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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.57 MB, 1023x1511, titta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44426565 No.44426565 [Reply] [Original]

>tells critics to go fuck themselves
>cute voice
>huge tits
Can't stop winning

>> No.44426739

God her model is so great.
One of the best balanced huge titty models out there.

>> No.44426779

>Supports Ukraine
>Supports Trannies

>> No.44426826

wait holy shit that model zips down further? I never seen it down that far

>> No.44426876
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Die, Russoid

>> No.44426924

conscript hands typed this post

>> No.44427044

>whore with daddy issues

>> No.44427108

I would have the roughest, hardest sex with Silver.

>> No.44427116
File: 293 KB, 541x667, 456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silvers mom speaks Russian and prob is Russo-American witch would make Silver half Russian too lol

>> No.44427176

>Still supports trans people

>> No.44427473

Ivan this is vt not pol, we support Ukraine and the nato alliance

>> No.44427558

I don't wtf

>> No.44427635

i don't support american imperialism sorry

>> No.44427744

I wish she'd do paizuri ASMR

>> No.44427878

But you DO support Russian imperialism

>> No.44427884
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>> No.44427949

There is a disturbingly small amount of Silver paizuri r34, that needs to be rectified.

>> No.44427991


>> No.44428054

Then you can't support the Russians. It's one or the other.

>> No.44428055

...no? the cold war is over, joe, commies don't have any real influence anymore. there are other countries than russia and burgerland in the world.

>> No.44428241

is she a rabbit? have had bad experiences with rabbits lately
hows her knees?

>> No.44428301

There's only two sides to this war: Ukraine, and Russia. If you don't back Ukraine, you back Russia. There isn't a middle here.

>> No.44428349

Ukraine is losing rn lmao

>> No.44428373

I back Ukraine
I don't back America
is that simple?

>> No.44428383

>But you DO support Russian imperialism
imagine being this brainwashed, you have a low IQ. I just don't want my taxes to be sent to some fat Ukrainian mafia boss. kys.

>> No.44428450

suck my dick

>> No.44428459

i’m completely in the middle cause i do not give a fuck about this war

>> No.44428693

She does have her own dedicated porn artists, but unfortunately they just don’t do paizuri art. It’s a terrible crime that has gone ignored for too long.

>> No.44428865

I stand with the military industrial complex.

>> No.44429166

The practical effect of your stance (if you got what you wanted) is Russian victory. You're on Russia's side whether you admit it or not.

>> No.44429399

>is she a rabbit? have had bad experiences with rabbits lately
She's a fox

>hows her knees?
Pristine, never kneeled

>> No.44429637
File: 561 KB, 404x720, Trannie Ukraine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less trannies then.

>> No.44429766

> commies don't have any real influence anymore
Why twitter and pol still complains about communism?

>> No.44429816

Yeah, that's what I thought. Don't play games, it's not about "I just wanna know where the money goes" or "it's not our fight", you're a chud who hates the west and wants the Russians to win.

>> No.44429823

Inaction isn’t action

>> No.44429826


>> No.44429960

her voice is kind of annoying imo

>> No.44429967

Sure thing bud.

>> No.44430078

like all american women

>> No.44430096

because they're delusional.

>> No.44431269

>half Russoid
>still supports Ukraine

>> No.44431364

we now like people who hate their own motherland?

>> No.44431488

even more reason to support them. don't be hateful.

>> No.44431651

Yes you do.

>> No.44431732


>> No.44432029

>Supports Ukraine
As opposed to support Russia?
Imagine supporting the knuckle dragging troglodytes that destroyed Hitler's glorious empire

>> No.44432479

Nationalism is cringe

>> No.44432791

The US started the entire thing by coup-ing the Ukrainian government a decade ago.

>> No.44432962

Russian lies, but thanks for outing yourself as a vatnik

>> No.44433372

Color revolutions and CIA backed coups have a very long history. What happened to Ukraine in the 2010s was a textbook example. 50 years from now the CIA will straight up admit this and yet retards like you will still be insisting that the newest country to have a bullshit coup didn't have any US involvement.

