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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44450660 No.44450660 [Reply] [Original]

Is Pippa the most hateable Vtuber on the planet?

>> No.44450708

that would be lumi

>> No.44450962

All pink women are overhated and actually kinda good. That includes reaper, cat and rabbit. Unironically.

>> No.44451057

She does this on purpose.

>> No.44451067

Hated by whom? if what you mean is "that" community then yes.

>> No.44451130

She is friend with Mori

>> No.44451181

she bent the knee so now both sides hate her
sasuga dumb rabbit

>> No.44451327 [DELETED] 


>> No.44451566
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>The most loveable Vtuber on the planet

>> No.44452051

are you upset that she won't play pretend with you?

>> No.44452657
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>> No.44452804

what did she do?

>> No.44453002
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>now both sides hate her
Good. I just wanna grill and shitpost for gods sake.

>> No.44453223

Only twitter freaks hate pippa.

>> No.44453428

>ignore wizard game drama except for saying silver doesn't deserve bully
>doesn't play wizard game cause not a hp fan
>"omg she's a trans ally and hates her chud audience"
>pikamee bullied into graduation
>decides to play wizard game as a fuck you to "Twitter freaks"
>"omg she's a based tranny hater just like me"
>refunds game after an hour cause it's shit
>management puts out statement on her Twitter saying not to use her as a poster to attack people with for their identities
>"omg she was grifting you chuds all along and is actually le trans ally"
Culture was fags inserting drama into the yabbit wanting to dunk on Twitter bullies. Obviously she doesn't want to be a culture war martyr, but also obviously she knows full well that the Twitter bullies are all trannies. Inserted herself into the drama thinking she could keep the tranny part ambiguous. This would allow her to make a statement on the drama without explicitly taking a side in the culture war around it. But culture war fags gonna culture war and management has to step in and try to defuse the situation.
tl;dr basically,
>woman moment

>> No.44453591 [DELETED] 
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Depends on if you belong to a certain community

>> No.44453775

You mean the community she just put out a statement defending?

>> No.44453955

Has that ever stopped them before?

>> No.44454110 [DELETED] 

thats not nyanners

while pippa offended some trannies and kikes its really low level drama
after all the shit i heard about her i expected right wing destiny with vtuber avatar
what i got was a 20? year old nerdy girl with the most basic normie libertarian takes, shes nothing compared to most indies or the skanks at vshojo

buckled under the pressure from trannies

>> No.44454767

Not even close

>> No.44455000

This. She's so harmless as far as politics go, it's hilarious people always throw a hissyfit when she opens her mouth.

>> No.44455303
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>Still in denial.
Pippafags we should be friends not fighting each other.

>> No.44455302

They're not used to a female on the internet even slightly espousing views similar to their own publicly. That's how policed speech is online that anything that is viewed as not progressive/lefty is called rightwing or Nazi.

>> No.44455566

Now i want a collab with Pippa, Nyanners and Mori just to /vt/ freak out even more

>> No.44455625

Yeah I saw the statement and couldn't find anything about her supporting troons, if anything this was a basic statement saying to not use her name due to brand and reputation damages. We all know Pippa visits this place, we know what she really thinks.

>> No.44455770

You're too invested in this man

>> No.44455856

And we all know how that's going to end, right? This happened to a certain pink cat girl once and it's bound to happen again.

>> No.44455967

Did she support Silvervale when the lunatics came for her?

>> No.44456137

Plenty of vtubers are hateable
All of Niji EN

There's a huge list

>> No.44456220

She knew what she was doing. She's a grifter and her plan backfired.

>> No.44456226

What did she do?

>> No.44456257

There is good reason why sseth nuked his discord. Twice. /vpol/niggers are insufferable.

>> No.44456526

She's one of those that cucks her fans, gets mad at them, throw shade, lies and expects her audience to eat it up.
That's from what i've seen on the soundposts in different threads, plenty of fans left her too.

>> No.44456564

All she did was play the Hogwarts Game, there's nothing wrong with that.
>muh grifting
High level mental gymnastics to make this some great moral failing. If Hasan and those other twitch weirdos hadn't brought it up, no one would be talking about it.

>> No.44456949

Oh so she pandeers to her sane fanbase, gotcha.

>> No.44456980

I like how you try to leave out the context and pretend she just played the game because she likes it and wanted to. Like she didn't say previously she would never play it and hates Harry Potter. Almost as if she only played it to make a statement but then bent the knee when the big cuck streamers brought the tranny horde onto her.

