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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 375 KB, 2048x1152, FqeuJL_WAAQYAKI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44538382 No.44538382 [Reply] [Original]

Make bank from donothon immediately collab with male jewry completed

>> No.44538426

small corpos all over the catalog these days

>> No.44538471

I thought small corpo vtubers would be smarter

>> No.44538501

Rin chads win again

>> No.44538545

Lmao are you serious? I think most idil fans have no clue who rimmu is, or else they’d make a bigger deal about this, idol fans are major unicorns

>> No.44538577

It's with her boyfriend too kek

>> No.44538589
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>> No.44538646

Oh no no no shut it down

>> No.44538676

>rant cuts off
Yeah thats our run alright haha

>> No.44538685

This is fucking disgusting, I’m glad I never got too into this corpo

>> No.44538766

Its even worse

>> No.44538779

This is why you don't whale.

>> No.44538781

Are you serious?

>> No.44538824


>> No.44538832

Sounds like her but the energy is so much lower.

>> No.44538927

Flirting voice maybe ?

>> No.44539523

The old empires of EN are in decline. But powers are on the rise.

>> No.44539652

NTR bros????!!!!

>> No.44539812
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Rimmu is making sure to leave no doubts.

>> No.44539854

Shameless whore.

>> No.44539964

I was one of the fools who sent some donos.

>> No.44539994

Sometimes I wish I was into cuckoldry, seems like there's no end to the content

>> No.44540189

She gonna motorboat his ball, how do we response juna bro.

>> No.44540196

Idol en? More like, uh...cuck en
The name doesn't give you a lot to work with.

>> No.44540199


>> No.44540221

Cuck Corp

>> No.44540229


>> No.44540253

The absolute state of small corpos.

>> No.44540343

>cuck projection thread
>crippling ESL samefagging
>primetime in SEA
Fairly average /vt/ thread actually.

>> No.44540461

I'm not sure how long it's been since Idol debuted but this is why I always wait 6 months before staying committed to a vtuber in case this shit happens. It always happens a few months after they debut every time so it's always better to wait. Watch the Idolfag fans won't say a single word either so she'll think it's okay to keep doing what she's doing.

>> No.44540531
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>> No.44540534

What made her worried about the VOD?

>> No.44540554

not her, the person in the video is credited in the description, stop spreading miss-information purposely >>44540531

>> No.44540656

Can't wait for the jidf to start the historical revisionism and insist they were never unicorns

>> No.44540727

she and rin stated they will collab with males from day 0, the rest of the talents are unicorn friendly. Phasecucks trying to create false cuck narrative when even her top whales don't care as she set the expectations from the beginning.

>> No.44540795

I'm not a unicorn, but I have been watching Idol because their content has been similar to HoloEN, just without any males involved. It was fairly idyllic until now.

>> No.44540796

Anon, you might wanna sit down for this one...

>> No.44540842

I thought she was a dyke

>> No.44540895
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>> No.44540901

fake one

>> No.44540939

no anon, you might wanna stop catalogbaiting

>> No.44540959

she appealed to mommy GFE coomers so I feel no sympathy to those that god bamboozled

>> No.44540964


>> No.44540986

>sends a short that has nothing to do with the two videos posted prior of a different person
nice outing yourself as a catalogbaiter

>> No.44541007

How do you feel now, asshole?

>> No.44541019

Come on man the collab timing is awful

>> No.44541021

>wanna see something funny
she's /here/ mocking the cucks

>> No.44541054

>she appealed to mommy GFE coomers
>day 0 said no to gfe and asked fans not to call her mommy, even to a point "mommy" became blacklisted word
her whales donated her yesterday, looks like they don't care, nor her viewers, but good that catalogfags care

>> No.44541060

Your oshi WILL collab with males, and you will be happy.
inb4 /ggg/ seethe

>> No.44541064

Man, mommy gfe coomers just can't get a win.

>> No.44541066

Then you should get your ears fixed.

>> No.44541126

are you retarded anon?

thats the person whos credited, she streams regularly and doesnt even sound like Juna, and if u did PL reps youd know its not Juna.

>> No.44541169

It'll have been two weeks at least. Not quite on Lia's level when it comes to bad timing.

>> No.44541176

every fucking time KEK

>> No.44541217

No you are apparently. The short has the real Juna pl.

>> No.44541218

Try this one, it's a work in progress but I feel like there's potential.
>Idol EN, more like Idol...izing the bull ENtering my oshi

>> No.44541261

Great, and what does that have to do with this missinformation:

>> No.44541326

Prove the pollyxiii is not Juna

>> No.44541364

which is exactly what I've been saying?

