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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.79 MB, 1415x2000, haato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4443344 No.4443344 [Reply] [Original]

Ear cleaning, massage, hugs, kisses, licking, all things ASMR here. Updated pastebin edition.

>What’s ASMR?
Standing for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, it's the bodies way of preparing itself to the sensory feeling before it gets touched, generally characterized by a tingling sensation throughout your body. There are many ways you can trigger it, mostly through touch, but listening to binaural audio can be a very relaxing method as well.

Previous thread: >>4107867
/asmr/ pastebin, including channel list, archiving tools, JP keywords, etc: https://pastebin.com/06ebPA2K

>> No.4443658

Did you add everyone from the other anon's submissions?

>> No.4443663

I've massively updated the VTuber list (still have only gone through like half of that one autistic anon's list that he sent me) and added a couple of identification tags. There are sure to be some errors, and if there's any other suggestions or things you'd like me to add, please let me know.

One thing that I figure I'd ask about is hololive, I've been shortening their inclusion to the pastebin because of that huge playlist/generally most people know the majority of their talents, but would you guys like me to add all their channels and tag them like the rest of the list?

Have a relaxing week /asmr/.

>> No.4443852

There's my answer I guess.
I think you might as well add holos for completion's sake, but up to you.
Ayamy has member ASMR as well.
Good job on the tags.

>> No.4446107

90% of the board is hololive I don't really think it's necessary

>> No.4448151

>Previous thread >>4107867

Don't be like >>4382311 and >>4108112 inserting 1-2 random babinikus out of 8 links after he fell for a man. Stop taking your frustrations out of genuine anons looking for a good night's asmr. Fucking gray.

Reminder to separate related threads
babinikus like Chloe to >>>/lgbt/ >>>/mlp/
3dpd like Muki Takakura to >>>/r9k/
Western Vtubers: >>>/vt/wvt and >>>/trash/wvt
Western Lewtubers and yes that includes kyandie's six language Italiyanoeseses: >>>/aco/pmg

>> No.4448571

who hurt you anon

>> No.4448610

Take that shit elsewhere is all he’s saying

>> No.4448798

this isn't jp anon

>> No.4448827

i swear this anon never bumps, never posts new shit, never posts old shit, and only complains about chloe that lives rent free in his head

>> No.4449249

While there should be some level of vetting, there shouldn't be any problem as long as they are a VTuber doing quality ASMR. Same reason we have anons linking Patra and the Masquerade girls together, whether they want something relaxing or some JOI is up to the anon coming here looking for links. that being said maybe put up a warning to not replicate the disaster from a few threads ago/the /t/ thread

>> No.4449345

Kill yourself faggot
I think vetting should be mandatory because of unhinged fucks like the anon I replied to

>> No.4449976

like >>4449249 said as long as they do quality asmr and are a vtuber (chloe and kyandie fit within this scope imo) should be fine to post in this thread, 3D shit should definitely be discussed elsewhere though

unless you're the autist from a couple threads ago nobody listens to every link posted in this thread anyway, just do your research and enjoy the asmr posted in this thread anon

>> No.4451215

The basic tags on the pastebin are appreciated, thanks.

>> No.4451800
File: 518 KB, 963x550, 87005842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even hard and fast about the vtuber part, as long as there's no IRL I don't give a fuck

>> No.4452249

Ito x Hell earlicking S&M roleplay - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=om-v_s0RNfw
Hanarin - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLmVWke3stQ
Aria - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XV4HiH9wPDo

>> No.4454074

Not really a vtuber, but is there anyone else that does stuff similar to ASMR Crescendo's 3D ASMR videos?
Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUsGbh7K9JU
I know Choco from Hololive did one 360 degree video that was similar, but otherwise the closest I've found are videos from VRchat, but their quality is usually pretty low

>> No.4454627

Fucking youtube

>> No.4454644


>> No.4454787


>> No.4455339

I just got recommended a bunch of these, they're super good

>> No.4455363

I want to know how to download age restricted videos
There have a lot asmr with age restriced and I can't download them

Thanks cultured friends

>> No.4455467

You'll need to go and download your cookies, you can do it through the 'flag cookies' extension.
Then use it with yt-dl, streamlink, jdownloader, or wherever you download videos

