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44533045 No.44533045 [Reply] [Original]

>quietly becomes the leader of Myth

how did this happen?

>> No.44533117

seduced the shark and the others followed

>> No.44533126

Kiara said Ame is the leader though

>> No.44533193
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>ame is the natural leader
>Kiara talks over her all the time
Yeah it's pretty grim.

>> No.44533194

False, kiara doesn't do anything quietly

>> No.44533236

She's the only one who organizes collabs.
Well that's not entirely true Mori also tries... It's just that Kiara is normally the only one to respond.

>> No.44533265

she actually gives two shits to wrangle the others to do something

>> No.44533297

Also throws her under the bus at every opportunity.
So i don't think she knows what she's talking about

>> No.44533325

shes the only one who tardwrangles them to keep to the schedule. the rest of them are amateurs.

>> No.44533332

she's not. No matter how much kiara says so. Ame literally only wants to be tech and or production. Not leader. Kiara is the leader cause there's literally no one else to take the reigns and without her they'd literally just fumble and mumble about without direction.

>> No.44533335

>how did this happen?

>> No.44533377

Every 3D event that happened before their official 3D was basically Ame, seafom, kaunaru, staff. SO no Kiara hasn't done shit

>> No.44533406

Teutonic autism

>> No.44533475

>natural leader

rumoa. ame has 0 leadership talent, shes too unassertive to make anyone do anything.

this is the girl who said she doesn't ask or remind genmates about schedules because she doesnt want to intrude or seem rude in case their busy.

Kiara might be a bitch sometimes, but she can organise collabs well and on-time, and they listen to her.

>> No.44533498

Gura is the "leader" when Cover wants to shill merch
Mori is the "leader" when Cover wants to shill music
Ame is the "leader" in the lore (+SOVL of myth and tech carry counts for something too)
Kiara is the "leader" because she's the only one who bothers organizing collabs

>> No.44533508

Ame is the cornerstone of HoloEN that keeps them together. Any loudmouth in a group would be the spokesperson but not automatically a "leader"

>> No.44533604

She was in 2020-21 but recently she hasn't done shit for Myth.

>> No.44533624

She can draw, you know

>> No.44533793
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No matter what western audiences say, Calli has appeared to be the leader in the eyes of Japanese audiences and even Cover. That's the reason why she was nominated as the tourist ambassador.
But actually it'd be a smart move for Kiara to abide by the position of "the skillful second guy". Holos are showing up in Japanese mainstream media these days and over time they(TV staffs) will learn Kiara is the most useful and appealing Holo in their shows as she speaks fluent Japanese and is accustomed to dealing with Japanese culture and businesses.
Soon we will see her severely punished and bullied by comedians in Japanese Tv shows.

>> No.44533960

Imagine how much better Myth would be if "Ina" really did back out and the role went to someone who actually offered something to the group. We also wouldn't have gotten that failure Sana in Council. The 2 holes in HoloEN.

>> No.44534011

kiara keeps myth together nowadays. She goes out her way to organise collabs, she makes new ideas such as sock puppets, collab ideas, holo advent calendar, constantly pressures girls for collabs, made two new ongoing shows (girlstalk, holobags) AND has UPDATES unlike ame who makes 1, 2 episodes then abandons it
came up with new handcam ideas, and offcollab streams regularly.

Ame and Kiara took an agreement, that she has sorta taken her role, and when chat said Ame has gotten lazy, Kiara defended that Ame has been doing that role for 2 years so its only fair if Kiara does it now.

>> No.44534040

She should've been the leader from the start. She has the most experience and is the most professional and hard working. Sasuga tenchou

>> No.44534107

Let's be honest. Most of that was Kanauru, staff and sea. Ame contribution is providing the place and money then telling the other 3 what she wants.

>> No.44534184

>Soon we will see her severely punished and bullied by comedians in Japanese Tv shows.
If only the Japanese were based enough to realize Calli is the one who should actually be ridiculed.

>> No.44534271
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>unoffically the leader now
>2 myth collabs in 1 week


>> No.44534318
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What about sex?

>> No.44534461
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>> No.44534493

Did you never realize that all mainstream entertainment is of low quality?
Kiara is refined taste. A numbernigger like you wouldn't understand.