>> No.44433722

I support both sides to go fuck themselves and both you and your russia-loving faggot boyfriend to go back to /pol/.

>> No.44433745

Still doesn't explain why euros are trying to massacre civilians with shovels...

>> No.44434123
File: 231 KB, 504x548, Flj8qBaXEAIufRO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tells critics to go fuck themselves
>>cute voice
>>huge tits
Can't stop winning

>> No.44434252

>can't keep her fucking mouth shut
>lacks principles and unable to keep her legs closed

Loving Every Laugh bro

>> No.44434283

Some post the terminally online cockroaches meme with the impact font and the boob window

>> No.44435683

Russian psyop. Don't believe you, never will, precisely because it's what the Russians want everyone to think.

>> No.44435857

Based now watch Anny https://www.twitch.tv/anny

>> No.44435953

anyone who supports nato should shotgun themselves. what a waste of money

>> No.44438702

Okay I got paid recently. Is she going to do more 18+ content on Patreon?

>> No.44439898

She's hella parasocial for her chat and goes mehera often though

>> No.44440077

She has multiple JOI audios

>> No.44440194

You know you can get that stuff for free on kemono, right?

>> No.44445136

I hate trannies but Russia can suck a dick

>> No.44448170

I think she's cute!

>> No.44448392

>we support Ukraine and the nato alliance
Based. Slava ukraini! Vive la Ukraine!
Vtuber against tyranny!

>> No.44448403
File: 275 KB, 1170x832, C14A8641-1E5A-4397-A29C-638515C64203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak for yourself troon

>> No.44449953

Silvervale is cute but that alone did not give me interest to watch her UNTIL her stance against troons. I then started browsing things about her and yes shes cute!

Im starting to like her. Maybe i should give her a try?

>> No.44452306

How jiggly are those tits?

>> No.44452478
File: 10 KB, 256x256, download (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Silver to step on me

>> No.44453399
File: 1.73 MB, 498x249, disgusted basketballamerican.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tells critics to go fuck themselves
Only after she realized that we were obviously all on her side over some crazy twitter trannies. Before she figured that out she was pandering, apologizing and liking their subhuman feet.
In other words she'll flipflop to whatever is popular which will be some trannyshit later in the year. Vshojo is worthless, no exceptions. Yes not even your latina mouse waifu who gets fucked by cunnar.

>> No.44453484

>Doesn't being the knee unlike Cuckpa
Based wolf

>> No.44453503

Hope you get drafted and bombed by a LGBT drone

>> No.44453573

>>cute voice

>> No.44453708

How? Did you misanderstood the definition of the word cute or something? It's like going on the street, seeing a whore shaking her ass out there, and you think it's cute? What the fuck is wrong with you man?

>> No.44455925

>i don't support american imperialism sorry
no you just profit off of it, use it's outcomes for your own enjoyment and impose it's tenants on others only when it's convenient for you

>> No.44456245 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 526x585, betteroffwithHitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, I'm sure you consider nationalism completely wrong because of It's association with the heckin' Evul Nazi's.

>> No.44456381

nationalism is a tool and therefore isn't wrong in and of itself
only it's uses can be wrong, and it's wrong if the countries values are wrong

>> No.44457148

Heyyy, this meme is offensive toward POCs and race-mixers. Could you please just... not? Thanks.

>> No.44457257

>supports lgbt
no, she sucks

>> No.44457305
File: 284 KB, 2893x4092, 20230210_034310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are """"Americans"""" who support Russia
traitors should be rounded up and shot

>> No.44458327

Agreed. We need to kill all Americans

>> No.44458501

Some idiots only care about "muh taxes."

>> No.44458567

She is taking the correct position in all of this, people need to check their activism at the door and just enjoy the streams for entertainment value. Extremists on either end who can't read the air are exactly the twitter freaks and cockroaches she referred to and they can go fuck off.

