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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44422363 No.44422363 [Reply] [Original]

EN unicorns are worst than jp

>> No.44422588

>a stinky fat old ojisan will never hold ina and squeeze his wasabi into her mouth while i can't do anything but watch
Why live

>> No.44422729

Ask that question again but this time type it in English please.

>> No.44422732 [DELETED] 

JP fans don't care about CGDCT, they just don't want the girls' roommates to be in a relationship. An ugly, middle aged man is not seen as dangerous.

English fans don't care if the roommate has a bf or sex as long as she doesn't interact with any male on stream because it breaks CGDCT.

>> No.44422823

>a fun collab

>> No.44422844


>> No.44423004

Post a clip of those chuubas flirting with the Hypnosis guy like EN do with homos

>> No.44423081

>flirting with ... like EN do with homos
Your delusions are getting out of control again. Increase the dosage.

>> No.44423335

Did any of them really flirt or are you mistaken your cuck fantasy as reality

>> No.44423373

Watch any one of Kronii's collabs with Vesper
Or to a lesser extent Ame's collabs with Axel
If you don't call that flirting even if its just light flirting, then idk what to tell you.

>> No.44423385
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Reminder that hypnosis is not real and the bunny was perfectly cogent whilst she took all of that ojisans wasabi injection.

>> No.44423467

kronii and vesper would have sex if the opportunity presented itself and I don't even have to lie or overexaggerate to make this claim

>> No.44423772

So, did any of them excessively compliment each other out of context? Like say "You're so cute" or "You're amazing"?
Did they talk about what they'll be doing after stream? Did either ask the other if they were free later?
I don't watch holoEN so someone needs to fill me in on any of the flirting that happened.

>> No.44423842

>JP fans don't care about CGDCT


>> No.44424267

I know Pekora thinks the guy is hilarious but this is basically fanservice for antis seeing them humiliated and tortured with wasabi.

>> No.44424413

2 years and still 0 chemistry. I think is time to stop asking EN for stuff they are clearly incapable of.

>> No.44424491
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reminder that flare was conveniently busy when pekora asked her to appear at this shitshow

>> No.44424569

No, none of that.
Although Vesper did directly mock spammers saying he will collab with their oshi next.

>> No.44424974

What the fuck is this shit lmao
I am glad I stopped watching holos now

>> No.44425142

>Reminder that hypnosis is not real
This is the same as saying "did you know wrestling is fake?" Everyone knows. That's not the point

>> No.44425316

you believe this shit?

>> No.44425637

They only do it behind your backs

>> No.44426002
File: 432 KB, 581x750, MyFurea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If things like this were what Pekora was crying about being denied a ways back, maybe they should have kept that up.

Glad Flare was smart enough and to avoid this and having a good enough friend in Polka to take the fall for this.

>> No.44426811

kyut erufu

>> No.44427022

How socially inept are you? Motherfuckers really just call any man and woman not acting like complete strangers to each other "flirting". Legit just schizoing over basic human interactions.

>> No.44427409

>Gen 3 (-Rushia) at the hypnotist and Pregora getting Wasabi'd
This is.... literally my fetish....

>> No.44427640

Its fun anon give it a chance, imagine fauna and irys hypnose

>> No.44427794
File: 1.90 MB, 4719x5000, WatchingTheClock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clock hypnosis....

>> No.44427955

>Fat, ugly ojisan is a professional hypnotist
Art really does imitate life

>> No.44428570

>What the fuck is this shit lmao
NTR show to see how far they can push the line until their fans get mad.

>> No.44432269

>Known oldfag of 4chan since the early days
>Most likely to be /here/
>Knows people give him shit for it
>Taunts them
That's all I'm seeing.

>> No.44432557

it's more focused on how they drastically change their attitudes for the boys compared to the girls they collab with

>> No.44432787

I don't know what that has to do with flirting.
I'm going to go on the assumption that it's shit like banter or jokes? (Correct me if I'm mistaken, I don't watch EN) But if so, it just tells me the girls can't be themselves around other girls out of fear of hurting their feefees or some shit.
>How come you're like X around the boys but Y with the girls?
>Because if I'm like X around the girls they'll take it as an insult or get hurt.

>> No.44432908

Find some friends of the opposite sex, it's not that difficult I promise

>> No.44433351

based ugly bastard using NTR hypnosis on thousands of poeples oshis during a live stream .i kneel

>> No.44433354

My Polka.... Aarghhhhh!!!!

>> No.44433436


>> No.44434312

Lets see
Kiara: Screaming over everyone being annoying
Mori: Speaking pure cringe
Gura: Tummy hort no show
Ame: Tries to be cameraman and not play
Ina: Mumbles dumb puns
IRyS: Too dumb and ruins it
Kronii: Boring doom speak, chills with Vesper instead
Sana: Graduated
Fauna, Bae, & Mumei: The only 3 people who have any sort of chemistry together. There you go, you have 3 people who MAYBE could pull it off.