>> No.44534548
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she's better than watson

>> No.44534567
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Fair enough. That'd be the case as well because she suits "a funny and goody American" position.
>B,b but what are you saying desu ka~
Kiara'd do it more professionally.
But they'll the only ENs who'd won the regular position of Japanese shows. Others, especially Gura and Ame would do nothing but mumbling that even skillful Ojisan comedians would have hard time to deal with them.

>> No.44534640
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uh huh
Also Kiara

>> No.44534708

oh no no no no teakeks lol don't look

>> No.44534764


>> No.44535065
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>> No.44535162

meant for >>44534640

>> No.44535562

A leader that has the least amount of subscribers in her gen. Useless title.

>> No.44535773

>4 autists and 1 semi-social person
Kiara was always the leader of Myth. She organised most full-Myth collabs, she organized the smol live2Ds, she forced management to give them most of their outfits, when she went to the US all of Myth (+ Fauna and Bae) came to see her after avoiding each other for years.
When Kiara stopped putting her everything towards keeping Myth together they drifted apart and by meeting them she revived unity.
She is the heart of Myth and gives the gen direction.

>> No.44536243

I wish Ame was like this

>> No.44536305


>> No.44536396

She always has been.

>> No.44536406
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>Kiara leader
>Gura protagonist
>Ame,mori and ina love interest

>> No.44536550

How Ina became wildly popular just by being an absolute doormat is beyond me.

>> No.44536616

HoloEN girls: We have no plans for content for December 2022
Kiara: Do you want to do an Advent calendar?

>> No.44536677

So can my toddler

>> No.44536679
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I hope there is a hell for Amelia Shitson to go to.

>> No.44536799
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Im afraid Lord Kiara is dead.
All hail Ame!

>> No.44536815

Reminder that Ina couldn't be assed to record some voice lines despite not being busy, all to keep up her lie that she was "sick"

>> No.44536823

It's cuntson, not shitson

>> No.44536860

I love Kiara, but
is a funny choice of word

>> No.44536927

Do KFP not get sick to death of this Anon making threads like this every day? The blatant astroturfing is an eyesore

>> No.44537076
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>quietly becomes the leader of Council despite not actually being in it

how did this happen?

>> No.44537138


>> No.44537170

Kiara likes to vomit her own narratives to others, nobody sees ame as a leader, that was kiara thinking that ametori ment something last year.

>> No.44537171

Giga Stacy energy

>> No.44537182

americans should know their place

>> No.44537236

Probably yeah

>> No.44537300

no because its slowly converting people into seething neweggs

>> No.44537378

I don't see why you would want that. I'd rather people hate the retards posting this crap, than being converted into people that aim their shitposting at Kiara herself.

>> No.44537471 [DELETED] 

people realised ame is a whore so no ones having her lead them.

>> No.44537476

She never shuts her fucking mouth anon

>> No.44537729
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Ame could've been the leader if she wanted to but she's just too lazy. I remember her constantly stopping projects midway in 2021 because "tummy hort" or some other long list of excuses which made me lose interest in her. Kiara on the other hand would do kino puppet streams even when she's practically dying. That goes to show you the major difference in work ethic and which is better suited as leader.

>> No.44537824

-Streams at a not so bussy hour
-Good artist
-Flat chest/Cunny=popular (like gura)
-Only surpassed by ame because of the initial amesame boost

>> No.44537836

Did you just wake up from a coma, OP? Kiara's been the leader of Myth since day one.

Ame occasionally comes up with a group project but she's too introverted and lacks the assertiveness and communication skills required to be a leader. The real leader will always be Kiara and it's not even close.

>> No.44537856

it makes my oshi more popular, I also see less "gura good you should seethe" in the catalog

>> No.44537986

>it makes my oshi more popular
It does the exact opposite unfortunately

>> No.44538015

blame bae for that, irys said that bae was the one pushing for irys to be included in more "gen" stuff instead of being considered as a solo project, so she doesnt feel alone.
Mumei likes irys alot but i find it kind of funny that she never says "councilrys" but "council irys" guess she cares about her gen identity

>> No.44538137

>-Flat chest/Cunny
Wrong. You don't understand cunny.

>> No.44538315

She managed to create her niche and not do anything stupid.
Meanwhile Kiara failed at very beginning, Ame decided to openly antagonize her fanbase and Mori turned into yab creator.