>> No.44541421

>muh smol indie corpo can do no wrong

>> No.44541429

Beautiful, but they are already called jewcorp after all.

>> No.44541476

That is unironically a good thing. Don't need any more lonely coomer fucks pretending like they run this shit just because they're retarded with their money

>> No.44541500

>gura out of nowhere
Rent free.

>> No.44541528
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Nice damage control there rabbi

>> No.44541548


>> No.44541575

No, just Korean

>> No.44541632

Even then, newcomers will know this company as "cuck corp" and would never ever gonna touch any talent from that corpo ever. Let's hope en gen 2 wouldn't flop because of this shit

>> No.44541661

you have no right to talk about damage control or grifting, pipigger

>> No.44541676

What is it with /vt/ and mixing up these two? Seriously, a huge reason why idiots still seethe over kronii is because they were BTFO so hard over the "man hating lesbian" rrat being so hilariously wrong

>> No.44541712

My nigga, unicorns were definitely present but they were just a handful of semiconsistent decent donators. The majority of idols audience is relatively normie-ish from their ad campaigns

>> No.44541719

>outing themselves as phasecucks deflection Pippa yab
Nice trying to push the same phasecuck narrative to idol.

>> No.44541751

Koreans are just such slurs that they literally cannot interact with other women without seeming like they want to molest them, regardless of their actual sexuality. Also juna really really really shamelessly shipbaits during collabs, like extremely shamelessly

>> No.44541782

>the rest of the talents are unicorn friendly
Jack please, stop embarrassing yourself defending that leprechaun whore.

>> No.44541789
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With the whole "no male vtuber" hires for the company that was hyped up, it's pretty funny that collabs still can and will happen.

>> No.44541817

And this is why I warned you guys to not get too attached until a year minimum has passed. These whores are absolutely shameless. Yuko and Fuyo will do the same eventually if not something worse.

>> No.44541871

They know males are risky investments while women are easy simp money. Simple as.

>> No.44541881

>unicorn friendly

>> No.44542036

She gave me a lot of love in her members stream, anon. You can't take that away from me.

>> No.44542073

How to get refund from youtube

>> No.44542085

So small corpo unicucks prefer to paypig for actual, confirmed whores over "whores" that simply collab with males. I see how it is.

>> No.44542095

I don't care about her RM as long as she doesn't drag males to her streams.

>> No.44542148

>stream watchers care about streams
You don't say.

>> No.44542151

reminder that vtubing will die out in 4 years and it will be because AI streams will have replaced them. Don't worry bros, very soon these disgusting whores won't be around and we'll all have a neuro sama of our own to support.

>> No.44542203

Is this real?

>> No.44542263

Oh no yurifag, we win in the anime, but we lose in the vtuber, i thought i could ship with rin or pochi.

>> No.44542268

That's correct. It's inevitable.

>> No.44542324
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Neuro is the best ntr experience

>> No.44542393

I’m in your walls

>> No.44542402

there is nothing wrong with being easy going girl

>> No.44542448

She is, none cares about pl

>> No.44542606

Come to Kawaii, they'll never do shit like this, 100%

>> No.44542644

Lmao even

>> No.44542646

Yeah instead they'll just doxx eachother and shit on their fans for being autistic

>> No.44542711

Oceane is already gone, they fired her for that retardation

>> No.44542775

And it's gonna happen again with the kind of schizo bitches this company hires

>> No.44542898

Who you recommend anon? Nene is safe?

>> No.44542980

Nta but Nene is a little too far into gfe, it's kinda patronizing at times

>> No.44543027
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I only care about the content/games they play. Do people honestly watch these for some imaginery gf experience?

Just get a fucking gf/sex when you are finally 17 - like 90% of americans.

>> No.44543049
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>> No.44543083

I'm giving Idol a second chance. I only unmembered Juna. The other girls can still prove themselves worthy.

>> No.44543095

>NTR Production
>they'll never do shit like this

>> No.44543121

Make it make sense. /vt/:
>WE want gfe
>But not *too* gfe

>> No.44543133


>> No.44543171

What about this doesn't make sense? I want a glass of water, I don't want the whole pitcher suddenly dumped in the general direction of the glass and spilled all over me

>> No.44543182

I watch them for the grandaughter experience.

>> No.44543239
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>No one cares about pl
>"What happens off stream is irrelevant"

>> No.44543270

Based anon

>> No.44543293

Yuko talks about visiting /k/ommando meet up. They got drunk. She is the only cunny amongst them:

>> No.44543368

I believe that would be the general strategy for most of the regulars, if they can't stand the homocollabing.