>> No.44457014

More like her cuckold fanbase if you call that sane

>> No.44457080 [DELETED] 

I hate all vtubers because I’m LGBTphobic

>> No.44457290

What would you want her to do? Potentially sabotage her career to make a point? Also, there is literally nothing wrong with playing a game just to piss people off. Nothing interesting happened here. It's a nothingburger.

>> No.44457308
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She didn't talk about it on stream for it to be clipped later if that's what your asking.
Not addressing drama is a good tip from future Pip, now Pippa should use it, as evidence from today.

>> No.44457628

The fact that you think this about the most altruistic person in HoloEN says more about you than about her anon. Stop eating catalog garbage for breakfast.

>> No.44457803 [DELETED] 

for mentioning trannies i got banned for a month and my post got deleted?
good to know jannies are trannies
trannies are such a plegue on the society, now can't watch even vtubbers without those fucked up freaks shitting everything up

>> No.44457958

>Potentially sabotage her career to make a point?
Is that not what she did by entering the hogwarts legacy discourse the way she did? Are you under the impression that statement made the trannies less angry or something? If anything all it did was reignite the flame while also throwing people under the bus who were on her side.

>> No.44458155

Depends on your perspective, but I'm going to say no, by a large margin.
If you just did a poll of the entire site, for example, most people are going to know who she is, but you're going to get a lot of people who aren't vtuber fans who still hate Nyanners.

>> No.44458160 [DELETED] 

>most hateable
that's uruha rushia aka nazuna aka mikeneko

>> No.44458600

I think most other people/boards forgot about Nyanners years ago, /vt/ only cares about her because she's an active streamer in the vtuber community.

>> No.44458659

>throwing people under the bus
Because she posted some nonsense like 'please don't attack anyone's identity, wink wink nudge nudge'? That's just typical corporate nonsense.
You mean shitflinging? The whole Thing was idiotic from the get go, why should anyone have to be very serious and responsible when talking about it?
Once again, show me the great moral failing on her part. At best you could argue she acted a little silly, hardly a great sin.

>> No.44458897

Lumi says shit like "I'd rather kill myself than get fat".
Pippa would maybe say stuff like that, but they put 10 disclaimers and post about it on social media how she didnt mean that fat people are worthless and no one should shame them for it. etc.

>> No.44458967

Enna for me. That girl is pure cancer.

>> No.44459261

>anime girl streaming games
there's is no cucking involved. there's no cucking involved in any streaming.

>> No.44459304

My point is simply she should not have entered an extremely toxic politically charged discourse in the first place if she was going to immediately regret it

>> No.44459444
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There was issue with rust

>> No.44459509

Many such cases

>> No.44459548 [DELETED] 

>use /pol/-4chan lingo
>be involved with residual e-celebs from the Gamergate/2016 era
>be involved with the bane of internet trannies, Kiwifarms via Ethan Ralph
>taunt trannies and take opportunity from Pikamee's situation to get more viewers
>Fishman realizes she's a potential liability to his business so he bonks her on the head and forces her to put a turbo-generic corporate statement.

She's now on the trannies radar meaning that it will have a chilling effect on her behavior from now on. Taunt the whirlwind, reap the storm.

howling even

>> No.44459571

Do not trust or fuck the yellow women

>> No.44459756 [DELETED] 

>noooo it wasn’t actually her!! It was just management!!!!
Retard. Pippa has supported lgbt shit for ages. She was never based

>> No.44460013

Silence is violence, brother. You gotta speak up and tell the troons to fuck off, else they're going to weasel themselves into your hobbies.

>> No.44460151

What can be done to keep them away besides calling them out on social media?

>> No.44460293

Keep it neutral, dont pander to /pol/fags and stop posting lgbt propaganda. Just play games like the JP side does and completely disregard fringetwitter.
Its really not that hard, people like Pippa and most of NijiEN just make it hard on purpose for clout.

>> No.44460324

>Use the trannies to get more viewers who oppose trannies
>Immediately make statement swearing fealty to troonhood

>> No.44460438

See, thinking like that is why you're working retail at your age. There's risk, yes, but this could have led to cult leader status if played correctly.

>> No.44460541 [DELETED] 
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Pippa's been friends with a tranny for years why do you care that your ''le heckin' based ANIME GURL :D'' is faking it? All you pippacucks know she has a boyfriend and your excuse was ''I don't care so long as she pretends to be single on stream.'' This is the exact same situation, she'll throw you some BASED comments on stream but she's not committing to it on twitter.

>> No.44460662

It's her work account, it counts.