>> No.4455771

This is what worked for me: First Use youtube dl. Then install an extension that grabs your cookies, long into youtube, then active the extention and download your cookies while on the YouTube page (it should be download as a a txt file). Copy the path of said txt file (shift right click, then click copy as path), then type --cookies (paste the path of said txt file) after the youtube-dl part in your cmd. After you have --cookies (path to txt file) paste the video link, hit enter

>> No.4455867

Her new L2D is very good

>> No.4458918
File: 175 KB, 1004x1024, E2OQ5mCVgAQXsue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aria is so cute!

>> No.4459044


>> No.4459763

Natsumi Moe (english) and Mirai Akari have quite the amount of 360 degree asmr, praise Eilene.
>Not really a vtuber
Despite using multiple VAs and characters without claiming to be vtubers, crescendo fits the vtuber criteria more than many self proclaimed chuubas. Youtuber Crescendo has 3D virtual characters moving reasonably unlike channels using static images especially when doing asmr. More than nine times out of ten Ribbon doesn't use live2D/3D during asmr streams, instead she slaps a static image or set to blink every x seconds. Meanwhile Hino Akane makes good use of her avatar.

>> No.4460080

if you're in Europe it is no longer possible

>> No.4460685

this issue is easily bypassable with a vpn, but understandably not available for everyone

also i just listened to rin and aria at the same time, worked strangely well

>> No.4462435

Just listened to her recent video and damn that's about as lewd as I've heard from a Vtuber, particularly the countdown portion. Not surprised she got a ban.

>> No.4463579


>> No.4464215

Curious but is Setsuneko a confirmed male? I noticed that they were taken out of the pastebin but don't see anything in the archive at least.

>> No.4464387

I haven't removed anyone from the pastebin as far as I'm aware, so it might have been an error on my part or you're misremembering. I still have Chloe in there, after all.

>> No.4465029

OL Channel

>> No.4465344
File: 768 KB, 857x1200, 711A42A7-BF40-4F48-827D-1670D0712D16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to enjoy Rushia's ASMR since she's so sweet but seriously... Rushia... your audio quality...
You even have one of the best ASMRtists in the industry in your gen... please get help with your audio...

>> No.4465719

I like when the cat shows up.
And it's most likely the issue of her room setup.

>> No.4465848

You're joking if you mean this setsuneko

>> No.4466435

RIP last thread.

Reposting other anon's mega link with some nice ASMR:

>> No.4471245
File: 210 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Nano will be doing tame ASMR on Youtube but more lewd stuff on twitcast.
She's got an ASMR stream on twitcast tomorrow at 8pm JST as well.

>> No.4471739

any good JOI videos?

>> No.4475127

Thanks cultured friends
It worked well (yt dl + cookies)
I think I want 8 tb ssd to store all YT interesting asmr files now

>> No.4482469

not really on youtube

>> No.4483548

Oh the owl girl retired...

>> No.4483746


>> No.4483812


>> No.4487643 [DELETED] 

Looking forward to the ChioRui collab


>> No.4487681

Looking forward to the ChioRui collab


>> No.4488908

Women shouldn't do asmr collabs with babinikus, I'm confused. Can someone also explain why mimi from emoechi talks like something's stuck in the throat?

>> No.4489019

Kinda sus, I think she might be a babiniku

>> No.4494462
File: 227 KB, 1706x960, E23ggsdUUAMD8gD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano twitcast in an hour.

>> No.4494839

What's the difference between twitcasting and niconico? Is there benefit for her to stream on twitcasting over niconico?

>> No.4495411

Hasn't nnd been cracking down on lewd ASMR recently? Which has just pushed everyone to fantia/ci-en/etc?

>> No.4500355


>> No.4500507


>> No.4500528


>> No.4502147


Haru-chan love!

>> No.4502985

Is there an archive for Sephira's ASMR anywhere?

>> No.4503004

Damn this rules

>> No.4505230


How did she pop right from under the radar? This ain't her first vid but it's the first time i see her.

