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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44515464 No.44515464 [Reply] [Original]

Now that it's confirmed Pikamee planned her graduation before any of the Harry Potter shit, how will you justify your mass shooting now, /vt/? How many pages of your manifesto will you need to change? Be specific.

>> No.44515602

Nice damage control

>> No.44515610 [DELETED] 

dont care. trannies stole a month of her away from us either way. they bullied her for no reason other than they are dysgenic faggots wearing dresses.

>> No.44515767
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>Be specific.

>> No.44516245

No one believe your lies Kotakutroon

>> No.44516255

>inb4 Gyari or Pomu
Nope. Glow harder.

>> No.44516281

Yeah I'm gonna do a mass shooting...

... of semen into my cum sock tonight

>> No.44516526

Place your bets now for how long this one stays up, considering it's an obvious troll thread.

>> No.44516628 [DELETED] 

>how will you justify your mass shooting now
dad voted for biden

>> No.44516673

Why would Pomu lie about being messaged in January?

>> No.44516779

inb4 "REEE tranny management coverup!! she is deflecting! she is lying!!!!"

>> No.44516952

There's no need to justify anything like that, you just do it to rid the world of suck hateful pieces of shit. You're missing the point, which is that those freaks bullied a little girl that only wanted to have fun playing a video game based off one of her favorite movie series.

>> No.44517185

Nothing have changed and nothing will change, also there's no confirmation of anything, you could argue that Pikamee was contemplating graduation but that's about it, is like if a kid killed himself because he got bullied at school and everyone was like "well, his life was already shit, it wasn't the bullies fault".

>> No.44517234
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Official paper ? Source ? You have none ?
Then it isn't confirmed.

There no need to justify. They bullied Pikamee, harassed her, and that made her leave.
Fuck them.
I still lack understanding on how USA can be so calm about them and there is no whole cult about getting rid of poison hair people.

>> No.44517250

They'll turn on her when she debuts for Vshojo.

>> No.44517293

Don’t care I still hate trannies

>> No.44517301

>Child rapists defend child rapists
You do realize American politics is deciding which child raping pedophile you want in power?

>> No.44517411 [DELETED] 
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OP on the right side.

>> No.44517444

Based as always Mr. Chud

>> No.44517487
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Wear a dress
cmon you can so do it
no one will know

>> No.44517537

Incel meetup was fake but the one on the right was real

>> No.44517620 [DELETED] 

mass shootings are based and if anything, americans should unleash even more hell upon their schoolchilren with bombs and semi automatic rifles while the rest of the world waits eagerly for the grainy fuckin CCTV footage to show up on liveleak. anyway, sorry about what happened to the vtuber, or my condolences or whatever, or congratulations

>> No.44517645

Glow back.

>> No.44517704 [DELETED] 

>I still lack understanding on how USA can be so calm about them and there is no whole cult about getting rid of poison hair people
Same reason we're so defeatist when it comes to our politics: there's not much we can do at this point. It hardly ever manifests in the real world in any really obnoxious way, and the terminally online shitters are effectively a hydra since it's a combination of actually mentally-ill people, trolls, and bots.

>> No.44517709

The only rights trannies deserve are their last rites before being executed by firing squad.

>> No.44517752

No forgiveness.

>> No.44517816

Until page 10. It's a fedpost asking for people to do something to make the anti-bullies look bad. Since this is positive for the jannies, they'll keep it up.

>> No.44517940

Just like Coco left Holo because she wanted to and not because of the taiwan incident right? Since Cover said she quit by her own accord.

>> No.44518198

delete it, you shit-reeking pinworm-infested demon

>> No.44518238

Is the tranniecaust in the room with us right now, OP?

>> No.44518315

I don't care if anything was planned beforehand or not.
Twitter tranny activists are such a fucking plague that I'll still continue to shit all over them regardless of the reason.

>> No.44518379

what are pinworms? what do they look like?

>> No.44518471

fake news

>> No.44518571

why not?

>> No.44518706 [DELETED] 

Mr.Fed was 4chan down because someone was murdered? Can you give us any details? Was it connected to the dox of of the harassers?

>> No.44519008

Ah yes. Lets ignore all the times she said she absolutely loved streaming and doing what she does. *those* are lies. Quitting right after getting pushed to cancel a *comeback* stream now those are just coincidences!