>> No.44538905

>another "KFP jerking each other off while putting down the other members" thread
How many of these do you need? Feels like this sort of thread has become weirdly common as of late.

>> No.44538913

Most EN fans want to watch someone who's a social autist and introvert just like them. Makes sense Ina grew faster than Ame when you realize she's usually the isolated member of their friend group, could be removed easily without a big impact. Further attracts that socially inept autist audience who were also likely not that close to their own friend groups. Similar reason for why Kiara is the least popular. Even if she really is an introvert anyone with a brain knows she's more talkative, social, and willing to reach out than anyone else in her gen it doesn't appeal to this main "just like me frfr" audience holo EN attracted.

>> No.44538931

> orange woman
> quiet

>> No.44538932

Not like anybody else wants the job

>> No.44538936


>> No.44538973
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>natural born leader
mein hunchenführer...

>> No.44539037

>Only surpassed by Ame
Except popularity wise it's:
Gura > Ina > Mori > Ame > Kiara

>> No.44539098

Kiara has qualities the other girls lack. So these threads are going to happen forever.

>> No.44539157

It's really hard to stick with Ame after knowing all dox. Some people can do it but i can't.
She was really popular at the start but people woke up to the kind of person she is

>> No.44539198

>Kiara might be a bitch sometimes, but she can organise collabs well and on-time, and they listen to her.
And usually all of them are cringe and boring.

>> No.44539227

na, they shilled Ame, Calli or Gura from the start.

It was Ame for a year, but she burned out hard. Kiara has taken the reigns and she is usually centre-stage and leading everything now.

>> No.44539285

number of subs, because of course ina destroys ame numebers in non gimmicky streams

>> No.44539466

Ina destroys Ame in pretty much everything except subs.
Average ccv
Total ccv
Membership total
Vod views

It's not even close. Makes you think all the subs Ame got were definitely because of Gura

>> No.44539521

Kiara is good at forcing the others to talk

>> No.44539642

She's taken over Ame's position as LA CREATIVIDAD

>the news show she's been preparing
>Unbelievably Believable (at least for a handful of episodes comin)
>HoloBags (2 episodes currently)
>planning a holofridge/pets/etc.
>interest in reviving the snackbox streams
>interest in more 3D content with better equipment
>makes shorts regularly of doing popular dances or skits
>more offcollabs in the future

>made sock puppets while coughing blood
>sock puppet stream
>off-collabed the entire month in japan, streams with multiple jp senpais
>made holo advent calendar so fans had something for christmas since no one prepared anything
>still active on minecraft


>> No.44539784
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ENsharts are fucking obsessed with "comfyness" and "le girl next door" bullshit

>> No.44539868

Even if half of their subs showed up to their streams giving them at least 700k CCV that number still wouldn't matter because half their subs aren't doing shit for them except look pretty for business and investors. You fags crying about subs are somehow more retarded than the average number obsessed fag from your containment thread.

>> No.44539958

Rape, rape, and more rape. Wawa is basically a cuter version of Rance.

>> No.44539989

Don't you have your own split to relentlessly prais her in? Or is this one of those "have your cake and eat it too" things where you pretend these threads are all falseflaggers and the "real" KFP are wholesome unityfags?

>> No.44540049

>>44539989 (Me)
Somewhere, an "e" got lost. Curse this loathsome old keyboard...

>> No.44540647

>still active on minecraft
It was believable until there but that took it too far. Funny write-up, though.

>> No.44540692

cope and seethe while everyone besides your miserable ass has a great time

>> No.44540854

Does that make Kiara the hero of justice?

>> No.44540957

this post is too good to be in this shitty bait thread

>> No.44541041


>> No.44541161

>it's another kfpiss shitting on Kiara's genmates then pretending it was actually all just falseflaggers thread
Success breeds jealousy

>> No.44541185

Kfp desperately want to claim Kiara is the leader huh.

>> No.44541226

that's called the "she just like me fr fr" effect

>> No.44541599
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Kiara was always Myth's leader and no amount of "LA CREATIVIDAD" being spammed by discord cuckmates will change that.

>> No.44541711

Nice falseflag

>> No.44541725
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t. seething teacucks
Sorry cucks, but the homo cocksucker Amelia Whoreson was never leader material to begin with

>> No.44541753

Narcissist plus she's the only one who cares currently, so it's not about talent or quality, just being at the right place at the right time.