>> No.4505304
File: 165 KB, 850x1202, 492CB433-6A5F-4360-A0FD-564D4C7AA992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her whisper singing is so cute...

>> No.4506124


>> No.4506590

She's from an obscure group and she's new at it, this was only her third ear licking stream.

>> No.4507783

I'm listening to this shitty backstabbing onahole gremlin and for an AMSR it seems to be pretty good.
Did any other Vshojo or Tsunderia do any ASMR (and just privated them later)?

>> No.4510843

NND is dying while twitcast is on the rise

>> No.4514074

This was good shit. Always glad to find a good power early licker.

>> No.4514253

Too bad. It's hard as hell to get a VOD from twitcast and the damn thing buffers constantly if trying to stream.

>> No.4514726

>It's hard as hell to get a VOD from twitcast
-Download the batch, run it
Open the vod you want to download, let it run for a few sec
-Press F12 to open the console
-Enter "let a=[];for(let _ of JSON.parse(document.querySelector("video")["dataset"]["moviePlaylist"])[2])a.push(_.source?.url);console.log(a.join("\n"))" into it
-Copy the url you get back into the batch window
-Google "what is my user agent", paste the result into the batch window
-Set output filename
Done. Even converts the result into mp4 if you want to. Do note that this method "records" the vod stream, thus downloading a x minute long vod takes x minutes to download.

>> No.4514947

I haven't seen NoiR/NoWorld mentioned in these threads. She does piano ASMR streams.

>> No.4516553

good ASMR

>> No.4519416
File: 40 KB, 981x530, servererror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never got it to work for me. Always server errors.

>> No.4519568

Are you using the latest version of ffmpeg? Had a similar issue which was due to using an outdated version of it.

>> No.4520646

I believe so. 4.4 is the latest I can find.

>> No.4522128

Try using one of the daily builds. I'm using the one from May 19th and it works for me.

>> No.4524701

Using the daily build worked, cool.

Anyone have any good links for twitcasting for ASMR Vtubers? I only got Nano's from the link in this thread and the default search really sucks.

>> No.4529392


>> No.4532373

Thank you for this Pastebin anon, I shall sue it graciously

>> No.4532460

Not sure id this is the one you got,but here https://twitcasting.tv/angelnano1004/movie/681890733
Also try looking on twitter for twitcast links

>> No.4532481

What are some good streams to fall asleep to?

>> No.4532666

recently I watched mary and charlotte from honeystrap play raft and it was pretty comfy

>> No.4532961

I think he means if there's a list of twitcasting regulars, but I don't think there's a lot of VTubers who use it for main content since twitcasting fucking sucks and Nano is only using it because she's getting bullied off YT and NND. We might see more VTubers going towards it now though.

What do you like anon? Here's a couple of my recent favorites:
One of Patra's best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKeEJrAtrkc
Lots of tapping from Haru: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRX5rPFvW38
Super spoiling by Mary mama: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIobzvUazus
Very affectionate Lamy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84ro5HqX_ag
Okayu and rainfall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaScgaeWthg
Sleep well.

>> No.4533048


>> No.4534570

Tenten in 30 minutes:

>> No.4534649
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>> No.4534817


>> No.4534857

>TMA vtuber with less than 1k subs managed to get her stream banned while doing ear licking asmr
Youtube really is cracking down on asmr whenever they can.

>> No.4534913

Most likely caught the eye of some faggot. You can still find plenty of more popular licking just fine.

>> No.4535405

Link of her channel?

>> No.4535988

Not sure, watching Kirarin doing some rather lewd countdown stuff and I'm surprised it's still up.


>> No.4537140

Maid Nene wants to give your ears some love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7LAR7-rf0M

>> No.4539820


>> No.4539955

I hate when i get some recomended and some i need to keep going in sircels to find.

>> No.4541031

Holy shit when she started recording her heartbeat. She's so blessed.

>> No.4541467

after listening to alice and aria heartbeats i truly understand uohhhhposters

>> No.4542370


>> No.4542412

Fuck, the third one was supposed to be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1m5dlOs_us


>> No.4542661

Aria is in this post >>4452249

>> No.4542947


>> No.4544625

That was like the tamest Mare stream I've seen (and it disappointed me a lot). Weird that it got hit by the age restricted system.