>> No.44460782

Nyanners was never edgy you retard, even back when she posted loli shit.

>> No.44460872 [DELETED] 
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>All you pippacucks know she has a boyfriend
who's the vtuber you think is your girlfriend. imagine giving a fuck about some streamers private life teehee.

>> No.44460946 [DELETED] 

The vtuber I watch hasn't held hands with him on stream and gushed over how big and strong he is anon. That's an exclusive bonus for you pippacucks :).

>> No.44460995

That's because you don't support any of these streamers

>> No.44461088

Mikeneko exist

>> No.44461097

because when Lumi says that people just laugh, when Pippa says that her fans start hunting down fatties

>> No.44461122

stop being fucking insane. it's a fucking avatar making entertainment no different from any other media. get a job and find a woman and stop being a fat ass.
i spit on you faggots.

>> No.44461238

>overacting the "4chan shitposter" character
>overacting the ameritard humour "glowie and shooter"
>overacting the "based and redpilled" persona
It's natural that when she suddenly shows how she's the opposite of what she makes everyone believe, everyone will start dislike her and feel used.

>> No.44461326

>Taunt the lolcows, reap the mooooooo.

>> No.44461327 [DELETED] 

>Forced to do naked dogeza and fellate tranny cock every time it is required


>> No.44461431 [DELETED] 

Pipkin Pippa says Trans Rights!

>> No.44461996

I've just never found much interest in Pippa.

>> No.44462105
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I wonder if you could edit this to be Pippa

>> No.44462170

Not even by a mile. If she was actually aware of the damage being caused maybe it would be different. But no, she's just a dumb bunny on the internet. And we live in a time of worship of the dumb anthropomorphic creatures through the wire so good for her.

>> No.44462183

do you really belieb?

>> No.44462269


>> No.44462478

>unhinged contrarian that does whatever people hate the most
unfathomably based

>> No.44463137 [DELETED] 

You're the cuck watching a vtuber remind you how much of a virgin she is while her boyfriend sits in bed eating pizza you paid for anon.

>> No.44463189

Nyanners hasn't been entertaining in a long time

>> No.44463306

Hasn't recovered since she told her fans to improve themselves and they left her, kiara even made fun of her in a collab and said
>hey girls, before we tell anyone else to improve themselves, we have a lot of improving to do ourselves

>> No.44463566

see what
i don't pay for free shit online. i'm not retarded. i'm not watching vtubers reminding something about virginity.
i'm watching vtubers playing games and being funny.
that's all there is. that's what it ever was.
everything else you add to it is just your delusions.

>> No.44463642

Who the fuck cares what she says at this point?

>> No.44463654 [DELETED] 

erm check twitter chuddy, pippakistan is a hate-free zone.

>> No.44463725

nothing, she has had dedicated schizos here since day one and they desperately post the same threads every day trying to get traction in-spite of very vocal support in the generals.

>> No.44463757


>> No.44463800
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this is exactly correct. its why gura is untouchable. she just totally ignores twitter and drama and trannies fucking hate her for it.

>> No.44463870 [DELETED] 
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>> No.44463931

I don’t think she would care. The one that told her to stop was her manager.

>> No.44463987

What's the weight of these people's opinions anyways? They're maybe only making fun for themselves and ignoring everything that isn't interested in them.

>> No.44463989
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No. People make mistakes, but some people make bigger mistakes than others.

>> No.44464072


I can't imagine why you would ever want to post on twatter.

>> No.44464453

No, she panders to unironic yes men. She is not open to any kind of criticism, even well meaning one, from her long time fans.
She is literally a "whateva, whateva, I do what I want!" type of a western woman.
There are some giant pieces of shit in this world who are huge altruists, at least on paper. Tax deduction through charity is a thing you know.
I agree, but the fact that hololive wanted to replicate jp idol culture, and then throw everything under a bus when they tried to replicate luxiems success is beyond scummy. Amelia is especially a cunt (and Mori) with how they approach the situation. Ame was basically like "Yeah, this is what we do now, fuck off if you dont like it".
I wont watch them anymore not because I feel cucked by a stranger, but purely out of princilple because chasing trends and potential short term profits are more important than the loyalty of their fans.
And what for? So that 2 out of 8 guys they debuted can do kiiiiiiiiiinda well.
"Due to popular demand" my ass. Most of them are stuck in a 3view shitter hell.

>> No.44464545

If by hateable you mean I want to hate fuck her... then yeah probably

>> No.44464586

Isn't that her whole shtick?