>> No.44543385

What the fuck, i thought she was a lesbian.

What does this mean, no seriously.

>> No.44543495

For whatever reason anons /here/ constantly end up believing that korean(asians in general I guess) vtubers are dykes. Then they get mad when it turns out they were wrong. It's happened a lot already

>> No.44543496

Korean American women almost always have detrimental hypersexuality, it doesn't matter if they're straight or gay they are compiled to act like they want to fuck anyone around them that is even somewhat conventionally attractive. Also she likes to bait shippers, straight up told people to make a clip and use it to ship her and another vtuber during a collab

>> No.44543551

They stream

>> No.44543558
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so this is how IDOL corp idols treat their fans

>> No.44543562

Kronii is an actual lesbian tho, there is rm and pl info. Her whole circle is pretty much lesbians and her pl work consist largely of yuri VA work. In her pl she even says is non binary.

>> No.44543597

Where the fuck are you guys getting that from, korean american, korean canadian women dont have that stereotype.

>> No.44543624

Idol? More like I don't
I kid, I actually like some of their girls

>> No.44543640
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good fun dig around in pl. guess who is male.

>> No.44543675

Getting it from every Korean American women I've met, including the one I dated that went nonbinary halfway through our relationship and couldn't stop flirting with women despite claiming to only like men, also constantly talked about her gangrape fantasies. Literally nearly every Korean American women I've met is just like her

>> No.44543680

What a fucking whore no worse 4chan whore

>> No.44543687

>talent masturbated on member stream for coomers

>> No.44543702
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Where's the harm done? A fragile ego? Just don't watch m8

>> No.44543736

Every female vtuber has or had a bf. Just face it.

>> No.44543748

The one based boobro

>> No.44543760

Western asian are a minority within a minority, there are simply not enough of them for anyone to say anything. Most people her probably dont know one hot asian korean girl. I live in Miami, there are maybe 20 hot korean girls in the whole city, maybe.

>> No.44543776

lol. And Boobros really believe what she says to them... I feel bad.

>> No.44543778
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Don't mind me I'm just here to laugh at you backstabbing cuckolds

>> No.44543780


Anon, I have news for you. Those are made up to make your pp hard

>> No.44543785

Even if they haven't, what makes anyone here think they have a chance with one?

>> No.44543786

My oshi hasn't explicitly said she hasn't had one but she's implied so and I will continue to believe her

>> No.44543814

Woah, that's awful
Which one of them did that so I know never to watch her?

>> No.44543818


>> No.44543825

You'd have to be a very special kind of virgin to think a woman would go into the woods with a group of men for any reason besides getting fucked by all of them, ALL of them like holy shit

>> No.44543841


>> No.44543873

Chumkek you're the biggest laughing stock here come on.

>> No.44543875

But....but they are lesbians....

>> No.44543884

You have to be one hell of a rotted coombrain to unironically think that's actually what took place

>> No.44543918

Its all to spite their tiger parents

>> No.44543920

Gura still won't stream for you chumcuck

>> No.44543924

This, most of them are hot for some reason. Especially an asian one, a hot asian weeb girl gets picked up faster than a hot wing in an eating competition.

>> No.44543936

Rin needs advice on how to flirt... WTF was that...

She should buy my book, where I give dating advice to women and men

>> No.44543980


>> No.44543983

Until there's a big fat cock with a cash in their path.

>> No.44543986

based, they will keep seething and coping

>> No.44544006


>> No.44544022

Genuine cope but that's fine, if you're over it you're over it but she 100% just laid down and let every one of hose dudes use her like a fleshlight knowing she could yell and scream as loud as she wanted

>> No.44544046

My ex didn't even have super oppressive tiger parents, they didn't care about her dating a brown guy (me) or her collection of fate BL, she was kinda chubby too because Asian parents show love through randomly barging into their room to give them snacks, she was just kinda like that for some reason

>> No.44544055

poor boobro

>> No.44544071

Idol corp dont allow males? Collabs are okay

>> No.44544084

But it doesnt make me hard, if i feel for a girl and she is a lesbo it just makes me sad. I contain my lesbo fantasies to escorts i have threesomes with, not girls i actually like.

>> No.44544116

these girls you like will never know you

>> No.44544142

This is hilarious, i love this. A vtubers love life is just a constant variation of cucking.

>> No.44544170

Don't you guys get tired of this seething? Wouldn't it be better to just ignore and move on?
Degenerate porn addict.

