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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 248 KB, 400x400, Ouro_Kronii_-_Profile_Picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44537559 No.44537559 [Reply] [Original]

>Do you guys not have female friends???
I genuinely have never seen such a hilariously ignorant, retarded fucking question. Imagine not even being able to CONCEIVE if the idea that a fucking vtuber fan could be a loner/loser/etc.

>> No.44537743

regardless of your opinion on the situation, i think everyone can agree that this comment was incredibly tone deaf, did the big booby anime live streamer who plays video games and does ASMR for her fans really think that those same fans talk to women?

>> No.44537896

Both sexes can't truly be friends.

>> No.44537927 [DELETED] 

current nijizhangji yab deflection thread

>> No.44537992

Anon I'm a forever alone kissless virgin and even I have a few female friends. I think you're just retarded.

>> No.44538010

Imagine not having friends lol

>> No.44538014

Anyone who says otherwise is either a woman looking for a free therapist or a man hoping to catch his best friend on the rebound. Considering it's Kronii that's saying this the therapist thing makes sense.

>> No.44538117

>I think you're just retarded
not op but unironically no-friends autist
you think I like it when my favorite medium for escapism reminds me of my sad reality?

>> No.44538149
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Your family doesn't count.
Unless you... you know... with your cousin.

>> No.44538150

I guess that's a no, than?

>> No.44538179

Is there something you'd like to talk about, buddy?

>> No.44538200

Nigga its been MONTHS
These women are not smart, they make dumb comments
Let it go

>> No.44538201

anon just because you orbit a few girls, that doesn't mean they consider you their friend

>> No.44538228
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Modern Hollywood in a nutshell. That's why I fully embraced the Japan pill.

>> No.44538256

This is a Niji Zaion deflection thread btw
>This is a Niji Zaion deflection thread btw
This is a Niji Zaion deflection thread btw
>This is a Niji Zaion deflection thread btw
This is a Niji Zaion deflection thread btw
>This is a Niji Zaion deflection thread btw
This is a Niji Zaion deflection thread btw
>This is a Niji Zaion deflection thread btw

>> No.44538271

If you want to sleep with them and they’re just friendzoning you then it doesn’t count anon

>> No.44538286

Literally what was going through her mind when she said this? Wasn't it during a membership stream too? Imagine saying that to your core audience...

>> No.44538305
File: 1.10 MB, 498x236, transformers-prime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only female cousin is 10 years older than me and married with a son.
Don't put me in the same leage with you faggots.

>> No.44538318

I have no idea who this zionist girl you talk about is, chud

>> No.44538332

It's honestly concerning if you never had any female friends growing up or anything
Maybe I got lucky and girls just liked hanging out with me even though I was ugly kissless virgin with bad acne

>> No.44538355

It's amazing how thin-skinned people like OP are when they could watch the stream where that comment came from and see how it was directly focused on people like him who see two people of the opposite sex on the same screen and assume they're smashing behind the scenes. The only way they can try and take some of the sting out of it is if they try spinning it like it was a blanket statement directed to her entire fanbase.

>> No.44538359

>what was going through her mind
Nothing, she's as dumb as a brick

>> No.44538408

The only female friend i have is a girl i had to friendzone for being too ugly.

I'm not joking. Before anyone else say this is pathetic reminder that there's people like me who don't go out looking for friendship with women.

>> No.44538432
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>> No.44538464

Nah I watched the stream and this is pure cope mate

>> No.44538465

Preach sister!

>> No.44538513

>don't go out looking for friendship with women
Or based for not taking the risk of associating with a whore who will never let you live your life in peace.
Depends on the context

>> No.44538613

I agree but you are looping

>> No.44538745

Gabe , do woozie next time
Ive had enough with tronii

>> No.44538980

Kronii is naive and stupid, that's a major charm point.

>> No.44539077

On one hand anyone who becomes a vtuber at this point knows EXACTLY the type of person who would watch a big tit anime girl play games for hours and has no right to complain or act shocked after pandering to who they believe are ugly weeaboo virgins.

On the other, not every person who enjoys vtubers is like that and it's unfair for them to assume so. Besides if every one of us was pathetic as they assume, then what would that say about the streamer herself? That her content is so shitty and degenerate that her streams can only appeal to the lowest common denominator?

>> No.44539340

Didn't this happen a fucking year ago

>> No.44540617

yeah that's why virgins never watch porn. They don't like thinking about what they're missing

>> No.44540638

They know the comment is getting taken out of context but that Kronii did want to burn out her unicorns. Hololive talents don't wait a year, or two years, or even three years to collab with holostars for no reason. There are financial motivations why they don't spam holostars collabs shortly after their debut.

>> No.44540678

>well if this makes you feel like shit why doesn't this other thing makes you feel like shit too
and one would think the autist would the one with empathy problems

>> No.44540751

This is simply false

>> No.44540846

I refuse to believe that 90% of their audience are actual loners and incels. They are being watched by a lot of teenagers and people in early 20's that go to schools/college/uni and mingle with others all the time. I was always an anxious mess weeb and even I had friends.

