to deny it is breath taking.

>> No.44546304

Ouch, but real

>> No.44546338

There's only one troon in the game and it's on your side

>> No.44546342
File: 48 KB, 896x1071, 1673804225250821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa is a coward but (most) of her fans will let her get away with it

>> No.44546352
File: 10 KB, 369x96, LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"haha fuck twitter freaks I'm going to shit on them with this game"
>"p-please dont h-h-harass a-a-a-anyone....... especially m-me"

>> No.44546354

The good thing is that Pippa learned her lesson.

>> No.44546406

The freaks that bullied pikame IN HER PRESTREAM for playing hogwarts

>> No.44546422

She doesn't take herself seriously enough for that to make any sense. The stepfather is so massively in love with himself that he seriously thought he was going to save the west when he ran for office and got nothing except some fish thrown in his face.

>> No.44546425

this looks likes she's body shielding chuds from the trannies

>> No.44546438

Pippa accepted she was wrong and grew as a person. Pikamee on the other hand has shown she absolutely does not care for trans people. She only cares about her 'nostalgia', even though many trans people will never be able to have nostalgia

>> No.44546445

isn't he doing well nowadays with his podcast shit? laughable political career aside that's hardly a jab.

>> No.44546470

>don't use me as an excuse
Nice strawman.

Pippa pipprotects.

>> No.44546542


>> No.44546571

She shouted out /pcg/ multiple times, what else do you want her to do? Browse the thread on stream?

>> No.44546646

> many trans people will never be able to have nostalgia
Cause they 41 themselves?

>> No.44546691

She basically did when she joined /our/ minecraft server.

>> No.44546694

most of the prominent member of the stepfather capo are actually. All it took them was stop being gayoperating retards and staying away from the commentary community.

>> No.44546863

>guys she’s not a grifter
>guys she never was into le right
>she would never try to attract the Sweetie Squad audience

>makes gunt stream
>act all edgy but she’s just a wabbit
>watch Jim and cry for him on his last stream

Yeah she totally never watched and laughed at the series metokur did on tranny cock operation.
Guys I promise she’s not a coward fence sitter

>> No.44546882

Literally this. fuck this shit.

>> No.44546923

You are insane

>> No.44546935

I'm sure they have nostalgia for their surgically removed penises

>> No.44546957

Not an argument

>> No.44547026

The only reason I know of this fag is because of Jim. Try to speak outta your mouth sometime, not your ass

>> No.44547039

She is a tough girl but those Soros-funded Twitter freaks are far more evil that people know. It's good to see she is just telling their fans to act nice and is not backing down.

>> No.44547066

>she's not a grifter
>While simultaneously saying
>she was never like that anyway

She cries on stream and says she might kill herself and then an army of simps donates almost a years worth of wages on her lap. And it happens repeatedly.

>> No.44547070

Pippa seems to think Jim is "apolitical", which is somewhat true. However, trannies and their pedo groomer cults are one of the few political topics he is openly vocal about hating.

>> No.44547076

Internet Aristocrat is a massive faggot.

>> No.44547097
File: 637 KB, 2957x4096, FruitCake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

argue THIS

>> No.44547114

>laughing at the gunt who is a massive idiot is right wing politics
>thinking the weatherman who himself thinks that politics are cringe is right wing politics
>making edgy jokes is right wing politics
You are retarded. You are the carbon copy of the "everything is political" crowd on the other side. The horseshoe is real, I give up pretending that it isn't.
Nobody laughed at that video, that shit is terrifying.

>> No.44547133

begone harlot

>> No.44547164

/k/ scammer and cheated on her husband. Awful person all around and the only vtuber I hope legit kills herself

>> No.44547171

She is big enough to have better art. Please try again.

>> No.44547242

>game refunded
>grift complete

>> No.44547258

It happened once and she first got the donations and then got emotional afterwards. Funny how people always mess up the timeline on that one, must be an honest mistake.

>she is grifting by pretending to be X
>no she never pretended to be X
>this proves it!
Amazing logic.

>> No.44547259

That Crazy Town song made it funny though. Holy fuck am I glad my country isn't as pozzed as America

>> No.44547307

I am sick of seeing threads about this person

>> No.44547317

Jim is republican lmao, so your rep faggot

And that video was fucking hilarious, the point is she is a retard grifter.
Making fun of trans = usually right wing
Cope more whale-sama

>> No.44547366

She is going to play it again, anon. Very rude to lie like that, please apologize.

>> No.44547371

You're right, it didn't happen once. It happened multiple times. So why are you trying to missinfo the timeline? Goes against what you are saying there

>> No.44547387 [DELETED] 

>Sargon of Akkad of vtubers
That would be Kizuna sis.

>> No.44547403

Name me leftie or non political audience using every slurs imaginable, naming themselves the SS etc
I sure as fuck don’t think anyone on the left would protect that free speech. Retard

>> No.44547404

>Nobody laughed at that video, that shit is terrifying.
coward. Do you also piss yourself when clicked on EDs "Offended? "page?