>> No.44544180

Where are you even meeting korean women, i barely meet asian women much less korean ones. No seriously please, where do i meet them. Miami asian population is like 1.5% and thats just aisan in general not korean. Please anon i want my kpop gf, please.

>> No.44544185

>talks about lack of impulse control
>super drunk
>goes out
and poor boo bros just listen to what she says and take her word... it's quite sad

>> No.44544191

>tfw you will never gangbang a cunny with your /k/omrades

>> No.44544277

She has a womb tattoo and posted some explicit stuff on her twitter.

>> No.44544302

/k/ has a weird amount of women who become chuubas. Are those obsessive fuckers just railing femanons every weekend. What the fuck, every board i browse is seen as loser weirdos and other boards are deep in femanon pussy? Am i... am i a loser even in the 4chan hierarchy. Are you kidding me.

>> No.44544342

What else should I know about Yuko

>> No.44544375

>nerds get cucked irl
>go to a website for otakus
>get cucked by the chads within the otaku site
Amazing. This is some kind of achievement.

>> No.44544383

just know that she lies while pretending to be parasocial with chat so they simp harder and fund her life. that's really all you need to know.

>> No.44544403

California. She will be kinda chubby and more likely than not have BPD, but she'll have a surprisingly high chance of being a virgin

>> No.44544421

Anything that doesn't apply to 95% of chuubas?

>> No.44544437

Thats almost every vtuber. You fags dont actually think this girls care about you right? The deal i throw money at her and she pretends to like me so i can experience some resemblance of female affection, at no point did i expect honesty to come into the picture.

>> No.44544440

jokes are supposed to be funny, anon

>> No.44544456

She said to call her "they" or something, that's why there was a rrat she's a tranny (female to male) that's not quite a lesbian and would explain cock obsession.

>> No.44544477 [DELETED] 


>> No.44544487

Just like irl then

>> No.44544516

Not joking, the hypersexuality from the bpd surprisingly actually scares away most people that would've fucked her, and they're too nerdy to get fucked by total strangers off the street

>> No.44544532

I have 0 idea who is this person and why there are over 100 replies in a thread about her.

>> No.44544557

NTA but chuubas growing parasocial to their chat absolutely happens to the menhera ones who get into it for connection. Maybe not YOU specifically but they grow attached to chat itself, not the money hungry ones like Yuko though.

>> No.44544618

she cute

>> No.44544631

Cute. That stuffie in the back? Me.

>> No.44544642
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this is the most retarded cope ever, snap out of it, you must know how it makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.44544920

Aww, cute. Don’t watch Nene for your safety

>> No.44545020

finally some jew corpo drama, I knew one of these whores wouldn't be able to hold back for long

>> No.44545092

She’s cute wtf. Did she really get gangbanged in the woods. Man, what a waste

>> No.44545151

I am looking for a new vtuber to watch after NijiEN's implosion.

Can I get a qrd on Rin, I like her voice the most.
I know she interracts with guys but I don't care (as long as she doesn't off-collab/flirts with them like the nijiwhores) but is there anything bad about her?
I've seen catalog bait in the past about her being a tranny or some shit, is it just that, bait?

>> No.44545156

Cute, but also too bad that she's e-girl.

>> No.44545174

reading this thread I can't believe fans of this corpo and especially of the ghost whore had the gall to shit up this board about how much better and unicorn friendly their jew corp is

>> No.44545206

There's no such thing as a single woman, shes either in a relationship or is one of chads side bitches

>> No.44545241


>> No.44545261

>the cope and seethe in the replies
KEK based chumking

>> No.44545281

It's a popular Jap trope about women wanting to be tomboyish but in a refined princely way

>> No.44545306

Name 10 single women (you cant)

>> No.44545384

How about males? What's the percentage of those who never touched a girl?

>> No.44545426

It always the same thing, they can’t make it by themselves as flesh therefore join a corpo for quick and easy platform already made for you.

Woman, not even once

>> No.44545456

Ever since Idol EN debuted, it was known that Juna and Rin are open for collabing with males.
All of a sudden this is a surprise somehow...

>> No.44545458

I think about 30% now?

>> No.44545474

Your mother, because you clearly didn't have a dad.

>> No.44545526

>he cant do it
Thanks for proving me right

>> No.44545552

I see. That makes sense.

>> No.44545590

It's more about the timing than anything.
Kinda fuck up to wait after the donothon were a lot of tourist got baited into donating without knowing this, only to be rewarded with that

>> No.44545609

Rin is the only Idol Corp chuuba I like. Pretty sure she's yab free and will remain that way since she's pretty inoffensive as long as you don't mind male collabs in the future.