>> No.44434897
File: 427 KB, 633x549, FLivif-VkAAmrdh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IRyS: Too dumb and ruins it

>> No.44437269

half of the girls in this image already asked if their fanbases would be okay with collab with males and the answer was no, this one is the exception because it goes under ''professional'' even if it was a very weird choice since is a fucking ugly old guy

>> No.44437533

Yes, it's a nice easy way to see who doesn't watch streams when they say shit like this.

>> No.44438387

>dragging up the beaten corpse of this event
>at least 5 other threads so far dragging up "yabs" from years ago in holo like the fucking Subaru house thing
What happened now that needs to be deflected on? Was it Tempus? Was it Niji? VSJ? Yab Connect?

>> No.44438517

That shit was actually disgusting, fuck Pekora.
Cover rejected this bullshit over and over but she eventually got her way, probably threw a tantrum and her numbers are big enough she got away with it.

>> No.44442693

>EN unicorns

>> No.44444509
File: 190 KB, 1469x975, HololiveYuri-vjmhjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypnose can make this real?

>> No.44445674

Why did she even want to do THIS so badly anyways?

>> No.44446513

She wanted to hug marine

>> No.44446776
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>wants to hug marine but too shy to do it
>makes a hypnosis show just to create a chance to hug her without revealing she's gay for her

>> No.44447233

there's nothing wrong with that as a unicorn you monkey, it's like taking your gf to a hypnotist show and letting her go on stage
unless you think she's getting cucked by the performer, in which case you're a complete schizo with utterly broken unicorn senses
it's completely different from being in the same age/social group/environment and casually talking and flirting in DMs

>> No.44448286

If you unironically told me this was her real plan all along I'd believe it.
That shit was so fucking stupid this makes more sense.

>> No.44452468

>EN unicorns are worst than jp
Watch NijiEN instead

>> No.44452869


>> No.44452936

LMAO, look what she done to Ozora police stream

>> No.44459230


>> No.44461312
File: 348 KB, 421x614, sexpest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44461379

who even is this ugly fat guy? some random?

>> No.44461507

YWNBAW homobeggar troons go back to cancelling more vtubers for playing the wizard game
That’s the average homobeggar, they either only support homocollabs to “own le incels” or to project their cuck fantasies

>> No.44461576

Just because you think the internet is serious business doesn't mean everyone else does

>> No.44461748
File: 1.44 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20230306-130804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The famous hypnotist

>> No.44463869

No it's a porn meme because of how prevalent the genre is while involving fat middle aged men as the protagonist

>> No.44464138

kys nijibeggar

>> No.44464257

looks like the type of guy to be fucking MILFs

>> No.44466848
File: 965 KB, 1920x1080, rvwo41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44468066

Pekora nooo

>> No.44472819

Me on the left

>> No.44472997

why is this lesbian doing so much gfe

>> No.44473100

You can tell this mf is a virgin cause he thinks flirting is just complimenting a woman repeatedly, it’s more subtle then that, the teasing kronii and vesper do towards each other definitely counts as flirting

>> No.44473151

I don't think she's really GFE

>> No.44476262

Source on Pekora inviting Flare to this?

>> No.44476470

Pekora invited sankisei to her hypnosis show but Flare "was busy because she was visiting her family"

>> No.44476507

Its on the first seconds of the stream anon

>> No.44476714

you WILL become sex

>> No.44479984

There’s quite the difference between celebrities and co-workers who you’re constantly exposed to

>> No.44480810

>Calls another anon a virgin
>Thinks the shit between Vesper and Kronii is flirting
Bitch please

>> No.44480864

>male literally touching their bodies
Nah, I don't think so.

>> No.44480935

Notice that based Flare refused to collab with a dirty ojisan.

>> No.44481040

>An ugly, middle aged man is not seen as dangerous.
To the contrary, many japanese men get off to the idea of a fat old bastard banging their pure idol.

>> No.44481199

>IRyS: Too dumb and ruins it
Ironically she'd do it correct if she was speaking japanese with JP girls and Anya.

>> No.44481413

ITT Virgin seanig trigger seeing man because their mom fucked by white tourist from /trv/ amd /int/

>> No.44481432

>Professional, older entertainer, whom the girls will never interact with again, recorded in Cover's studio surrounded by production staff and managers
>Men their age, that they can interact with everyday if they choose, even meeting in person, with little to no oversight
It's a mystery all right, but you may be on to something...

>> No.44482777

Calm down, jannies.
Ugly bastards are only good in fiction.

>> No.44484394

It would be worse if it was young man
Based oji san

>> No.44484937

Why not hire a female hypnosist?

>> No.44485825

Find me one with the same credentials as this guy (who has been doing this shtick for quite a while, including with actual idol groups)

>> No.44487597

>female hypnosist
Anon you cant compare the great kawakami takeshi with a random female

>> No.44487737

>JP vtubers get molested by an ojisan and have his fluid forced down their throats
>last samurais defend them

>> No.44491305

This is your typical unicorn in it's most retarded state. Desperate to convince themselves that girls who don't even know their names are "cucking" them.