>> No.44464623

the sign just says "do not use my name to attack people" there's no deeper meaning on that statement.
But yeah culture war types are unhinged.

>> No.44464695

She's not wrong, if i was a famous vtuber i wouldn't want to be related with the racist schizos from 4chan

>> No.44464710 [DELETED] 

In her New Years stream, Pippa said, "I think Greta Thunberg and Kyle Rittenhouse are both plants by the CIA to keep people distracted."

I thought about why she would single out those two specifically, and it occurred to me: Greta Thunberg and Kyle Rittenhouse are PR disasters for global warming and BLM/antifa respectively. So, if you're a true believer in those causes, you have to cope somehow that these are fake, that they're "distractions" from the real importance of those causes.

Here's Pippa applying that exact astroturf logic to, of all the stupid and inconsequential things, Just Stop Oil.

"An oil baroness" - THIS is the kind of conspiracy theory that she spends time thinking about.

I think her authentic politics is that she's kind of a bleeding heart and kind of a treehugger. Regular woman stuff, basically.

>> No.44464849

collabed with a male
mentioned males on stream
that's enough to get antis now

>> No.44464886 [DELETED] 

total groyper death

>> No.44465012

If only it was just that

>> No.44465051


>I think her authentic politics is that she's kind of a bleeding heart and kind of a treehugger. Regular woman stuff, basically.

Yeah she's just an explorer into these spaces and gets a lot of attention from guys desperate for a woman to even attempt to "understand" them without realizing she's just fishing for views.

You are the paypiggie.

>> No.44465305
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>twitter schizos seething because wizard game
>/pol/cels seething because PR statement
Just this once I'll kneel to Pippa

>> No.44465372


Who is actually seething though? I think it's just been a lot of funposting.

>> No.44465454

gaming the clout economy by putting all eyes on her
the more she gets spammed in the catalog the more people subconsciously accept she's on the same level as pekora

>> No.44465455 [DELETED] 


why the fuck is kyle rittenhouse a blm pr disaster? him beating his case would be, but if anything the retards he shot would be the pr disaster

>> No.44465553 [DELETED] 
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have fun going through it

>> No.44465607


How many of those are fake profiles to gaslight?

>> No.44466638
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Why? so pink cat and a her uber simps can throw me under the bus again? Nah, keep your corner.

>> No.44466972 [DELETED] 

Fuck this bitch. Her boyfriend is a pedophile.

>> No.44467413
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Pink woman unity love!

>> No.44468014

I hope Jim rolls in his grave if he ever sees this, what a pathetic little faggot she is. Bitch should never bring Jim’s name up again, not with that attitude

>> No.44468017

they dont.
someone thats having regular beef with fatties anyways just incorporates the clip into his repertoire.

>> No.44468578

is she a loli now?

>> No.44469160

Why does nyan hate the Pip?

>> No.44469203

Successful cult leaders aren't female. Also, a cult made up of basic ancap neets probably isn't gonna do much either way.

>> No.44469604

>"Twitter freaks that equate playing a game as some grand statement about trannies are fucking insane and deserve the rope"
>Equate her playing the game as some grand statement against trannies and get mad when she says it's not
Do you realize you are literally the same person as those faggots or are you just in too deep to see it?

>> No.44469990

>Literally the same person
Oh, how right you are.

>> No.44470738

>No, she panders to unironic yes men.
Just like her idol Asmongold.

>> No.44470794
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>> No.44470922

The anon you replied to paraphrased it perfectly, the tweet said "don't attack peoples' identities" not "don't attack people". Learn how to read

>> No.44470994
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Only if you're one of those cockroaches.

>> No.44471129


>don't you know if you have an opinion on something it makes you the exact same as the people that hate you

>> No.44471302

Nyan hates looking in the mirror

>> No.44471326
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Theres nothing good about Mori

>> No.44471338

She sees that subcount skyrocketing.

>> No.44471365


She knows she betrayed the people who made her and can't stop to self-reflect without having a mental breakdown.

>> No.44471415

The problem is they do not. People shouldn't harass vtubers, trannies are included in that, but for fucking /vt/ of all places to be virulently anti-bullying is hilarious and delusional. I'll believe it next time if I can see people here trying to not be cunts, but it's too intoxicating not to. There's another Mori thread, don't you want to call her fat and annoying for 37 posts? Just don't think about the hypocrisy and you'll be fine.

>> No.44471547


I just look at it as funposting and being juuuuust abrasive enough that tranny jannies don't intervene. It's like a little minigame. I don't take anyone's opinion seriously here and conversely don't care what anyone thinks about mine.