>> No.4545966

Possibly the thumbnail and general fear of microbullshit from (you)tube.

>> No.4546106

She's the one that preemptively set her stream to be age restricted,

>> No.4549928

it was a matter of time

>> No.4551824

tame? Does she normally do lewd?

>> No.4555111

Not straight up porn, but her ASMR is on the lewd side and the things she says tend to include innuendos of some sort. She's a lot more restrained as Mare than she used to be as More though, where she wasn't even pretending to be seiso. It's amazing how the channel is still up with those thumbnails and titles.


>> No.4559969

Youtube is really random with what stuff gets pulled down. All sorts of MMD porn is available if you look carefully and has been there for months.

>> No.4562403

I was fucking pissed Kira's video(s) got taken down. Surprised to see someone else here mention her since I figured she was still too new/unknown.

>> No.4568824


>> No.4572633


>> No.4575160

Not that anon but thank you a lot, I literally wasn't able to sleep at all these last few months but these actually worked

>> No.4577433
File: 176 KB, 727x1014, angethumbsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some good sleep anon, hope the other anon does too.

Tonight -
ayamy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u75yg88QwBQ
Natsume: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jKSsroFUbw (live in 10 min)

>> No.4577930

Natsume's doing ASMR

>> No.4579264
File: 605 KB, 1600x900, 432A3644-D025-4060-B8F3-FC3D04C2FF3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kissing Natsume... I'm not gonna make it bros...

>> No.4580974

Really not a fan when all the ASMR streams start at 23:00.

>> No.4581132

Though at least Ichigo had an upload so I have something to listen to until then.

>> No.4581492


>> No.4581575

Man she could have at least used her live2d alongside her 3dpd yesterday when testing new microphones.

>> No.4581847

Can you share a link to her channel?

>> No.4582281

Just in case you don't know, TMA is a JAV producer, so if you don't want lewd, then don't bother.


>> No.4582587

kek I was already subscribed to her channel, i didn't knew she did an ASMR stream yesterday

>> No.4582910



>> No.4583334


>> No.4584207

Did someone order heartbeat asmr for an hour straight?

>> No.4585492


>> No.4587689


>> No.4588475

The thing I absolutely love about Choco is how moist it sounds when she parts her lips
You get what I mean right?

>> No.4589224

I've been enjoying this indie recently. Found her because she shares a mama with Watame. She does really nice ear cleaning/soft singing asmr with a few other tricks here and there.

>> No.4589940


>> No.4591127

Choco was very nice today

>> No.4591240

She's not indie tho

>> No.4591722

Found a new one (less than a month old) that seems to do a variety of ASMR streams. I've liked the first ~40 minutes I've heard of this ear licking one thus far but can't vouch for the rest.

>> No.4597240
File: 1.42 MB, 1520x1800, 1582456853189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ojisan asmr when

>> No.4597329

Didn't Yua already do some?

>> No.4597419
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a week ago

>> No.4603771

At what volume do you guys keep your ASMR? So that you can just barely hear it?

>> No.4604576

Natural levels

>> No.4605198

Even if you are listening to it when trying to sleep?

>> No.4605329

I have a pair of sleep headphones, the volume on them is pretty low, so I have to turn the volume up all the way for them to be at a reasonable level. But ASMR is usually pretty quiet, so I just use normal volume.

>> No.4605429

Alright thanks, I'll try to fiddle around with it later, I think last time I cranked the volume a little bit too high.

>> No.4605786


>> No.4612480

Is there a website or tool I can use that will take YouTube channels and show all the scheduled/upcoming streams for those channels? Something like Holodex but that allows for any channel.

>> No.4613048

Use youtube's RSS feeds. For example, Patra's is this, and her scheduled stream is at the top.

>> No.4613108

To add to this, you'll need an RSS reader. I recommend Feedly if you want an online one, or RSS Owl if you prefer local.

>> No.4619076

RSS doesn't seem able to show the actual dates and times of the scheduled streams, or at least I'm too stupid to figure it out. The only order the RSS seems to go by is the publish order, so if someone schedules a stream a week in advance it will appear way below in the feed by the time the stream goes live.