>> No.44545620
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>> No.44545648

>u guyz didn’t watch evry single stream made by them?
>pffft *push glasses up* I’ll let you know I’m a tier3 sub
>flex anus

Yeah your autism is really impressive, now neck yourself.

>> No.44545753

I dont see whats wrong with this. Donations are donations, its not like there's a contract saying she cant get railed by her bf(s)

>> No.44545813

Are you the fabled ESL King?

>> No.44545823

Most of the money came from her two whales who've been groomed to not care about male collabs
impressive if it let's her get away with much

>> No.44545848

Rin is literally perfect for you, she is trying to get noticed by Tempus so I hope you don't mind them.

>> No.44545884


>> No.44545975


>> No.44546047

I don't even watch Idol EN and I know this. I watched maybe 4-5 of Yuko and Fuyo streams in total.

>> No.44546103

Go to nugget fest this year, she'll be there.

>> No.44546122

you fell for the Jew meme

>> No.44546171
File: 923 KB, 2240x1080, Screenshot_20230307_103233_com.google.android.youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wet wipes and Vaseline

>> No.44546251

Its okay if your girlfriend have sex in past anon, the present is what matters

>> No.44546260

What the fuck kind of trader joes brand tortilla chips are those, shit probably costs 15 dollars and tastes like ass. Never let a white girl bring tortilla chips to a social gathering

>> No.44546269

Tempus is the reason why I'm watching any small corpo in the first place. I sure do mind.

>> No.44546305

Then Kawaii or Phase, these are your only options to avoid TEMPUS influence

>> No.44546308

They have the stereotype that they dislike their male counterpart. Also the whorish ones come straight from Korea. Whether real or not the Korean exchange student whore thing is prevalent over there.

>> No.44546318

okay, but I wasn't talking to you but the ex nijifag

>> No.44546330

I legit have no idea who any of these girls are, I just dropped by cause I like the eel girls guerilla ggst stream last night.

>> No.44546389

Another bitch I am glad I don't watch

>> No.44546388

It's funny that people think she got gangbanged there when it was mostly autists shitting on her for her underaged drinking and flagging almost the entire shotgun range. She certainly had a simp circle but nothing happened because everyone had guns and no one was about to let a barely legal drunk girl get laid since /k/ has standards. I don't know why you retards never bothered to check the /k/ archives to verify anything

>> No.44546487 [SPOILER] 
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Hey anons come home true idols here

>> No.44546628

That wouldn't be fun would it now

>> No.44546851

Sure thing.

>> No.44546906

two years in and she remains the single EN Vtuber that has not cucked her fanbase on stream yet, how does it feel indiecucks?

>> No.44546948

Jesus dude...

>> No.44546950
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>9 guys, 1 girl and a tub of Vaseline walk into the woods and don't have sex

>> No.44546952

Anon, there is a difference between RL, IRL, and posting something to Social Media. If the girl you like fucks another dude, whatever, if she posts her kissing him on insta, it sucks. How do you not understand out of sight, out of mind?

>> No.44546959

just looking at her twitter it's pretty obvious that no one even knows who this person is, most people won't realize it is a male collab until it actually happens

>> No.44547012

Why every donathon is curse anons?

>> No.44547016

>Idol corp
Please just tell me Yuko is different. I just got into here and she is one of the best loli chuubas I found.

>> No.44547031

I mean, most of the people ITT probably don't even watch the girl in question. But just going
> haha your oshi got gangbanged
500 times might get 2-3 (You)s to feed their daily addiction at least.

>> No.44547043

A few weeks ago I saw plenty of people going "It's only Rin, the rest are unicorn friendly!" I wonder what you'll be saying in a few more weeks...

>> No.44547065


>> No.44547154
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NTR city

>> No.44547161

>I hope she's not like the other girls
Good luck with that

>> No.44547176

Most peoples oshi's have objectively not been gangbanged with video evidence to back it up though, it's pretty funny

>> No.44547199

Christ almighty, what is wrong with women?
Why are so many of them like this

>> No.44547209

>when you are finally 17
non losers have plenty of sex long before that
guess which group is crying f3d f3d f3d f3d 0

>> No.44547223

anon... read the thread...

>> No.44547233

Idol does so many things for their talents yet lets them do this when it's so easy to avoid it

>> No.44547273

I love that damage control from bookeks.