>> No.44471653

>we know what she really thinks.
"I bet I could make some easy money off these tards?"

>> No.44471718

When it's the same opinion, yes

>> No.44471799

Talking shit about someone who's actively a cunt because of her mommy issues is different from sending death threats to an innocent girl who has trauma from bullying and wants to be left alone

>> No.44471843

Damn, based Kiara

>> No.44471894

Still hasn't donated 'to the cause' has she?

>> No.44472107 [DELETED] 


>nooooo you can't think about something you have to let the tv or an eceleb tell you how to react!

>> No.44472365

What the fuck are you even on about? You completely agree with the people you are mad at, that's literally it. Just because you can't find the appropriate buzzword to blame this on doesn't change that.

>> No.44472528


Sorry but that claim has been debunked.

>> No.44472592

Only the extremists though, which might be a good thing.

>> No.44472801

post the sound version.

>> No.44472808
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Did Kiara really said that? holy kek based, i want a timestamp.
I know that Kiara always throw shade at Watson but i thought it was less savage like this.

>> No.44472871

Pippa would still be a 2 views if she did that. Instead now she's streaming to 2-5k people and getting hundreds in SC's per stream.

>> No.44473105

Why even issue that statement, should have just carried on streaming as normal and in a week the troons and dysgenic breadtube faggots will have found a new fixation like they always do. What a fucking blunder she should know better than this.

>> No.44473124

I think Kiara has the blessing and curse of being rude, on account of being an Austrian ESL. She usually isn’t purposefully malicious about it but she says and phrases things that due to politeness anglos wouldn’t say to friends or coworkers.
It was one of the things that got her hate when myth was new.

>> No.44473205 [DELETED] 


>> No.44473265
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>> No.44473271

I'm pretty sure nobody can be so oblivious to being malicious to this extent. It has purpose on it.
But she's still based either way since she only does it to the bad ones.

>> No.44473274

Austrians are culturally very blunt. They'll tell you if you look like an idiot. I honestly wish people here were more like that

>> No.44473306


Kiara has THE thinnest skin of any vtuber, why the hell she'd throw shade is beyond me. She literally had her cucks and even went herself to harass a clipper who clipped HER OWN WORDS saying "No, you took it out of context! How dare you!"

>> No.44473341

Anyone upset at this is a retard that doesn't watch her in the first place.

>> No.44473350 [DELETED] 

fishman fears the troons

>> No.44473379

I actually hate Pippa now

>> No.44473466

Besides her yesmen, everyone will take this as an admission of guilt.

>> No.44473475


I know it makes you seethe but it's entirely reasonable to ask you to not use her as a rallying point for your gay troon war.


Oh nevermind she bent the knee continue hating her.

>> No.44473497

I appreciate her for calling out shitty dancing.
What is this clipper you are talking about?

>> No.44473559

This, anyone that watches her knows she's a lefty that likes to conspiracy-pander. There has been so much evidence posted to confirm this only an outsider wouldn't know

>> No.44473560

>Folds the second Hasan and Vaush take notice
Fucking coward

>> No.44473562

cope, Pippa is a bronie and embraces the LGBT community. She just hates twitter cockroaches like Silvervale.

>> No.44473612

Germanoid 'tism...

>> No.44473818

You want to post some of it then since most of us have no fucking idea about this chuuba and are just here for the drama as always

>> No.44473843 [DELETED] 

Can KFP for once shut up about Kiara. Your oshi thinks you are a fucking loser but that is ok because it is true haha funny banter but she always speaks her mind.

>> No.44473941 [DELETED] 

cuckmate not taking banter, maybe your oshi is truly untalented and retarded like she says

>> No.44474008

I don't have any issue with the message itself, only culture war tourists that should fuck off and kill themselves think otherwise, but this retard rabbit was the one who put herself in that position. She played HogLeg specifically to rile up the trannies and put her flag down against them, then she gets pissy when that attracts the sort of gormless people that get groomed by the feds to do mass shooting events, like that wasn't the obvious next step. She has to realize that even for a woman she's pretty dumb, and run her ideas by someone at least 20 IQ points smarter than she is.

>> No.44474050

Telling vtuber fans to improve themselves is a very risky idea because the most obvious improvement they can make is not being a vtuber fan.

>> No.44474081

She isn't the Vtuber we asked for , she is the Vtuber we need.

>> No.44474134

That one of the best parts of the "Improve yoyrself" quote, it has many layers.
Can be used against everyone too

>> No.44474139 [DELETED] 

Teacuck deflecting mods deleting retarded shitposts LMAO

>> No.44474162

>16k jump
i thought chuds turned on her, how can it be, sisters?