>> No.44519138 [DELETED] 

troomy mods were being doxxed in the shitcord, if anyone gets shot hopefully it'll be the kike jannies that got their addresses leaked

they literally locked the whole site so the trannymods wouldn't be outed as disgusting faggots

>> No.44519230

Do they really not use IRC anymore?
What the fuck is the world coming to?

>> No.44519428 [DELETED] 

>trannies harass Pikamee to tears and make her cancel a stream
It's irrelevant whether she planned her graduation before, during, or after she was harassed. Trannies get the rope. Mostly from themselves kek

>> No.44519532

it's disgusting how the meidos and jannies don't bother to hide their true colours

>> No.44520128

CPAC just called for TTD a few days ago.

>> No.44520255

>there's not much we can do at this point
Leftists developed a winning strategy for cultural subversion. They gradually entrench themselves in positions of authority and then when enough of them are in power they just start doing whatever the fuck they want with impunity. The only way to oust them is for normies to start literally mass murdering them in the streets and that's obviously not going to happen. Leftists won by forcing their opponents in to a situation where the only way to beat leftism is so extreme that it isn't even an option.

>> No.44520299

The extremism doesn't have to be violent. Just total non-compliance.

>> No.44520323

>how will you justify your mass shooting now,
I will not shoot anybody glowie
But my hatred stays exactly the same

>> No.44520428 [DELETED] 

>She'd talked about graduating but didn't have a concrete date yet.
>Your subhuman behavior pushed her into a month-long vacation.
>Comeback to a graduation notice that blindsided the management.
You're not innocent, axe-wound. Stop pretending otherwise.

>> No.44520432


>> No.44520534

damage control cope-posting trannies

>> No.44521032 [DELETED] 

kinda sad to see how this community acts when a group of people bully your idol off the internet.
i thought i would have seen days of rage.
i thought i would have seen a push back.
i thought the vtuber group of all people would fight back.

but the rage lasted for a day.... kinda pathetic you let the troons and their 'allies' win.

>> No.44521112

learn subtlety, glownig

>> No.44521140

>Why would someone with a conflict of interest lie?

>> No.44521229

No need to react violently against a group that takes themselves out. All we need to do is hold stronger stances of zero tolerance and letting them know they're not welcomed in our spaces. Instead of rage, we need to no longer be afraid to speak up.

>> No.44521233

I only plan to shoot myself

>> No.44521236 [DELETED] 

Because anon a known /b/ whore would never lie I mean even then Niji in and of its self is a bastion of honesty and truth in the vtuber community let alone no one in the history of the world has ever pandered to a new demographic to try and gain support for themselves

>> No.44521245

>Why would Pomu lie
Do you want the entire list or just the most recent shit?

>> No.44521315

You're the type of person who also thinks the 2020 election was stolen, aren't you?

>> No.44521360

See I told you >>44516779

>> No.44521361

vtubers fans are full of cucks so it's no wonder
they have not won a single battle against antis

>> No.44521407

If you're not retarded or completely new you know she's just reincarnating a week after graduation anyway.

>> No.44521427 [DELETED] 


>> No.44521456

>still no proof

>> No.44521461 [DELETED] 

The 2020 election was a collusion on both sides to rile up everyone and distract from the incoming economic situation in order to keep the status quo.
No one actually gets elected.

>> No.44521489
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Oh boy, here comes the "lied about AR Live not being cancelled" shitpost again

>> No.44521511

terrible larp try again

>> No.44521515

Liveleak has been gone for a while, sadly.

>> No.44521533

Yeah, no proof that she is lying.

>> No.44521551
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>> No.44521660

>Anykara has a spotless record of honesty
And other entrancing flavors of Kool-Aid

There is no answer for this.

>> No.44521719

Anykara has a record of rescheduling concerts, so not seeing the lie.

>> No.44521738

DYRBI? I don't care what anyone says, even Pikamee herself, there's no way this was all a coincidence.

>> No.44521747

subtlety? the vtubers are not known for their subtlety... you guys have given up just like all the other conflicts that happen.
while true they tend to off themselves, but that's only the troons, what about the 'allies' who are the majority of the people who bullied her? you're doing NOTHING.
agreed, if this won't ryle them up to fight back then nothing will and many more vtubers will be bullied until they graduate.
wow, this is the most retarded answer i have read in a long time and i go on /pol/... wow this caught me off guard.
remember the happiness these troons and 'allies' took away for her and US!