>> No.44547285

sasuga jew kronii

>> No.44547375

I genuinely don't understand why it's so hard for these retarded womanlets to just not choke on dicks on stream. Unless it's XQC or some big name we have plenty of evidence suggesting that it will just ruin your career, and the cool thing about vtubing is that you have enough privacy to just do whatever the fuck you want in your personal life.

>> No.44547425
File: 2.29 MB, 1920x1082, 1646803371949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't stop Nijisanjification. Want to be with your oshi? Become the vtuber.

>> No.44547431

I guess I gotta spoon feed, take it from someone who actually went to nuggetfest there was no orgy, besides there were multiple women there not just her. https://desuarchive.org/k/thread/55578077/

>> No.44547496

yeah do not get me wrong she is stupid for pulling this too but I do not know why management would not tard wrangle her

>> No.44547533

A lot of women define themselves by their man, so they have a massive urge to show him off.
>look how great my bf is (and how great i am for getting plowed by him)

>> No.44547538

When Yuko finally yabs it may indeed be "the final yab" for a few hundred boobros

>> No.44547548

I would have rather it at least be a big male streamer like one of the nijiens. Unless this is a warm up for those collabs to come

>> No.44547563

Its the Hololive killer ? With true idols

>> No.44547783

With jews you lose

>> No.44547805

>/k/ has standards
/k/ommandos are so fucking desperate they fuck deer.

>> No.44547822

Well fuck. Guess at least I am finding out before I was too deep in.
Anything about the other loli with green hat? I was gonna check her out too.

>> No.44547824
File: 67 KB, 733x399, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, free (You)s from her fans.
Here, you seem to be starving, have a few extra.

>> No.44547850

She never said that you dumb fuck

>> No.44547971

sorry anon, real life is actually just like hentai and if a woman is around a man for more than 0.5 seconds they start no holds barred fucking like animals

>> No.44547981

Unicorns keep losing

>> No.44547991

>Does donathons, a shitty rename of Twitch behavior
>Immediately NTRs her fanbase
Yeah, I think there's a pattern there

>> No.44548186

Lmao you really know how to pick them. Just look in the archives, she had the first yab even before debut

>> No.44548210

Name one reason you want to be around a woman if not to eventually have sex with her

>> No.44548288

>tfw finding a vtuber that never actually interacted with a male or is rrat free is like finding a needle in a haystack
And bitches are so dumb they dont even hide or delete shit so they are not found out. It's actually mind blowing.

>> No.44548326
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This is even worse than anything holo or niji has done holy fuck jewbros

>> No.44548337
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It never fails. I have to imagine most goslings developed a NTR fetish against their will at this point.

>> No.44548349

In the end, the only vTuber worth ever supporting was 4chans own kiki

>> No.44548397

Every vtuber corpo should just start hiring physically incapacitated girls like mouse to be their gfe chuubas, don't have to worry about your oshi taking dick if doing so would literally kill her

>> No.44548468

>Instead of having bf reveal three months in they fucking die on stream while saying that they love you

>> No.44548487

Anon, mouse literally has a child.

>> No.44548489

I watch mouse, but that won't save you. Girls like that end up thirsting after everyone since they're so lonely. You'll just end up feeling like a third wheel even if they can't actually fuck.

>> No.44548491

Pretty sad that vtubing finally gave a chance for women to compete in the streaming scene without have to giggle their tits in a pool and they still can't help it but act like accessories to some dude.

>> No.44548499

Is that green hat the one whose inspiration is Amelia Watson?

>> No.44548503

it really is like that thoughesteverthelessthanbeen, the only inhibitors are cowardice, social(cuck) principles and moral(actual) principles and rejection stopping it from happening. if a same gender friend is sexually compatible to you, you'd fuck them by definition of sexually compatible. then a friend whos gender you DO have a preference for is in this context even more compatible

>> No.44548505

Most women have no idea about unicorns. Theyre use to casual sex being the norm

>> No.44548518

>enna cucks her audience live on stream
>reimu dates and fucks vox behind the scenes
>pippa lies about being lonely when really she has a furry boyfriend that flips her around and fucks her constantly
>shiina has a boyfriend that she makes wontons for and still goes inti GFE
>lia cucks her fanbase with some chubby con groomer who she publicly flirts with and fucks any chance she gets
>gura has a swedish boyfriend named martin who shes been in a long term relationship with since before holo
>kiara is literally the BBC white girl meme personified
>mumei and fauna both have boyfriends who they barely hide
>veibae openly hates her audience and talks about fucking men constantly
>silvervale same as above but doesnt hate her audience
>pomu posts her underaged nudes on /b/
When will people learn that western women are all the same? Either accept the fact that they're getting laid and you're not or move onto JP.