>> No.4621588

Who's the best EN ASMR vtuber?

>> No.4624150

Part of it got reuploaded. Description says the other part will be free on fantia, but the most recent post is not. Might sub to it if some decent stuff comes out on it.

>> No.4624210

which one does the best asmr for COOMING

>> No.4624329

Anyone that does fc2 streams or sells R18 voice sets on dlsite.
Speaking of coom asmr, another tma vtuber started an age-restricted asmr stream right now.

>> No.4625059

Does anyone have a torrent with EvE and Rufre's stuff?

>> No.4626322

Said vtuber masturbated on stream while showing a stream of her roommate's legs, all without getting banned. Shit's wild man.

>> No.4627467

Newfag here, any link bro?

>> No.4627535

Natsume Kamishiro doing an ASMR stream right now

>> No.4627779
File: 233 KB, 1063x1500, __tsukushi_aria_re_act_drawn_by_hoshi_snacherubi__7280dd5ca542f32d33c28498c5ea0d69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4630102

Nekuro licking time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfXkgoPRbyg

>> No.4631364
File: 2.35 MB, 1719x2048, Screenshot_20210605-100516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else?

>> No.4631555

Noe is going all out in today's fc2 stream.

>> No.4632493

Lots of moaning and now she's cracking up laughing. Pretty much a 180 in a few seconds.

>> No.4632947

Is it just me or is her audio low as hell? Ive got everything at 100% and I still barley hear her.

>> No.4632994

Aki wants to please her senpai's ears!

>> No.4633265


>> No.4633585

Yeah, today she has it low for some reason, usually I amp most ASMR streams 2-3x but I had to amp Aria today by almost 500%. Wasn't there for the beginning but surprised nobody dropped a comment.

>> No.4634570

Niko-chan also getting into it on her FC2 stream.

>> No.4635634

Anon can you tell what program do you use to amplify the volume? i tried using an equalizer extension and VLC but the maximum amp i got is x2

>> No.4636097
File: 52 KB, 802x732, vlc_kx6GMYuY6n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firefox - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/600-sound-volume/
Chrome - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/volume-master/jghecgabfgfdldnmbfkhmffcabddioke?hl=en-US

Since you mentioned VLC, pic related, I believe VLC can go up to 400%. MPC has volume gain options as well.

>> No.4636311

Ty anon that's exactly the extension i was looking for

>> No.4644865


>> No.4651133

How was Nabis ASMR

>> No.4657739

huh I had no idea Aria was part of Re:Act until your picture

>> No.4657802

quite nice if you like yandere gfe

>> No.4660900

i would like to personally extend a great thank you to lytexx

>> No.4667769

any link? curious

>> No.4668329

Second half is pretty mediocre, especially for paid content. Oh well.

>> No.4669024

You have torrent or mega or any links dude?

>> No.4673440

Re:AcT is pretty lowkey about their brand, all of their talents feel fairly independent of each other. Which is kind of sad, they have a lot of very talented and entertaining streamers, wish they'd put some more effort into expanding and putting themselves out there. Kyo, Leona, and Qualia are absolutely amazing singers, and Amakawa, Ribon, and Aria are all pretty entertaining.

Haruka tonight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mrVdPLAGXY
Aria mesugaki situvoice video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzgYH-oIIyE

>> No.4673909

>amazing singer
Anon... same can be said about Qualia. Have you never listened to them live?

>> No.4674284

Oh please, Kyo is perfectly fine singing live: https://youtu.be/QrXQI-QdibM?t=773

Qualia is a little goofy when she does live singing but her 怪物 cover is absolutely amazing.

>> No.4674666

Fine != amazing
Many girls from her group are better than her, her design's just cuter than Leona's for example.
>Qualia is a little goofy when she does live singing
Yeah you're contradicting your initial claim of them being "amazing singers" to "fine" and "goofy."

>> No.4674926

>Nano doing "live-action" asmr, on youtube in less than an hour
Well this is different.