>> No.44540918

I think these anons are kinda delusional. The idea that you can't have women as friends is very concerning

>> No.44540932

you think hs/college students can't be loner incels?

>> No.44540969

It's concerning to think that i'm one of the more mentally stable holo fans when i'm litterally mentally ill and have to consistently go to therapy to not kill myself

>> No.44540984

the question has no happy ending.
if you didn't have female friends, "yeah i don't have female friends, please forgive me for being so pathetic"
if you did have female friends, "i do have female friends, so i guess now we point and laugh at the others here who don't have female friends...?"

>> No.44541078

No, but it's much harder. I'm clinically depressed and haven't been laid in years, but at least I can realize that you can have friends of the opposite sex. I simply don't understand the mental state you must be in to be able to hate that much, and thats coming from someone who is very mentally ill

>> No.44541134

>Maybe I got lucky and girls just liked hanging out with me
Nah, you just have a vivid imagination.

>> No.44541200

People here have a social life anon, not everything has to be so depressing

>> No.44541230

That’s why she has the most groomer fans

>> No.44541245

>I refuse to believe that 90% of their audience are actual loners and incels.
Audience doesn't equal the audience that pays

>> No.44541307

eien idol phaseconnect niji defelection thread

>> No.44541321

>No, but it's much harder
it's much harder in general
you have to consider the population of young men wasting their lives in front of a computer be it watching vtubers or some other shit is not representative of the general population and they'll have a much greater number of incels

>> No.44541360

Life is all rainbows and sunshine, right?
What's your story? You're married with two kids and a dog?

>> No.44541430

Maybe, but watching my oshi motivates me to try and be the best version of myself. I don't watch Kroni much, but her positive affirmations asmr broke me and let me keep trying my best when I was in a really bad place.

I'd hope vtubers had similar effects on others in a bad place

>> No.44541437

I do think the question was retarded but do you really think the better alternative is assuming every fan or viewer is a loner/loser/etc? Wouldn't that be even worse?

>> No.44541438

This was a stupid thing for her to say but not for that reason. Even if 100% of her fans had female friends they regularly talk to it's still irrelevant to the issue that she was trying to address. Just a ham-fisted attempt to deflect from the fact that people were unhappy with her behavior

>> No.44541458

>Imagine not even being able to CONCEIVE if the idea that a fucking vtuber fan could be a loner/loser/etc
Women can't imagine that.

>> No.44541534
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>> No.44541580

you see, positive affirmations don't really work when all you are thinking about when you see that girl is that she's making fun of you for being a loner and all this affirmation bullshit is just another way to milk your wallet

>> No.44541615

Anon, who are you trying to insult? Kronii or 4chan?

>> No.44541693

Did you really think her intention was to degrade and bully her audience?

I've seen the clip, I see it as frustration and an attempt to reach a mutual understanding. That could just be me though, maybe I don't get it

>> No.44541756

>but do you really think the better alternative is assuming every fan or viewer is a loner/loser/etc? Wouldn't that be even worse?
The fantasy with vtubers is that they're losers themselves which is why they are vtubers in the first place. The dissonance comes when a normalfag becomes a vtuber and thinks everyone else is a normalfag like them

>> No.44542011

>Did you really think her intention was to degrade and bully her audience?
that's the effect she got regardless of her intention
like a monarch telling the plebs to eat cake, maybe she wasn't being malicious but that doesn't make it okay with me
I don't care if marie antoinette's quote is real or not, it serves as a example

>> No.44542091
File: 910 KB, 849x783, 177661220954992193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that stuff doesn't even cross my mind when watching a debut or something. If someone has normalfag tastes or makes it known then sure that's one thing but I don't really assume a vtuber is a loser just like me for being a vtuber. Do you really tune into new HoloEN/JP debuts thinking they're all shut-ins with no social skills? It just doesn't make sense with today's vtuber climate.

>> No.44542169

She's right. How pathetic can you be that you've never had a single female want to associate with you? That's not normal and if she offended you, maybe you should do some self reflection. Hopefully this is a wakeup call.

>> No.44542229
File: 101 KB, 850x1202, 1670656471103314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been a 5/10 at best (apart from my voice, which is an 8/10). That being said, I'm pretty damn autistic. All of my relationships have ended poorly. I've either been cheated on or outright abused. I still haven't recovered from those. I don't feel comfortable around women. Parasocial vtuber relationships are the only thing I can feel safe in anymore.
The reason I'm bringing that up isn't for pity points. It's so you guys can understand why some people might not have female friends and why I think Kronii shouldn't have said what she said. I know I'm not the only one in this kind of situation.

>> No.44542341

Nice self-burn, retard

>> No.44542490

Hi, Kronii

>> No.44542793

>Do you really tune into new HoloEN/JP debuts thinking they're all shut-ins with no social skills? It just doesn't make sense with today's vtuber climate.
Guess who are the popular holos? In gen 6 it's the one that does literally nothing else but stream and the one that reinforces all the time that she's a complete mess of a person. And laplus who was the most popular fell off after showing she's a normalfag.
In EN it's also the social messes Ina and Gura.
>It just doesn't make sense with today's vtuber climate.
What climate? EN's climate? That's the problem I'm talking about with normalfags entering a hobby that isn't for normalfags

>> No.44542885

Good grief. We're still making threads about this?