>> No.44547480
File: 9 KB, 848x306, FruitCakeTwitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally her art though

>> No.44547493

>Name me leftie using every slurs imaginable
Hasan, Destiny, Vaush.

>> No.44547534
File: 62 KB, 629x629, goro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Cracker

>> No.44547571

I hate trannies I hate twitter and I hate all of you shitposting faggots on this board

>> No.44547578

They call people niggers in their private discords. At least Destiny did it in the past, but still he did it.

>> No.44547584

Aw yes I hear Hasan mentioning SS and using slur everystrea, if we compare their chat, you would not be able to tell which is Metokur which is Hasan .

You are retarded

>> No.44547595

He was kicked out of the left for not supporting TPD.

>> No.44547680

I would be to tell because Hasan viewers are bigger racists than the Sweetie Squad, unironically. Cope

>> No.44547699
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They cannot attack Pink Rabbit over making edgy jokes because she is a comedian and they give a pass to dudes like Dave Chappelle even though he does far more controversial stuff. So they need to create a narrative of her fans being harassers so they can send the ADL after her.

>> No.44547745 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 691x691, 1669779102148072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks the ADL cares about anime women

>> No.44547773 [DELETED] 

There is no argument in your deranged post either or do you unironically believe that you can only watch someone if you 100% agree with their believes/politics?

>> No.44547775 [DELETED] 

Dude has his own kid now, and runs a Journalism business. He's doing pretty well nowadays. Also advocates for the death penalty so he's much less of a fence sitter.

>> No.44547781 [DELETED] 

The irony of telling me to cope, while saying this. How many gold medal in mental gymnastics did you win friend?

>> No.44547790 [DELETED] 

>tourist doesn't know everyone likes Pikamee

>> No.44547793 [DELETED] 

Saying you don't want to be used as a justification to attack other people is a normal and neutral thing to say. But specifying that this is about attacking other people's "identities" means she's bending the knee a little bit. Not that it will do her any good. Apologizing on the internet never accomplishes anything because the people who hate you don't want to forgive you.

>> No.44547798 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 271x216, DA9DFB1F-E21A-4681-BD3C-CC6AC5382929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Silver bent the knee
>Pippa bent the knee
>Pikamee broke both her kneecaps
Uuummmmmmmmm, chudchads? I thought you said we won the culture war?

>> No.44547889

>Pikamee broke both her kneecaps

>> No.44547915

Pippa doesn't suck as many cocks as Chapelle to come out unharmed from this stunt. Also, the ruling class always attack the comedians first because they hate it when they're being made fun of.

>> No.44547929

Trannies broke 'em

>> No.44547976

Why are you so psychotic? You know that's not what happened.

>> No.44548031

>Name me leftie or non political audience using every slurs imaginable
Dude the left wing calls people niggers all the time. Hell they love using housenigger as a term. Do you bury your head in the sand or something?

>> No.44548033

How long is it gonna take you guys to realize that literally every single vtuber is a grifter. In fact, literally every single internet celebrity is a grifter. They're all lying to you, manipulating you, and cheating you for your money. They don't care about you. They don't even know you. Every vtuber has a committed boyfriend behind the scenes. Every vtuber fakes their persona to a staggering degree. Every single one.

>> No.44548034

They cared about a cartoon frog

>> No.44548063

Adam Friedland.

>> No.44548089

imagine that creepy guy from Thief and Troll that the warrior heroine fought when she got lolified.

>> No.44548144

Didn't Silvervale played the whole game on stream?

>> No.44548156

It took faggots killing people while talking about the frog to piss them off

>> No.44548256 [DELETED] 

Don't talk shit about Pippa's dying E-daddy.

>> No.44548284

Were there shootings over gallons of milk too?

>> No.44548420

Leftists unironically think Destiny is closer to someone like Pippa than the left lol

>> No.44548460

>be me
>bake a bread about Pippa : ihttps://archived.moe/vt/thread/44537462
>Instantly blown with no reason
>This bread we're talking in is baked in the same time.
>500k messages

Mods are insane sons of a bitch, I swear.
Can't even download the pics of the old thread now.

>> No.44548471

The milk thing is explicitly racist, lactose tolerance isn't a race thing.

>> No.44548534

Lefties are mentally ill losers, I don't really care what they think.

>> No.44548603

It's just completely hilrious she only comes out with a statement like this once she started getting on hasan's radar. Makes it impossible to take her stance seriously both on the left or the right.

>> No.44548627
File: 411 KB, 1722x1187, 1670970873631879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh

>> No.44548631

Wrong. She's saying "Don't do it in my name you fucking retards"

>> No.44548738
File: 43 KB, 754x420, Lactose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuh huh

>> No.44548775

holy shit that account glows. St Terry Davis give me strength.

>> No.44548853

Destiny is actually closer to Pippa when it comes to free speech.

>> No.44548858

canceraids man is very conservative in his values.dude only attacked gunt and the cum hunters because it was fun and he needed the attention.