>> No.4675360

You're being pedantic on my language. You can still be an amazing singer and just suck live anon... Both Kyo clips are a good example of this, she sounds great in her own personal stream but terrible at the concert, some people just can't handle the conditions of a live stage (stamina required, stage fright, on-day condition, etc.) but I don't think it takes away from them being an amazing vocalist, it just means they are a bad stage performer. On the flip side, there are plenty of singers who sound terrible and pitchy in the studio even with post-production but great live.

>> No.4676598

momonya will be doing a english only asmr (she is japanese)
with love pick up lines, whispering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvqVTzcGJts

>> No.4678176

It was really tame

>> No.4678202


>> No.4678441

If she would do her actual "live-action" streams on youtube, she'd get banned instantly.

>> No.4683682

Masquerade tweeted that their sample video with a live action thumbnail got an amazing conversion rate so I wouldn't be surprised if they push more members to do at least a couple youtube ones.

>> No.4685277

Does anyone have Noe's fc2 stream from the other day?

>> No.4685586

Any good feet ASMR channels?

>> No.4685664

/t/ has a recording of it.

>> No.4686834

relatively new to asmr, looking at her channel is the explicit stuff on an external site?

>> No.4686900

Saw the actual 'live' and it's actually tame.

>> No.4687562

any explicit stuff you guys got? im fine with anything

>> No.4688544

Yes, it's on her Ci-en but you must become a member to see those streams

>> No.4688565

Both Noe and Nico do JOI and masturbation streams on fc2 for starters. Masquerade girls do lewd asmr, with Nano also selling multiple dlsite voice sets. The tma vtubers also seem to be getting into r18 asmr lately. Beyond that, if anything spicy happens you can expect at least one guy posting here about it.

>> No.4688791

Got the 5GB and 9GB ones and they weren't that good.

>> No.4688901

Massive thanks for the heads up dude. Kind of a newfag here so still familiarizing with stuff here and there.

>> No.4689004

This thread is falling into room mate territory and is a dangerous precedent.

>> No.4689043

i read the pastebin more closely and found the /t/ ASMR thread, which is only slightly autistic. found some nice joi countdown ASMR.

>> No.4689923

Japanese Monster!

Oh Yeah


>> No.4689931

>Both Noe and Nico do JOI and masturbation streams on fc2 for starters
Any links or names for particular streams that I could look for?

>> No.4690100

you guys do torrent/anonfile/mega archives of any kind

>> No.4691185

I mean, both Noe and Nico's FC2 streams are free. Just set up an account, favorite them, and get notified when they go live. It's pretty simple. Both of them have their FC2 stream link in their recent tweets so it's not hard to find.

>> No.4691241

You should ask on /t/ but some might have some stuff here.
Just use base64

>> No.4692629


>> No.4692872

Oh sweet, I didn't realize they were free. I haven't really figured FC2 yet, so thanks for telling me. The archives for their FC2 streams aren't available for free though, right? I was asking if there were any particularly good and hot streams from them I should try to find.

>> No.4693186

I don't think he is here, more likely in /t/
But in any case, you are doing gods work chad

>> No.4693585

Would you bros enlighten me who's Noe and Nico, and tma vtubers? Newfag here, any twitter links of em so i can get updated as well, might do and get some archives also

>> No.4694038

Keep in mind that Noe and Nico are both very much into heavy ear licking, so if that's not your kink then you probably won't like them.

Noe - https://twitter.com/398noe
Nico - https://twitter.com/Nico_ASMR

>> No.4694815

the same character doing streams on separate sites is not "room mate territory"

>> No.4694854
File: 331 KB, 500x500, cat[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F21pmt7.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4700255


>> No.4706230

Just be careful about asking about it on /t/ as they get really mad at the idea of vtubers.

>> No.4712432


>> No.4712822

I sort of see that, but ive been seeing vtubers being posted more and more, like the girl from emoechi and nico

>> No.4715527

I didn’t see Perori on the list

>> No.4721791

Looking forward to Kirarin and Setsuneko's ear licking streams in 6-7 hours.

>> No.4721803


>> No.4725226

good night

>> No.4728418

dlsite stuff isn't all that good i think..

>> No.4729248
File: 174 KB, 850x1065, suoupatra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what you're looking for, there's some pretty good lewd and more specific situvoices if you need that kind of stuff. Some Ayaka Igasaki I bought while horny I'll share (again).