>> No.44548559

Anon, everyone you ever love will either leave you or die, I'd rather it be the latter

>> No.44548611

You will never be Japanese

>> No.44548621

All those men? Me

>> No.44548633

It hurts anon

>> No.44548674
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You just dont know how to look or are intentionaly oblivious/delusional

>> No.44548832

no it shouldn't im pro our cause but holy shit these women were very early on incredibly outside the standard to even unicorn for. the real pain is when the standard holders break them, like rushia, the indies who backpeddle only after being discovered, the gfe peddlers who are in relationships

>> No.44548838

Holy shit...lets not jump to conclusions here right?

>> No.44548841

Are you retarded or joking?
That graph of yours adds up to ~60% by the age of 17. The numbers on the left are for raped girls.

>> No.44548844
File: 2.34 MB, 972x1500, __ninomae_ina_nis_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_m_q_mqkyrie__885064eae1883b4f225adb94e51d59d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skill issue

>> No.44548851

I hope this taught you to never trust a western woman. All this empowerment just turned them all into lying and cheating whores.

>> No.44548890

how are jp women any better?

>> No.44548907

I will not. I am the unicorn king.

>> No.44548931

>Which one is your oshi? She's next.

>> No.44548953

If she's a teacher im there to learn.
If she's a doctor im there for the meds i keep forgetting to take
If she's a slut im there to point and laugh
If she's a mother I'm there to beat her child because the fucking toddler touched my bike
If she's a lawyer i am therr to imagine the most brutal ways i can torture her
If you are a woman anon then I will point and laugh even harder because women who use 4chan are even more pathetic then men.

>> No.44548958

They won't give you a chance to begin with

>> No.44548976

behind in culture. so before it goes to shit, you can experience standards that are held specifically by the consumers - just look at laplus reaction compared to mori reaction.

>> No.44549021

look at Meloco or whatever her name is in NijiEN. She was thought to be safe in her JP incarnation and then immediately starts simping over the guys when she joins NijiEN. they are all the same Japanese are just better at hiding it

>> No.44549087

Also IronMouse literally has a preteen kid and lies about being sick to farm pity bucks, while constantly lusting over a guy 20 years younger than her kek. They're all the same.

>> No.44549110

Did you miss the part of japans declining birthrate and having the highest concentration of virgin men and women because they refuse to interact with each other

>> No.44549283

>she and rin stated they will collab with males from day 0
So? It's still a crime.

>> No.44549413

It was the niggerchecking crowd of poltards getting uppity about her being a small bodied woman. Her in-group destroyed that loli ass on the regular.

>> No.44549531 [DELETED] 

Ina is married to her university bf btw

>> No.44549557

Grim thread

>> No.44549685

Grim collab reopened the flodgates of people that want to shit on the jew corpo

>> No.44549692

>man and woman are talking to each other... They must be fucking!
>majority male event... They must be fucking!
>replying to a male... They must be fucking!
I'm starting to notice a pattern here, either you're closet cuckolds or braindead coombrains, maybe even both

>> No.44549773

Sorry anon, people just want to use this to shitpost for 5 minutes in the catalog and move along, so no one's gonna care if you sauced it or not. Goes against the narrative = Ignored.

>> No.44549894

Anon japanese women fuck too. You will just never know because most people here can't read japanese.

>> No.44549917

>another IP recycling samefag nothingburger thread
must be a day ending in y

>> No.44549918

Women will cheat on her husband and lie to him his entire life while he raises another man's child
But yeah shes being totally honest with you internet strangers that she doesnt have casual sex at meetups

>> No.44549931

>Describes what IRL streamers do
>But thinks western vtubers are any different
I'm sorry you had to learn about it this way but western women don't stop being whores just because they use an anime avatar.

>> No.44549959

Based sister

>> No.44550122

I like how you didn't feel the need to put Nyanners because she's the OG.

>> No.44550153

Nigga I don't need to check anything. Just knowing the girl herself confirmed she went to a fucking 4chan meetup, A 4CHAN MEETUP, is enough for me. Any girl who would go to a meetup at all shouldn't be trusted anyway, especially to one full of males. Not to mention in the video posted she was talking casually with a dude, which is also a red flag.