>> No.44474164

Capipis should be glad she's not the doormat Pick Me her detractors claim her to be.

>> No.44474174


You're the type of person that thinks they are intelligent but really isn't. You got psyopped into giving her attention for her poking drama and here you are talking about it.

Keep oinking little paypiggy.

>> No.44474176

You mean the most based?

>> No.44474206

Holy fucking based Chicken

>> No.44474221 [DELETED] 


Why are jannies so delicate on this board? I rarely see this obsessive of jannying outside of the dead boards where it's like 4 posters.

Janny fragility kek

>> No.44474351

There is a reason people call her a grifter. She says and does things to pander but doesn’t believe any of it and will instantly backtrack to safety so she can do it all over again. This is nothing new for her, people have known and stated it for ages, but the marks will make excuses until something makes it more than they can ignore.

>> No.44474374

Lurk more, people don't call her a grifter for no reason lol

>> No.44474380

They're just deleting a seacuck schizo larping as frollo, nothing to get mad over.

>> No.44474567

Funny how the later are worse than the former for calling her on her bullshit

>> No.44474669

>Give the retards who fucked over Pikamee ammunition.
What a fucking retard.

>> No.44474714
File: 155 KB, 1338x1277, 20230306_172258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken always has our backs

>> No.44474796 [DELETED] 

Hate to say it, but I WARNED YOU ALL

This is literally the same shit as when everyone on /v/ was like "I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HOW MAD THE TRANNIES GET WHEN THEY SEE BRIDGET". And look how that turned out.

You are up against the biggest, baddest, nastiest fucking enemy around. Any attack against these people needs to be treated like a fucking suicide run.

>> No.44474860

Reminder: qa lost

>> No.44474943
File: 748 KB, 512x512, really sad rosemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"All of Niji EN"
like 75% of them are harmless
why is Nijisanji the only group where every stupid thing someone like Enna does applies to the whole group
it's not fair

>> No.44474994

Nyan looked back at when she saw herself doing what Pippa is doing and hated herself for it, so she hates Pippa for being the better version of what she was, and Pippa unironically enjoying it makes her seeth even harder.

>> No.44475082

This is like the class sociopath tormenting a kid until that kid kills himself, the biggest kid in the class deciding to do something about it, and then that big kid coming in 2 days later and apologizing to the sociopath with the principal and his parents standing behind him.

>> No.44475183

Not just Enna.
All of your Niji "family" took part on that shitty parody of /vt/ Millie did

>> No.44475193 [DELETED] 

qa will be avenged, inshallah

>> No.44475303

Only half the branch.

>> No.44475427


What does that have to do with anything this is a board talking about vtubers

>> No.44475472

qa made you seethe so bad you nuked an enitre board lmao

>> No.44475501

>specifically to rile up the trannies
You and them are the only ones making that connection. Twitter people literally means people who bitch about nothing on twitter.

>> No.44475614

So trannies

>> No.44475628

So they still got btfo? Ok.
4chan kneeled
you will too
at best you will bark like a dog

>> No.44475657

Amelia was pro homo day one, stop saying stupid shit because your tourist dramafaggotry is showing. You are talking like she spammed 1v1 collabs when she didn't even do one, and was in like 3 group collabs counting the one she wasn't even invited in the first place.
>jp idol culture
You don't watch HoloJP

>> No.44475694

The horseshoe is real. Anyone upset at such a mundane notice from Pippa is just as mentally ill as any other sort of twitter freak

>> No.44475696 [DELETED] 

I still like her, but the Dane-meme is also litterally fr.

>> No.44475750

Nyanners is Egoraptor-tier now.

>> No.44475831


>if you have a view on something it means you're the same as the opposite opinion

watch out everyone 200 iq centrist coming through make way for his giant pulsing brain

>> No.44475833

She hates Feds so she's the best vtuber by default

>> No.44475899

According to her pinned Tweet, insinuating she hates feds is actually a ban-worthy offense.

>> No.44475962

I love that subtext only exists when it's convenient.

>> No.44475970

If your point is indistinguishable from low tier bait then you don't have much of an argument.