She's the "leader" of a sand castle though, but it's worth something I guess.

>> No.44541868
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It's funny how Kiara never wanted to be the leader and she even shilled Ame as one to hell and back, just for Ame to flop so hard at it that Kiara had no other choice but to take it LEMAO

>> No.44541927

Let's be real, having a Tempiss cocksucker as the leader of Myth is definitely not a good call.
Gura lacks any drive, effort or willpower to be a leader.
Ina is a doormat.
Mori is the same as Watson.

Kiara seems like the best choice

>> No.44542055

>I am going to ignore Kiara trying to shill Ame as the leader and still call her narcissist
Ogey schizo

>> No.44542128

Don't let the sudden influx of schizos in this thread distract you from the fact that KFP do this sort of thing all the time under the guise of "falseflaggers trying to make muh Wawa look bad".

>> No.44542165

Doesn't change the fact that Kiara is Myth's leader. Cope more teatranny

>> No.44542178

Kys KFPschizo

>> No.44542205


>> No.44542232
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Mentally ill

>> No.44542295

Because nobody wants to be it

>> No.44542311

Yes, that's one of the most common tactics of narcissists, trying to push or give characteristics to others while keeping the attention to themselves, the ME ME ME Kiara joke wasn't born out of mere coincidence or a single event.

>> No.44542332

Based chumbud. Ame and her cucks deserve all the shitting

>> No.44542355

Actually Kiara is grooming Gura right now to become the leader of Myth

>> No.44542360

i didnt know chumkeks were so based

>> No.44542396

So the whole EN fanbase is narcissistic too? After all they were pushing Ame as the leader

>> No.44542405
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explain this rrat

>> No.44542424

Yeah it was born from delusional schizo antis like you

>> No.44542477
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can she get any more based?

>> No.44542514
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Always was

>> No.44542531

Do you even watch streams? Ina is a great partner to everyone on Myth, its either her or Kiara for the one who has the best chemistry with everyone else. She always makes things funnier and she almost always makes everyone feel at ease.

>> No.44542579

>MEMEME is just a joke
>100% believes that it is fact
So it is no longer a joke when it comes fron schizos like you

>> No.44542611

Funky strawman there, but yes all women are narcissists up to a point, however regarding EN all of them have found their niche or had some modicum of success, while Kiara has been the butt of them all numberwise on every single metric and she has gone so far as to bitch herself about it (not to mention kiara's roommate makes it painfully obvious)

You can try all the insults and silly accusations that you can think of, ain't gonna change what Kiara is

Learn to read

>> No.44542728

>Every single Metric
RUMAO ogey schizo
>Not going to change my delusion about Kiara
Oh I am well aware that you are a seething retard that ignores reality

>> No.44542758

Show your pits woman

>> No.44543105

>Kiara is a failure because she has the numbers that put her in the top 5% of streamers
God Kiaraschizos, how do you believe that insult meams anything and is noy just making every single none insane anon laugh at you?

>> No.44543151

Holy ESL, Batman!

>> No.44543220

I mean the Kiaraschizos understand ESL, so it is quite fittimg to speak in their language

>> No.44543262

Fucking based. She knows her competition.

>> No.44543276

Ignoring your list for tempus that makes no sense since kiara has interacted and Collab with worse males

>> No.44543374

I tought chumbuds only hated Mori and Ame.
Definitely a falseflag

>> No.44543608

>Muh Shadowverse tournment totally counts, even if Kiara was flirting with a woman and it was sponsored
>Don't care if Kiara looked at Gigguk with disgust, while everyone else was asskissing him
Ogey retard

>> No.44543723
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>loudly becomes the whore of Myth

how did this happen?

>> No.44543789

what kind of person is she?

>> No.44544495

Spiteful, whorish, edgy... Basically the usual californian roastie

>> No.44544563

Basically what you get on-stream. People like to twist information that was discovered wayyyy back in 2020 and already outdated back then, though, which leads to posts like >>44544495.

>> No.44544571

she work hard enough to make you seethe.

>> No.44544987

But he's not wrong though?, she did delete her twitch channel exactly to "hide" her spiteful, whorish and edgy behavior

>> No.44545093

Ame is the leader but she delegates all the work to chimkin. And why wouldn't you pass the work along if you could?

>> No.44545124
File: 2.82 MB, 1070x1078, the laugh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjz28jp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't samefag your own point worse if you tried.