>> No.44543041

seeing so many people mald over this is hilarious, you guys aren't actually that self-conscious are you?

>> No.44543075
File: 57 KB, 752x532, Nene gives you a choccy milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guarantee you to enter big corpos you need to have some form of social skills and prowess. You don't become an entertaining streamer by not having charisma or not knowing how to talk to people. Especially not one that collabs with their co-workers.
>What climate? EN's climate?
The current climate where corpos are the goal for chuubas who are serious about streaming. You don't get anywhere without networking and working on yourself and your ability to interact with others. Even if they're losers by society's standards they have to do their reps so by that logic they'll never compare to actual losers like (you) and I. I'll agree with you that EN's climate has that problem, though.

>> No.44543215

>I guarantee you to enter big corpos you need to have some form of social skills and prowess.

>> No.44543738

God you people are self obsessed.

>> No.44544101

It's not her fault she has faith in her fans.

>> No.44544184

I fucking hate en niggers should have stuck to being twitch thots

>> No.44544300

I mean I had way more close ones in high school and college, but nowadays I’m not really close to any woman. Friends gf’s don’t count

>> No.44544446

as opposed to not being obsessed with oneself?

>> No.44544670

>That’s why she has the most groomer fans
you fuckers literary had one job, and yet you let her collab with males

>> No.44544720

She did it suddenly, didn't ask, didn't make any polls, nothing, she knew we would complain about it and hid it until the last second.

>> No.44544982

i agree. retarded move by kronii and completely alienating to portions of her audience. Definitely culled some witih that one statement. I wouldn't have watched her in the first place, but that would definitely put me off. Not to mention the male collab. Kroniis are a weird bunch.

>> No.44544988

I swear there were more in this hall of shame

>> No.44545190

Kronii is so dumb it physically hurts

>> No.44545351

For god's sake she's the streamer, she should be able to dictate what the fuck she does without any input from her audience ahead of time. Every single person who makes this point is retarded.


>> No.44545459

Being the only guy in an otherwise all female friend group was the most black pilling experience of my life.

>> No.44545560

fuck off apologist

>> No.44545625

To be fair, I get what she meant. She wanted her fanbase to understand it's normal for a woman to befriend a man without ulterior motives. Which is pretty normal to happen in a workplace environment.
But she was stupid for forgetting that she is playing the role of an anime girl in a vtuber company that markets itself as an idol company.
Which makes her, and every other Holo who collabs with males, a fucking whore who isn't doing their job properly. Therefore, she deserves all the shit she gets for it. Especially because I think she still collabs with them? Haven't watched her in like a year so I'm not sure.

>> No.44545640

You first, you incredibly insecure faggot. You will never be Japanese, so stop pretending you're a gachi for western women behind an avatar.

>> No.44545644

Jesus, Vtuber fans are some sensitive people.

>> No.44545700

And then she whines about being le lonely and le depressed.

And this is after numerous stories about how she gets hit on by complete strangers and exchanges phone numbers with them.

>> No.44545706

It's really shitty to say this after you've sold a million dollars worth of hug pillows and boob mousepads.

>> No.44545745

Oh no she had a natural positive opinion of her viewers! How dare!

I, personally, always have had and still do have female friends.

>> No.44545893

It's not even about gender there are people who have no fucking friends period and the likeliness of them being part of a vtuber fandom which main appeal is escapism is very high, Kronii is just a fucking entitled cunt.

>> No.44545901

>normal for a woman to befriend a man without ulterior motives
lmao dyrb

>> No.44545944

the writing was on the wall long before the male collab started

>> No.44545970

I have female friends so this didn't bother me.

>> No.44545981

Why should your appearance matter if you're just friends with someone

>> No.44545985

Women always have about 10 unread DMs at any given time and have guys asking for their numbers whenever they go out.
Loneliness is unimaginable to them

>> No.44545993

Exactly. There's no such thing as friendship between men and women that didn't start with ulterior motives. That doesn't mean there can't be platonic friendship between men and women, but if you think women aren't absolutely taking advantage of male friends, you're retarded.

>> No.44546099

Anon, western normies really don’t watch anime girl streamers.

>> No.44546168

It's difficult for me making friends at all considering that even people online mock me for being "crosseyed." Imagine how I would be perceived in person, they would likely find many other things to hate about me.

>> No.44546262
File: 145 KB, 993x938, EiEK4WtVgAAoEvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad to see that kronii hate is still here on /vt/, even if it's mere embers of itself months ago.

Carry on, gentlemen. Pic unrelated.

>> No.44546303

One eye looking at you one eye looking for you

>> No.44546341

Only sane post itt, woman will always take and never give back, it's a one way friendship 99% of the time. You're giving her boyfriend benefits while she isn't even fucking you, that's female friendships in a nutshell anyone that saids otherwise is cucked already.

>> No.44546372

People really do forget about the “experience” part in GFE the whole point is that it’s simulated. it’s not real and it never will be, the sooner you accept that disconnect the better

>> No.44546607

What does this mean?