>> No.44475977

>People that think playing a video game is a statement against trannies are retards and shouldn't stir shit over it if someone says it's not
>Thinks people that play a video game are making a statement against trannies and is willing to stir shit over it because pink rabbit says it's not
I am genuinely asking what kind of mental gymnastics you're doing to somehow find a difference here

>> No.44476050

There was never a subtext, you're just obsessed with your culture war

>> No.44476158

Literally what did she think was going to happen when she started playing thay shitty wizard game to own the libs? This is Pippa in a nutshell. She'll pander to the scums of the earth but jump ship the minute she experiences a lick of popularity.

>> No.44476318

Panko, Lumi and Tenma werent but Pippa

>> No.44476469

I mean, she herself keeps talking about the feds and glowies, and on the forest stream she restarted twice because she decided to kill the fed friend

>> No.44476637

Woo, let's ease up on thous controversial statements. You don't want to be linched, do you?

>> No.44476644

But Pippa played it because she was mad about people bullying Pikamee and twitter screaming at vtubers and other streamers. Not trannies. Even if a majority of those people were obsessed trannies seething at a video game, it's still directed at them for being cunts, not their mental disorder.

>> No.44476812

Damn even the farms are throwing her under the bus

>> No.44476813

Pippa's post was simply to tell people not to attack unrelated people using her name. yall are reading into this wayyyyyy to far

>> No.44476867

Which literally nobody was doing

>> No.44476886

Kill yourself Twitter-fag

>> No.44476914

>Amelia was pro homo day one
Like Bae? I don’t remember it like that.

>> No.44476994

Something something the consequences of my own actions

>> No.44477102

Seething le anti parasocial cuckling. Love to see it. She wasnt pro homo from the day one and dont call me a tourist faggot I literally got into vtubers with JP's gen 3. Sure my japanese was shitty and I could only follow a light zatsu's / game commentary but I still watched.

>> No.44477203 [DELETED] 

That some irrelevant vtweeters were going to seethe. She didn't recognise that the vtweeters and TRAs had finished shaping the information space for the heavyweights to come in and were waiting for any focal point to coalesce around.
So when Hasan and Vaush jumped in they came swinging at pippa because she was the last development in this entire story, with a combined 20 thousand nolifers who were going to spend 12 hours a day on this for weeks, and a further dozens to hundred thousand part time posters that were going to keep the original narratives from vtweeters alive.
This would be bad by itself, except we're at the point where this entire thing has been noticed by the right wing commentators, so they themselves are waiting for Hasan or Vaush to swing so they can come "aid" with their own nolifers and part-timers, turning it into a massive battlefield entirely coalesced around a pink rabbit.
It's a like a perfect shitstorm.

>> No.44477261

Not being blunt is a form of dishonesty in germanic communities

>> No.44477392

source or it didn't happen

>> No.44477412 [DELETED] 

serves you right. you trusted a white girl lmao

>> No.44477442 [DELETED] 

neck yourself twitter trannoid

>> No.44477809
File: 153 KB, 964x440, Idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tell me, tell the past TEAmates

>> No.44478278 [DELETED] 


>> No.44478611

Ena and her toxic ass exist so no.

>> No.44478654

I like her, but her laugh is awful. It sounds like a dry window wiper.

>> No.44478658 [DELETED] 


>> No.44478719

Because Pippa sang Pomf Pomf, which Nyanners has intentionally buried to the best of her ability.

>> No.44478834

Pink rabbit becoming Nyanners 2.0. was the most predictable thing ever and you bunch of dumb motherfuckers still lapped it up.

Honestly you got what you derserve.

>> No.44478897

The fuck does that even mean?

>> No.44478935

>if you’re going to stir shit, keep my name out of it

>> No.44479335 [DELETED] 


>> No.44479467
File: 822 KB, 900x900, Women (Pink) [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fc2lxi4.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44479466

4chan has a really bad oneitis for old Nyanners. This is why /vt/ clung onto Pippa so badly.

>> No.44479972

what discord is this and why should i join it?

>> No.44480020

>Potentially sabotage her career to make a point?
That was never gonna happen. If she just stuck to her guns and remained faithful to her /here/ audience, we would've continued to support her and she'd be fine.

The only reason she bent the knee is because she's a greedy, ambitious bitch and we aren't good enough for her.

>> No.44480026

Probably the most hatefuck-able yeah

>> No.44480092 [DELETED] 

>Bad thing is the same as good thing....BECAUSE IT JUST IS, OKAY!

lol shut up retard.

>> No.44480125

>there’s nothing good about Mori

You can jump on her belly like a trampoline.

>> No.44480595 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 598x903, Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 17-29-38 The Nerdskull Woke Moralist on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44481828

Yes, people have been predicting it for a long time.