>> No.44545223 [DELETED] 

Little known fact: she actually deleted her stuff two times.
When she became a vtuber, she purged all of the flesh streamer content years ago.
When she joined Hololive she deleted all of her previous vtuber persona

>> No.44545553

Ame's the protagonist, not the leader.

>> No.44545584


>> No.44545722

literally everyone in that collab was shitting on him, it's not an achievement of any kind of Kiara's part
also if shitting on the male makes it okay then all Kronii's collabs with Vesper are apparently okay too

>> No.44546409

I am going to be honest with you, I do not hate Kronii, I know this may come as a shock to your schizo brain

>> No.44546530

Based Murrican and Canadian women just need to look pretty not be heard

>> No.44546668

Don't forget she is dragging out Gura

>> No.44548643

anon, my point was about how ina was somehow popular in myth and only mentioned being surpassed by ame in subs because the amesame boost, we all know that total subs dont do shit, ccv on everystream is more telling about fans interested in content if we forget about problematic timzones, at leats pay attention to our replies

>> No.44548734

as an spanish speaker, LA CREATIVIDAD sounds way too cringe, anyone responsible of that please stop.

>> No.44548821 [DELETED] 

First tell Ame to stop being a spic

>> No.44549060

So here's what i think:
The reason Kiara is throwing shade so much on Ame dince the improve yourself thing is probably because Ame is gradually losing viewers, membership and growth.
If Kiara passes her she won't be the runt of Myth anymore, it will be Ame.

>> No.44549146

no wonder why she gets along with mumei the best among all the council members

>> No.44549286


>> No.44550346

Yes, but i don't understand the people in her niche.
i always try come back to try her streams again for the takos, but it's so fucking boring 90% of the stream that i open something else on my other monitor. maybe i have adhd and thats why i became KFP.

>> No.44551396

>i open something else on my other monitor
But that's exactly it. All that Ina requires from a viewer to have a fulfilling experience is to listen to her and nothing else. You don't need to concern yourself with Hololive culture, antis, becoming a gachikoi or contributing in other ways to her success, she won't say things that challenge you, she's a blank slate and everyone is free to enjoy her as they wish. I became a KFP because I like to get deeply involved with the person of my interest and Kiara is a treasure trove in that aspect, with her personality, her history and with how much she lets her fans get close to her, but for casualfags, that's a big hurdle they need to jump.
Think about it this way: in anime conventions, there's a group performing the Hare Hare Yukai dance. How many are involved with the group and how many are just watching from a distance with their arms crossed. Not even thinking about the choreo or the enthusiasm the dancers have, just merely watching, maybe hoping for an upskirt incident or something, but no deeper thoughts than that.

But for the record, ever since Ina came back, she's been highly enjoyable to watch, so I'm inclined to believe that she'd be a good entertainer if not for her roommate being perpetually busy and leaving Ina tired and without new stories to talk about.

>> No.44551649

Ame is too busy recruiting new Tempus members.

>> No.44551809

Her pussy does all of the recruitment

>> No.44551940

Actually caring about your work and trying to organize things is enough to make you the leader of any EN vtuber group.

>> No.44552024
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Wait so is the meat at KFP her meat and she just revives each time because Phoenix?

>> No.44552639
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Red Ranger: Kiara
Black Ranger: Mori
Blue Ranger: Ina
Yellow Ranger: Ame
Green/Pink Ranger: Gura
Based on personality archetypes, not design.

>> No.44554451

She debuted

>> No.44555848

She’ll be hated again soon enough when she collabs with ironmouse

>> No.44557347

Kiara is the natural leader, all of the girls admitted that Kiara is the only one that tard wrangles them to get things done and to actually make content
Kiara has publicly tard wrangled the girls on many different occasions

>> No.44557419

Never underestimate the japanese, they have gassed up ina whether she wants it or not

>> No.44557499

That's an actual historical phrase you cultureless mexican zoomer

>> No.44557567

this is true but people don't want to accept it, zme has been phoning it in ever since the tempus drama, kiara has been completely carrying the gen

>> No.44557668

I really don't understand why she wants to collab with Ironmouse, it's just opening herself up to all the worst parts of twitch

>> No.44557716

is it true she whored around for clout in japan when she was a teen?