>> No.44548864

Your reading comprehension is shit you flaccid nigger, but I guess that's what inner city public schools have to offer.

>> No.44548916

Not every single post needs to be a new thread. And the pictures are up in the better archive.

>> No.44548929

How do they drink Milk Tea in Taiwan and SEA without instantly dying?

>> No.44549027

She didn't really need to use Pikamee as a clickbait, what a fucking retard.

>> No.44549057

>lactose intolerance is fatal
dumbfuckistan moment. Just like your shitflinging oshi

>> No.44549065

In places that don't raise cows, they don't drink straight milk, they prepare it in ways to denature it, by using it in cheese and yogurt

>> No.44549064

You could just wait for Pippa to explain herself the next time she streams....

>> No.44549119

I am so sick of watching trannies bully people into compliance man. So fucking sick and tired of it.

>> No.44549151

What have you purchased recently?
Buy yourself meal

>> No.44549150

She's right. She's not your mom

>> No.44549190

He describes himself as a constitutionalist which is the most centrist/status quo position possible because its basically "I believe whatever the law of my country tells me is right". What I meant was he's apoliticial in his streams because they exist to laugh at retards, not to make political statements.

>> No.44549305

She didnt even say that you retarded faggot. How bad is your reading comprehension?

>> No.44549312

>Don't use my name to attack people.
>but it's okay if I use Pikamee for my own financial gain

damn this rabbit's playing in 5d

>> No.44549390

Doesn’t that just make him a leftist, considering the current political body and laws exist to benefit leftists?

>> No.44549397

What did she comply with? What did she change because of it?

You can make a stream in honor of Pippa all you want. She just doesn't want you to act like a retard in her name. Where is the contradiction?

>> No.44549409

>be non-white
>drink milk once
>fucking die

>> No.44549601

the contradiction is that she acted retarded in pikamee's name. what is so difficult for you to understand?

>> No.44549632

whenever pippa says something is apolitical it seems a bit tongue-in-cheek. i.e.,
>pippa: "let's keep this apolitical"
>chat: "you keep talking about the right to own guns though"
>pippa: "ya because guns aren't political they're just objectively the right choice."

>> No.44549747

you niggas arent even moderately left leaning

>> No.44549771

I'm not implying that she's contradicting retard.
I'm implying that she's a manipulative kike,

>> No.44549778
File: 484 KB, 632x605, C9CB550C-1D9D-46B6-A932-C71611E8C464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>panders to chuds for attention
>gets it
>”no no I don’t want this kind of attention”
Gee Pippa, maybe if you stopped substituting controversy for your lack of personality, and streamed based on games that you actually liked and political stances that you actually believed in, you could be an honest Vtuber like this Hologirls you idolize so much, and none of this would’ve happened.

>> No.44550006

That stream was done to shill her merch she dropped the game after 30 minutes

>> No.44550194

>apply to be a singer
>barely sing
>spend all your time playing games pretending you're in holoEN
>complain you aren't getting new outfits like your 'genmates'

>blame all your failures on your model
>finally management caves and you get a redesign
>but still nobody cares about you

>> No.44550198
File: 381 KB, 645x539, 1677023908916410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clicking on the files leads nowhere. How do you access it ?

>> No.44550259


>> No.44550419

she's more like Kraut tbf, even down to her needing academics (kiwis for her case) to bail her out.

>> No.44550465

I agreed until you said "actual stances you believed in" and "you could be like those Hologirls".

Hololive are at the top of vtubing industry for defending political views ? Could they defend Pippa's views ? Both answers are no.

Pippa comes from a certain politic wing and want be a successful vtuber. She has to drop one or another.

>> No.44550503

Nonono pippasisters not like this

>> No.44550856

Pippa just reminds me Nyanners who based her whole humor and community on rori culture, and then suddenly banned people who did jokes about it because some blue haired fat mfs called her out on Twitter. Stupid spineless crybaby.

Pippa is the exact same. I even find Pippa even more retarded for believing she could dodge it while everything bonds her to her old allegiances, which are obviously a lot worse from a public point of view.

>> No.44551029


>> No.44551312

Roommate is a code for her alt account.

>> No.44551394
File: 97 KB, 851x851, pip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh i posted some days ago about how pippa probably doesn't realize how hard getting twitter cancelled might affect her, and that she'll probably regret streaming the wizard game, and looks like I was right

to be clear I don't think she's 'selling out' or 'pulling a nyanners' or anything, she's never been particilarly hateful just told some edgy jokes at best - that being said I don't think she used to police her audience as much even when they WERE hatefu;, so seeing this 'statement' is some pretty unusual behavior from her. I hope she doesn't try to bend the knee further or anything like that, especially since her 'cancellation' had pretty wide reach, so from now on she'll be primarly recognized as 'that culture war figure/rightoid nazi vtuber'

wonder if people like max0r or mori will stop associating with her though, hopefully not

>> No.44551498

She's friends with that yancha tranny

>> No.44552720


>> No.44553229

Yes im asking for names here