>> No.44458796

As opposed to supporting neither and hoping for the complete destruction of the slavs.

>> No.44458893

Uhhh Silvervale? Big tits? oogabooga?

>> No.44459176

Ok faggot

>> No.44459363

This could have been a standard by-the-numbers bait thread but the /vpol/ tourists wanted to make it something special

>> No.44459410

kys fag

>> No.44459437
File: 215 KB, 1200x1378, silvervale nanoless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44459605

Funny thing is, you rarely see a genuine and well-versed /pol/ post if It's not in someway relevant while those who put themselves in opposition to them are more then happy to try and force their sociopolitical extremism into /vt/. They tell us to go back to /pol/ when they are the ones that need to do it.

>> No.44459621

Just admit she's an LGBTard but you still like her because of her fat tits.

>> No.44459716

shame, maybe she should try being interesting

>> No.44460596
File: 3.34 MB, 3125x1797, 1622334245145350144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, she is so fucking hot and cozy and cute.

>> No.44460603
File: 128 KB, 800x567, Silvermatingpressready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested in doing things to her magnificent tits that make her make sweet cooing sounds of pleasure. Lets be real though, she's not dumb, tougher then she's given credit for being and would be great, fun and upbeat company.

>> No.44461460

she complains about not getting enough viewers to much.

>> No.44461820

I just want both countries to completely destroy each other. If there is no more Russia or Ukraine at the end of this that would be the best outcome. Total Slav Death.

>> No.44461926

This, less corruption from Ukraine and less rapists from Russia please.

>> No.44461990

I'll add, you realize what this indicates? A lack of true conviction in the righteousness of their conclusions and how they try and force their beliefs as common consensus. Only those acting under fanatical delusion are compelled to conduct themselves in such a fashion. Those confident that they are ultimately acting in good faith on the side of truth need only express what they have learned and can trust in it as something deeply authentic even if It's not well received by others due to misrepresentation of what their core position actually is and what they actually know to be sane ways of dealing with Cultural schims. Despite what you are told and the impression made by bad-actors, /pol/ is not truly extremist at It's core. We have People who are deeply frustrated and aggrieved at feeling that they are not viewed with any fairness when they have reason to feel that way when every aspect of their culture and up-bringing is facing a smear-campaign. Yet when you let yourself take in the more sensible patterns of posting, you realize that we would rather have amicable solutions towards the problems that we see where It's feasible.

>> No.44462044

At least I don't support baby rapists lmao

>> No.44462140

I like it when vtubers make their fanbase personification a dude, I hate it when they try to make it "neutral"

>> No.44462199

>Cute voice
Nice historical revisionism. People on /vt/ complained non-stop about her voice. Hell, people in the YouTube comments say her actual voice is better.

>> No.44462326

I read that you guys are the reason why 4chan was down for 6 hours, if so based and keep up the good fight.

>> No.44463406

what happened?

>> No.44463945

Do you know any sites that can help me gain some knowledge about VShojo? I wanna get some objective information about Silver, who Nazuna is indebted to

>> No.44464759

Where's the dick down that sushi roll edit.

>> No.44464913

What do people expect Vshojo to do? Become third-positionists and speak out against the Jew's bullshit on both sides of the war, along with how trannies make up a considerable portion of suicides in the U.S.? That would get them the boot almost immediately.

>> No.44465124

She's a Wolf who said recently duing her drama that "LGBT People are awesome" and that she does not agree with JKR's views. You might be better off with the Rabbit

>> No.44465274

Does she?

>> No.44469315

I liked her blowjob asmr.

>> No.44471914

Based and jewpilled

>> No.44472520

That's the extent of her entertainment value, yes.

>> No.44474170

Reminder that she considers her chat to be her best friends and wants to fuck them

>> No.44477290


>> No.44477348

Vatniks out.