>> No.44546813 [SPOILER] 
File: 146 KB, 1920x1080, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have. Yabba dabba do!

>> No.44546859
File: 528 KB, 944x990, 1676714269375996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PCGshills tried REALLY hard to cover up the Lia yab which is why there's now a million versions where she got replaced with other stuff like Altare etc.

>> No.44546905

That's her? Not bad. Though definitely looks like megalia material.

>> No.44546927

>get instantly forgiven

>> No.44547926

such is the way of Yes-men who don't have a spine, quite sad they can't move on.

>> No.44548216

Its not her kek

>> No.44548806

In Kronii’s case it’s because Tempus didn’t exist yet

>> No.44548902

I wish chuubas who did these kind of things got instantly and completely dropped, no attention no views no like, complete silence and loneliness for them.

>> No.44549015

Too bad for you it’s not why people watch them

>> No.44549092

Wont happen because they have all the power in the relationship. Unicorns are pathetic losers whose only choices are either simp for women online or jerk off to waifus.

>> No.44549179

Maybe she'll get depressed enough to become 41%. Eventually.

>> No.44549237

>Kronii did not collab with tempus before they even existed in order to extort money out of unikuks.

>> No.44549239

She'd have to be depressed to begin with for that. She's not.

>> No.44549263

i don't get it at all, they should really move on, get a new chuuba who doesn't shit on them.

>> No.44549266

Everyone in HoloEN is either fat, a skeleton, or ugly as fuck in real life, except those that aren't. No ideea who.

>> No.44549275

I wish you would neck yourself, and my wish actually has a chance of coming true.

>> No.44549314

How unfortunate.

>> No.44549343

Nah i will live happily m8, the thing that concerns me tho is what kind of madness or mental problem the fans who still stay after getting that treatment have.

>> No.44549414

Are you ogey?

>> No.44549473

I did exactly that with kronii. But youtube keeps recommending shitty clip channels that capitalize on her lolxdsofunnay moments.

Maybe I should become an active anti, instead.

>> No.44549493

I need to fuck all the HoloEN girls live on stream to cuck their insufferable faggot fans.

>> No.44549562

i get you i ignore all the EN's who either shitted on gachis or drooled for the homos, but Youtube-sna won't stop recommending me shit of those in specific, it's so tiresome...

>> No.44549569

but enough about nijicn

>> No.44549646

"Improve yourself" isn't nearly as bad as the others.

>> No.44549694

not as bad as her singing a love song with a homo yeah.

>> No.44549766

Please do. Rape corrections are great.

>> No.44549867

I was thinking more of mori's comic retweet

>> No.44549926
File: 18 KB, 320x180, Mori 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that was 10/10, maximum retardation levels hahahaha.

>> No.44550012

Kronii will never touch you IRL, should have applied for Holostars if you want a good chance to get close to her.

>> No.44550061

For you or for them?
Let's say I fucked Kronii on-stream the day after her comment. What happens? What changes?

>> No.44550245

Maybe she would have quietly appreciated dicks, instead of crying to twitter troons and omegatroon because her unicorns were causing her emotional boo-boos? I dunno, anon. Just rape her already.

>> No.44550569
File: 291 KB, 700x292, Mori 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How real do you think this image is?

>> No.44550602
File: 186 KB, 567x776, 73113437-0A86-4492-A017-95602697364C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How the fuck do you live with yourself knowing you’re an absolute social reject?

>> No.44550680

Not at all. It's no one's fault but her own.

>> No.44550696

Kronii is an emotional vampire the worst kind of person to exist. She will complain to her chat about anything and they will immediately give her money, comfort, and validation, yet she can never, and would never, be there for them. She burned her gachikoi after she already had the money from the mousepad and pillow, THE two biggest money making items you can have save for selling bathwater or something. She is an awful human being and any Kronies still with her deserve whatever they get.

>> No.44550719


>> No.44550745

i think those fans have something close to dementia really, they need to be beaten up to wake up.

>> No.44550974

This is pretty common. Almost all women on the internet have a group of emotional tampons who exist solely to comfort and support her

>> No.44551090

Women are very uninteresting and dull if you don't fall in love or have sexual motives for talking with them. If you truly do not want to get with a girl and are not attracted to her, I cannot see a guy wanting to be her friend. Maybe some effeminate fags do, but not a normal guy.

>> No.44551117

>I genuinely have never seen such a hilariously ignorant, retarded fucking question. Imagine not even being able to CONCEIVE if the idea that a fucking vtuber fan could be a loner/loser/etc.
It's been over half a year.

>> No.44551346

You can see her distorted jaw there

>> No.44551978

Give me 5 good reasons why I should not kill myself

>> No.44552050

Sure that applies to many of them but Kronii is one of the more interesting ones

>> No.44552075

I feel kind of bad for Kronii. I think she honestly didn't anticipate just how thirsty people were gonna be for her big boobs.

>> No.44552104

do it
do it
do it
do it
do it

>> No.44552145

Most of them are ESL seaniggers so you're not too far off.

>> No.44552224

Your oshi's numbers will go down and I will laugh at her

>> No.44552626
File: 575 KB, 1284x2778, 1673024403209756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv Kronii
luv my gf
luv my female friends
life is good

>> No.44552706

Is riceronii one of them?