>> No.44550252


>> No.44550321

Man you are lucky you didn't check deeper into it. The red flags are all over the place

>> No.44550460

Faggot, 4chan meetups were a fun thing around 2013, i remember when /v/ met Gaben

>> No.44550798

Hey man I'm sorry if you got cucked, shit sucks. But there's no need to assume everyone else is in the same position

>> No.44550848

You're right anon, nobody ever fucks
All humans just sprang fully formed out of the ether

>> No.44550862

nta but she probably fucked the dude she bummed a tent and sleeping bag off for the weekend but you do have to be a coomer to think she was free use for every anon in the woods

>> No.44550965

Did /v/ also have a womb tattoo when meeting Gaben?

>> No.44551093

Not if you were also in the woods, I guess.

>> No.44551100

Nigger I'm just telling you that these bitches are no different from the normalfag streamers who get into relationship drama constantly. It wasn't even that long ago since the biggest twitch streamer group got into drama because one of their most popular streamers raped a chick and cheated on his streamer gf or someshit.

>> No.44551175

Rapechads are hogging all the pussy for themselves

>> No.44551182

No males, huh.
Just goes to show you can never trust the jews.

>> No.44551357

>people fuck
is a fully different statement from
>people will use any chance they get to fuck

>> No.44552489

You mean you can never trust koreans

>> No.44552692

Shit man, just let a man dream.

>> No.44552751

Thankfully, Rushia wasn't actually dating the faggot.
That would have completely destroyed her image

>> No.44552769

You mean Guard the groomer?

>> No.44552950

You are confusing Idol corp with V&U, idol corp is jewish

>> No.44553001

Retardbro, I'd you go by statistics, US birthrate is also declining heavily while virginity skyrockets for both men and women
JP women are no different from the rest
Half of these are pure rrat or outdated and conveniently skips all the non-western women who fit the bill

>> No.44553116
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There really is no escape

>> No.44553129

Yeah I watched the video when some anon posted it a long time ago trying to "ruin" her for people, came out thinking she still seems cool as fuck but realistically you spend a weekend drunk in a guys tent after bumming all his supplies he is getting some

>> No.44553239

>Don't you have female friends?
No bitch! That's why I'm watching you!

>> No.44553244

Juna is korean.

>> No.44553299

>realistically you spend a weekend drunk in a guys tent after bumming all his supplies he is getting some
Depends on the guy and where you know him from and such.

>> No.44553317

Based, I kneel.

>> No.44553422

Doesnt change what I said

>> No.44553486

Neither does it change what I said.

>> No.44553541

I guess and I don't claim to know all the backstory but she gets kind of defensive when someone straight up implies it in that video and says the guy is her dad which isn't very convincing.
Either way I don't really care but I will say that if she takes a break from her current job around the time it happens this year it is going to be a mass filter event with her current fanbase

>> No.44553719

>she gets kind of defensive when someone straight up implies it in that video and says the guy is her dad which isn't very convincing.
I'm not defending her, but if people kept implying I slept with someone that I didn't I would get kind of denfensive too. Again NF people are the most likely to know what happened, but I hope nothing bad happened to her at least.

>> No.44553731

Get a room

>> No.44553946

>I hope nothing bad happened to her at least
If it did she wouldn't have done a recap stream gushing about the experience and making plans to go back next year.
It's a shame for her if she enjoyed it but there is no way that is going to fly with her new groomed chumbud adjacent audience here

>> No.44554039

If she does likely some of the fans are going to follow her there and that might end up pretty bad.

>> No.44554180

>first casualties of NF are /k/ommandos hunting down rabid vtuber fans in the woods

>> No.44554219

I would love that.

>> No.44554592

Perfect trap for a good beating of those retards.

>> No.44555315

I knew to steer clear of idol “Do Another Donothon” EN. Good riddance.

>> No.44555343

>Trusting ANYONE in jewcorp
>Watching ANYONE in jewcorp

>> No.44555678

The track record has been pretty solid before this collab.

>> No.44555719

Lol, lmao even

>> No.44555897

It's not even on her channel.

>> No.44555966

you really ruin your post by including retarded made up shit with stuff proven with facts

>> No.44556106


>> No.44556481

Guess you missed the immediate bf dox in the leprechauns debut thread

>> No.44556760

Cope jewfag
Cope but don't try to bring down other girls because you got burned by a whore

>> No.44557000

Is that why the jews never shill her anywhere? They were going pretty hard calling her the gura killer everywhere even on twitter

>> No.44557450

Probably. She's lucky she didn't have any trolls in her debut stream considering the dox was happening in the thread as her stream was going. Dude was even actively replying to all the Idolcorp accounts at the time. These idiots need to learn opsec.

>> No.44557603

He's a wannabe male vtuber, you can't expect them to be anything but retarded.

>> No.44557943
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Based and NTRpilled