Weekly Patra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC8ZMF9OoB4
Akane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIKa8GiI22A
Ayaka: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cX7KZeoxCY

>> No.4732864

Huh, Nano streaming a game on twitcast again. Thought she'd just keep that to ASMR streams once she got her youtube channel back.

>> No.4732972

Most likely being extra cautious for the moment.

>> No.4733020
File: 297 KB, 2143x1206, IMG_20210607_210432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuuko's new ASMR.

>> No.4734878

Any of you guys have this https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/99720


>> No.4735095

Good, but her whole video list makes me have mixed feelings.

>> No.4735408

I was thinking of getting her's or Eve's 1.5k yen membership just to get the archives and see how they are arching their other streams. I might report back in a week depending on what either of them upload in the meantime.
Still wonder what the deal with Saki recently is though. She uploaded a comment both on fantia and twitter that she is quitting with a link to her new vtuber persona, only to delete everything a day after.

>> No.4736273


>> No.4736477

>wants me to register
Lol get fucked.

>> No.4736706


>> No.4737015

I thought she looked too similar to a certain "retired" vtuber, found out they're both created by kotamun. For some reason none of these imageboards showed them and only had about 31 of kotamun's works.

>> No.4737657


neko loli sniffs you and is disgusted

>> No.4738152


>> No.4738249

Patra... Patra!!!

>> No.4738345

kyandie is really good, watching her right now

>> No.4738378


>> No.4738958
File: 575 KB, 627x545, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4739129

I hear ya kyandie

>> No.4739315

This turned into a 10/10 stream

>> No.4739808

she said she'll post a pic of her thunder thighs after stream

>> No.4740187 [DELETED] 

SHe fucking slapped her legs lets fucking goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.4740388


>> No.4740432

I'll wait for that kind sir, choose whoever you want though

>> No.4740756

Holy shit, did she say where she would post the picture?

>> No.4741353

someone record it pls

>> No.4741469

Is this woman an M...?

>> No.4741553

Jesus christ, I wonder how red they'll be in the pic

>> No.4741843

She already answered that question on stream, it's 有る

>> No.4742034

she's pretty good at kissing and ear licking ears, too bad theres some kind of mod thats a fucking simp and tells her not to lewd

>> No.4742154

That's her bf but she still does seiso with him around. Her licking's pretty average desu and something's off about the character design which I can't quite describe, looks like a druggie.

>> No.4742362

Even if it's not amazing I really like how affectionate she comes off.

>> No.4742507

Imo, something feels off with her sound (last time i watched her) but the overall action is well above average.
The problem might be the colour shading, it looks kinda weird even though it's not bad.

>> No.4743277

i believe she's getting a new mic soon

>> No.4743520

either twitter or youtube community tab

>> No.4747294

>That's her bf
Spicy rrat. Can you proof it?

>> No.4747365

Just a hunch, a literal simp from being a member to a moderator. Probably paid but whatever its just my hunch

>> No.4747410
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there more like this?

>> No.4747725

I'm not watching a 10 minute video but you're probably looking for cosleeping/添い寝

>> No.4747784
File: 419 KB, 220x198, botan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes yes yes!!
thank you

>> No.4749949

who are best known to do quality whisper asmr?

>> No.4751578

That was oddly nice.

>> No.4754233

Does anyone have the privated part of EvEs 4/9 stream? I thought i got it somewhere but i forgot.

>> No.4755718

Any milf/mature woman vtubers who do asmr?

>> No.4756101

Yeah, that would be interesting.

>> No.4763018

don't die

>> No.4767548


>> No.4771189

Very sad that not only was the announcement not mochatan related, but she didn’t even make it into the collab. Maybe the dream is dead.

>> No.4771655

eh Lovepie came back so mochatan probably will too someday
but of course while on leave I wouldn't expect her to participate in anything vtuber related.

>> No.4772091

You’re definitely right, I just got a bit excited. At least it is good news for masquerade as a whole

>> No.4776901

Oh that's quite a lineup there. Will have to look into it later once the album releases.