>> No.44552788

Think about it. There are still people giving money to kronii. Unless you're one of them, you're already a less pathetic person.

If they haven't killed themselves, neither should you.

>> No.44552863

>Do you guys not have female friends???
>I genuinely have never seen such a hilariously ignorant, retarded fucking question. Imagine not even being able to CONCEIVE if the idea that a fucking vtuber fan could be a loner/loser/etc.
I genuinely have never seen such a hilariously ignorant, retarded fucking question. Imagine not even being able to CONCEIVE if the idea that a fucking vtuber fan could be a loner/loser/etc.

>> No.44552979

Yes. Gabe is also a seanigger.

>> No.44553431

>On the other, not every person who enjoys vtubers is like that and it's unfair for them to assume so.
Sure, but it's retarded to assume like it's not a somewhat sizable portion.

>> No.44553742
File: 834 KB, 1280x720, Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN - 【Psychiatry Help】Suffering With @NoirVesper [4WCUqrsTcHM - 1280x720 - 18m29s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Considering it's Kronii that's saying this the therapist thing makes sense

>> No.44553796

Yes i have, but i dont like kronii

>> No.44553808

most hololive watchers are, to be fair

>> No.44553980

I do have female friends, though.

>> No.44554058

I had female friends, and at the end of the day I always wanted to fuck them

>> No.44555417
File: 158 KB, 296x303, 1672234407975248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it's any consolation Anon, the feeling is not mutual. This is what the unicorns who get pissed are forgetting. Just because Vesper wants to fuck Kronii doesn't mean she wants to fuck him back

>> No.44555468

>Calls Kronii's question ignorant and retarded
>Quotes a completely different question then what she actually asked
Kronii antis are the most stupid fucking people to ever exist on this earth. Go back to your SJW cesspit, fool.

>> No.44555718


>> No.44556539

I mean, there's no reason two more black boxes couldn't be tacked on the end to make it a six-pack. But let's be realistic: Lia is a three-view at best, not really worthy.

>> No.44556622

I was a trooni hater until she called for birthday twice with her jaw falling off.
blue questionable pronouns: good

>> No.44556712

Having a guy come on during a subathon and flirt for like 30 mins deserves a place desu

>> No.44557781

Seeing ex-Kroniis seething and rageposting about selling their used dakis/mousepads gives me hope.....them being able to still sell them at 2-3x above MSRP makes me lose all faith in humanity. Lowest common denominator always sells and you can't expect simps to grow taste (a la Kronii apology ASMR which brings gachis back no matter how many times they get burned).

>> No.44558570

>tone deaf
Fuck off to Twitter

>> No.44558682

None are at the same level.
Even Lia being a super dumb whore is not as bad as Finana jumping on the "trap is transphobic" bullshit; NijiEN is still the yab corpo.

>> No.44559221

nta, thankfully i'm not a fan of her that mus have sucked really bad haha.

>> No.44559486

well then i suppose that bug people like to be treated like shit

>> No.44559672

I can't believe you impregnated your cousin anon!

>> No.44560456

Kronii really get's defended from that bullshit?, man some ´´people´´ really don't have a spine.

>> No.44560522

Anon, they ARE losers. Losers dont deserve any pity for being losers

>> No.44560765

Only had one female friend and I mean an actual friend of like 10 years, not just some acquaintance from work or something. One day out of nowhere she asked to suck my dick, we fucked and then never saw each other again. True story. Don't even know if she's still alive.

>> No.44560796

yep, it's very pathetic to still stick around with a false girl after she was pretty clear she doesn't give a rat ass about your opinion.

>> No.44560929

It does make me feel better but its still not good

>> No.44560998

she chose vesper over fans, you should really move on to a better new chuuba who actually appreciates your affection then.

>> No.44561208

This board has a lot of people that think of themselves as losers and project that onto the rest of the fan base

>> No.44561276

You people are sad lol. Imagine taking pride in being a pitiful loser.
You should go to the hardware store.

>> No.44562123

I have two women friends that will always be friends because they're ugly but funny and have similar interests. They're honorary men.

>> No.44562578

Would they get into a relationship or have sex with you if you were open to it? If so it's not really mutual friendship, just a reverse of the usual.

>> No.44562611

And still no one has topped her

>> No.44562678

If you're gonna do it you should livestream it to /vt/

>> No.44562742

so youre admitting if they were hot, you wouldnt be friends.

>> No.44562790

People did leave but Kronii is a Holo with a Wada model, she was never going to starve.

>> No.44562813

Or maybe people who legitimately have never had female friends are the anomaly and should really take stock of their lives instead of posting this for the hundredth time.

>> No.44562901

I have never met a woman I would be interested in being friends with. They are by and large fragile and uninteresting

>> No.44563169


>> No.44563192

>Do you guys not have female friends???
Towa is my female friend

>> No.44563237

This is just normal woman levels of stupidity. It's endearing. I can't IMAGINE getting this assblasted about this in particular.

>> No.44563287

I don't care about Kronii, her supporters or antis. It's clear you're not from here.