>> No.44482503

>this is the mindset of half the people in this thread

>> No.44482565

Good thing none of these are real people

>> No.44482564

>playing both sides
Everybody gets to shit on her! We all win!

>> No.44482704
File: 152 KB, 683x1032, 1672533977850345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa has always been a two faced whore. Just glad people are finally waking up to this fact.

>> No.44482709
File: 2.59 MB, 2058x2544, 1675732162415250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I claim Rushia

>> No.44483078

thanks, ese.

>> No.44483281

Pippa having such a utilitarian view on collabs explains why she's so awful in collabs with friends and seems to basically not know a single thing about their interests, even when it's shit they constantly talk about

>> No.44483451

That's not the whore that used to be my oshi. And no, while she is still a stupid griefing cunt living off retarded incels from fatherless homes, she is not the worst of the bunch for foolishly going against the troons.

>> No.44485257

this drama is really exposing the poltards and tourists, gotta love it

>> No.44486431

Pretty much

>> No.44486858

>Pippa for being the better version of what she was

OG Nyan endorses open genocide on Jews and Groids https://www.youtube.com/shorts/pU2HaXC38R4

>> No.44487162

see the problem is all you spergs want your v-tubers to be shock humour machines

>> No.44487490

>shock humour machines
That’s what Pip is just not "as" Shocking as OG Nyan

>> No.44489452
File: 156 KB, 1226x1176, FqkNFZzXwAU4P4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch vtubers instead of hoppin' on bandwagons

>> No.44490412 [DELETED] 


>> No.44492564

Literally the only thing anyone has ever praised Pippa for was being provocative, she's boring as fuck otherwise. That's why management gave her a special pass when they were cracking down on the other girls, they knew she couldn't make money without it

>> No.44492739

It just means don't use Pippa as a symbol/patron for your crusade against the trannies. She isn't a part of the war and doesn't want them to come after Phase Connect talents.

>> No.44494240

She kicked a hornet's nest of troons to ride popularity and flirted with an audience of /pol/tards and other assorted autism for years without the foresight to see it'd get messy? Don't go looking for trouble because it'll find you every time.

>> No.44494437

>thinking a random tweet will actually make any substantial negative impact on her CCV

Oh no she'll lose like maybe, 20 viewers at most. Oh noooooooo.

>> No.44494500

Kek, do it yourself anon

>> No.44498901
File: 536 KB, 886x886, fuck lumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fpbp, too bad most of her viewers are bots so they don't know much about her. God, I hate that cunt.

>> No.44500301

go back to twitter zoomer retard, bussin no cap frfr

>> No.44501239

True, but also you're not invested enough. People have said to ignore this problem for like 20 years, saying they have no power off the internet. But they have now infested every facet of life. We ignore it at our own peril I guess.

Just look at JKR, she never really said anything remotely controversial, but the antitrans narative has been reinforces over and over because she didn't bend the knee. And even normies are like I don't support her ideas (like maybe women shouldn't be raped in shelters)

>> No.44501362


>> No.44505360

nigga what

>> No.44508232

>Nyanners was never edgy you retard

>> No.44508371

I'm literally coming to your house to kill you and rape your sister (I got your mom pregnant and it's a girl)

>> No.44508645

She also ignores streaming, literally zero way to get backlash for games. It's perfect strategy.

>> No.44508893

Not when the entirety of vshojo exists

>> No.44511134

Is this drawn by that foot fetish artist?

>> No.44511480

Why are so many random posts deleted? Why not just delete the whole thread at that point if you don't want this kind of discussion, would save a lot of work

>> No.44512929

You don't watch streams
It's funny how all these "lifelong fans" with a total of 00:00 watchtime suddenly come out of the woodwork every single time something like this happens. Literally the next stream after the wizard game one she directly mentions /pcg/. Keep coping you fucking retarded nigger.

>> No.44517108

YABcast collab NOW

>> No.44518904


>> No.44519055

pinkerton is a fucking great album

>> No.44519212

>Is Pippa the most hateable Vtuber on the planet?
Yes, because the only people she pleases are doxxer chuds, a certain subspecies of online grug.
If you are anywhere else on the political spectrum, you correctly see her as a worthless grifter who cynically uses causes she doesn't personally care about for content.

>> No.44519261


>> No.44519360


>> No.44520193


>> No.44520326


>> No.44521940

>another fucking Henri thread

>> No.44522587

no. every cunnytuber who's like kys pedo while coombaiting because it's okay im a grown as woman uwu is.

>> No.44523051

Terrible at Ocarina of Time and too retarded to realized it's entirely their fault?