>> No.4781334


>> No.4782300

Yogarun is cosplaying as a sister this evening

>> No.4782349


kinda like cosleeping

>> No.4782849

is she just on break?
it was kind of worrying that she just kind of disappeared after getting to the an hero part of ddlc lol

>> No.4783665

I want Nano to return to youtube, i cant wrap my head around twitcasting

>> No.4783888

i want nano to return to my bed, it's been too long

>> No.4784388

Anyone got Ayamy's membership asmr?

>> No.4785249

does she do lewd thing in her membership?

>> No.4785548

Dunno but she announced a maid cosplay asmr in a few days.

>> No.4786149

Aria... Aria!!!

Aki: https://youtu.be/HxhJIyWL9GU
Amakawa: https://youtu.be/4rujrYen2zc

>> No.4786960


>> No.4787181

Is Macoto allowed here?

>> No.4787382

Well, Akirose is doing an ASMR stream now.


>> No.4789567

Mare back to top form for today's stream, good to see.

>> No.4789678

Her youtube streams are always great asmr. But if she counts as a vtuber I do not know.

>> No.4792458

Is there anything better than listening to ASMR while drifting in and out of sleeping, and your imagination goes totally out of control? Wew

>> No.4792881

She's a vtuber, though she wont always use the l2d

>> No.4794886

Generally if I fall asleep I'll stay asleep, but if I'm sick and listening to ASMR, it very much feels like a freaky fever dream.

>> No.4799424


>> No.4803744


>> No.4805344

so she's not a VTuber anymore, which means off-topic for this board

>> No.4805408

If you wanna see the archives of Noe's fc2 streams, you can see them if you do the lowest tier in her fanbox

>> No.4805447

Are there any other VTubers that do this stuff other than them? So far Noe is the best from what I can find

>> No.4805581

Who does the lewdest ASMR in Hololive? Any good member's only content from them?

>> No.4805653

What do you consider lewd, something like ear eating/licking? because the only holo i know that did eat eating is gura and she only did it 1 time a long time ago

>> No.4805683

Ear eating / licking, kissing, lewd noises, etc. I'm not expecting anything like masturbation noises from them lol

>> No.4805705

Also yeah, I already know about Gura's since I'm membered

>> No.4805889

Choco did a lot of french kissing

>> No.4806951

>like a relatively small channel
>her chat is pretty slow
>which means every fucking archive or stream I have to see the same obnoxious ESL spamming and requesting stuff that she's not doing that day
Legitimately makes it hard to watch and relax sometimes.
The consolation is that she doesn't even know his name and reads it wrong any time she says it.

>> No.4807092

only if you apply this same logic to Kizuna Ai, every artist vtuber like Tamaki and Itou Life, and any vtuber associated with real life idol groups

>> No.4807128

Does Kizuna Ai or anyone you listed do IRL streams or videos on their VTuber persona accounts?

>> No.4807253


>> No.4809317


Wasn't masquerade's gimmick that the girls sell AVs in addition to vtubing?

>> No.4809737

They don't do AV but yes the point is they do nsfw on the side. They also aren't unique in that aspect nor does it mean they aren't vtubers.

>> No.4813912

Here are some of my personal favorite recent ear licking focused streams (non Noe/Nico) to show ya more Vtubers who do this kind of content.


>> No.4815350

Pretty sure you're missing an eight there bud, should be meRSaxT66e8.
How did you find these below 5k channels, with one having less than 700 subs?

>> No.4816736

I go looking for them. Thanks for the correction.

>> No.4820364


>> No.4825779
File: 249 KB, 1631x1102, __sakura_miko_and_suou_patra_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_rin_0917608__aa25c71f7f7c4870d11e91cb5a39800c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4828272

Not him, but the under-700 one shares the same artist as Kyandie and many others. FelNeMo3 has made lots of vtubers, most of whom have no subs and many do ASMR. Here's a small selection:


>> No.4833126


>> No.4835289
File: 164 KB, 1305x1305, 1600358932229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FelNeMo3 has made lots of vtubers
>The problem might be the colour shading
Checked pixiv and the colors weren't as bad as these vtubers. Ready for the first sream? Pic related.