>> No.44563311

Tempus makes collabs easier but holostars was an option. There are games which require little communication that allow for easy collabs. We have seen this many times with EN/JP collabs. It's more than Kronii, Ame, or Mori since management is gradually pushing the holoPro brand. The number of holoEN members that collab with Tempus will increase.

>> No.44563457

The better question: is why would anyone have female friends? Women are completely insufferable, there's a reason people watch anime and people pretending to live in an anime instead.

>> No.44563512

An ESL who has never heard a phrase before becomes hopelessly confused

>> No.44563578

Whori found a way to suck eceleb dick almost immediately

>> No.44563640

true. reminds me of my mom getting snippy at my dad and me for joking about how women have terrible taste after she turns on handmaid's tale.

>> No.44563660


>> No.44563706
File: 423 KB, 464x701, 1671585408401789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you actually have sex and stop being a thirsty virgin that wants to fuck everything with tits, it's actually fairly typical to have friends of both genders. You'll get there eventually.

>> No.44563750

i'm a transgender woman and i find this very offensive

>> No.44563777

Can we have some pics of your deformed weird eyes?

>> No.44563972

you will never be a man

>> No.44564032

I've had sex and I still hate kronii more than anyone on earth even Kim Jon Un. She can eat a shotgun shell for all I care because she pandered to genetic dead ends for cash and then when she milked them dry she started insulting them and dropped the charade. Actively acting disgusting. Also fuck you.

>> No.44564265

>fucking a woman will help you to finally realize their worth
That's what I'm saying, their only value is between their legs, which is why men and women can't be friends

>> No.44564372

I've had sex and I still think Kronii is a piece of shit human being.

>> No.44564493

Don't bother, he's got a sunk cost hangup.

>> No.44565125

Sure why the fuck not?
Go ahead, do your worst.

>> No.44565339

Do you have online friends at least?

>> No.44565502

Honestly it’s more likely than you think
Most really social people don’t think that other people could actually be friendless
It doesn’t even compute in their minds as a thing
Especially with how social the internet has gotten

>> No.44565561

Yeah where was her…Miyabi collab

>> No.44565654

"Tone deaf" is often used on Twitter by trannies and other cancel culture bullies trying to police other peoples' speech.

>> No.44565732

There’s a difference between being a loser and having 0 friends

>> No.44565739

If you're ready to throw your life away, killing yourself then and there is the most boring and wasteful way to go about it. You can basically do whatever without any consequences, have fun.

>> No.44565780

Correct, losers have few friends and people content have 0.

>> No.44565837

I thought Laplus was hated for vanishing and trying to work on her pl more than her holo life not being a normie

>> No.44565916

Do you think they didnt network to get where they are? Because any entertainment field (art, streaming, music) is extremely difficult to get into and stay in as a loner

>> No.44566076

ascended gigachad wisdom

>> No.44566103

Go ahead everyone, click (or tap) that catbox link and see just how terrifyingly ugly one of her fans is. The stupid bastard says he wants to kill himself and I think he should just fucking do it already.

>> No.44566332

Dude stop.

>> No.44566478

LOL, so exactly what I said. Don't tempt fate ESL bro, you know English good enough to blend in. Try and avoid standing out

>> No.44566593

imagine getting triggered by such a mundane phrase
brother, you are an NPC who lives on the internet frfr

>> No.44566683

>Cousin same age
>She clearly has the hots for me
>She makes a move
>I shoot her down so hard she doesn't speak to me for 10 years
>This is the closest I ever got and ever will get
on one hand, good job young-me you were smarter than I thought. on the other hand, fuck.
at least I'm not that cross-eyed fucker who watches kronii

>> No.44566752

nah brah ths stupid lookin cunt deserves the harsh truth lik he gotta face reality brah

>> No.44566793

escapism is retarded
Marche did nothing wrong

>> No.44567073
File: 515 KB, 333x686, stopit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna click the link, but i've had this particular dude burned into my mind for a while
and this was one of the brave ones that actually had the confidence to leave his house and go to a con
i do not even want to imagine what the rest of you fucks look like, i'm sorry for making fun of the dude but JESAS

>> No.44567092

How does that even work? I had female friends exactly once in my life and it progressed into a relationship with one of them very quickly

>> No.44567286

Dude in the link is like a model compared to this teacuck

>> No.44567404

Sounds like female bullshit but ok

>> No.44567677

Yall should be taking this as a compliment, the fact she actually thinks of you as people and assumes yall have a social life is more than anyone else in hololive can say about their fans. You're just mad because that assumption made you reflect on who you are as a person and all the opportunities you missed out on.

>> No.44567883

you are the closes I have to an online friend, anon
I don't have a discord or social media, the closes I have to friends are my 3 hs friends who I haven't message in ~6 months and haven't meet with in at least 2 years

>> No.44568009

Message them again, anon. I'm sure they'd be happy to hear from you!

>> No.44568869

I also agree! Make the first step and try to see if they’re available

>> No.44569837

Anon, that's not anything chad, anon just admitted he is so deep in the friendzone that he convinced himself that liking them would be gay

>> No.44569914

she really deserve all the hate going to her
hope her income really took a hit.
her onlyfans downlfall when?