>> No.44521812

You suck at your job.

>> No.44521826

Do they give you an un-spellchecker in fed training or do they just hire people this dumb?

>> No.44521848
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>> No.44521877

It hurts

>> No.44522117

Confirmed? more like cope that trannies are all harmless and kind people that can do no wrong.

>> No.44522224

your oshi is next but sure keep watching like a cuck

>> No.44522241

That's just a lie so pikamee can graduate with a cleaner slate for any future endeavours.

>> No.44522303 [DELETED] 
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Go get the rope and hang yourself tranny

>> No.44522327

>she was gonna graduate anyway (don't worry if it was gonna be in June and not March or if this is even true)
>this also somehow excuses the harassment campaign

lol lmao

>> No.44522444 [DELETED] 

It's great how these worthless mentally ill fucks think they can backtrack and say "oh we didn't cause her graduation so you can't be made at us" as if they didn't bully her in the first place. I expected nothing less from professional victims that are also narcissistic to a psychotic degree. They made their bed and now they're terrified of laying in it.

>> No.44522448

Not one of you niggers regularly watched Pikamee.

>> No.44522483 [DELETED] 

In a sane country, all LGBT people would be boiled and skinned alive for the public to see

>> No.44522573

In a perfect world, troons and fags would not exist but this is not a perfect world

>> No.44522632

I blame americucks for this

>> No.44522761

Again, try not throwing the whole fishing pole into the water. You're just scaring the fish away.

>> No.44522762


>> No.44522984 [DELETED] 
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>could have gone out on a high note having fun with her viewers for the last month(s) of her activites as Pikamee
>instead gets bullied out of playing a game she was anticipating and has to deal with vitriolic trolls and grifters

I am not emotional about the fact the twitter freaks are trannies or tranny adjacent. But I am emotional about the fact someone laid their hands on my Oshi. And no amount of backpedaling, sob suicide stories or scrubbing of history by trannys can repay that transgression.

>> No.44522996 [DELETED] 

>this thread stayed but other threads got deleted
why is 4chan trannies friendly now? are they that powerful?

>> No.44523014

Looking at deleted posts in the archive, the sheer seething on display is impressive.

>> No.44523059 [DELETED] 

then go outside and do something
all medias are controlled by them but outside world isn't

>> No.44523081

Like another anon said above, this is a glowtrap thread and they have to leave it up.

>> No.44523165

All going outside will do is get you vilified. I'd rather just comb through their posting histories and expose their vile natures. A dead troon is a martyr; all you really need to do is destroy their social standing and let nature take its course.

>> No.44523283

This thread still alive?

>> No.44523516

Of course it is. It was probably made by one of the janny trannys.

>> No.44523565

a post too based for this board

>> No.44523612 [DELETED] 

>She planned her graduation before
>So it was no issue that she got harrassed for wanting to play a video game
Your logic was always flawed to begin with

1. Buy game and money goes to JK (maybe)
2. ????
3. Trans and jewish people get genocided

>> No.44523707

Anyone who says "she would have graduated anyway" or anything similar needs to rope themselves.

>> No.44523895 [DELETED] 

Graduation or not, I still missed her throughout all of January and was willing to sit through a Faggy Potter stream as long as it meant I could watch my daughteru having fun. Troons undeniably forced her to cancel that so they will pay and do you know why? Because those genetic dead ends were eventually going to kill themselves anyway.

>> No.44523994 [DELETED] 
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The only ones that get [Deleted] are ones shitting on the trannies, anything running cover for them or even shitting on Pikamee stays up. Probably just the tranny janny who came from reddit thinking it can astroturf like they do there.

>> No.44524004 [DELETED] 

good try trannie, dont you have some kids to groom?

>> No.44524021

I will do naked dogoza next thread

>> No.44524065

Turns out we learned what step 2 is
>Trans attack innocent people for trying to play a game
Turns out the 41% really are that suicidal since this is all self-inflicted

>> No.44524071

>Now that it's confirmed Pikamee planned her graduation before
He believes it, so easy to manipulate sheeps.

>> No.44524119 [DELETED] 

Trannies aren't known for being intelligent, they believe they can become real women for crying out loud. They're mentally retarded on top of being mentally ill.
