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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4453892 No.4453892[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Poor, poor James. Don't you know you aren't fooling anyone? If it's just "some spic", why do his initials match your email? Why does his face match the one posted on your private account? Why do you block anyone who posts this image? Why'd the LinkedIn get deleted after you saw? It's too late to play damage control now.

>> No.4453913

who even is james

>> No.4453930 [DELETED] 
File: 2.58 MB, 2812x3212, 15F625C6-1806-4093-AB4C-EFC8574AFC92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy. Currently playing damage control by pretending it's not.

>> No.4453931

Imagine getting mad over a twittard showing your opinions to a public when you’re an anon. Go commit a school shooting already, doublerigger

>> No.4453966

Stop faking drama to promote your shitty twitter

>> No.4453977

Why is it always third worlders

>> No.4454010

Stop posting your own messages with yourself here to get attention, most people on the board already know about your boring twitter account

>> No.4454011

Why are all the newer posts on tweedeck? Did he sell the account?

>> No.4454015

>I-it's totally not me guise I swear!!
Unprivate your Twitter then faggot

>> No.4454016

Damn, what are you? 12? Good luck with the shadow war or whatever

>> No.4454036

I swear to God, is this on-topic in /vt/?
How is this thread still alive?

>> No.4454042

Is this supposed to be understandable?

>> No.4454046

Everyone type in the chat James is a fucking nigger

>> No.4454055

not an eceleb board

>> No.4454056

He has made the same thread like 4 times in less than 12 hours

>> No.4454076

Stop talking to yourself and kys already

>> No.4454082

You have reached literal levels of schizophrenia, psycho

>> No.4454091

So who's James in this thread? Me? You?

>> No.4454153

why is it always spics

>> No.4454255

This is retarded, to begin with if he actually wanted people to believe this shit why would he admit he used another guy's face to begin with, it's obviously just because he wants to escape the heat, this is elementary school tier lying

>> No.4454299

Everything about this is pathetic from the containment breaking to giving attention to this nigger.

>> No.4454357


>> No.4454412

>they/them pronouns
oh god he's one of those people

>> No.4454429

The only James I care about is King James. Crack open a Bible son

>> No.4454446

> A genderspecial snowflake
Guy with no personality detected.

>> No.4454478

>he thinks anything but the vulgate is the bible

>> No.4454500

vulgate sounds too much like vulva and colgate

>> No.4454521

>deleted the fleet with the faked conversation
So even he knows it's a pathetic excuse for a lie, huh?

>> No.4454526


>> No.4454555

how did everyone else on this board learn who this james fag was but me

>> No.4454607
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