>> No.44570022

Anon, please, this level of friendzone hurts

>> No.44570214

The females have found the thread lol

>> No.44574772


>> No.44574786

Nice bait thread would be a shame if someone bumped it :)

>> No.44575163

Well? DO (You) have any female friends anon?

>> No.44575408

Why would I want female friends lmao

>> No.44575560

I'm thankful to kronii for the amount of seething she generated. I can sleep well at night knowing I'll never be ad pathetic as the ones still bitching about it months later

>> No.44575768

its been over 6 months. still crying over this instead of working to become a less pathetic human being? should start on it before you die alone seething over anime women who just want your money.

>> No.44575976

friendzoning ugly girls is were is at, you get free meals, gifts and casual sex time to time. I know you have to be at least handsome to pull it off. But I know how it feels. No need to get angry about it.

>> No.44576065

T. Virgin

>> No.44576156

t. transcel

>> No.44577311

What's funny is that she did come to understand the audience she has, and why they don't like seeing her as the stars cocksleeve but she ended up not giving a fuck and doing it anyway and really doubled down on it
it means she doesn't give a fuck about them
like holy fuck, get the fucking clue already
she does not like you, she does not care about what you like, your enjoyment of her content and her persona matters less to her than the giggles she gets from being on stream with vesper
move on
have some fucking self respect
it doesn't matter how ugly or a loser you are you can still choose a better vtuber to simp for
I don't even get what guys liked about this bitchy bimbo besides her giant 2D tits and deep man voice, there are tons of girls out there with huge booby avatars and deep voices too

>> No.44577909

The question that killed /vt/. Kronii is probably laughing her ass off at this thread.

>> No.44580212

"Kill the unicorns, my dude!"

>> No.44580415

Your seriously mocking him just because of his eyes bro?

>> No.44580526

Take your own advice and move on

>> No.44581263

Do you really believe it?

>> No.44581270

You will never fuck your oshi. I will.

>> No.44582324

I was never into kronii, I don't like her design or her voice or her personality.
I was into Finana tho, and eventually I got tired of her bullshit and moved on.
It's easy.

>> No.44582556

i thought this was the new kronii general

>> No.44582703
File: 121 KB, 349x494, 1644014373861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should have been the first clue

>> No.44584141

>There are a ton of girls out there with big boobs and deep voices
Yes but are they in hololive and do they speak English as their first and primary language?
And no, Mori doesn't count.

>> No.44584373

>still crying about this shit
grow the fuck up, loser

>> No.44584392

>Triggered ESLronii

>> No.44584450

>I refuse to believe that 90% of their audience are actual loners and incels.
Go look at the posters in /infinity/. People with fulfilling social lives don't act like those guys do.

>> No.44584619

If the cross-eyed idiot can't get his eyes fixed, would it be better if he just has them gouged?

>> No.44587164


>> No.44587346

It probably isn't. I'm fairly certain a majority of vtuber fans are at least normal enough to have a job, some friends, and maybe not a romantic partner but not be totally without prospects.

The thing is that it doesn't actually matter. Saying something like that is cruel and condescending. It's insensitive to the people it applies to, it's rude to the people it doesn't, and it's entitled as hell, not because she's playing an anime girl catering to some hypothetical lonely audience, but because she's a professional performer.

Like instead of picturing yourself as someone who's very alone and watches Kronii for the GFE, imagine that you're married with kids and catch her in your couple hours after honest work to support your family and she comes out like this. It's still obnoxious as hell. None of this was never about unicorns.

>> No.44587429 [DELETED] 


>> No.44587762

Really, only Finana and Lia belong on here. Hardly a "Hall of Shame" with just two people though.

>> No.44588305

>Guess who are the popular holos?
Well that's a silly theory when popular Holos such as Marine, Suisei, Subaru, Okayu etc are all talkative and social butterflies.

>> No.44588342

I have a photo of him

>> No.44588363

my female friends have all come on to me at one point

>> No.44588559
File: 3.43 MB, 3888x2787, El3nr2sVcAAx08U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother. Many of us tried explaining this shit, but her twittard and troon supporters found it easier to swallow the "tHeM hAtErS aRe iNcElS" pill.

Just shitpost and enjoy the ride.

>> No.44588611

Nijikeks needed something to shit post because FalseEyeD made of anyciloe, the normies agreed

>> No.44588622

Already did. But why the fuck does youtube keep recommending her clippers to me? I absolutely don't want to have anything to do with her.

Do I have to wheelbarrow her or something?

>> No.44589737

fuck off normalfag blogger

>> No.44589767

no one cares or asked blogger normalfag

>> No.44590300

this anon gets it

>> No.44590622

you'll probably be a virgin loser all your life anyway, why does this bother you?

>> No.44590671

a nerd and a bimbo maybe not, but that's not because of their genders

>> No.44590722

People who seethe about this perfectly reasonable statement say more about themselves than anything else.

>> No.44590738

>Literally what was going through her mind when she said this?
That you don't fuck every single person of the opposite gender you interact with. And she was right.