>> No.44558041

not a zoomer and also not mexican, oh is taht because i can speak spanish? talking about cultureless

>> No.44558230

Ame herself said she did that in her zatsu after...

>> No.44558346

Ironmouse is friends with Mori. Kiara is friends with Mori. It makes sense they'd want to collab. I wouldn't be surprised if they already talk on discord.

>> No.44558467

If you think Mousey is the worst parts of Twitch, you have absolutely no idea what the worst parts of Twitch are like.
Good for you, honestly.

>> No.44558885

ame a shit

>> No.44559033

the runt has been Calli for at least half a year now
>but muh dead subs
yeah, no

>> No.44560554

Let me guess you'll post that outdated image next? How about you post the February CCV image instead? Or the fact Mori beat both Kiara and Ame with the recent showcases? You won't because it proves not only that Kiara is the runt but she's the only Myth who is losing to a niji.

>> No.44562026
File: 814 KB, 1284x1796, 33286931-D3DB-4B05-85F9-FDDC78B70184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is despised, no one likes her music she is a laughing stock. A walking punchline used to shame all vtuber related music. The only time she is mentioned is to compare someone in a worst musical ability contest.

>> No.44562262

By the others not giving a fuck

>> No.44562268

Literally who? Go back to Twitter with your cropped screen caps faggot.

>> No.44562333

It usually happens, when everybody ese steps down

>> No.44562393

Calli is doing great, she just has viewers spread in all timezones. She probably has among the highest JP audiences in EN

>> No.44562561

Ina will be the leader if Cover ever wants to try the Chink market again.

>> No.44562708

Ina is the glue that makes them work together by dampening the impact of potential cringe; "the chill girl isn't taking it seriously, and just having a laugh, maybe I should too"

>> No.44562947

>men are easy, just be nice to them
Simple as.

>> No.44563257

>Ninomae "are you enjoying your life you watch anime girls play video games? heh, didn't think so fucking loser LMAO" Ina'nis
>nice to men

>> No.44564002

Cope cuckbeat, she is the worst.

>> No.44564139
File: 808 KB, 1284x2145, 76ACC2A2-F4E7-415D-8EEE-2F9D68091768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44564225
File: 1.12 MB, 1284x2124, A044280E-E0C9-4EF9-9655-D8517BF64C39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another since you like them so much.

>> No.44566794

>their numbers post doesn't work anymore so they have to rely on twitter posts

>> No.44570170


>> No.44571271

Anon, her coworker silvervale and her friend pikamee got harassed by the vshojo fanbase
These weren't all random people on twitter, this is the audience vshojo cultivated
The reason why kiara would collab is just the simple fact that she likes marketing herself, it's as toe deep as that, Kiara hasn't collabed with Nyanners since for a reason, it wasn't valuable overall for her channel and Nyanners wasn't interesting to collab with
Ironmouse would be even worse, every speak of the devil goes exactly the same, boring way because IM has become a shell of her former self after just phoning it in since getting over 1l CCV
The reason why her collabs with connor seem interesting at all, is because of how leech happy he is to make content off of her

In a collab with Kiara, it will just be ironmouse saying how much she loves kiara's performances and how much she wishes she could see her in person but can't 10x, she will just say how sad Kiara's life is while Kiara says,'Nonono, my life isn't as bad as what happened to you!'
It will be awful

>> No.44571915

they finally caught on abort mission abort mission!!!!

>> No.44572126

How many threads will it take, KFP?

>> No.44572520

If this is one of those "fanbase mimics the chuuba" things, they'll keep going even after it's basically been spelled out to them that it won't work because they think they'd be "letting the haters win" if they stopped.

>> No.44573371

If you think that you either haven't watched Kiara or enough of her. Kiara tends to dig information out of others in collabs just to keep from having dead air. This collab might actually turn out good now that I think about it.

>> No.44573461

dw anon it'll be a kino collab

>> No.44573578

>Anon, her coworker silvervale and her friend pikamee got harassed by the vshojo fanbase
>These weren't all random people on twitter, this is the audience vshojo cultivated
I fully acknowledge and agree with this, and I repeat that this isn't nearly the worst Twitch has to offer.

>> No.44576103

I just hate vshojo talents, and IM is no exception. Never saw the appeal. "OMG bubble-girl! how dare you disrespect her!"
Whatever, she's a basic single mom.