>> No.44591190

I work office.
I do not have any friends. male or otherwise.
I'm here. I dont have any hobbies or interests i'd be willing to divulge. if asked i say reading and talk about books i read in high school and college.
It is a clueless thing to say to people who are watching vtubers.
I don't watch clock but dont dislike her.

>> No.44591298

For me its pretty true, every chick that somehow wanted to be my friend ended up trying to be more than just friends and after awkward rejections, we never stayed friends anymore

>> No.44591778

OP get a girlfriend, you clearly need one

>> No.44593267

Lol I thought this topic was going to be a fleeting fad but it's still being talked about to this day. Gave up on Kronii long before the homo collabs, but keep fighting the good fight anons.

>> No.44593503

>it's actually fairly typical to have friends of both genders
it's not. Most men befriended women because they want to fuck them or they want to fuck her hotter friend. Men and women cannot be friends.

>> No.44594340

>oh no she got rid of 20 schizos with one passive aggressive ars donation between all of them
You'd be a great vtuber CEO.

>> No.44594595

>That you don't fuck every single person of the opposite gender you interact with
Sounds like a skill issue. You need to up your pussy game.

>> No.44595531

this desu, one side always ends up catching feelings, and 80+% of the time it's the guy

>> No.44595795

Kronii always makes banger threads.

>> No.44595796

The context was that she had a stream where she was constantly harassed by people that seriously or not, implied she loved Altare because she laughed in a collab.

You might not believe this, but girls are not at all attracted to most guys they interact with. I’m confused how unicucks think that Kronii saying she isn’t attracted to him is painted as her declaring war on them. Shouldn’t it be the opposite?

>> No.44596754

Do you not have any friends?

>> No.44596809

you can fuck friends, havent your women friends told you?
friendship doesn't disappear anywhere. they are still friends. do it. but with hot friends only.

>> No.44596897

Its not just unicorns. Its lonely dudes, which make up most streaming fanbases. She just triggered them by saying something related to not having friends.

>> No.44596901

>Would they get into a relationship or have sex with you if you were open to it?

who cares what they want if they are ugly? its just sexless friendship, then.
if they are hot, its friends with sex.

>> No.44597442

I’m a lonely guy and I’m able to understand intention behind words. She’s making a point about her not being attracted to a coworker. If you take her words as an insult without considering the context in which they were said, that’s on you.

>> No.44597763

>touches a nerve in all of /vt/

And that's why I will always love this autistic clock.

>> No.44597862
File: 390 KB, 615x537, 1671497481172254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, I got friendzoned
Was that supposed to be a flex? What the fuck is with the loser normalfags on this board who are like "I touched a girl's penis once, I'm basically chad". You guys are beyond losers because you come to an autistic anime hobby board and try to flex for anonymous strangers, but you're not even flexing like "heh, I fuck a different chick every night because I can powerlift like a champ and chicks dig my bitcoin ferrari", you post the lamest shit ever like this.

>> No.44597920

>reported to hr for being creepy

>> No.44597960

>*poops her pants*
>heh, living in vt's head rent free
You are the cancer killing this board, your own life and the lives of anyone or anything you love especially Kronii.

>> No.44597998

NTA, kek, he didn't flex on you anon, rumao

>> No.44598057

OP actually has female friends and is secretly laughing at anons agreeing with him

>> No.44598140

>kronii bait threads are still hitting bump limit.

>> No.44598150

But having friends, or at least acquaintances, of opposite sex is just normal. If you work a regular office job you’ll run into plenty of people of the opposite sex that you get along with well enough, but know you will never pursue a relationship with, either because they’re taken or because there’s no attraction. Genuine long-lasting friendships outside of the office or hobby are much more rare, but it’s not like that doesn’t exist.

>> No.44598274

Work friends aren’t the same thing as real friends.
Beyond that most cross-gender “friendships” are really just friends of friends, the bf/gf and husband/wife of a friend that is really just a +1 to the real friendship.

>> No.44598380

does it really need a distinction though? the more you categorize, the lonelier it gets.

>> No.44598475

>Do you guys not have female friends
I have female friends.
Because i am a functional adult with a career and social life.

>> No.44598628

The point is not all men and women are attracted to each other, even if they might share a workplace. That’s all that was being said

>> No.44598693

Females can't comprehend the social isolation males can experience, they get showered with attention all the time so this concept of true isolation is alien to them

>> No.44598703

I've had female acquaintances i've fucked and ones that i didnt. Oddly enough, the holo en girls are the kinds who i would never fuck.
They also seem like a pain in the ass to even hang around with.

>> No.44598724
File: 129 KB, 900x392, 70ACC052-9058-4555-BA53-E64E8ADE3609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good thing, really, as it ensures people don’t forget the transgressions of the past when the mask slipped. Salt in the wound.
>Ceterum autem censeo Kroniinem esse delendam

>> No.44598859 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 392x590, 77f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>*poops her pants*
>>heh, living in vt's head rent free
>You are the cancer killing this board, your own life and the lives of anyone or anything you love especially Kronii.

>> No.44600133

They're not delusional dude, they're sexists. Admittedly, that's a world view that requires a certain level of delusion to maintain, but still.
